HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-05-09; City Council; 9384; CMC 21.06.010/.020 amend/21.07 adds - E-A (exclusive agricultural) zone established1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 5 1( 11 1: 1; "21.06.020 Degree of restrictiveness, 'More restrictive (1) Those uses first permitted in the R-1 zone are the (2) All other uses are less restrictive in the order uses' as employed in this title mean the following: most restrictive; they are first permitted in the zones in the sequence shown R-2, R-3,R-T, R-P, C-1, C-2, C-M and M; considered to be as restrictive as those permitted in the R-1 zone, except that those uses pertaining to animals shall not be considered as 'more restrictive uses' for purposes of this section; (4) to be as restrictive as those permitted in the R-1 zone.'' SECTION 2: That Title 21 of the Municipal Code is amended (3) Uses permitted in the R-A zone and E-A zone shall be Uses permitted in the R-3L zone shall be considered 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 9384 OUNCI ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY F THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 21.06.010 AND 21.06.020 AND BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 21.07 TO ESTABLISH THE E-A EXCLUSIVE AGRICULTUWL ZONE. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, 3oes ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 21, Chapter 21.06 is amended by the amendment of Sections 21.06.010 and 21,06.020 to read as follows: "21.06.010 Names of zones. In order to classify, regu- late, restrict and segregate the uses of land and buildings, to regulate and restrict the height and bulk of buildings and to regulate the area of yards and other open spaces about buildings, and to regulate the density of population, nineteen classes of zones are by this title established to be known as follows: E-A - Exclusive Agricultural Zone R-A - Residential Agricultural Zone R-1 - One-family Residential Zone R- 2 - Two-family Residential Zone R-3L - Limited Multiple-family Residential Zone R- 3 - Multiple-family Residential Zone R-P - Residential-Professional Zone R-T - Residential Tourist Zone R-W - Residential Water Way Zone RD-M - Residential Density-Multiple Zone c-1 - Neighborhood Commercial Zone c-2 - General Commercial Zone C-M - Heavy Commercial-Limited Industrial Zone F-P - Floodplain Overlay Zone M - Industrial Zone P-M - Planned Industrial Zone P-u - Public Utility Zone P-c - Planned Community Zone L-c - Limited Control Zone" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1c 11 li 1: 2c k V 21 2: 2; 24 2: 2c 2: 21 2< 3( 3: 3; by the addition of Chapter 21.07 to read as follows: "Chapter 21.07 E-A EXCLUSIVE AGRICULTURAL ZONE Sections: 21.07 e 010 21.07-020 21.07.030 21,07.040 21.07,050 21,07.060 21.07.070 21.07.080 21.07.090 21.07.100 21.07.110 Intent and purpose. Permitted uses and structures. Permitted accessory uses and structures. Uses and structures permitted by conditional use permit. Lot area, minimum. Lot width, minimum. Front yard. Side yards. Rear yard. Building height. Lot coverage. 21.07.010 Intent and purpose. The intent and purpose of (a) Provide for those uses, such as agriculture, which the E-A zone district is to: are customarily conducted in areas which are not yet appropriate or suited for urban development. feasible. Plan. part of the ongoing character of Carlsbad. tural economy in appropriate areas of Carlsbad. (b) Protect and encourage agricultural uses wherever (c) Implement the goals and objectives of the General (d) Recognize that agricultural activities are a necessarl (e) Help assure the continuation of a healthy, agricul- 21.07.020 Permitted uses and structures. In the E-A Exclusive Agricultural Zone only the following uses and structures are permitted subject to the requirements of this chapter and to the development standards provided in Chapters 21.41 and 21.44. (a) Cattle, sheep, goats and swine production, provided that the number of any one or combination of said animals shall not exceed one animal per half-acre of lot area. shall not be located within 50 feet of any habitable structure, nor shall they be located within 300 feet of a habitable structure on an adjoining parcel zoned for residential uses, nor shall they be located within 100 feet of a parcel zoned for residential uses when a habitable structure is not involved. In any event, the distance from the parcel zoned for residential uses shall be the greater of the distances so indicated. Said animals (b) Crop production. (c) Floriculture. (d) Greenhouses, provided land coverage shall not exceed (e) Horses, private use. (f) Nursery crop production. (9) Poultry, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters and other fifty percent. small animals, provided not more than twenty-five of any one or combination thereof shall be kept within 50 feet of any habitable structure, nor shall they be located within 300 feet of a habitabll structure on an adjoining parcel zoned for residential usesl nor shall they be located within 100 feet of a parcel zoned for resi- dential uses when a habitable structure is not involved. In any event, the distance from the parcel zoned for residential uses shall be the greater of the distances so indicated. 