HomeMy WebLinkAbout4 Point Construction Inc; 1998-01-13; 34521B|345229 L CITY OF CARLSBAD I CARLSBAD MU 1 I 1 ATER DIS I T and 1 San Diego County - California CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPEC1 1. PROVISIONS 8 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH BATIQUITOS SEWAGE FORCE MAIN AND 12" WATER MAIN REPLACEMEN CONTRACT NO. 34521B/34522 I 1 I I I CMWD PROJECT NO. 85-401 June 15,1997 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, California 92008 I (760) 438-3367 I* r)w w 7176~97 CR"fCFC+ vo 36 67* 9/34 533 "ace 4 of 63Races I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS - Item - Pat NOTICE INVITING BIDS ................................................................................................................ CONTRACTORS PROPOSAL EQUIPMENT/MATERIAL SOURCE INFORMATION .................................................................. 1 BID SECURITY FORM ................................................................................................................. 1 BIDDER’S BOND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL ‘ GUIDELINES FOR COMPLETING THE “DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTOR AMOUNT OF SUBCONTRACTOR’S BID” AND “DESIGNATION OF OWNER OPERATOWLESSOR & AMOUNT OF OWNER OPERATOWLESSOR WORK FORMS 2 DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTOR & AMOUNT OF SUBCONTRACTORS BID ............ 2 DESIGNATION OF OWNER OPERATOWLESSOR &AMOUNT OF OWNER OPERATOWLESSOR WORK ..................................................................................................... i BIDDERS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ..................................................... i BIDDERS STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE : BIDDER’S CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE FOR GENERAL LIABILITY, EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY, AUTOMOTIVE LIABILITY AND WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ............................. i 1. ...................................................................................................... I I u ,8 E 1 ...................................................................... ......................................... ’ ................................... @ 0 BIDDER’ S STATEMENT OF RE-DEBARMENT ......................................................................... i BIDDERS DISCLOSURE OF DISCIPLINE RECORD NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT TO BE EXECUTED BY BIDDER AND SUBMITED WITH BID ................................................................................... : CONTRACT PUBLIC WORKS ..................................................................................................... : LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND ................................................................................................ : FAITHFUL PERFORMANCENVARRANTY BOND 1 REPRESENTATION AND CERTIFICATION ............................................................................... d ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SURETY DEPOSITS IN LIEU OF RETENTION (OPTIONAL) .................................................................... i .................................................... ’ e c E I D 1 ...................................................................... li S P ECl AL PROWS 10 N S SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS TO STANDARD SPECtFlCATlONS FOR PUBLlC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PART 1, GENERAL PROVISIONS 0 ................................................................. em a# 2/26/97 Contract No.345218134522 Page 2 of 63 Pages I I SPECIAL CONDITIONS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS APPENDlX A GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION APPENDIX 8 ENVIRONMENTAL EXHIBIT I. 1 8 APPENDIX C STANDARD DRAWING 1 INFORMATION FOR CONTRACTOR 8 APPENDIX D LOCATION MAP A. TO OBTAIN A COPY OF CURRENT PLAN HOLDER LIST: PHONE (760) 438-3367 EXT. 128 B. QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO PLANS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS m ASSOCIATE ENGINEER PHONE (760) 438-3367 EXT. 124 1 t R 3 I 1 I DISTRICT ENGINEER 1. PHONE (760) 438-3367 EXT. 126 a I. m 4- p,s 2/26/97 Contract No.34521 B/34522 Page 3 of 63 Pages R t 8. I CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA and CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT NOTICE INVITING BIDS Sealed bids will be received at the Office of the Purchasing Officer, City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad 1 Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989, until 4:OO P.M. on the 29TH day of October , 1 at which time they will be opened and read, for performing the work as follows: I CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH BATIQUITOS SEWAGE FORCE MAIN AND 12” WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT CMWD PROJECT 85-401 - CONTRACT NO. 34521 B/34522 o 1 l The work shall be performed in strict conformity with the specifications as approved by th Council of the City of Carisbad and the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal VVater I on file with the Enaineerinq Department. The specifications for the work include the 2 SPecifications for Public Works Construction 1997Edition, all hereinafter designated “‘SSPW issued by the Southern California Chapter of the American Public Works Association a amended by the special provisions sections of this contract. Reference is hereby made specifications for full particulars and description of the work. The City of Carlsbad encourages the participation of minority and women-owned businesses. The City of Carlsbad encourages all bidders, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators and c.ontrac utilize recycled and recyclable materials when available, appropriate and approved by the Engi The City of Carlsbad may disqualify a contractor or subcontractor from participating in bidding a contractor or subcontractor has been debarred by the City of Carlsbad or another jurisdictior State of California as an irresponsible bidder. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the Purc Department. Each bid must be accompanied by security in a form and amount required by lav bidder’s security of the second and third next lowest responsive bidders may be withheld UI Contract has been fully executed. The security submitted by all other unsuccessful bidlders s~ returned to them, or deemed void, within ten (IO) days after the Contract is awarded. Pursi the provisions of law (Public Contract Code section 10263), appropriate securities m substituted for any obligation required by this notice or for any monies withheld by the City to f performance under this Contract. section 10263 of the Public Contract Code requires mor securities to be deposited with the City or a state or federally chartered bank in California escrow agent. The escrow agent shall maintain insurance to cover negligent acts and omissi the agent in connection with the handling of retentions under this section in an amount not les $1 00,000 per contract. The documents which comprise the Bidder‘s proposal and that must be completed, pi executed and notarized are: I 80 1 I 8 1 1 1 t I. 9w \# 2/26/97 Contract No.34521 Bl34522 Page 4 of 63 Pages I E 1 8 I @ I 8 I 1. Contractor's Proposal 2. Bidder's Bond 9. Bidder' s Statement Re Debarment 4. Designation of Subcontractors . and Amount of Subcontractor Bid Certification 5. Designation of Owner Operator/Lessors & Amount of Owner Operator/Lessor Work 6. Bidder's Statement of Financial Responsibility Security) 7. Bidder's Statement of Technical Ability and Experience 8. Certificate of Insurance @ 3. Non-Collusion Affidavit 1O.Bidder's Disclosure Of Discipline Record 1 1 .Purchasing Department Representation ai 12.Escrow Agreement for Security Deposits - (optional, must be completed if the E3idder wishes to use the Escrow Agreement for All bids will be compared on the basis of the Engineer's Estimate. The estimated cpantiti approximate and serve solely as a basis for the comparison of bids. The Engineer's Estilr 8 $276,800. No bid shall be accepted from a contractor who is not licensed in accordance with the provis California state law. The contractor shall state their license number, expiration dai classification in the proposal, under penalty of perjury. The following classifications are aca for this contract: CLASS A in accordance with the provisions of state law. If the Contractor intends to utilize the escrow agreement included in the contract documents ir the usual 10% retention from each payment, these documents must be completed and SUI with the signed contract. The escrow agreement may not be substituted at a later date. Sets of plans, special provisions, and Contract documents may be obtained at the Purc Department, City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, for a non-refundablc $25.00 per set. If plans and specifications are to be mailed, the cost for postage should be ac The City of Carlsbad reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any minor irregul fie I informality in such bids. The general prevailing rate of wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the C shall be those as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations pursuant to the slection: 1773, and 1773.1 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to section 1773.2 of the Labor Code, a currei of applicable wage rates is on file in the Office of the City Engineer. The Contractor to wh Contract is awarded shall not pay less than the said specified prevailing rates of wages to all v employed by him or her in the execution of the Contract. The Prime Contractor shall be responsible for insuring compliance with provisions of section of the Labor Code and section 4100 et seq. of the Public Contracts Code, "Sublettii Subcontracting Fair Practices Act." The City Engineer is the City's and the District's "duly aut officer" for the purposes of section 41 07 and 41 07.5. The provisions of Part 7, Chapter 1 l of the Labor Code commencing with section 1720 shall i the Contract for work. A pre-bid meeting and tour of the project will not be held All bids are to be computed on the basis of the given estimated quantities of work, as indicate( proposal, times the unit price as submitted by the bidder. In case of a discrepancy betweer and figures, the words shall prevail. In case of an error in the extension of a unit price, the cc extension shall be calculated and the bids will be computed as indicated above and comparec 1 B 1 1 1 I I @ I ew %u" 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 Bl34522 Page 5 of 63 Pages I 1 8 1 i 1 1 basis of the corrected totals. All prices must be in ink or typewritten. Changes or corrections may be crossed out and tyl written in with ink and must be initialed in ink by a person authorized to sign for the Contractor. Bidders are advised to verify the issuance of all addenda and receipt thereof one day p bidding. Submission of bids without acknowledgment of addenda may be cause of rejection of Bonds to secure faithful performance and warranty of the work and payment of laborer materials suppliers, in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) and fifty percent respectively, of the Contract price will be required for work on this project. These bonds sf kept in full force and effect during the course of this project, and shall extend in full force and and be retained by the City until they are released as stated in the Special Provisions section contract. Ail bonds are to be placed with a surety insurance carrier admitted and authori transact the business of insurance in California and whose assets exceed their liabilities amount equal to or in excess of the amount of the bond. The bonds are to contain the fol documents: 1) An original, or a certified copy, of the unrevoked appointment, power of attorney, by la other instrument entitling or authorizing the person who executed the bond to do so. 2) A certified copy of the certificate of authority of the insurer issued by the ins commissioner. If the bid is accepted, the City may require copies of the insurer's most recent annual stateme quarterly statement filed with the Department of Insurance pursuant to Article 10 (commencir section 900) of Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Division 1 of the Insurance Code, within 10 calendar c the insurer's receipt of a request to submit the statements. Insurance is to be placed with insurers that have (1) a rating in the most recent Best's Key Guide of at least A-:V, and (2) are admitted and authorized to transact the business of insur: the State of California by the Insurance Commissioner. Auto policies offered to me specification of this contract must: (1) meet the conditions stated above for all insurance corn and (2) cover anv vehicle used in the performance of the contract, used onsite or offsite, M owned, non-owned or hired, and whether scheduled or non-scheduled. The auto ins certificate must state the coverage is for "any auto" and cannot be limited in any manner. Workers' compensation insurance required under this contract must be offered by a co meeting the above standards with the exception that the Best's rating condition is waived. TI does accept policies issued by the State Compensation Fund meeting the requirement for vu compensation insurance. The Contractor shall be required to maintain insurance as specified in the Contract. Any ad cost of said insurance shall be included in the bid price. The award of the contract by the City Council and the Board of Directors is contingent UF Contractor submitting the required bonds and insurance, as described in the contract, within days of bid opening. If the Contractor fails to comply with these requirements, the City may the contract to the second or third lowest bidder and the bid security of the lowest bidder I forfeited. The prime contractor and all subcontractors are required to have and maintain a valid Carlsbad Business License for the duration of the contract. 8 ' t I I 9 I I I 1 1 I 0 @W k# 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521B/34522 Page 6 of 63 Pages I 1 I 1 8 8 1 1 I. I 0 I 1 1 E I I Approved by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, and the Board of Directors Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Carlsbad, California by City of Carlsbad Resolution No. 2 and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Resolution No. 384, adopted on the 26thh day of 4 8 19s. /” ;3/K/77 I IdLXA, k. Date / Aletha L. Rautenkranz, City ClerklSecretgry (0- Be pi# 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 Page 7 of NN Pages - .r 0 October 2, 1997 ADDENDUM NO. 1 CMWD PROJECT NO. 85-401, CONTRACT NO. 34521B134522 - CONSTRUCTIOb OF NORTH BATIQUITOS SEWAGE FORCEMAIN AND 12" WATER MAIb REPLACEMENT Please include the attached addendum in the Notice to Bidder/Request for Bids yot have for the above project. This addendum-receipt acknowledged-must be attached to your Proposal Form1Bic when you bid is submitted. 0 ++,RUTH FLETCHER Purchasing Officer RF:KJE:sjs &jc attachment I ACKNOWLE RECEIPT OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 e 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, CA 92008-1 989 (760) 434-2803 FAX (760) 4:34-198 NOTICE TO BIDDERS ADDENDUM NO. 1 (PAGE ONE OF ONE PAGES) OCTOBER 1,1997 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH BATlQUlTOS SEWAGE FORCE MAIN AND 12" WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT 0 CMWD PROJECT NO. 85-401 - CONTRACT NO. 345218134522 The following modifications, additions, and/or deletions are hereby made a part of the contract documents for construction.of the North Batiquitos Sewage Force Main and 12" Water Main Replacement Project, CMWD Project No. 85-401. Bidders are advised to verify the issuance of all addenda and receipt thereof one day prior to bidding. Submission of bids without acknowledgment of addenda may be cause for rejection of bid. ITEM 1. Contractor's Proposal, Schedule A Force Main Replacement Reference is made to Item No. 3 of Schedule A (page 9 of 63), revise the following: Approximate Quantity and Unit: 270 LF Description: "...from Station 10+00 to Station 12+70 ..." Contract Drawings, Sheet 3 of 6, Plan View Reference is made to "STA. 12+59.67 REMOVE EXISTING ...", revise the following: "STA. 12+70 REMOVE EXISTING ..." Contract Drawings, Sheet 3 of 6, Profile DELETE: STA. 12+59.67 INV. 57.65. ADD: STA. 12+70 INV. 54.75 REVISE: STA. 15+34.67 INV. 15.82 These deletions, additions and revisions do not relieve the Contractor of hidher responsibility to field verify the depth and location of the existing connection points in the vicinity of Station 12+70 and Station 15+34.67 prior to construction of any pipeline. Contract Documents, Special Provisions Reference is made to Par. 6-7 7 TIME OF COMPLETION (page 57 of 63), "...prosecute work to cornpietion within seventy-five (75) working ...," revise the following: "...prosecute work to completion within seventy-five (75) calendar ..." END OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 ITEM 2. ITEM 3. 0 ITEM 4. //&zJ&i& 5 4- f WILLIAM E. PLUMMER, P.E. District Engineer WEP:KJE:sjs 0 I I I t I 1 i 1. II 1 E I 1 8 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD and CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CQNTRACT NO. 34521 B134522 CONTRACTOR’S PROPOSAL I. City Council Board of Directors City of Carlsbad & Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carisbad, California 92008 The undersigned declares he/she has carefully examined the location of the work, read the Inviting Bids, examined the Plans, Specifications, Special Provisions and addenda theretc hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and services requi do all the work to complete Contract No. 34521 B/34522 in accordance with the Plans, Specific; Special Provisions and addenda thereto and that heishe will take in full payment theref following unit prices for each item complete, to wit: 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, California 92008 g CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH BATIQUITOS SEWAGE FORCE MAIN AND 12” WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT CMWD PROJECT NO. 85-401 - CONTRACT NO. 34521 W34522 SCHEDULE A FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT Approximate Item Quantity Unit To - 1 No. and Unit Description Price 1 1 LS Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to mobilize, demobilize and provide clean up on construction site, complete and in place for a lump sum price of $- 2 1 LS Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to perform exploratory excavation at underground utility crossing prior to preparation of layout drawings for force main including surveying, coordination with utility owners, AC paving removal, excavation, backfill, compaction and compaction testing, as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in place for the lump sum price of $1 ew I. fa# 2/26/97 Contract No.34521 B/34522 Page 8 of 63 Pages 1 8 I t 8 I 1 place for the lump sum price of .................. $ D5? $Ei9, i 1. I. E c 8 I I I 1 Approximate Item Quantity Unit a No. and Unit Description Price 3 435WZF Furnish all labor, materials and equipment construct the 14-inch diameter PVC (C905) force main from Station 10+00 to Station 12+60 including fittings, thrust blocks, excavation, backfill, compaction and compaction testing, testing and flushing, as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in place for the unit price of Total -- 1 ,,,p ............................. $ $9- -e 4 1,135 LF Furnish all labor, materials and equipment 22, to construct the 14-inch diameter PVC (C905) force main from Station 15+34 to Station 26+69 including fittings, thrust blocks, excavation, backfill, compaction and compaction testing, testing and flushing, as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in 5 2 EA Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct the 14-inch eccentric plug valves including fittings, couplings, risers, stem extension, boxes, covers, anchor blocks, and all other appurtenances as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in place for the unit price of $I& k5e LO $24 6 4 EA Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to install cutoff wall per San Diego Regional Standard Drawing S-10 and Geotechnical Recommendations, com- plete and in place for the lump sum price of $ I 650.00 $6, I 7 1 LS Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct the connection to the existing manhole at the terminus of the force main including excavation, reconstruction of the manhole, new frame and cover, modification of manhole channeling, installation of T-lock lining system, boring through existing manhole base, backfill, compaction, and all appurtenant work, as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specification, complete and in place for the lump sum price of 4 $S 4- c@ 2/26/97 I. Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 9 of 63 Pages I I 8 I I 1 I 8 I 8.0 11 place for the unit price of $ L.75- E 10 P I I I 1 # I* I Approximate item Quantity Unit .No. and Unit Description Price 8 1 LS Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct the connection to the existing force main at the pump station including removal of interfering existing improvements, excavation, installation of wye and valving, valve risers, valve boxes and appurtenant work, as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in Total ..- place for the lump sum price of $4 9 1 LS Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to replace in kind the existing improvements removed in Item 8 including, but not limited to, asphalt pavement, concrete curb, gutters, waterlines, fencing and other improvements as required by the Plans and called for in the Specifications complete and in place for the lump sum price of $& 10 1,500 SF Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct the asphalt pavement as indicated by the shaded area on Sheet 5 of the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in 11 1 LS Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to perform the cleaning and flushing of the existing Idinch force main, as shown on the Pfans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in 1 Pl place + 12 800 LF Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct the temporary fencing along the wetlands boundary as indicated on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in place for the lump sum price of 13 8 EA Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct the force main marker post, as shown on the Plans and cailed for in the Specifications, complete and in place for the unit price of !$ 3'75 s- 3& $ ,,gJ.""- $4 em \# 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521B/34522 Page 10 of 63 Pages 1 0 (4) Place of Business -.NPi7 &%LtLb @L&lLtf) 6khA- 1 B 1 (5) Zip Code 9?-cw Telephone No. (le191 44% 355L (3) Incorporated under the laws of the State of e+&&& (Street and Number) City and State &L L@W f col NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF EXECUTION BY ALL SIGNATORIES MUS' ' ATTACHED 1 List below names of president, vice president, secretary and assistant secretary, if a corporatic partnership, list names of all general partners, and managing partners: 1 /d&w dApm-4 &5. 1 1 1. I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 L&d%%a hum; &I.h&. em I. aS 2/26/97 Contract No. 345218134522 Page 16 of 63 Pages 1 8 I 1 1 1 1 I 1. ll and in place for the unit price of $ bo. - $3 1 1 I II 1 1 1 Approximate Item Quantity Unit 2 1 LS Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to perform exploratory excavation at underground utility crossings (not scheduled in Schedule A, Item No. 2) prior to preparation of layout drawings for the water main including surveying , coordination with utili ties, excavation, backfill, and compaction as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in place for 3 318 LF Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to remove the existing 8-inch and 10-inch water main and existing appurtenances including excavations, pipe and appurtenances removal and disposal as shown on the Plans and a No. and Unit Description Price Total a the lump sumprice of SI: called for in the Specifications, complete OD and in place for the unit price of $25 $3 4 318 LF Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct the 12-inch C900 PVC water main, including preparation of pipe bedding, pipe installation, fittings, thrust blocks backfill, compaction, and flushing and disinfection, as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete @b 5 1 EA Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct a 2-inch air release and vacuum valve assembly, including saddles, fittings, piping and risers per CMWD Standard Drawing W7 and as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in 6 2 EA Furnish all labor, materials, and equipment to construct the tie-ins to the existing water main, including excavation, removal of existing facilities, fittings, couplings, backfill and compaction, as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in place for the unit price of place for the unit price of sJt150L”I $A $ q5-& $3 em I. %d 2/26/97 Contract No. 345218/34522 Page 12 of 63 Pages I t 8- 7 8 I 1 I 1 1 Approxi mate Item Quantity Unit Tc - No. and Unit Description Price 4EA Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to install the concrete anchor per San Diego Regional Standard Drawings S-9 and Geotechnical Recommendations, as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in place for the unit price of $ $@?5?- $- 8 1 LS Furnish excavation safety measures including sheeting, shoring and bracing, or equivalent method for the protection of life and limb in trenches and open excavation in conformance with applicable safety orders, complete and in place for the lump sum price of $- SCHEDULE B BID ITEM NOS. 1-8 $ SCHEDULE A TOTAL FOR COMPA Total amount of bid for Sch Total amount of bid fo be responsible for any error or omission on the part of the Undersigned in preparing this bid. The Undersigned agrees that in case of default in executing the required Contract with necc bonds and insurance policies within twenty (20) days from the date of award of Contract by tt Council of the City of Carlsbad, the City may administratively authorize award of the contract second or third lowest bidder and the bid security of the lowest bidder may be forfeited. The Undersigned bidder declares, under penalty of perjury, that the undersigned is licensed 0 I B I %- p,s 2/26/97 Contract No.34521 B/34522 Page 13 of 63 Pages I 1 8. 1 business or act in the capacity of a contractor within the State of California, validly licensed license number 719lOQ \4 , classification As which expii , and that this statement is true and correct and has the legal ef an affidavit. ' A bid submitted to the City by a Contractor who is not licensed as a contractor pursuant Business and Professions Code shall be considered nonresponsive and shall be rejected by tt- 5 7028.15(e). In all contracts where federal funds are involved, no bid submitted shall be inval by the failure of the bidder to be licensed in accordance with California law. However, at th the contract is awarded, the contractor shall be properly licensed. Public Contract Code § 20 The Undersigned bidder hereby represents as follows: 1. That no Council member, Board of Directors member, officer agent, or employee of the ( Carlsbad is personally interested, directly or indirectly, in this Contract, or the compensation paid hereunder; that no representation, oral or in writing, of the City Council, the Board of Diu its officers, agents, or employees has inducted him/her to enter into this Contract, exceptin those contained in this form of Contract and the papers made a part hereof by its terms; and 2. That this bid is made without connection with any person, firm, or corporation making a I the same work, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. m€ashier'szZtmA) for ten percent (1 0%) of the amount bid. The Undersigned is aware of the provisions of section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self-insura accordance with the provisions of that code, and agrees to comply with such provisions I commencing the performance of the work of this Contract and continue to comply until the coni complete. The Undersigned is aware of the provisions of the Labor Code, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, r{ to the general prevailing rate of wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execu Contract and agrees to comply with its provisions. d&bWk a, Eq% 9 / 8 1 1 11 Accompanying this proposal is &&&$ &ab1' IO$, (-9 c-, 8 I I 1 - I I 1 I I u I *- I. %@ 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521Bl34522 Page 14 of 63 Pages 1 1 IF A SOLE OWNER OR SOLE CONTRACTOR SIGN HERE: (I) Name under which business is conducted (2) Signature (given and surname) of proprietor (3) Place of Business City and State (4) Zip Code Telephone No. IF A PARTNERSHIP, SIGN HERE: (1) Name under which business is conducted (2) Signature (given and surname and character of partner) (Note: Signature must be madc I. a (Street and Number) I t 1 1 general partner) (3) Place of Business I 10 (Street and Number) 1 (4) Zip Code Telephone No. City and State IF A CORPORATION, SIGN HERE: (1 ) Name under which business is conducted 4 - /%LI?k pqh& &Yl% Qnc 1 I I I S I I (Title) Impress Corporate Seal kei ... ... ... ... ... ew I. %# 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521Bl34522 Page 15 of 63 Pages 1 1 8 I I I I 1 1 I. I 1 1 1 I 1 I I Approximate item Quantity Unit 1 LS Furnish all labor, materials and 14 equipment to install erosion control improvements including hydroseeding and erosion control netting as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in place for 6 NO. and Unit Description Price Total 47 the lump sum price of $- 15 1 LS Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct the restoration in kind of the landscaping improvements within the access to the site over private property at the southerly end of Linden Terrace, as shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications, complete and in place for the lump sum price of $&L 16 1 LS Furnish excavation safety measures including sheeting, shoring and bracing, or equivalent method for the protection of life and limb in trenches and open excavation in conformance with the applicable safety orders complete and in 5 $7 place for the lump sum price of Total amount of bid Price(s) given above are firm for 90 days after date of bid opening. SCHEDULE B 12" WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Approximate Item Quantity Unit No. and Unit Description Price Total 1 1 LS Furnish all labor, materials and equipment to mobilize, demobilize and provide cleanup of construction site, complete and in place for lump sum price of $4 I. e= a,@ 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 11 of 63 Pages CALIFORNIA ALL-PU RPOS E ACKNOWLEDGMENT personally appeared ___ I @personally known to me - OR - u proved to me on the basis of salisfactory evidence to be the persan(;dj whose namew is/a+e- subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she&ey-executed authorized the same in his&?r!tW capacity(’-), and that by his/.. signaturem on the instrument the person@‘), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(,@’ acted, executed the instrument. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT ’>>, . TITLE OR TYPE OF OGCUMENT 1 trLElS1 u GENERAL NUMBER OF PAGES c? GUAROIAN/CGNSEA’/ATOR OAT€ OF OOCUMENT ---.- SlGPIER IS REPRESENTING: fUAE OF PEftSOtIISI On ENtII’~{It:S) ~ _- -. .- . . . -.-. - - . . .- . _____ SiGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE --.--I._-----.-_- . - . -.. . _. . --_. . . . __ ---_ 010?3 bIATIONAI. NOTAilY ASSOCIATIOPI * 0230 Ranimal Avo., P.O. Oox 7104 - Cnnogo Potk. CA 01309.; I I EQUIPMENTIMATERIAL SOURCE INFORMATION 1 TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL The Bidder shall indicate opposite each item of equipment or material listed below, the name one supplier and manufacturer of each item or equipment or material proposed to be furnished the bid. Awarding of a contract under this bid will not imply approval by City or the manufa listed by the Bidder. 8. 1 I 1 I 1 I t 8 1 e I I Equipment Manufacturer A ,. 14 Jl j)k/;f $ -?$5 $(c p~hLd 1 L)[ &&id$# 2. 1 fi !I (y-p 1, Ll &,?(jj) $?:I? tu @/ bI)&&& &L(2fh,w d &i#~m('eLo Lb'< Ji 7%zfAu&&hLP4/ < 4&pPL&b- ~JLdrn I (3 ?$ : ViL1C J&&I\,. !Ab - &&I? I I. (Manufacturer) L' f -4 r; J J !L I Ji q%.Lb+Jl /' ub 1. i/ 2Lh& I 3 Kk!iLs-k l?bAlUL LLJ/%LL&L j$J k &&-Sf v (Manufacturer) 3. pp g&/&&/&yq '3 q (Man uyactu re r) 4. h2/ ?' i2t.2b 4.1{L& @ s. k4wq; L?q-G /I 0 I. em r,s 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 17 of 63 Pages 1 1 1 I BID SECURITY FORM (Check to Accompany Bid) 1. (NOTE: The following form shall be used if check accompanies bid.) MPJ Accompanying this proposal is a *Certified *Cashiers check payable to the order of CI- CARLSBAD, in the sum of I dollars ($ this amount being ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. The proceeds of this chec become the property of the City provided this proposal shall be accepted by the City through of its legaily constituted contracting authorities and the undersigned shall fail to execute a c( and furnish the required Performance, Warranty and Payment Bonds and proof of inst coverage within the stipulated time; otherwise, the check shall be returned to the undersignel proceeds of this check shall also become the property of the City if the undersigned shall wil his or her bid within the period of fifteen (1 5) days after the date set for the opening thereof, otherwise required by law, and notwithstanding the award of the contract to another bidder. ' I 1 I. 1 I I 1 1 1 I I BIDDER *Delete the inapplicable word. (Note: If the Bidder desires to use a bond instead of check, the Bid Bond form on the following shall be executed--the sum of this bond shall be not less than ten percent (10%) of the total a of the bid.) r);BL I. \@ 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521Bl34522 Page 18 of 63 Pages I* x I I I I 1 I I! !! .... N 1 .... I 4 .... BIDDEWS BUND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL K" &LL PERSQNS BY MESE PRESENTS: That w, 4-poTNT PEELINE mCNt X. , as Principal, and E" NATIcF\py; - ~WIW as Surety are held and fImly hind unb the City of Carlsbad, Calkmia. in an amount as kb~s: (must be at least Cn perant (10%) of the bid amount) TEN PEXENr OF THE RCXW BID for whid payrmsnt, well and truIy made, we bind orrrmlves. our hairs, ex~~utm and administrators SuCeessors or assigns. joint& and severalty, firmiy by these ptesents. WE CONblTlON OF WE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if the proposal af the above bwnden Principal for: c "\ b I CONSTRUGTlQN OF THE NORTH BATIQUlTOS SEWAGE FORGE MAIN AND 12- WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT CMWD PROJECT 85-401 - CONTRACT NO, 34521 B134522 in the City of Cadsbad, is accepted by the City of Carlsbad, and if the Primipal shall dub enter in! and execute a Contract including required bonds and insurance policies within twenty {Zo) days fro1 the date of award of Contract by the City Council af the City of Carlsbad. being duly noM& of Sai award, ?hen this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full farc and effect, and the amount specified hemin shdl be forfeited to the said City. ' .... L .... '... .,*. ..,. .... .... *... ... - ...a ZMW7 Contract N0,34627 8134522 Pqe18d 63Pag9s' * # IIP' In the event PrSntipal executed this bond as an indlvidual, it is agreed that the death Crf Principal s not exanerate the Surety from Its obligations under itis bond. Execufy by PR1NCPALthiS ad. day Ex0rwted by SURETY this *7TH ,& LfilD&L ,wz. OCTOBER .. ,;A 193. SURETY: ,(name of Surety) f of FlIzsrmmII\EuRAN2E~..~ma a # d a P 4 WI" (XXlRE, SIE. 250-B !S?NIRANA,CA92707 (address of Surety) (714) 437-3052.---, , . kL%dQ7i... 4.: @LP/k.,pLd*re. d (Tine and Organizatioh of Signatory) cbiqg \& (sig By: ANNE WRIGHT (Sign hem) fpnnt name hem) (Attach corporate resblubn swing u!r (printed name of Attwney-in-Fact\ power af attorney.; -- i ftitte and organization of signatory) 4 (Proper notarial acknwvledge of execution by PRlNCIPAl. md SURW must be attached,) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. lf, one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assL secmbry under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the carparation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL II City AttomeylGeneral Counsel I e I; P eylfleputy General Counsel G 2i2W97 Ccintract No. NBf3452;L Page20 crf WPagCw i 9629No. FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA 4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE SEA TTLE.WASHI NGTON 98105 POWER OF ATTORNEY 4333 Brooklyn Avenue N.E. me,W A 9alOS KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA,a Washington corporation.does hereby appoint ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·ANNE WRIGHT,La Mesa,Cal ifornia····························· its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact.with full authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and other docu-nents of a similar character issued by the company in the course of its business.and to bind FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA thereby as fully as if such instru-nents had been duly executed by its regularly elected officers at its home office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA has executed and attested these presents this 13 t h day of December 192.2- CERTIFICA TE Extract from the By-Laws of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: icle V.Section 13.-FIDELITY AND SURETYBO\JDS •..the President.any Vice President.the Secretary.and any Assistant Vice h dsident appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations.shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attorneys-in-fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other docu-nents of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business ...On any instru-nent making or evidencing such appointment.the signatures may be affixed by facsimile.On any instru-nent conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company.the seal.or a facsimile thereof.may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reprOduced:provided.however. that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instru-nent or undertaking." Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28.1970. "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out. m The provisions of Article V.Section 13 of the By-Laws.and (ii)A copy of the power-of -attorney appointment.executed pursuant thereto.and (jii)Certifying that said power-of -attorney appointment is in full force and effect. the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile.and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile thereof." I.R.A.Pierson.Secretary of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA,do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of this corporation.and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto. are true and correct.and that both the By-Laws.the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation this __2_7_TH day of OCTOBER 19 97 . $-1049/EP 11/95 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of CALJFORNIA County of SAN DIEGO OCTOBER 27, 1997 before me, DANA L. MICHAELIS, NOTARY PUBLIC Dale Name and Title of OHicer (e 9, "Jane Doe, Notary Public') personally appeared ANNE WRIGHT Narne(s) 01 Signer(s) K! personally known to me - OR - 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed :o the within instrumeni and acknowledged to me that hclshelthey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. SAN DIEGO COUNTY !d/ Conni. cxp. Jan. 7, 2000 [ /1 /i *,-',-. \ a ' y1 AL2- Signature 01 Notary Public Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: BID BOND Document Date: OCTOBER 27, 1997 Number of Pages: 2 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: 4-POINT PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ANNE wRX+I" 0 Individual 0 Individual 0 Corporate Officer D Partner - 0 Limi:ed 13 Ssneral Title(s): W Attorney-in-Fact 0 Attorney-in-Fact 0 Guardian or Conservator 0 Guardian or Conservator Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA 0 1995 National Notary Association * 8236 Remmet Ave , PO Box 7184 * Canoga Park, CA91309-7104 Prod No 5907 Reorder Call Toll-Free 1 - CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..---- .- personally appeared ___ I 4 personally known to me - OR - 17 proved to me on the basis of salisfactory evidence to be the persan(H whose namew Is/&--+ subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that het%iwAky executed the same in hisltrerJthmr authorized capacity(M), and that by hislkehLtkei-F signaturew on the instrument the personw, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(#acted, executed the instrument. ' Though lhe dnla below is ool required by law, il may prove valuable to persons reiyiiig on \fie docurnenl and could prevent fraudulent reattachmetit of this lorrn. CAPACITY CLAlPLlED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF AITACHEU DOCUMENT c] CORFORATE OFFiCER TITLE OR TYPE OF GOCUMENT 1 I rwsi 0 GENERAL NUMEEFI CF PAGES - DATE OF DOCUMENT ---__ SIGPIER IS REPRESENTING: rrmE OF P~IISWIIISI~~ EMII~V~I~~SI ~ _- .-. .- . .. _.-. - - . . .- . ______ SIGNEH(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE --.---.------ .-_- . - . -. . . -. . --. . . . . -- -- -- al!l?3 FlAllONAI. NOTAilY ASSOCIAIION * 0230 nonvmal Avo., P.O. Box 7104 *Cnnogo Potk, CA 01300~1 I I I BIDDERS BOND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, as Surety are held and firmly bound unto the City of Carlsbad, California, in an amount as fo (must be at least ten percent (10%) of the bid amount) for payment, well and truly made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administ successors or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if the proposal of the t bounden Principal for: , as Principal, and 1. I 1 1 I 1 1. .... 1 I I .... 8 1 .... I i i CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH BATlQUlTOS SEWAGE FORCE MAIN AND 12" WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT CMWD PROJECT 85-401 - CONTRACT NO. 34521 W34522 in the City of Carisbad, is accepted by the City of Carlsbad, and if the Principal shall duly ent and execute a Contract including required bonds and insurance policies within twenty (20) day the date of award of Contract by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, being duly notified 1 award, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in ful and effect, and the amount specified herein shall be forfeited to the said City. i .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... I. 9w a# 2/26/97 Contract No.34521 B/34522 Page 19 of 63 Pages I In the event Principal executed this bond as an individual, it is agreed that the death of Princip: not exonerate the Surety from its obligations under this bond. Executed by PRINCIPAL this day Executed by SURETY this of >I9 . 319 * PRI N Ci PAL: SURETY: I I. (name of Principal) (name of Surety) I I I I I I. By: (sign here) (address of Surety) (print name here) (telephone number of Surety) By: I (Title and Organization of Signatory) (signature of Attorney-in-Fact) By: (sign here) (printed name of Attorney-in-Fact) (print name here) (Attach corporate resolution showing power of attorney.) I I (title and organization of signatory) (Proper notarial acknowledge of execution by PRINCIPAL and SURETY must be attached.) (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or a: secretary under corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) I I 1 I I 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attorney/General Counsel By: JANE MOBALDI Deputy City Attorney/Deputy General Counsel I. em pe# 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521Bl34522 Page 20 of 63 Pages I I I I I 1 I 0 1 I I 1 I I I GUIDE FOR COMPLETING THE "BESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTOR AND AMOUNT OF SUBCONTRACTORS BID" AND "DESIGNATION OF OWNER OPERAYOWLESSOR AND AMOUNT OF OWNER OPERATOWLESSOR WORK" FORMS I. REFERENCES Prior to preparation of the following Subcontractor and Owner Operator/l disclosure forms Bidders are urged to review the definitions in section 1-2 of the SSPWC and Special Provisions to this Contract especially, "Bid", "Bidder", "Contract", "Contractor", 'IC( Price", "Contract Unit Price", "Engineer", "Subcontractor" and "Work" and the definitions in sec 2 of the Special Provisions especially "Own Organization" and "Owner Operator/Lessor." Biddt further urged to review sections 2-3 SUBCONTRACTS of the SSPWC and section 2-3.1 01 Special Provisions. CAUTIONS Bidders are cautioned that failure to provide complete and correct informatioi result in rejection of the bid as non-responsive. Any bid that proposes performance of more tt percent of the work by other than the Contractor's own organization will be rejected a: responsive. INSTRUCTIONS Bidders shall use separate disclosure forms for each Subcontractor or I Operator/Lessor (O+O) of manpower and equipment that is proposed to be used to compk Work. All items of information must be completely filled out. Where the bid item will be installed by more than one Subcontractor or Owner OperatorlLess percentage of the bid item installed by the Subcontractor or Owner Operator/Lessor being li: the line of the form must be entered under the column "O/O of Item by Sub" or "O/O of Item by as applicable. If a Subcontractor or Owner Operator/Lessor instails or constructs any portion o item the entire amount of the Contract Unit Price shall be multiplied by the Quantity of the bi that the Subcontractor or Owner Operator/Lessor installed. Suppliers of materials from sources outside the limits of work are not subcontractors. The vi materials and transport for materials from sources outside the limits of work, as shown on the shall be assigned to the Contractor, the Subcontractor, or the Owner Operator/Lessor as the may be, installing them. The value of material incorporated in any Subcontracted or ( Operator/Lessor installed bid item that is supplied by the Contractor shail not be included as an of the portion of the work that the Contractor is required to perform with its own organization. The item number from the "CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL" (Bid Sheets) shall be entered in th When a Subcontractor or Owner OperatorlLessor has a Carfsbad business license the numbei be entered on the form. If the Subcontractor does not have a valid business license enter "NO1 the appropriate space. Bidders shall make any additional copies of the disclosure forms as may be necessary to provil required information. The number of additional form pages shall be entered on the first form p; each type so duplicated. 1. I I Item No." column. @ 4- t9 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 8134522 Page 21 of 63 Pages I Bidder may, at its option, combine bid items on a single row in the chart on the disclosure fc Gsing this option the Bidder must indicate the bid item numbers to which the information in tl pertains. This option may m be used where the subcontractor or Owner Operator/L constructing or installing less than 100 percent of a bid item. The percentages and dollar ar may be the sums of the bid items listed in that row. When the Bidder proposes using a subcontractor or owner operator/Lessor to construct or less than 100 percent of a bid item the Bidder must attach an explanation sheet to the design; subcontractor or designation of Owner Operator/Lessor forms as applicable. The explanatior must clearly apprise the Agency of the specific tasks, materials and/or equipment that are prc to be so supplied. Determination of the subcontract and Owner Operator/Lessor amounts for purposes of award contract shall determined by the City Council in conformance with the provisions of the Q documents and these Special Provisions. The decision of the City Council shall be final. @ f I 1 1 ! 1 1. 1 ! I 8 I 1 I 1 ' I. 8- %e9 2/26/97' Contract No. 345218134522 Paqe 22 of 63 Paces -4- L A;' 3r I4.19 k'. (J1 QEStGNAVBBM OF SUBCONTRACTOR AND A~~~~~ OF SUBCONTRACTOR'S BID The Bidder MUST wm?dete each Inf~m&ti~n fidd on this farm for csch subcantractor 1 prsgosss to usa Additional copies of this ibrm may be attached if reqhifred to aceomrnodz3 Contractors detcbon to use more than me subcontractor. This fcrm must be submitted ao a 6 the Bidder's selcHJI bid. Fotlvn to prWids wrnplete and comd kWmatiesn my rWuR !R rejee! tne bid as nsn-rsswsivo6 The Bidder cert~fles that it hais used tbe sub-bid of the fallowing listed subantracton in prq this bid for the Work and that the ibkd atsccrntractars wiV be used to perfom the Wdhns Work as desigmbd in the list in emordance with appkabk previsionil of ttrc spefiaWn section 4100 et $e$ of the Public Cantracts Code "Subletting and SubeonPaaeting Fair Pra Ad." The Bidde~ fisther ~ertifress that no addltlonal subcontr'actor will !x ellwad t0 getforr portion of the Work and that no changes in the subcontractors listed work will ba made except the prior appmval d ths Ageney Fuff Company Name of Swbcor3tractor. Complete Address. 2 01-7 Drnd GE, AVdYR e Street y?sw6- CIiy State Telephone Number ptus ArQa Code' [7d - __ u) 7 s7-m qo -rcI 0 California state Contractors License No 8 ciassiffcatian' Cartabad Bushum Limnse Noa* UI) I c-.a 7 9 73.6W a msls'p Contract No, Page 23 e# 83p-9 ' PHdb!E NC. : 567 323 5152 Uct. 29 1537 1;.:35 FROM : Hr'DRUUUIF-' PI-MP &, DELJRTE~ING 8. e~#p%&n AddrcPss: crplfamg &1w%m!&s bnas Ne.; & __ 0 1 3 * DES113NA?IQN OF SUBC N. AMQUN7 OF SUBGONTRACjOR'S BIB. The Bidder MUST mpiete eg~& fmaWn Mid on fib form for Mdr ~b@slmmW W pmgmes to use. Addlhnal coph of this t'm my be attached if rgqubd b Conibgctalrs dddm ta uee mare than one subconk~~eto~* Thk fom m-1 be sub the EfMd9r's sealad bid, Falluse to pmvkie cam@%ta and ccvred jnfQmtlwn my msuR h m&Ah the bid as nmmpruaiw. "ma Bidder cerrM9s that tt has wd fhtna wbbid of the fcaJIU'&ng 1 WbmmdQn kl P*P perfwnm be parikms 0 Work as desigflatedl in thea !iat In atxcxxfan~e9 wkjh apptiabk p 3i gf tha S6Sft~rntiQflS wxdbn 4100 et ssq, of the Public Contracts Code "SubleCtdng and Subansactin9 Fair Pmr A&" Th@ BEddet further certifies that no additional subcontfaetraa will b9 allowed to perfm portion of the Work and that RO chainge~ in the subcontractors Ikted work will be made except the prior appmvai of the Agenq-. !.his bid for the WQ& and thal the listed subaartmctors will be us PUi! Campafly bk3me 0% Subct3nht35~ EW+ CQ0Snf.f . Gcad;fie in*\ I Crsrnplete Address: 103 4 sb h ens .- - 9a0'5t - Il-- State zip oyw &?SA&.. L Street b -.- City ~e~ephene Number pius rea de; _fG14l W,b J-W ._ UYY L- California state antradgrs ~cense NO. 8 ~tasafication: Cia&b&! 8udrre@ &imn$e Na.: w.-*.-LLL -yy*- ,-I 4 I a o Il- --- E* . .i "I C. '1. I** - . %I ;:; 1 ,*'* :* . .? I V 9 .* $-#&$? "__ - ____ Fax -6194483566 Oct 29 '97 13109 P Oi 0 The Bidder cm#a that it ha8 US& fh subbld of me fallawing Itrted ~~~~~~~~ in prep& @IS bid h'Oh Me Work and that ?he listed SubcdA~~ctoB wll be used to pe&m the w~oas ob th Work ats designated in the lkt in aceorcianix with applicable provisions d the speeifiatiom an 3ectmn 4100 et seq. of the Public Contacts Code "Sublet3ng and Subconhefin$ Fair Pradice Ad? ?he Bidder Wher ~Ptifies that no additistlai subconuactor will be allowed ta perfom ar psrti~n of the Work and that no changm in !he submntrsctsrs llsted work wit! be made except upc the prior approval of the Agency, Full Company twne of Subcontrsctse:. BfoA-, %e$4.;r COdST.. b/LC - Complete Mdrass: Eo.. ,,Box I@ 34 California state ~mtmctors tseense NO. & Classification:, ,. C p 42 SA^ *f-e~~d- 0 Carisbad Business Elwnse No,: - ' --rr e Bid Item No. E I I E 1 Bid Price % of % of Totat Bid Bid Price % of % of of Item Item by Contract item of Item Item by Total Sub NO. Sub Con t raci Bid Bid Price %of % ofTotaf Bid Bid Price Item of Item Item by Contract Item of Item NQ. o+o No. E 9 8 1 I %of % Qf Item by Total o+o Contract @ I 8 8 1 1 T I. t I 1 3 1 f I 1F BII D D E R'S STATE M E NT 0 F FI NAN C I Ah RES PO N S I B I LlTY (To Accompany Proposal) 0 I Copies of the latest Annual Report, audited financial statements or Balance Sheets m submitted under separate cover marked CONFIDENTIAL. 4& (!Et&@&! "3L.*W! 5W&WM+'' I fx e o&/iidL&'' v e- pi# 2/26/97 I. Contract No. 34521 E3134522 Page 25 of 63 Pages 1 4 8 I I 8 I I. 1 a s 1 II s f 1 BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE (To Accompany Proposal) The Bidder is required to state what work of a similar character to that included in the pro Contract he/she has successfully performed and give references, with telephone numbers, whi enable the City to judge hidher responsibility, experience and skill. An attachment can be use( 1. m 8. 2/26/97 Contract No. 345218134522 Page 26 of 63 Pages li c I BIDDER’S CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE FOR LIABILITY AND WORKERS’ COMPENSATIQN 0 GENERAL LIABILITY, EMPLOYERS’ LIABILITY, AUTOMOTI’ E (To Accompany Proposal) # As a required part of the Bidder’s proposal the Bidder must attach either of the following to this 1. Certificates of insurance showing conformance with the requirements herein for: Comprehensive General Liability R 1 I B Employer’s Liability Automobile Liability Workers Compensation 2. Statement with an insurance carrier’s notarized signature stating that the carrier can, and up payment of fees and/or premiums by the Bidder, will issue to the Bidder Policies of insuranci Comprehensive General Liability, Employer’s Liability, Automobile Liability and Workers Compensation in conformance with the requirements herein and Certificates of insurance to Agency showing conformance with the requirements herein. All certificates of insurance and statements of willingness to issue insurance for auto policies c to meet the specification of this contract must: (I) meet the conditions stated in The Notice 11 Bids, the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and the Special Provisions fi project for each insurance company that the Contractor proposes, and (2) cover anv vehicle u the performance of the contract, used onsite or offsite, whether owned, non-owned or hire( whether scheduled or non-scheduled. The auto insurance certificate must state the coverage “any auto“ and cannot be limited in any manner. 1 10 1 I 1 I I 1 8 1 I ’( 5L lbg&&Lkk/ GLbfii hpa -‘i c 0 8W t# 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521B/34522 Page 27 of 63 Pages doli Louis fnsurance 5 Pig Pic0 Drive lsbad CA 9ZOOS -.I"- I EL Won CA 92020 -"...----_--I ......--,"-_- ...... -.... ER'S 4 CCNTRIICTCA 6 PRCT ; 6LL mco Abm5 SCneWLfRALm25 "~WPUTOS ............... EYPU1IPRI' LJmIUpI THE PpoPAlRoFll CMOULO ANV Of lWdBOVE OESCRl8ED POLICIES BE CAWC€UEO BUORS TH UPlRAnON DATE TWREOC, TU€ ISSUIUO COUHOIWY WU ENDUVOR TO MAIL This policy is not subject to cancellation by the Fund except upon 30days' advance written notice to the employer. ._'. Randal 1 loid s Insurance 2565 Ptb Pic@ kiwe Csrlsbad CA 92008 ..%e .-- 7" RLLUWUWAIJ IW SCVEoULFD AUT@ woPJ.uwNEP Aums -8 __l__l.....- Cjty Of kW7 §b&d/caY'! b&Md MrtnSeCprl Ue*sr O3strlee 12013 tarlsbbdl Wllsge Drive Carl shd CA 320861-13a89 0 Policy Number: TNC0698/37/0314 TfIIS ENDORSEMENT CIlkNGES 'I'HE POLTCY . PLEASE READ 1'1' CkREFULLV r ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LEGSEEG OR CONTRACTORS (FORI4 B) ~hFs endorsemerit 11lodiries insurance provided under tne follawing: CCMMERCIAL GENERAL l,lABILITY C4VBiPAGE FAR'I' Name of ~erson ar organization: clty ot Carisbad Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 (If no entry appears above, information required to ccmplate this endorsement will be shown in the Declaratiam. as agplicab1.a to this endorseinent) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section 11) is amen2sd to include as an insured the person 6r OrqafiiZation shown in the Scheduie, but only wjth respect to 1iabil.ity a~rising out of your ongoing operations 0 performed for that insured. I PRIMARY INSLJRAbrCE CLAUSE It is agreed that such ihsunranee as is afforded by this poliLy for thc kcr,cfit of the additional iaaurad ahown shall be primary insurance and any other insurance maintained by the additional insured(s) shnl-~ be excess and non contributGry but only as respects a~y claim, loss or liability arising out of the operations of the named. insured(a) . I CG 20 10 io 93 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc. 1995 I 0 ervices, Inc . 377 Camel Mountain Road an Diego CA 92121 .___- int Pipeline Construction, POLICY NUMBER ER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT ALL OWNED AUTDS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE THE FROiniEiOR, *10 day notice for non-payment City of Carlsbad 3o* DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO TI SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY Carlsbad Municipal W/D 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008-1989 f3-%?v STATE CO M PENS AT1 ON P.O. BOX 420807, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94142-0807 UNIT I CITY OF CQaR RTTN: PURCH CRRLSERD CR L GfTR Mf7IN REPLRCEMENT CMWD ~a5-481/~0~~#345~1~134~?~ This is to certify that we have issued a valid Workers' Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California Insurance Commissioner to the employer named below for the policy period indicated. This policy is not subject to cancellation by the Fund except upon &I days' advance written notice to the employer. We will also give you f N days' advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. - 3i?l .?! x described herei AUTHORIZED REPR EPIF'LOYEP s LIRBI ENDORSEMENT WiBGS ENTITLED CERTIFICRTE HOLDERS? NOTICE EFFECTIVE lEilEi/37 IS RTTRCHED TO RND FORMS R PRRT OF THIS POLICY. - ?'X€@ FLETCHER P EL CFtSON CR 32@28 R B BIDDER'S STATEMENT RE DEBARMENT I (To Accompany Proposal) 1. Have you or any of your subcontractors ever been debarred as an irresponsible bidc another jurisdiction in the State of California? Bo % Yes no I 1 i 2. If yes, what wadwere the name(s) of the agency(ies) and what wadwere the period debarment(s)? Attach additional copies of this page to accommodate more than two debarmen ' party debarred party debarred 1 agency agency 1 period of debarment period of debarment It. I I a I II 3 II i BY CONTRACTOR: 4- 1. "1# 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521B134522 Page 28 of 63 Pages i I BIDDER’S DISCLOSURE OF DISCIPLINE RECORD (To Accompany Proposal) Contractors are required by law to be licensed and regulated by the Contractors’ State L Board which has jurisdiction to investigate complaints against contractors if a complaint regal patent act or omission is filed within four years of the date of the alleged violation. A cor regarding a latent act or omission pertaining to structural defects must be filed within 10 year: date of the alleged violation. Any questions concerning a contractor may be referred Registrar, Contractors’ State License board, P.O. Box 26000, Sacramento, California 95826. 1. Have you ever had your contractor‘s license suspended or revoked by the California Contr State license Board two or more times within an eight year period? io I I I 1 1 x Yes no 2. Has the suspension or revocation of your contractors license ever been stayed? Y Yes no 3. Have any subcontractors that you propose to perform any portion of the Work ever ha contractor’s license suspended or revoked by the California Contractors’ State license Board more times within an eight year period? I I. Yes no LC 4. Has the suspension or revocation of the license of any subcontractor’s that you prop perform any portion of the Work ever been stayed? Y Yes no 1 1 I I 1 1 5. If the answer to either of 1. or 3. above is yes fully identify, in each and every case, tnc disciplined, the date of and violation that the disciplinary action pertain to, describe the nature violation and the disciplinary action taken therefor. U/ri I (Attach additional sheets if necessary) I. em %u” 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521B/34522 Page 29 of 63 Pages I I I BIDDER'S DISCLOSURE OF DISCIPLINE RECORD (CONTINUED) (To Accompany Proposal) 6. If the answer to either of 2. or 4. above is yes fully identify, in each and every case, the who's discipline was stayed, the date of the violation that the disciplinary action pertains to, de the nature of the violation and the condition (if any) upon which the disciplinary action was sta 1. 8 N /A I I t 8 1. 1 1 I I 1 I 1 t (Attach additional sheets if necessary) BY CONTRACTOR: a I. em s@ 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521B/34522 Page 30 of 63Pages I 8 8 I 8 E NQN-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT TO BE EXECUTED BY BIDDER AND SUBMITTED WITH BID PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 71 06 State of California 1 Countyof &-x~v ) ) ss. I' IclLw dJqi,LhJ , being first duly sworn, depose! (Name of Bidder) and says that he or she is 4d % de nr (Title) of &J&& pd&& u hh&. Qno. (Name of Firm) the party making the foregoing bid that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf c undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or sc any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, con: connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agree communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other biddet fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to I any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the pro contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder hr directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents tt or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corpo partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent the effectuate a collusive or sham bid. I b I@ t I 4 - I I 1 I 1 executed on t (NOTARY SEAL) 4- I. a*,# 2/26/97 Contract No. 345218134522 Page 31 of 63 Pages I I le 1 1 I 8 I I I I 1 1 CONTRACT PUBLIC WORKS This agreement is made this /e day of , 19Sf, b between the City of Carlsbad, California, a municigl JcorpoG(tioh, (hereinafter called ''City Carlsbad Municipal Water District of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter "District"), and 4 POINT PIPELINE whose principal place of business i: 2160 FLETCHER PARKWAY SUITE F, ELCAJON CA 92020 (here called "Con tractor"). City, District and Contractor agree as follows: 1. for: a Description of Work. Contractor shall perform all work specified in the Contract docu CONSTRUCTION OF NORTH BATlQUlTOS SEWAGE FORCE MAIN AND 12" WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT CMWD PROJECT NO. 55-401 - CONTRACT NO. 34521 B/34522 (hereinafter called "project") 2. equipment, and personnel to perform the work specified by the Contract Documents. 3. Contract Documents. The Contract Documents consist of this Contract, Notice Invitiq Contractor's Proposal, Bidder's Bond, Designation of Subcontractors, Designation of ( Operator/Lessors, Bidder's Statements of Financial Responsibility, Technical Ability and Exper Re Debarment, Non-collusion Affidavit, Escrow Agreement, Release Form, the Plan! Specifications, the Special Provisions, addendum(s) to said Plans and Specifications and S Provisions, and all proper amendments and changes made thereto in accordance with this Cc or the Plans and Specifications, and all bonds for the project; all of which are incorporated her this reference. Contractor, her/his subcontractors, and materiais suppliers shall provide and install the wc indicated, specified, and implied by the Contract Documents. Any items of work not indica specified, but which are essential to the completion of the work, shall be provided at the Contri expense to fulfill the intent of said documents. In all instances through the life of the Contra City will be the interpreter of the intent of the Contract Documents, and the City's decision rela said intent will be final and binding. Failure of the Contractor to apprise subcontractors and ma suppliers of this condition of the Contract will not relieve responsibility of compliance. 4. Payment. For all compensation for Contractor's performance of work under this Contrac shall make payment to the Contractor per section 9-3 PAYMENT of the Standard Specificatic Public Works Construction (SSPWC) 1997 Edition, hereinafter designated "SSPWC", as issi the Southern California Chapter of the American Public Works Association, and as amended Special Provisions section of this contract. The Engineer will close the estimate of work corn for progress payments on the last working day of each month. 5. Independent Investigation. Contractor has made an independent investigation Provisions of Labor and Materials. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, I@ R ' I 0 eb. 68 2/25/97 Contract No.34521 Bj34522 Page 32 of 63 Pages 1 I I I jobsite, the soil conditions at the jobsite, and all other conditions that might affect the progress work, and is aware of those conditions. The Contract price includes payment for all work th: be done by Contractor, whether anticipated or not, in order to overcome underground condi Any information that may have been furnished to Contractor by City about underground con1 or other job conditions is for Contractor's convenience only, and City does not warrant th conditions are as thus indicated. Contractor is satisfied with all job conditions, including underc conditions and has not relied on information furnished by City. 6. Hazardous Waste or Other Unusual Conditions. If the contract involves d trenches or other excavations that extend deeper than four feet below the surface Contract0 promptly, and before the following conditions are disturbed, notify City, in writing, of any: A. Hazardous Waste. Material that Contractor believes may be material that is hazardous 1 as defined in section 251 17 of the Health and Safety Code, that is required to be removed to a I, Class II, or Class Ill disposal site in accordance with provisions of existing law. B. Differing Conditions. Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing from C. Unknown Physical Conditions. Unknown physical conditions at the site of any UI nature, different materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recogni- Led as inhe work of the character provided for in the contract. City shall promptly investigate the conditions, and if it finds that the conditions do materially so or do involve hazardous waste, and cause a decrease or increase in contractor's costs of, time required for, performance of any part of the work shall issue a change order undc procedures described in this contract. In the event that a dispute arises between City and Contractor whether the conditions mal differ, or involve hazardous waste, or cause a decrease or increase in the contractor's cost time required for, performan.ce of any part of the work, contractor shall not be excused fro1 scheduled completion date provided for by the contract, but shall proceed with all work performed under the contract. Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided either by conti by law which pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the contracting parties. 7. Immigration Reform and Control Act. Contractor certifies it is aware of the require of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (8 USC sections 1101-1525) and has cor and will comply with these requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibil employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors, and consultants that are included i 8. Prevailing Wage. Pursuant to the California Labor Code, the director of the Departm Industrial Relations has determined the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in accordanc California Labor Code, section 1773 and a copy of a schedule of said general prevailing wage is on file in the office of the City Engineer, and is incorporated by reference herein. Pursu California Labor Code, section 1775, Contractor shall pay prevailing wages. Contractor shal copies of all applicable prevailing wages on the job site. 9. Indemnification. Contractor shall assume the defense of, pay all expenses of defensc indemnify and hold harmless the District and the City of Carlsbad, and its officers and emplc from all claims, loss, damage, injury and liability of every kind, nature and description, dire( indirectly arising from or in connection with the performance of the Contract or work; or fror failure or alleged failure of Contractor to comply with any applicable law, rules or regul, 1 0 a I I indicated. I I 8. u I 8 1 I I Contract. 8 I @ 4- %a 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521Bl34522 Page 33 of 63 Pages I I t I I I I I I 8 I 1 I 1 I including those relating to safety and health; and from any and all claims, loss, damages, injui liability, howsoever the same may be caused, resulting directly or indirectly from the nature work covered by the Contract, except for loss or damage caused by the sole or active neglige1 willful misconduct of the District or City. The expenses of defense include all costs and exp including attorneys' fees for litigation, arbitration, or other dispute resolution method. Contractor shall also defend and indemnify the District and City of Carlsbad against any chall to the award of the contract to Contractor, and Contractor will pay all costs, including defense for the District and City. Defense costs include the cost of separate counsel for District and District or City requests separate counsel. IO. Insurance. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract ins1 against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in conn with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, his or her agents, represent employees or subcontractors. Said insurance shall meet the City's policy for insurance as st: Resolution No. 91 -403. (A) Coverages And Limits Contractor shall maintain the types of coverages and minimum indicted herein: a. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance: $1,000,000 combined single limi occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. If the policy has an aggregate limit, a se[ aggregate in the amounts specified shall be established for the risks for which the City , the 0 or its agents, officers or employees are additional insured. b. injury and property damage. In addition, the auto policy must cover any vehicle used I performance of the contract, used onsite or offsite, whether owned, non-owned or hired, and wt scheduled or non-scheduled. The auto insurance certificate must state the coverage is foi auto" and cannot be limited in any manner. c. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance: Workers' compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers' Liability limits of $1 ,OC per incident. Workers' compensation offered by the State Compensation Insurance FL acceptable to the City and the District. (B) Additional Provisions. Contractor shall ensure that the policies of insurance required this agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions. General LiE Employers' Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages: a. The District and the City of Carlsbad, its officials, employees and volunteers are to be co as additional insured as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf I Contractor; products and completed operations of the contractor; premises owned, leased, hir borrowed by the contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the sco protection afforded to the District or City, its officials, employees or volunteers. All additional in endorsements must be evidenced using separate documents attached to the certificate of insur one for each company affording general liability, employers' liability and auto liability coverage. b. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Distric City, its officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained i: District or City, its officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of the contractor's insu and shall not contribute with it. 8 a t Automobile Liability Insurance: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for 8. a I e 8% sg 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521B/34522 Page 34 of 63 Pages I c. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage pr to the District and City, its officials, employees or volunteers. d. Coverage shall state that the contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each ir against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the in liability. (C) "Claims Made" Policies. If the insurance is provided on a "claims made" basis, coverag be maintained for a period of three years following the date of completion of the work. (D) Notice Of Cancellation. Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be en( to state that coverage shall not be nonrenewed, suspended, voided, canceled, or reduc coverage or limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice has been given to the C certified mail, return receipt requested. (E) Deductjbles And Self-Insured Retention (S.I.R.) Levels. Any deductibles or self-ir retention levels must be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, eithe insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retention levels as respec City, its officials and employees; or the contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payrr losses and related investigation, claim administration and defense expenses. (F) Waiver Qf Subrogation. Ail policies of insurance required under this agreement shall cor waiver of all rights of subrogation the insurer may have or may acquire against the City or an) officials or employees. (G) Subcontractors. Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insured under its polic shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. . Coveragc subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. (H) Acceptability Of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers that have a rating in Key Rating Guide of at least A-:V. Insurers must also be authorized to transact the bush insurance by the State of California Insurance Commissioner as admitted carriers as evidence( listing in the official publication of the Department of Insurance of the State of California and/or the standards specified by the City Council in Resolution No. 91-403. (I) Verification Of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insuranci original endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insu bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and ondorsements are to be in forms approved t City and are to be received and approved by the City before the Contract is executed by the Ci? (J) Cost Of Insurance. The Cost of all insurance required under this agreement shall be inc in the Contractor's bid. 11. Claims and Lawsuits. All claims by contractor for $375,000 or less shall be resoh accordance with the provisions in the Public Contract Code, Division 2, Part 3, Chapter 1, Articl (commencing with section 20104) which are incorporated by reference. A copy of Article ' included in the Special Provisions I section. The contractor shall initially submit all claims $375,000 to the City using the informal dispute resolution process described in Public Contract subsections 201 04.2(a), (c), (d). Notwithstanding the provisions of this section of the contrac claims shall comply with the Government Tort Claim Act (section 900 et seq., of the Cali1 Government Code) for any claim or cause of action for money or damages prior to filing any la for breach of this agreement. I I' 1 I 8 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I B. I 0 I OB. %# 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521Bl34522 Page 35 of 63 Pages 1 I I 1 (A) Assertion of Claims. Contractor hereby agrees that any contract claim submitted to tt must be asserted as part of the contract process as set forth in this agreement and not in antic of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. (6) False Claims. Contractor acknowledges that if a false claim is submitted to the City, it r considered fraud and the Contractor may be subject to criminal prosecution. (C) Government Code. Contractor acknowledges that California Government Code st 12650 et seq., the False Claims Act, provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly sut false claim to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorz the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information. (D) Penalty Recovery. If the City of Carlsbad seeks to recover penalties pursuant to the Claims Act, it is entitled to recover its litigation costs, including attorney's fees. (E) Debarment for False Claims. Contractor hereby acknowledges that the fiiing of a false may subject the Contractor to an administrative debarment proceeding wherein the Contractc be prevented from further bidding on public contracts for a period of up to five years. (F) Carlsbad Municipal Code. The provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code sections 3.3 3.32.026, 3.32.027 and 3.32.028 pertaining to false claims are incorporated herein by referenct (G) Debarment from Other Jurisdictions. Contractor hereby acknowledges that debarmi another jurisdiction is grounds for the City of Carlsbad to disqualify the from participating in future contract bidding. i have read and understand all provisions of Section 1 I above. 12. Maintenance of Records. Contractor shall maintain and make City, upon request, records in accordance with sections 1776 and 181 2 of Part 7, Chapter 1, 1 2, of the Labor Code. If the Contractor does not maintain the records at Contractor's principal of business as specified above, Contractor shall so inform the City by certified letter accomp: the return of this Contract. Contractor shall notify the City by certified mail of any change of ac 13. Labor Code Provisions. The provisions of Part 7, Chapter 1, commencing with s 1720 of the Labor Code are incorporated herein by reference. 'l4. Security. Securities in the form of cash, cashier's check, or certified check may be subs for any monies withheld by the City to secure performance of this contract for any obli established by this contract. Any other security that is mutuaily agreed to by the Contractor ai City may be substituted for monies withheld to ensure performance under this Contract. 15. Provisions Required by Law Deemed Inserted. Each and every provision of lav clause required by law to be inserted in this Contract shall be deemed to be inserted hereii included herein, and if, through mistake or otherwise, any such provision is not inserted, or correctly inserted, then upon application of either party, the Contract shall forthwith be phy: amended to make such insertion or correction. 'l6. Additional Provisions. Any additional provisions of this agreement are set forth i "General Provisions'' or "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. * I a I I I I / 1 @ 1 of such records. 