HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-29; City Council; 9628; Daon Corp. La Costa NW LUP revisedr. t Lb , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 9628 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9570 AND MASTER PLAN (MP-I49(E)) TO REVISE THE LAND USE PLAN OF LA COSTA NORTHWEST AND TO MAKE MINOR ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES TO THE MASTER PLAN TEXT AND MAPS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND NORTH OF ALGA ROAD. APPLICANT: DAON CORPORATION. CASE NO. MP-l49(G1. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Ordinance No. 9570, and Master Plan MP-149(E) adopted thereby, is hereby amended as shown on map marked (MP-l49(G)) - Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 2: That Ordinance No. 9570, and Master Plan MP- 149(E) adopted thereby, is amended by the amendment of various portions of the text of said master plan as shown on Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 3: That the findings of the Planning Commission contained in Resolution No. 1954 constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. SECTION 4: That amended Master Plan MP-l49(G) is approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1954. Said resolution is on file in the Planning Department and is incorporated by reference herein. /// /// /// 3 2 e 0 . ' Ij 1. 19 2o II SECTION 5: The amendments specified in Sections 1 and I ! I '11 2 herein shall be incorporated into the official La Costa Master 2// Plan text and maps as approved by Ordinance No. 9570, on file 3ii with the City Clerk, within 30 days of the effective date of 4 5 6 7 8 this ordinance. Manager shall so certify. When such incorportion is accomplished the City EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published - 9 10 at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. 11 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a meeting of the Carlsbad 12 13 City Council held on the 15th day of Jme , 1982, and 11 thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of said City Council 15 16 held on the 29th day of June , 1982 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : 17 18 Council Menkers Casler, lewis, Kulchin and Chick 21 22 NOES: None ABSENT: None 23 24 ATTEST : 25 26 27 28 (SEAL) , I, * I2 %acB\T-- 8' C) . d mP lLi7(G) I, ' INTRODUCTION 0 J, A. Purpose This Master Plan constitutes an amendment to and expansion of the La Costa Master Plan first adopted by.the City Council on September 5, 1972 (Ordinance P9322). aad-s&- This Master Plan is intended to comply with the require- ment f0r.a Master Plan contained in the Planned Community Zone Ordinance adopted in July, 1976 (Chapter 21-38) and, . therefore, provides the basis for further decisions by the City on future land use for the La Costa comunity. ~-lQh=-&-~-!!-- The La Costa community is divided among three local governmental agencies of general jurisdiction: the City of Carlsbad,'the County of San Diego and the City of San Marcos. Approximately, 5,287 acres, consisting of both developed lands and undeveloped lands, of the La Costa community, rs within the City of Carlsbad, Of this 5,287 acres , &-already have been developed, approved for development or are in the process of being approved for development by the City of Carlsbad, The La Costa community also includes an additional approx- imately 240 acres in the City of San Marcos and approximately 57 acres in the unincorporated area of the County of San Diego. This Master Plan is-not applicable to the portion of La Costa in the City of San Marcos or the unincorporated area of the County of San Diego, c- I %."..>. B. General Provisions 1. Nonvesting of Rights Individual development projects shall be governed by the specific land use and development standards set forth in this Master Plan and by applicable pro- visions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code including, but not limited to, Title 20, Subdivisions, and Title 21, Zoning. Where a conflict in development standards occurs, the standapds specS.ied in tkfs %laster Plan .shall control, Approval and constructLon of a development project pursuant to this Master Plan shall not vest any rights to construct any other development projects nor create any vested rights to the approval of any subsequent development projects, . c: \-. .