HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-07-06; City Council; 9277; Rancho Agua Hedionda lot H (NW/I-5 & Cannon Rd.) SP26 .27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. 9277 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAN OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH- WESTERLY QUADRANT OF INTERSTATE 5 AND CANNON ROAD. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, DOES ORDAIN that a Specific Plan for the hereinafter described real property be adopted in the following particulars: SECTION 1 - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. That Portion of Lot HI Rancho Aqua Hedionda Map 823, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; also being parcel 12, Book 210, Page 010 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County SECTION 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The Specific Plan, marked Exhibit "A" , attached hereto, entitled lrCannon Site Plan", is subject to the following conditions and restrictions: A. The development of the property described in Section 1 hereof shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all of the requirements, limitations and restrictions of all municipal ordinances and State and Federal Statutes now in force, or which hereafter may be in force for the purpose of preserving the residential charact eris ti cs of adjacent properties . B. All public improvements shall be made in conformity with the Subdivision Ordinance and other City standards to the satis- faction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad, and free of all liens and encumbrances. C. All land and/or easements required by this ordinance shali be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and frt of all liens and encumbrances. xx xx 2( 2: 2: 2: 2 2: 21 .2' 2 2 3 3 3 SECTION 3. PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS. The following !onditions shall apply with respect to any development after the lffective date of this ordinance of the property described in 'ection 1 hereof: 1. That development shall be generally in conformance with the Specific Plan, Exhibit "A". 2. That those areas shown as planter and landscaped areas on Exhibit "A" shall be planted in conformance with a plan prepared by a registered landscape architect and approved by the Planning Department. Such plan shall include trees, shrubs, flowers, groundcovers, sprinklers and a maintenance schedule designating the firm or persons responsible for said maintenance. 3. The proposed service stations shall be developed in con- formance with Item 7, Section 1400, Article 14 of Ordinanc No. 9060, setting performance standards concerning develog ment of same. 4. An architectural concept shall be adopted for the total development and preliminary elevations shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval, prior to final plan submittal for a building permit. 5. All exterior lighting fixtures and parking lot luminares shall be of an ornamental type, which will screen adjacent properties against glare from a direct light source. The design and type of fixtures shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to installation to assure harmony with approved architectural concepts and uniformit5 throughout the development. 6. Facilities for the storage of refuse and trash containers for a13 facilities shall be provided for within or adjacent to the proposed structures and shall be oriented in such way they will not be visible from Cannon Road or Interstate -2- 5. 1 i z 4 E % E 7 E s IC 11 12 12 14 1: 1E 17 1E 1: 2c 21 2: 2; 24 2: 2t .2: 2t 2( 3( 3: 3: xx -3- 7. Freestanding signs shall be limited to one(1) of this type, located adjacent to the freeway ramp and constructed only for the purpose of advertising the proposed freeway service facilities; other than said limitation, all signs shall be developed in conformance with the City of Carls- bad sign ordinance. 8. A minimum of one(1) other freeway-oriented facility shall be under construction prior to the opening of any other facility for business. The development of two (2) service stations shall not constitute fulfillment of this conditic 9. The Southwesterly most extreme driveway opening on this property shall not open Southerly into Cannon Road, but shall be oriented Westesly into the adjacent 60-ft. wide easement. 10. Two(2) standard 4 x 4“ fire hydrants, on minimum 6-inch mains, shall be constructed as required and approved by the City Fire Department in the following locations: a. Adjacent to curb in Cannon Road; b. Four hundred(400) feet Northerly within the proposed development and in the Easterly planter area. 11. The following items shall be developed in conformance with City standards and as specified or approved by the City Engineer: a. A map showing the parcels to be leased or sold shall be filed in accordance with the State Map Act. b. A grading plan showing the provisions for drainage shall be approved by City Engineer prior to any construction. c. Access rights to Cannon Road shall be dedicated to the City, except at a single location opposite Avenidi Encinas, as shown on the Specific Plan(Exhibit “A” .) 3 2 5 4 E a. e 5 z s 1( 11 1: 1: 1; l! I( 1' li 1' 21 2. 2 2 2 2 2 .2 2 2 z 7 c. 1 % the enforcing officer of this Specific Plan. His decision shall be final as to whether the subject property has been properly leveloped and improved. However, the owners of the subject propert nay appeal to the City Council any decision of the Planning Direct0 relative to this Specific Plan. Such appeal shall be in writing SECTION 4. REQUIRED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BEFORE ISSUANCE OF [UILDING OCCUPANCY PERMIT. The following items shall be develop 3 .n conformance with City standards and as specified or approved by :he City Engineer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A half-width public street shall be opened from the Inter- state freeway to El Arbol Drive to serve this property and right-of-way fifty-one(51) feet in width shall be dedicate to the City prior to the issuance of any building permit. Full-street improvements shall be constructed on the half- street in accordance with City Subdivision Ordinance, and as required by the City Engineer. A 10-inch VCP sewer line shall be constructed from the freeway right-of-way to the 42-inch trunk line in the railroad right-of-way. The applicant shall enter into a standard, bonded subdivi- sion improvement agreement, guaranteeing completion of the public improvements. The applicant shall enter into a future improvement agree- ment for the installation of the Northerly leg of a future traffic signal at the intersection of Avenida Encinas. Water lines are available to this property, subject to the payment of necessary fees and charges to the City. SECTION 5. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT. The Building lepartment shall not approve any building for occupancy until the >lanning Director has certified that all the conditions of this >rdinance have been satisfied. The Planning Director of the City of Carlsbad is designated as -4- i c . 11 and filed with the City Clerk within 10 days following the receipt 2 3 of the decision of the Planning Director. The City Council's decision shall be final. I 41 5 13 14 I 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad 23 \ 71 8 ing of said City Council on the 6th day of July, 1971, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas , Jardi ne, Cas tro and Lewi s. 1 NOES: None. ABSENT: None. published once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen (15) days aftex its adoption. E, Ma yoy-of the 11 City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California I of June, 1971, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meet- ATTEST: 26 /I .27 28 24 25 (SEAL) 30 31 32 -5-