1 I t I 8 I 1 a r)w ts 2/26/97 Contract No. 345218134522 Page 36 of 63 Pages I 1 8 I I I 1 I. I 1 1 t 0 1 NOTARIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF EXECUTION BY ALL SIGNATORIES MUS ATTACHED !b [CORPORATE SEAL) ' CONTRACTOR: (print name and title) ATTEST President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or as secretary under the corporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: I RONALD R. BALL 1 City Attorney/General Counsel I* 212 Si9 7 Contract No. 34521B/34522 Page 37 of 63 Pages CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACICNOWLEDGMENT - Counly o[ _____I_._---I- - -.---- - personally appeared ___ -- I NAMC(S) Or SlGNEfl(S) gpersonally known to nie - OR - [3 proved io me on the basis of saiisfactory evidence to be the persan@ whose named is/! subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/sheAky executed the same in hislkeFKkefr authorized capacity(ps5, and that by his/Whe ir signaturewon [he instrument the person(d, or the entity upon behalf of which the Though the dah below IS no1 required by law* il may prove vaiuabie lo persons reiyiiig on the document and could prevent lrauduien! realtachrnenl of lliis form. , CAPACITY CLNPAED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT 0 CORPORATE OFFICER ‘1 \* &,xi &~42i!KIWr& TITLE CR TYPE OF DGCUMENT I I rwsi 0 GENERAL NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT ---.- SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: ?l/AlE OF P€IlSU?ltS)Ofl ENIIIY(I1.S) -_- .---.-------_- -7--- -.. -- -- ~ .._--- SIGNER(S) OTI4ER THAN NAMED ABOVE . -...-. --. . -- --- a(I)’U FlfillONN NOThnY ASSOCIATIOPI * 02211 Ronlrnol Avo, P 0. Oar 7101 * Cnnooa Pnik, CA 01309.71 / CALlFORNlA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT z!---- - personally appeared ___ @ personally known to rile - OR - proved to me on the basis of salisfactory evidence to be the persan(sf whose name(;ai( is/w subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me [hat he,#e&-ey executed the same in his/- 'r authorized capacity(?ttS), and that by his- signature@) on [he instrument the person(4, or the entity upon behalf of which the personw acted, executed Ihe instrument. : NAMi(St Or SICNEII(S) Though Ihe dnla below IS no1 required by law, IL may prove valuable lo persons relying cn llie document and could prevent frauduienl reallachmetll of Ihis lorm. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRlPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT a CORPORATE OFFiCER '. lbt5VL& B&m.& TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT iirwsi NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT ---.- SI GPER IS REPR ESENTl FIG: MAIE OF rwtxms)on ENIIIY{II:S~ - -~~-- - . _- -- ~ _.___-__ SIGNER(S) OTt IER THAN NAMED ABOVE ------.---- ---_- - -. . - - -- . - - -- -- Ol9?J FIAllONN NOTNlY ASSOClAllOPI * 0238 Ronlrnal Avo, P 0 ~OX 7104 a Cnno~o Pnrk, CA 01309 I BOND NO.: 5912: PREMIUM : INCLUDl PERFOR - .."" LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND WHEREAS, tfie City Council of the City af Carlstmd, State of California, by Rex No. 97-690 a&p&d NCIVEMBER 18, 1997 , and the Bo; Dlredclrs of the Carlsbad /vit.JniCrpai Water District of the CI of Carlsbad, Stke of Callfort Resolution No. loor adopted NOVEMBE -2 18, 1997 has award 4-POINT PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION, INC. -. . (hareinafter designated as me "Principal"). a Contract far: 0 -. CONSTRUC710N OF NQRTM BATKJUITOS SEWAGE FORCE MAIN ANI3 12" WATER MAIN REPLACEMEPIT PROJECT CMWD PROJECT NO. 85401 - CONTRACT NO. 34521 8134522 in the City of Carlsbad, In strict conformity with &e drawings and specifications, and otbf Co Documents now an Rls in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Carfabad and all of whic inwrporated herein by this reference, WHERWS, Principal has executed or is about ttl exewte said Contract and the terns W require the furnishing of a bond, providing that if Principal or any of their subcantractors shalt pay kit any mt@rials, provisions, provender or other supplies or teams used in, upm or aboi perfermnce of the wwk agreed to be done, or far any work or labor done thereon of any kin Surety on this bond will pay the sarne.to #a extent hereinafter set forth. NOW, WEREFORE, WE, 4:PQINT PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION, INC E as Pnnupal, (hereinafter designated as the "Cantractor"), and OF AMERICA as Surety. are held firmly bound unta the City of Carlsbad in the sum ofoNE MUNDRED ,FoA THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY TWO AND 50/100-----------------' Do ($ 145,452.50 ), said sum being fifty percent (50%) of the estimated amount payak the City of CaAsbad under the terms of itre Contract, for which payment we11 and buly to be m bind ourselves, our heiw, executors and administrators, success~rs, or assigns, jolntiy and s0w firmly by these presents. THE CONDITlON OF THIS OBtlGATlON \S SUCH that if the pemn or hkher subcontrwctors pay for any matsriats, pmuisions, pwender, suppiies, or teams USMI in, upun, for, or aboi wdOmai!m of Wit3 WW~ mii-racted to be done, or for any other work or iz+'sar thereon of any ki for amounts due wder the Unemployment insurance We with respect lo such work or labor, any amounts required to be deducted. withMd, and paid ow to the Employment Develo; bt%Wtment from the wages af employees of the cuntramr and submntmctors pursuant to si 13020 of the Unemployment lnsuranca Code with resped to such work and labor that the $uw pay for the same, not to exceed the sum specfffad in ttra bond, and, also, in case suit is brought #the mnd. costs atnd masanable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, ta be hy the Caurt, as required by the pmisions of sectfan 3248 ofthe California Civil (=ode. This band shall inure to the ben&t of arty and all pemans, mmpanies and corporations entiffed claims under Title 15 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code {commencing with section 3082). Surety stipuiates and agrees bat no change, extension of time. alteration or addition to the ter the Contract, or to the wark to be pemned thereunder or the specifica~s accompanyin . --.l*A. 0 e 2126/97 Contract No.34521S134522 Page 38d 63Page3 same shall affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any Chi extension of tlme, alterations or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or ti specifications. In the event that ConWactor is an individual, it is agreed that the death of any such Contractor not exonerate the Surely from its obligations under this bond. Executed by CONTRACTOR this @!Q Executed by SURETY this ~TH a. day of -BQ!Lin b& 118 41 . of DECEMRER 119 SURETY: FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANL AMERICA (name of Surety) (address of Surety) (telephons number of Surety) 4 HUTTON CENTRE, STE. 250-B SANTA ANA, ,, CA-. 92707 I .. (714) 437-,3052 8y: Q'.{./ i k& ,iL (signature d Attdhy-iwFact} ANNE WR1- -- (printed name of Attorney-in-Fad) (attach corporate resolution showhg curr power of attorney) (print name hem) 0- ONTRACTOR and SURETY must bb attactmd.] (President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. 1 one officer signa, the corporation must attach a resokition certified by the secretary or asa secretary urtder carporate seal empowering that officer to bind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City Attomey/General Caunsal - BY eyrrteputy General Counsel e e mw97 Contract No. 3452 18/34$2;t'. Page rn af 63 Page CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT t P;l/personally known to me - OR - proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persan(g.l whose naneg) is/- subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/-&eAbe.y executed the same in his- * authorized capacity(M, and that by his/iw&.hek signaturem on the instrument the personm, or the entity upon behalf of which the xn- - v..’Ye+&-- personM acted, executed the instrument. TEN JO HOWE I COMM. 4 1047852 7) \ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA 8 1 SAN OlEGO CCUNTY - Though the dala below IS ncl required by law, it may prove valuable lo persons relying on the document and could prevent frauduieni reallachmetil oi Ihis lcrm CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER c] CORPaRATE OFFICER 1ITLE1S) GENERAL NUMGER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT ---.- SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: WAIE OF mriwtiisl on ENII~ ((ii SI - --f--- -. -- ~ -.-._____ SIGNER(S) OTt iER THAN NAMED ABOVE --_ _-_.______ -__ - - . - - --_ . _- -_-_ Ol!J?3 FlA llONAI NOTARY ASSOCfhllOFl* 0‘233 Rommol Avo, P 0. Oox 7104 * Cnnoga Pork. CA 01308 I CALlFOlnNlA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT -- I NArrci(S1 OF SIGNEn(S1 subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/akft4kep-executed the same in his- ' authorized capacity(ipf), and that by his/- 'r signature@$ on lhe instrument the person(,@, or the entity upon behalf of which the persono acted, executed the instrument. , .. ... >...-~ - OPTIONAL CAPACITY CLAlPrlED BY SIGNER DESCAIPTION OF ATACHED DOCUMENT 0 CORFORATE OFFiCER NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT ---_- SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: - twiti OF miri:urtis)on ENIIIY(II;SJ SiGNER(S) OTFIER THAN NAMED ABOVE -- .---.------.---. -~-- -.. -... _-. --...-.______ . ._ -.I_... --....-__--___ 019?3 FIATIONAI. NOTAnY ASSOClAllObl * 0250 Ranimol Avo.. P.O. Oox 7104 * Cnnogo Potk, CA 01300.7 I BOND NO.: 591; PREMIUM: $5,3€ FAtlVHFUL PERFORMANCEiKMN~ BOND * WHEREAS, the City Council d the Ci of Carlsbad, State of California, by Resc Directors of the Cadsbad Municipal Water District of Ute City of Carlsbad, State of Cafforn designated as the "Principal"), a Cantrect far: w, 97-690 . -j adoptd NOVEMBER 18, 1997 , and the BO; Resalutiun No. 1001. , a#ap&d NOVEMBER 18, 1997 ha5 aWad1 h___ 4-POINT , (herein PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION, INC. CONBTRUCTION OF WRTH BATIQUITOS SEWAGE FORCE MAtN AND 12" WATER WIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT CMWO PROJECT NO. 8WOI- CONTRACT NO. 34521 8134522 in the City of Carlsbad, in strict conformity with the contract, the drawings and specifications other Contract Documents now an fite in the Mfice of the City Clerk of the City of Carfsbad, which are incorporrnted herein by this reference. WHEREAS, Principal has executed or is about to execute said Contract and the terms tl' require the furnishing of a band for the faitftful performance and warranty of said Contract: NOW, THEREFORE, WE, 4-POINT PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION , INC , as Princ {hereinafter designated as the "Cantracbr"f, and FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA ,38 Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Cadi in the sum of F?VE AND m/1- Dollars ($ ~1~-~** ), said sum being eq one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated amount of the Cantraci, tu ha paid to City or icS e attorney, its s~~cxmm-s and assigns: fur which pa)rmerPt, well ami hly to be made, we! ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, join* and sew fidy by these presents. THE CONDITION OF TH!S OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if the above bounden Contractor, their executors, aUminirgtratQrs, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, an{ and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions, and agreements in the Conb-act am alteration thereof made as therein pmvided on their pert, to be kept and perfanned at the time 2 the manner thefeh specified, and in all respects amding to their true intent and meaning, and indemnify and swe harmless the City of Carlsbad, its officers, employees and agents, as tC stipul8ted, then his obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full forcl effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in additlan to the face amount specified therefor, shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's incurred hy the City in successfutly enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and lndur any judgment rendered. Sure9 stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the ten the Contract, or to the work ta be performed thereunder or the speufiations accompanyin same shall affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive nab of any ch extenSbn of time, alterations dr addition ta the terns of the cantract or to a@ work or t specificatkns. mI4xREDm~~m 0' a .g, 2128197 Contract No.34621 B/34622 Page 40 of 83Pages In the event that C3x&actor is an indivldual, it is agreed that the death of any such Contractor not exonerate the Surety fmm its obligatians under this band. Executed by CC)WCTOR this 4bd Executed by SURETY this 4TH da e day of VLh;flfiObL ,I9 %? 1 . DECEMBER ,I9 97. I .? SURETY: FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (name Or Surety) 4 HUTTON CENTRE, STE. 250-B SANTA ANA, CA 92707 (address of Surety) (telephone number af Surety) (714) 437-3052 - - &A<*, /,,$& By: ,. ,P (signature of Attome -in-Fadj ANNE WRIGHT, A'TTORWY-IN-FACT .- (printed name of Attorney-in-Fdj {Attach corporate resolutbn sh'mirrg r;\ power of attorney.) a (print pyx here) x JL%?bd%q- ; pbQ3Ab $1 (Title and 04 ni 'on of s' natary) %B5& p&kp&h~P.Yf ;;=kc (Proper notarial acknowledge of dxecution by CONTRACTOR and SURETf must bo atbdted.) (President or vicepresident and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for carporationti. I one officer signs, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary Of ass secretary under ccrrporate seal empowering that officer to hind the corporation.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL City AttorneyEeneral Counsel 3y: ..- a a 2126137 Contract No, 3462 1fl/gcFFi;p2' Page 41 of tT3Pages ----g] 4333 Brooklyn Avenue N.E. ----'\attle,W A 9810S KNOW All BY THESE PRESENTS: POWER OF ATTORNEV FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA 4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE SEATTLE.WASHI NGTON 98105 No.9_6_2_9 _ That FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA,a Washington corporation.does hereby appoint ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·ANNE WRIGHT.La Mesa.Cal ifornia····························· its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact.with full authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and other docLments of a similar character issued by the company in the course of its business.and to bind FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA thereby as fully as if such instrLments had been duly executed by its regularly elected officers at its home office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF.FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA has executed and attested these presents this 13th day of December 19~ CERTIFICATE Extract from the By-Laws of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: rticle V.Section 13.-FIDELITY AND SURETYBO\IDS .••the President.any Vice President.the Secretary.and any Assistant Vice •••resident appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations.shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attorneys-in-fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business •..On any instrLment making or evidencing such appointment.the signatures may be affixed by facsimile.On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company.the seal.or a facsimile thereof.may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced:provided.however. that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrLment or undertaking." Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28.1970. "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out. m The provisions of Article V.Section 13 of the By-Laws.and (ii)A copy of the power-of -attorney appointment.executed pursuant thereto.and (iii)Certifying that said power-of -attorney appointment is in full force and effect. the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile.and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile thereof." I.R.A.Pierson.Secretary of FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA,do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of this corporation.and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto. are true and correct.and that both the By-Laws.the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation this 4TH day of DECEMBER 19..21... S-1049/EP 11/95 SE ~~~~~~~~~~ State of CALIFORNIA County of SAN DIEGO On DECEMBER 4, 1997 before me, DANA L. MICHAELIS, NOTARY PUBLIC personally appeared ANNE WRIGHT M personally known to me - OR - C; proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(: whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrumel and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed th same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that b his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s' or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) actec executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Dale Name and Tilie of Ollicer (e.g.. "Jane Doe, Nolary Publ~c") Name@) 01 S!$ner(s) co:r1,M. # 1082252 N3TARY PCOLIC-CALIFORN~A My Cam. Exp. Jan. 7, 2000 SAid DiEGO COUNTY p '? ..-.I' ()I . /Ar ,, /-, iT\ &,/ I .c I../ GLLL,3 L-,JCL (UL Signature of Nolary Pubiic Though the information be!w is not required by law, it may prove valuable !o persons relying on the document and could prever; fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: DECEMBER 4, 1997 Number of Pages: 2 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: 4-POINT PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION, INC. PE"CE & LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND, 5912338 Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ANNE WRIGHT 0 individual ci Individual 0 Corporate Officer 0 Partner - ci Limited 0 General 0 Partner - 0 Limited 0 General U Corporate Officer Tit le (s) : 0 Guardian or Conservator 0 Guardian or Conservator Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA ___--.-____ 0 1995 Nalional Nolary Association - 8236 Remme! Ave.. P.O. Box 7184 * Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder Call To:i-Free CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLESGMENT -- I NAMli(S) Of SIGNEnG) @ personally known to me - OR - 0 proved lo me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persanC4) whose name($fis/- subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/- executed the same in his/- ' authorized capacity(Lw$, and that by his/.kefHkeiF signaturew on the instrument the personM or the entity upon behalf of which the ---; ' '-- id *,I pi 1047852 ~ "4, #PSI\ G JBLIC-CALIFORNIA m L . JI~GO COUNTY s Though the dnla below is no1 required by !aw, il may prove valuable lo persons relying cn ilie documenl and could prevenl fraudulent reat!achrneiil of lliis lorm. CAPACITY CLAIPiIED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMEHT 0 CCRFORATE OFFICE3 TITLE 06 TYPE OF OOCUMENT lllCELSl 0 ATTORNEY -iN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF OOCUMENT ---_- SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: IlkM OF P'EIlSOfllSI Ofl ENlll'~(IIiS1 - -- ._--.-_-----_- -~~-- - . -.- -- .-.______ SiGNER(S) OTI iER THAN NAMED ABOVE Of9V ElAilONAl NClTAnY ASSOCIATIOFI * DZJO Ronlrncl Avo, P 0. DO~ 7104 * Conogo Pork. CA 0 130' I CALlFORNiA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT p e rs o n a I i y a p p e a r to be the persan(;dj whose name($) is/* subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that heLsb&+qexecuted ir ~uthorized and that by his- OPTIONAL F Though Ihe dah below IS no1 required by law. il may prove vaiuable io persons relying on Ilia docurnenl and couid prevent fraudulenl reatlachrneiil of (his lorm. CAPACITY CLAll'AED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF AlTACHED DOCUMENT TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT 71 ILEtS) 0 ATTORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT ----_- SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: ffAhI€ OF P€llSCJtlIS)Ofl ENtII'I[IIISJ -~--- - ~ _- __...______ SiGNER(S) OTt iER THAN NAMED ABOVE --.---.------ --- . -.._. -- .___---- 01913 FIAllONAI. NOTAflY ASSOCthTlOEl - 02513 Ronimal ha, P 0. Oox 7104 *Cnnoga Polk, CA 0130 I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD Purchasing Department 1200 Carlsbad Village Qrive Carlsbad CA 92008 REPRESENTATION AND CERTIFICATION The following representation and certification shall be completed, signed and returned to ( Carlsbad as a part of the bid package. REPRESENTATIONS: Mark all applicable. blanks. This offeror represents as part of this offer that the ownership, operation and control of the business, in accordance with the specific definitions listed below is: I' Are you currently certified by CALTRANS? Certification #: CERTlFlCATlON OF BUSINESS REPRESENTATlON(S): Mark all applicable blanks. This offeror represer part of this offer that: This firm is-, is not d a minority business. This firm is-, is notx a woman-owned bus WOMAN-OWNED BUSINESS: A woman-own€ ness is a business of which at least 51 pel owned, controlled and operated by a woman or Controlled is defined as exercising the power t policy decisions. Operation is defined as involved in the day-to-day management. FIRM'S PRIMARY PRODUCTS OR SERVICE: YES NO -3- /d /4 DEFINITIONS: MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE: "Minority Business" is defined as a business, at least 51 percent of which is owned, operated and controlled by minority group members, or in the case of publicly owned businesses, at least 51 percent of which is owned, operated and controlled by minority group members. The Small Business Administration CoNSTRUCT1oN CoNTRACToR: defines the socially and econornicaily disadvantaged (minorities) as Black American, Hispanic American, Native Americans (i.e. American Indian, Eskimos, Aleuts and Native Hawaiians), and Asian-Pacific LlCENSE NUMBER: Japan, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, TAXPAYERS I.D- No. Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Trust Territories of the Pacific, Northern Marianas, Laos, Cambodia and Taiwan). CERTIFICATION: The inform tion furni hed is certified to be factual and correct as of the date submitted. C MPAN NA E gLjqh> 0,- c&Lc\a&/ 1. 4 CLASStFICATIoN(S): 7WDd- Americans (Le., U.S. Citizens whose origins are from 33- OL278/U 4 - /%A,e OqLLnL. &,kg .kJbLo. 3lbo 9&WdLJ Pbddh; 57.3 1 A, fXVL!!bd R S . I Q& 9$.4&ii I, I TELWHONE NUMBER I I e'a pI# 2/26/97 Contract No. 345216134522 Page 42 of 63 Pages I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I OPTIONAL ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR SECURITY DEPOSITS IN LIEU QF RETENTION This Escrow Agreement is made and entered into by and between the City of Carlsbad address is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008, hereinafter called "City whose addrc hereinafter "Contractor" and whose addrl herei f 1 called "Escrow Agent." For the consideration hereinafter set forth, the City, Contractor and Escrow Agent agree as foll 1. Pursuant to sections 22300 and 10263 of the Public Contract Code of the State of Cal the contractor has the option to deposit securities with the Escrow Agent as a substitute for re earnings required to be withheld by the City pursuant to the Construction Contract enter1 between the City and Contractor for CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH BATIQUITOS SE FORCE MAIN AND 12" WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT, CMWD PROJECT 8: CONTRACT 34521B/34522 in the amount of (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"). Alternatively, on written reques contractor, the City shall make payments of the retention earnings directly to the escrow i When the Contractor deposits the securities as a substitute for Contract earnings, the Escrovl shall notify the City within 10 days of the deposit. The Escrow Agent shall maintain insuri cover negligent acts and omissions of the escrow agent in connection with the handling of retc under these sections in an amount not less than $100,000 per contract. The market value securities at the time of the substitution shall be a least equal to the cash amount then require withheld as retention under the terms of the contract between the City and Contractor. Se shall be held in the name of the I and shall design Contractor as the beneficial owner. 2. The City shall make progress payments to the Contractor for such funds which otherwise be withheld from progress payments pursuant to the Contract provisions, provided that the I Agent holds securities in the form and amount specified above. 3. When the City makes payment of retentions earned directly to the escrow agent, the agent shall hold them for the benefit of the contractor until such time as the escrow createc this contract is terminated. The contractor may direct the investment of the payments into set All terms and conditions of this agreement and the rights and responsibilities of the parties I equally applicable and binding when the City pays the escrow agent directly. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for paying all fees for the expenses incurred by the Agent in administering the Escrow Account and all expenses of the City. These expens payment terms shall be determined by the City, Contractor and Escrow Agent. 5. The interest earned on the securities or the money market accounts held in escrow interest earned on that interest shall be for the sole account of Contractor and shall be SUI withdrawal by Contractor at any time and from time to time without notice to the City. 10 @ ' 0 em p,s 2/26/97 Contract No.34521 W34522 Page 43 of 63 Pages I I I 1 1 6. Contractor shall have the right to withdraw all or any part of the principal in the Escrow A only by written notice to Escrow Agent accompanied by written authorization from City to the E Agent that City consents to the withdrawal of the amount sought to be withdrawn by Contractot 7. The City shall have a right to draw upon the securities in the event of default by the Contt Upon seven days' written notice to the Escrow Agent from the City of the default, the Escrow shall immediately convert the securities to cash and shall distribute the cash as instructed City. 8. Upon receipt of written notification from the City certifying that the Contract is final and co and that the Contractor has complied with all requirements and procedures applicable Contract, the Escrow Agent shall release to Contractor all securities and interest on depo: escrow fees and charges of the Escrow Account. The escrow shall be closed immediateb disbursement of all moneys and securities on deposit and payments of fees and charges. 9. The Escrow Agent shall rely on the written notifications from the City and the contractor pi to sections (1) to (8), inciusive, of this agreement and the City and Contractor shall hold I Agent harmless from Escrow Agent's release, conversion and disbursement of the securiti interest as set forth above. 10. The names of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to receive writter on behalf of the City and on behalf of Contractor in connection with the foregoing, and exemi their respective signatures are as follows: For City: Title 0 ' I 1 I 80 1 1 8 I 1 I Name Signature Address I For Contractor: Title Name Signature Address For Escrow Agent: Title t Name Signature Address I. em \@ 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 ~~34522 Page 44 of 63 Pages K- 3-2 1 I 1 1 8 At the time the Escrow Account is opened, the City and Contractor shall deliver to the Escrow a fully executed counterpart of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their proper officers date first set forth above. 0 For City: Title Name Signature I Address 1 For Contractor: Title Name Signature I I Address 1. For Escrow Agent: Title I Signature Name Address st 1 - t I I I 1 Q- I. p,@ 2/26/97 Contract No. 345218/34522 Page 45 of 63 Pages I I I I I I I I R I I 8 I f 1 I SPECIAL P ROVIS 10 NS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH BATIQUITOS SEWAGE FORCE MAIN AND 12” WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT CMWD PROJECT NO. 85-4QI CONTRACT NO. 34521 B134522 I. SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION 1 PART 1, GENERAL PROVlSlONS SECTION I -- TERMS, DEFlNlTlOMS ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS 1-1 TERMS Add the following section: 1-1 .I Reference to Drawings. Where words “shown”, “indicated”, “detailed”, “noted”, “schedule or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that reference is made to the pk accompanying these provisions, unless stated otherwise. Add the following section: 1-1.2 Directions. Where words “directed”, “designated”, “selected”, or words of similar import i used, it shall be understood that the direction, designation or selection of the Engineer is intendi unless stated otherwise. The word “required” and words of similar import shall be understood mean “as required to properly complete the work as required and as approved by the Enginet unless stated otherwise. Add the following section: 1-1.3 Equals and Approvals. Where the words “equal”, “approved equal”, “equivalent”, and si words of similar import are used, it shall be understood such words are followed by the express “in the opinion of the Engineer”, unless otherwise stated. Where the words “approved”, “approv “acceptance”, or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the appro\ acceptance, or similar import of the Engineer is intended. Add the following section: 1-1.4 Perform. expense, shall perform all operations, labor, tools and equipment, and further, including furnishing and installing of materials that are indicated, specified or required to mean that Contractor, at its expense, shall furnish and install the work, complete in place and ready to u including furnishing of necessary labor, materials, tools, equipment, and transportation. 1-2 DEFINITIONS. Modify as follows: The following words, or groups of words, shall be exclusiv defined by the definitions assigned to them herein. 40 The word “perform” shall be understood to mean that the Contractor, at @ 2/26/97 Contraci No. 34521 B/34522 Page 46 of 63 pages 1 i 1 8 1 I t 1 1 R I I 8 8 I I I Agency - the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, California. Board of Directors - the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City Carlsbad. Executive Manager - the Executive Manager of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District or his/h approved representative. Dispute Board - persons designated by the Executive Manager to hear and advise the Executil Manager on claims submitted by the Contractor. The Executive Manager is the last appeal level 1 informal dispute resolution. Engineer - the District Engineer of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District or hidher approvc representative. The District Engineer is the third level of appeal for informal dispute resolution. Minor Bid Item - a single contract item constituting less than 10 percent (10%) of the origir Contract Price bid. Own Organization - When used in Section 2-3.1 - Employees of the Contractor who are hire directed, supervised and paid by the Contractor to accomplish the completion of the Work. Furthc such employees have their employment taxes, State disability insurance payments, State a Federal income taxes paid and administered, as applicable, by the Contractor. When used Section 2-3.1 “own organization” means construction equipment that the Contractor owns or leas and uses to accomplish the Work. Equipment that is owner operated or leased equipment with operator is not part of the Contractor’s Own Organization and will not be included for the purpose compliance with section 2-3.1 of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. Owner OperatorlLessor - Any person who provides equipment or tools with an operator provid who is employed by neither the Contractor nor a subcontractor and is neither an agent or employ of the Agency or a public utility. Principal Inspector - The Senior Inspector’s immediate supervisor and second level of appeal informal dispute resolution. Project Inspector - the Engineer’s designated representative for inspection, contract administrati and first level for informal dispute resolution. Project Manager - the District Engineer of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District or his/hc approved representative. Senior Inspector - the Project Inspector’s immediate supervisor and first level of appeal for inforn dispute resolution. 1o SlECTiON 2 -- SCOPE AND CONTROL OF THE WORK 2-3 SUBCONTRACTS 2-3.1 General, add the following: Should the Contractor fail to adhere to the provisions requir the Contractor to complete 50 percent of the contract price with its own organization, the Ager may at its sole discretion elect to cancel the contract or to deduct an amount equal to 10 perceni the value of the work performed in excess of 50 percent of the contract price by other than 1 Contractor’s own organization. The Board of Directors shall be the sole body for determination o 0 i 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 47 of 63 pages 1 I I I 8 violation of these provisions. In any proceedings under this section, the prime contractor shall b entitled to a public hearing before the Board of Directors and shall be notified ten (10) days i advance of the time and location of said hearing, The determination of the District shall be final. 2-4 CONTRACT BONDS, modify as foilows: Delete the third sentence of the first paragrap having to do with a surety being listed in the latest revision of U.S. Department of Treasury Circuk 570. Modify Paragraphs three and four to read: The Contractor shall provide a faithfi performance/warranty bond and payment bond (tabor and materials bond) for this contract. Th faithful perforrnance/warranty bond shall be in the amount of 100 percent of the contract price an the payment bond shall be in the amount of 50 percent of the contract price. Both bonds sha extend in full force and effect and be retained by the Agency during this project until they ar released according to the provisions of this section. The faithful performance/warranty bond will be reduced to 25 percent of the original amount 30 day after recordation of the Notice of Completion and will remain in full force and effect for the one ye; warranty period and until all warranty repairs are completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The payment bond shall be released six months plus 30 days after recordation of the Notice ( Completion if all claims have been paid. Add the following: Alt bonds are to be placed with a surety insurance carrier admitted an authorized to transact the business of insurance in California and whose assets exceed the liabilities in an amount equai to or in excess of the amount of the bond. The bonds are to contain th following documents: 1) An original, or a certified copy, of the unrevoked appointment, power of attorney, by laws, or othc 2) A certified copy of the certificate of authority of the insurer issued by the insurance commissionel If the bid is accepted, the Agency may require a financial statement of the assets and liabilities of th insurer at the end of the quarter calendar year prior to 30 days next preceding the date of th execution of the bond. The financial statement shall be made by an officer’s certificate as defined i Section 173 of the Corporations Code. In the case of a foreign insurer, the financial statement ma be verified by the oath of the principal officer or manager residing within the United States. 0 I 1 1 I 1. instrument entitling or authorizing the person who executed the bond to do so. i 1 1 2-5 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. - 2-5.1 General, add the following: The specifications for the work include the Carlsbad Standar Sewer System Design Criteria and Standard Drawings and Specifications, the Carlsbad Rule and Regulations for Construction of Public Potable Water Mains and the Standar Specifications for Public Works Construction, (SSPWC), 1997 Edition, hereinafter designate “SSPWC“, as issued by the Southern California Chapter of the American Public Works Associatior and as amended by the Special Provisions section of this contract. The construction plans consist of one (I) set. The set is designated as Carlsbad Municipal Watc District Drawing No. 85-401 and consists of six (6) sheets by Daniel Boyle Engineering, Inc titled “North Batiquitos Sewage Force Main. The standard drawings used for this project are th latest edition of the Carlsbad Standard Sewer System Design Criteria and Standard Drawing and Specification, the Carisbad Rules and Regulations for Construction of Public Potabl Water Mains and the San Diego Area Regional Standard Drawings, hereinafter designated SDR: as issued by the San Diego County Department of Public Works, together with the Carlsba Municipal Water District Supplemental Standard Drawings. Copies of some of the pertinei 1 8 I 0 i B 1 226197 Contract No. 345218/34522 Page 48 of 63 pages 1 1 t I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 t 1 1 1 standard drawings are enclosed as an appendix to these Special Provisions. 2-5.2 Submittals, add the following: When submitted for the Engineer's review, Shop Drawin shall bear the Contractor's certification that he has reviewed, checked, and approved the Sh Drawings and that they are in conformance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. T Contractor shall subscribe to and shall place the following certification on all submittals: "I hereby certify that the (equipment, material) shown and marked in this submittal is that propos to be incorporated into this Project, is in compliance with the Contract Documents, can be installed the allocated spaces, and is submitted for approval. By: Title: Date: Company Name: Add the following: 2-5.3 Record Drawings, The Contractor shall provide and keep up-to-date a complete "as-bL record set of blue-line prints, which shall be corrected in red daily and show every change from 1 original drawings and specifications and the exact "as-built" locations, sizes and kinds of equipme underground piping, valves, and all other work not visibie at surface grade. Prints for this purpc may be obtained from the Agency at cost. This set of drawings shall be kept on the job and shall used only as a record set and shall be delivered to the Engineer upon completion of the wc Payment for performing the work required by section 2-5.4 shall be included in various bid items 2 no additional payment will be made therefor. o I le 2-9 SURVEYING. 