HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-08-27; City Council; CS-357; CASE NAME: VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN CASE NO.:MP 14-01/LCPA 04-01 (DEV08014)...ORDINANCE NO. CS-357
MP 14-01/LCPA 04-01 (DEV08014)
WHEREAS, on July 24, 2018, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. CS-335, approving MP 14-
01/LCPA 14-01-Village and Barrio Master Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Village and Barrio Master Plan constitutes the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program
for the Village -Barrio segment of the Coastal Zone, and therefore, an amendment to the Village and
Barrio Master Plan also constitutes an amendment to the Local Coastal Program; and
WHEREAS, the California Coastal Act requires Coastal Commission certification of any local
coastal program amendment; and
WHEREAS, on September 27, 2018, the city submitted an application to the Coastal Commission
requesting to amend the Carlsbad Local Coastal Program pursuant to LCPA 14-01; and
WHEREAS, on June 13, 2019, the California Coastal Commission approved the city's Local
Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 14-01; and on June 21,2019, the city received a letter dated June
20, 2019, from the California Coastal Commission that certifies (resolution of certification) the
Commission's approval of the city's Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 14-01, subject to
suggested modifications; and
WHEREAS, the California Coastal Commission's approval of LCPA 14-01 will not become
effective until the Commission certifies that the city has amended its Local Coastal Program pursuant
to the Commission's suggested modifications; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did on the day of August 20, 2019, hold a duly noticed public hearing
as prescribed by law to consider the Coastal Commission's suggested modifications.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordains as follows:
1. The above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the Coastal Commission's suggested modifications to the Village and Barrio Master
Plan are approved as shown in Attachment A to this ordinance.
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 3 of 20
EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon the effective date, this ordinance shall apply to development
applications not yet approved by the City of Carlsbad. Outside the Coastal Zone, this ordinance shall
become effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this
ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City
Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad
within 15 days after its adoption. Within the Coastal Zone, this ordinance shall become effective thirty
days after its adoption or upon certification by the Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission
that implementation of LCPA 14-01 will be consistent with the Coastal Commission's approval of LCPA 14-
01 with suggested modifications, whichever occurs later.
INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 20th
day of August 2019, and thereafter
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 27th day of August 2019, by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Bhat-Patel, Blackburn, Schumacher, Hamilton.
NAYS: None.
CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney
~, /--lector 6o"'ez,
-V,f BARBARA ENGLESON, Ci[y Clerk OepUt) cilj
(SEAL) C )e /JI'
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 4 of 20
Attachment A to Exhibit 1
Amendments to the Village and Barrio Master Plan
MP 14-01/LCPA 14-01
Section # and Name Suggested Modification
Chapter 1 -Introduction
1.5.1.D.2, Land Use and Amend the policy as follows:
Community Character
1.5.2.A.2, Mobility and
1.5.2.A., Mobility and
Encourage property owners to rehabilitate
substandard and deteriorating structures, subject
to the nonconforming lots, structures and uses
standards (Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.48).
Amend the policy as follows:
Implement parking management recommendations
as identified in these policies and in the standards
contained in Section 2.6.6, Parking, that reduce
demand for parking and encourage alternatives to
private automobile use, including single occupant
Add new policy 11 as follows:
In the Master Plan area, Carlsbad Boulevard and
Carlsbad Village Drive are the major coastal access
streets -the main routes to and along the coast
for pedestrians, cyclists, buses and vehicles. To
foster access to shoreline recreation areas,
improvements to these streets shall target equity
and adequate circulation among all modes of
travel, including walking, biking, public
transportation and private vehicle.
