HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-07-06; City Council; 7039; CMC 13.12.010(3)/.020 amend - Sewer chargesORDINANCE AF4ENDING CHAPTER 13.12 RE : SEljER CI-:J..RGES The CiZy Council Gf thf City OF Carlsbad, Czlifornia, do~s erdzir, that Sections 13.12,010(5) (A) and 13.12.020 9-F the Carlsbad Munici;;.al Code are anended to ~e~?d 2s fcsl1ow.s: "Section i3,12.010(3) (A). Each spzce of B Trailer Court sr Vcbil~ "Section, 13.12.020. P,L1 pzrsons whose premises in th2 city 8x-c CLASSLFICA.TI84 (1) Residential : (A) For ~ach single family dwelling s 2.00 (€3) Far eack unit of a duplex, flat, a-gartmsnt, ccmr-t ~u1ti~I.e dtvelling , mobile hame conplex, or trailer court $ 2.00 (2) Commerci21: (A) 3 For each unit of 2 motel, hotel rooming, lodging ~r b~arding house- 10 units or less S .SO Eslch additisrial unit over 10 $ .60 (B) Vortuzries $10.00 (C) J,auiIdrt"ts , C~T WZS~ ~ wztsh racks, lzundries or sthzr industries whe.re water is the primary commodity 50 csrry on said bucknsss End szid wzter is dis- chzrged into thz smi.tzrv sewer systm, shall be charged the sum of six cents (6Q) per czcii 100 cubic feet of all tvaccer used (n) For each unit of an office or com~e~cizl building GT my establisherit kavinp facilities for trzilzrs, cm.p$rs or boats, and all commercial establishmsnrs not listed abovs and not sepE.rat2ly classifi=d by future actisn of thz City Csuncil 5 2.90 " -1- EFFECTJVE DATE : This ordinaEce shall tske affect imm~diat~ly because it is for the imnsdiate preservation of the ;~;ublic ~z:scs, health and szfety in thzt presently there is no OTCI~RZZCS i:? the City of Carlsbad restricting the type of activity described in this ordinsnce, and it is nscassary for the psetecti~rm GT th3 ;>uhlic health, szfety and welfare that this ordinznca be enactsd. inmzdiately, AYES: ?WES : None. ABSENT: None. Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. ATTEST : -2-