HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-28; City Council; 9517; Lake Calavera Hills/R. Ward (W/Lake Calavera & S/College Blvd.) MP1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 951 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDED MASTER PLAN (LMP-150 (A) ) FOR A PLANNED COXMLJNITY OF APPROXIMATELY 800 ACRES TO BE KNOWN AS LAKE CALAVERA HILLS GENERALLY LOCATED WESTERLY OF LAKE CALAVERA AND SOUTHERLY OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: LAKE CALAVERA HILLS ASSOCIATES (ROY WARD). WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did hold a duly noticed public hearing on September 27, 1978 and, subsequently,adjourned hearings on October 4, 12, 19 and 25, 1978 to consider said request by Lake Calavera Hills Associates to approve an Amended Master Plan (MP-l50(A)); and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said hearing the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1481 recommending approval of said Amended Master Plan (MP-l50(A)) which is incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report was certified as complete for a previously issued entitlement for this project, and the Planning Director has found the Amended Master Plan (MP-lSO(A)) to be in prior compliance with the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did hold a duly noticed public hearing on November 7, 1978, and,subsequently adjourned hearings on November 14, 16, 20, 21, 28, 1978 and December 5 and 6, 1978 to consider approval of Amended Master Plan (MP-l5O(A)), and after hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Council did find that the findings of the Planning Commission contained in Resolution No. 1481 constitute the findings of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 City Council with the addition of the following: "The City Council has determined, based on an economic report presented as a part of the hearing on this Plan and other evidence that revenues from this development will not be sufficient to fund the public facilities necessary to serve it. In order to satisfy the General Plan requirement that the Council be satisfied before approving a development that all necessary public facilities and services will be available concurrent with need, the City Council finds it necessary to adopt as a condition of this zoning approval a program whereby this development will pay a public facility fee. they determine necessary to provide the public facilities to serve this development and they will be used for that purpose. In the absence of this program, the development could not be approved." The fee will be set by the City Council in an amount 9 10 11 0 12 I NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That the amended Master Plan (MP-l50(A)), marke Exhibit A-1, dated March 10, 1978, on file with the City Clerk V c - 0 18 19 20 21 22 23 I 2. II 24 25 26 27 28 and incorporated herein by reference,is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Village A & B (PUD-$/CT 76-12) as identified on Exhibit B, dated December 6, 1978, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by reference herein, shall be allowed to be processed per the conditions of City Council Resolutions No. 5145 and No. 5146 with the following modifications: a. Conditions No. 12 and No. 13 of Resolution No.5145 shall be satisfied by the payment of park-in-lieu fees computed per City Ordinance No. 9190 for CT 76-12. b. All of the required improvements identified in the Master Plan (MP-l50(A)) for Villages A & B, including equestrian and pedestrian trails, bikelanes, possible underpass, landscaping, slope and noise attenuation shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of occupancy permits within the development. 2. Prior to the final processing of any other villages, the Master Plan, labelled Exhibit A-1, dated March 10, 1978, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by reference herein, shal be revised by City staff with the assistance of the applicant to comply with the conditions of this ordinance, Said revised plan shall be returned to the City Council for their consideration within ninety days of the adoption of this ordinance by the City Council, This review shall be for the purpose of evaluating the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1s 2c 21 22 2: 24 2: 2E 27 2.5 revised Master Plan to insure that it has been revised in compli- ance with the conditions contained herein. No public testimony shall be taken at this meeting unless the Mayor determines such testimony is necessary to accomplish their purpose. New items, not covered in the following conditions, shall not be considered at this meeting. Master Plan does not comply with the conditions stated herein, they shall identify what subjects are incomplete and return the matter to staff for further input, Staff shall make the necessary modifications and return the