Street improvements that significantly impact
coastal access shall be avoided. Modifications to
Carlsbad Boulevard or Carlsbad Village Drive, that
would reduce vehicle capacity resulting in or
worsening an existing or future vehicular level of
service (LOS) E or below at one or more
intersections or segments (with or without
proposed development), requires a quantitative
analysis and City Council approval. The quantitative
analysis will project the change in travel time
resulting from the project along the roadway to
determine if coastal access is impacted. Available
relevant circulation information from Caltrans,
SAN DAG and other cities along the affected
roadway shall be included in the analysis. The
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 5 of 20
Section # and Name
1.5.2.B.9, Mobility and
1.5.3.A.7, Connectivity
1.5.4.A.3, Placemaking
Suggested Modification
quantitative analysis shall be derived from an
adequate number of travel time surveys and shall
address the prime beach use and peak travel
volume periods on at least two weekends between
Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Modification to the identified roadways shall
include public access benefit enhancements
promoting multi-modal access and safety for all
users. Public access benefit enhancements may
include, but are not limited to, improved
pedestrian and cyclist access, increased access to
public transportation services and increased public
Amend this policy as follows:
Annually monitor the entire parking system for
changes in supply, demand, utilization rates,
enforcement, and maintenance needs, and adjust
parking programs and services as needed. Data
collection shall occur at least between Memorial
Day and Labor Day and include weekends.
Amend Policy 1.5.3.A.7 of the Village & Barrio Master
Plan as follows:
Coordinate with the City of Oceanside and Caltrans
in evaluating potential connectivity impacts on the
Village and Barrio of future improvements to
Interstate 5 freeway, the I-5/SR 78 interchange,
and/or Coast Highway 101, including those projects
identified in the North Coast Corridor Public Works
Plan/Transportation and Resource Enhancement
Program. Work cooperatively on solutions to avoid
or lessen the potential for significant impacts to
Replace Policy 1.5.4.A.3 of the Village & Barrio Master
Plan as follows:
Plant street trees that are non-invasive and
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 6 of 20
Page# Section # and Name
Chapter 2 -Land Use
2-3 2.2.2.C, Hospitality
District (HOSP)
2-6, 2-8
Table 2-1, Permitted
Table 2-1, Permitted
Table 2-1, Permitted
Suggested Modification
Amend the description of this district as follows:
The Hospitality District provides a transition
between the beach and the heart of the Village. The
area contains mixed-use and commercial buildings,
scattered residential, and a number of large and
expansive uses, including a private school, church,
lodging, and a retirement community. The area is
contained entirely within the Coastal Zone and
provides an opportunity for visitor-serving and
hospitality uses serving visitors and residents alike,
with ground floor commercial uses primarily
catering to visitors. While buildings are intended to
be mostly attached and built on or near the front
property line to create a continuous street frontage
and a seamless walkable environment, along part of
Carlsbad Boulevard, much of the district has a
greater building setback requirement to help
maintain a more open feel as well as access and
views toward the coastline. In addition, portions of
the district, such as the Army and Navy Academy,
may retain a more campus-like setting for quite
some time.
Amend Table 2-1 for "Professional Care Facility" as
shown below:
1. Relocate "Professional Care Facility" from the
"Residential" to the "Other" land use category.
2. Add footnote 2 to clarify a professional care
facility may not locate along the ground floor
street frontage.
Care c2,3
Add new footnote 5 to apply to "Live/Work Unit,"
"Managed Living Units," "Bed and Breakfast Inn,"
"Brewery," "Distillery," and "Winery," as follows:
5For these uses, refer to Section 2.6.8, Conditional
Use Permit and Minor Conditional Use Permit
Special Regulations.
In the "Retail" land use category, delete "Restaurant
with Entertainment" as a listed use.