2-9.1 Permanent Survey Markers, substitute the following: The Contractor shall not disti permanent survey monuments or benchmarks without the consent of the Engineer. Where Engineer concurs, in writing, with the Contractor that protecting an existing monument in place impractical, the Contractor shall employ a licensed land surveyor to establish the location of monument before it is disturbed. The Contractor shall have the monument replaced by a licens land surveyor no later than thirty (30) days after construction at the site of the replacement completed. The Licensed Land Surveyor shall file corner record(s) as required by §§ 8772 i 8773, et seq. of the California Business and Professions Code. When a change is made in the finished elevation of the pavement of any roadway in whict permanent survey monument is located, the Contractor shall adjust the monument frame and co to the new grade. Monument frames and covers shall be protected during street sealing or paint projects or be cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 2-9.3 Survey Service, substitute the following: . District Engineer will establish a system surveyed horizontal and vertical control points at twenty-five (25) foot stations throughout ' project and at each angle point location. Any other intermediate lines and grades shall established by the Contractor through the use of the appropriate equipment. Add the following section: 2-9.3.1 Submittal of Surveying Data, requirements of section 2-5.3.3, "Submittals", herein. The Contractor shall submit grade sheets the Engineer before commencing work in the area affected by the grade sheets. The Contra( shall submit field notes for all surveying required herein to the Engineer within ten days of perform the survey. All surveying field notes, grade sheets and survey calculations shall be submittec e All surveying data submittals shall conform to @ i 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 49 of 63 pages 1 I 1 I 1 8 1 1 bound form on 8'1," by 11" pap er. The field notes, calculations and data shall be clear and comple with name of field party chief, field crew members, preparer, date of observation or calculatio consecutive page numbers and shall be readable without resort to any electronic aid, comput program or documentation for any computer program. The field notes shall be prepared conformance with the CALTRANS "Surveys Manual". The Contractor shall have a Record of Survc prepared and filed in conformance with 3s 8700 - 8805 of the State of California Business ar Professions Code showing all SDRS M-10 monuments set. The record of survey shall show tt location and justification of location of all permanent monuments set and their relation to the stre right-of-way. Record(s) of Survey(s) shall be submitted for the Engineer's review and approv before submittal to the County Surveyor and before submittal to the County Recorder. Add the following section: 2-9.3.2 Survey Requirements, Stakes shall be set at offsets approved by the Engineer at 50 foi intervals as measured along the project stationing unless a lesser interval is specified herein. Rouc sub-grade stakes on slopes shall be set at top of cuts, toe of fills, or slope catch points and stre1 crown lines where no median exists. Large slopes shall have line point set to aid in construction I the slope. Rough sub-grade stakes for roadway section shall be set at edge of pavement and top curbs. Finish sub-grade stakes shall be set prior to placing subbase or aggregate base for tt roadway section. The stakes shall be set at edge of pavement and top of curbs. Finish subgrac stakes for the aggregate base for the roadway section shall be at 25-foot intervals at edge pavement and top of curbs and crown line where no median exists. Intermediate stakes betwee edge of pavement and top of curb shall be set at 15-fOOt intervals by the surveyor. Finish aggrega subbase and aggregate base grade stakes shall be at 25-foot intervals at top of curb, edge pavement, and all crown lines and grade breaks. Intermediate stakes hetween edge of paveme and top of curb shall be set at 15-foot intervals. Storm drain staking shall be done at 25-fo intervals. Catch basins shall be staked at centerline and each end of the local depressio Curbskurbs and gutter shall be staked at 25-foot intervals, center line of driveways, and 114, 112, 3, delta on returns. Fills to finish grade at 25-foot intervals by the paving pass width shall be painted o the pavement prior to placing each lift of asphalt on variable thickness pavement overlays requirin leveling courses. Intersections showing specific finished asphalt grids shall be painted per the gric Stakes shall be set to show the location and grade of future curbs adjacent to traffic signal location where the curb is not being built as a part of this contract. Surveyor shall mark the removal limil and limits of work line shown on the plans. The markings shall consist of continuous painted line on asphalt and concrete surfaces and red flagged or painted laths spaced on centers no more tha twenty-five feet on unimproved areas. The markings shall be completed by Surveyor and inspecte and approved by the Engineer before the start of construction in the area marked. Centertin monuments shall be laid out, their disk stamped, and a Record of Survey satisfactory to th Engineer filed with the County in accordance with the Professional Land Surveyors Act. Water an sewer line stakes shall be set at 25-fOOt intervals with offsets referencing the top and centerline ( pipe on main line and laterals. For all pipeline work the pipe and each access hole, pipe materii change, lateral connection, fitting, appurtenance, or hydrant location with elevations shall be stake and provided with grade stakes designating the offset of the reference point, station, elevation ( reference point, cut (or fill) and feature of pipe that is referenced. Habitat mitigation sites and othc areas to be preserved that are shown on the plans shall be staked and flagged at 25 foot interval prior to the start of any other activities within the limits of the work. Add the following section: 2-9.3.3 Payment for Survey, Payment for work performed to satisfy the requirements of Section 2-9.1 through 2-9.3.2 shall be included in the actual bid items requiring the survey work and nl additional payment will be made. Extension of unit prices for extra work shall include fu compensation for attendant survey work and no additional payment will be made therefor. Paymer for the replacement of disturbed monuments and the filing of corner records shall be incidental to thl work necessitating the disturbance of said monuments and no additional payment will be mad1 I 1. 1 1 1 1 1 i # 8 0 1 therefor. 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 50 of 63 pages 1 1 2-10 AUTHORITY OF BOARD AND ENGINEER Add the following section: 2-10.1 Availability of Records, Contractor’s or subcontractor’s possession pertaining to the work that the Engineer may request. Add the following section: 2-10.2 Audit And Inspection, Contractor agrees to maintain and/or make available, to tt- Engineer, within San Diego County, accurate books and accounting records relative to all i activities. The Engineer shall have the right to monitor, assess, and evaluate Contractor performance pursuant to this Agreement, said monitoring, assessments, and evaluations to includ but not be limited to, audits, inspection of premises, reports, contracts, subcontracts and interview of Contractor’s staff. At any time during normal business hours and as often as the Engineer m: deem necessary, upon reasonable advance notice, Contractor shall make available to the Enginel for examination, all of its records with respect to all matters covered by this Contract and will perm the Engineer to audit, examine, copy and make excerpts or transcripts from such data and record and to make audits of all invoices, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, and other data relatin to all matters covered by this Contract. However, any such activities shall be carried out in a rnannf so as to not unreasonably interfere with Contractor’s ongoing business operations. Contractor shz maintain such data and records for as long as may be required by applicable laws and regulations. The Contractor shall provide copies of all records in tb I. I 8 1 I: I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 SECTiON 3 -- CHANGES IN WORM 10 3-3 EXTRA WORK. 3-2.2.1 Contract Unit prices, add the following: minor Bid Item, the use of this basis for the adjustment of payment will be limited to that portion ( the change, which together will all previous changes to that item is not in excess of 25 percent of th total cost of such item based on the original quantity and Contract Unit Price. Adjustments in exces of 25 percent may, at the option of the Engineer, be paid pursuant to section 3-3, Extra Work. 3-3.2.2 ( c ) Tool and Equipment Rental, second paragraph, modify as follows: Regardless ( ownership, the rates and right-of-way delay factors to be used in determining rental and delay cost shall be thle edition of the, “Labor Surcharge & Equipment Rental Rates” published by CALTRAN: current at Ihe time of the actual use of the tool or equipment. The right-of-way delay factors therei. shall be used as multipliers of the rental rates for determining the value of costs for delay to thc Contractor and subcontractors, if any, The labor rates published therein are not a part of thic In the case of an increase or decrease in 1 contract. 3-3.2.3 Miarkup, replace with the following: (a) and shall constitute the markup for all overhead and profits: 1) Labor 20 2) Materials ............................. 15 3) Equipment Rental ................... 15 4) Other Items and Expenditures .. 15 Delete section 3-3.2.3 from the 1995 and 1996 Supplements to the SSPWC anc Work by Contractor. The following percentages shall be added to the Contractor’s cost ................................... 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 8134522 Page 51 of 63 pages I. I To the SUIT of the costs and markups provided for in this section, 1 percent shall be added i I compensation for bonding. (b) When ail or any part of the extra work is performed by Subcontractor, the markup established in 3-3.2.3(a) shall be applied to the Subcontractor’s actu cost of such work. A markup of 10 percent on the first $5,000 of the subcontracted portion of tt extra work. and a markup of 5 percent on work added in excess of $5,000 of the subcontract€ portion of the extra work may be added by the Contractor. 3-3.3 Dailly Reports by Contractor, Payment fi extra work will not be made until such time that the Contractor submits completed daily reports ar all supporting documents to the Engineer. 3-4 CHANGED CONDITIONS. delete the second sentence of paragraph three, delete paragrar five (5), and add the following: The Contractor shall not be entitled to the payment of any addition compensation for any act, or failure to act, by the Engineer, including failure or refusal to issue change order, or for the happening of any event, thing, occurrence, or other cause, unless he Shi have first given the Engineer due written notice of potential claim as hereinafter specifie Comp1ianc:e with this section shall not be required as a prerequisite to notice provisions in Section 7.3 Contract Time Accounting, nor to any claim that is based on differences in measurement errors of computation as to contract quantities. The written notice of potential claim for changc conditions shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer upon their discovery and prior to tt time that the Contractor performs the work giving rise to the potential claim. The Contractor’s failu to give written notice of potential claim for changed conditions to the agency upon their discove and before they are disturbed shall constitute a waiver of all ctaims in connection therewith. The Contractor shall provide the District with a written document containing a description of tt particular circumstances giving rise to the potential claim, the reasons for which the Contract believes additional compensation may be due and nature of any and all costs involved within 2 working diays of the date of service of the written notice of potential claim for changed condition Verbal notifications are disallowed. The potential claim shall include the following certification relative to the California False Claims AI Government Code Sections 12650-1 2655. “The undersigned certifies that the above statements are made in full cognizance of the Californ False Claims Act, Government Code sections 12650-1 2655. The undersigned further understanc and agrees that this potential claim, unless resolved, must be restated as a claim in response to tt District’s proposed final estimate in order for it to be further considered.” The Contractor’s estimate of costs may be updated when actual costs are known. The Contract shall submit substantiation of its actual costs to the Engineer within 20 working days after tl affected work is completed. Failure to do so shall be sufficient cause for denial of any clai subsequently filed on the basis of said notice of potential claim. It is the intention of this section that differences between the parties arising under and by virtue the contract be brought to the attention of the Engineer at the earliest possible time in order th such matters be settled, if possible, or other appropriate action promptly taken. 3-5 DISPUTED WORK. Add the following: The Contractor shall give the agency written notice potential claim prior to commencing any disputed work. Failure to give said notice shall constitute waiver of all claims in connection therewith. Delete second sentence of paragraph one and add the following: Work by Subcontractor. 1. add the following after the second sentence: 8 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 l I 1 1 lo 1 0 Prior to proceeding with dispu 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 W34522 Page 52 of 63 pages I I i I resolution pursuant to Public Contract Code (PCC) provisions specified hereinafter, the contract( shall attempt to resolve all disputes informally through the following dispute resolution chain ( I. command: 1. Project Inspector 2. Senior Inspector 3. Principal Inspector 4. District Engineer 5. District Manager The Contractor shall submit a complete report within 20 working days after completion of th disputed work stating its position on the claim, the contractual basis for the claim, along with i documentation supporting the costs and all other evidentiary materials. At each level of claim ( appeal of claim the District will, within 10 working days of receipt of said claim or appeal of clain review the Contractor's report and respond with a position, request additional information or reque that the Contractor meet and present its report. requested the District will provide its position within 10 working days of receipt of said addition, information or Contractor's presentation of its report. The Contractor may appeal each level position up to the District Manager after which he may proceed under the provisions of the Pub1 Contract Code. The authority within the dispute resolution chain of command is limited to recommending a resolutio to a claim to the Executive Manager. Actual approval of the claim is subject to the change ordt provisions in the contract. All claims by the contractor for $375,000 or less shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure in the Public Contract Code, Division 2, Part 3, Chapter 1, Article 1.5 (commencing with Sectio 20104) which is set forth below: ' ! When additional information or a meeting i B 1. ARTICLE 1.5 RESOLUTION OF CONSTRUCTION CLAIMS i 1 fl I 20104. (a)(l) This article applies to all public works claims of three hundred seventy-five thousan dollars ($375,000) or less which arise between a contractor and a local agency. (2) This article shall not apply to any claims resulting from a contract between a contractor and public agency when the public agency has elected to resolve any disputes pursuant to Article 7. (commencing with Section 10240) of Chapter 1 of Part 2. (b)(l) "Public work" has the same meaning as in Sections 3100 and 3106 of the Civil Code, excel that "public work" does not include any work or improvement contracted for by the state or th Regents of the University of California. (2) "Claim" means a separate demand by the contractor for (A) a time extension, (B) payment t money or damages arising from work done by, or on behalf of, the contractor pursuant to th contract for a public work and payment of which is not otherwise expressly provided for or th claimant is not otherwise entitled to, or (C) an amount the payment of which is disputed by the loci agency. (c) The provisions of this article or a summary thereof shall be set forth in the plans or specification for any work which may give rise to a claim under this article. (d) This article applies only to contracts entered into on or after January 1, 1991. 20104.2. For any claim subject to this article, the following requirements apply: (a) The claim shall be in writing and include the documents necessary to substantiate the clain Claims must be filed on or before the date of final payment. Nothing in this subdivision is intended i extend the time limit or supersede notice requirements otherwise provided by contract for the filing t I ' I 1 0 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 53 of 63 pages 1 B 1 1 I I I claims. (b)(l) For claims of less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), the local agency shall respond writing to any written claim within 45 days of receipt of the claim, or may request, in writing, within 2 days of receipt of the claim, any additional documentation supporting the claim or relating ' defenses to the claim the local agency may have against the claimant. (2) If additional information is thereafter required, it shall be requested and provided pursuant to th subdivision, upon mutual agreement of the local agency and the claimant. (3) The local agency's written response to the claim, as further documented, shall be submitted the claimant within 15 days after receipt of the further documentation or within a period of time r greater than that taken by the claimant in producing the additional information, whichever is greater (c)(l) For claims of over fifty thousand doltars ($50,000) and less than or equal to three hundre seventy-five thousand dollars ($375,000), the local agency shall respond in writing to all writte claims within 60 days of receipt of the claim, or may request, in writing, within 30 days of receipt the claim, any additional documentation supporting the claim or relating to defenses to the claim tt local agency may have against the claimant. (2) If additional information is thereafter required, it shall be requested and provided pursuant to th subdivision, upon mutual agreement of the local agency and the claimant. (3) The local agency's written response to the claim, as further documented, shall be submitted the claimant within 30 days after receipt of the further documentation, or within a period of time r greater than that taken by the claimant in producing the additional information or request€ documentation, whichever is greater. (d) If the claimant disputes the local agency's written response, or the local agency faits to respor within the time prescribed, the claimant may so notify the local agency, in writing, either within 1 days of receipt of the local agency's response or within 15 days of the local agency's failure respond within the time prescribed, respectively, and demand an informal conference to meet ar confer for settlement of the issues in dispute. Upon a demand, the local agency shall schedule meet and confer conference within 30 days for settlement of the dispute. (e) Following the meet and confer conference, if the claim or any portion remains in dispute, tt claimant may file a claim as provided in Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 900) and Chapter (commencing with Section 910) of Part 3 of Division 3.6 of Title 1 of the Government Code. Fs purposes of those provisions, the running of the period of time within which a claim must be fik shall be tolled from the time the claimant submits his or her written claim pursuant to subdivision ( until the time that claim is denied as a result of the meet and confer process, including any period time utilized by the meet and confer process. (9 This article does not apply to tort claims and nothing in this articie is intended nor shall t construed to change the time periods for filing tort claims or actions specified by Chapter (commencing with Section 900) and Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 910) of Part 3 of Divisic 3.6 of Title 1 of the Government Code. 20104.4. The following procedures are established for all civil actions filed to resolve claims subje to this article: (a) Within 60 days, but no earlier than 30 days, following the filing or responsive pleadings, the cot shall submit the matter to nonbinding mediation uniess waived by mutual stipulation of both partie The mediation process shall provide for the selection within 15 days by both parties of disinterested third person as mediator, shall be commenced within 30 days of the submittal, ar shall be concluded within 15 days from the commencement of the mediation unless a tin requirement is extended upon a good cause showing to the court or by stipulation of both parties. the parties fail to select a mediator within the 15-day period, any party may petition the court appoint the mediator. (b)(l) If the matter remains in dispute, the case shall be submitted to judicial arbitration pursuant Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 1141 .IO) of Title 3 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedur notwithstanding Section 1141.11 of that code. The Civil Discovery Act of 1986 (Article (commencing with Section 2016) of Chapter 3 of Title 3 of Part 4 of the Code of Civil procedur shall apply to any proceeding brought under the subdivision consistent with the rules pertaining I 0 I ' 1. 1 I 1 I I 8 I I a R 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 54 of 63 pages 1 i 1 i i D I 1 judicial arbitration. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon stipulation of the parties, arbitrators appoint for purposes of this article shall be experienced in construction law, and, upon stipulation of t parties, mediators and arbitrators shall be paid necessary and reasonable hourly rates of pay not exceed their customary rate, and such fees and expenses shall be paid equally by the partic except in the case of arbitration where the arbitrator, for good cause, determines a different divisic In no event shall these fees or expenses be paid by state or county funds. (3) In addition to Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 1141 .IO) Title 3 of Part 3 of the Code Civil Procedure, any party who after receiving an arbitration award requests a trial de novo but do not obtain a more favorable judgment shall, in addition to payment of costs and fees under tt chapter, pay the attorney's fees of the other party arising out of the trial de novo. (c) The court may, upon request by any party, order any witnesses to participate in the mediation ' 0 arbitration process. 20104.6. (a) No local agency shall fail to pay money as to any portion of a claim which is undisput except as otherwise provided in the contract. (b) In any suit filed under Section 20104.4, the local agency shall pay interest at the legal rate on a arbitration award or judgment. The interest shall begin to accrue on the date the suit is filed in court of law. SECTION 4 - CONTROL OF MATERIALS 4-1 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP. 4-1.3.1 General, add the following: The Contractor shall provide the Engineer free and saf access to any and all parts of work at any time. Contractor shall furnish Engineer with suc information as may be necessary to keep the Engineer fully informed regarding progress an manner of work and character of materials. Inspection or testing of the whole or any portion of th work or materials incorporated in the work shall not relieve Contractor from any obligation to fulf (0 i this Contract. 4-1.4 Test of Materials, add the following: Except as specified in these Special Provisions, tl Agency will bear the cost of testing materials and/or workmanship where the results of such tes meet or exceed the requirements indicated in the Standard Specifications and the Spec Provisions. The cost of all other tests shall be borne by the Contractor. At the option of the Engineer, the source of supply of each of the materials shall be approved by h, before the delivery is started. All materials proposed for use may be inspected or tested at any tjrr during their preparation and use. If, after incorporating such materials into the Work, it is found th sources of supply that have been approved do not furnish a uniform product, or if the product fro any source proves unacceptable at any time, the Contractor shall furnish approved material fro other approved sources. If any product proves unacceptable after improper storage, handling or 6 any other reason it shall be rejected, not incorporated into the work and shall be removed from tt project site all at the Contractor's expense. Compaction tests may be made by the Engineer and all costs for tests that meet or exceed tt requirements of the specifications shall be borne by the Agency. Said tests may be made at ai place along the work as deemed necessary by the Engineer. The costs of any retests mac necessary by noncompliance with the specifications shall be borne by the Contractor. 4-1.6 Trade names or Equals, add the following: The Contractor is responsible for thr satisfactory performance of substituted items. If, in the sole opinion of the Engineer, the substitutioi is determined to be unsatisfactory in performance, durability, compatibility with associated items availability of repair parts and suitability of application the Contractor shall remove the substitute( I i i 1 I I I 0 1 2/26/97 Coptract No. 34521 8134522 Page 55 of 63 pages I I item and replace it with the originally specified item at no cost to the Agency. SECTION 5 -- UTILITIES 5-1 LOCATION. Add the following: The Agency and affected utility companies have, by a searc of known records, endeavored to locate and indicate on the Plans, all utilities which exist within tt limits of the work. However, the accuracy and/or completeness of the nature, size and/or location utilities indicated on the Plans is not guaranteed. 5-4 RELOCATION. Add the following: In order to minimize delays to the Contractor caused t the failure of other parties to relocate utilities that interfere with the construction, the Contractor, up0 request to the Engineer, may be permitted to temporarily omit the portion of work affected by th utility. Such omission shall be for the Contractor’s convenience and no additional compensation w be allowed therefor. The portion thus omitted shall be constructed by the Contractor immediate! foilowing the relocation of the utility involved unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. I* 1 I I I I SECTION 6 -- PROSECUTION, PROGRESS AND ACCEPTANCE OF. THE WORK 6-1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. Delete subsection 6-1 ’ and substitute the following: The Contractor shall begin work within j.Q calendar days after receip of the “Notice to Proceed”. 1. Add the following section: 6-1.1 Measurement And Payment Of Construction Schedule. The Contractor’s preparatior revision and maintenance of the Construction Schedule are incidental to the work and no separatl payment will be made therefor. 6-2 PROSECUTION OF WORK. 1 I i 1 1 I Add the following section: 6-2.1 Order of Work. The work to be done shall consist of furnishing all labor, equipment an materials, and performing all operations necessary to complete the Project Work as shown on th Project Plans and as specified in the Specifications. The work includes Construction of the Nort Batiquitos Force Main and 12” Water Main Replacement within a permanent easement sout of Gabbiano Lane and Piovana Court. Add the following section: 6-2.2 Steep Slope Construction To restrict disturbance to existing residences, the Contractor shall complete all Work ant testing within the steep slope construction area within twenty-one (21) consecutive days. Thc steep slope construction area includes construction within a 40-fOOt wide easement fron Station 30+48 of the water line and Station 10+00 to Station 12+59.67 of the sewage fora main. Any stopping and starting of work or delay of work beyond the specified twenty-onc (21) calendar days will be subject to liquidated damages as described in paragraph 6-9. 1 1 0 Add the following section: 6-2.3 Project Meetings. The Engineer will establish the time and location of bi-weekly Projec Meetings. Each Project Meeting shall be attended by the Contractor’s Representative. The Projec I 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 Bl34522 Page 56 of 63 pages I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I Representative shall be the individual determined under section 7-6, "The Contractc Representative", SSPWC. No separate payment for these meetings will be made. 0 6-6 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME. 6-6.4 Written Notice and Report. The Contractor shall provide written not to the Engineer within two hours of the beginning of any period that the Contractor has placed i workers or equipment on standby for any reason that the Contractor has determined to be cam by the Agency or by any organization that the Agency may otherwise be obligated by. 1 Contractor shall provide continuing daily written notice to the Engineer, each working dz throughout the duration of such period of delay. The initial and continuing written notices sh include the classification of each workman and supervisor and the make and model of each piece equipment placed on standby, the cumulative duration of the standby, the Contractor's opinion oft cause of the delay and a cogent explanation of why the Contractor could not avoid the delay reasonable means. Should the Contractor fail to provide the notice(s) required by this section t Contractor agrees that no delay has occurred and that it will not submit any claim(s) therefor. 6-7 TIME OF COMPLETION. Add the following: The Contractor shall diligently prosecute tb work to completion within seventy-five (75) working days after the starting date specified in th Notice to Proceed. 6-7.2 Working Day. Add the following: Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Enginec the hours of work shall be between the hours of 7:OO a.m. and 4:OO p.m. on Mondays throu! Fridays, excluding Agency holidays. The Contractor shall obtain the written approval of the Engine if the Contractor desires to work outside said hours or at any time during weekends and/or holida) This written permission must be obtained at least 48 hours prior to such work The Engineer m approve work outside the hours and/or days stated herein when, in hidher sole opinion, such wc conducted by the Contractor is beneficial to the best interests of the Agency. The Contractor sh pay the inspection costs of such work. No work involving disturbance of coastal sage scrub designated areas shall be performed by ti contractor between February 1 Sh and August 1 !jth. The Contractor shall incorporate the dates, are and types of work prohibited in this section in the Construction Schedule required by section 6.1. I additional payment, adjustment of bid prices or adjustment of contract time of completion will L allowed as a consequence of the prohibition of work being performed within the dates, areas and/ types of work prohibited in this section. 6-8 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE. Add the following: All work shall be warranted for onc (1) year after recordation of a "Notice of Completion" and any faulty work or materials discoverec during the warranty period shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor, at its expense. Twenty five percent of the faithful performance bond shall be retained as a warranty bond for the one yea warranty period. 6-9 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Modify the last sentence of the first paragraph and the first sentenc of the second paragraph and add the following: For each consecutive calendar day in excess the time specified for completion of Work, as adjusted in accordance with 6-6, the Contractor sh# pay the Agency, or have withheld monies due it, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($5Q0.00). Execution of the Contract shall constitute agreement by the Agency and Contractor Five Hundre ($500.00) per day is the minimum value of costs and actual damages caused by the Contractor 1 complete the Work within the allotted time. Any progress payments made after the specifie completion date shall not constitute a waiver of this paragraph or of any damages. Modify as follows: 1. @ 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 57 of 63 pages I I I 8 1 8 b 1 I I. I I I t I 1 SECTION 7 -- RESPONSIBILITIES of the CONTRACTOR 7-3 LlABlLlTY INSURANCE. Add the following: All insurance is to be placed with insurers th; have a rating in Best's Key'Rating Guide of at least A-:V and are admitted and authorized to conduc business in the state of California and are listed in the official publication of the Department t Insurance of the State of California. 7-4 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE. Add the following: All insurance is to be place with insurers that are admitted and authorized to conduct business in the state of California and ar listed in the official publication of the Department of Insurance of the State of California. Policie issued by the State Compensation Fund meet the requirement for workers' compensation insurance 7-5 PERMITS. Except as specified herein the agency w obtain, at no cost to the Contractor, all encroachment, right-of-way, grading, and building permii necessary to perform work for this contract on Agency property, in streets, highways (except Stal highway right-of-way), railways or other rights-of-way. Contractor shall not begin work until i permits incidental to the work are obtained. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits fc the disposal of all materials removed from the project. The cost of said perrnit(s) shall be included i the price bid for the appropriate bid item and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 1" Modify the first sentence to read: 7-7 COOPERATION AND COLLATERAL WORK. Add the following section: 7-7.1 Coordination. The Contractor shall coordinate and cooperate with all the utility companie during the relocation or construction of their lines. The Contractor may be granted a time extensio if, in the opinion of the Engineer, a delay is caused by the utility company. No addition: compensation will be made to the Contractor for any such delay. I@ 7-8 PROJECT SITE MAINTENANCE. 7-8.1 Cleanup and Dust Control. Add the following: Cleanup and dust control required herei shall also be executed on weekends and other non-working days when needed to preserve th health safety or welfare of the public. The Contractor shall conduct effective cleanup and du: control throughout the duration of the Contract. The Engineer may require increased levels ( cleanup and dust control that, in hidher sole discretion, are necessary to preserve the health, safe1 and welfare of the public. Cleanup and dust control shall be' considered incidental to the items ( work that they are associated with and no additional payment will be made therefor. I ' 7-8.5 Temporary Light, Power and Water. Add the following: The Contractor shall obtain i construction meter for water used for the construction, plant establishment, maintenance, cleanup testing and all other work requiring water related to this contract. The Contractor shall contact thc appropriate water agency for requirements. The Contractor shall pay all costs of temporary light, power and water including hookup, service meter and any, and all, other charges, deposits and/or fees therefor. Said costs shall be considerec incidental to the items of work that they are associated with and no additional payment will be madc therefor. Add the following section: 7-8.8 Noise Control. All internal combustion engines used in the construction shall be equippec with mufflers in good repair when in use on the project with special attention to the City Noisl Control Ordinance, Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 8.48. a 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 BL4522 Page 58 of 63 pages 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 8 7-10 PUBLlC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY. 0 7-10.3 Street Closures, Detours, Barricades. Add the following: Traffic controls shall be accordance with the plans, Chapter 5 of the California Department of Transportation "Manual Traffic Controls," 1996 edition and these Special Provisions. If any component in the traffic cont system is displaced, or ceases to operate or function as specified, from any cause, during t progress of the work, the Contractor shall immediately repair said component to its original conditi or replace said component and shall restore the component to its original location. In the event ti the Contractor fails to install and/or maintain barricades or such other traffic signs, markin! delineation or devices as may be required herein, the Engineer may, at hidher sole option, install t traffic signs, markings, delineation or devices and charge the Contractor twenty dollars ($20.00) r day per traffic sign or device, or the actual cost of providing such traffic control facility, whichever the greater. Add the following section: 7-1 8.3.1 Construction Area Signs. Warning and advisory signs, lights and devices installed placed to provide traffic control, direction and/or warning shall be furnished, installed, maintain1 and removed by the Contractor when no longer required. Care shall be used in performi excavation for signs in order to protect underground facilities. Warning and advisory signs tt remain in place overnight shall be stationary mounted signs. Stationary signs that warn of nc existant conditions shall be removed from the travelled way or shielded from the view of t travelling public during such periods that their message does not pertain to existing conditions. excavation required to install stationary construction area signs shall be performed by hand metho without the use of power equipment. Warning and advisory signs that are used only during worki hours may be portable signs. Portable signs shall be removed from the travelled way and shield from the view of the travelling public during non-working hours. During the hours of darkness, as defined in Division 1, Section 280, of the California Vehicle Coo portable signs shall be illuminated or, at the option of the Contractor, shall be in conformance wi the provisions in Section 12-3.068, "Portable Signs", of the CALTRANS Standard Specifications; Reflexite vinyl microprism reflective sheeting signs; or 3M high intensity reflectorized sheeting ( aluminum substrate signs of Seibulite Brand Ultralite Grade Series, encapsulated lens retroreflectiy sheeting signs; or equal. Stationary mounted signs used for traffic control during construction of the Work shall be installed c break-away sign posts as shown on SDRS drawing M-45 or on wood posts in the same manner shown on CALTRANS Standard Plans RS I, RS 2, RS 3 and RS 4 for installation of roadside sign: except as follows: (a) Back braces and blocks for sign panels will not be required. (b) The height to the bottom of the sign panel above the edge of traveled way shall be at least 2.1 m. (c) Construction area sign posts may be installed on above ground temporary platform sign supports as approved by the Engineer, or the signs may be installed on existing lighting standards or other supports as approved by the Engineer. (d) When construction area signs are installed on existing lighting standards, holes shall not be made in the standards to support the sign. (e) The post embedment shall be 0.8-rn if post holes are backfilled around the posts with 500-C- 2500 concrete. (f) When break-away sign posts (SDRS M-45) are used one post shall be provided for each u !@ I 2 S P R 1 8 1 ' e 0.48 square meters of sign area. 