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 14 0 2c 21 22 22 24 ZE 2E 27 2E 25 3( 31 3; -- (h) Roadside stand for display and sale of products produced on the same premises, provided that the floor area shall not exceed two hundred square feet and is located not nearer than twenty feet to any street or highway. (i) Tree farms. (j) Truck farms. (k) Wildlife refuges and game preserves. (1) Other uses or enterprises similar to the above custom- arily carried on in the field of general agriculture, Section 21,07.030 Permitted accessory uses and structures, The following accessory uses and structures are'permitted on the same terms as the permitted uses specified in Section 21,07.020: including but not limited to private garages, children's play- houses, radio and television receiving antennaes, windmills, silos, tank houses, shops, barns, offices, coops, lath houses, tables, pens, corrals, and other similar accessory uses and structures required for the conduct of the permitted uses, than four dogs or four cats older than six months or any combina- tion thereof shall be kept on any lot or parcel of land. (c) Farmhouse, single-family dwelling. (d) Guesthouse. (e) Rome occupation. (a) Accessory uses and accessory buildings and structures, (b) Dogs, cats and other domestic pets, provided not more Section 21.07.040 Uses and structures permitted by condi- tional use permit. Subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.50, the following uses and structures are permitted by conditional use permit if adjoining land uses are transitional in nature: (a) Apiary, provided that all hives or boxes housing bees shall be placed at least four hundred feet from any street, school, park, 'R' zone, or from any dwelling or place of human habitation other than that occupied by the owner or caretaker of the apiary. (b) Aviaries. (c) Poultry, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters and other (d) Farm employee housing for persons working on site, small animals in excess of the number specified in Section 21.07.02 provided the number of units shall not exceed two per gross acre of land area and no such housing is located closer than fifty feet from any lot line. (e) Hay and feed stores. (f) Nurseries, retail and wholesale. (9) Packing sheds or small processing plants for farm crops, similar to those being grown on the premises, provided no such processing plant is located within 50 feet of any lot line. (h) Public works projects. (i) Sanitary land-fills, temporary. (j ) Stables and riding academies, public .) (k) Utility facilities. Section 21.07.050 Lot area, minimum. The minimum requirec area of a lot in the E-A zone district shall conform to the area expressed in acres of not less than the number following the zoninc symbol on the official zoning map, except that in no event shall a lot be created into less than ten acres in area. Example: E-A-15 shall mean fifteen-acre minimum lot re- quired. Section 21.07.060 Lot width, minimum. Every lot hereafter created in the E-A zone shall maintain a minimum width at the rear line of the required front yard of not less than three hundrec feet. 3. . * rt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 21 22 2: 24 2: 2E 27 2E 25 3c 33 3; 0. 21.07.4l,70 Front yard, No building or structure, except is otherwise provided by this chapter, shall be erected or placed Less than forty feet from the front lot line, 21.07.,080 Side yards. Every lot and building site shall lave a side vard on each side of the lot or building site, and each side yard, except as otherwise provided by this chapter, shall be lot less than fifteen feet in width. 21,07,090 Rear yard. Every lot and building site, except 3s otherwise provided by this chapter, shall have a rear yard not Less than twenty-five feet in depth, 21.07.100 Building height. No building uses for dwelling ?urposesI wherever located, and no building or structure used for ither than dwelling purposes and located less than one hundred feet Erom any property line shall exceed two stories or thirty-five Eeet in height, whichever is the lesser, A building or structure xed for other than dwelling purposes and located one hundred feet 3r more from any property line may exceed thirty-five feet in ieight pursuant to conditional use permit. structures in the E-A zone district shall not exceed twenty-five ?ercent of the total lot area." 21.07.110 Lot coverage. Lot coverage with buildings and EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty lays after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the 3doption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least 3nce in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 16th day of April I 1974, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at an ad$&ned reqular meeting of said City Council held on the -___I 9th day of May 1974, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas and Lewis. NOES : None ABSENT : None ATTEST : MARGARET E. %DAMS, City Clerk By: NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy City Clerk (SEAL) 4.