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 7 of 20
Section # and Name
Table 2-1, Permitted
Table 2-1, Permitted
Table 2-1, Permitted
Figure 2-2, Use
Restrictions Map
2.5.1, Excess DU Bank
Suggested Modification
In the VC and HOSP districts, in the "Education" land
use category, add a reference to footnote 2 to "Child
Day Care Center" to clarify a day care center may not
locate along the ground floor street frontage as follows:
Child Day Care Center c2,3 c2,3
In the VC and HOSP districts, in the "Other" land use
category, amend the listing for "Athletic and Health
Club, Gymnasium, and Physical Conditioning Business"
by (1) deleting reference to footnote 2 to indicate the
use is permitted in the VC District on the ground floor
street frontage, and (2) adding reference to footnote 2
to indicate the use is not permitted in the HOSP District
on the ground floor street frontage as follows:
Athletic and Health P
Club, Gymnasium, and
Physical Conditioning
Amend footnote 2 as follows:
2Not permitted on the ground floor street frontage
as identified in Figure 2-2. See exception for
"Educational Institutions or Schools, Public or
Private," in Section 2.7.3.J., Hospitality
Supplemental District Standards.
Amend Figure 2-2 Use Restrictions cross-hatching as
1. Relocate the "Jefferson St." label to north of
Home Avenue; remove cross-hatching on
Jefferson Street north of Grand Avenue
between the north property boundary of 786
Grand Avenue (APN 203-302-04) and Home
2. Relocate the "Roosevelt St." label to north of
Beech Avenue; show cross-hatching along the
Roosevelt Street frontage of property at 2727
Roosevelt Street (the southwest corner of
Beech Avenue and Roosevelt Street; APN 203-
3. Add a note to clarify cross-hatching does not
apply to properties in the VG District.
Remove hyphen in "P-T."
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 8 of 20
Section # and Name
2.6.1.A.2, Ingress and
Suggested Modification
Amend section as follows:
Where alleys provide vehicle access, driveways or
parking areas shall be deep enough to allow cars to
pull completely out of the alley and onto the
2.6.1.A.3.c, Ingress and Amend section as follows, and provide a supporting
Egress graphic:
c. The driveway apron shall not exceed 20 feet in
2.6.1, Site Planning Add new standard B, Parking, as follows and re-letter
the remaining standards in Section 2.6.1.
2.6.1.A, Ingress and
2.6.1.A.4., Ingress and
2.6.1.C.4, Property line
1. Surface parking shall be located behind
buildings and away from street frontages
unless determined infeasible by the decision-
Under "Interpretation", amend graphics to emphasize
alley access and surface parking behind buildings
• Amend the clear zone standard as follows:
4. A clear zone shall be provided at the
intersection of an alley and a street or
driveway to maintain a free line of sight.
a. The clear zone shall consist of an
isosceles right triangle measured
7.5 feet in both directions from
the intersection of the two
property lines.
b. The clear zone shall not be
occupied by a ground floor
building footprint, site features
taller than 36 inches, or
landscaping that is taller than 30
• Amend the clear zone graphic under
"Interpretation" to better match the modified
clear zone standard by showing among other
things the clear zone measured from the
intersection of property lines and not the
intersection of curbs.
Amend section as follows
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 9 of 20
Section # and Name
2.6.5.A.2, Curb cafes
2.6.5.A.4, Right of way
2.6.6.A.3, Parking
spaces required
Table 2-3, Parking
Table 2-3, Parking
Table 2-3, Parking
Suggested Modification
Razor wire, barbed wire, cyclone and chain link
fencing (except as noted below), or other similar
fences are prohibited. Cyclone or chain link fencing
existing as of the Master Plan's adoption date is
permitted to remain.
Amend section as follows:
2. Curb cafes are temporary structures on public
streets. The city engineer may require their
temporary or permanent removal to
accommodate street or other infrastructure
improvements or maintenance or to ensure
adequate public parking is maintained. In the
Coastal Zone, if city-authorized parking studies
indicate public parking occupancy within a
quarter-mile radius of the curb cafe is 85
percent or more for five consecutive years, the
curb cafe shall be removed unless the applicant
can secure replacement public parking within
the quarter-mile radius equal to the number of
on-street parking spaces impacted by the curb
Amend appendix reference as follows:
No more than four curb cafes may be permitted per
street block (see definition in appendix A); however,
this maximum may be reduced for the following
Amend section as follows:
Parking requirement calculations resulting in a
fraction shall be rounded up to the next whole
number if the fraction is 0.5 or higher or rounded
down if the fraction is below 0.5.