* 1-1 L I 1-5 La Costa Resort and-Recreation area, including golf course,' La Costa Valley Condominiums, and developments of various types of living units, such as single family, duplexes, cluster developments, condominiums, and are homes of all types from luxury to more modest homes. located from El Camino Real on the west, Alga Road on the north, Levante on the south and Rancho Santa Fe and El Fuerte on the east. but currently vacant are generally located east of El Fuerte Street and north of San Marcos Canyon. the Master Plan area, an industrial park has been constructed .east of Rancho Santa Fe Road in the City of San Plarcos. The area already developed can be generally defined as The areas approved fox development F7h:ile outside of . Except as otherwise specifically -indicated_in lan or ___-__ - __ exhibits hereto, nothing in this Master Plan shall be deemed to regulate or prohibit the d q&gment, redevelopment or rehabili- -tation of any area in the &-acres (see Exhibit 1-2 , Existing Zoning). already been developed or are in the process of being developed and the documents governing such development are described in . Section 1x1, Land Use and Development Standards, Existing 27-hole golf course and San Marcos Canyon. The following eleven areas are zoned P-C but have 1, 2, Estates North. 3, Rancheros de la Costa. 4. Vale 2 & 3. 5. Vale 4. 6, Corona La Costa, 7, Spanish Village. 8, Greeh Valley Knolls. 9, Santa Fe Knolls. 10. Santa Fe Glens. 11, SMCWD Reservoir, Other than3wteleven areas listed above, there exist areas within the &€&& acres zoned other than P-C. of such areas (see Exhibit 1-2, Existing Zoning) shall be governed by the applicable zoning. \ The development I 1-6 G b, Estates North: ,. . , Ord #9435, 8/19/75 CT "-@4, Res. #3709, 8/5/75 PUD-12, Res. #6246, 7/15/80 CT 79-25, Res. #6245, 7/15/80 4, I c. Rancheros de La Costa: d. Vale 2 &' 3: SP-38, Res. #3128, 6/5/73 SP-159, Ord #940§, 10/1/74 CT 72-20, Res, #3129, 6/5/73 SP-176, Ord. #9462, 7/6/76 CT 76-3, Reso 83925, 6/15/76 PUD-7, Res. #4081, 2/1/77 CT 76-17, Res, #4080, 12/1/77 e. Vale 4: f. Corona La Costa: I g. Spanish Village: SP-37 , Ord. #9339 , 1/2/73 CT 72-24, Res, 83031, 12/19/72 h. Green Valley Knolls: SP-171, Ord, #9447, 1/6/76 CT 75-7, Res. #3809, 12/16/75 CT 76-10, Res. #4033, 11/16/76 SP-I71(A) , Ord. #9476, 2/1/77 i. Santa Fe Knolls: , SP-178 withdrawn (processing allowed by, MP-149 (B) ) CT 75-9, Res. #4072 & #6200, 1/4/77 & 6/3/80 SP-116, Ord. #9409, 12/3/74 CT 73-2, Res. #3547, 11/19/74 j. Santa Fe Glens: k. SMCWD Reservoir: PDP-3, Res, #6080, 2/5/80 5, ,Areas of existing development (see Section I-F-) zoned other than P-C shall be governed by applicable zoning. B, Development Review Process 1. This Master Plan provides for two alternative processes that may be utilized in the submission and review of individual neighborhood development proposals: the Standard Review Process and the La Costa Development Plan Review Process, hereinafter referred to as the Development Plan, Process selection shall be at the discretion of the applicant as provided herein. 111-2 1. There shall be permitted in all RL and RUT neighborhoods: single family attached anddetached housing including condominiums; accessory structures and buildings incidental to permitted uses: maxi" building heights not to exceed thirty five (35) feet two (2) off-street parking spaces per dwelling 5 d4 and visitor parking not less than one (1) 2. 1\3d space per dwelling unit. there^ shall. be permitted in all RM and RMH neighborhoods in addition to all uses permitted in the RL and RLM areas; duplexes, triplexes, townhouses, and other forms of multi- family development, whether apartments or condominiums; off-street and visitor parking for single family detached housing shall be as provided in D. 11; off-street parking for all other permitted uses shall be at one and a half (1.5) spaces per dwelling unit for one bedroom units and less than -25 spaces per dwelling units. NOT LESS ~t-t~dtwo (2) spaces for all others plus visitor parking not 3. In those RM and RMH neighborhoods wherein a minimum dwelling unit density is set forth in Section 1II.L. or-where the density bonus.described in Section 1II.K. applies, building heights may be approved up to six (6) stories qr ,sqventy,(7Q) -feet, .whichever -is less. 4. A Development Plan shall be subInittedbfor1-4Ef :.NsG for 3 1- 1 3 and TS neighborhoods designated on Tables 111-1, 111-2 or 111-3 . 5, Development standards, other than those identified in this Master Plan, may be modified by the Development Plan if such modification is found to be consistent with this Master Plan, the General Plan, protection of the environ- ment and the public welfare, All uses, and development standards not addressed in the Development Plan, shall be established per the applicable zoning standards identified for each neighborhood in Tables IIX-1, 111-2 and 111-3. i '.? c 111-5 - .. .. . General Neighborhood Development Standards .. LA COSTA NORTHWEST c uc 0 c3 - t .a Q .