HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-24; City Council; NS-409; CMC 21 add/amends - Small/large family/child day care homes/centers..... ri II (I 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. NS-409 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 21.83 AND AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 21 TO REGULATE SMALL AND LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE HOMES AND CHILD DAY CARE CENTERS. CASE NAME: CHILD CARE ORDINANCE CASE NO. : ZCA 93-01LCPA 97-03 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby o follows: SECTION I: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal amended by amendments to Sections 21.04.086, 21.04.140, 21.04.146 and 21.04.147 additions of new Sections 21.04.108, and 21.04.149 to read as follows: “21.04.086 Child Day Care Center. “Child Day Care Center” means a facility, other than a family daycare horn provides non-medical care, protection and supervision for children under 18 years of periods of less than 24 hours per day. “ Child Day Care Center” includes preschools, schools, employer-sponsored day care facilities and before and after-school rec programs, but does not include public or private elementary schools.” 21.04.108 Director. “Director means the Director of Planning.” 21.04.140 Educational Institution or School. “Educational Institution or School means an institution of learning for minors, public or private, which offers instruction in those courses of study required by the C Education Code or which is maintained pursuant to standards set by the State I Education. This definition includes a nursery school, kindergarten, elementary schoc high school, senior high school or any special institution of higher education, inc community or junior college, college, or university.” 2 1.04.146 Family Day Care Home. “Family Day Care Home means a detached single family dwelling which provides non-medical care, protection, and supervision of 14 or fewer children, in the p own home, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, while the parents or guardians s The actual number of children permitted in a Family Day Care Home is based composition as determined by the State of California, Department of Social Services. Day Care Homes include Large or Small Family Day Care Homes.” 21.04.147 Family Day Care Home, Large. “Large Family Day Care Home” means a detached, single family dwelling whick provides family day care for 7 to 14 children, inclusive, including children under the age 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 years who reside at the home as defined by Section 1596.78 of the California Health and Code and permitted by the licensing agency. 21.04.148 Family Day Care Home, Small. “Small Family Day Care Home” means a detached, single family dwellin; provides family day care for eight or fewer children, including children under the age of who reside at the home as defined in Section 1596.78 of the California Health and Safc and permitted by the licensing agency. 21.04.149 Employer-sponsored Child Day Care Center. “Employer-sponsored Child Day Care Center” means any Child Day Care Cent employer’s site of business and operated directly or through a provider contract by any F entity having one or more employees, and available exclusively for the care of that emplc of the officers, managers, and employees of the employer. SECTION 11: That Title 21, Chapter 21.07, Section 21.07.020 of the 1 Municipal Code is amended by the additions of Subsections 21.07.020(15) and (16) tc follows: 21.07.020 Permitted uses and structures. (15) Small Family Day Care Homes; (16) Large Family Day Care Homes, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.8: SECTION 111: That Title 21 , Chapter 21.08 of the Carlsbad Municipal amended by the additions of Subsections 21 .OK01 0 (1 1) and (12) to read as follows: “21 .08.010 Permitted uses. (1 1) Small Family Day Care Homes; (12) Large Family Day Care Homes, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.8: SECTION IV: That Title 21, Chapter 21.09 of the Carlsbad Municipal amended by the addition of Subsections 21.09.020(8) and (9) to read as follows: “21.09.020 Permitted uses. (8) Small Family Day Care Homes; (9) Large Family Day Care Homes, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.8: SECTION V: That Title 21, Chapter 21.10, of the Carlsbad Municipal amended by the amendments of Subsections 21.1 0.01 0 (1 1) and (12) to read as follows: “21.10.010 Permitted uses. (1 1) Small Family Day Care Homes; -2- I. ., 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (12) Large Family Day Care Homes, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.83 SECTION VI: That Title 2 1, Chapter 21.16, of the Carlsbad Municipal amended by the addition of Subsections 21.16.010(9) and (10) and Section 21.16.01 8 tc follows: “2 1.16.0 10 Permitted uses. (9) Small Family Day Care Homes; (10) Large Family Day Care Homes, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.83 “21.16.0 