Recategorize "Professional Care Facility" from a
"Residential" to an "Other" use.
Amend the listing for "Restaurant (with or without
entertainment)" as follows:
Amend the listing for "Outdoor Dining on Private
Property" as follows:
Outdoor Dining on Private Property (accessory to a
permitted or conditionally permitted food and/or
beverage serving use)
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 10 of 20
Page# Section # and Name Suggested Modification
2-25 Table 2-4, Mobility Amend the Mobility Alternatives parking option as
Alternatives follows:
Based on the city-authorized annual parking
studies required by Policy 1.5.2.B.9 or an
applicant-prepared parking study that employs
the same methodology used in preparation of the
city's annual parking studies and that provides, as
necessary, project-specific analysis to support the
effect of specific project measures or project-
generated parking demand, reductions to parking
requirements may be implemented. This may
include reductions for the implementation of
Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
measures, shuttles, ride share programs, or other
programs or measures that will reduce parking
demand and incentivize alternatives to driving.
Parking reductions may not exceed 10 percent of
a project's parking requirement if city-authorized
parking studies for the three prior reporting years
reveal an average parking occupancy of 85
percent or more for all public parking within a
quarter-mile radius of the project. Otherwise,
parking reductions shall be evidenced-based and
determined by the decision-maker.
2-26 Table 2-4, New On-Amend standard as follows:
street Public Parking The creation of two on-street public parking spaces
along the frontage of the subject property by
closing existing curb cuts or providing additional
right of way may result in the reduction of one on-
site required parking space, subject to the city
engineer's approval and the following stipulations:
1. The on-street spaces must be located within
the boundaries of the Village and Barrio Master
Plan, and may not be located within the BP or BC
2. The on-street spaces must not be located
where they would interfere with planned or
needed improvements.
3. The on-street spaces shall be public and shall
not be reserved or designated for any particular
4. The creation of on-street public spaces shall be
the net result of any existing spaces that might
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 11 of 20
Section # and Name
Table 2-4, Parking
Table 2-4, Parking
2.6.7.B., Standards
Modification Purpose
Suggested Modification
be reconfigured or removed to accommodate
the created spaces.
For the In-Lieu Fee Parking Program, insert the
following new opening paragraph before the current
first paragraph to describe the purpose of the fee:
The Parking In-lieu Fee Program enables project
applicants, upon city approval, to pay a fee in lieu of
providing on-site parking. Fee payment is an option
only in certain districts east of the railroad tracks.
Fees collected by the city help develop and maintain
shared public parking, resulting in better utilization
and relatively lower costs in comparison to the cost
of exclusive on-site private parking.
For the In-Lieu Fee Parking Program, amend findings
2.f, 2.g., and 2.h, as follows:
2. Findings. No permit will be issued with approval
in the In-Lieu Fee Program unless the decision-
making authority finds that:
a. The use complies with the program's
participation restrictions;
b. Adequate off-street public parking is
available to accommodate the project's
parking demand, based on the most
recent city-authorized parking study or
other information; and
c. The In-Lieu Fee Program has not been
suspended or terminated by City
Amend Section B.3 and delete Section B.4 as below. For
existing sections B.5 and B.6, renumber accordingly.
3. To enable a significant public benefit as
determined by the decision-making authority.