completed document to City Council within thirty days for their approval. When approved, the revised master plan and this ordinance shall constitute the Master Plan for the subject property. If the City Council determines that the revised 3. In addition to all other revisions required by the conditions of follows: a. b. C. d. e. this ordinance, the Exhibit A-1 shall be revised as The format of the revised Master Plan shall be condensed and put into a more concise form as shown in the attached Exhibit A, dated September 27 1978, One "Land Use" graphic at a scale of 1" = 200' shall also be included. All other graphics shall be at a scale of 1" = 400'. The "Map and Legal Description" graphic shall be at a scale of 1" = 400' and the "open Space Areas" shall be removed from the graphic. The "Land Use" graphic shall be changed as shown on the map marked Exhibit B, dated December 6, 1978 on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by reference herein. The "Open Space" graphic shall be changed as shown on the attached Exhibit C, dated September 27,1978. The "Public Facilities" graphic shall be changed to show the following: 1) Reference to "waste water reclamation" and "percolation area" shall be removed from the exhibit. 2) The width and cross-sections of the various streets shall be shown on this exhibit. 3) The approximate location and size of the main water and sewer lines anticipated shall be shown on this exhibit. 4) The location of the site for public purposes /// /// /// 3. such as the future fire station and possible branch library shall be shown on this exhibit. f. The "Phasing" graphic shall be modified to reflect the various changes required. elsewhere in these conditions. g. The "Topography and Grading" graphic shall be changed to show the following: 1) The areas of the property containing the rare and endangered plant species (Adolphia and Dichondra) identified in EIR-403 shall be indicated. 2) Areas proposed for "major" grading shall be indicated. For the purposes of this condition, "major" grading shall be defined as any created slope with a height of fifteen feet or greater or as determined by the City Engineer. 4. The einal Master Plan shall include a listing of each village area as shown on the attached Exhibit D, dated December 6, 1978, clearly describing the development to occur in each and incorporating all provisions of Exhibit D which shall be conditionE, for development within each village, 5. All streets within the development shall comply with City standards or as required by the City Engineer, 6. The developer shall dedicate or otherwise provide and improve 102 feet of right-of-way for that portion of Elm Avenue that lies between Tamarack Avenue and College Boulevard. The design and timing of the improvements shall be as required by the City Engineer. contribute money for all traffic signals necessary to accommodate the traffic to be generated by such village as required by the City Engineer. If a city wide traffic signal policy or ordinance is adopted, the City Engineer may require the developer to comply with such policy or ordinance in satisfaction of this condition. 7. The developer of each village shall construct or 8. A site of approximately one acre of land within Village E-2 shall be reserved for acquisition by the City for public facility purposes. specific size and location of the site as a part of their approval of development within Village E-2. Developer agrees to convey the site free of liens and encumbrances at any time after the effective date of this ordinance upon receipt of written notice by the City. The price to be paid by the City shall be determined pursuant to this section by the City Council as a part of their approval of the Tina1 Master Plan. The price shall be based on an appraisal of the average cost of an acre within Village E-2 as The City Council shall determine the 4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 if the date of the adoption of this ordinance. The City Manager shall obtain said appraisal at the expense of the developer. If the site is not acquired by the City within ten years from the late of recordation of the subdivision map that includes the site this condition shall be void and the area shall be allowed to 3evelop privately. 