18 Child Day Care Centers by administrative permit. Child Day Care Centers may be permitted by administrative permit, subjec provisions of Chapter 21.83. SECTION VII: That Title 2 1, Chapter 2 1.18 of the Carlsbad Municipal amended by the addition of Section 21.18.043 to read as follows: “21.18.043 Child Day Care Centers permitted by administrative permit. A. Child Day Care Centers may be permitted by administrative permit, subje provisions of Chapter 2 1.83. SECTION VIII: That Title 21, Chapter 21.20, Section 21.20.010 of the ( Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Subsections 21.18.020(6) and (7) to follows: “2 1.20.0 1 0 Permitted uses and structures. (6) Small Family Day Care Homes; (7) Large Family Day Care Homes, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.8: SECTION IX: That Title 21, Chapter 21.21, Section 21.2 1.040 of the Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Subsection 21.21.040(3) to read as follow (3) Child Day Care Centers, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.83. SECTION X: That Title 21, Chapter 21.22, Section 21.22.010 of the Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Subsection 21.22.010(6) and (7) to follows: I -3- I .I !I 0 0 “21.22.010 Permitted uses. (6) Small Family Day Care Homes; (7) Large Family Day Care Homes, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.83 SECTION XI: That Title 21, Chapter 21.24, of the Carlsbad Municipal amended by the repeal of Subsection 21.24.020(5)and the addition of Subsections 21.21 and (8) and 21.24.027 to read as follows: “21.24.01 0 Permitted uses. (7) Small Family Day Care Homes; (8) Large Family Day Care Homes, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.83 “2 1.24.027 Child Day Care Centers by administrative permit. A. Child Day Care Centers may be permitted by administrative permit, subje provisions of Chapter 21.83.” SECTION XII: That Title 21, Chapter 21.26, Section 21.26.01( Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Subsection 21.26.010(31) to follows: “21.26.010 Permitted uses. (3 1) Child Day Care Centers, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.83.” SECTION XIII: That Title 21, Chapter 21.27 of the Carlsbad Municipal amended by the addition of Section 21.27.021 to read as follows: “2 1.27.02 1 Child Day Care Centers by administrative permit. Child Day Care Centers may be permitted by administrative permit, subjc provisions of Chapter 2 1 33”. SECTION XIV: That Title 21, Chapter 21.27, of the Carlsbad Municipa. amended by the addition of Section 21.27.021 and the amendment of Section 21.27.041 as follows: “21.27.021 Child Day Care Centers by administrative permit. Child Day Care Centers may be permitted by administrative permit, subjec provisions of Chapter 21.83. Application for administrative permit shall demonstrate si compatibility with surrounding development.” -4- e e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 “21.27.040 Site Development plan required. Approval of a site development plan processed according to the provisions of 21.06 shall be required for any development in the 0 zone except Child Day Care Centers SECTION XV: That Title 21, Chapter 21.30., is amended by the add Section 21.30.01 1 to read as follows: “21.30.01 1 Uses and structures permitted by conditional use permit. Child Day Care Centers are permitted by conditional use permit, subject to the prl of Chapter 21.50 and 21.83. SECTION XVI: That Title 21, Chapter 21.32, of the Carlsbad Municipal amended by the amendment of Subsection 21.32.010(1) to read as follows: “21.32.010 Permitted uses and structures. (1) Any use permitted in the C-M zone, except Child Day Care Centers, exce dwelling conforming to the yard requirements of the R-3 zone shall be permitted on the on which a factory is located, and which dwelling is used exclusively by a care superintendent of such factory and his family.” SECTION XVII: That Title 21, Chapter 21.34, Section 21.34.03C Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Subsections 21.34.030(4) tc follows: “21.34.030 Conditional uses. (4) Child Day Care Centers, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.83.” SECTION XVIII: That Title 21, Chapter 21.37, Section 21.37.02( Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Subsection 21.37.020(7) and (8 as follows: “(7) Small Family Day Care Homes; (8) Large Family Day Care Homes, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.8: SECTION XIX: That Title 21, Chapter 21.38, of the Carlsbad Municipa amended by the amendment of Section 21.38.020 to read as follows: 21.38.020 Permitted uses and structures. “In the P-C, planned community zone, the permitted uses and structures -5- .I /I e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 established by a master plan of development approved in accordance with this Chapte may include any use found to be necessary and desirable for a community planned in acc with the purposes of this Chapter, provided that such permitted uses and structures