HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-06; City Council; 8107; CMC 18.42 adds - Interim La Costa area traffic impact feeI .. t 1 2 3 4 5 6 ZC 11 t I( 0 l! 2( 2: 2; 2: 21 2, 21 2' 2, m ORDINANCE NO. 8107 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 18.42 ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM TRAFFIC FEE FOR SOUTH EASTERN AREA OF CARLSBAD (LA COSTA AREA). The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 18 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Chapter 18.42 to read as follows: "Chapter 18.42 INTERIM TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FOR SOUTH EASTERN AREA OF CARLSBAD (LA COSTA AREA) Sections: 18.42.01 0 18.42.020 18.42.030 18.42.040 18.42.050 18.42.060 18.42.070 18.42.080 18.42.090 18.42.100 Purpose and intent. Definitions . Prohibition on development. Requirement for permit issuance. Fee. Exemption. Use of fees. Assessment district . Advance of funds by City. Expiration of chapter. 18.42.010 Purpose and intent. This chapter imposes a fee to pay for various traffic circulation improvements within the south eastern area of the City (La Costa Area). The amount of the fee is based on a traffic engineering analysis and has been calculated to be equal to or less than the cost of the circulation improvements. The fee may be periodically adjusted by the City Council to ensure that adequate funds will be available for construction of the circulation improvements. The circulation improvements funded by this fee shall be designated by City Council resolution. The City Council may modify the designation by amendment to the resolution at any time. It is the City Council's intention to review the designation of circulation improvements and the amount of the fee on an annual basis. In reviewing the improvements and amount of the fee the City Council shall consider, among other things, any changes to the land use designations or intensity of development changes in the amount of traffic generated or anticipated, inflation, and increases in cost of materials and labor. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 IC 11 12 This chapter is necessry to ensure that adequate circulation facilities are available to serve the La Costa area of the City in a manner which is consistent with the City's general plan. Without the circulation improvements which will bl funded by this fee the circulation system of the City will be inadequate to serve any further development in the La Costa area. 18.42.020 Definitions: For the purposes of this chapter, the following words or phrases shall be construed as defined in this section. a. "Building permit" means a permit required by and issued pursuant to Chapter 18.04 of this code. "Occupancy permit means a permit required by and issued pursuant to Chapter 21.60 of this code. improvement identified by City Council resolution including but not limited to, right of way, traffic signals, overcrossings, underpasses, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, pavement, drainaqe facilities incidental to street iimprovements, necessary to provide traffic circulation consistent with the City's general plan. For the purpose of this definition street includes highway or road. chapter, any new or additional building, structure, or any land use change which increases the number of trips generated by the use of the lot or parcel. d. "Property subject to this chapter" means any lot or parcel of land in the south east area of the City (La Costa area generally located east of the western boundary of Interstate 5 t the eastern City limit and south of Poinsettia and Carrillo Road to the southern City boundary all as shown on a map designated Traffic Impact Fee Area - La Costa dated 4-22-86 and on file with the City Engineer. e. "Trip" means an arrival at or a departure from a project by any motor vehicle averaged over a one day period (12:Ol a.m. to 11:59 p.m.1 as determined according to the following table. In using this table, the square footage of the building, structure or use shall include all interior floor area of a building or structure, and all usable ground area of a use without a structure, except any designated open space area, Where the table establishes traffic generation for a project on the basis of square footage, acreage, or some other unit, the unit establishing the greatest number of trips shall be utilized When a project has more than one use the number of trips shall b calculated by adding together all the trips generated by each use. For uses not listed in the table the trips shall be calculated by the City Engineer. b. "Circulation improvements" means any street C. "Project" means on any property subject to this Land Use Estimated Weekday Vehicle TriD Generation Rate Agriculture (Open Space) 2/acre -2- .. 5/acre 30/1000 sq.ft., 60/acre (triple rates for Sunday, or days of assembly) 1 2 3 4 5 19 2o 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 I I 27 28 21 22 23 24 26 Hospitals Gener a1 Convalescent/Nursing Airports Commerci a1 General Aviation Heliports Au tom0 bile Car Wash Gasoline Repair L? Sales (Dealer) Banking Walk-in Bank Savings & Loan w/Drive-Through w/Drive-Through Cemeteries Church (or Synagogue) Commercial/Retail Centers Regional Shopping Center (More than 30 acres, more than 300,000 sq.ft., w/ usually 2+ major stores) Community Shopping Center (10-30 acres, 100,000- 300,000 sq. f t . w/ usually 1 major store and detached restaur ant Neighborhood Shopping Center (Less than 10 acres, less than 100,000 sq. f t . w/ usually grocery store & drug store) Commercial Shops (also strip commercial Grocery Store Convenience Market D i sc o un t Furniture Store Lumber/Hardware Store E duc at io n University (4 years) 3unior College (2 years) High School Elementary/ 3un ior High 12/acre, 100/flight 4/acre, 2/flight, 6/based 100/ acr e aircraft 600/site 750/station, 130/pump 