9. The applicant shall dedicate Villages F, N, R-2 and f for public park purposes. The dedication of each park village shall be made concurrently with the recordation of a final map for the development of a village adjoining that park as shown on the Phasing Schedule marked Exhibit E, dated September 27, 1978, 3ttached hereto and made a part hereof. sxcess of the requirements of Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad vlunicipal Code for such subdivision shall be made available to satisfy such requirements for other subdivisions within this Yaster Plan in accordance with Section 20,124.100 of the Carlsbad Winicipal Code. If the City Manager determines it necessary, an 3greement between the City and the applicant to implement Section 20.44.100 may be required as a condition of this develop- nen t . If the dedication of Villages F, N, R-2 and Y exceeds the amount of land that would be required hy Chapter 20.44 for this development, that excess shall be retained by the City in satis- faction of the Master Plan Parks required to meet the needs of the Planned Community as a condition of this zoning approval. Any park dedication in 10. All private parks, common areas and open space, including but not limited to the open space areas shown on Exhibit C, dated September 27, 1978, attached hereto and made a part hereof, shall be improved by the developer as a condition of the subdivision of the adjoining village pursuant to the Phasing Schedule contained in Exhibit E, dated September 27, 1978 attached hereto and made a part hereof, Said improvements shall be made as shown on Exhibits C and E and all other applicable provisions of the revised Master Plan including but not limited to design standards and criteria €or identified bike paths, equestrian trails and pedestrian trails. Prior to issuance of building permits for development within this Master Plan, developer shall establish a homeowners association(s) which includes provision for the maintenance by such association(s) of the land and improvements. Condition No. 10, the developer shall grant an easement for public access and use over certain portions of the open space corridors shown on Exhibit C consisting of the areas identified as pedestrian trails, equestrian trails and bike paths. Said grant shall provide that said areas shall not be opened for public access and use until the City exercises its right to assume responsibility for the maintenance of said areas. 11. In connection with the improvements required by 12. The Phasing Schedule attached as Exhibit E, dated September 27, 1978, shall be included in the revised Master Plan. Development of the various villages shall occur incrementally 5. 1 2 16. The design criteria for grading and slope design contained on Pages 14, 15, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 of the Master Plan Exhibit A-1, shall be incorporated into the revised Master Plan document as standards unless otherwise amended by the Planning Director. 17. The revised Master Plan shall contain development standards for those villages proposed by the applicant for equestrian estates to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 18. Design criteria for the proposed bike paths and equestrian and pedestrian trails shall be included in the revised Master Plan document to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Said criteria shall be such as to encourage the everyday use of the trails and paths as an alternative mode of transportation. criteria shall also provide for bicycle racks and. related facilities in the commercial center, parks, and similar areas to encourage the use of that transportation mode. on Pages 82-86 of the Master Plan Exhibit A-1 shall be incorporated The 19. The design criteria for noise attenuation contained 3 4 Ei 9 ZC 11 12 n 24 2: 2( 2'; 2E is shown (%.e., Mo.1 before No,2, No-2 before No.3, etc.) and ;he developer shall provide all public facilities shown for each Tillage as a condition of development for such village. if provision is made for all of the public facilities listed under 2ach phase (i.e., full improvement of Elm and Tamarack, plus ledication of ten acre park site, plus reservation of ten acre school site with Phase I, etc.), the various villages within that 2hase shall be allowed to develop randomly. The minimum increment >f future development (subdivision) review shall be each individual Jillage. if the final Master Plan to detail the obligations of the developer to provide the public improvements and facilities identified on Zxhibit E. However, This condition and Exhibit E shall be revised as a part 13. The maximum cut or fill slopes allowed within the levelopment shall be 2:l or as approved by the City Engineer and 10 balancing or movement of dirt shall be allowed to cross one of the major streets once that street has been improved. 14. Discussion of the proposed "Architectural Advisory 3nd Control Committee" shall indicate that this committee's responsibility shall only be those that are more restrictive than the minimum standards allowed by the City. The text shall also indicate that this committeeps approval shall be required on all milding plans prior to review by the City. The City shall not ?articipate as a member of said committee. 15. The CC&R'S for this Master Plan and subsequent develop rnents shall be set up so no amendments to them shall occur without Zity approval and shall provide that the City shall have the authority to selectively enforce the CC&R'S if the City Council determines such enforcement is necessary to protect the public welfare. 6. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 into the revised Master Plan document as standards unless other- wise amended by the Planning Director, 20. The text of the revised Master Plan shall contain specific provisions for recreational vehicle storage on the property. A minimum of two acres inT7i'llagesE-1 or E-2 shall be provided for RV storage and shall be developed in accordance with the requirements of Section 21,45.120(6) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 21. Prior to the issuance of grading permits for the various villages, provisions to the satisfaction of the City Engineer shall be made for the following: a. Regulation of the use, storage and disposal of all fuels, oils, petroleum and chemical products used on the construction site. b. Site specific soils investigations with recom- mendations for control of potential problems as a result of expansive soils. c. Limitation of grading to the minimum area necessax to install streets and prepare construction pads. d. Avoidance of clearing operations in advance of grading. e. Coordination of grading activities with the local precipitation pattern. f. Construction of drainage facilities concurrently with grading activities. g. Watering and rolling of the final surface to form a hardened, compacted cap of soil which will minimize dust and erosion due to surface runoff. h. Grading of surfaces so as to direct runoff toward planned drainage and, if possible, away from cut and fill slopes. Planting and maintenance of ground cover suitable for slope erosion control immediately following grading. i. j. Phasing of grading activities over the life of the project to provide a transition of habitat. k. Limitations of grading operations in the project area to normal daytime working hours. 22. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the various villages, provisions, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, shall be made for the following: 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 9 1c 11 12 n a 1: 2( 2: 2: 2: 2L 2! 2( 2' 24 a, b. C. d. e. f. g* h. i. j. k. Installation of flow restrictors in all basic fixtures .. Use of "mini-f lush" toilets Landscaping using drought resistent trees and plants. Installation of drip irrigation systems using tensiometers or other acceptable systems, Architectural design which reduces or treats window and door openings and takes advantage of winter sun and summer shade. Insulation €or all structures according to State standards, Solar heating for both space and water heating; or, if not technologically feasible at the time of construction, 'stub-outs' for ultimate conversion to solar heating. Landscaping using deciduous trees (to shade in summer and allow sunlight in winter) and wind- breaks. Retention of natural vegetation in the open space areas wherever possible. Retention of existing eucalyptus trees wherever possible. Retention of as much Adolphia and Dichondra as possible within the various open space areas. 23. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, provisic €or the protection of significant archeological resources on the ?roperty shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning lirector as follows: a. b. C. d. All work shall be performed by a qualified archeologist in conjunction with the latest acceptable scientific procedures. Prepare a surface map of the artifacts and associated ecological information. Excavate a test sample of the area to determine the nature and extent of any subsurface component. One such test which has proven successful in similar situations is the systematic rectilinear posthole test. Based on the information resulting from this 8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e. f. g* h. investigation, additional testing can be designed, if needed. This second phase of testing should be oriented toward obtaining a reliable sample of the site area and in assessing the variation present within the deposit. Based on the results of this examination, it may be necessary! although unlike- ly, to perform additional investigation, or to recommend differing mitigating procedures. A report shall be prepared summarizing findings and discussing the interrelationships of the site materials and other sites found in the region. All work shall be extensively photodocumented. Copies of notes, photographs, records and the final report shall be submitted to local data depositories. Any of the following may be required to eliminate indirect on and of€ site impacts: 1) Limit access to sites by placing barriers around the project area. 2) Place fill over site areas. 3) Excavate the sites and achieve their information potential. 