HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-20; City Council; NS-165; CMC 18.12 adopt by ref - National Electrical Code (1990 edition)..... .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 i 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a ORDINANCE NO. NS-165 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARL: CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER . 18.1 2 TO ADOP REFERENCE THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (1990 EDITION). The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as follows: SECTION 1 : That Title 18, Chapter 18.12 of the Carlsbad Municipal C amended by the amendment of Section 18.1 2.010 to read as follows: 18.12.01 0 AdoDted. The National Electrical Code (I 990 Edition), copyrl by the National Fire Protection Association is hereby adopted by reference 2 electrical code of the City except for the changes, additions and amendments I the in this chapter which shall supersede the provisions of said code. SECTION 2: That Title 18, Chapter 18.1 2 of the Carlsbad Municipal Cl amended by the amendments of Sections 18.1 2.220 through 18.1 2.270, e Sections18.12.246, 18.12.250, 18.12.251, 18.12.255, 18.12.260, 18.12.26 18.12.270, to read as follows: ll MODIFICATIONS 18.12.220 Amended Cost of Permit 18.1 2.245 Article 250-81 (c) amended Grounding Electrode Syste 18.1 2.220 Cost of Permit amended. Every applicant for a permit shall p each permit issued at the time of issuance a fee in accordance with the follc schedule, and at the rate provided for each classification shown in this schedL Any person who commences any work for which a permit is required b. code without first having obtained a permit therefore shall, if subsequently pern to obtain a permit, pay double the permit fee fixed by this section for such ’ provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to emergency work when been proven to the satisfaction of the administrative authority that such work urgently necessary and tht it was not practical to obtain a permit therefore befol commencement of the work. In all such cases, a permit must be obtained as so it is practical to do so, and if there is an unreasonable delay in obtaining such PC a double fee as provided in this section shall be charged. ' " *. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 0 Schedule of Fees Issuance fee New construction for each ampere of main service, switch, fuse or breaker per ampere single-phase per ampere three-phase per ampere 480 three-phase Service upgrade on existing building. For each ampere of increase in main service, switch, fuse or breaker per ampere single-phase per ampere three-phase per ampere 480 three-phase Remodel, alteration, no change in service per ampere or minimum Temporary service up to and including 200 amperes Temporary service over 200 amperes $1 0.00 plus $1 0.00 per each 100 amperes over 200 Test meter Minimum permit fee Note: Amperes rate shall apply to the secondary side of the transformer or transformers. $10.00 .25 .50 1 .oo .25 .50 1 .oo .25 5 .OO 10.00 10.00 plus 25.00 10.00 18.1 2.245 Article 250-81 (c) Concrete Encased Electrode amended. The primary grounding method shall be that which is referred to as the Ground" consisting of 20 feet or more of Copper Conductor #4 (minimum) or sized from N.E.C. Table 250-94, "Grounding Electrode Conductor for AC Systc The copper conductor shall be placed three inches up from the bottom and a t 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 0 inch clearance from the sides of the concrete footing and supported by a Rein Bar #4 or larger completely encased in concrete. When below ground the grounding conductor shall be encased in concrete or in rigid nonmetallic condl six inches inside the concrete footing to the service equipment. The copper electrode conductor shall be continuous and unbroken termination at the service connection. For sinale-familv residential use onlv. IUD to and includina 200 amt, servic concrete encased electrode (rebar) may be used subject to the following require 1. The #4 Rebar, 1/2" diameter, or larger, to which the grounding elt conductor is connected must be a minimum of 20 feet long, unbroken. 2. The total developed length of rebar placed three inches up from the of the foundation must be no less than 20 feet. Where splices are neces obtain the required 20 feet, they must be made so that the two bars overlal less than 15 inches and are secured by at least two steel tie wires. The splic occur at the opposite end from the extended location. 3. The rebar may only extend out of the slab in a dry location. 4. The rebar must extend out of the slab at least six inches and not ma 18 inches, and the point of connection of the grounding electrode connector n accessible. Aluminum or copper-clad aluminum electrode conductor shall not be I concrete, outside or in any other corrosive environment. SECTION 3: That Title 18, Chapter 18.1 2 of the Carlsbad Municipal ( amended by adding Sections 18.1 2.247 and 18.12.252 to read as follows: Ill ADDITIONS 18.1 2.247 Article 250-91 (b) Amended Types of Equipment Grc 18.12.252 Article 334-23 Amended Grounding Conductors 18.1 2.247 Article 250-91 (b) Amended TvDes of EauiDment Gro Conductors. The equipment grounding conductor run with, or enclosing the conductors shall be one or more, or a combination of the following: .... 3. '. II 0 0 .. II 1. A copper or other corrosion resistant conductor. This conductor s ' 2 solid or stranded, insulated, covered or bare, and in the form of a wire or a bu: any shape. 3 3. Intermediate metal conduit. 4 2. Rigid metal conduit. 5 6 7 4. Electrical metallic conduit. 5. Cable trays as permitted in Section 318-3(c) and 318-7. 8 6. Cable bus framework as permitted in Section 365-2(a). 9 All flexible metal conduits, Type AC cables, Type MC cables, mineral in metal sheathed cables, and non-metallic conduit systems shall have equipment 10: conductors run with the circuit conductors. 11 Exception No. 1: Flexible metal conduit and flexible metallic tubing : 12 permitted for grounding if all the following conditions are met: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I a. The length in any ground return path does not exceed 6 feet (1.83 b. The circuit conductors contained therein are protected by over c. The conduit or tubing is terminated in fittings listed for grounding. Exception No. 2: Liquidtight flexible metal conduit shall be permittf grounding means in the 1 1/4 inch and smaller trade sizes if the total length ground return path is 6 feet (1.82 m) or less, the conduit is terminated in fittinc for grounding, and the circuit conductors contained there in are protec overcurrent devices rated at 20 amperes or less for 3/8-inch and 1/2-inch trac and 60 amperes or less for 3/4-inch through 1 1/4-inch trade sizes. devices rated at 20 amperes or less. 20 21 22 23 24 Exception No. 3: For direct-current circuits only, the equipment grc conductor shall be permitted to be run separately from the circuit conductor' 18.1 2.252 Article 334-23 Amended Grounding. Type MC cable shall an equipment grounding conductor run with the circuit conductors. .... 25 26 27 .... .... 4. 2-23 I1 II vi II 0 e c I1 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective sixty days ai 2 3 adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days a 4 5 adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsba 6 7 Council held on the 23rd day of July , 1991 and the 8 9 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said Council held on tl 20th day of August , 1991, by the following vote to wit: 10 AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nyg: 11 12 13 14 15 16 NOES: None ABSENT: None 17 18 ATTEST: 19 // I fl- 20 (SEAL) 21 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk \ 22 23 24 I 25 ! 26 27 5. 28