consistent with the general plan and applicable specific plans. Any such master plm includes a residential component shall include graphic plans and text to reserve a site w: master plan area for a Child Day Care Center of reasonable size for a period of five ye: the date of issuance of the first building permit. Prior to approval of a master plan, the 1 may be used as permitted by Chapter 21.07 for the E-A exclusive agriculture zone approval of a master pan, such agricultural uses may be continued if the master provides.” SECTION XX: That Title 21, Chapter 21.44, Section 21.44.05C Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Subsection 21.44.050(a)(4)(E) tc follows: 21.44.050 General requirements. (E) Up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this Chapter for I may be jointly utilized by an on-site, accessory, Child Day Care Center provided the substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the church and Child Day Care C~I SECTION XXI: That Title 21 is amended by the addition of Chap1 to read as follows: Chapter 21.83 CHILD CARE Sections: 21.83.010 21.83.020 21.83.030 21.83.040 21.83.050 21.83.060 21.83.070 21.83.080 Purpose Definitions Exclusions Use Chart Requirements for Large Family Day Care Homes Child Day Care Centers Child Day Care Centers by Administrative Permit Development Standards for Child Day Care Centers 21.83.010 Purpose The purposes of the Child Care Development Regulations are to: A. Recognize that affordable, quality, licensed child care is critical to both B. Provide a comprehensive set of guidelines to ensure a safe child care env C. Ensure that the needs of children for adequate care are balanced with the being of children and parents as well as the economic vitality of the City; and to maintain compatibility between child care facilities and surrounding land uses; property owners; I -6- L. 0 0 D. Facilitate the establishment of child care facilities as a permitted use E. Enhance provider awareness of City requirements; F. Authorize Child Day Care Centers in P-M and C-M Zones as cond: permitted uses and subject to specified standards; and, G. Implement State law with regard to the provision of child care facilities. r! in Health and Safety Code, Section 1597.40: “Family Day Care Homes must be sit normal residential surroundings so as to give children the home environment which is cc to healthy and safe development. It is the public policy of this State to provide child Family Day Care Home the same home environment as provided in a traditional home It is the policy of the State that Small and Large Family Day Care Homes do not con change of occupancy of residentially zoned and occupied properties for purposes ordinances as well as local building and fire codes. Traffic and noise generated by C1 Care Homes are considered to be of normal residential levels which may be reasonably r but not used as a basis for permit denial. Conditions, covenants and restrictions (( restricting or prohibiting Child Care Homes in residential neighborhoods were voided b: and Safety Code Section 1597.40(c). Judgments on the quality of child care responsibility of parents, the provider, and the licensing agency. certain zones; 21 33.020 Definitions For the purposes of this chapter, the terms used herein relating to the provision care services are defined as follows: potential to pose a hazard to public health and the environment in the event of accidental These substances are identified in California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.95. Materials which, if accidentally released into the environment, are likely to cause acul effects resulting in significant injury to or death of humans. provided care and supervision in a child care facility; which provides non-medical care, protection, and supervision for children under 18 yea; for periods of less than 24 hours per day. Child Day Care Centers include preschools, schools, Employer-Sponsored Child Day Care Facilities, and before and after-school rec programs, but do not include public or private elementary schools. at the employer’s site of business and operated directly or through a provider contrac person or entity having one or more employees, and available exclusively for the car employer, and of the officers, managers, and employees of the employer. provides non-medical care, protection, and supervision of 14 or fewer children, in the I: own home, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, while the parents or guardians a The actual number of children permitted in a Family Day Care Home is based composition as determined by the permitting agency. Family Day Care Homes include the following: dwelling which provides family day care for 7 to 14 children, inclusive, including child1 A. “Acutely Hazardous Materials” means substances which have the B. “Threshold Planning Quantities” means the amount of specific Acutely Hi C. “Child or Children” means a person or persons, under 18 years of a1 D. “Child Day Care Center” means a facility other than a Family Day Ca E. “Employer-sponsored Child Day Care Center” means any Child Day Car F. “Family Day Care Home” means a single family dwelling which I. “Large Family Day Care Home”, means a detached, sing11 -7- I .. 