A significant public benefit may include, but is
not limited to, one or more of the following:
a. Exceeding minimum Climate Action Plan
(CAP) consistency requirements;
b. Exceeding local energy efficiency
requirements and/or renewable energy
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 12 of 20
Section # and Name
2.6.7.C., Standards
Modification Findings
2.6.8, Conditional Use
Permit and Minor
Conditional Use Permit
Special Regulations
2.7.1.G.3.b, Building
Height, VC District
2- (VC District)
and (HOSP
Suggested Modification
c. Exceeding local electric vehicle parking
d. Reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT);
e. Implementing programs that encourage
employees to carpool or ride transit;
f. Implementing an important public
amenity or infrastructure component of
the Master Plan; and
g. Advancing other benefits as determined
by the decision-making authority; or
Amend the second finding and add a new, fourth
finding as follows:
2. The standards modification is consistent with the
goals and policies of the Master Plan and the
vision and intent of the applicable district.
4. In the Coastal Zone, a standards modification is
permitted only when the decision-making
authority determines that the modification is
consistent with the certified Local Coastal
Program, and if applicable, with the public access
and recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the
Coastal Act.
After 2.6.8.B (Breweries), C. (Distilleries), D. (Live/Work
Unit), E. (Managed Living Units), and F. (Wineries), add
footnote 6 to read as follows:
6For these uses, refer to Appendix A, Definitions.
Amend section as follows:
The total square footage of enclosed fourth floor
space shall not exceed 80 percent of the largest
enclosed floor space below (floors one, two, or
three). However, in no case shall the fourth floor
enclosed space exceed the amount of third floor
enclosed space.
Amend the ground floor street frontage use standards
for the VC and HOSP districts by adding a minimum
building depth requirement as follows:
1. New ground floor street frontage uses
permitted within the boundaries of the use
restriction area identified on Figure 2-2 shall
occupy more than one-half of the habitable
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 13 of 20
Section # and Name
2.7.1.J.2., Good
Neighbor standards, VC
Suggested Modification
space developed on the ground floor and shall
span at least 80 percent of the building
frontage. In the Coastal Zone along Carlsbad
Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive, new
ground floor street frontage uses shall have a
minimum average building depth of 25 feet.
Amend the section as follows:
2. Figure 2-5 also shows the two parcels in the
Village Center District bordering Buena Vista
Lagoon, a state ecological reserve. Development
of these parcels shall comply with the Carlsbad
Habitat Management Plan and other applicable
requirements, such as slope protection and
coastal access, as follows:
a. A 25-foot wide lateral access easement
shall be required as a condition of
approval for any development. The
access easement shall be located upland
from any wetland vegetation on the site
or, where there is no wetland vegetation
on the site, upland of the property line
adjacent to the lagoon.
b. Development shall be set back from the
bluff or slope edge consistent with the
string line requirements in the City's LCP.
c. Native, drought tolerant and fire
resistive vegetation shall be used in
areas designated for, or located adjacent
to, natural open space or native
vegetation. Invasive or noxious plants
shall not be employed or allowed to
naturalize or persist on the site. Use of
non-invasive turf and ornamental
vegetation may be permitted within the
development footprint.
d. Landscape treatments for the purpose of
fire protection shall be performed in a
manner which avoids disruption and
encroachments to environmentally
sensitive areas while still achieving
conformance with the fire protection
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 14 of 20
Section # and Name Suggested Modification
2. 7 .3, Description, HOSP Amend the description as follows:
District The Hospitality District, consisting of larger lots with
coastal adjacency, supports a broad mix of uses
serving residents and visitors. The area contains a
private school, church, lodging, retail, and a
retirement community. The allowance of residential
uses only above or behind the ground floor street
frontage and minimal setbacks along part of
Carlsbad Boulevard fosters an active public realm.
An exception is made for the Army and Navy
Academy, which has an adopted Master Site Plan to
conceptually guide development on the large
campus. Maintaining access and viewsheds toward
the coastline are important planning considerations
in this district.