24. Prior to the approval of any tentative subdivision map adjoining Elm Avenue, Tamarack Avenue, College Boulevard or in the vicinity of the South Coast Asphalt plant, an assessment of the potential noise impacts as defined in the Noise Element of the General Plan shall be made by an acoustical engineer. shall then prepare a report containing recommendations on how to mitigate any identified noise impacts. subdivision shall be consistent with these recommendations. The City Council may impose conditions on such subdivisions as they determine necessary to mitigate adverse impacts from such noise. The engineer The design of an impacted 25. The site development plan for Villages E-1, E-2, and F shall include provisions for transit stops to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. 26. The maximum grade established for all bikeways shall be 7%, or as approved by the City Engineer. 27. The width and location of the open space corridors shall be as shown on Exhibit C. A deviation of ten percent (k 10%) shall be allowed when determining said width and location. The minimum width allowed shall be twenty feet. Additional open space areas may be required within each village development. 28. The sign program contained in the final Master Plan shall reflect the following: 9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 9 19 20 21 2% 22 24 25 26 27 28 a. b. C. The design motif of the four entrance signs shall utilize wood and indigenous rock as major compon- ents. Also the entrance signs shall be incorpor- ated with walls erected for sound attenuation at the four entrances into the community. The permanent directional signs shall utilize wood and indigenous rock as major components. Temporary directional signs for sales programs shall be governed solely by Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 29. Specific development plans shall be evaluated in accord with Municipal Ordinances in force at the time when said plans are before the City Council for approval. Approval and construction of a part of the development pursuant to this Master Plan shall not vest any rights in the balance of the Master Plan nor create any vested rights to the approval of any subsequent developments. 30. All land and/or easements required by this ordinance shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbrances. 31. Approval of this Master Plan indicates acceptance by the City Council of a general framework for development of the subject property, and is subject to amendment in the future by the City. It is part of an ongoing planning process 32. Approval of this plan does not constitute any guar- antee that individual developments within the Master Plan area will be approved nor that the availability of public facilities and services will necessarily coincide with the developer's timetable for construction. Availability of public services will be evaluated in the context of subsequent individual approvals 33. The City Council has determined that there is no sewer service presently available and that all land uses approved in the Master Plan are subject to further City approvals as may be required by such sewer allocation system as the City Council may adopt. 34. The applicant shall file written acknowledgement that there is no sewer service available at this time and that he is proceeding with this development at his own risk and that the City makes no representation that he will be able to go forward with his development or that sewer service will be available for the property. 35. If the proposed satellite waste water treatment facility is subsequently approved to be located and developed within the area of this Master Plan, the applicant shall apply for a zone change from P-C to P-U for the land necessary for the sewer plant site itself. If said zone change is then approved, 10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 1c 11 40. Within the RDM-Q areas, specific densities within the approved ranges shall be determined as a part of the approval of a site development plan. The decision shall be based on the factors in the General Plan regarding density ranges. Master Plan, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation on the site development plan and the final decision shall be made by the City Council. For purposes of this 41, The densities provided in this plan are maximums. It is anticipated actual densities will in many cases be less. 12 9 1: 2( 2: 2: 2; 21 2! 2( 2' 21 the Planning Director shall administratively revise the Master Plar to make it consistent with the approved zone change, ionditions to this Master Plan to provide for items such as odor 3asements, CC&R amendments, hold harmless agreement for plant 3peration, agricultural preservation and other conditions 2ecessary to accommodate the development of such a facility as a ?art of this Master Planned Community. The City may initiate an smendment to this plan to add such conditions. Approval of said facility may require the addition of 36. If a satellite waste water treatment facility is subsequently approved to serve this area, dual water systems shall be installed in all residential villages provided the City Manager determines that such systems are acceptable to all responsible public entities. 