60/1000 sq.ft., 4OO/acre, 60/service stall I 70/1000 sq.ft. ,700/acre 40/1000 sq.ft. ,4OO/acre I 150/1000 sq.ft. ,1500/acre 500/1000 sq.ft, 40/1000 sq.ft. 6/1000 sq.ft.,lOO/acre 30/1000 sq.ft, ,300/acre 2.5/student, 100/acre 1.5/student,80/acre 1.5/ student, 50/ acre l,O/student ,30/acre 3 21 I1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ Industrial Commercial Included/Business Park No Commercial Manufacturing Warehousing Storage Science Research & Development Library Lodging Hotel (w/convention facilities/ commercial) Motel Resort Hotel Military Offices Standard Commercial Office (less than 100,000 sq.ft.1 Large (high-rise) Commercial Office (more than 100,000 sq.ft.1 Government (Civic Center) Medical Parks City (developed) Regional (undeveloped) Neighborhood Amusement (Theme) Recreation Beach, Ocean or Bay Beach, Lake (fresh water) Bowling Center Campground Golf Course Marinas Racquetball/Health Club Tennis Courts Sports Facilities Outdoor Stadium Indoor Arena Racetrack Theaters (multiplex) 16/1000 sq.ft.,200/acre 10/1000 sq.ft.,l20/acre 4/1000 sq.ft.,40/acre 6/1000 sq.ft,60/acre 3/1000 sq.ft,0.3/vault, 8/1000 sq.ft.,BO/acre 50/acre 40/1000 sq.ft.,400/acre 10/room,300/acre 10/room,200/acre IO/room,lOO/acre 2.5/military & civilian personnel 17/1000 sq.ft.,600/acre 30/1000 sq.ft. 90/1000 sq.ft.,800/acre 50/acre (double rates 5/acre for weekend) 5Jacre 80/acre,130/acre (summer only) 600/1000 ft.shoreline,60/acre 50/1000 ft.shoreline,5/acre 30/lane b/campsite 8/acre,400/course 4/berth 40/1000 sq.ft.,300/acre, 30/court 40lcourt 50/ acre, O.Z/seat 3O/acre,O.l/seat 40/acre,0.6/seat 80/1000 sq.ft.,l.8/seat -4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2t 2t 27 2E 0 Resident i a1 Single Family Detached (average 4 DU/acre) Condominium (or any multifamily units less than 30 DU/acre) (or any multifamily units more than 30/DU/acre) Apartments Mobile Home Retirement Commun i ty Rural Estate Resatur an t s Quality Sit down, high turnover Fast Food (w/drive-through) Transport at ion Facilities Bus Depot lO/dwelling unit 8/dwelling unit 6/dwelling unit 5/dwelling unit 5/dwelling unit 15/dwelling unit 100/1000 sq.ft. 300/1000 sq.ft. 600/1000 sq.ft. 25/1000 sq.ft. Truck Terminal 10/1000 sq.ft. 60,acre 18.42.030 Prohibition on development. For any propert subject to this chapter, notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, no building permit or occupancy permit for any project shall be issued and no person shall build, use or occupy any project, without first paying the fee established by, or otherwise complying with, this chapter. 18.42.040 Requirement for permit issuance. Prior to the issuance of a building permit or occupancy permit for a project the project owner or developer shall: regarding the size, siting, types of uses and trips to be generated by the project. this code. a. Provide the City Engineer with detailed information b. Pay the fee established by Section 18.42.050 of 18.42.050 Fee. A traffic impact fee of $67.00 for eac average daily trip generated by a residential project and a traffic impact fee of $27.00 for each average daily trip generated by any project other than residential as determined pursuant to Section 18.42.020(e), shall be paid by the owner or developer prior to the issuance of any building permit or occupancy permit for a project. The City Council may adjust the fee by ordinance from time to time. In lieu or payment of all or part of the fee the projec owner or developer may offer to construct or fund circulation improvements to the satisfaction of the City Council, other thar circulation improvements required by any other law, approval or City action. If such offer is accepted by the City Council, an) amount expended by the project owner or developer shall be credited against the fee. If the offer is rejected the fee shal -5 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E I; 1c 11 If 15 1l 0 l! 2( 2: 2; 2: 28 2, 21 2' 2 be paid. The offer shall be made at the time of consideration o any discretionary planning or subdivision permit or approval, or if no such permit or approval is required then before building permit application is filed. 18.42.060 Exemption. Projects by public agencies or entities shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter. 18.42.070 Use of fe-es. All of the fees collected shall be allocated to a circulation improvement account and shall be expended only to build or finance circulation improvements in the south east area of the City. 18.42.080 Assessment district. If an assessment district or special taxing district is established for all or an part of the area subject to this chapter to fund circulation improvements which are or will be funded in whole or in part by the fee established by this chapter, the owner or developer of a project may apply to the City Council for a credit against the fee in an amount equal to the assessments or taxes paid. 18.42.090 Advance of funds by City. The City may advance money from any available source or fund for the construction of improvements which would otherwise be paid for from the fees collected pursuant to this chapter and reimburse itself from future fees. 18.42.100 Expiration of chapte-r. This chapter shall t of no further force and effect when the City Council determines the amount of fees which have been collected reaches an amount equal to the cost of the circulation improvements. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published 2 least once in the Carlsbad 3ournal within fifteen days after it5 adopt ion. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 22nd day of April 1986 and thereafter -6- PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 6th day of May 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettinr NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST : ULL ALEWL. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cl$jrk -7- 18