HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-19; City Council; 1202; CALPERS Board & City contract amendment,*"I, I . L .. . I .. of the AH OROINAKCE OF THE CYTY cmcu (Nane of Gove rn i ng Body} CITY OB CAFUSEAZ) authorizing an (Name of Pub i i c Agency) AMEWDHENY TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL (Govern i ng Body) AH0 THE BOARD OF AWlNISTRATIQN OF THE CALlFOREIIA WBLIC EHPLOYEES' RETfREfiEK? SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD The ClTY COUNCIL Of the (Name of Governing Body) (Name of Pub1 ic Agency) does ordain as follows: .. SECTION 1. That an amendment to the Contract between the CITY COvNCIL I .(Mane of of the CITY OF CARLSBAD and the Board of Govern i ng Body) Admfnistration, California Public Employees@ Retirement System is hereby authorized, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A", and by such refer-. cncc made a pjrt hereof as though herein set out in full. (Name of Public Agency) SECfIQF4 2, The __ MAYOR (ROBERT C. FRAZEE) of the ('Titie of Presiding Officer) CITY COUNCIL Is hereby authorized, erwpwiered, and directed to (Ma!lle Of GOVerniRg 8Ody) execute said anandratst for and on behalf of said Agency. SECTION 1, This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after the date of its adoption, and prior to the expiration of 2 days from the passage thereof shall be pubtished at lease once in the Carlsbad Journal NewspagFr, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the (Mame of Newspaper) (Mame of CITY OF CF-RLSBAD and thenceforth and thereafter the same Pub1 ic Agency) shall be-in full force and effect. 77 Adapted and approved this 19th ,day of July .9 19-* Att as t : ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Maayor PERS-ACT-11 (Amendment) (9171) 8' , F 0 .. .- em COUIJCIL OF THE CITY OF CkFusBAD The Board of Adininistration, Public Ezployees' Retirestent Sgstecl, hereinafter referred to as 3oard and the CITY CXXIL of the CITY OF CA2USliT), hereinafter re- ferred to as PJblic Agency, having entered into a cofitract under dzte of Decerker 23, 1955, effective January 1, 1956, as anended efZective Jubj I, ?957, JanEarj 1, 1959, Xarch 5, 1959, ;.larch 18, 1975, and April 1, 1975, which provide for prtici- pation of Pdblic Agency in said Systeiil, Board ar;d Public Agency here5y agee as folicws: 8. The follm-ing subparagrqh shall be added to Paragraph 5 of said contract: 5. d. Section 29862.E (prol-ridjng service credit at retirenent for unuseci sick lewe' f vr riscellang?ous zechrs. 1 5. Pzragraph 5.5 shall bc acder ti s;.id coitract: - 5.5 ?nklic AgenLy, in ~c; or. ar, e ?-it 1 S :ctSor 207l+C, Goversrx& Cede, shall cehse ;o be 3s :.e hblic E:r;-~lc;~ets date cf tnis iit ecr- ze L, o <.hi , c ,nt::act. tions of the bbli 2 : <e, cy zs of the date of such azer,drxnt skall be fixed and dete;-ni!ed as ?zxSie& in Section 2C759, Governmerit Code, an6 such ELCCLCY. la? ed co:ittr:.bukicns and corrtributiozs here- aftsraxde s:iail.te !:el< by tke 3ard as provided in Section 20759, Gmerrmnt Zcx e, r'm ~.PCC~DS of Chapter 5 O? the -:-e Lr. zei ,t 121; e:f-'ec ;iy;3 e3 of tce cffectivc .Accwd.&& ccntr3:- C. Paragrap11 6 (a) sbli be stric1:en froa said contract ant! the following 6 (a) shall be substituted therefor: . 6, Public Agency shall contribute to said Iietireaent System as follows: a. With respect to miscelbntous members, the 2ublic agency shall c0ntribEt.e the fol1cwi::g percenzages of iaonthly salaries earned as rLscellaneous ixsnbers of said ,Sys.i;ea: (1) 0.278 percent until June 30, 2000 on account of the liability for prior service benefits. (2) 8,103 percent on account of the liability for c-urrent service benefit s . .7 .. . Ret. Fom 702-3. .. 4 + D, This t5.w contract and shall become effec- of Auqust, 1977 s * / menbent shall be attached to said on the 18th day Witness our hands this 19th day of July, 1977 EIY' Carl J. Blechinger, Zxecutive Officer ."e Attest : Approved as to form: I . .. . - -. . _- ~. .- . ... .i . . . *. \ . 5