37. The City shall submit a letter to the San Diego County Department of Transportation requesting authority to approve and maintain the improvements of Tamarack Avenue located in San Diego County between El Camino Real and the project site, provided it is possible for the City to assume that responsibility. necessary to repair any structural damage to the curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement, sub-grade supportive section or drainage facilities within the street right-of-way or associated drainage easements. every section of roadway and the lands through which that section passes have been annexed to the City or until such time as the City Council determines to otherwise accept responsibility for maintenance and repair. The developer shall reimburse the City for all costs This obligation shall remain in effect until each and 38. the General Plan, development of Village K shall be limited to rental apartments. Subject to the provisions of the Housing Element of 39. Prior to City approval of Villages E-2, K or L, the applicant and the City Manager shall develop a program in accord- ance with the Housing Element of the General Plan which provides for low and moderate income housing and housing for the elderly within the Master Plan area. The program shall be presented to the City Council for approval, modification or disapproval. Such program as the City Council may approve shall be a part of this Master Plan. 11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1% 0 1s 2c 27 22 2: 24 2E 2E 27 2E Specific densities will be determined by the appropriate decision- naking body as a part of their consideration of individual developments within this Master Plan, Specific locations of roads, park and school sites md other elements of this plan will also be fixed as a part of individual developmental approvals, A variation of less than h 10% in such locations as shown on the plan or in the boundaries 3r areas of individual villages shall be considered consistent dth this plan. 42. Prior to the issuance of building permits within this Yaster Plan, the City shall establish a public facilities fee schedule in an amount sufficient to cover the deficiency between the expected revenues from this project and projected costs for all necessary public services and facilities as required by the General Plan. The fee shall be paid on a per unit basis by the developer as a condition of the issuance of building permits. a City wide public facilities fee is adopted, this condition shall become null and void. If 43. The City may find it necessary to limit the number of dwelling units that can be built in any one year. Plan is subject to such limits as the City Council may adopt. Although no actual limitation on the amount of annual growth is contained within this Master Plan, the City may impose growth controls in the future to protect the public interest as the City Council may determine or as may be required by regional, state or federal agencies. This Master 44. CC&R'S for the total Master Plan area shall be sub- mitted to the Planning Director for his approval prior to approval of the Tentative Map of the first subdivision. Villages 0, P-1, P-2, Q, and R-1 shall contain a statement that there is a rock extraction and crushing operation located in close proximity to the north of each subdivision. The CC&R'S for 45. The application for this Master Plan originally included a proposed 500,000 GPD waste water reclamation facility. The City Council has determined that such facilities may only be considered on the basis of an entire drainage basin. The City hereby reaffirms its denial of the applicant's request for the 500,000 GPD facility. SECTION 2: That Master Plan (MP-150) for the subject property, adopted by Resolution No.3407 on May 7, 1974, is hereby rescinded. EFFECTEVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least 12. 1 2 3 4 F " E r 1 t ! 1( 1: mce in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 19th day of December I 19 - 78 and thereafter an adjourned PASSED AND ADOPTED at/ regular meeting of said City Council held on the 28th day of December 1978 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : None ABSENT: Councilman Councilmen Packard, Skotnicki, Anear and Councilwoman Casler ATTEST: 13. EXHIBIT A - 9/27/78 MP-150 (A) ?AGE 1 of 1 e (ORDINAWE # 9 51 7) FORMAT FOR MASTER PLANS ORGANIZATION Master Plans shall be organized in six (6) sections, which shall contain the information required in Section 21.38.060 of the Ordinance, as follows: I. Location - Legal Description - Background . Location Map & Legal Description (paragraph 1-A) . History of previous actions, if any. 11. Environmental Constraints . Topographical map with major features (paragraph 1-11. . Environmental constriants as identified by EIR (para. 2-H). Environmental mitigation measures from the plan's EIR shall be incorporated in appropriate sections of the Master Plan or found, per City Council, to be over-ridden by social/economic considerations. 