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 59 of 63 pages I 1 8 I I 9 For wood posts post size and number of posts shall be as shown on CALTRANS Standard Plan R: 2. Lumber for wood posts shall be as for sight posts. Sign panels for stationary mounted signs shall conform to the requirements of Section 206- “Reflective Sheeting Aluminum Signs”, and the following: (a) All rectangular sheet aluminum signs over 1375 mm measured along the horizontal axis, and diamond-shaped sheet aluminum signs 1500 mm and larger shall be framed unless otherwi specified. (b) Frames shall be constructed in accordance with “Framing Details for Sheet Aluminum Sign: Sheets 1 through 4 and Table 1 on Sheet 5, as published by CALTRANS. (c) Sign panel fastening hardware shall be commercial quality. Each portable sign shall consist of a base, standard or framework and a sign panel. The units sh be capable of being delivered to the site of use and placed in immediate operation. Sign panels f portable signs shall conform to the requirements of sign panels for stationary mounted signs in 20 7, “Reflective Sheeting Aluminum Signs”, or shall be Type IV reflective sheeting, cotton drill fabr flexible industrial nylon fabric, or other approved fabric. Fabric signs shall not be used during tl hours of darkness. Size, color, and legend requirements for portable signs shall be as described 1 stationary mounted sign panels in Section 206-7, “Reflective Sheeting Aluminum Signs”. The heis to the bottom of the sign panel above the edge of traveled way shall be at least 0.3 m. All parts the sign standard or framework shall be finished with ’2 applications of an orange enamel which v match the color of the sign panel background. Testing of paint will not be required. If portable sig are displaced or overturned, from any cause, during the progress of the work, the Contractor sh immediately replace the signs in their original locations. a o T s 1. Add the following section: ’ 7-1 0.3.2 Maintaining Traffic. Attention is directed to Sections 7-1 0 SSPWC “Public Convenien and Safety.” Nothing in these Special Provisions shall be construed as relieving the Contractor frc its responsibility as provided in said Section 7-10. If illuminated traffic cones rather than post-tyl delineators are used during the hours of darkness, they shall be affixed or covered with reflecti cone sleeves as specified in CALTRANS “Standard Specifications”, except the sleeves shall I seven (7) inches long. The Contractor’s personnel shall not work closer than six (6) feet, nor operate equipment within h (2) feet from any traffic lane occupied by traffic. For equipment the two (2) feet shall be measuri from the closest approach of any part of the equipment as it is operated and/or maneuvered performing the work, This requirement may be waived when the Engineer has given writti authorization to the reduction in clearance that is specific to the time, duration and location of su waiver or for the work of installing, maintaining and removing traffic control devices. As a conditic of such waiver the Engineer may require the Contractor to detour traffic, adjust the width of, realign the adjacent traffic lane, close the adjacent traffic lane or provide barriers. Personal vehicles of the Contractor’s employees shall not be parked within the traveled wi including any section closed to public traffic. Whenever vehicles or equipment are parked on tl shoulder within six (6) feet of a traffic lane, the shoulder area shall be closed with fluorescent traf cones or portable delineators placed on a taper in advance of the parked vehicles or equipment ai along the edge of the pavement at 25-foot intervals to a point not less than 25 feet past the I: vehicle or piece of equipment. A minimum of nine (9) cones or portable delineators shall be used 1 the taper. A C23 (Road Work Ahead) or C24 (Shoulder Work Ahead) sign shall be mounted on telescoping flag tree with flags. The flag tree shall be placed where directed by the Engineer. construction traffic control devices shall be maintained in good order and according to the pl throughout the duration of work. During the entire construction, a minimum of two paved traf lanes, not less than twelve (12) feet wide, shall be open for use by public traffic in each direction 1 1 1 E t 1 1 * 1 2/26/97 Conkact No. 34521 8134522 Page 60 of 63 pages 8 @ II 1 8 4 I t 1 1 1 I I I travel. The Contractor shall furnish all labor and materials to perform, install, maintain, replace and remok all traffic control as incidentals to the work with which they are associated and no othc compensation will be allowed therefor. Add the following section: 7-10.4.4 Safety and Protection of Workers and Public. The Contractor shall take all necessai precautions for the safety of employees on the work and shall comply with all applicable provisior of Federal, State and Municipal safety laws and building codes to prevent accidents or injury persons on, about, or adjacent to the premises where the work is being performed. The Contract1 shall erect and properly maintain at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the wor all necessary safeguards for the protection of workers and public, and shall use danger sigr warning against hazards created by such features of construction as protruding nails, hoists, wf @ r holes, and falling materials. 7-13 LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. Add the following: Municipal ordinances that affect this WOI include Chapter 11.06. Excavation and Grading. If this notice specifies locations or possib materials, such as borrow pits or gravel beds, for use in the proposed construction project whic would be subject to Section 1601 or Section 1603 of the Fish and Game Code, the conditior established pursuant to Section 1601 et seq. of the Fish and Game Code shall become conditions the contract. SECTION 9 -- MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT Io 9-3 PAYMENT. 9-3.2 Partial and Final Payment. Modify the second paragraph as follows: Each month, tht Engineer will make an approximate measurement of the work performed to the closure date a! basis for making monthly progress payments. The estimated value will be based on contract uni prices, completed change order work and as provided for in Section 9-2 of the Standarc Specifications (SSPWC). Progress payments shall be made no later than thirty (30) calendar day! after the closure date. Five (5) working days following the closure date, the Engineer shal complete the detailed progress pay estimate and submit it to the Contractor for his information Should the Contractor assert that additional payment is due, the Contractor shall within ten (10 days of receipt of the progress estimate, submit a supplemental payment request to the Enginee with adequate justification supporting the amount of supplemental payment request. Upon receip of the supplemental payment request, the Engineer shall, as soon as practicable after receipt determine whether the supplemental payment request is a proper payment request. If the Enginee determines that the supplemental payment request is not proper, then the request shall be returnec to the Contractor as soon as practicable, but not later than seven (7) days after receipt. Tht returned request shall be accompanied by a document setting forth in writing the reasons why tht supplemental payment request was not proper. In conformance with Public Contract Code Sectior 20104.50, the District shall make payments within thirty (30) days after receipt of an undisputed an( properly submitted supplemental payment request from the Contractor. If payment of thc undisputed supplemental payment request is not made within thirty (30) days after receipt by tht Engineer, then the District shall pay interest to the Contractor equivalent to the legal rate set forth ii subdivision (a) of Section 685.010 of the Code of Civil Procedure. 0 9-3.2 Partial and Final Payment. Modify the third paragraph as follows: The Agency sha retain 10 percent of such estimated value of the work done and 10 percent of the value of material: so estimated to have been furnished and delivered and unused or furnished and stored ai 8 m 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 61 of 63 pages U 8 8 1 1 1 d I B 1 I t I I t aforesaid as part security for the fulfillment of the contract by the Contractor, except that at any timl after 20 percent of the work has been completed, if the Engineer finds that satisfactory progress i being made, the Agency may reduce the total amount being retained from payment pursuant to thl above requirements to 5 percent of the total estimated value of said work and materials and ma also reduce the amount retained from any of the remaining partial payments to 5 percent of thl estimated value of such work and materials. In addition, on any partial payment made after 9 percent of the work has been completed, the Agency may reduce the amount withheld fror payment pursuant to the requirements of this Section to such lesser amounts as the Enginee determines is adequate security for the fulfillment of the balance of the work and other requirement of the contract, but in no event will said amount be reduced to less than 125 percent of thl estimated value of the work yet to be completed as determined by the Engineer. Such reduction wi only be made upon the written request of the Contractor and shall be approved in writing by thl surety on the Performance Bond and by the surety on the Payment Bond. The approval of thl surety shall be submitted to the Engineer; the signature of the person executing the approval for thl surety shall be properly acknowledged and the power of attorney authorizing him to give sucl consent must either accompany the document or be on file with the Agency. 9-3.2 Partial and Final Payment. After final inspection, tt Engineer will make a Final Payment Estimate and process a corresponding payment. This estima will be in writing and shall be for the total amount owed the Contractor as determined by tt Engineer and shall be itemized by the contract bid item and change order item with quantities ar payment amounts and shall show all deductions made or to be made for prior payments ai amounts to be deducted under provisions of the contract. All prior estimates and progress paymen shall be subject to correction in the Final Payment Estimate. The Contractor shall have 30 calendar days from receipt of the Final Payment Estimate to mal written statement disputing any bid item or change order item quantity or payment amount. Tt Contractor shall provide all documentation at the time of submitting the statement supporting i position. Should the Contractor fail to submit the statement and supporting documentation within tt time specified, the Contractor acknowledges that full and final payment has been made for q contract bid items and change order items. If the Contractor submits a written statement with documentation in the aforementioned time, tt Engineer will review the disputed item within 30 calendar days and make any appropria adjustments on the Final Payment. Remaining disputed quantities or amounts not approved by tt Engineer will be subject to resolution as specified in subsection 3-5, Disputed Work. The claims filed by the Contractor shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to ascertain tt basis and amount of said claims. The Engineer will consider and determine the Contractor’s clain and it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish within a reasonable time such furth information and details as may be required by the Engineer to determine the facts or contentior involved in its claims. Failure to submit such information and details will be sufficient cause f denying the claims. 9-3.2.1 Payment for Claims. Add the following: Written statement shall be submitted to tt Agency within 30 calendar days of receipt of Final Payment for all claims for the entire project. tr claim will be considered that was not included in this written statement, nor will any claim be allowc for which written notice or protest is required under any provision of this contract including sectior 3-4 Changed Conditions, 3-5 Disputed Work, 6-6.3 Payment for Delays to Contractor, 6-6.4 Writtc Notice and Report, or 6-7.3 Contract Time Accounting, unless the Contractor has complied wi notice or protest requirements. The claims filed by the Contractor shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to ascertain tt basis and amount of said claims. The Engineer will consider and determine the Contractor’s clain 1 Add paragraph 6 et seq. as follows: 1. 1 8 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 8134522 Page 62 of 63 pages 1 1. 1 0 1 I S m 1: I 1 8 1 8 1 and it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish within a reasonable time such furth information and details as may be required by the Engineer to determine the facts or contentioi involved in its claims. Failure to submit such information and details will be sufficient cause f denying the claims. Payment for claims shall be processed within 30 calendar days of receipt of the written statement further information, whichever is longer, for those claims approved by the Engineer. The Contract shall proceed with informal dispute resolution under subsection 3-5, Disputed Work, for those chin I remaining in dispute. Add the following section: 9-3.4.1 Mobilization and Preparatory Work. Payment for mobiiization and preparatory Work w be made at the stipulated lump-sum price bid therefor in the bid schedule. The Contract lump-su, price paid for mobilization shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for Bid Schedule "P and five thousand dollars ($5,000) for Schedule "B", and includes full compensation fc furnishing all insurance, bonds, licenses, labor, materials, utilities, tools, equipment and incidental and for doing all the work involved in mobilization and preparatory work and operations, inciudin but not limited to, those necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, ar incidental to preparing to conduct work on and off the project site and other offsite facilitic necessary for work on the project; for all other facilities, sureties, work and operations which must t performed or costs incurred prior to beginning work on various contract items on or off the proje site, excepting those specifically paid for under separate sections of these specifications. Th Contractor hereby agrees that the stipulated lump sum amount is sufficient for Mobilization an Preparatory Work, as described in this section, and that the Contractor shall have no right t additional compensation for Mobilization and Preparatory Work. Progress payments for Mobilization and Preparatory Work will be made as follows: For the first progress payment (after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed), forty percent (40%) ( the amount bid for Mobilization And Preparatory Work will be allowed. For the second progres payment, an additional sixty percent (60%) of the amount bid for mobilization and preparatory WOI m I will be allowed therefor. 2/26/97 Contract No. 34521 B/34522 Page 63 of 62 pages I. B 1 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT NORTH SATIQUITOS FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT CMWD PROJECT NO. 85-401 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 sc-1 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF WORK I. sc-2 SCHEDULE OF WORK sc-3 SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA I sc-4 ACCESS TO JOB SITE a I 8 I 1’ sc-5 GEOTECH N ICAL I NVESTl GAT1 ON SC-6 RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS sc-7 SAFEGUARD1 NG EXCAVATIONS AND PROTECTING PROJECT 1. sc-8 TRENCH BACKFILL sc-9 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS sc-10 ECCENTRIC PLUG VALVES t sc-11 COMBINATION AIR VALVES sc-12 SC-13 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS MISCELLANEOUS COUPLINGS, PIPE AND APPURTENANCES i SC-14 PRESSURE AND LEAK TESTING sc-15 sc-I 6 MARKER POSTS sc-17 sc-18 CLEANING AND FLUSHING OF EXISTING FORCE MAIN i CONNECTION AT EXISTING PUMP STATION PLUGGING OF EXISTING FORCE MAIN ACCESS THROUGH THE SEA CLIFF DEVELOPMENT 1 1 j@ sc19 1 C 1 5- 1 02-0 I 1 I 8' 8 I 1 1 t. I CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT NORTH BATlQUlTOS FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT CMWD PROJECT NO. 85-401 SPECfAL CONDITIONS SC-I The project is located at the south end of Gabbiano Lane. The Contractor shall furnish a transportation, materials, labor and supplies to complete construction of the Nort Batiquitos Force Main Replacement Project, together with all appurtenant work necessar and incidental to complete the project in a workmanlike manner, together with a improvements as contemplated by the Plans and these Specifications. Portions of this main will be 14 to 16 feet below the ground surface, and somc construction wilt occur in ground water. (Installation of a portion of the force main wi occur adjacent to a Federal Wetlands area. The Contractor is not allowed to disturb thc Wetlands area nor have any portion of his work, labor, or materials trespassing on tha property shown on the Plans as Federal Wetlands. The Contractor shall construct i temporary construction fence two feet from and outside of the wetlands boundary tc assist in protecting the Wetlands during the construction. A section of the force main from approximately Station 12+60 to Station 15+34 has beer constructed previously by others. The Contractor will be responsible for connecting tc this existing facility as well as connecting to the existing force main at the pump statior site as shown on the Plans. I sc-2 SCHEDULE OF WORK 8 0 1 1 sc-3 SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA LOCATlON AND DESCRIPTION OF WQRK 1 I The Contractor shall complete all work related to the North Batiquitos Force Mair Replacement Project within sevenfy-five (75) calendar days after the date of the Notice To Proceed. The installation shall begin with the section of sewer force main piping between Station 10+00 and Station 12+60 and water piping between Station 30+00 and Station 33+18. These sections shall be installed, backfilled, tested, connections to existing facilities made, and erosion-control netting and hydroseeding completed prior to commencement of pipeline installation between Station 15+34 and Station 26+69. All work shall be completed within twenty-one consecutive working days in accordance with Paragraph 6-2.2 of the Special Provisions. The Contractor shall perform his work so that his operations will remain dear and not disturb the environmentally sensitive areas surrounding this project and as shown on Sheet Nos. 3 and 4 of the Plans, and as shown on Figure 3 of the Biological Survey, 0 1 0 1 C15-102-01 Special Conditions - Page 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I dated October 14, 1996 by RECON. Copies of these figures are included in tt Appendix. The Contractor shall limit his operations on the steep slope so the work contained within the 40-foot width of the existing easements as shown on Sheet No. 3 the Plans. The Contractor shall erect a temporary construction fence two feet outside tt Wetlands boundary where the proposed force main construction is adjacent to tt Wetlands, generally between Station 15+50 and Station 26+15. sc-4 ACCESS TO JOB SITE The job site between Station 15+34 and Station 26+69 shall be accessed from Gabbian Lane via the access road to the North Batiquitos pump station to the east and th temporary construction easement to the west. The work for the force main betwee Station 10+00 and Station 12+60 shall be accessed from Linden Terrace. The District w obtain permission to use this access point, and the Contractor shall follow all procedure the District establishes for use of this access point. The Contractor and his entii operation shall conduct the ingress and egress via Linden Terrace with the utmor professionalism and caution, as it is a private road. The Contractor shall plan th construction work between Station 10+00 and Station 12+60 so as to minimize th number of vehicle trips through the Linden Terrace access, both on an overall project an a daily basis. The Contractor shall submit a plan to the District for delivering men an! materials to the site so that general construction can be coordinated with owners c private property. e I 8. SC-5 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTEATION A geotechnical investigation for the North Batiquitos Force Main Project was prepared b Kleinfelder dated February 1997. The investigation describes the different soil types, sa conditions, excavation and compaction recommendations to be expected for this projec and is referenced in the Plans and Technical Specifications. The Contractor shail revie\ this document prior to preparation of his bid and be familiar with the expected so conditions. A copy of the geotechnical investigation is included in Appendix A. n I sc-6 RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS li ' The Contractor shall use caution in his excavation and backfill operations so that existin! utilities and landscape irrigation iines are not damaged. Any damage that does occu shall be repaired immediately to the satisfaction of the Owner or Owner's Representative After successful completion of the compaction testing for the trench backfill, the slopt leading from the terminal manhole to the point-of-connection near Station 12+60 shall bc restored with erosion control improvements per Sheet No. 3 of 6 and the Projec Specifications. sc-7 Excavations shall be shored and braced or have side slopes laid back from the vertica per Geotechnical Investigation recommendations dated February Z 997 by Kleinfelder. SAFEGUARDING EXCAVATIONS AND PROTECTING PROJECT 1 I 1 8 0 C 1 5-1 02-01 Special Conditions - Page : I 1 I 8 I I I I I I t i The excavations, either shored or sloped, shall be safe and made constructed so that tl ground along side the excavations will not slide or settle. Any trench shoring syste utilized for vertical-side trenches shall conform to that Shown in Article 6, Section 1541 the Construction Safety Orders of the California Division of Industrial Safety. Prior to tf excavation, the Contractor shall submit an excavation plan to the District for their review. @ The detailed plan showing the design of shoring, etc., which the Contractor is required to submit to the District for acceptance in advance of excavation will not be accepted by the District if the plan is based on subsurface conditions which are more favorable than those revealed by the investigations made by the District or their consultants; nor will the plan be accepted if it is based on sois related design ciferia which is less restrictive than the criteria set forth in the report on the aforesaid investigations of subsurface condition. The detailed plan showing the design of shoring, efc., shall include surcharge loads for nearby embankments and structures, for spoil banks and for construction equipment and other construction loadings. The plan shall indicate for all trench conditions the minimum horizontal distances from the side of the trench at its fop to the near side of the surcharge Nothing contained in fhis adicle shall be construed as relieving the Contractor of the full responsibility for providing shoring, bracing, sloping or other provisions which are adequate for worker protection. " t. loads. sc-8 TRENCH BACKFlLL sc-8.1 General All trenches and excavations shall be backfilled after pipe and appurtenances have been installed. 8 ' SC 8.2 Procedure in Pipe Zone # The pipe zone shall be considered to extend from the bottom of the excavation (a minimum of 6 inches below the bottom of the pipe) to 12 inches above the top of pipe ana shall be backfilled with material having a sand equivalent of 30 or better. Such backfil material, whether imported or native, shall be free from foreign materials such as rocks, sticks, vegetation, etc., and other organic materials. I R ' C15-102-01 Special Conditions - Page 3 1 8 8 I The initial backfill shall be shoveled in by hand simultaneously along both sides of tt pipe, making a layer about 4 inches (4") thick. A powder puff or similarly operate mechanical tamping tool shall then be used to tamp this soil firmly under the pipe. Hand placing and compaction by powder puff shall be continued to the springline of th pipe. Additional backfill may then be placed and compacted in layers up to six inches (6 8 in compacted thickness. sc-8.3 Procedure above Pipe Zone Procedure Above Pipe Zone: From the top of the pipe zone to the ground surface c finished grade, the material shall not contain clods or stones over 3 inches (3") i diameter and shall not contain over 15 percent by volume of welldistributed day. Wher the District Engineer determines that the native excavated material does not meet thes' requirements, decomposed granite shall be used, and the Contractor shall dispose of a excess material. Backfill shall be compacted in the trench to a relative compaction of 91 percent. If it is determined by the District Engineer that the native material is unsuitable tl give the required relative compaction, imported material shall be used. sc-8.4 Placement of Material The Contractor shall notify the District Engineer at least two days prior to beginnins backfill work around any structure or placement of any fill material and obtain writter approval from the District Engineer for all work to be covered by the backfill work. Compaction by means of water sefflement will not be allowed. Placement of importec granular material shall not exceed loose iifts of six inches. Compact each lift to 9C percent relative compaction. Place in a manner which avoids segregation. Moisten as necessary to aid compaction. Place selected earth fill material where shown on the drawings or as approved by the District Engineer. Place in loose lifts not to exceed si] inches and compact each lift to 90 percent relative compaction. Expansive soils shall nor be placed in controlled fill except as directed by the District Engineer. Expansive soils are defined as those soils that expand 3.0 percent or more from air dry to saturation under a unit load of 150 pounds per square foot. 1 t 8 I 8. 1 8 8 I sc-8.5 Moisture I t 1 During the compacting operations, maintain optimum practicable moisture content required for compaction purposes in each lifl of the earth fill. Maintain moisture content uniform throughout the lift. Insofar as practicable, add water to the material at the site of excavation. Supplement, if required, by sprinkling the earth fill. At the time of compaction, the water content of the material shall be at optimum water content plus or minus two percentage points. Compact fill material which contains excessive moisture shall be aerated by blading, discing, harrowing, or as approved to hasten the drying process. Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the disposal of excess material and bear all costs incidental to such disposal. (I) 8 N c15-102-01 Special Conditions - Page 4 I 1 8' SC-8.6 Guarantee Any settlement in backfill, fill, or in pipelines built over the backfill or fill which may occ within the I-year guarantee period will be considered to be caused by improp compaction methods and shall be corrected by the Contractor at his own expense. AI structures damaged by settlement shall be restored to their original condition by tt I Contractor at his own expense. 1 sc-9 DUCTllE IRON FITTINGS 1 g All ductile iron fittings as referenced in the PVC Pipe (C-905) Section in the Technic Specifications shall be polyurethane coated and lined with a two-component polyurethar coating system approved for internal lining of ductile iron pipe and fittings. The linir material shall consist of a polyisocyanate resin and a polyol resin mixed at a 1:1 ratio c the time of application and shall meet the requirements of ASTM-Dl6 Type V system. AI surfaces to receive polyurethane shall be cleaned to a near white metal finish SSPC SP10) as a minimum. All surfaces shall be completely free of moisture, dust, grease, c any other deleterious substances at the time of coating and lining application. Th thickness of the lining shall be 40 mils nominal. Thickness determinations shall b checked with a Type I magnetic thickness gauge and shall be conducted in accordanc. with Steel Structures Painting Council SSPC-PA2 as it relates to ductile iron fittings. Thc coating thickness for the pipe exterior shall be 30 mils nominal. Holiday inspection shall be conducted using a 2,000 volt spark test in accordance wit' manufacturer's recommendations when polyurethane curing is complete. I I 1. I sc-10 PLUG VALVES - ECCENTRIC I sc-10.1 Valve Body I 1 to the NPT standard. 1 Valves shall be of the non-lubricated eccentric type with resiiient faced plugs and shall bc furnished with end connections as shown on the plans. Flanged valves shall be facec and drilled to the ANSI 1251150 pound standard. Mechanical joint ends shall be to the AWWA Standard C111-64, grooved ends per AWWA C-606-87. Screwed ends shall be Valve bodies shall be of carbon steel. Bodies in 4" and larger valves shall be fumishec with a 1!8" welded overlay seat of not less than 90% pure nickel. Seat area shall be raised, with raised surface completely covered with weld to insure that the plug face contacts only nickel. Screwed-in seats shall not be acceptable. sc-10.2 Plug t 8 I Plugs shall be of type 316 stainless steel. The plug shall have a cylindrical seating surface eccentrically offset from the center of the plug shaft. The interference between @ I C15-102-01 Special Conditions - Page 5 I 1 1 1 I 1 8 the plug face and body seat, with the plug in the closed position, shall be external adjustable in the field with the valve in the line under pressure. Plug shall be resiliei faced with neoprene or hycar, suitable for use with sewage. SC-10.3 Bearings and Seals Valves shall have sleeve type metal bearings and shall be of sintered, oil impregnate permanently lubricated type 316 ASTM A743 Grade CF-8M or AIS1 Type 317L stainles steel in 1/2"-36" sizes. In valves larger than 36", the upper and lower plug journals sha be fitted with ASTM A-240 type 316 stainless sleeves with bearings of ASTM B30, Allo C95400 aluminum bronze. Non-metallic bearings shall not be acceptable. Valve shaft seals shall be of the multiple V-ring type and shall be externally adjustabi and repackable without removing the bonnet or actuator from the valve under pressure Valves utilizing O-ring seals or non-adjustable packing shall not be acceptable. SC-10.4 Actuators Manual valves shall have lever or gear actuators and tee wrenches, extension sterns floorstands, etc., as indicated on the plans. All valves 6" and larger shall be equippec with gear actuators. All gearing shall be enclosed in a semi-steel housing and be suitablc for running in a lubricant with seals provided on all shafts to prevent entry of dirt anc water into the actuator. The actuator shaft and the quadrant shall be supported 01 permanently lubricated bronze bearings. Actuators shall clearly indicate valve positioi and an adjustable stop shall be provided to set closing torque and to provide ser adjustment to compensate for change in pressure differential or flow direction change. Valves and gear actuators for buried or submerged service shall have seals on all shaft and gaskets on the valve and actuator covers to prevent the entry of water. Actuatc mounting brackets for buried or submerged service shall be totally enclosed and shai have gasket seais. 1 ' 1 0 1 8 I I. 8 I. I SC-10.5 Testing Each valve shall be given a hydrostatic and seat test with test results being certified. Certifications shall be delivered to District upon shipment of valves. Valves shall not bc installed under any circumstances until proper certifications have been received by thc District. SC-10.6 Approved Manufacturer and Model All eccentric plug valves and actuators shall be as manufactured by DeZURlK Series 100 Figure 128 Eccentric Plug Valve with RS17 Plug Facing, and type 6 packing or approvec equal. t I C15-102-01 Special Conditions - Page E 1 I 1 sc-11 COMBINATION AIR VALVE§ General ,. sc11.1 Air and vacuum release valves shall be the combination type. The combination unit shal sewe the function of allowing air to enter or exit the pipe to alleviate excess air or vacuun conditions in the pipe. The tap for the valve shall be made in a level section of pipe nc closer than 18 inches to a bell, coupling, joint, or fitting. a sc-1 I .2 Materials ! The Buna-N seat must be fastened to the valve cover, without distortion, for drip-tigh shutoff. The floats shall be heavy stainless steel, hermeticaiiy sealed, designed tc withstand 1,000 psi. The top plug or float shall be center guided through hex bushings foi positive shutoff. All materials of construction shall be in writing to conform to ASTM specifications 3s follows: I I t 1. 1 I Body & Cover Cast Iron ASTM AI26 GR.6 Float Stainless Steel ASTM A240 Needle & Seat Buna-N Plug Bronze ASTM B124 Leverage Frame Delrin/Cast Iron ASTM D2133/ASTM A126 GR.B Approved Manufacturer and Material SC-I 1.3 Combination air valves shall be APCO Model 14%. I sc-12 MISCELLANEOUS COUPLINGS, PIPE AND APPURTENANCES sc-12.1 Geheral All valves, coupiings, and appurtenances shall conform to requirements of the standard dimensions and pressure classification of the immediately adjacent pipe, valve or I appurtenance as specified. 1 Shop drawings shall be submitted for all miscellaneous couplings, pipe and appurtenances. Shop drawings shall include listing of materials of construction, with ASTM reference and grade, including lining and paint coating intended for use, with lining and coating manufacturers and paint numbers listed. sc-12.2 Gaskets, Nuts, and Bolts Gaskets for flanged joints shall be fullface, cut from 1/16-inch-thick rubber with cloth insert, boltholes prepunched, conforming to the requirements of ANSI 816.21 and shall I 8 I * I C15-102-01 Special Conditions - Page 7 I 8 1 I I t be as manufactured by Crane Co. or approved equal. Bolts and studs for aboveground installations shall be cadmium plated and shall confor to ASTM A307, Grade B, "Steel Machine Bolts and Nuts and Tap Holes," when a rir gasket is used and shall conform to either ASTM A261, "Heat-Treated Carbon Ste Bolting Material" or ASTM A1 93, "Alloy-Steel Bolting Material for High Temperatui Sewice," when a full-face gasket is used. Bolts and nuts shall be heavy hexagon serie5 Nuts shall conform to ASTM A194, "Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for Hi5 Pressure and High Temperature Service" either in Grade 1, 2 or 2H. The fit shall b ANSI B1.l, "Unified Screw Threads," Class 2, except that Class 3 fit shall be used j holes tapped for studs. Threads may be made by either cutting or cold forming. Betwee 1/4-inch and 3/8-inch shall project through the nut when drawn tight. Bolts fc underground installations shall be Type 316 stainless steel. All buried bolts shall L: completely coated with KOP-COAT Bitumastic No. 50, or appropriate equal, which mu: be applied in two coats to a minimum thickness of 15-mils per coat. All bolt threads shall be lubricated with graphite and sii. Flanged faces shall be wir brushed and cleaned prior to joining each flange. Unless otherwise specified on the Plans, all couplings, fittings, and appurtenances fc underground installation shall be encased in two layers of 8 mil polyethylene wrap i accordance with AWWA (2105 and Part 11, 0-5, page 33 of the Carisbad Municipal Watc District Rules and Regulations for Construction of Public Potable Water Mains. @ I a I Io SC-13 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS The first sentence of Paragraph E-5 of both the Technicai Specification for Poiyvin] Chloride Pressure Pipe and Fittings C9QO and Polyvinyl Chloride Water Transmissio Pipe and Fittings C905 shall be deleted and replaced with the following: Concrete thrust blocks shall be placed as shown on the Plans and shall conform to Par II, Section D-8, concrete of the Cadsbad Municipal Water District Rules and Regulation: for Construction of Public Potable Water Mains and the provisions of the Standan Specifications for Public Works Construction "Green Book", latest edition. I I I I i sc-14 PRESSURE AND LEAK TESTING AND DISINFECTION The 12-inch water main pressure and leak testing and disinfection shall be In accordam with the Technical Specification for Testing, Flushing and Disinfection and the Carisbac Municipal Water District Rules and Regulations for Construction of Public Potable Wate Mains, Part IV, latest edition. Where conflicts may arise between the two documents, thc more stringent standard will prevail. The sewer main shall be subjected to the same pressure and leak testing criteria as thc water main except that Part D of the Technical Specification regarding disinfection i! deleted for the sewer force main. I 8 1 I C15-102-01 Special Conditions - Page I 1 I; 1 1 1 1 sc-15 CLEANING AND FLUSHING OF EXISTING FORCE MAIN After the 14-inch PVC (C905) force main has been connected to the pump station tt Contractor shall flush the existing ductile iron force main to remove all existing debi within the pipe. The Contractor shall be responsible for the labor, materials ar equipment to perform this work. The District will be responsible for coordinating tt flushing of the pipe into the pumping station wet well with the Contractor. Contractor sh notrfy District one week in advance of his intention to conduct the flushing operation. Tf Contractor shall run water into the existing 14-inch ductile iron pipe from the termin manhole at Station 10+00. The Contractor shall provide any temporary stop logs or othc devices to divert the water into the existing 14-inch ductile iron pipe without any watt spiiling into the 18-inch gravity main or the upper end of the new force main. A blir flange with a hose outlet and gate valve shail be placed upon the inspection port on tt existing force main at the pump station. The Contractor shall run a hose from tt inspection manhole to the pump station wet well under the direction of District personne The flushing activities and draining into the wet well shall continue until the discharge in' the wet well no longer shows evidence of debris. Marker posts shall be furnished for this project and installed at locations designated t the District. Materiais and installation shall be per Carlsbad Municipal Water Distric Standard Drawing W23 but shall read "FORCE MAIN". Marker posts shall be paid for a indicated in the bid schedule. a 1 1 1. SC17- CONNECTION AT EXISTING PUMP STATiON The connection of the existing force main at the pump station as shown by Detail 2 o Sheet 6 of the Plans shall be performed at night during low flow periods. The Contractc shall have ail excavation completed with all required labor, equipment and materials i the excavation site in preparation for performing the connection. In addition, th Contractor shall have a sewer pumper tmck on standby at the site during the installatiol of the wye, valves, and couplings. The hours of work to perform this connection arl limited to a two-hour period between 3:OO A.M. to 5:OO P.M. If it is determined by thl District Inspector that all labor, equipment, and materiais as specified on the Plans an1 Specifications are not on site at the time of connection to the existing main, thl construction activity will be suspended until such time that all the required resources ar on site and available for the prescribed hours of work. sc-18 After the proposed 14-inch PVC force main is placed into setvice, the existing 14-inc ductile iron force main shall be plugged at its terminus in the manhole at Station IO+OG This shall be done by properly placing a brick and mortar plug inside the pipe 6 inche: from the opening into the manhole. The Contractor shall minimize the amount G miscellaneous debris allowed to deposit within the pipe from the brick and morta activities by the use of %-inch redwood board cut to a diameter not to exceed %ncI smaller that the inside diameter of the pipe. The circular redwood piece shall have a holt 1 1 1 8 I PLUGGING OF EXlSTiNG FORCE MAIN 1 I 0 I I c15-102-0 1 Special Conditions - Page 1 I I IC 8 I I in the center large enough to allow a 318-inch braided nylon cord to pass through. TI cord shall be knotted on one side of the redwood board so that the cord cannot be pulli back through the board. The board shall be placed inside the existing force main pi1 prior to installation to be brick and mortar. As the brick and mortar are installed, tl redwood board shall be pulled to a vertical position to add support to the bricks beii placed and to prevent excess mortar from depositing downstream of the plug. The nylc cord shall be constrained within mortar joint as it passes through the brick and mod plug, with the remaining length allowed to be positioned upon the shelf of the manholt The nylon cord shall be 3 feet to 4 feet in length. sc-I 9 The Contractor shall provide temporary fencing around the work zone within the Sea C Development. All workers and vehicies entering the Sea Cliff development shall I appropriately identified as belonging to the contractor's work crew. Identification sh include shirts bearing the company name and logo and vehicles displaying the compar name and logo. All identification shall remain in place while the worker(s) and/ vehicle(s) are on Sea Cliff property. NO HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ALLOWE ACCESS TO THE CONSTRUCTION AREA THROUGH THE SEA CLlF DEVELOPMENT. Parking within the Sea Cliff development shall be limited to a maximum of ten (1 vehicles. All vehicles bearing the appropriate identification shall be parked within tt designated guest parking spaces as shown in Appendix D. The Contractor shall at I time block driveways or in any way hinder owner access to properties adjacent to tt work. The Contractor shall protect in place concrete driveways, signs, trees, foliage, plani vegetation and curbs. All damaged facilities and landscaping (including plants, foliag trees, flowers and other vegetation) within the limits of the Sea Cliff development shall t replaced in kind to the satisfaction of the Sea Cliff Home Owners Association and tt property owner. The Contractor shall be allowed to detour outside the easement shown in Appendix D, order to avoid damage to existing landscaping. Any damaged landscaping shall k replaced in kind as described above. Grass damaged by the construction work shall t replaced with sod (not seed mix). The boundary of the sod laying area shall be neat sawcut area, the boundaries of which shall be parallel to the existing easement. rC damaged foliagelgreenery shall lie completely within the sawcut area. Prior to commencing work within the Sea Cliff Development, the Contractor, the Sea CI Home Owners Association, and the District Engineer will meet in the field to view tt area, examine the existing sprinkfer/irrigation system operation, ar photograph/videotape the general vicinity. The District will photograph/videotape the arc and provide one copy of each photograph or one copy of the videotape(s) at tt I @ ACCESS THROUGH THE SEA CLIFF DEVELOPMENT I 1a 1 I 1 I 1 8 I I @ Contractor's written request. I C15-102-01 Special Conditions - Page CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT NORTH BATlQUlTOS FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT CMWD PROJECT NO. 85-406 TECH NlCAL SPEC I FlCATlO N S 1 I 8' i TABLE OF CONTENTS I EARTHWORK EROSION CONTROL NETTING MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PVC LINING FOR INTERIOR CONCRETE SURFACE OF MANHOLE I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 f c15-102-01 8 PVC PIPE (C900) PVC PIPE (C905) TESTING, FLUSHING AND DISINFECTION 1. UTILITY CROSSINGS VEGETATION RESTORATION (HYDROSEEDING) I. TECHNICAL SPEC1 FlCATlO NS FOR I I. 1 EARTHWORK A GENERAL Scope of Work 1 A-1 8 1 1 I A-2 Earthwcrk Subject to Permit Conditions 8 10 shall take precedence and supersede the provisions of these Specifications. 