- c individual . . . .: Zone and Development Type . Max," Gross Open Development - D.U.s Acres * Space Regulations . - 2i s ?= Neighborhood - * 4 Zr 6; for Standard Review Process 'NW-1 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached 564 141.9 7.0 h.(p-w4) . NW-2 ,RM RD+t Clustered Multi-Family 160 16.0 - 1 .be(p.III-14) 03-0 .- - -- Single Family . NW-3 RLM . R-1 Standard, Detached .116 . 29.0 3.8 1.c.(pelli-?4) Sing1 e Fami ly . Single Family * Single Family 42.0 4.5 l.d.(p.I1l-*t4) . NW-5 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached ' 388 97.0 . 7.2 *Iee.(p.I1l-14) * .NW-6 OS 0-s Public Park - 23 5 23 5 1 *f-(p .'I I I-*I4) - NW-4 RLM R- 1 Standard, Detached 168 - /-- NW-7 RM RD-M Clustered Multi-Family 160 I6*O .. * 3.l 1.g.(p.l11-15) gt\rW-S RLM R-1 , Standard, Detached ' 112 28.0 . ,2.9 ~.h.(p.IlI-15) -.- *X" ' Single Family jNW-9 RLM . R-1 Standard , Detached Single Family 55.0 2.6 1 =+.(p.iII-I5). -- - . <--- .*--- _-- 220 .i NW-IO RLM RD-M Clustered Multi-Family 264 66-0 4-0 I.~.(~.III-~s) 78.0 14.4- *k.(p.!l!-I5) 780 '-.-.--- NW-11 RM RD-M Clustered Multi-Family NW-12 RLM R-l . Standard, Detached 152 38.0 .5*5 l.I.(p.111:15) . Single 'Family .. NW-13 RM RD-M . Clustered Mu1 ti-Family 120 12** + I =m.(peI11-'16) NW-T4 OS 0-s Golf Course - 85.0 85.0 I .n.(p.'fl[-j6) NW-1.5 RLM R-1 Standard, Detached 70' 1 7.5 - 1 -0 .( p . I1 1- 16) - -- - Single Family . 13274' 744.0 163.4 f I %welting unit count shown on this table represents the potential ,* units under ideal planning conditions. Refer to Section I 11. B,, ..- F . .. 1 \ maximum number of dwelling ' .. 7- III.C., and I1i.L. / .I 0 e P G, Homeowner's Associations 1. The essential design cteristics of the La Costa community will be adhered to as set forth in this Master Plan in and through the use of Covenants, Conditions DCO- Corpe-+ and Re8trictions (CC&R's) established by the . These CC&R's shall provide reguuitectural Committee Rules and Guidelines which shall be administered by an Architectural Committee. This Committee's responsibility shall only be in matters more restrictive than the minimum standards allowed by this Master Plan and the City. This Commi- tee's approval shall be required on all building plans , prior to review by the City unless the Planning Director determines there are extenuating circumstances that would allow the City to accept the plans without the Committee's prior approval. The City shall not partic- ipate as a member of this Committee. i" a- 2. The CC&R's shall incorporate by reference this Master Plan, and shall state expressly that the declarations are subject to the provisions of this Master Plan and that the City shall have the right to enforce the provisions of this Master Plan through its normal enforcement procedures if the City Council determines such enforcement is necessary to protect the public welfare. 3. CC&Rbs €or the total Master Plan and subsequent devalop- ments shall be submitted to the Planning Director for his approval as to consistency with the paragraphs 1, and 2., above. The CC&R's for the total Master Plan area shall be submitted prior to recordation of the final subdivision map of the first neighborhood. c H. General Grading Guidelines Exhibits 111-2 to 111-16 inclusive (see pages 111-21to 111-29), in addition to those standards set forth in Sections 1I.B. and C. above and in Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall be utilized when reviewing - Development Plans for each of the neighborhoods in this Master Plan. L, 111-11 L IV. OPEN SPACE 0 A. Introduction ' 229 This Master Plan for La to be set aside as open space, areas, as shown on Exhibit IV-1, Open Space Plan, provide buffers between residential areas and roads and commercial and public areas as well as define neighborhoods. traverse these open space corridors to connect schools, parks and the community core with the housing areas. These trails may connect to a broader citywide cir- culation system, This Master Plan also includes the improvement of a *& acre private golf course and two t- designates -3Bfi.. acres These open space e.. . A system of pedestrian trails will ding, but not limited to, the open on Exhibit IV-1, shall be b- ith Section 1V.C. below and e with Section IV.B. below hasing Schedule contained in Section V. Approval of development of each neighborhood shall include the dedication of an open space easement over its respective open