0 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ll -8- .. e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 II HO I X I X I P(3 I1 I I I 11 c-1, c-2 I X I X I P(3 II I 1 I II PM, CM I X I X I C II I I I // M, PU, OS, LC, TC, e% X X X 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 IL , VR,PC (4) (4) (4) 1------ Permitted only when the Large Family Day Care Home is located on a lot occupied by a detach family dwelling on a lot of 7,500 square feet or more by ministerial approval without a public hc subject to the provisions of Section 21.83.050 of this Chapter. 2------ Permitted subject to the provisions of Sections 21 33.070 and 21 33.080 of this Chapter. 3------ Permitted subject to the provisions of Section 21.83.080 of this Chapter and the requiremer controlling document (eg, Site Development Plan). 4------ Permitted subject to the standards of the controlling document (Village Redevelopment Master Design Guidelines or designated Master Plan) and the provisions of Section 21.83.080 of this Chi 21.83.050 Requirements for Large Family Day Care Homes All Large Family Day Care Homes shall comply with the following development require A. The applicant shall obtain all licenses and permits required by State operation of the facility and shall keep all State licenses or permits valid and current. B. Applicants who reside on rented or leased property shall provide proof 0’ notice to the landlord or owner of the property that they intend to operate a Family C Home on the rented or leased premises in accord with Section 1597.40 of the Californi and Safety Code. C. The facility shall comply with all zoning standards otherwise applicable single family residences, however, the use of a detached, single family dwelling for the 1 of this section shall not constitute a change of occupancy for purposes of Title 18 of this 1 D. The facility shall comply with all standards relating to fire and lif applicable to single family residences established by the State Fire Marshal contained in of the California Code of Regulations as amended from time to time. E. The subject site shall not be located closer than 1,200 lineal feet from a Large Family Day Care Home on the same street. In addition, Large Family Day Carc shall not be located on either the “bulb” of a cul-de-sac street or on a panhandle lot. F. An outdoor play area which satisfies the requirements of the State of Ci Community Care Licensing Division shall be provided in the rear yard and shall be enclc natural barrier, wall, solid fence, or other solid structure a minimum of five feet in heil provider shall ensure that outdoor play times do not begin until after 9:OO a.m. and er 5:OO p.m. The provider shall stagger the number of children playing outdoors at any on reduce noise impacts on surrounding residences. G. All outdoor play areas shall be adequately separated from vehicular ci and parking areas by a strong fence such as chain link, wood or masonry. -9- .. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 H. Required garages shall be prohibited for use as a Family Day Care Hc shall be utilized for parking two of the applicant’s onsite vehicles during the daily ope1 the day care home rather than parking the vehicles on the street or in the driveway. up area for children and shall notify parents of this requirement. Said driveway shall ren and clear of parked cars. inconvenience nearby residents. To disrupt the neighborhood as little as possible, bes shall be made by the applicant to require employees to park as close as possible to the Day Care Home. K. Large Family Day Care Home Providers shall make written applicatio Director and shall include all materials deemed necessary by the Director to show requirements of this section are met. The Director shall grant the permit without a hearj the requirements of this section are satisfied. The decision of the Director shall be mad 15 working days of the receipt of a complete application and provided to the applicant in The decision of the Director may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 10 days of the date of the written decision of the Director. The appellant shall pay the co appeal. Any appeal shall be filed in accordance to the procedures set forth in Sec 54.140; the appellant shall pay the fee applicable to single family dwellings. I. The applicant shall designate the onsite driveway as the official drop-off a J. The applicant shall require that employees park in locations which 21.83.060 Child Day Care Centers A. Child Day Care Centers are permitted in accordance with Section 2 1. In the PM and CM zones, with a conditional use permit in accorda (a) The applicant shall conduct an evaluation of the health ar - risks associated with the proposed Child Day Care Center. The