HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-15; City Council; 9327; CMC 20.20 adds - Parcel splits. T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1% 12 14 It 1E 17 1E 15 2c 21 2: 21 2L 2: 2t 2' 2l 2! 3( 3 3 0. ORD I NANCE NO. 9327 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9050, TITLE 20, ''SUBDIVISIONSJB OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNlC I PAL CODE REGARD ING PARCEL SPLITS, AND DECLARING THE URGENCY OF THIS ORDINANCE . Section 20.04.040 Advisory Aqency Desiqnated is amended to read ............. "except for Parcel Splits, for which the City Engineer is hereby so designated and for which he is hereby authorized to report directly to the Subdivider as authorized in Section 11552 of the Subdivision Map Act. Chapter 20.20 is repealed. The following Chapter is hereby added to read as follows: Chapter 20.20 Parcel Spl its 20.20.010 Permission. When an owner or Subdivider desires to consolidate, to divide, and/or rearrange one or more existing lots, or parcels, into not more than four parcels, or as otherwise provided by sections 11535, 11575-80, and other applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, it shall be done in the following manner. 20.20.020 Tentative Parcel Map. An acceptable tentative Parcel Map, showing the proposed land division, shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor, and filed with the City Engineer. The map shall be of a size and form and shall contain necessary information as prescribed by the City Eng neer. A preliminary title report for the property being split sha 1 be submitted at the time of filing. 20.20.030 Improvements and Dedication. a) Except as hereinafter provided, the owner or subdivider shall offer for dedication additional streets, alleys, and public ways and easements, as are required for conformance with the City's circulation element and the existing or 4 5 6 7 8 9i 10 11 31 32 I om projected local street system. b] As a condition precedent to the approval of a Parcel Map, the owner or subdivider shall agree to construct improve- ments in or along the parcel frontage upon all existing or proposed pub1 ic streets and ways as reasonably required for subdivisions. A final Parcel Map may not be approved by the City Engineer until the required improvements have been satisfactorily constructed of until an adequate security, as approved by the City Attorney and in an amount determined by the City Engineer for the estimated cost of the work, has been posted with the City. c) Extraordinary conditions may make construction of certain improvements impracticable. In extreme circumstances, the City may grant conditional exception to be made only upon written statement of the owner, citing the extraordinary or extreme circumstances and shall be granted only by the City Council, subject to such conditions as they may impose. 20.20.040 Consideration by Planninq Commission. If the proposed division of land does not comply with the required minimum lot area or lot width as set forth in Title 21 of this code, or is otherwise contrary to the Subdivision Map Act, or this Title, or to established resolutions and policies of the Planning Commission or City Council, or for any other reason which the City Engineer deems would be in the best interests of the City, the City Engineer may refer the map to the Planning Commission for processing in the manner prescribed for subdivisions. 20.20.050 Final Parcel Map. a) Upon completion of requirements for the tentative Parcel Map and improvements, the owner or subdivider may proceed with the processing of a final Parcel Map of the land division. The Map shall be of a size and form prescribed -2- 1 2 4 I 3 4 11 I 12 l3 14 15 I6 l7 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 by the City Engineer, shall comply with the provisions of blue line prints to the City Engineer for filing. 20.20.060: Building Permits Prohibition. The Building Depart- ment shall not issue permits for the erection of any structures upon lots or parcels not complying with this ordinance. 20.20.070: Dedication of land for recreational facilities. The owner or subdivider shall comply with Chapter 20.28 of this code for each new parcel created in excess of the number of original parcels. 20.20.080: Appeal to the City Council. When the applicant is dissatisfied with any action of the City Engineer with respect to the tentative Parcel Map or the kind, nature, and extent of the improvements required, he may appeal to the City Council as provided in Section 1152 of the Subdivision Map Act. There have been recent changes in the Subdivision Map Act requiring that a tentative map or ?arcel Map shall be submitted to the governing body or advisory agency for approval where any parcel or parcels of land is divided into four or less parcels, and also where there are divisions of land which are not considered a subdivision as that term is defined in the Subdivision Map Act. sections 11575-80 of the Subdivision Map Act, shall be based upon a field survey showing monuments found and set, 30/ 32 and shall include other data as required by the City. Because of these recent statutory changes, it is necessary for this Ordinance to be passed immediately. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be effective immediately -3- I 511 b) Upon approval of the final Parcel Map by the City Engineer, the owner's or subdividers' engineer or land surveyor shall file the map with the County Recorder. He shall pay I the recording fee and return an acceptable reproducible, 9 10 duplicate copy of the recorded map on Linen tracing cloth or polyester base film; one cloth back print and seven (7)