1 The Contractor shall perform all site grading, soil sterilant application, structure excavation backfill, trench excavation and backfill for pipelines and conduits, and other earth\ required to complete the work under this contract. Included are all necessary deal grubbing, grading, and excavation of all classes and of whatever substance encounte stockpiling, backfilling, compaction, controlling water, bracing excavations, WiIi subgrade, protecting existing structures and facilities, complying with conditions of per and safety regulations, cieaning up debris, papers and loose rocks, restoring fences other disturbed propew, maintaining trees which are not permitted to be removed, disposing of excess material, and such supplementary operations as are necessar property complete the entire work indicated or specified. Earthwork within public rights-of-way controlled by a state, county or city, or earthwork w railroad rights-of-way shall be in accordance with requirements and provisions of the per issued by those agencies for the construction within their respective rights-of-way. : permit requirements and provisions which are more restrictive than those specified he A-3 Protection of Workmen Excavations shall be so braced or sheeted so as to provide conditions under which work may work safely and efficiently at all times. The latest revision of the rules, orders regulations of the Division of industrial Safety of the State of California shall be complied A-4 Public Safety Barriers shall be placed at each end of all excavations and such places as may be neces along excavations to warn all pedestrian and vehicular traffic of such excavations. tights also be placed along excavations from sunset each day to sunrise of the next day until : excavation is entirely refilled. Material for backfill or for protection of excavation in p roads from surface drainage shall be neatly placed and kept shaped so as to cause the possible interference with public travel. Free access must be provided to all fire hydr; water valves, meters, and private drives, or other property or facilities that may have ro1 I I fl 8 use. A-5 Support of Adjacent Property I Excavations shall be so braced, sheeted, and supported that the ground alongside excavation will not slide or settle, and all existing improvements of any kind, either on p or private property, will be fully protected from damage. Damage to adjacent property I the work occurring through settlements, water or earth pressures, slides, caves or ( 0 causes due to failure of lack of sheeting or bracing or improper bracing, or thrc I negligence or fault of the Contractor in any other manner, shall be repaired by the Contri at his own expense. I lo/= Earthwork - 1 A-6 Existing Improvements The Contractor’s attention is directed to the possible existence of pipe and other undergo improvements which may or may not be shown on the plans. The Contractor shall presc necessary to remove and replace or to relocate such improvements in order to prosecute work, they shall be removed, maintained, and permanently replaced by the Contractor a expense, except as otherwise provided in the General Provisions. A-7 Control of Surface Drainage The Contractor shall control grading in a manner to prevent water running into excavatic Obstruction of surface drainage shall be avoided and means shall be provided whereby st and wastewater can flow uninterrupted in existing gutters, other surface drains or tempc drains. A-8 Preservation of Existing Drainage Except as shown on the Plans, existing drainage patterns shall be preserved. Wl construction methods cause a temporary obstruction of drainage patterns temporary faci adequate for expected flows and a means of emergency removal of the obstruction sha provided. A-9 Dewatering The Contractor shall provide and maintain ample means and devices and shall pron I remove and properly dispose of all water from any source entering the excavation or c parts of the work. Dewatering shall be accomplished by methods which will ensure preservation of the final lines and grades of the bottoms of excavations. Said methods bo include well points, sump points, suitable rock or gravel placed below the required bed for drainage and pumping purposes, temporary pipelines, and other means that will nc I detrimental to the proposed construction. The Contractor is responsible for obtainin water discharge permits that are required. m Dewatering for the structures and pipelines shall commence when ground water is encountered and shall be continued until such times as water can be allowed to ri: accordance with the prlovision of this section. No concrete footings or floors shall be laid in water nor shall water be allowed to rise them until the concrete mortar has set at least eight hours. Water shall not be allowed tc I unequally against walls for a period of 28 days. Groundwater shall not be allowed to around the pipe until jointing compound in the joints has set hard. 1 The Contractor shall dislpose of the water from the work in a suitable manner without dan to adjacent property. Nlo water shall be drained into work built or under construction wit prior consent of the Owner’s Representative. Water shall be disposed of in such a ma 1 as not to be a menace to the public health. A-10 Correction of Faulty Grades 8 Where excavation is inadvertently carried below pipe or concrete structure subgrade, it 0 be rectified for a pipe by backfilling with approved sand or gravel compacted to 90 I maximum density, or for a structure with concrete containing four 94-pound sacks of cei per cubic yard, all at the expense of the Contractor. I 10/85 Earthwork - 2 I B I 0 and protect any such improvements whether shown on the plans or not. Where 1 8 1 1 1. 1 A-l 1 Surplus Excavated Material The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements for and shall remove and dispos all surplus excavated material, unless provided for on the Plans or in the Special Provisic It is the intent of these Specifications that all surplus material not required for backfill G shall be disposed of by the Contractor outside the limits of the public rights-of-way anc easements at no cost or liability to the Owner. No excavated material shall be deposited on private property unless written permission f the owner thereof is secured by the Contractor. Before the Owner will accept the worl being completed, the Ccrntractor shall file a written release signed by all property owners whom he has entered into agreements for disposal of surplus excavated material absoC the Owner from any liability connected therewith. A-1 2 Imported Backfill Material Whenever the excavated material is not suitable for backfill, the Contractor shall at his { expense arrange for and furnish suitable imported backfill material which is capabli attaining the required relative density. A-13 Compaction Tests Compaction tests will be made by the Owner's Representative or laboratory designate( I him. The number of tests and their location and depth shall be determined by the Owr Representative. The Contractor shall make all necessary excavations for compaction t as directed by the Owner's Representative and shall refill and recompact these excavat 1. to the densities as specified herein. Compaction shall be tested in accordance with the I; revision of Test Method No. Calif. 216. The Owner will pay for the initial cost of all compac u tests. If the backfill compaction fails to meet the relative compaction requirements set f herein, the Contractor shall pay for subsequent compaction tests at a rate specified in Special Provisions. All work in connection with compaction testing by the Contractor sha 1 included in the various contract bid prices and no additional allowance will be made therei A-1 4 I Whenever the term "granular soil" is used in the Plans and Specifications, it shall be def as soil having a minimum sand equivalence of 30, as determined by the latest revisic accordance with State of California, Department of Transportation, Test Method No. Calif. I and not more than 20% of the material will pass through a 200-mesh sieve. Whenever the term "imported sand" is used in the Plans and Specifications, it shall be def g as sand having a minimum sand equivalence of 30 as determined by the latest revisic Test Method No. Calif. 217. 1 A-15 Blasting and Explosives Written permission of the Owner shall be obtained prior to any blasting or use of explosi Explosives, if used, shall be of such quantity and power and shall be used in such local ! so as to minimize opening of seams and disturbing of the material outside the prescr 0 limits of excavation. As excavation approaches its final limits, the depths of holes for bla! I and the quantity of explosives used for each hole shall be reduced so that the underlyir adjacent material will be disturbed or shattered as little as possible. I 10185 Earthwork - 3 I I I I I I [ 0 All costs for the disposal of surplus waste material shall be borne by the Contractor. I Granular Soil and Imported Sand 6 SITE GRADlhlG I 1 8-1 Stripping 1 1 1 6-2 Excavation 1 All vegetation such as roots, brush, heavy sods, heavy growth or grass, and all decz vegetable matter, rubbish, and other unsuitable materials within the area of the work sha stripped or removed prior to starting excavation or embankment. Trees and other na. growths outside the actual lines of construction operations shall not be destroyed and I measures as are necessary shall be taken by the Contractor, at his own expense, for protection thereof. After stripping, excavation of whatever substances are encountered within the grading li of the work shall be carried to the lines and grades indicated on the Plans. All suit excavated material shall be utilized to meet the embankment requirements of the H Material in excess or not suitable for embafikment shall be disposed of as specified hereii "Surplus Materials". 8-3 Ern ban kment After stripping, areas to receive embankment or fill shall be benched, if sloping, and scai to a depth of 6-inches, then compacted as specified for embankment. Embankments roadway fills shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 90% unless otherwise spec in the Special Provisions. If after stripping the ground is in a loose, uncompacted condition, it shall be compacted relative compaction of 90%. Unsuitable material shall not be deposited in a fill area w Unless special material is specified or shown on the Plans, material for embankmenl roadway fills may consist of excavated material from structures or of a mixture of I excavated materials and materials borrowed from other sources on the site. Leaves, gi roots, stumps, sludge, and other organic matter shall not be deposited in any embank1 or fill. Offsite sources of fill must be designated and are subject to the evaluation approval of the Owner's Representative. No material shall be placed beyond the sloping lines of embankment unless so ordere the Owner's Representative. Material allowed to be placed beyond the lines of embank] shown on the Plans will be compacted as required above unless otherwise authorized b Owner's Representative. Material for embankments or roadway fills shall be placed in 8-inch-maximum lifts and be compacted by rolling with power rollers weighing not less than ten tons, with sheep: rollers, with vibrating rollers, or with pneumatic tire rollers, as required to accomplish the v As each layer is deposited, water shall be applied in sufficient amounts to ensure optii moisture to secure the compaction specified. If excess moisture is encountered in th each layer shall be manipulated so as to dry out excess moisture. The water sha uniformly incorporated with the fill material in an amount sufficient to ensure the reqi I I I ). compaction is required. I I I I I [ I 0 density after rolling. I I 10/85 Earthwork - 4 The use of trucks, carryalls, scrapers, tractors, or other heavy hauling equipment shall not considered as rolling in lieu of rollers, but the traffic of such hauling equipment shall distributed over the fill in such a manner as to make use of the compaction afforded there U B 1 0 as an addition to compaction by the use of rollers. Excavation and fill shall be to the lines and grades indicated on the Plans and in accordar with these Specifications with maximum slope not exceeding 2:1, unless such flatter slor are indicated. Haul routes shall be planned to avoid passing heavy off-highway equipment over pipelir with less than 6-feet of cover. Where crossings must be made, the Contractor shall prov concrete encasement or approved bridging. B4 Finish All areas covered by the work, including excavated and filled sections and transition are shall be uniformly graded to the elevations shown on the Plans. The finished surface SI be reasonably smooth, compacted, and free from any irregular surface changes. Edges spoil and borrow areas shall be rounded to blend into natural contours. The degree of fin ordinarily obtainable from a blade grader will be satisfactory for open areas, but hand gradl and raking will be required around structures and walkways. The finished surface shall not more than 0.1 -foot above or below the established grade and sloped to prevent pondii 1 B I n 1 IC SOIL STERILANT 1. % Contractor shall treat the finished subgrade of specified areas with an approved ! 1 c-2 Areas Requiring Soil Sterilant General sterilant. All areas which are to receive bitumastic pavement, including embankments, walkwa drainage structures, parking , and road areas, require soil sterilant. Other areas requiring soil sterilant are storage resewoir or pond surfaces which are to rece any lining material of less than 3-inches in thickness and lining perimeter areas to a distar of 5-feet from the edge of lining material. The sterilant shall be a combination of sodium chlorate and borates similar and equal Polybor-Chlorate as manufactured by the Pacific Coast Borax Company. The sterilant st be applied in a liquid or dry form and at a uniform rate of not less than 8 ounces of ( sterilant per square yard in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. At the option the Owner’s Represental.ive, the area shall then be lightly sprinkled with water to prevent IC 1 1 I c-3 Material and Application 1 B of sterilant or scuffing. D STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL D-1 Excavation I 8 10/85 Excavation of all material of whatever nature necessary for the construction of structures i foundations shall be carried out to the lines and grades shown on the Plans and requirec Earthwork - 5 o 1 provide working cleararice and safe construction slopes and to ernplace shoring, sheei bracing, and other details which may be necessary. Except when concrete is authorized to be placed directly against excavated surfaces, 1 Contractor shall establish clear space at the sides of the excavation to facilitate 1 construction and removal and provide for the Contractor’s excavation protective sup 1 system. 0-3 Excessive Excavation 1 Where concrete is to bel placed on original ground without subgrade preparation, machii utilizing teeth shall not be used nearer than 3-inches from any finished subgrade. The 3-inches shall be removed without disturbing the subgrade. Should the excavation be car t below the lines and grades indicated on the Plans, the Contractor shall refill such excav space to the proper elevation as specified herein for correction of faulty grades. 1 0-4 Structure Backfill Backfill shall consist of loose earth or sand free from stones, clods or other deleter materials. When material for the excavation is unsuitable for use in backfill, it shal I disposed of and suitable material which is capable of attaining the required relative dei shall be arranged for and furnished by the Contractor at his expense. I Backfill shall not be placed until the structure footings or other portions of the structur facility have been inspected by the Engineer and approved for backfilling. No backfill mal shall be deposited against the back of concrete abutments, concrete retaining wall I* reinforced concrete structures until the concrete has developed a strength of not less 3000 psi in compression as determined by test cylinders, covered under conditions simil 1 those prevailing at the siite. Backfill shall be placed in horizontal layers not exceeding 8-in( in depth and shall be rrioistened and thoroughly tamped, rolled or otherwise compactc 90% of maximum density or as specified in the Special Provisions. Water settling will nc g permitted. Backfill shall be placed in such a way that no additional unbalanced loading occur during placing. I Particular care shall be exercised when backfilling at the various structures to obtain adeq compaction beneath pipes connected thereto and to avoid injury or displacement of ! pipes. E 1 B @ 0-2 Working Clearance TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR PIPELINES AND CONDUITS u 1 E-1 Alignment and Grades The alignment and grade for pipe shall be as shown on the Plans. When flow line is shc it shall be the invert or interior bottom of the pipe. When top of pipe is shown, it shall br I exterior of the pipe barrel. In the absence of such profile grade, the pipe shall be laid straight grade to permit complete drainage and to provide 30-inches of cover to finish grc or street subgrade. I Earthwork - 6 1. I 10/85 Where the natural ground above the pipeline trench has been overexcavated and/or pipeline is to be placed in new embankment, embankment material shall be pnaced compacted to an elevation of not less than one foot above the top of pipe prior to tre I 1 I E-2 Length of Open Trench 1 1 1 @ excavation. Except where detailed in the Special Provisions or included in permits, the maximum ler of open trench shall be [SOO-feet, or the distance necessary to accommodate the amour pipe installed in a single day, whichever is the greater. The distance is the collective ler at any location, including open excavation, pipe laying, and appurtenance construction backfill which has not been temporarily resurfaced. E-3 Trench Width The overall trench width measured at a level of one foot above top of pipe for pipelines appurtenances shall not exceed the limits listed in the following table: Nominal Inside Pipe Diameter Minimum Maximum I E I [Inch esl- Trench Width Trench Width 4 through 12 OD plus 12" OD plus 16" 14 through 48 OD plus 16" OD plus 24" Excavating and trenching shall be true to line so that the pipe is centered in the trench. The trench bottom shall be graded to provide a smooth, firm, and stable foundation at el point throughout the length of pipe. The Contractor shall transfer construction stake gra into the trench as necessary to ensure that the trench bottom is accurately graded. Spf bedding required by the Plans and Special Provisions shall be emplaced. Pipe subgrade at the trench bottom shall be prepared for the specific type of pipe matr being installed in accordance with the Standard Specifications for said pipe. Should large gravel and cobbles be encountered at the trench bottom or pipe subgrade, 1 shall be removed from beneath the pipe and replaced with granular material which shal compacted to provide uniform support and a firm foundation. Whenever the trench bottom does not afford a sufficiently solid and stable base to sup1 the pipe or appurtenance, the Contractor shall excavate below normal trench bottom replace it with crushed rock or gravel of sufficient thickness to form an unyielding foundal If excessively wet, soft, spongy, unstable, or similarly unsuitable material is encountered a1 subgrade, it shall be removed and replaced by crushed rock or gravel of sufficient thickr to form an unyielding foundation. 1' E4 Trench Bottoni a 0 t 1 I ! E-5 Foundations in Poor Soil I io u lo/= Earthwork - 7 ( Removal of the material and additional backfill required will be paid for by the unit price in schedule of work items unless otherwise specified. However, if the necessity for si additional bedding material has been occasioned by an act or failure to act on the part of Contractor, in which event the Contractor shall bear the expense of the additional excaval and backfill to the required depth. The Contractor's attenticrn is called to his responsibilities in maintaining adequate dewater procedures to ensure that an otherwise stable foundation will not be rendered unfit duc accumulation of water int the trench excavation. I I 1 6 I E-6 Foundations in Rock I Where rock is encountered, it shall be removed below grade and the trench backfilled \ clean imported sand to provide a compacted foundation cushion with a minimum allow; thickness of 3-inches under the outside diameter of the pipe barrel and a clear spacc 1-%-inches under the pipe bell. Payment for the removal of rock and additional backfill s be provided for in the schedule of work items unless otherwise specified. E-7 Backfilling After the pipe has been property laid, exterior joints grouted and inspected, backfilling s be commenced. Mechanical densification or compaction of backfill shall be accomplishec rolling, vibrating or impact means, or a combination thereof. The method or methods u shall result in obtaining the compaction of the backfill in the various specified zones and wi the maximum lifts specified herein. The densification or compaction method or methods u shall not result in damage to the pipe, adjacent ground, existing improvements, improvements installed iis part of this project. Material for mechanically compacted backfill shall be placed in lifts which, prior to compact shall not exceed the depths specified below for the various types of equipment. (a) Impact, free-fall, or "stomping" equipment - maximum lift depth of 3-feet. appropriate over rigid or cement-mortar lined pipe. @) Vibratory equipment with smooth contact surface - maximum lift deptf (c) Rolling equipment, including, vibratory interrupted surf equipment - maximum depth of 1 -foot. (d) Hand directed mechanical tampers - maximum lift depth of 6-inches. Backfill Densification by Water Saturation E 1 8 1. I 8 -1 2-feet. I E-8 Water settling may be used in the pipe zone and trench zone in lieu of mechar compaction, only where the material being backfilled is sufficiently sandy and permeablt that the specified compaction is achieved. Densification by saturation shall be accomplis by inserting a pipe, through which water is being supplied under pressure, to the bottorr the lift of material to be consolidated, and applying to each square yard or lesser surface i in this manner sufficient water to completely saturate the backfill, thereover, and c8 1 1 I 1 obvious settlement. 8 lo/= Earthwork - 8 ( The Contractor may USE? densification by saturation when it has been determined that ir not result in damage to adjacent ground, existing improvements or improvements installec the project, and that it is appropriate to obtain the specified relative compaction. Sc 0 encroachment permits limit the methods of densification or compaction. In addition, us densification by saturation is subject to all of the following requirements. (a) Application of water shall be in a manner, quantity and at a rate sufficiei thoroughily saturate the thickness of the lift being densified. (b) Vibrating compacting equipment may be necessary to supplement the H saturation process where the required densities cannot be attainec saturation alone. (c) Lift thickness of backfill shall not exceed that which can be readily dens by the saturation procedure, but in no case shall the undensified lift ext 5-feet. (d) Character of material excavated from the trench may be generally, or in zo unsuitable for densification with water, and in this case the Contractor ma no additional cost to the Owner, import suitable material for saturatior densify the excavated material by mechanical compaction. If water doe: readily drain from the trench, it shall be removed by sump pump. I li 1 I I I 1 E 1 . E-9 1. Whether mechanical cornpaction or densification by water saturation is employed, backfill be constructed by zones, and the compaction requirement for each zone in the var portions of the project shall be as scheduled in the Special Provisions and/or Plans. i 1 requirements are defined in the following paragraph for pipe zone, trench zone and s zone. 1 E-IO Pipe Zone E 1 8 Control of Trench Backfill by Zones The trench shall be backfilled in lifts to a height of 12-inches above the top of the pipe selected material which shall be granular soil or imported soil, free from stones or clods 2-inches in diameter, roots or organic matter, and which shall not have an unusual colc sulfide odor. Backfill shall be placed in layers simultaneously on each side of the pipe for the full wid the trench. In placing and compacting the backfill, particular attention is to be given tc underside of the pipe and fittings to provide firm support along the full length of the 1 Care shall be exercised in backfilling to avoid damage to the pipe coating. The backfill shall be compacted and/or consolidated to obtain a relative compaction of ! E-11 Trench Zone Material excavated from the trench may be used for backfill from 12-inches above the I to the finished grade or, if applicable, street zone, provided that such material be frt vegetation and contain no debris nor material of a spongy or perishable nature. It 1 contain stones, asphaltic pavement or concrete of up to 6-inches in largest dimension so as such solids are completely surrounded by fines so that no voids are present in the b; 1 lo/= Earthwork - 9 I as placed. No material greater than two inches in any dimension shall be placed within 8 foot of any pipe, valve, or structure. All backfill within 24-inches of ductile-iron fitting! valves shall be clean, washed sand. The backfill material shall be compacted to obta 0 relative compaction of 90%. Either mechanical compaction or water settling may be u! I depending on the nature of the material. Trench zone compaction shall be completed F to covering it with street zone material. t E-I2 Street Zone Backfill in traveled ways and public streets shall be in accordance with the right-of- agreement, encroachment permit or applicable regulations of the agency having jurisdic B over the road. in the absence of such provisions, the following shall apply. The top 12-inches below the roadway subgrade or ground surface, as the case may be, : 1 be compacted by approved hand-, pneumatic-, or mechanical-type tampers to obta relative compaction of 90%. Consolidation will not be permitted in this upper 12-inches. material for this backfill may contain stones ranging in sizes up to two inches in diametc s quantity not exceeding 20% of the volume where said coarse materials are well distribi throughout the finer material and the specified compaction can be obtained. 4 The pavement section shall be constructed in accordance with the Technical Specificat for Removal and Resurfacing of Pavement Surfaces. IF FINAL CLEANUP B. After backfill has been completed, the site shall be dressed smooth and left in a neat presentable condition, free of all cleared vegetation, rubbish and other construction was Surplus rock which cannot be used for backfill shall be hauled away and disposed of by 8 Contractor. Areas next ‘to structures where blade-type equipment cannot reach shall be h raked. fG PAYMENT 1 I Payment for earthwork and for conforming to all of the provisions of these specificatir unless otherwise specified and itemized on the bid form, shall be considered to be inclu in the contract unit or lump sum price paid for the various items of work wherein earthv is required and no additional allowance will be made therefor. II 1 I 1 END OF SPEClFlCATlON I. 1 lo/= Earthwork - 10 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION CONTROL NETTING I 8 0 fiA GENERAL 1 Slopes graded steeper that 4:l and slopes in excess of five (5) vertical feet shall have ero: control netting installed after the hydroseeding process. EXECUTICIN IB I I 1 1. 1 1 I I I I 8 I Erosion control netting shall be as manufactured by GEOJUTE or equal and installed 1 manufacturer’s recommendations. c PAYMENT Contractor shall provide District Engineer with manufacturer’s brochure, a sample ( directions for installation for approval prior to installation. Ail work and material specified in this section shall be paid for as part of the lump sum bic indicated in the bid schedule. - Erosion Control Netting - 1 1. E 8 1 I 1 t 1 I 1. I I I I I 1 I 1 1. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Erosion Control Netting - 2 c 1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR I 1 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ‘A GENERAL 1 0 Measurement and payment for bid items listed in the proposal shall be based upon use lump sum or unit price method. Extra work or changes in the work shall be accomplis as provided in the General Provisions. B LUMP SUM MEASUREMENT Measurement for a lump sum bid item shall be considered as a complete project or a por of a project constituting a unit. The items to be included in the lump sum bid shall bt specified in the proposal1 bid item and/or the Standard or Special Provisions. C Payment for lump sum bid items shall be based upon the amount shown in the bid scher and shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, transportation, materials, equipm tools and appurtenances required for construction of the unit complete in place in accord2 with the Plans and Specifications. I I 1 PAYMENT FOR LUMP SUM ITEMS ! I UNIT PRICE MEASUREMENTS General 1. D I D-1 I Measurement for unit price quantities shall be based upon the appropriate bid item in proposal. The actual quantity of measurement shall be as constructed by the Csntractc place in conformance with the Plans and Specifications. D-2 Linear Measurements Pipelines’ and related facilities’ measurement shall be made horizontally and/or vertically al the centerline of the pipeline and related facilities through tees, bends, valves, fittings anc shown on the Plans for its limits or as otherwise specified in the Special Provisions. Manh and vaults shall be measured vertically from the lowest to the highest elevations and as shl on the Plans or as otherwise specified in the Special Provisions. D-3 Area Measurements Measurement for bid items involving area units shall be based upon the surface i measured in acres, square yards, square feet or as indicated in the bid item. Measurement for bid items involving volume units shall be based upon the volume measi in cubic yards, tons or as indicated in the bid item. 8 1 1 8 D-4 Volume Measurements 1 I Measurement for bid items involving units of the item shall be based upon the number of i counted as indicated in the bid item. I 6-91 Measurement and Payment - 1 D-5 Unit Measurements E Payment for a unit price bid item shall be based upon the amount shown in the bid sche multiplied by the total quantity measurement of the item and shall be full compensatioi furnishing all labor, transportation, materials, equipment, tools and appurtenances reqi for construction of the item complete in place in accordance with the Plans and Specificati PAYMENT FOR UNIT PRICE ITEMS i I 1 a WORK NOT LISTED IN THE BID SCHEDULE RF 1 I 1 I 1. 1 t I 1 I t 1 Costs for related work and appurtenances which are required and/or implied by the Ger Provisions, Technical Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans and are not listed separate bid item but are necessary to complete the project shall be included in appropriate bid item or items within the proposal. l END OF SPECIFICATION Measurement and Payment - 2 I. 1 6-91 TECH N ICAL SP ECI FI CATIONS FOR PVC LINING FOR INTERIOR CONCRETE SURFACE OF MANHOLE 1 0 1 'A GENERAL 1 This section covers the work necessary to furnish and install, complete, PVC lining (WI color) for concrete surfaces that are exposed to sewage immersion or sewage atrnospht as indicated on the drawings or specified herein. The manufacturer of the lining shall furnish an affidavit attesting to the successful use oi material as a lining for sewer pipes or sewage containment structures for a minimum per of 10 years in sewage conditions recognized as corrosive or otherwise detrimental concrete. I 1 IB PRODUCTS B-1 Liner Types 8 PVC liner shall be of two (2) types: i surfaces. I. 1 Type 1 shall have locking extensions and shall be used for formed or vert Type 2 shallnot have locking extension (it will be plain sheet), and shall be ut for unformed or horizontal surfaces. Type 1 PVC liner shall ble installed on the interior concrete surface of the manhole. Type 2 PVC liner shall be used on the unformed concrete fillet areas of the manhole. If not otherwise specified hereinafter, undifferentiated references to "PVC Lineran shall understood to refer to both Type 1 and Type 2 liner. Type 1 PVC liner shall be secured to the underlying surface by means of its lock extensions. Type 2 PVC liner shall be secured to the underlying surface primarily by means of adhesive as recommended by the PVC liner manufacturer. The adhesive anchorage shall augmented by stainless steel expansion anchors. The mechanical anchorage syst (including sealing materials, batten strips and other accessories) shall be as recommenc by the manufacturer. Explosive-drive anchors shall not be used for this purpose. Anch shall be Type 304 stainless steel "Lite Spike" (3/16-inch diameter x 1%-inch long with EPI sealing washer) installed in a drilled hole per the anchor manufacturer's recommendatio The anchor manufacturer shall be Rawlplug Company (Anaheim, California), or appro\ 1 1 1 I I 1 PVC Lining for Intel Concrete Surface of Manhole - 1 I. equai- 1 Anchor holes shall be sealed using Sikadur No. 31 (Sika Corporation; Santa Bar1 California) or "Concressive Paste LPL" (Master Builders; Cleveland, Ohio). ,A sealing 2 such as Sikaflex 1A that does not setup and harden shall not be used. A four inch (4") joint strip shall be welded over all mechanical anchors to seal them from contact witt sewage. Use Ameron's one inch (1") wide weld strip on both sides of the four inch (4") joint strip to seal it to the underlying Amer-Plate. The seal shall be continuous and watei along its entire length. A single, continuous piece of joint strip shall be provided to c B-2 Composition of Liner The material used in the liner and in all joint, corner and welding strips shall be a combini of poly (vinyl chloride) resin, pigments and plasticizers, specially compounded to rei flexible. Poly (vinyl chloride) resin shall constitute not less than 99 percent, by weight, o resin used in the formullation. Copolymer resins will not be permitted. 8-3 Physical Properties All plastic liner plate sheets, joint, corner, and welding strips shall have the following phy properties when tested at 77O F f 5 O . 