evaluation shall include of all businesses within 1,000 feet of the proposed Child Day Care Center to determine tl and quantity of hazardous materials in use nearby. If the conditional use permit is thereafter, the Provider shall conduct similar annual evaluations and disclose results to Chief and Planning Director. The evaluations must demonstrate to the satisfaction of Chief and Planning Director that the occurrence of the following within 1,000 feet of t Care Center presents no significant health or safety risks to the occupants: (1) Use or storage of Acutely Hazardous Materials in above the threshold planning quantities (TPQs); (2) Use or storage of more than 10,000 gallons of fli liquids; or (3) Use or storage of more than 1,500 pounds of fli compressed gas. (b) Prior to enrollment of the child in the Child Day Care Cc Provider shall, in writing, inform the child’s parents that their child(ren) may be subject and safety risks due to the presence, use and discharge of hazardous materials (including Hazardous Materials above the TPQs) in the area. Parents shall also be informed Provider may be required to retain custody of their children for extended time periods c emergency. (c) Prior to occupancy, the Provider shall prepare and obtain by the Fire Chief of an emergency operating plan which prescribes procedures to be subject to the following limitations: Section 21.83.080 and subject to the following provisions: -10- *. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 during the existence of the Child Day Care Center which ensure the following: (1) That children can be evacuated from the buildinl five minutes and relocated to a predetermined refuge area(s) within 10 minutes of er notification; and (2) Quarterly exercise of the plan. (d) The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the discontinue operation of the Child Day Care Center immediately upon the discover: existence of hazardous materials as described in Section 21.83.060Al(a) above wh materials are found by the Fire Chief and Planning Director to present a health and safet children attending the Child Day Care Center. The applicant shall have 90 days to mit the satisfaction of the Fire Chief, the impacts created by the use of said hazardous mat' impacts are not mitigated within 90 days, the conditional use permit for the Child D Center shall become null and void. The applicant shall agree to indemnify and hold thc Carlsbad and its officers, employees, and agents free and harmless from any claims, damages, costs, or expenses arising fi-om exposure of children to hazardous substances a: of the presence of the former in or near the Child Day Care Center. The Fire Chief or 1 Director are hereby authorized to enter into the agreement on behalf of the City. application which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Planning Director and the Fi that the Child Day Care Center could be converted to a use permitted within the ZOI conditional use as a Child Day Care Center is discontinued. (f) Upon acceptance of a complete application and paymer required fees, the Planning Director shall process the application in accordance with 21.52 except that notices shall be given to all property owners within 1,000 feet of thc property. 2. As a permitted use on developed church or school sites, e: industrial zones, and subject to the provisions of Section 21.83.090 below. 3. In the R-3, RD-My RP and 0 zones, with an administrative permil to the provisions of Sections 21.83.070 and 21.83.080. 4. In the HO, C-1 and C-2 zones, as a permitted use subject to the PI of Section 21.83.080. Child Day Care Centers may be approved by administrative permit in zones specified 1 in Section 21.83.040 of this Chapter. The owner of the subject property shall makt application to the Director. Such application shall include all materials deemed necessa Director to show that the requirements of Section 21.83.080 are met. If the site is in thc Zone, the application shall also constitute an application for a Coastal Development Pern A. The Director shall give written notice to all property owners within 300 fi subject property of pending development decision after the application is complete, fifteen working days prior to the decision on the application as follows: 1. Contents. The notice shall include all requirements of Section 2 of this code, including a notice of a public comment period of at least 15 working days : to receive and consider comments submitted by mail prior to the date established decision. The notice shall also include a statement that a public hearing shall be held up' (e) The applicant shall submit a conversion plan at the 21.83.070 Child Day Care Centers by Administrative Permit ... -1 1- -. $ e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 request by any person and a statement that failure by a person to request a public hear result in the loss of that person’s ability to appeal approval of the administrative perm; Director to the Planning Commission. B. The