HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-03; City Council; 6044; CMC 5.04.141 add - Promotional sales permitsORDTKANCE NO 6 044 The City f26uncil of the City of Czirlsbad does ordrin thzt there is added to the Carlshad biuniclpal Coda the following Sections : "5.04,. 141. DISPLAY ON PUBLIC It'AYS PRCHTBLTED. Ne Ferson shall display, show, stand or store my goods I or merchandise upon any public street or sidewelk. 4.12~ goods or merchandise necessarily delivered to a street os sidewalk are2 shall be removed therefrom proa;jtly, and in any evsnt, within thirty (30) minutes after said goods or merchandise are first dejjcisited upon said street or sidewalk. This section shall not prohibit the dlsslay of newspaner, magazines and other periodicals customarily sold by news vendors on the sidewalk which does not interfere with normal pedestrian traffic. - p,,mits LPP providing for the holding of Fromotionzl siciewalk ssles, subjEct to such restrictions as tc lc,r,gtEz of time and other conditions 2s h2 deems resso~ably nscessary for tl2z public good," EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordimnce shall take effcct and be X korce on the thirty first dav fron and zfter its adoption. -1- PUBLICATION: The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbzd is hereby directed to caus:: this Crdinance to he 2tiblished Q~CE in the Carlsbad Journrl, a r.ews;7ager published aad of general circulztim in said City of Carlsbad. First rszd at of the City of Cz July Y 1971, adopted at a lrsgu a reqular meeting of the City Ceuz Cil hsf . of AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. NOES: None. ABSENT : None.