HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-07; City Council; 9472; R. Hirsch (N/Tamarack - Jefferson & AT&SF) SP.. i a. 1 2 4 5 6 7 a 9 11 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 9472 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-136A) FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 80 DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF TAWRACK AVENUE BETWEEN JEFFERSON STREET AND THE AT&SF RAILROAD TRACKS. APPLICANT : ROBERT HIRSCK. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Californ,a, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: An amended Specific Plan (SP-136A) is hereby adopted for the development of 80 detached single-family dwellings generally located on the north side of Tamarack Avenue between Jefferson Street and the AT&SF Railroad tracks, more particularly described on map marked SP-l36A, Exhibit 'IB", attached hereto and made a part hereof, and said plan to consist of a plot plan marked Exhibit "A", dated September 29, 1976, and an application with attachments on file in the office of the City Planning Department and incorporated by reference herein, subject to all terms and conditions of this ordinance. SECTION 2: That the findings of the Planning Commission, contained in Resolution No. 1284, constitute the findings of the City Council. Said resolution is on file in the Planning Depart- ment and is incorporated by reference herein. SECTION 3: Development Conditions. The amended Specific Plan (SP-136A) is approved subject to the following conditions and restrictions, and the development of the property, as described in Section 1 hereof, shall be subject to all such conditions and restrictions which are in addition to all requirements, limitations and restrictions of all municipal 1 2 4 5 7 e 9 1c 11 12 D 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ordinances and state and federal laws now in force or which may hereafter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. be in force: The approval is granted for 80 dwelling units on the land described in the application and attachments thereto, and as shown on the Plot Plan submitted, labeled Exhibit "A", dated September 29, 1976. The location of all buildings, roads, parking areas, and landscaping shall be located as indicated on Exhibit "A", except as otherwise indicated herein. Prior to recordation of any final map for the subject property a study of the noise levels of the project site and nearby properties shall be made by an acousti- cal engineer experienced in noise attenuation. Said study shall determine if attenuation measures are necessary to bring noise levels within 65 dB(A) outdoors and 45 dB(A) indoors. Said study shall recommend such attenuation measures as deemed necessary and approved by the Planning Director. Said measures shall be incorporated in the site design and building plans for said lots as a condition of the Specific Plan or added as conditions to the Tentative Map approval. Prior to the issuance of building permits, a landscape and irrigation plan for the project which shall include : (a) The pedestrian walkways; (b) All recreation vehicle parking areas; (c) Areas A and B of Exhibit "A", dated September 29, 1976; and (d) Street trees; shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for approval. A six foot high masonry wall shall be constructed on those property lines indicated on Exhibit "A", dated September 29, 1976, prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. If the subdivision is finalled in phases, the construction of the wall may be phased in accord- ance thereto. The construction of the wall shall be of a type which will meet noise attenuation levels. The recreation vehicle parking shown in areas A and B of Exhibit "A", dated September 29, 1976, shall be redesignated as shown on supplemental Exhibit "A", dated October 22, 1976, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. All landscaping and storage areas 2. .. I 4 F E s 11 12 9 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 to be maintained by the Homeowner's Association. 6. The width of the private street is not approved as showr on Exhibit A, dated September 29, 1976. The width of the street shall be a minimum of 32 feet curb-to-curb, with sidewalk on one side of the street. 7. The private street shall be signed for one-way traffic north to south in a manner approved by the City Engineei prior to the issuance of the occupancy permits for Phase 2 or 3. 8. The locations of building 1-6, as shown on Exhibit "A", dated September 29, 1976, are not approved. Said buildings shall maintain a minimum distance of 5 feet from the property lines created by CT 76-11. The location of the pedestrian walkways may be modified to allow for the relocation of those buildings as approved by the Planning Director. The development of the project shall adhere to the development standards of the RD-M zone, except as otherwise provided herein. 9. 10. A minimum distance of 20 feet shall be maintained be- tween the garage face of each dwelling and the back of sidewalk or curb face if sidewalks are not proposed. 11. House plans "B" and ''C" may be used in place of house plan "A", and house plan "C" may be used in place of house plan "B", with approval of the Planning Director. 12. Prior to the issuance of Building Permits a final Specific Plan conforming with the conditions of this ordinance shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval. SECTION 4: Administration and Enforcement. The Building Department shall not lappzove any building for occupancy until the Planning Director has certified that all the conditions of this ordinance have been satisfied. SECTION 5: Specific Plan (SF-136) as adopted by City Council Resolution No. 3243 is rescinded. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its 3. adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 16th day of November , 1976, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of December , 1976, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Packard, Skotnicki and NOES : None Councilwoman Casler ABSENT : Councilman Lewis "\/"I ATTEST : (SEAL) 4. Tamarack Shores at Carlsbad Goldrich, Kest & Associates Los Angeles, California 90036 425 S. Fairfax Avenue, Suite 300 QF CARESBAD Ph~in,~ DepaHment 1.0 INTRODUCTION The following report i-q Fubmitted in accordance with the requirements of the City of San TDi6go*'regarding exterior and 'interior noise levels prevailing within the project. The interior noise level requirements are set forth in the California Administrative Code Title 25, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1. This requires that dwellings located within an exterior noise contour of 60 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL), or greater, must have an interior CNEL no greater than 45 dB. Additionally, the partywalls shall have a Sound Transmission Class (STC) no less than 50 and floor /ceiling assemblies shall also have an Impact Insulation Class (IIC) no less than 50. ti 2.0 SITE DETAILS The planned dwellings will be located on Tamarack and Jefferson in the city of Carlsbad, California. ~ 3.0 NOISE ENVIRONMENT The source of the predominant noise is due to automotive vehicles. A maxi- mum level of 64 LDN was projected at the building sites. Octave band dis- tribution of energy is based on typical vehicle noise spectra. A detailed discussion of the method employed to determine the sound level is included in the appendix. 4.0 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Pertinent construction details affecting the noise analysis are noted as f OllOW s: Roof - Asphalt shingles /cedar shakes, 3 /8" plywood sheet - ing, 2x8" rafters, 16" 0. c., R-19 insulation, 1 /2" drywall. 929 HORNBLEND STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92109 EDWIN C. KAMPS (714) 224-7376 Exterior Wall Windows Exterior Door SAN DIEGO ACOUSTICS CAROLE S. TANNER (714) 435-3603 - Stucco /3 /8" plywood siding, 2x4 studs, 16" 0. c., R-11 insulation, 1 /2" gyp. - Single strength except 3 /lS1' tempered in sliding glass doors. - Solid core, 1-3 /4". Three basic floor plans have been analyzed. One of the floor plans is two story. The units are single family dwellings, therefore, the floor /ceiling assembly and the partywall criteria are not applicable. 5.0 NOISE REDUCTION CALCULATIONS The interior noise is a function of the sound transmission loss factors of each wall element. The areas of each element and the associated trans- mission loss utilized are given in the computer printout. The transmission loss values noted are from personal measurements or from the literature. Interior noise values have been calculated for three conditions, windows closed, 10 percent of the window area open and windows closed with a typical vent opening. Note that some windows may have to remain closed to achieve the 45 dB or less interior level. In these rooms ventilation is required. 6.0 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Circled values in the computer printout indicate that these rooms must have the windows closed and therefore require some form of mechanical ventilation. In summary, the rooms meet all interior noise level requirements. Acoustical Engineer 929 HORNBLEND STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92109 SAN DIEGO ACOUSTICS EDWIN C. KAMPS (754) 224-7376 CAROLE S. TANNER (714) 435-3603 APPENDIX The average noise level (LDN) was determined at two locations on the proposed development site. The homes situated on Tamarack Avenue will be exposed to both traffic noise from Tamarack and railroad noise. Those near Jefferson Street will be subjected to noise from Jefferson Street and Route 5. Sound level measurements were made at locations 50 feet from the nearest traffic lane on Tamarack and 130 feet from the railroad track and 50 feet from the nearest traffic lane on Jefferson. Values of Leq were measured every 10 minutes before and after the passage of two AMTRAK trains. The Leq values for periods without train noise averaged about 60 dBA. In the period where the train passed the Leq value increased to 62 dBA. The rms peak value noted was about 76 dBA and lasted about 8 seconds. Calculations of the effect of the train noise on the traffic Leq required a summing of energy for the period between trains. Twelve trains are scheduled per 24 hour day, 8 AMTRAK and 4 freights. On the average one train will pass every 2 hours. Considering a peak rms value of 76 dBA for a period 8 seconds, added and averaged to the traffic noise of 60 dBA, the resultant combined level is not significantly higher than 60 dBA. Therefore, although a passing train produces a noticeable peak of noise for a short period, the infrequency of trains results in no significant change in Leq. Therefore, LDN (the 24 hour average level) was calculated on the basis of vehicular traffic alone. The Wylie Model developed for CPO was utilized with measured data used to calibrate for local conditions. Average daily trips (ADT) on Tamarack Avenue are 7100, Reference Traffic Department City of Carlsbad. From model relationships: "0° = 412 (agrees with 15 400 V/H counted FD (average daily vehicles /hour) = on site) 929 HORNBLEND STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92109 SAN DIEGO ACOUSTICS -*'1-. .= >< 'z 'C EDWIN C. KAMPS (714) 224-7376 .13 x 7100 - 102 15- FN (average nightly vehicles /hour) = CAROLE 5. TANNER (716) 435-3603 From model graphs: LD = 61 LN = 55 How ever local conditions (measurements) indicate LD = 60 therefore LN = 54 IO log [(, 15 antilog -) 60 + (B 9 antilog 54 + 'Oj] = 62 IO 10 LDN = The minimum setback is 30. At that point the maximum LDN is 64 dBA. The lesser traffic on Jefferson resulted in a lower level of LDN equal to 63 dBA. I i 929 HORNBLEND STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92109 c I 1 I I -- _. I i i ' ,-? I I -, !' I- 'i i c .. , I I i* I I i ! I I. ' .. . ! I ---- -- . c. \ i \ I I ,