space area as shown on Exhibit N-1. Approval of development of each neighborhood containing a portion of the pedestrian trail shown on Exhibit IV-1 shall include an offer to dedicate a public access easement covering that portion of the pedestrian trail located within that neighborhood. This offer to dedi- cate shall provide that the pedestrian trail shall not be open for public use unless and until. the City accepts the offer to dedicate and assumes liability and mainten- ance responsibility for the pedestrian trail. Adjoining areaso including but not limited to slopes, shall not be included in this offer to dedicate. does not accept this offer to dedicate by a recorded written instrument within five years from the date of re- cordation of the final map for each neighborhood, the offer to dedicate shall expire and the owner shall have no further obligation to offer to dedicate or dedicate a public: access easement and the use and mainten- ance of the property shall be governed by the CCEtR's, If the City The width and location of the open space corridors shall be as shown OB Exhibit IV-1. 14 deviation of ten percent (210%) shall be allowed when determining said width and location. shall be twenty feet. Additional open space areas may be required within each neighborhood development. The minimum width allowed 6' '. . IV-1 ~ b. Additiona nd local stree+- shall be erve each neiarhood in conjunction wi neighborhood ten e subdivision maps, local streets .sh 1 be subject to the control-of -- - the City Enginee subdivision maps All streets within the development shall comply with City standards or as required by the City Engineer, In addition to the potential reduction of street widths in the Residential-Estate areas, there may be other circumstances, such as single- loaded streets, that warrafit a possible reduction in street widt e approval of individual c. Precise alignments for arterials, collector and through the approval of tentative d. be provided on each arterial 20 There are currently & 1 traffic signals projected to be within or adjacent to the Master Plan boundaries at the following inter- sections: El Camirno Real & Carrillo Way, E3 *3 St., El Camino Real ti l4ision Estancia West, Alga Rd. & Alicante Rd., Rancho Santa Fe Rd. & Olivenhain Rd., Rancho Santa Fe. Rd- & Mision Estancia, Rancho Santa Fe Rd. is La Costa Ave., Rancho Estancia, and La Costa Ave, & Melrose Ave. In the approval of each tentative subdivision map, conditions shall be established by the City Engineer to insure provision of needed traffic signals, .-,. Santa Fe Rd, & Melrose Ave. (south), La Costa Ave. & Mision , 3, Accommodation of Public Transit -To support and encourage the provisions of public bus service to the La Costa community by the North County Transit District, consideration shall be given in the design of each neighborhood and the community core to insure provision is made for appropriate bus stop locations and convenient traffic flows. C. Public Schools 1, School Service Districts The La Costa community is served by four (4) separate school districts: serving the extreme northwesterly area; the San Marcos Unified School District, serving the central and north- eastern area; the San Dieguito Union High School and the Enchitas Union School Districts, both of which serve the balance of the area south of the golf course and San Marcos Canyon, See Exhibit V-2, School Service Districts and Public Parks, The Carlsbad Unified School District, v-2 t 0 f 0 r c, San Dieguito Union High School uistrict: Current development within the San Dieguito Union High School District complies with the City's Public Facility Policy by meeting the requirements of Chapter 21-55 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. It is anticipated that this -procedure will continue -- for this area. the District and the La Costa Land Company regarding a future high school site in the vicinity of the Santa Fe Knolls development. -- Negotiations are under way betweep d, Encinitas Union School District: Current develoument within the Encinitas Union School Distrikt complies with the City's Public Facility Policy by meeting the requirements of Chapter 21.55.0f the Carlsbad Municipal Code. It is anticipated that this procedure will continue for this area. There is an existing agreement between the district and La Costa that basically states that, in return for the dedication of the Levante School, site, the district will give assurances of school availability for up to 3,308 dwelling units, Two (2) other elementary school sites, consistent with the City's