2.7.3.G.3.c, Building
height, HOSP District
2.7.3.J, Master Site Plan,
HOSP District
2.7.4.G.2.b., Building
height, FC District
Amend as follows:
The total square footage of enclosed fourth floor
space shall not exceed 80 percent of the largest
enclosed floor space below (floors one, two, or
three). However, in no case shall the fourth floor
enclosed space exceed the amount of third floor
enclosed space.
Add new Section 2. 7.3.J.4 as follows:
4. Amendments to the Master Site Plan, Village and
Barrio Master Plan, and Local Coastal Program shall
be required if any of the following is proposed or
a. An expansion of the campus beyond the
Master Site Plan boundaries and within the
Village and Barrio Master Plan.
b. A land use that is inconsistent with the goals
of the Master Site Plan.
c. The Army and Navy Academy ceases
d. A land use that reduces parking.
Amend the section as follows:
The total square footage of enclosed fourth floor
space shall not exceed 80 percent of the largest
enclosed floor space below (floors one, two, or
three). However, in no case shall the fourth floor
enclosed space exceed the amount of third floor
enclosed space.
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 15 of 20
Section # and Name
2. 7 .5.E.3., Residential
Common Open Space,
PT District
2.7.6.E.3., Residential
Common Open Space,
BP District
Suggested Modification
Add new subsection "a." as follows and renumber
existing subsections "a." to "c." accordingly:
a. Residential common open space shall be
provided for projects with more than 10 units.
Add new subsection "a." as follows and renumber
existing subsections "a." to "c." accordingly:
a. Residential common open space shall be
provided for projects with more than 10 units.
2-68 2.7.7.E.3.c., Residential Add new subsection "i." as follows and renumber
Common Open Space,
BC District
Chapter 3-Signs
3-1 to 3-3.1 to 3.2.17
3-3 3.1.5.A, Prohibited signs
Chapter 6 -Administration
6.2.1, Local Coastal
existing subsections "i." to "iii." accordingly:
i. Residential common open space shall be
provided for projects with more than 10 units.
Amend section numbering so Sections 3.1.1 to 3.1.6 are
independent and not subsets of Section 3.1 (e.g.,
amend 3.1.1 to 3.2). Adjust current Section 3.2
numbering accordingly.
Amend the section as follows to add three additional
prohibited signs:
5. Billboards
6. Roof signs
7. Pole signs exceeding 5-feet in height
Amend the first paragraph and add a second paragraph
to the section as follows:
For properties within the Coastal Zone (shown in
Figure 2-1), the goals and policies in Chapter 1, the
use and development standards in Chapters 2 and
3, provisions on managing parking and increasing
mobility in Section 4.5.2, the administrative
processes of Chapter 6, and the definitions in
Appendix A of this Master Plan, together with CMC
Chapters 15.12 -Stormwater Management and
Discharge Control, and 15.16-Grading and Erosion
Control, as well as those provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance not superseded herein, shall constitute
the Local Coastal Program for the Village and Barrio.
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 16 of 20
Section # and Name
6.2.5, Severability
Suggested Modification
If conflicts or discrepancies arise between the Local
Coastal Program and other policies, standards, or
guidelines of the Master Plan, the Local Coastal
Program provisions shall be controlling.
Renumber existing Section 6.2.5 to new Section 6.2.6.
Add a new Section 6.2.5 to address the Village Master
Plan and Design Manual, as follows:
6.2.5 Village Master Plan and Design Manual
References to the "Village Master Plan and Design
Manual" in existing plans, permits and approval
documents, etc., shall be construed to mean the
Village and Barrio Master Plan to the extent such
references remain applicable.
6.2.6 Severability
In the event that any regulation, condition,
program, or portion of this Village and Barrio
Master Plan is held invalid or unconstitutional by a
California Court or Federal Court of competent
jurisdiction, such provisions and the invalidity of
such provisions shall not affect the validity of the
remaining provisions., City Planner Amend section as follows:
responsibilities 4. Approving or denying certain minor permits and
minor variances as specified in Section 6.3.3.
