HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-30; City Council; 1148; South Carlsbad annexation 1.13 & special election4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 l'i 1E 1: 2( x 24 2: 2f 2' 24 2! 3( 3: e e ORDINANCE NO. 1148 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.13" WHICH IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY, UPON THE TERMS CONTAINED IN THE QUESTION SUB- MITTED AT A SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON T-HE 3rd DAY OF OCTOBER, 1972. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, known as the Annexation Act of 1913, and pursuant to Resolution No2051 adopted by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 1st day of August, 1972, a special election was hald on the 3rd day of October, 1972 in that certain inhabited territory contiguous to the City of Carlsbad, designated as "South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.13", which is hereinafter more particularly described; and WHEREAS, at said special election the following question was submitted to the qualified electors residing in said territor "Shall South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.13 be annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of the City of Carlsbad, and the property in such territory be, after such annexation, subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Carlsbad, to pay the entire bonded indebtedness of the City of Carlsbad out- standing or authorized at the date of the first publicatia of the Notice of Election for the acquisition, constructic or completion of municipal improvements"? WHEREAS, the total number of votes cast at said special election was one hundred twenty (120), and the total number of votes for and against said measure were as follows: YES: 103 NO: 19 and; it appears from t canvass of the returns of thc votes at said special election, that a majority of all votes cas1 in said territory on the question of annexation and the assumptic of said indebtedness, favor annexation upon the terms contained . the question submitted; and -1 - 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 co:~c;ive !'ortl.cazLc.zly havjrig a racliaL linr froin said p~in~ . Enstcrly rjg!rt 0T way 1ir.c. of Califcraia Stntc !?5gbtay ' ' . bear:. !:orLti 70'32'dG" CJS~, ssi.d point hcinq ?ocstcd on t!& . . . XI. :.D-73, 0% rniiw:i on S:TI:C of Ce1,iior:lia Dc?xtr+nt of * pnl~lic Kc~rks, Division of :ii$?;wayS, District XI. right of wiry lla,. 1:o. LO 9G3 to S536; - @ l'hzncc t;ol't!ii:-+tcrly ~l.onq or; of said curvc ar.d said right ,of way, 239.03 iect Liirour,h a ccntral iingrc ol 0'41*24". ** . . 0 '~!i?ncc cnntii1uir.c; a!oi:r; sajd ric,!it or way 1ir.e as follows: .. h'ortii 1Go(,5'50" Fest 1172.62 fcct, to tho beginning of a iangcnt 20 ..OO fool. radius CLITW coricave Soythcaslerly; 'r'licncc Xorthcastcrly alozy thc arc of said curvc 33.95 Seek through a ccntrnl angle 1OO043'4O"; Thence South 05°57*5b'' Vest 53624 fee;; @ @ .. -. -. . . .. .*. . @ Thence &rth 18eQ5'SO" I-icst 593.60. feet; . .. . * @ Thence Korth 71*14'10n .. East 120.00+ fect; .. ... -. .. .. . @ Thence Worth 17°13'22"Wrcst 132.00 fcct: . .. . . -.-. .- ' .o. 'Thence North 1<*37'51" I<est'425.67 feet;' . .. . .. .. -. .. -. 0' @ '..chcr.:e h'orth 24°27'58" West 324.10 feci to the *ginning of a s,OcO foot rr?dius curvc COZC~VC southwesterly hav5ng a radial * 0'' Tkcnco Nort~~t-ltcrly'along the ire of said curve-328.35 icct, ' @ Thence Gortb 24'45'20" Gcst 440.82 &t to the SOCitdCrly lot ' . @ Tber.=c h'orth 63*C5'53" Irest 141.43 feet; ' . - .. '. . line from'vhich bears South Gk?*57'52" West; . . .. - through a central aglc of 3O42'12" to a point of tmgcn:'Yr - .. .- line of Rancho h5ua Iicdionda: Thcncc Icsviiiq Eirtcrly right of vay linf of sa& lrighway South 1)9"27'10" East along said Southerly lot line of Said Kanclio 737 fcclr"rorc or lcsn to thc Easterly right of o< Atchison, TopcI:~ and Santa Fc ReiP.:a*! COR~~~R:*, Coast ' .Lines. being thc .c.aicccxsor in intcrcst of the CaPirfornia SOUL~IC~~ I<aiiro.iJ ~onqwtiy, \~ii;cii wa:; st:owrr on a mp swrovc.8 . ' by *lac Sccrctir;. or thc Ictcrior, %:ty 12, 1W1: and con- Ctructcd in lll.2 on thc- location showri on said aa;tp; .- .. . * .. -. SECTIO.N.2, The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the Same to be-published at least once withtn fifteen days after passage in the Blqde-Tribune, q newspaper of general cjrculation, prfnted qnd published jn the hall take further steps qs are requtred by law to complete the annexation procedure INTRODUCED AN ar meeting of the City Council held on the 1972, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED said City Councjl on the 30-th .dqy of following vote, to w- AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase Frazee NOES: None ABSENT:None ATTEST: -4- (SEAL)