111. Land Use - Development Standards . . . Grading concepts by area (paragraph 1-J). Map identifying land uses & development standards by area (paragraph 1-B & 1-D). Description of land uses and development standards by area (paragraph 2-A, 2-C, 2-G). IV. Open Space & Maintenance . . Map identifying open spaces by area (paragraph 1-C & 3) Description of open space treatment and maintenance by area (paragraph 2-E & 3) V. Public Facilities & Phasing . Map identifying the location and phasing of public and quasi- public facilities, streets and lines, and the phasing of development (paragraph I-E, 1-F, 1-G and l-H)* . Description of public facilities (paragraph 2-D) . Description of the phasing of development (paragraph 2-F) VI. Community Sign Program . Graphic and written standards (paragraph 4) FORMAT The master plan shall consist of (.A) one (1) 24 x 36 inch mylar sheet for each of the graphics described above and {B) a concise text using 84 x 11 sheets bound in a three-ring or acco-press type binder. . a . . * EXHIBIT D 12/6/78 MP-150 (A) Page 1 of 2 Village A B C D E- 1 E- 2 I J K L M N 0 P- 1 P-2 Q R-1 R- 2 S T U V (ORDINANCE NO. 9517) W Zoning Standard (CUP) R-1 (PUD) R-DM-Q R-DM-Q C-2-9 C-LR-Q 0-S(CUP) R-1 (PUD) R-1-4 R-1-4 R-1 (PUD) R- DM- Q R-DM-Q (CUP) O-S(CvP) R-1 (PUD) R-1 (PUD) R- 1 R-DM-Q R- 1 0-S( CUP) (CUP) R- 1 R-1-1 R- 1 0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SUMMARY Max.* # DU's Development Type - --., Elementary School Standard, Detached Single 282 Family Clustered Multiple Family 117 Townhouse or Flat 160 Multiple Family Comnuni ty Comnerci a1 Comnunity Commercial Transition Area Park Clustered Single Family 123 Standard, Detached Single 28 Family Fami 1 y Clustered Multiple Family 327 Rental Apartments Multiple 504 Family Townhouse or Flat 243 Multiple Family --- --- --- Standard, Detached Single 45 Elementary School Park Clustered Single Family Clustered, Attached ' Single Family Standard, Detached Single Family Clustered Multiple Family Standard, Detached Single Fami 1 y Park Junior High School Standard, Detached Single Family Single Family Equestrian Estates Standard, Detached Single Fami 1 y R-1-4 Single Family Equestrian Estates 58 Gross Acres 10.0 70.6 29.4 16.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 30.8 19.2 - 30.6 32.7 25.2 24.3 10.0 5.0 55.3 46.3 69.0 13.0 63.4 5.0 20.0 52.4 18.6 37.8 _-_ R-1-4 Single Family Equestrian 23 --- 23.0 --- --- 5.0 37 --- 25.3 17 --- 11.4 X Y 0-S( CUP) Park Estates --- --- 2- 1 R-1-35 Single Family Estates 2- 2 R-1-35 Single Family Estates 2-3 --- --- 0-S(CUP) San Diego Gas & Electric --- 20.0 Easement TOTAL 3,329 828.0 - * This number represents the maximum number of dwelling units undcr ideal planning cmditions and with compliance to thc constraints in this Mdster Plan. developed under the R-DM standards or under the PUD proccss may be computed over the entire village to provide for clustcred housing concept. Densities in areas to be NOTES to Ordinance No. 9517 EXH IB1@/6/7 8 PIP-150 (A) Page 2 of 2 1. Unified School District for school purposes within ten (10) years from the recordation of the subdivision map that includes that particular village, the underlying zoning development standards for the village shall change from (CUP) to R-1 (PUD). If Village A, M or S is not acquired by the Carlsbad 2. Villages C, GI K, L and U have steep slopes and/or significant canyon areas that have not been included as open space. at time of subdivision review to protect the integrity of the adjoining open space areas. 3. for park purposes and does not accept the dedication, then the underlying zoning development standards for Village R-2 shall change from 0-S (CUP) to R-1 (PUD) and allowed to develop privately. 4. The intent of Village E-2 is to provide adequate area for "Comunity Commercial" development at some later date if it is determined by the City that such additional area is necessary. Therefore, Conditional Use Permits for residential development in Village E-2 will not be accepted by the City during a ten (10) year period following the recordation of the subdivision map that includes Village E-2. Special consideration shall be given to these areas If the City determines that Village hi-2 is not necessary nXNC SQ1EDtH.E Mlu MNOR e SCl1OOL PUBLIC (ECR to site) --I- 10 nc. -- Northeasterly trails 4 corridor. 2. D or G &F 198/150 - 10 ac. ---- --c Southwesterly trails of corridor if C. 3. DorG Tamarack to Elm (if total 500 units) ----- ---- d-- " --- - Southeasterly 4- m 33 5. I 42 ----.. ---- --- trail & corridor. Easterly trails 6 corridor. N I,