Director may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the pem Director may waive a public hearing on an administrative permit if notice has been pro accordance with subsection (A)(l) of this section and a request for a public hearing has received by the city within 15 working days from the date of sending the notice. If a re( a public hearing is received, a public hearing before the Director shall be held in t manner as a Planning Commission hearing. In either event, the Director’s decision based upon the requirements of, and shall include, specific factual findings supporting the project is or is not in conformity with the requirements of Section 21.83.080. The Director’s decision shall be made in writing. The date of the decision the date the writing containing the decision or determination is mailed or otherwise deli the person or persons affected by the decision. If the matter includes a Coastal Dew Permit, unless the decision is appealed to the Planning Commission, the Director shall I: notice of final action in accordance with Sections 21.201.160 and 21.201.170 of this addition to the Director’s written decision. C. The Director’s decision shall be final unless the decision is appeale interested person to the Planning Commission. The written appeal shall specifically reason or reasons for the appeal and the manner in which the decision of the Director is The decision of the Director shall be affirmed by the Planning Commission unless the 2 shows by a preponderance of evidence that the decision of the Director is in error, incc with State law, the general plan, this zoning ordinance or any policy of the city. The app be filed in writing with the secretary of the Planning Commission within 10 calendar d the date of the Director’s decision. The decision by the Planning Commission on appes Director’s decision shall be final. If the matter includes a Coastal Development Pel Director shall give notice of final action on the appeal in accordance with Sections 21 and 21.201.170. 21.83.080 Development Standards for Child Day Care Centers All Child Day Care Centers shall comply with the following development standards: A. The applicant has or will obtain all licenses and permits required by Statc operation of the facility. The applicant shall keep all State licenses or permits valid and ( B. The center shall meet all zoning standards otherwise applicable to the pro: C. Indoor and outdoor play areas which satisfy the requirements of the C San Diego Daycare Licensing Agency shall be provided. The outdoor play area shall be to the center and accessible through the center itself. The outdoor play area shall be enclc natural barrier, wall, or fence a minimum of five feet in height. If located adj residentially-zoned property, the separating barrier, wall, or fence shall be of solid con: Said outdoor play area shall not be allowed in any required front, side or rear yard setb shall be located and designed so as to reduce noise impacts on adjacent properties. D. The outdoor play space shall be viewable directly from the interior of the by having windows at strategic points so that the yard area can be seen from the insil child care center. E. Each Child Day Care Center shall have a direct source of natural light wl be located so as to maximize the ability for children to see out of windows. ~ -12- *. 8 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 F. Notwithstanding Chapter 2 1.44, parking shall be provided at one spacek plus one space for each 10 children, minimum. Such parking shall not be located in any front yard setback. An adequate on-site loadinghnloading area shall be provided whicl easily accessed from the Child Day Care Center without crossing any driveways or strec area may be counted towards the required parking. Clearly designated pedestrian walkw be provided. 1. Up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by Chapter 21 church may be jointly utilized by an on-site, incidental, Child Day Care Center providec no substantial conflict in the principle operating hours of the buildings or uses for which use of off-street parking facilities is proposed. G. Signs shall be permitted in accordance with the underlying zone as pra Chapter 2 1.4 1. H. Any additional conditions regarding safety and access deemed nece desirable by the City Engineer, Planning Director, or Principal Building Inspector. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbac fifteen days after its adoption. (Notwithstanding the proceeding, this ordinance shal effective within the City’s Coastal Zone until approved by the California Coastal Commi INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsl Council held on the 17th day of June , 1997 and thereafter. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I ~ -13- - .. 0 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Carlsbad on the 24th day of June 1997, by the following vote, to wi AYES: Council Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin, a: NOES: None -14-