HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-27; City Council; NS-460; Poinsettia properties SP suggested mods...ORDINANCE NO. NS-460 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN BY THE AMENDMENT OF VARIOUS SECTIONS, INCORPORATING THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION’S SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS. CASE NAME: POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS CASE NO.: SP 21 O(A) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has reviewed and considered a Specific Plan Amendment to provide consistency between the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and Local Coastal Program; and WHEREAS, -the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan and accompanying Local Program Amendment was adopted by City Council Ordinance No. NS-441 on January 27, 1998, and constitutes the land use and zoning for the subject property; WHEREAS, on June 9, 1998, the California Coastal Commission approved said Specific Plan and Local Coastal Program Amendment with suggested modifications; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad acknowledges receipt of California Coastal Commission’s resolution of certification including suggested modifications for the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan as set forth in this resolution; and WHEREAS, acceptance of the California Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications, as set forth in this ordinance, is necessary to comply with the California Coastal Act and California Administrative Code; WHEREAS, the City Council did on the 20th day of October, 1998, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, said application constitutes a request for a Specific Plan Amendment as shown on Exhibit X, dated September 16, 1998, attached hereto and made a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 /I part hereof, 26 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony 27 and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said City Council considered all 28 factors relating to the Specific Plan Amendment; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 follows: NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad does ordain as SECTION I: That Specific Plan 21 O(A) dated June 9, 1998 and revised September 16, 1998, on file in the Planning Department, and incorporated by reference herein, is approved. The Specific Plan shall constitute the site plan and building design for this property and all development of the property shall conform to the plan. SECTION II: That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 4381 shall also constitute the findings and conditions of the City Council. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in a publication of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 20th day of October 1998, and thereafter. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of October 1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cotin& Metibers Lewis, Nygaardj Kulchin and Hall NOES: None 20 21 22 23 Member Finnila 24 25 26 27. 28 ATTEST: . ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) n -L- Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan Per Suggested Modifications Approved by the California Coastal Commission on June 9,1998 F. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY This specific plan has been prepared according to California State Government Code Section 65450, et. seq., which permits local jurisdictions to prepare specific plans for the systematic implementation of the general plan for the local agency. This plan addresses all required items as indicated in Government Code Section 6545 1 for the preparation of specific plans, such as land uses, public facilities, development standards and implementation measures. Additional issues pertaining to this region and community, such as neighborhood units, compatibility, and community pride, are also addressed, as provided for in Government Code Section 65452. The development standards set forth in this document go one step further, and constitute the applicable zoning regulations for the specific plan area, and are adopted in ordinance form in order to supersede the otherwise applicable zoning regulations. The Poinsettia ProDerties SDecific Plan as adoDted bv the Citv of Carlsbad and certified bv the California Coastal Commission is aDDroved as both a land use and imDlementation element of the Citv’s LCP. The Soecific Plan will establish land use, zoninp and develoDment standards aDDlicable to the Droiect as a whole with consideration to individual Dlanning: areas. defininp the Dermissible tvDe and intensitv of development. 2. ENTITLEMENTS The specific plan sets standards for development; however, it does not provide a guarantee of approval for future discretionary projects within its boundaries. Specific development plans shall be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the specific plan as well as with municipal ordinances and policies in force at the time said plans are before the Planning Commission and/or the City Council for approval. Unless specifically addressed, the specific plan requires conformance with all otherwise applicable City development standards and requirements. Where a conflict in development standards occurs, the more restrictive standard shall take precedence. Development within the specific plan shall be subject to all present and future Growth Management plans, policies or ordinances adopted by the City Council or by citizen vote including but not limited to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Growth Management). 3. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 10 July 23, 1998 B. PEDESTRIAN PARKWAYS AND TRAILS 1. INTRODUCTION As called out both in the Vision and Goals section of this plan, a trail system which blends the various neighborhoods and land uses is the key element of a TOD development. For this reason, the specific plan includes an extensive system which allows maximum connectability of all neighborhoods, but more importantly allows easy and comfortable access to the Poinsettia Transit Station. In addition to the trail system itself, the plan also calls for an appropriate scale of buildings to encourage their use, as well as inviting public areas where different neighborhoods and land uses meet. To encourage non vehicular movement within the community, a system of pedestrian parkways and trails have been developed. These trails and parkways allow residents to move freely about the Poinsettia Properties communities and access both the open space and recreation amenities provided. This trail system is also designed to tie into a future city-wide trail system, if one is developed. In addition, trails will be designed to provide pedestrian access to the Poinsettia Transit Station. Exhibit 13, page 5 1, details the trail/ parkway concept of the specific plan. Each ulanninP area containinp a segment of the public trail system shall be conditioned to construct its trail segment nrior to issuance of anv buildinp permits for that planning area. Such access-wavs shall be nreserved for nublic use bv reauirinP irrevocable offers of dedication of those areas as a condition of develonment and. nrior to the issuance of anv buildinv permits for those nlanninp areas, the trail dedications shall be accented bv the Citv of Carlsbad if the Citv aprees and it adonts a Citvwide Trails Propram that includes nrovisions for maintenance and liabilitv. Otherwise, nrior to issuance of anv buildinp permits, the oblipation for accentance. construction, maintenance and liabilitv shall be the resnonsibilitv of another apencv deskmated bv the Citv or the resnonsibilitv of the Homeowner’s Association. Upon accentance of the dedication. including maintenance and liabilitv resnonsibilities, and comnletion of the trail imnrovements, the trail shall be onen for nublic use. The access-wavs shall not adverselv imuact environmentallv sensitive habitats. 2. DESCRIPTION The specific plan provides for the following types of trails and parkways, which are also shown as Exhibit 13, page 51. The following table lists these facilities and their design standards as well as a text discussion. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 39 July 23, I998 Trail/Parkway Facility Avenida Encinas Pedestrian Open Space Parkway Design Standard A 20 foot landscaped parkway along the western right-of-way of Avenida Encinas fronting Parcel A. Within this parkway, a five foot meandering sidewalk shall be constructed. Railroad Pedestrian/Open Space Corridor i A minimum 100 foot setback along the western boundary of Parcel A from all wetland areas located on site or within sm4 the railroad right-of-way unless a reduced buffer is endorsed bv the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. An onen space setback from the railroad rbht-of- wav of lesser width. but not less than 40 feet, shall be permitted in areas where wetlands are not nresent within the railroad ripht-of-way or on the subiect site, subiect to annroval bv the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This setback area shahbe landscaped pursuant to Exhibit 15, page 53, and shall include a 8-10 foot natural public trail constructe on decomposed granite and stabilized with concrete (or other construction type as may be approved by the City). The nublic trail shall be located in the eastern half of the setback. Mixed-Use Pedestrian Link Corridors An average 10 foot sidewalk and landscaped canopy area alon! both sides of the public street in Planning Area 6. Sidewalks shall be 5 feet wide. Public Access Parkway a. Public Access Parkway PA 4) b. Private Community Trail PA 2) A north/south spine corridor within Parcel A providing public access between Avenida Encinas and the mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors. This area shall be an average of 15 feet in widtl including landscaping and a 5-foot sidewalk. The Public Access Parkway is divided into two segments. The segment within Planning Area 4 is known as the Public Access Parkway, which allows for public access. The segment within Planning Area 2 is known as the Private Community Trail which does not provide for public access. Parkway at Carlsbad Boulevard A 40 foot wide landscape setback, including a 8-10 foot wide natural trail of decomposed granite with stabilizing concrete (o other construction as may be approved by the City). Public Pedestrian Trail to the A 5-l 0 foot wide natural trail (decomposed granite or other west of Poinsettia Transit Station acceptable material) on the northern boundary of Parcel B and loading area within the SDN right-of-way, if approved by NCTD. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 40 Jdy 23, 1998 Internal Parkways/ Trails/Sidewalks Other internal parkways/trails and sidewalks within each planning area are designed to link and connect with main parkways and trails. a. Avenida Encinas Pedestrian/Onen Space Parkway This parkway includes a 20 foot landscaped area outside of the Avenida Encinas right- of-way and a 1 O-foot portion within the Avenida En&as right-of-way to be dedicated for ameandering sidewalk (5 feet) and landscaped utility easement (5 feet) (see Exhibit 18, page 56). This in addition to the 20 foot landscaped area will create au overall 30 foot landscaped/sidewalk setback when measuring from the street curb of Avenida Encinas. The design shall encourage public pedestrian use and access to the Poinsettia Transit Center. Any required bus turnouts shall be constructed within this parkway. The design of this parkway shall be approved in conjunction with other discretionary applications. See Exhibit 18, page 56, which details atypical cross section of Avenida Encinas. This entire area is to be considered as part of the specific plan‘s overall open space requirements and satisfaction thereof. b. Railroad Pedestrian/Onen Snace Corridor This corridor shall be constructed wiz A, .rhJ . m a minimum 100 foot setback alon the western boundarv of Parcel A from all wetland areas located on the site or within the railroad ripht-of-wav unless a reduced buffer is endorsed bv the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. An onen snace setback from the railroad ripht-of-wav of lesser width, but not less than 40 feet. shall be nermitted in areas where wetlands are not nresent within the railroad ripht-of-wav or on the subiect site, subiect to annroval bv the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This setback shall be landscaned nursuant to Exhibit 15, page 53 and shall include a S-10 foot natural nublic trail constructed on decomnosed Pranite and stabilized with concrete (or other construction tvne as may be apnroved bv the Citv). The public trail shall be located in the eastern . . half of the setback. fi In addition, where possible, this setback area shall be designed in cooperation with the proposed regional commuter trail proposed within the SDN right-of-way. Although this specific plan is required to dedicate and construct its portion of the Citywide trail system, this specific plan is not required to plan or construct the proposed regional trail. Subsequent discretionary application permits or development of the Specific Plan Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan July 23, 1998 C. area shall not be delayed pending the planning and approval of the proposed regional trail. However, if the timing and construction of the regional trail is consistent with the planning and development of the specific plan area, then both the developer and lead agencies should be encouraged to cooperate with the design and construction of the regional trail. Mixed-use Pedestrian Link/Corridors This area is the pedestrian element designed within the public street between Planning Areas 5 and 6. Links and corridors shall be established to encourage pedestrian access . and exchange between Planning Areas 5,6 and the Poinsettia Transit Station. This shall be accomplished through the use of sidewalks, canopy trees, landscaping, outside eating areas, gathering areas and other elements to encourage pedestrian and public activity. Exhibit 21 on page 59 provides a vignette of the types of public gathering places that could be designed along this corridor. The average width of this corridor will be lo’, although this area could be expanded at public gathering places. Portions of this area shall be counted toward satisfaction of the specific plan’s overall open space requirement. The design of this link/corridor shall be approved by the Planning Director in conjunction with other discretionary permit applications. d. Public Access Parkwav Planning areas 2, 3, and 4 shall include a “pedestrian collector spine” intended to facilitate pedestrian access to the mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors of Planning Area 5 and 6 and the Transit Station. This sidewalk/parkway will be a private facility, but a exceut that a portion within Planning Area 4 and b an east/west sepment sited along the boundaries of PlanninP Areas 2 and 4 will provide unrestricted public access between the Avenida Encinas pedestrian parkway and the mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors, as well as the railroad pedestrian/oDen snace corridor. The location of this public access to this sidewalk/parkway is shown on Exhibit 14, page 52. c 9 “pedestrian collector spine” parkway in Planning Areas 2 and 3 shall not be accessible to the public. The Public Access Parkway is divided into two segments. The segment within Planning Area 4 is known as the “Public Access Parkway”, which allows for public Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 42 July 23,1998 3. h. 0 Bike naths in right-of-way 0 Bikeways may be provided on Avenida Encinas and Carlsbad Boulevard. Bike racks and related facilities shall be provided within each recreational facility and within the two commercial planning areas to encourage this mode of transportation. ACCESS TO PARKWAYS AND TRAIL SYSTEMS Because there is a need to provide certain sound walls, privacy walls, and private yard fencing, there is a need to define access points to the system of parkways and trails in order to maintain the TOD principles. Conceptual points and type of access are shown on Exhibit 14, page 52’ and further defined below: a. Avenida Encinas Pedestrian/Onen Snace Parkway This parkway is intended to be a public pedestrian parkway. Access to this parkway within the specific plan area will be at two points. (1) The entry of Planning Area 4 (which may be combined with Planning Area 2 and 3) will be an unrestricted public access Doint. w (2) The Planning Area 6 public street and mixed-use