General, Plan, have also been shown. The district and La Costa will be negotiating for .these sites under this same agreement. D. Public Parks 1, Existing Parks I The following public parks have either already been dedicated to the City or are included in the existing Parks Agreement (City Council Resolution No, -6830) between the City and --%e%on hvttm: a. Canyon Park (92 acres) This park located at the east end of the golf course in central. La Costa has already been dedicated to the City of CarlsbaO and has been partially improved by the City, b, Fuerte Park (3.6 acres) This park is a portion of Lot 478, La Costa Meadows which has been dedicated to and will be improved by the City. The site is adjacent to a proposed elementary school site, v-4 f t -0 c. * Stagecoach Park (28+ acres). This proposed park site is generally located north of proposed Mision Estancia and east of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Dedi- cation of 12.5 acres of this ite to the City for park improvement &E&& occurAupon re$ recordation of the final subdivision map for the Santa Fe Knolls (Unit 1) neighborhood, site shall be dedicated pursuant to Resolution The balance of the park NO- 68%. &.e-. San Marcos Canyon. This extensive natural area extends approximately one and a half miles from Canyon Park on the west to San Marcos Creek Park on the east. it provides a distinct open space separation between the northern and southern neighborhoods of eastern La Costa. Dedication City shall occur pursuant to Resolution No, for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of Chapter 20-44 o€ Carlsbad Municipal Code, shall not be given for the dedication of San Marcos Canyon, Because of the precipitous topography, Park credit, 2. Future Park* In addition to the aforementioned parks, this Master Plan also provides for the following public parks: a. Community Park (NW-6) (2++ acres) This park site is located alons the soutg side Ah4 Node 2 3.5 v-5 a I E, Other Public Facilites and Services 1, Libraries Library service is presently provided through the existing library in downtown Carlsbad located in the Carlsbad Civic Center Complex. that services the south Carlsbad area. There is also a small bookmobile c-:I 7 sCzt22 .. (7- -6xwne&---* 3. Fire A fire station is presently located on Arena1 Road, just east of El Cyino Real. policy proposes & additional station in the hSa*b*sF+ Current fire department I' V-6 I s- c:- . c c. The San Marcos County Water District which serves .northeast La Costa, is in the process of reactivating and expanding the existing satellite wastewater treatment plant. near the east end of San Marcos Canyon, The City of Carlsbad has approved a site development plan forshis facility which. for completion in 1984 with a capacity of ! d. That portion of the La Costa Northwest area that is within the service jurisdiction of the City of Carlsbad has been designated by the Carlsbad City Council as being withia the Palomar Airport Drainage Basin, %krc LL=: c- 2 16 v-9 . .' . .. 'I) 0 4. Any further modification to this phasing schedule that has not already been addressed shall only be made by amendment to.this Master Plan. Any such amendment shall include a corresponding modification as may be appropriate to the phasing of public facilities necessary to support . such neighborhood developments. 5, Although no actual Pimitation on the amount of annual growth is contained within this Master Plan, the City may impose growth controls in the future to project the - public interest as the City Council may determine or as may be required by regional, state or federal agencies- "6* At the Master Plan stage of the pPm~iq processr it is diffic-At tu predict the precise sequence of phasing or the traffic volmes 02- traffic distribution that v7iPI occur at any given staqe of developrent. - street iqgmment requirements will be reviewed wi Lh each tentat ivs map and may &age from this masker plan if required by the City Eqineer." P.2reforsr __ ___ ~ _- -- ~___ - SCHEDULE SCHOOL PUBLIC SITES SITES OPEN SPACE AND TRAILS NORTHWEST PHASING PLANNING MAX. PARK . PHASE . AREA DU'S ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS SITES I A. B. --- --- 70 $ CARRILLO WAY 160 3 CARRILLO WAY TO ACCESS FOR NW15 ALONG N. BOUNDARY OF NW2 TO WEST EDGE OF GOLF COURSE --- 152 120 ROAD CONNECTION BETWEEN ALGA AND CARRILLO WAY (IF TOTAL OF 500 UNITS IN PHASE X) NW14 NW15 C. NW 2 --- a. 'Q) NW12 NW13 D. E. --- .I . .._ . '. - I1 23.5 I4 \ --- --- --- a- AC. --- A. NW 6 B. NW 7 160 4 CARRILLO WAY FROM --- --- --- TRAISS AND CORRIDORS 6 WEST EDGE OF GOLF COURSE TO EASTERN . EDGE OF NW6 . 