6.3.2.A, Exempt Projects Amend section to clarify single family residential
exemptions as follows and to renumber existing
subsections 4 to 9 as necessary:
1. One new single-family detached dwelling
(however, compliance with Section 2.8.3.F,
Residential Design Guidelines, shall be required;
additionally, a minor coastal development
permit shall be required if located in the Coastal
2. One accessory dwelling unit (ADU) (a minor
coastal development permit may be required if
located in the Coastal Zone per Section
3. Additions to an existing single-family detached
dwelling or ADU (a minor coastal development
permit may be required if located in the Coastal
Zone per Section 6.3.3.D.);
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 17 of 20
Section # and Name
6.3.3.A.l., Minor Site
Development Plan
6.3.3.B.1, Site
Development Plan
Suggested Modification
4. Interior or exterior improvements to existing
structures which do not change the intensity of
use of a structure;
5. Additions to existing structures, other than
single-family detached dwellings and ADUs,
which result in a cumulative increase of less
than 10 percent of the internal floor area up to
2,500 square feet.
Amend section as follows:
A. Minor Site Development Plan
1. The following improvements require approval of a
minor site development plan:
a. New construction of non-residential building(s)
up to 5,000 square feet (excluding garages);
b. New construction of two to four attached or
detached dwelling units up to 5,000 square feet
(excluding garages);
c. Mixed use projects with no more than four
dwelling units and up to 5,000 square feet
(excluding garages), inclusive of the dwelling units;
d. Additions to existing structures, other than
single-family detached dwellings and accessory
dwelling units, which result in a cumulative increase
of the internal floor area up to 50 percent (if not
exempt pursuant to Section 6.3.2.A) or 5,000 square
feet, whichever is less;
e. Interior or exterior improvements to existing
structures which result in an increased intensity of
f. Changes in permitted land uses which result in site
changes, increased traffic, or increased parking
g. Improvements and activities described in Section
h. Parking options described in Section 2.6.6 (Table
2-4), unless processed as part of a site development
plan, minor conditional use permit, or conditional
use permit.
Amend the start of the section as follows:
1. The following improvements require approval
of a site development plan:
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 18 of 20
Section # and Name
6.3.3.D.2, Coastal
Development Permit
Appendix A
Appendix A, "Brewery"
Appendix A, "Distillery"
Appendix A
Suggested Modification
Amend the section by adding subsection "c." as follows:
2. In addition to the decision-making authority
provisions of CMC Section 21.201.080(C)(l), the
following improvements and activities shall be
subject to a minor coastal development permit
issued by the City
a. One single-family detached dwelling;
b. Demolition of a structure;
c. Detached accessory dwelling unit.
Amend the section as follows:
The City Council shall:
1. Have the authority to approve, approve with
conditions, or deny projects in the VC, VG,
HOSP, FC, and PT districts, except for projects
determined exempt as provided in Section
6.3.2 or projects subject to city planner
authority as provided in Section 6.3.4.A.
Amend the definition as follows:
Brewery: A business which brews beer on-site for
distribution and/or consumption and which
possesses the appropriate state license. Tasting
rooms for the consumption of on-site produced
beer are permitted on the premises. A brewery may
include retail sales and food sales on the premises.
"On-site" means at least fermentation occurs on the
Amend the definition as follows:
Distillery: A business with a Craft Distiller's License
(Type-74) that manufactures alcoholic spirits, which
may include retail sales and food sales on the
premises and the consumption of on-site produced
Add a definition and graphic of "Plate" to aid in the
understanding of "ground floor plate height"
referenced in the standards for the VC (page 2-39) and
other districts.
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 19 of 20
Page# Section # and Name Suggested Modification
A-4 Appendix A, Delete the definition.
"Restaurant, with
A-4 Appendix A, Amend definition by deleting criterion 3.
"Restaurant, Fast Food"
August 27, 2019 Item #5 Page 20 of 20