pedestrian link/corridor will be an unrestricted public access point. b. Railroad Pedestian/Onen &ace Parkway Unrestricted public access will be provided at Poinsettia Lane and at the Poinsettia Transit Station. Because the eastern boundary of this parkway will be bounded by a private sound wall, certain private access gates shall be located and constructed in the sound wall to ensure private community access to this parkway. These access gates can be controlled by private use of keys or access codes and are not for public use. However, one public access gate shall be provided 1 Ioekgak. This gate access uoint may be placed in either Planning Area 2 or 4 $Q connect this corridor with the Avenida Encinas Public Access Parkwav. C. Parkwav at Carlsbad Boulevard Unrestricted public access will be provided at Poinsettia Lane and at the Poinsettia Transit Station. Because the eastern boundary of this parkway will be bounded by a private sound wall, certain private access gates shall be located and constructed in the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 44 July 23,1998 should be limited to the one or two major entry points into a planning area and will provide visitors with the project name identification. Thevehicular entries into all planning areas may be manned or electronically guarded gates. This is intended to limit the automobile access into the private portions of the specific plan Exhibit 14, page 52, shows the general location of project sound walls and the mblic pedestrian access-wavs. The design and architectural elements of entries shall be compatible and consist with the specific plan theme elements of this specific plan. Design will be determined at the tentative map for each planning area. D. WALLS AND FENCING The TOD principles call for the general elimination of pedestrian barriers such as walls. Because the Poinsettia Properties project is basically in-fill, and because the City of Carlsbad has a stringent noise abatement ordinance, some walls will be needed to help abate noise from such sources as NCTD railroad right-of-way, Carlsbad Boulevard, Poinsettia Lane, and Avenida Encinas. Exhibit 14, page 52, shows the general location of project sound walls. To accomplish the TOD goal of pedestrian scale and access, the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan will not have neighborhood walls at locations of principal pedestrian access from one neighborhood and land use to another, Exhibit 14, page 52, shows the relationship of access gates to pedestrian corridors. The walls and fences for the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan area are divided into two categories: Community Theme/Planning Area Noise Attenuation Wall, and Production Fencing. All wall types combine community theme pilasters in appropriate areas. Exhibit 14, page 52, shows the general location of these walls. The design and architectural elements of all walls and fencing shall be compatible and consistent with the specific plan theme element of this specific plan. Design will be determined at the tentative map for each planning area. The design of walls should accomplish the objective of a unifying theme and integrated community with a pedestrian scale. 1. COMMUNITY THEME/PLANNING AREA NOISE ATTENUATION WALL Community Theme Walls which also serve as noise attenuation walls shall be constructed as shown on exhibits within this chapter with a height of not more than 6 vertical feet above finished grade, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, or required due Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 94 Ju& 23,1998 0 0 c. Use Allocation: General Plan Land Use: RM (4-8 du/ac) Growth Control Point: 6.0 du/ac zoning: RD-M Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan: allows 168 single-family homes, including secondary units Development Process: Tentative Map/PUD Product Type: Single family residential This planning area allows for up to 168 single family detached homes and can be developed at this density without the use of secondary units. In the event secondary units are proposed as part of a subdivision map, the sum of secondary units and single family homes shah not exceed 168 units. The use of secondary units is an option of the developer, but not a requirement. d. Lot Size: e. Development Standards: Mmimum 3,500 square feet. 1. Parkways and Setbacks: Poinsettia Lane: 0 All buildings shall be setback a minimum of 40 feet from Poinsettia Lane. This setback area includes the 20 foot landscaped setback along Poinsettia Lane. Avenida Encinas Pedestrian/Ouen &ace Parkway: 0 All homes shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet from Avenida Encinas right-of-way. This setback area includes the 20 foot landscaped parkway along Avenida Encinas. (See Exhibit 18, page 56 and discussion starting on page 39). Railroad Pedestrian/Onen Space Corridor: Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 106 July 23,1998 8 0 12. Discourage perimeter walls around neighborhoods except where required for noise attenuation. 13. Provide sidewalks on both sides of all streets for better pedestrian access. 14. Provide direct walkways between neighborhoods, land uses and the Poinsettia Transit Station. 15. Private streets shall be designed to include a minimum 50 foot curb radius on knuckle designs. 16. Area drains for side yards, within 3 feet of the foundation, and drainage through curbs will be allowed subject to the requirement that a fail ‘safe overflow is provided. 