11 11 112 168 220 ROAD CONNECTION ' BETWEEN ALGA RD. & CARRILLO WAY (IF TOTAL OF 5.00 DU'S IN PHASE 11) c. Nw 8 D. NW 4 E. NW 9 _- ., ' -,' EASTERLY CORRIDOR ,111 A. NWlO B. NWll --- --- CONNECTION FROM N-S --- --- COLLECTOR TO EXIST. DEVELOPMENT TO EAST 264 780 TRAILS AND CORRIDORS SDG&E EASEMENT I-- --- ,n 9 1 -- NORTHWEST PHASING SCHEDULE PLANNING MAX. ' PARK SCHOOL PUBLIC SITES OPEN SPACE AND TRAILS . PHASE AREA DU'S ROADWAY XMPROVEMENTS SITES SITES ______________________I_________________--------------------------------------------------------- ______________________I_________________-----------------------------------------------,---------- TRAILS AND CORRIDORS --- 564 % OF CARRILLO WAY TO- --- 10 AC. IV ' A, NW 1 ' WEST EDGE OF GOLF COURSE, COLLECTOR ROAD FROM CARRILLO WAY TO EL CAMIN0 -\ WEAL - a , TRAIL b CORRIDOR FROM SOUTH TO NORTH --- V 10 AC, NORTH 35 OF CARRILLO --- WAY AND COLLECTOR .ROAD FROM THE WEST END OF GOLF COURSE TO COLLECTOR FROM A. NW 3 916 FJ NW 1 I TRAILS AND CORRIDORS --- --- El. NW 5 388 NORTH 3s OF CARRILLO '-9- WAY FROM WEST END -. OF GOLF COURSE TO EASTERN BOUNDARY OF NW 5 - \ 0 ; rc .. - --%--- a 822 -% A . I” 4 2. Directi d nal Signs 0 a. There shall be established a series of signs within the La Costa community which provide specific direction to individual neighborhoods, parks and other recreation areas, commercial service centers, public schools and other points of community activity and interest, Such signs shall be considered for location at the intersections of the following arterial streets : 1) 2) 3) 4) Alga Road and Alicante Road, El Fuerte Street and Alga Road. La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road, Proposed La Costa Avenue and proposed Mision Estancia. 5) Rancho Santa Fe Road and proposed Xision Estancia - (Both locations) An additional directional sign may be considered along Carrillo Way in the Northwest area at a loca- tion as yet undetermined, the proposed golf course, proceeds in this area the need for and location of such sign shall be estab- lished. The precise corner location of the above intersec- tions shall be based upon provision of maximum public service commensurate with traffic volumes. The timing of installation of the above signs shall be coordinated with the completion of those areas or sites for which direction is to be provided and further qualified by the extent of the public to be served e The-&a-Cas+= T-=+i rm- shall work in cooperation with the City Engineer to insure maximum coordina- tion so that the provision of public and private h - As development, including c. d, pa,, 6~pcerbGov\ e. directional signs is minimized. & db ,-= - .,) 2, Identification Signs a. There shall be provided within the La Costa . community site identification signs for public parks, schools, fire stations, bookmobile stops, public transit stops, utility buildings and simi- lar public facilities. Pee, Cec po€a.+lo fi b. The B, shall work in coopera- tion with public agencies responsible for the provision of these identification signs to assure the .specific site location, size and design is compatible with the objectives of this sign plan. c. Identification signs for commercial service cen- ters, churches and similar private facilities shall conform to this sign plan and as may be further required puxsuant to applicable Cove- nants, Conditions and Restrictions, All signs in commercial neighborhoods shall be governed by Chapter 21-41 of the Carlsbad Xunicipal Code and by the approved Development Plan. d. C. Design Standards 1. The design of a11 signs shall emphasize the use of wood, indigenous rock and similar materials, colors , and lettering and be limited in overall size to be compatible with the examples shown on page VI-4. Wherever possible identification signs shall be in- tegrally designed within the neighborhood, building or other facilities it is to serve. Incorporation of signs within walls erected for noise attenuation and privacy, as part of building exteriors and entrances to parks and other recreation areas is encouraged. All signs, particularly free standing or monument wfth-. in the public right-of-way shall be at such loca- tions and of such size as may be required by the City Engineer to insure maximum traffic safety. 2. 3, 4. Temporary directional signs fox sales programs shall be governed by Chapter 21-41 of the Carlsbad Munici- pal Code, 5. All individual and combined directional and identifi- cation signs shall receive a sign permit approved by the Planning Director. VI-3 . , _-I . -+- '- 6 I. ii ! I ,I ' .I -1 I ,