1 1 1 1 each row of anchors. I 1 1 0 ProDerty - Initial (Par. 2.41 _- Tensile strength 2,200 psi rnin. 2,100 psi rnin. Elongation at break 200% min. 200% min. shore durometer Type D 1-spec. 50-60 *5 with respect ta 10-spec. 35-50 *5 initial test resui 1 E la Weight change * 1.5% 1 1 work. 8 1 I Tensile specimens shall be prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM D412 using - Method B. Weight change specimens shall be 1-inch by 3-inch sample of the sheet thicknl Specimens may be taken from sheet and strip at any time prior to final acceptance of Liner plate locking extensions embedded in concrete shall withstand a test pull of at least pounds per linear inch, applied perpendicularly to the concrete surface for a period of ( minute, without rupture of the locking extensions or withdrawal from embedment. This shall be made at a temperature of 70-80°F inclusive. All plastic liner plate sheets, including locking extensions, all joint, corner, and welding st shall be free of cracks, cleavages, or other defects adversely affecting the protec characteristics of the material. The Engineer may authorize the repair of such defects approved methods. The lining shall have good impact resistance, shall be flexible, and shall have an elongal sufficient to bridge up 'to 1/4-inch settling cracks, which may occur in the pipe, joint structure after installation, without damage to the lining. The lining shall be repairable at any time during the life of the pipe or structure. II I PVC Lining for lnte Concrete Surface of Manhole - 2 I. 1 B-4 Chemical Resistance Testing After conditioning to constant weight at llO°F, tensile specimens and wight cha specimens shall be exposed to the following solutions for a period of 11 2 days at 77OF At 30 day intervals, tensile specimens and weight change specimens shall be removed f each of the chemical solutions and tested in accordance with Paragraph 2.3.2. If specimen fails to meet the 1 12-day requirements before completion of the 1 12-day expos the materials will be subject to rejection. 1 1 1 1 a CHEMICAL SOLUTION CONCENTRATION Sulfuric acid ............................. 20%* Sodium hydroxide 5% Ammonium hydroxide ...................... 5%* Nitric acid .............................. 1% Ferric chloride 1% Soap .................................. 0.1 % Detergent (linear alkyl Bacteriological BOD not less tt I * Volumetric percentages of concentrated C.P. grade reagents. Details and Dimensions of Basic Size Sheets (4-fOOt widths) 10 $e 1 linear sheets Shidl be a minimum of 0.065-inch in thickness. Locking extensic (T-shaped) of the same material as that of the liner shall be integrally extruded with the shc Locking extensions shall be approximately 2.5-inches apart and shall be at least 0.375-incl 4 high. Type 2 liner sheets shall be 3/32-inch in thickness. Liner sheets shall be white in co 1 Sheets shall have a nominal width of 48-inches and a length of not more than 24-feet, exc that longer lengths may be supplied on special order. Lengths specified shall include tolerance at a ratio of f 1 /2-inch for each 1 00-inches. I Sheets net used for shop fabrication into larger sheets shall be shop tested for pinholes usi an electrical spark tester set at 20,000 volts minimum. Any holes shall be repaired a 1 retested. B-6 Acceptable Manufacturer I Liner and accessories slhall be Amer-Plate 95Y T-Lock liner, Amer-Plate plain sheet lin Amer-Plate 94Y welding strips, and Amer-Plate 19Y adhesive system (thinner, primer a adhesive) as manufactured by Ameron Protective Linings Division (Brea, California), 1 approved equal. i 1 I 1- ........................ ........................... benzyl sulfonate or US) ................... 0.1% 700 ppm 8 1 PVC Lining for lnteri Concrete Surface of Manhole - 3 a I. C I NSTALIATION I 1 1 c-1 General 0 Installation of the lining, including preheating of sheets in cold weather and the welding c joints, shall be done in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Coverage of the lining shall not be less than the minimum shown on the Plans or sped herein. The plain sheet PVC liner shall be welded to the PVC wall liner around the er periphery of the protected structures. The lining shall be installed with the locking extensions running vertically except for wh horizontal locking extensions are recommended by the PVC liner manufacturer to seal li terminations. The lining shall be held snugly in place against inner forms by means of steel banding stri or other means recommended by the manufacturer. Banding straps must be located in precut strap channels to prevent crushing or tilting of the locking extensions. If banding straps are used, a steel channel, angle, or bar may be inserted along the e( locking extension of each liner for concrete pipe or cast-in-place structures. Steel chani angle, or bar shall be of sufficient stiffness to hold the longitudinal edges of the lining snu against the form. These may be removed after the concrete is vibrated into place. Locking extensions shall terminate not more than one and one-half inches (1-1/2) from end of the formed wall section. When used, joint flaps shall extend approximately four inct 1 1 II 1 1 1 I. (4’) beyond the end of the inside surface. I l 1 Concrete poured against the PVC liner shall be vibrated, spaded, or compacted in a care manner so as to protect the lining and produce a dense, homogenous concrete, secur anchoring and locking extensions into the concrete. In removing forms, care should be taken to protect the lining from damage. Sh; instruments shall not be used to pry forms from lined surfaces. When forms are remove any nails that remain in l.he lining shall be pulled, without tearing the lining, and the resulti holes clearly marked. Form tie holes shall be marked before ties are broken off and all are of serious abrasion or damage shall be marked. All nail and tie holes arid all cut, torn, and seriously abraded areas in the lining shall patched. Patches made1 entirely with welding strip shall be fused to the liner over the en1 patch area. Larger patches may consist of smooth liner sheet applied over the damaged ar with adhesive. All edge!; must be covered with welding strip fused to the patch and to I sound lining adjoining thle damaged area. Hot joint compounds, such as coal tar, shall not be poured or applied to the lining. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent damage to installed lining frc equipment and materials; used in or taken through the work. B II I 1 PVC Lining for lnteri Concrete Surface of Manhole - 4 c I. R D APPLICATION TO CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE STRUCTURES: 1 8 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 0 D-1 Placement of Liner Within Forms Liner sheets shall be closely fitted and properly secured to the inner forms. Sheets sha cut to fit curved and warped surfaces using a minimum number of separate pieces. If joints are to be Type C-:3 joints (as described in Paragraph SC-9.9), the adjacent sheets be butted with not more than 1/8-inch opening between the sheets. A welding fusion-welded on the back of butt joint or other means recommended by the manufad shall be used to prevent wet concrete from flowing around edges. D-2 Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, the lining shall be returned at least three inches I at the surfaces of contact between the concrete structure and items not of concrete (incluc vitrified clay, ductiie iron, or PVC pipes). The same procedure shall be followed at jc where the type of protective lining is changed or the new work is built to join existing unli 1 concrete. At each return, the returner liner shall be sealed to the item in contact with plastic-lined concrete using the manufacturer's recommended adhesive system. If the cannot be sealed with this adhesive because of the joint at the return being too wide or ro 1 or because of safety regulations, the joint space shall be densely caulked with Concres LPL (Master Builders Company) to one inch (1") depth of an approved corrosiogresis material as necessary. 'The hole cut in Type 2 PVC liner to accommodate penetrations s ! be small enough so thal after pressing the liner over the penetration, a minimum of one i (1") of liner shall lay fiat on the penetration. @. Lining at joints shall be free of all mortar and other foreign material and shall be clean and before joints are made. 1 0-3 Field Joints in the PVC Liner I 1 I or longitudinal joint. 8 1 B B 1 Interfaces Between Concrete and Non-Concrete Surfaces 1 Field joints in the lining shall be of the following described types, used as prescribed: Type C-1: The joint shall be made with a separate 4-inch joint strip and two (2) welding stri The four inch (4") joint strip shall be centered over the joint, tack-welded to the liner tl welded along each edge to adjacent sheets with one inch (1") weld strip. The width of space between adjacent sheets shall not exceed two inches (2). The four inch (4") joint s shall lap over each sheet a minimum of one-half inch (1 /2'). It may be used at any transve Tvpe C-2: The joint shall be made by lapping sheets not less than one-half inch (1/2"). C welding strip is required. The upstream sheet shall overlap the one downstream. The shall be tack-welded into place prior to welding. Type C-3: The joint shall be made by applying one inch (1") wide welding strip on the b; of the butt joint or by some other method by the manufacturer to prevent wet concrete fn getting under the sheet. After the forms have been stripped, a one inch (1") welding s' shall be applied over the face of the sheet. PVC Lining for Intel Concrete Surface of Manhole - 5 I. 8 All welding is to be in strict conformance with the recommendations of the lining manufaci and with the requirements given herein. 0 Welding shall fuse both sheets and weld strip together to provide a continuous joint equ I 1 1 I u 1 corrosion resistance and impermeability to the liner plate. Hot-air welding guns shall provide effluent air to the sheets to be joined at a temper2 between 50OOF and 6OOOF. Welding guns shall be held approximately one-half inch (1 from and moved back and forth over, the junction of the two (2) materials to be joined. gun shall be moved slowly enough as the weld progresses to cause a small bead of mc material to be visible along both edges and in front of the weld strip. D-4 Testing and Repairing Damaged Surfaces All surfaces covered with lining, including welds shall be tested with an approved elec' holiday detector (Tinker & Rasor Model No. AP-W with power pack) with the instrumen at 20,000 volts minimum. All welds shall be physically tested by a nondestructive probing method. All patches holes, or repairs to the liner wherever damage has occurred, shall be accomplishe I I accordance with Paragraph C. Each transverse welding strip which extends to a lower end of the liner will be teste1 I Owner. The welding strips shall extend two inches (2") below the liner to provide a tal ten (10) pound pull will be applied to each tab. 1. The force will be applied normal to the face of the structure by means of a spring bala Liner adjoining the welding strips will be held against the concrete during application o I force. The ten (10) pound pull will be maintained if a weld failure develops, until no fu separation occurs. Defective welds will be retested after repairs have been made. Tabs be trimmed away neatly by the installer of the liner after the welding strip has par I inspection. Inspection shall be made within two (2) days after the joint has been compl in order to prevent tearing the projection weld strip and consequent damage to the liner equipment and materials used in or taken through the work. END OF SPECIFICATION I I 1 I I I PVC Lining for Ini Concrete Surface of Manhole - 1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PRESSURE PIPE AND FlTlNGS (A.W.W.A. C900) 1 i a 'A GENERAL I IB MANU FACTU RE I 1 This section designates the requirements for the manufacture and installation of poly chloride, abbreviated PVC, pressure pipe to be furnished and installed by the Contractc the location and to the lines and grades shown on the Plans as herein specified. 6-1 Pipe PVC pressure pipe, 4-inch through 12-inch, shall be manufactured in accordance AWWA C900, and shall be of the sizes and pressure classes shown on the Plans. The I shall have integral bell and spigot joints with elastomeric gaskets in accordance AWWA C900 Section 2.2 (Pipe Requirements). The pipe shall conform with the out diameter of cast-iron pipe unless otherwise specified and shall conform with the wall thickr of DR series 14, 18, or 25. The pipe shall be manufactured by J.M. Manufacturing Company, Certainteed Corpora' Pacific Western Extruded Plastics Company or approved equal. B-2 Materials 10 Material used to produce the pipe shall be made from Class 12454-A or 6 rigid poly chloride compounds in accordance with AWWA C900 Section 2.1 (Basic Materials), wit1 established hydrostatic design basis (HDB) equal to or greater than 4000 psi for watc I 73.4 degrees F (23 degrees C). Elastomeric gaskets shall comply with the requiremeni AWWA C900 Sections 2.1.5 and (Gaskets and Lubricants). I B-3 Pipe Lengths I I Laying lengths shall be 20-feet with the manufacturer's option to supply up to 15% ranc (minimum length 10-feet) sections. Combined horizontal and vertical deflections at PVC pipe joints shall not exceed recommended by the manufacturer (the maximum total deflection allowed shall be I 1 degrees). I B-4 Marking Each pipe length shall be marked showing the nominal pipe size, O.D. base, the AV pressure class, and AWWA specification designation in accordance with AWWA C Section 2.6 (Marking Requirements). For potable water application, the pipe shall be white or blue in color and the seal oi testing agency that verified the suitability of the material for such service shall be incluc (I) For reclaimed water application, the pipe shall be purple in color and marked as descr I I 1 1 11/92 above and marked "CAUTION: RECLAIMED WATER - DO NOT DRINK'. Polyvinyl Chloride Pressure Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C900) - L 6-5 Affidavit of Compliance The manufacturer shall furnish an affidavit that all delivered materials comply with requirements of AWWA C900 and these specifications. 6 IC [ FIlTINGS AI1 fittings for PVC pressure pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI A21 AWWA C110. All fittings shall be made of ductile iron and the letters "Dl" or "DUCTILE I be cast on them, unless otherwise specified. Bell size shall be for Class 150 and Class cast-iron equivalent PVC pressure pipe, including the rubber-ring retaining groove. Coml body fittings (AWA (2153) will not be permitted unless otherwise specified on the plan D SERVICE SADDLES Service saddles for PVC pressure pipe shall be made of stainless steel and shall be of wide single band style. Both saddle and band shall be type 304 stainless steel and desig specifically for use with AWWA C900 PVC pipe. Each saddle shall accurately fit the con of the pipe O.D. without causing distortion of the pipe. The saddle shall be securely he place with stainless steel bolts and nuts. The service saddle shall have a published wor pressure at least equal to the pressure class of the pipe on which it is installed. All saddles shall be provided with torque information and installation instructions. E 1) t 1 1 t I N STALLATI 0 N 11 I* E-1 Earthwork T: Technical Specifications for Earthwork. 8 0 [ @ P 1 Excavation and backfill, including the pipe bedding, shall conform to the provisions ol E-2 PVC pressure pipe and fittings shall be installed per AWA Manual M23 "PVC Pipe-De and Installation", and as herein specified. Proper care shall be used to prevent damage in handling, moving, and placing the c Hoist pipe with fork lift or other handling equipment to prevent major damage or shorte service life. A cloth belt sling or a continuous fiber rope shall be used to prevent scratc the pipe. The pipe shall be lowered and not dropped from the truck. Dropped pipe w rejected. Prior to laying the pipe, the bottom of the trench shall be graded and prepared to prc uniform bearing throughout the entire length of each joint of pipe. Bell holes of ai dimension shall be dug in the bottom of the trench at the locations of each joint to faci the joining. The trench shall have a flat or semi-circular bottom conforming to the grac which the pipe is to be laid. The pipe shall be accurately placed in the trench to the lines and grades on the P General Installations Procedures and Workmanship @ Fittings shall be supported independently of the pipe. e 1 11/92 Polyvinyl Chloride Pressure Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C900) - E-3 Longitudinal Bending No longitudinal bending shall be allowed in the installation of PVC pressure pipe &inch€ diameter and larger. All deflections shall be accomplished by the use of joints and fitt 0 specifically designed for use with PVC C900 pipe and the deflections as installed shall exceed the manufacturers written recommendations. Longitudinal bending will be permitted in 6-inch and smaller PVC pressure pipe, and shall exceed the manufacturers written recommendations and AWWA Manual M-23. E-4 Pipe Joint Assembly The spigot and bell shall slide together without displacement of the rubber gasket. The shall be dirt free. The best laying practice is with the bell facing in the direction of layin Insert the rubber ring into the groove making sure the ring is completely seated. Lubricc of the spigot and instruction of use shall be supplied by the pipe manufacturer. The spigot shall be inserted into the bell and forced slowly into position by use of a large lever and a wood block across the pipe end. For large pipe, a comealong (with padding will not scratch the pipe) may be used. E-5 Concrete Thrust Blocks @ Concrete thrust blocks shall be placed as shown on the Plans and shall consist of Clai portland cement concrete containing not less than five sacks of portland cement per c yard and shall conform to the Technical Specifications for Concrete Construction. Conc blocks shall be placed between the undisturbed ground and the fittings to be anchc 3o Quantity of concrete and the bearing area of the pipe and undisturbed soil shall be as sh on the Plans, unless otherwise determined by the Owner’s Representative. The concrete I 8 be placed, unless specifically shown otherwise on the Plans, so that the pipe joints and fitt will be accessible to repairs. f E-6 Mechanical Thrust Restraint I 4 c c # 3 1 8 No mechanical thrust restraint devices which transfer forces from fittings to the PVC pipe shall be permitted. E-7 At all times when pipelaying is not in progress, the open end of the pipe shall be closed a tight-fitting cap or plug to prevent the entrance of foreign matter into the pipe. Tt provisions shall apply during the noon hour as well as overnight. In no event shall pipeline be used as drains for removing water which has infiltrated into the trench. Contractor shall maintain the inside of the pipe free from foreign materials and in a clean sanitary condition until its acceptance by the Owner. Preventing Foreign Matter From Entering The Pipe 8 8 @ IF LEAKAGE TEST F- 1 General I All pipelines shall be tested in accordance with the Technical Specifications for Tes II) Flushing and Disinfection except as modified herein. 3 B 11/92 Polyvinyl Chloride Pressure Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C900) - : F-2 Allowable Leakage No pipe installation will be accepted if the leakage is greater than that determined by P 1 bitowing formula: f P 8 1 Provisions. G Disinfection shall be in accordance with the Technical Specifications for Testing, Flushing f 2 16 m 1 E s E SD P 748,000 L= 1. 1 in which L = the ailowable leakage, in gallons per hour S = length of pipe tested, in feet D = nominal diameter of the pipe, in inches P = average observed test pressure of the pipe being tested in pounds per sqi inch gauge, based on the elevation of the lowest point in the line or sec under test and correction to the elevation of the test gauge. The test pressure shall be 50 psi in excess of the designated working pressure specifiei the class of pipe unless the test pressure is shown on the Plans or specified in the Sp Dl SI N FECTl ON )a Disinfection. END OF SPEClFICATiON Polyvinyl Chloride Pressure Pipe and Fittings (AWWA 6900) - 8. t 11/92 TECHN ICAL SPEC1 FICATIONS FOR POLYVlNYL CHLORIDE (PVC) WATER TRANSMISSION PIPE AND FITTINGS (A.W.W.A. C905) It 1; A GENERAL This section designates the requirements for the manufacture and installation of poly chloride, abbreviated PVC, water transmission pipe to be furnished and installed by Contractor at the location and to the lines and grades shown on the Plans as herein specii t 1 1, MANUFACTURE 8 B-1 Pipe PVC water transmission pipe, 14-inch through 36-inch1 shall be manufactured in accord: with AWWA C905, and shall be of the sizes and dimension ratios (DR) shown on the PI; 1 If a pressure class is called for on the plans, it shall mean the pressure rating (PR) as de5 in AWWA (2905. The pipe shall have integral bell and spigot joints with elastomeric gas in accordance with AWWA C905 Section 3 (Pipe Requirements). The pipe shall conform 1 the outside diameter of cast-iron pipe unless otherwise specified and shall conform witt wall thickness of DR series 18 or 25. 1 The pipe shall be manufactured by J.M. Manufacturing Company, Certainteed Corpora Pacific Western Extruded Plastics Company or approved equal. $. 8-2 Materials Material used to produce the pipe shall be made from Class 12454-A or €3 rigid poly chloride compounds in accordance with AWWA C905 Section 2.1 (Basic Materials), wit 1 established hydrostatic design basis (HDB) equal to or greater than 4000 psi for watl 73.4 degrees F (23 degrees C). Elastomeric gaskets shall comply with the requiremen 1 AWWA C905 Sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 (Gaskets and Lubricants). 5-3 Pipe Lengths 8 - Laying lengths shall be 20-feet with the manufacturer’s option to supply up to 15% ran (minimum length 1 O-feet) sections. E Combined horizontal and vertical deflections at PVC pipe joints shall not exceed recommended by the manufacturer (the maximum total deflection allowed shall be degrees). 8-4 Marking Each pipe length shall be marked showing the nominal pipe size, O.D. base, the A! pressure class, and AWWA specification designation in accordance with AWWA Section 4.7 (Marking Requirements). The pipe shall be white or blue in color and the sc the testing agency that verified the suitability of the material for potable water service sh I # 8 included. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transn Pipe and Fittings (AWWA 6905) - 3. # 11/92 B-5 Affidavit of Compliance The manufacturer shall furnish an affidavit that all delivered materials comply with requirements of AWWA C905 and these specifications. 1 f !. c FITTINGS All fittings for PVC water transmission pipe shall be manufactured in accordance i I ANSI A21.10, AWWA C110. All fittings shall be made of ductile iron and the letters "Dl "DUCTILE shall be cast on them, unless otherwise specified. Bell size shall be for Class and Class 235 cast-iron equivalent PVC water transmission pipe, including the rubber- 8 retaining groove. Compact body fittings (AWWA C153) will not be permitted unless othen specified on the plans. ID SERVICE SADDLES 1 Service saddles for AWWA C905 PVC water transmission pipe shall not be allowed un specifically called for on the plans. E 1 N STALLATI 0 N E- 1 Earthwork Excavation and backfill, including the pipe bedding, shall conform to the provisions o 8 Technical Specifications for Earthwork and AWWA C905 Section A6 installation. Ea E& water transmission pipe and fittings shall be installed per AWWA Manual M23 I' a 1 1 General Installations Procedures and Workmanship Pipe-Design and Installation", and as herein specified. Proper care shall be used to prevent damage in handling, moving, and placing the I Hoist pipe with fork lift or other handling equipment to prevent major damage or short€ service life. A cloth belt sling or a continuous fiber rope shall be used to prevent scratc the pipe. The pipe shall be lowered and not dropped from the truck. Dropped pipe w rejected. Prior to laying the pipe, the bottom of the trench shall be graded and prepared to prr uniform bearing throughout the entire length of each joint of pipe. Bell holes of 8 dimension shall be dug in the bottom of the trench at the locations of each joint to fac the joining. The trench shall have a flat or semi-circular bottom conforming to the gra which the pipe is to be laid. The pipe shall be accurately placed in the trench to the lines and grades on the F Fittings shall be supported independently of the pipe. E-3 Longitudinal Bending No longitudinal bending shall be allowed in the installation of PVC water transmission All deflections shall be accomplished by the use of joints and fittings specifically designt use with PVC C905 pipe and the deflections as installed shall not exceed the manufact t 0 I # @ 8 written recommendations. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transn 8 11/92 Pipe and Fittings (AWA C905) - @ €4 Pipe Joint Assembly The spigot and bell shall slide together without displacement of the rubber gasket. The shall be dirt free. The best laying practice is with the bell facing in the direction sf layir Insert the rubber ring into the groove making sure the ring is completely seated. hubricz of the spigot and instruction of use shall be supplied by the pipe manufacturer. The spigot shall be inserted into the bell and forced slowly into position by use of a largc lever and a wood block across the pipe end. For large pipe, a comealong (with padding will not scratch the pipe) may be used. E-5 Concrete Thrust Blocks Concrete thrust blocks shall be placed as shown on the Plans and shall consist of Cla portland cement concrete containing not less than five sacks of portland cement per c yard and shall conform to the Technical Specifications for Concrete Construction. Con( blocks shall be placed between the undisturbed ground and the fittings to be anchc Quantity of concrete and the bearing area of the pipe and undisturbed soil shall be as st on the Plans, unless otherwise determined by the Owner’s Representative. The concrete be placed, unless specifically shown otherwise on the Plans, so that the pipe joints and fii will be accessible to repairs. E-6 Mechanical Thrust Restraint No mechanical thrust restraint devices which transfer forces from fittings to the PVC pipc shall be permitted. I 8 I. 8 - 1 8 8 1 g 1. E-7 8 # tF LEAKAGE TEST F- 1 General @ All pipelines shall be tested in accordance with the Technical Specifications for Te Flushing and Disinfection except as modified herein. Preventing Foreign Matter From Entering The Pipe At all times when pipelaying is not in progress, the open end of the pipe shail be closec a tight-fitting cap or plug to prevent the entrance of foreign matter into the pipe. 1 provisions shall apply during the noon hour as well as overnight. In no event sha pipeline be used as drains for removing water which has infiltrated into the trench. Contractor shall maintain the inside of the pipe free from foreign materials and in a clear sanitary condition until its acceptance by the Owner. I e 0 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transr Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C905) I. t 11/92 F-2 Allowable Leakage No pipe installation will be accepted if the leakage is greater than that determined by following formula: I 8 SD p 148,000 L= I. I I 1 I Provisions. G Disinfection shall be in accordance with the Technical Specifications for Testing, Flushing I Disinfection, unless otherwise specified. 1. D a t - I I I I E in which L = the allowable leakage, in gallons per hour S = length of pipe tested, in feet D = nominal diameter of the pipe, in inches P = average observed test pressure of the pipe being tested in pounds per sqr inch gauge, based on the elevation of the lowest point in the line or sec under test and correction to the elevation of the test gauge. The test pressure shall be 50 psi in excess of the designated working pressure specifiet the class of pipe unless the test pressure is shown on the Plans or specified in the Spc DIS I N FECTI ON END OF SPEClFlCAllON Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transmi Pipe and Fittings (AWWA C905) - 4 I* t 11/92 TECHNICAL SPEC I FI CATIONS FOR i I TESTING, FLUSHING AND DISINFECTION 1. A GENERAL 8 8 t as modified herein. f 8 These specifications designate the requirements for field testing, flushing and disinfectio all water mains intended for the conveyance of potable and reclaimed water under press The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials (including water), tools, and equipn necessary to provide and complete field testing, flushing and disinfection as specified. pipelines shall be tested for watertightness by subjecting each section to Hydrostatic Pres: and Leakage Tests in accordance with the applicable requirements of AWWA C600, ex( It shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility to plan his construction activities to allow facilitate testing, flushing and disinfection of all sections of potable and reclaimed water lii The Owner may request and the Contractor shall furnish a detailed plan showing how Contractor intends to test, flush and disinfect the pipeline. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain any and all permits required to carry out the work specified here B PRESSURE TESTING B-1 Procedure After the pipe and all appurtenances have been laid and sufficiently backfilled for requ No restraint, they shall be subjected to a four hour hydrostatic pressure test. This test c consist of applying to the pipeline a pressure of 50 psi in excess of the designated wor I pressure specified for the class of pipe, or as otherwise specified, at the point of application. Pressure tests or a retest shall be conducted subsequent to any trench ba compactive effort with heavy duty compacting equipment having an overall weight in exc # of 100 pounds. t I Some hydraulic equipment such as butterfly valves have a maximum working water pres less than the test pressure. The Contractor shall apply a minimum back pressure on fl closed devices equal to the difference between the test pressure and the rated pressui the device. The test shall be made prior to connecting the new line with existing pipe and mains. The shall further be conducted with valves open, and the open ends of pipes, valves, and fitt suitably closed. Valves shall be operated and checked prior to the test period. No leal shall be allowed when testing across any valves. 8 8 8 B-2 Maximum Length of Pipe f Maximum length of pipe to be included in any one test shall be no more than 2,500-fei the distance between valves, whichever is greater. The Contractor shall provide suitable bulkheads, blocking, and fittings to permit such sectionalizing. Testing, Flushing and Disinfection - ' I. fl 7-92 8-3 Preparation The test shall be applied at an approved outlet or fitting located within an elevation of 5- of the lowest point of the pipe section to be tested. The Contractor shall provide and I securely plug such fittings. The line shall be filled slowly and maintained at operating pres: for a period of at least 24 hours prior to testing to satisfy any system water absorption. b filling and immediately prior to testing, all air shall be expelled from the pipeline. When valves or other suitable outlets are not available, approved taps and fittings shall be provi at all high points and later securely plugged. B-4 Pressure Testing After the 24-hour soak period, the pressure in the pipeline shall be pumped up to specified test pressure. When the test pressure has been reached, the pumping shal discontinued until the pressure in the line has dropped IO-psi, at which time the specified pressure shall again be pumped up to the specified test pressure. This procedure shai repeated until four hours have elapsed from the time the specified test pressure was applied. At the end of this period, the pressure shall be pumped up to the test pressurc 8 8 I 8 8 # I the last time. 8-5 Leakage 8 Leakage shall be considered as the total quantity of water pumped into the pipeline du the four hour period, including the amount required in reaching the test pressure for the time. Leakage shall not exceed the rate as specified under the Standard Specification: I the various types of pipe materials. If the leakage exceeds the rate, as specified elsewh the Contractor shall, at his own expense, locate and make all repairs as necessary until 1. leakage is within the specified allowance. I The test shall be repeated until the leakage does not exceed the specified leakage rate. visible leaks shall be repaired regardless of the amount of leakage. C FLUSHING All potable and reclaimed water mains and services shall be flushed with potable watei water as otherwise approved by the Owner and regulatory agencies) after completio construction and prior to disinfection. The Contractor shall provide a sufficient numb€ suitable outlets at the end@) of the line(s) being flushed in addition to those required by plans to permit the main to be flushed with water at a velocity of at least 2.5-feet per sec over its entire length. The outlets provided shall meet the requirements for fittings as spec for the type main constructed. The velocity through outlets and fittings shall not exc 25 fps during the flushing operation. Drainage facilities shall be constructed such that water lines cannot be contaminated through the flushing outlet. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing a source of water for flushing anc methods for discharge of the water, including all associated costs and permits. I I 4 8 8 I Testing, Flushing and Disinfection - : 9. # 7-92 D DlSl N FECTION I I D-1 Procedure u 1 D-2 Disinfection - Potable Water Mains 8 # I 8 I 0. water main is coated, plugs and outlets shall be similarly coated. Disinfection - Reclaimed Water Mains 1 * After pressure testing and prior to acceptance of the work, the entire pipeline, indudin! valves, fittings, hydrants, service laterals, and other accessories, shall be disinfectec accordance with AWWA C651, except as modified herein. After flushing, all mains and services shall be disinfected with chlorine gas or chlo compound solution made with liquid chlorine, calcium hypochlorite in solution or sod hypochlorite solution shall be water mixed and introduced into the mains to produce a dos of not less than 50 mg/ml nor more than 100 mg/ml in all sections of the pipeline appurtenances. Treated water shall be retained with system for a minimum perioc 24-hours and shall produce at the end of the retention period a chlorine residual of not than 25 mg/ml in all sections being disinfected. If the tests are not satisfactory, Contractor shall provide additional disinfection at his expense as required until all tests ar the satisfaction of the Owner. During the disinfection process, all valves, hydrants, and 8 accessories shall be operated. After chlorination, the water shall be flushed from the lin its extremities until the replacement water tests are equal chemically and bacteriologicall those of the permanent source of supply. The placing of HTH capsules or powder in 1 sections during the laying process WILL NOT be considered adequate disinfection. Contractor shall keep adequate chlorine residual testing and indicating apparatus avail on the site during the entire disinfection period. After final flushing, the flushing fittings I be plugged with devices intended for this purpose at the pressure class of the pipe. Wf D-3 After flushing, all reclaimed water mains and services shall be disinfected in accordance AWWA C651 "Disinfecting Water Mains". Calcium Hypochlorite tablets or granules ma: used to disinfect reclaimed water mains and services. D-4 Bacteriologic Samples One sample of water for the specified bacteriologic test shall be taken from each end oi disinfected main (located downstream of the point of introduction of chlorine disinfectant). mains over 2,500-feet in length, additional samples shall be taken at intermediate poin such a manner that at least one sample is taken for each 2,500-feet of main. I s I 8 I 8 END OF SPECIFlCATlON Testing, flushing and Disinfection - : 1. 8 7-92 1 I t B # 1 Y 8 1. 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Testing, Flushing and Disinfection - d 1. 8 7-92 TECHNICAL S PECI FlCATl ONS FOR UTI LIP/ CROSS I NGS H 0 a IA GENERAL 8 i Where utilities cross the pipeline trench but do not conflict with the permanent work t( constructed, the Contractor shall follow the procedures given below and as indicated or Plans and in the Special Provisions. The Contractor shall notify the utility owner 48 hou advance of the crossing construction and will coordinate the construction schedule witt utility service requirements. For utility crossings not shown on the Plans, follow the Gei Provisions and the instructions of the Owner’s Representative. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to determine the true location and depth of all ut and service connections which may be affected by or affect the work. He shall also deter the type, material, and conditions of these utilities. In order to provide sufficient lead tin resolve unforseen conflicts, order materials, and take over appropriate measures to er that there is no delay in work, the Contractor shall expose all utilities 1,300-feet in adv of the pipeline construction. All costs incurred in exposing utilities shall be borne b! Contractor. I 1 1 IB PROCEDURES B- 1 Protect in Place 1. The Contractor shall protect all utilities in place, unless abandoned, and shall rnaintaii utility in service, unless otherwise specified on the Plans or in the Special Provisions. I 8-2 Cut and Plug Ends The Contractor shall cut abandoned utility lines and plug the ends with brick and mi I unless otherwise specified on the Plans or in the Special Provisions. The pipe shz disposed of as unsuitable material by the Contractor. B-3 Remove and Reconstruct ’ Where so indicated on the Plans or in the Special Provisions or as required by the Ow Representative, the Contractor shall remove the utility and after passage, reconstruct i I new materials. The Contractor shall take appropriate measures to provide temporary sc for the disconnected utility. All reconstruction work shall be in accordance with the appli specifications. C MATER I ALS B c-i Replacement in Kind 8 that removed. 1 Except as indicated below or as specifically authorized by the Owner’s Representativc Contractor shall reconstruct utilities with new material of the same size, type, and qual Utility Crossings - I. 1 7-85 C-2 For sewer pipe eight inches in diameter or under, replacement shall consist of plain-end I conforming to ASTM C700. Compression coupling shall conform to ASTM C594; Band @ couplings or approved equal. At least two lengths of pipe shall be used in crossing the tre section as shown on the details on the Plans or in the Special Provisions. D COMPACTION Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe and Couplings I I 8 ’ D-1 Utilities Protected in Place 8 I 1 # ! Contractor shall take special precautions to compact under and around the utility to en! that no voids are left. D-2 Utilities Reconstructed Prior to replacement of the utility, the trench shall be backfilled and compacted by apprc means to an elevation one foot above the top of the ends of the utility. A cross trench o proper width shall be excavated for the utility and it shall be laid, backfilled, and compa as specified herein or as required by the Owner’s Representative. 0-3 Sand slurry consisting of one sack (94 pounds) of Portland cement per cubic yard of : and sufficient moisture for workability may be substituted for other backfill materials to a reducing compaction difficulties. Specific methods and procedures must be submitted fo approval of the Owner’s Representative prior to construction. Alternate Construction - Sand Slurry 1. 8 I I I I I I # 7-85 END OF SPECIFICATION Utility Crossings - I. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR VEGETATION RESTORATION (HY D ROS EED I N G) I I 0 I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 The Contractor shall exercise extreme care and take every precaution necessary to prc existing vegetation and slopes. Contractor shall remove only those portions of the exi: vegetation necessary for construction of this project. B EXECUTION The Contractor shall subcontract with a licensed landscape contractor to refur construction zones. Work shall be accomplished in conformance with Section 308 of SSPWC and as shown on the Plans and Specifications. All existing naturally vegetated areas disturbed by construction shall be hydroseedec reestablish plant materials and lessen erosion. Seed mixes shall be as prescribed installed in conformance with these specifications. C HYDROSEEDI NG Hydroseed areas disturbed of pipeline construction with non-irrigated seed mix. 1 I 1 I 1 1. c-1 Description of Work Before proceeding with any work, hydroseeding contractor shall carefully check and v dimensions and hydroseeding area conditions and shall inform the District Engii I immediately of any discrepancies between the specifications and actual conditions. No v shall be done on any area where there are such discrepancies or where conditions # unsuitable for successful plant material establishment until approval for work has been g by the District Engineer. I c-2 Quality Assurance I 1 8 8 Contractor shall employ a qualified hydroseeding company in accordance with the I standards and practices related to the trade and under the continuous supervision competent foreman capable of interpreting the specifications. Ship hydroseed materials with certificates of inspection required by governing authori Comply with regulations applicable to landscape materials. c-3 Submittals Submit seed vendor’s certified statement for each seed mixture required, stating botanical common name, percentage by weight, and percentages of purity, germination, and M seed for each seed species. Do Not install hydroseed prior to submittal of certification co and approval by District Engineer. Vegetation Restoration (Hydroseeding) - 1 I* I c-4 Delivery, Storage and Handling Deliver packaged materials in containers showing weight, analysis and name of manufacti Protect materials from deterioration during delivery and while stored on site. Final acceptance. This observation is after the completion of the hydroseeding work ar required to insure that the hydroseed installed is healthy and growing. This observation be 90 days after final installation. The Owner takes over the project at this time ii hydroseed components are as they should be. I I c-5 1 Required Observations e # ID SEED MIX I application. D- 1 I Shall be as follows: Provide seed mix of genus, species and variety specified and scheduled for hydro: Hydroseeding Components and Additives 6 gallons per acre Sarvon soil penetrant. 2,000 Ibs. per acre cellulose fiber mulch. 400 Ibs. per acre (16-20-0) commercial fertilizer: 16-20-0 shall be a comme grade pelleted or granular, uniform in composition, dry, free-flowing and lab( with specific N-P-K rating of (16-20-0). 200 Ibs. per acre Iron Sulphite 140 Ibs. per acre Ecology Control M-Binder (per manufactu recommendations). I I I. I I I I 1 I Non-irriaated Hvdroseed Mix: Artemisia Californica - 3 Ibs./acre Batis Maritima - 3 Ibs./acre Cressa Truxillensis - 4 Ibs./acre Distichtis Spiccata - 2 Ibs./acre Encelia Californica - 4 Ibs./acre Frankenia Grandiflora - 3 Ibs./acre Jaumea Carnosa - 4 lbs./acre Limonium Californicum - 6 Ibs./acre Monanthochloe Littoralis - 2 Ibs./acre Rhus lntegrifolia - 5 Ibs./acre Salicornia Virginioa - 3 Ibs./acre Saueda Californica - 0.5 Ibs./acre Spartina Foliosa - 2 Ibs./acre TOTAL - 41.5 Ibs. seed/acre I Vegetation Restoration (Hydroseeding) - : I. 1 The Rhus lntegrifolia shall be seeded only on the steep slope and areas of higher eleva No planting of this species shall occur adjacent to wetland areas. E I I .E APPLICATf ON Do not hydroseed in any areas contaminated by other trades. All such occurrences sha reported to the District Engineer before commencing work. E-1 Preparation Layout hydroseed area locations. Stake locations, outline areas with gypsum, and sel District Engineer's acceptance before start of hydroseed work. Make minor adjustment may be required. Moisten prepared hydroseed areas before planting if soil is dry. Water thoroughly and i surface moisture to dry before commencing work. Do not create a muddy soil condition. not hydroseed on sealed or crusted soils. E-2 The Contractor shall examine related work including graded surfaces before proceeding any work and inform the District Engineer, in writing, of conditions which may prevenl proper execution of this work. Failure to report unsuitable conditions to the District Engineer will constitute acceptanc responsibility for the performance of any additional work caused by the unsuitable condit at no additional cost to the District. All materials shall be standard, approved first-grade quality, and in prime condition v\ installed and accepted. Any commercially processed or packaged material shall undisturbed and delivered to the site in their original containers, unopened, bearing manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. The hydromulching shall be applied in the form of a slurry consisting of organic amendments, commercial fertilizer, and other chemicals specified. When hydraulically sprz onto the soil, the mulch shall not form a blotter-like material. The spray operation mus so directed that the slurry spray will penetrate the soil surface as to drill and mix the s components into the soil, this ensuring maximum impregnation and coverage. E-4 Preparation of Hydroseeding Mixture The slurry shall be prepared at the site, and its components shall be mixed to supply the r of application as per specifications. Slurry preparation shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine is at one throttle. When the water level has reached the height of the agitator shaft and 6 recirculation has been established, the fertilizers shall be added to the mixture. 0 The engine throttle shall be open to full speed when the tank is '/2 filled with water. organic amendments, fiber, and chemicals shall then be added by the time the tank is % At this time, the seed mix shall also be added and not before this time. I I a Hydroseeding Procedure 1- 1 ! 1. 8 ' E-3 Hydromulching t I 1 8 8 I I Vegetation Restoration (Hydroseeding) - : Spraying shall commence immediately when the tank is full and the slurry mixed. 0 The hydromulching slurry components are not to be left in the hydromulch machine for n than two hours due to seed destruction. If slurry components are left for more than hours in the machine, the Contractor shall add 50% more of the originally specified seed to any slurry mix which has not been applied within two hours after mixing. The Contrz shall add 75% more or the original seed mix to any slurry mixture which has not been apl eight hours after mixing or it shall be rejected and disposed of off-site at the contrac expense. E-6 Protection Special care is to be exercised by the contractor to prevent any of the slurry from b sprayed onto any hardscape areas including concrete walks, fences, walls, building, etc. slurry sprayed onto these areas shall be cleaned off at the contractor’s expense if left. 1 I E-5 Time limit I I I B l E-7 Hydroseeding Equipment 1 I The above specified components shall be mixed together in the hydroseeding mac containing at least 2,000 gallons of water to allow for a homogeneous slurry whic thoroughly mixed and can be applied easily without clogging. The equipment shall have a built-in agitation system and operating capacity sufficier agitate, suspend and homogeneously mix a slurry containing not less than 44 pounc organic mulching amendment plus fertilizer, chemical additives and solids for each 100 gal 1. Of water-- The hydromulching equipment shall meet the minimum requirements of a slurry distribi line large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic s nozzles which will provide a continuous non-fluctuating discharge of at least 25 psi at the of the spray nozzle. The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 2,000 gallons. Equipment used for hydroseeding will be thoroughly cleaned of all seed and other mate used in preceding hydroseeding processes before any hydroseeding on this project. E-8 Inspection and Availability When hydroseeding is completed, the District Engineer will make an inspection to deter! acceptability. Give District Engineer 48 hour notice prior to requested inspection When inspected landscape work does not comply with these specifications and puncl items, rejected work shall be corrected and/or replaced and contractor’s responsi continued until inspected again by the District Engineer and found to be acceptable. I ’ I 8 1 IF PAYMENT 8 All work and material specified in this section shall be paid for on a unit or lump sum i: as indicated in the bid schedule. END OF SPECIFICATION Vegetation Restoration (Hydroseeding) - 1 I. I 1 8 I 1 I 1 8. I APPENDIX A I GEQTECH NICAL INVESTiGATIO N DATED FEBRUARY 1997 BY KLEIN FELDER I. 1 I 1 8 1 8 1 8 I. I RLL.... LLYL.. I) - - -1 hq KLEINFE ‘I rl 1 A report prepared for: ,-- 1 0 Carlsbad Municipal Water District CarIsbad, California 92008 T ‘1 5950 El Camino Real rr Attention: Mr. Bill Plummer LIMITED GEOTECHNICAL INV€STIG.4TIOh’ NORTH BATIQUITOS FORCE SEWER x41N rr h b :i CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CMWD PROJECT NO. 85-401 Kleinfelder Project No. 5 1-4413-01 !-- 4. -1 il -i i - \-I Prepared by: r- KLEINFELDER, INC. -7 ?dd#z$lz (2% 5fli?Lw odd L. Jorgen on Rick E. Larson, GE 2027 Staff Engineer Senior Associate KLEINFELDER, INC. 9555 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 101 San Diego, California 92 123 i 1 February 14,1996 5 1-44 13-0 1/5 17RG033.DOC 1997 Kleinfrlder, Inc. Pqe ii of iii February 14. 1997 I* 1 &## KLEINFEl '1 :I :I r- ' TABLE OF COSTESTS 0 Sectioq P;lce r- 1.0 IKTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ I 1. I PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ 1 1.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SER\'ICES 1 1 .J AUTHORIZATION 2 2.0 INVESTIGATIVE METHODS ...................................................................................... 3 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION ............................................................................................ 3 2.2 LABOMTORY TESTING 3 3.0 SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .................................................................. 5 3.1 SITE CONDITIONS .................................................................................................. 5 3.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5 3.3 GROUND WATER CONDITIONS ............................................................................ 6 7 4.1 SOIL PARAMETERS FOR USE lY BURIED PIPE AIiD THRUST BLOCK DESIGN ............................................................................................................................ 7 4.2.1 Dewatering 8 4.2.2 Temporary Trench Excavations ........................................................................ 8 4.2.3 Pipe Bedding And Trench Backfill .................................................................. 9 4.2.4 Unstable Trench Bottom 9 4.2.5 Rock in Trench Bottom .................................................................................. 10 4.2.6 Concrete Slope Anchors ................................................................................. IO 5.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 11 6.0 LIMITATIONS .............................................................................................................. 12 .................................................................. ? l! ri ri il ri :I i [I* :I II .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ................................................................................. 4.0 DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, Ah'D RECOhlhlEND.i\TIONS ............................. 4.2 CUT-AND-COVER CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 8 r-- ................................ ........................................................................................................ ................................................................................... , .. .......................................................................................... - FIGURES ;i 8 Figure I Vicinity Map Figure 2 Boring Location Map APPENDICES Appendix A Logs of Borings Appendix B Laboratory Test Results Appendix C ASFE Insert 'I 8 8 8 5 1-44 13-0 115 17RG033.DOC 1997 Kleinfeldcr, Inc. Page iii of iii February la. 1997 I. m KLEINFEI I -- 0 r- 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 II I I Kieinfelder Inc. (Kleinfslder) was rerained by Carlsbad 34unicipal Water District (CM1j.D) to conduct a limited gsotechnicai in\.estigation for the proposed North Batiquitos Force Sewer Main, in Carlsbad, California. The site location is presented as Figure 1. Vicinity Map. The scope of sen-ices was presented in our proposal entitled, “Proposal for Limited Geoteclmical Exploration. North Batiquitos Sewage Force Main, CMWD Project No. 85- 401, Carlsbad, California. dated December 24, 1996. b r“ il ‘I n 1.1 PROJECT DESCFUPTIOS The project is located in Carlsbad in the general vicinity north of the Batiquitos Lagoon. The proposed construction nil1 consist of installing approximately 1,670 lineal feet of 14” se\vage force main from about project Station 10+00 to Station 26+69. The force main ivill be installed by conventional cut and cover methods; the pipe material will consist of PVC. Appurtenant structures such as thrust blocks, cutoff walls, and concrete slope anchors will be .. .1 ,....- [ 8 0 included. Paving is not anticipated on this project. ! 1 - The site is generally flat from Station 18+00 to 26+69. The approximate eleyation of this section is six to ten feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL). Steep terrace escarpments with approximately 100 foot differences in elevation and one low hill exist from Stations 1O+OQ to 18+00. The proposed depth of burial of the force main will be approximately five feet, but will approach burial depths of eight to twenty-two feet between Stations 12 and 18. . I i 1 i 1.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of this stud\- \vas to evaluate the geotechnical characteristics of the proposed force sewer main site with respect to site preparation and force main design. We explored the subsurface conditions at the site. performed laboratory tests and engineering analyses, and developed conclusions and recommendations regarding underground structures. lateral earth pressures, and construction considerations including earthwork. I 5 1-14 13-0 115 17RG033.DOC I997 Klrinfeider, Inc. Page 1 of I2 February 14, 1997 I* 8 ~~ KLEONFEL I I 0 The recommendations contained within this report are subject to the limitations presented in Section 7.0. An information sheet prepared by ASFE (the Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in the Geosciences) is also included as Appendix C. We recommend that all individuals utilizing this report read the limitations along ivith the attached document. 1 1 -. r 1.3 AUTHORIZATION Our work was authorized by a signed agreement with Mr. Bill Plunimer of C!vtWD. Our field work was delayed several weeks due to the \\inter rains and our ability to access the site with truck-mountsd equipment. r- 'I 1 I I I. ]I I t I I 1 1 I ' I - _- 51-4413-01:~17RGO33.DOC Page 2 of 12 February 14. 199: 1997 Kleinfelder, inc. I. kw KLEINFEL I e 1 2.0 IK\'ESTIGATIVE hlETHODS I 2.1 FIELD EXPLORATIOS I I The geotechnical field exploration \vas conducted on January 22, 1997 and consisted of drilling three exploratory test borings and performing a dynamic cone pensrronieter sounding. Two of the test borings n-ere drilled with a truck-mounted drill rig using 8-inch diameter hollow stem auger to depths of 10 and 15 feet below the esisting ground surface. The dynamic cone sounding \vas completed to a depth of 5.5 feet. Due to sile access limitations, the third boring was a hand-auger boring completed adjacent the cone soundillg to a depth of three feet. The approximate locations of the test borings and cone sounding are indicated on the Site Plan. Figure 2. The soil borings (machine and hand augered) were logged by our staff enginsrtr. The materials encountered in the soil borings were visually classified in the field in accordance with generally accepted standards of practice. The logs of the borings are found in Appendix A. At the time of the investigation. the pipeline between Stations 10+00 and 12+00 \\3s already under construction. The cut had been made, the pipe had been placed, and backfill material had been placed in some locations. Our staff engineer walked along the length of the open trench and noted the soils found on the walls of the trench. * Representative soil samples were obtained by collecting cuttings from the drilling operation and by taking driven samples using California samplers (&inch O.D.; 2.5 inch ID.). The samples were labeled, sealed, and returned to our laboratory for testing. The machine augered boreholes remained open for a period of time to better mess the ground u-ater level wirhin the boreholes. On February 1, 1997, the ground\vaier levels within the boreholes nxre recorded and the boreholes were backfilled using soil cuttings. The groundvvater level measurements are found on the respective boring logs found in I- r- I r -- I I I I. I 0 I I 1 I I I Appendix A. 5 1 -44 1 3-0 1 /5 1 7 RG03 3. DOC 1997 KleinfeIder. Inc. Page 3 of 12 Fcbz-~-- 14. 1997 I. = KLEONFEL I 1 2-2 LABORATORY TESTING m I 1 0 At the conclusion of our field exploration, the soil samples \\ere transported to our §an Diego laboratov for testing. The purpose of this testing program \vas designed to e\.alciate seIected physical characteristics and engineering properties of the materials encountered. These tests included evaluating moisture content, dry unit weight. and particle size distribution. Test results of the moisture contents and dry unit \\-eights are presented on the boring logs in Appendix A. The remainder of the laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B. ,- r 1 :I :I - il I(. I I 1 I I i I I i j 141 13-0 1/5 17RGO33.DOC 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. Page 4 of 12 Februar) 14. 1997 I. hq KLEINFEL R - !* 3.0 SITE AND SUBSLXFACE COSDITIONS n 3.1 SITE CONDITIOSS I I 0 Tlie North Batiquitos Sewer Main site is located along the northern edge of the Batiquitos Lagoon. The pipeline extends down a slope ivith a grade of about 40% (Station 10-00 to Station 17+00), through a small hill (Station 17-00 to Station 18-00), and along the relatively flat northerly shore area of the Batiquitos Lagoon to the recently constructed pump station (Station 18-00 to 26+69). The course of the pipeline is from northwest to southeast from Station 10+00 to Station 20t-00 and is from west to east for the remainder of the line. 1 1 1 TS the north and northwest are relatively steep slopes: to the west is Interstate 5; to the south is Batiquitos Lagoon; and to the east is the new sewage pump station. Drainage is generally to the south. Bare soil covers much of the proposed construction. At the time of the site exploration, the site was covered with a shallow pond from Station 20-00 to about Station 1 21i-00. 1 @ 3.2 SUBSURFACE COR’DITIONS ’ u 1 diameter. 1 1 u I silt and clay. In test borings 1 and 2 we encountered three to four feet of fill. From beneath the fill to about seven feet deep, the soils in these test borings consist of medium-dense clayey sands. In test boring 2 we encountered a layer of loose silty sand below seven feet. Ho\a.e\-er, in test boring 1 we encountered alternating layers of medium stiff sandy clay and medium dense clayey sand. Roots encountered in the soil investigation were less than 1/8 inch in In the hand-auger boring performed adjacent to the dynamic cone-sounding. we encountered sandy-silty clays with some claystone near the surface. \\le encountered effecti1.e auger refusal at a depth of three feet. The dynamic cone sounding indicated that a dense or very stiff material is found three feet below the ground surface at that location. The open trench from Stations 10+00 to 12t-00 exposes a red-bron-n sandstone ivhich consists of medium to fine grained sand that is weakly to moderately cemented with some 5 1-44 13-01/51 7RG033.DOC 1997 Kleinfelder. Inc. Page 5 of 12 Fehruq 14, 1997 I. I KLEINFEL 4 r-- -. B 3.3 GROUNDWATER COSDITIOXS I . Ground\yater was encountered at the bottom of test boring 1 and at 5.5 feet below the ground surface of test boring 2. Both borings remained open for a period of sei.eral da\.s and the u-ater levels were measured again. The final nxer levels \\-ere ssi'en feet and four feet below the ground surface for test borings 1 and 2. respecrh-ely. In the hand auger boring adjacent the cone sounding, n-ater ivas encountered at a depth of nvo feet. Before the hole was backfilled, the water level rose to the top of the hand auger borehole and overflowed the top. This overifowing of the nater suggests that the - groundwater at this location may be under artesian pressure. rl iiil @ ri M 11 11 11 ill :I 3 B I I :io *- 51-14 13-0 115 17RG033.DOC 1997 Klrinfeidrr. Inc. Page 6 of 12 Fchruary 14. 1097 I. I-- BIW KLEINFEL 4.0 DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1 -. t 1 1 ,I 4.1 We recommend the following soil parameters for use in pipe or conduit design: + Total unit weight y = 130 pcf + Modulus of soil reaction, E' SOIL PARAMETERS FOR USE IN BURIED PIPE AND THRUST BLOCX DESIGN 1 1 = 400 psi for clays, sandy clays, and clayey sands -7 (dluvium) = 1,000 psi for undisturbed formation materials - = 1,000 psi for pipe provided with bedding ($-inch -I -I 1 1. + Maximum allowable soil bearing pressure, Q = 1,000 psf for alluvium and backfilled areas and 3,500 psf for the undisturbed formational materials between Station 1 O+OO and Station 12+50. These values can be increased by one-third seismic loads. minimum) and gravel pipe zone to one foot over pipe We recommend the following parameters for use in design of thrust bIocks: 1 .I 'I 18 I I I + Equivalent fluid weight (e%) for lateral earth loads = 130 pcf for the "at rest" case. This condition includes an allowance for hydrostatic pressure. All backfill should be placed in 8 inch thick loose lifts and compacted to 90% relative compaction. The onsite soils can be used as backfill. 1 5 1-4413-0 1/517RG033.DOC Page 7 of 12 February 14, I997 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. 1. ~~ hg KLElNFEL I 8 1.2 CUT-AND-CO\'ER CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS B 4.2.1 Dewatering 1 I i I I I 4.2.2 Temporary Trench Excavations All utility trench excavation work should comply with the current requirements of OSHA The Io onsite soils are generally classified as Type C soils for evaluating OSHA sloping or shoring I requirements. I I 1 1 B 0 r- Due to fluctuations in the water table. excavations may extend below the water table. lie contractor should retain his own geotechnical engineer for design of a dewatering s\*stem. The dewatering system should be installed by a contractor specializing in denatering. A system using well points should use \-acuum well-points due to the high silt content in the soils. If sump pumping is used to remove accumulated surface water in trenches or excavations, the pumping zone should be lined with filter fabric to reduce the potential of pumping out fines resulting in loss of stability to excavation slopes and subgrades. The Regional Water Qualic Control Board is likely to restrict the discharge of i4xer removed from excavations. Temporaq construction dewatering that is not pumped into the local sewer system will require an NPDES permit. r- r-- r- r- All discussion in this section regarding stable excavation slopes assumes minimal equipment vibration and adequate setback of exca\rated materials and construction equipment from the foundation excavation. U'e recommend that the minimum setback distance from the near edge of the excavation be equivalent to the adjacent excavation depth. If excavated materials are stockpiled adjacent to the excavation, the weight of this material should be considered as a surcharge load for lateral earth pressure calculations. Configuration values presented in the 0SH.i regulations assume that the soils in the cut face do not change in moisture content significantly. Slope codiguration estimates should not be considered applicable for personnel safet).. The contractor must determine slopes for safety of personnel and meet a11 regulations covering excavation stability and safew. I I 51~.I1~-0l/j17RG033.DOC Page 8 of 12 FtSrunry 14, 1997 1997 Kkinfelder. Inc. I. I1 hq KLEINFEL ,. -- 4-23 Granular pipe bedding should be sand. gravel. or crushed aggregate with a sand equkalent of not less than 30. Some of the onsite materials are too silty or clayey to meet this requirement. Therefore, if onsite materials are to be used for pipe bedding, their source should be identified. sampled, and tested during construction to ensure conformance to these recommendations. Bedding should be extended the fill width of the trench for the entire pipe zone, which is the zone from the bottom of the trench to 8 inches mm above the top of the pipe. The pipe bedding should be densified to 90 percent relative compaction prior to backfilling. The bedding should be in a firm and unyielding condition prior to commencement of any subsequent improvements. Compaction of the pipe bedding by mechanical means is acceptable prosided the specifications require compacting with pneumatic "powder puffs" and periodic densit?. testing (which will require the contractor to provide special excavation for Pipe Bedding And Trench Backfill 0 a .-_ 1 ' i $ rjj ri [# i 1 1 access and shoring). rl. We anticipate that some of the onsite soils may be reusable as trench backfill. Trench backtill should be placed in uniform layers not exceeding G inches of loose thickness. moisture ' 1 conditioned to between 1 percent below to 5 percent above optimum, and mechanically compacted. The relative compaction should be to at least 90 percent. The civil designer may elect to reduce the relative compaction to 85 percent in open, undeveloped areas where minor backfill settlement can be tolerated. 1 r-D # 3.2.3 Unstable Trench Bottom 1 D If a firm foundation is not encountered at the grade established due to soft, spongy, or other unsuitable soil, all such unsuitable soil under the pipe should be removed and replaced. The depth of required removal should be established by the CMIVD Engineer in the field at the time of construction. Hou-sver, if the depth of remo\.al exceeds two feet. the geotechnical engineer should be notified so that additional recommendations can be provided as required. I I 5 1-44 13-0 115 17RGO33.DOC 1997 Klrinfelder, Inc. Page 9 of 12 Februq 14. 1997 I. kfl KLElNFEL I 1 1 I -1 1 Prior to the rsmo\.al. the contractor should have provided dewatering as required b!. the sire conditions and should ha\.s kept ivater from re-entering the excavation. 4.2.5 Rock in Trench Bottom Where rock. in either ledge or boulder formation, is encountered, it should be renio\*ed and replaced with imported bedding material in accordance with Sections 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 of this .- 1 -, report. 4.2.6 Concrete Slope Anchors Concrete slope anchors are recommended on grades over 35 percent. The slope anchor should extend a minimum of eisht inches into undisturbed soil on either side of the trench and below the bottom of pipe. The top of the slope anchor should be two feet below finished ground surface. Tne anchor should be reinforced as required by the structural engineer and should be a minimum thickness of one foot. The maximum spacing between anchors on sloping gradc of 25 percent or steeper should be 50 feet. The slope anchor found on San -1 m 4. Diego Regional Standard Dra\ving S-9 should be adequate for this site. I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 51;141j-01/51;RG033.DOC Page 10 of 12 Fehrunv 14. IYY' 1997 Kleinfelder. IRC. I. KLFt NFEI 1 5.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 0 r I <- :I [i The revieiv of plans and specifications, field observations, and testing by Kleinfelder are an integral part of the conclusions and recommendations made in this report. If Kleinfelder is not retained for these services, the client agrees to assume responsibility for any potential ciairns that may arise during construction. The required tests, observations, and consultation by Kleinfelder during construction includes, but is not necessarily limited to: 1. Continuous observations and testing during earthwork excavations, compaction and * placement of Engineered Fill. 3 I# :i ! ri 0 0 ii :I 8 I I 1 I i I 2. Other consultation as required during construction. jl-4Jl~-Ol/jl'RG033.DOC Page I1 of 11. Februnr) 14. 1997 1997 Kleinfelk. Inc. I. &fq KLEINFEL 1 a ! 6.0 LIMITATIONS 1 1 1 Recommendations contained in this report are based on our field obsen-ations. data from the field exploration, laboratory tests. and our present knowledge of the proposed construction. It is possible that soil conditions could vary between or beyond the points explored. If soil conditions are encountered during construction which differ from those described herein. our firm should be notified immediately in order that a review may be made and any P r. supplemental recommendations provided. If the scope of the proposed construction, including the proposed loads or structural locations, changes from that described in this report, we should also rejpiew our I recommendations. Additionally, if information from this report is used in a way not described under the project description portion of this report, it is understood that it is being I done at the designer’s and owner’s own risk. I Our firm has prepared this report for the use of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, on this project in substantial accordance with the generally accepted geotschnical engineering 1. practice as it exists in the site area at the time of our study. No n-arranty is made or intended. The recommendations provided in this report are based on the assumption that an 1 adequate program of tests and observations will be conducted by our firm during the construction phase in order to evaluate compliance with our recommendations. 1 This report may be used only by the client and only for the purposes stated, ivithin a reasonable time fiom its issuance. Land use, site conditions (both on-site and offsite) or D - other factors may change over time, and additional work may be required with the passage of time. Based on the intended use of the report, Kleinfelder may require that additional I Lvork be performed and that an updated report be issued. Non-compliance with any of these requirements by the client or anyone else will release Kleinfeider from any liability resulting 1 from the use of this report by any unauthorized party. 1 -_ 1 8 1 5 1-44 I 3-0 l/5 17RG033.DOC 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. Page 12 of 12 Fcbruaq I-!. 1997 1. BATIQUITOS LAGOON x NORM BATIQUITOS SEWAGE FORCE WN I I I I I I \ / /j I // (D \ \ \ \ ’\ on ww - -. -- SOIL DESCRIPTION WELL-GRADED GRAVELS AND GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, LITE OR NO FINES CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MIXTURES WELL-GRADED SANDS AND GRAVELLY SANDS, CLAYEY SANDS, SAND-CLAY MIXTURES GANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SlLM CLAYS RGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS E SANDS OR SILTS, ELASTIC SILTS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH Pusncm. * ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PlASTlCiM PEAT, MUCK AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS WATER LEVEL AT TIME OF DRILLING WATER LEVEL MEASURED IN WELL SURFACE HALlUER DATI; WT. 1 40 US. DROP 30 WCHES UNAmON - 11 ' MSL 1074 DEPTH ,5 oF B3~IN~ SFARTED: 1 /22/97 DRILLING AxN~ SCOTT'S DRILLING r 1 g iMP- 1/22/97 LOCGEo 3 TLJ BACKFILLED 2/1/97 SURFACE CONOfTlDNS BARE SOIL OATE 1 /22 GROUNDWATER -- ELEVATION 7' BGS 21' I u!- 9 55- >& s WELL gz ++-h. am0 5 0 gz 4 vi DETAILS dg C~ZW 055 LOG OF MATERIAL w E y I\: sc OLIVE BROWN CLAYEY SAND, TRACE GRAVEL. MOIST M FORMATION: F ORGANIC TOP SOIL CL- sc ALTERNATING LAYERS OF MEDIUM STIFF DARK BROWN SANDY CLAY AND MEDIUM DENSE YELLOW BROWN CLAYEY SAND BORING TERMINATED eb 15' CAVING OBSERVED Q 11' HOLE BACKFILED WITH SOIL CUTINGS GROUNDWATER -LEVEL MONITORED 16- - 1 :;I I 201: I 22i i 24: 1 ,26: 19- 2 1- 23- 25- '7- e; - 9555 CHESAPWE DRNE. 1 -30 FK 4413LOG m KLEINFELDER SAN DIEGO. CWFORNlA 12 14 12 FIGL'X NO.: SUITE 101 92123 I '.WLCI I.". 6' BGS 2 LOG OF MATERIAL ORGANICS, WET BORING TERMINATED Q 10' HOLE BACKFILLED WITH SOIL CUTINGS GROUNDWATER LEVEL MONITORED CAVING OBSERVED Q 6.0' $1 I 1 @ [I I I) w n 116. il t 9 \ t i, 5 f 8 1 0 1. SURFACE ELEVATION 10 ft WATER ON COMPLETION CREW: T. Joqanum HOLE Ir: cone Soundng 1 LocAnoN: North 8atqwbs Fora Scwer Man. Station 18+00 CONE AREA: Aftewn water a1 1 5 ft bgs 10 Sa. CM FOR: Cabbad Munnpal Water Dstnd HAMMER MIGHT. 35 LBS. Cahbrd. Wdmn DATE PERFORMED DEPTH BLOWS RESISTANCE CONE RESISTANCE TESTED CONSISTENCY FT M PERlOCY KGICY'Z 0 60 100 1SO w SAND SILT CUY 0.1 1 4.4 1 VEay so - -- 0.2 3 13.3 - 3 VERY SO 1 0.3 1 44 1 VERY SO 0.4 2 8.9 - 2 VERY sc MED. ST 0.5 5 222- 6 MED. ST 0.7 9 40.0 - 11 STIFF 0.8 20 68.6 25 VERY ST 3 09 42 186.5 VERYDENSE VERYDENSE HARU 1 36 159.8 VERY DENSE VERY DENSE HARC 1.1 60 231 6 VERY DENSE VERY DENSE HARU 2 0.6 6 26.6 - 7 4 1.2 60 231.6 MRYDENSE VERYOENSE wr 1.3 45 173.7 VERY DENSE VERY DENSE HARI 1.4 45 173.7 VERYDENSE MRYDENSE HARl 5 1.5 70 2702 MRYOENSE MRYDENSE HARI 1.6 70 2702 VERY DENSE VERY DENSE HARI Notar: 1 AbaR a foot of sandy dayfollcrwed by .barttwofestol day mth daystona war encwntsrsd n HA 1 whrch was cunpkted b a depth d three feet 8djaCd to the ame Wndmg. 2 FresWrOarwiu encountered ata depth dabout 1.5 duting the hand auger bonng. The water kvsl rme totha swfacebytha and dthc hand auger boring. J ~ DYNAMIC CONE SOUNDING NORTH BATlQUlTOS FORCE SEWER MAlN CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DlSTRlCT CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA KLEI NFELDER 9555 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE SUlTE 101 SAN DIECO. CALIFORNIA 92123 IDATE: 02/13/97 hv CHECKED BY: rLd IFN: 1PROJECT NO 5 1-44 13-01 1 I hq KLEINFELD XPPEKDIX B L.4BORATORY TESTISG ‘8 [I 1 i General Laboratory tests were performed on selected, representative samples as an aid in classifying the soils and to evaluate physical properties of the soils lvhich may affect foundation design and construction procedures. A description of the laboratory testing program is presented below. I. - ’ [f Moisture and Density M [I A moisture content and dry unit \veight test was perfornied on a sample recovered from the test borings. Moisture content and dry unit weight was e\+aluated in general accordance \\it11 ASTM Test Methods D2216 and D2937, respectively. The results of this test is presented on the test boring logs in Appendix A. Sieve Analysis A sieve analysis, to include washing over the #200 sieve, were performed on one soil sample oi [lo the materials encountered at the sire to evaluate the gradation characteristics of the soils and tc aid in their classification. Tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM Test Methoc ‘1 1- D422. The results of this test is presented on Figure B 1. [1 ‘8 i. rl t L. i? @ I, 1 1 I 5 1-44 13-01/517RG033.DOC B-1 February 14, 19‘ Copyright 1997 Kleinfelder, Inc. ‘VO LA I SILT GRAVEL SAND CLAY 0 B1 10.0 Yellow brown clayey SAND sc &f KLEINFELDER 5141341 North Batiquitos Force Sewer hiah Carlsbad, California GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 1 8 R I - I I I 1 f. 1 T I 1 1 1 I 8 1. APPENDIX B ENVIRONMENTAL FIGURE 3 DATED OCTOBER 14, 1996 BY RECON I. ewI - 0; %Lo *$ D u; 2 22 go 0 2: E ..( 2 .r( :; ai 9s 9 c-- ,gE? 2%$ I ( I $62 I t .I c i rc, .. ~ x .... 4 -+... I I 8 1 f I APPENDIX C 1 STANDARD DRAWINGS I ACCESS HOLE ACCESS HOLE FRAME & COVER AIR-VACUUM VALVE ASSEMBLY P 1. I P I 1 8 8 OUTLET ON PVC MAIN I VALVE BOX ASSEMBLY CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS PLUG VALVE INSTALLATION 1 CONCRETE ANCHOR TYPICAL PVC LINED MANHOLE INSTALLATION 1. W= MIN SECTION C-( ALL CAST IN PLACE CC SHALL BE TYPE 564-f ALL PIPE IN ACCESSH SHALL BE, WC. OR VU IN. CLAY PIPE AND SHALL I INCUJDED AS PART OF ACCESSHOLE. MESSHOLE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACZI WITH mc-478. STUB OU7S SHU WWI MJNJMUM LENGM OF 2 MANHOLE FRAME AND TO BESET IN CUSS 'c' BE WE TO GRADE AND ALlGNMuvTIoNoFMED WITH SMWIHSURFA&E. HALt PLAN IIVIVLK LWCK TOP SIDE HALF SECTION FRAME & COVER INNERGOVER = 155LBS. OUTERm =mLBs. 2 .MAERlAL : CAST IRON. 3.MADHNE SEATS TO PREVENT NOISE. 4.FILLET RAD1 TO BE 12". 5.lMPORTED COVERS AM) FRAMES SHALL HAVE CUUNTRY OF ORlGlN MARKING IN COMPUANCE WllH fEoERAL REGUIATIONS. sEcnoN A-A ACCESSHOLE FRAME 81 COVER I. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR 4: AlL V&m AND mm SHALL BE SAME SIZE AS AIR VENT INLET. BETWEEN PIPELINE AND VALVE 8OX. SOLDERING REQUIREMENTS. AC MAIN WC MAIN FCR WATER SERVlcE CONNECTION (TYP.) MEBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT STD. DM WZ OUTLETS ON AC OR W.C. MAIN FOR I, I INCH THRU 2 INCH ASSEMBLIES AUGUST 1 8 8 1 8 t 8 1 I 1 I 1 8 1 I 8 I I I SECTION A-A SECTION 6-6 DOMESTIC WATER RECLAIMED WATER I . IN NON- RoaD ARE& PIACE WAR0 2 . SEE ORAWING NQ 22 FOR GATE VALVI W NEXT TO V&!E BOX ASSEMBLY AS OIRECTED By THE ENGINEER(SEE 3. ORAWING NO. 22). EXTENSION. REINFORCING STEEL DIETAIL. VERTlcAL BEND. TEE (SIDE VIEW). LEN(;THlNTOANDOClfOFALLFlTn 3.coNCRETEsHaLLBE5~,~~ 2 . FOR AC, PIPE, A MIN. 3'-3'To A 6"-6' A MIN. 3 DAY CURING TIME BEm I . FITTINGS SW 8E OOcnLE IRON FOR 0.I.P 8 PVC.; CAST IRON FOR ACF? (CEMENT LINED SHORT BODY 1. --- LINE VUE INSTAUATON >L&szS%- - TEE ASSEMBLY I 8 8 I. 8 8 I I I 1 8 1. I I 8 1 I I 8 80 @ ~~ Blocks to be laid as tightly as pooible to downmaam side of notch. PLAN I I I 1 1 1 I I t/T expansion joint material or juta around pipe. No. 9 wire ladder type in all horizontal joints. FRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATIOI ! LEGENO C -- , REUIUYEIOEO I'( SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING REGIOWL STANOl Revision ISy Approved I Oat8 'Expan. jt. Pkr M.0. c/O-fZ' II - db?kLL m CONCRETE ANCHOR 0 RAW1 NG NUMBER 9 cn -- 0 = = is o 3 E z 0 0 mw &! gmz o 4%- 3E LL Zm CO Of$ 3 LLI"kl 3- wgg UP wxqm € a a- v) Eg2 "58 a k! zz 00 Abq ;$ 4 gJQa E.;.. I a g L =-I i: Urn'? OQ CU z -J 3;s zm 3trW w>w t-% 9 $3 a 0 3s $ 5pw w= gkiv; I lL &ZT &= %gGfY gwaou %A3 -xi3 & A4 3s ;3ll& >~ZCI u g u qw q WQ # p mw 5g4k ""Gf:oV) SF& E5 !&5 -J a JO a0 LEg3 2 2 $ pt-=x 0 ma 3W0 Ir.g t- t;j Fo 5-d- t/?s s > ZG z5 waQL &Jt- 2 ZL a g<!-g E" d zpd wa sx Ed -'kif 6 0 bs 0 ' av x 538 baa- -J u up4 jsg3 g ll. I- 0 0 z Y-IO ll. ~ '> X at- I- Y OX uo F-Ir 3w a 2% kg+ 3 y x g rnWJ2 w$ u gy 00 q- a=, X ad& 2 3 =I- ot- "E$t; w w a rn!!? a 022 ==l- - mt- wm.q 05 -IU Sft mu I 8 i I 8 I I 1 1. I I I 1 I I 1) 1 I. APPENDIX D LOCATION MAP I;. 1 NORTH BATIQUITOS SEWER FORCE MAIN AND 1 12-INCH WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT SEA CLIFF DEVELOPMENT Project app~ No, D 85-401 RECORDED REQUESTED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WHEN RECORDED, PLEASE MAIL TO [? Secretary Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 f;! !IFFICM.. BEGlIRDS SftW Bb@jfl C@J#~ RECfjf@@:'$ @-FIGE r&Tj@y J. gfijTfi3 COudTy E8tJRI)EW