17. Gated entry turnarounds will be designed to conform to AASHTO “P” (passenger) design vehicles and City of Carlsbad engineering standards. Bus turn around criteria is not required. 18. In the event alleys are proposed, minimum alley width shall be 20 feet. Garages may have a 5 foot minimum setback from the alley. 19. Onsite parking requirements for secondary units can be satisfied by uncovered tandem parking in driveways provided that the garage is setback 20 feet from the street curb. 20. A buffer is required from the vernal pools within the existing railroad right-of- way to the west. This buffer will m be a minimum of 100 feet b width, unless a reduced buffer is endorsed bv the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and is known as the railroad pedestrian/open space corridor. 2 1. Sound walls or wall/berm combinations shah be used, where necessary and to a height necessary as determined by the noise study required for this planning area (see “Special Conditions” below) to mitigate noise along Avenida En&as and the railroad right-of-way. These walls and/or berms shall be shown reviewed and approved on plans submitted as a part of any future planned development permit for this planning area, prior to approval of the planned development permit. Preliminary Landscape Plans submitted for any future planned development permit shall show landscaping along noise walls which reduces the visual impacts of the walls. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 112 July 23, 1998 0 22. Prior to the granting of occupancy for any home in this planning area, the portion of the Avenida Encinas Pedestrian Open Space Parkway and the Railroad Pedestrian/Open Space Corridor outside of this planning area shall be completed. 23. The RV Storage requirement for Planning Area 2 must be addressed with the tentative map for Planning Area 2. Requirements for RV Storage are described on page 21. 24. In addition to active recreation facilities provided in Planning Area 3, Planning Area 2 shall provide a passive recreation space in the form of a neighborhood plaza with some homes fronting on such area. The passive recreation area, a minimum of 10,000 square feet in size, shall include tables and benches and/or outdoor seating. The portion of the area used for passive recreational purposes may count toward meeting the common passive recreation requirements of Chapter 2 1.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Director may allow for the consolidation of other recreation sites or building separation areas to increase the size and usefulness of the plaza; however, in all cases, minimum side yard setbacks shall be maintained. 25. All existine public views from I-5 across the snecific nlan nroDertvl throuph the hotel site(s) located north of Poinsettia Lane and west of I-5, to the ocean shall be nreserved. ExistinP views of the ocean horizon shall be identified through a line of sipht analvsis which identifies the metes and bounds of the existinp visual corridors. The sipht line analvsis shall be submitted as Dart of the annlication for a coastal develonment Dermit for the Master Tentative Man. The visual analvsis shall be used to design future develoument in this ulanninp area to avoid sipnificant imnacts to g existin g. Development Review Process 1. Tentative Man/Planned Develonment Permit The following conditions identify the development process for this planning area: l A tentative tract map processed pursuant to Title 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code shall be submitted and approved prior to the development of any ownership units within this planning area. The tentative map(s) shall be consistent with the concepts, goals and standards specified in this specific plan. After final map approval of the planning area(s) grading, building and other ministerial permits for the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 113 July 23, 1998 4. PLANNING AREA 4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS a. Implementation of Specific Plan Vision and Goal -- Purpose and Intent The purpose and intent of this planning area is to provide medium-high density, market rate single-family detached units which complement the Poinsettia Transit Station and coastal features of the specific plan area. Under the principles of transit-oriented development, Planning Area 4 shall develop within a density range of 6-9 du/ac (including secondary units) while providing pedestrian access for its residents to the specific plan parkways, trail and transit center. The density range of 6-9 du/ac. (including secondary units) is-a transit development principle which targets this density range for land uses from 500 feet to l/4 mile from a transit station. The design of this planning area shall accomplish the vision, goal and objectives as set forth in this specific plan, including design which encourages pedestrian access to the Poinsettia Transit Station. This planning area may utilize private access gates which restrict public vehicular access to tbis planning area, provided, however, public .pedestrian access through a-g&ml an unrestricted entry must be maintained in an effort to encourage pedestrian access to the Poinsettia Transit Station. This planning area’s entry may be combined with the entry to Planning Area 3 and/or Planning Area 4, thus providing one common private entry. The concept of one common entry is shown on Exhibit 13, page 51 and Exhibit 14, page 52. E d The common private entry with public pedestrian . access shown on the above referenced exhibits anticipates public pedestrian access to be provided within Planning Area 4. Additional discussion regarding public pedestrian access is found on page 42, section 2 (d). b. Description: 1. Planning Area 4 is located west of Avenida Encinas and east of the railroad right of way near the intersection of Avenida En&as and Poinsettia Lane. It has a gross planning area of approximately 18.6 acres. Planning Area 4 may be developed with single family detached residences. 2. Projects within Planning Area 4 shah be developed per the PD Ordinance, Chapter 21.45 and RD-M Zones unless specified otherwise in the Development Standards for the Planning Area and elsewhere in this specific plan. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 119 July 23, 1998 3. The following exhibits are used in this section and are helpful in review of this planning area: Exhibit # 5, Planning area map # 38, Site plan # 28-30, conceptual single family street scenes ‘Pane 25 120 80-82 c. Use Allocation: General Plan Land Use: RMH (8 - 15 du/ac) Growth Control Point: 11.5 du/ac zoning: RD-M Development Standards Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan: allows up to 178 single-family homes, including secondary units Development Process: Tentative Map/PUD Product Type: Single family residential This planning area allows for up to 178 single family detached homes and can be developed at this density without the use of secondary units. In the event secondary units are proposed as part of a subdivision map, the sum of secondary units and single family homes shall not exceed 178 units. The use of secondary units is an option of the developer, but not a requirement. d. Lot Size: Minimum 3,500 square feet e. Development Standards: 1. Setbacks and Parkways Avenida Encinas Pedestrian/Onen &ace Parkway: l All homes shah be setback a minimum of 30 feet from Avenida Encinas. This setback area includes the 20 foot landscaped parkway and meandering sidewalk along Avenida Encinas. (See Exhibit 18, page 56 and discussion starting on page 39.) Railroad Pedestrian/Onen Space Corridor: Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 121 July 23, 1998 0 A minimum 100 foot open space setback shall be nrovided between homes in Plan&v Area 4 and all wetland areas located on the site or within the existinp railroad ripht-of-wav to the west unless a reduced buffer is endorsed bv the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. To accomnlish this setback, an open space easement at least 100 feet wide will be established alone the railroad ripht-of-wav. No homes or other development shall be allowed within this setback. however. a public trail and trail associated uses, utilities, sewer, water and drainaPe facilities, and native droupht-tolerant landscaping are allowed. if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service amees throuph a Section 7 consultation that such development can occur without adverselv impacting the wetlands. A public trail allowed in the setback shall be located within the eastern half of the buffer. Sound walls and/or rear vard fences can be placed at the eastern boundarv of this setback. Anv utilities allowed in the setback shall be nlaced undermound in this setback The public trail in this area shall Drovide access to the Poinsettia Train Station. A open space setback from the railroad right-of-wav of lesser width, but not less than 40 feet. shall be permitted in areas where wetlands are not present within the rivht-of-wav or on the subject site, subiect to approval bv the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. l Public Access Parkwav Parcel A (Planning areas 2,3, and 4) shall include a north/south “pedestrian collector spine” intended to facilitate pedestrian access to the mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors of Planning Area 5 and 6 and the Transit Station. This sidewalk/parkway will be a private facility, but a portion within Planning Area 4 will provide public access between the Avenida Encinas pedestrian parkway and the mixed-use pedestrian link/corridors. The location of this public access to this sidewalk/parkway is shown on Exhibit 14, page 52. This public access sevment will be an unrestricted public access-way. In addition. the east/west sePment sited along the boundaries of PlanninP Areas 2 and 4 shall provide unrestricted public access linking the Avenida Encinas public access parkwav with the railroad pedestrian/open space corridor. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 122 July 23, I998 IP 8 0 , . Exposed roof beams or rafter tails . Decorative window ledges 0 Accent materials such as stucco, wood, siding and stone . Window and door lintels . Dormers . Accent and varied shape windows . Window boxes and planters with architecturally evident supports . Exterior wood elements . Variations in colors of stucco and other elements . Accent colors on doors, shutters or other elements . stucco wainscoting . Covered balconies . Arched elements . Shutters 2. Rear building elevations exposed to public streets shall include enhanced architectural detailing incorporating elements of good design such as described in Item #2 above. 3. Provide sidewalks on both sides of all streets for better pedestrian access. 4. Provide direct walkways between neighborhoods, land uses and the Poinsettia Transit Station. 6. Discourage perimeter walls around neighborhoods except where required for noise attenuation. . . . . 7. * A buffer is reauired from the vernal pools within the existinv railroad ripht- of-wav to the west. This buffer will be a minimum 100 feet in width. unless a reduced buffer is endorsed bv the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. and is known as the railroad pedestrian/open space corridor. 8. Sound walls or wall/berm combinations shall be used, where necessary and to a height necessary as determined by the noise study required for this planning area, to mitigate noise along Avenida Encinas and the railroad right-of-way. These walls and/or berms shall be shown, reviewed and approved on plans submitted as a part of any future planned development permit for this planning area, prior to approval Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 125 July 23, 1998 outdoor seating. The portion of the area used for passive recreational purposes may count toward meeting the common passive recreation requirements of Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Director may allow for the consolidation of other recreation sites or building separation areas to increase the size and usefulness of the plaza; however, in all cases, minimum side yard setbacks shall be maintained. 27. All existinp nublic views from I-5 across the suecific nlan uronertv, throuph the hotel site(s) located north of Poinsettia Lane and west of I-5 to the ocean. shall be nreserved. Existing views of the ocean horizon shall be identified throuph a line of sight analvsis which identifies the metes and bounds of the existinp visual corridors. The sipht line analvsis shall be submitted as Dart of the annlication for a coastal develonment nermit for the Master Tentative Man. The visual analvsis shall be used to design future develonment in this ulanninv area to avoid siPnificant imuacts to existinp Dubk views from I-5. g. Development Review Process 1. Tentative Man/Planned Develonment Permit Tentative Map/Pla.nned Development Permits shall be processed as provided in section XI.B. 1 .g. 1 on page 113 of this Specific Plan. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 151 Juiy 23,1998 , purposes may count toward meeting the common passive recreation requirements of Chapter 2 1.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Director may allow for the consolidation of other recreation sites or building separation areas to increase the size and usefulness of the plaza; however, in all cases, minimum side yard setbacks shall be maintained. 26. All existinguublic views from I-5 across the snecific Dlan nronertv to the ocean shall be nreserved. These views are located west of I-5 and south of Poinsettia Lane, through the Poinsettia VillaPe ShODDiDP Center. Existinv views of the ocean horizon shall be identified throuph a line of sipht analysis which identifies the metes and bounds of the existinp visual corridors. The sipht line analvsis shall be submitted as Dart of the anulication for a coastal develoument uermit for the Master Tentative Mau. The visual analvsis shall be used to desipn future development in this nlannina area to avoid significant imnam from I-5. 3. Develonment Review Process g* Development Review Process i. Tentative Man/Planned Develonment Permit Tentative Map/Planned Development Permits shah be processed as provided in section XI.B.1 .g on page 113 of this Specific Plan for all single family detached or for sale attached projects proposed. Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 23, 1998 . , A minimum 100 foot onen snace setback shall be nrovided between homes in Planninp Area 2 and all wetland areas located on the site or within the existinp railroad ripht-of-wav to the west unless a reduced buffer is endorsed bv the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. To’ accomdish this setback. an onen snace easement at least 100 feet wide will be established alone the railroad ripht-of-wav. No homes or other develonment shall be allowed within this setback, however, a Dublic trail and trail associated uses. utilities. sewer- water and drainape facilities. and native and droupht-tolerant 1andscaninP are allowed if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service amees through a Section 7 consultation that such develonment can occur without adverselv imnactinP the wetlands. A nublic trail allowed in the setback shall be located within the eastern half of the buffer. Sound walls and/or rear vard fences can be Dlaced at the eastern boundarv of this setback. Anv utilities allowed in the setback shall be Dlaced undermound in this setback The uublic trail in this area shall Drovide access to the Poinsettia Train Station. A onen snace setback from the railroad right-of-wav of lesser width. but not less than 40 feet, shall be Dermitted in areas where wetlands are not nresent within the ripht-of-wav or on the subiect site, subiect to auuroval bv the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 0 Planning Area 2 shall include a “pedestrian collector spine” to serve as a main community (private) sidewaWtrai1 for pedestrian use (See Exhibit 19, page 57, and further discussion starting on page 39). This private community sidewalk/trail shall be an average width of 15 feet, with a 10 foot minimum, including a 5 foot sidewalk and 5 foot landscaped area. 0 Front Yards: Front yard setbacks for livable dwelling space may range from lo-20 feet with a 15 foot average. The 15 foot average shah be calculated by measuring the closest point of the structure (not including porch) to the front property line on each lot and calculating the average on a project level basis. Front porches may be located 10 feet from the front property line if the porch has a minimum dimension of five feet and a Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan 107 July 23, I998