~ f 2.--2r~Vl , '2D is-, pursuant to an Agreement between Atkins
This~ Project Task Description and Fee Allotment, is entered into on
NorthAmica, Inc., a Florida corporation ("Contractor") and the City of Carlsbad, ("City") dated
November 28, 2012, (the "Agreement"), the terms of which are incorporated herein by this
Contractor shall provide archeological resources support in accordance with the "Project
Engineer's Manual", 2001 edition, as published by the City's Engineering Department, City
"Standards for Design & Construction of Public Works Improvements in the City of
Carlsbad," and the proposal dated July 29, 2015, ("proposal"), attached as Appendix "A"
for the El Camino Real Widening Project, (the "Project"). The Project services shall
include material sorting and site protection.
Contractor's receipt of this Project Task Description and Fee Allotment, signed by the City
Manager or Director and a Purchase Order from the City's Purchasing Department,
constitutes notification to proceed to the Contractor. Contractor shall begin work within 5
(five) working days after receiving this fully executed document and a City Purchase
Order. Contractor shall complete the work by November 27, 2015. Working days are
defined in section 6-7.2 "Working Day" of the Standard Specifications for Public Works
Construction (Green Book). In no event shall Contractor work beyond the term or
authorized compensation of the Agreement, as amended by this Project Task Description
and Fee Allotment.
Contractor's compensation for the Project is shown in Table 1, "Fee Allotment", herein.
Fees shall be paid on the basis of time and materials for each task group shown in Table
1. Progress payments shall be based on time and materials as specified in Table 1.
Appendix "A", attached, prepared by Contractor and reviewed by City, shows the parties'
intent as to the elements, scope and extent of the task groups. Contractor acknowledges
that performance of any and all tasks by the Contractor constitutes acknowledgment by
Contractor that such tasks are those defined in Appendix "A".
Additional task groups, not shown in Table 1 or Appendix "A", will be performed by the
Contractor only upon authorization of the City through the mechanism of a separate
Project Task Description and Fee Allotment and Purchase Order. In the event that City
directs Contractor to curtail or eliminate all, or portions of the task groups identified in
Table 1 or Appendix A, then the Contractor shall only invoice the City for work actually
performed. The maximum total cost of Contractor's services for this Project Task
Description and Fee Allotment is $83,504.
City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13
El Camino Real Widening Project
1. Materials Sorting $77,409
2. Field Supplies $300
3. Mileage $695
4. Moving Buckets $5,100
TOTAL (Not-to-Exceed) $83,504
Executed by Contractor this 3 rd day of _A"-"-"'u'='g-"'u'""'sc..::::t'----------' 2015.
Florida corporation
(name of Contractor
ida corporation
(print name/title)
If Contractor is a corporation, this document must be signed by one individual from each
Column A
Chairman, President or Vice-President
Column B
Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or
Assistant Treasurer
Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant
secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation.
CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California
By: Date: i'/J&{ 1')
Kathryn B. Dodson I Interim City Manager
CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney
2 City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13
July 29, 2015
David Carlin
Consultant Construction Manager
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Atkins North America, Inc.
3570 Carmel Mountain Road, Suite 300
San Diego, California 92130
Telephone: +1.858.874.1810
Fax: +1.858.259.0741
Appendix "A"
Re: Amendment Request 1 for Archaeological Resources Support for the El Camino Real Widening
Dear Mr. Carlin:
This letter provides an amendment request to Purchase Order (PO) P130185 dated June 3, 2015 for
services in support of the El Camino Real Widening Project {project) under Atkins' Master Agreement for
Environmental and Planning Study Services dated November 28, 2012. The project area is located in the
City of Carlsbad along a stretch of El Camino Real bounded by Tamarack Avenue to the south and Chestnut
Avenue to the north. The City began construction on the project and encountered inadvertent cultural
resources discoveries, including possible human remains, which require additional cultural resources
investigations. Atkins is currently under contract to conduct Phase II test investigations in the northern
discovery zone, and Phase Ill data recovery excavations in the southern discovery zone. Conditions in the
field have resulted in unanticipated scope additions (discussed below) which require additional funds to
complete the tasks. These conditions include: 1} high yield of potential human bone from the screening
process rendering San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians unable to sort screened materials, 2} large volumes
of sortable materials due to the consistency of the soil, 3) dealing with the public and 4) protection of the
site due to looting/vandalism/treasure hunting.
To develop the following PO amendment request, Atkins coordinated with City staff, Kleinfelder
(contractor) representatives, and members of the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians. To reduce the
budgetary impact of this amendment Atkins has taken steps to maximize efficiencies in the field. These
steps include bringing on more field employees at lower billing rates to increase daily output while
minimizing labor costs. We are also implementing a bonus system for the employee who produces the
most work averaged over each week. We feel that these measures will help to get the remaining work
done in the most efficient way possible.
Task 1 -Materials Sorting: Southern Discovery Zone
Sorting of materials is a typical part ofthe screening process. While the San Luis Rey Band was contracted
to provide a mechanical screen and two people to operate it, the amount of potential human bone being
recovered from the screen has prevented them from being able to sort the bone and other artifacts from
the screen. To get around this, the San Luis Rey Band have collected the remaining material from the
screen in buckets to be sorted by Atkins staff. However, Atkins' PO P130185 does not include sorting of
screened materials and this is out of scope work.
Mr. David Carlin
City of Carlsbad
July 29, 2015
Page 2 of 5
The mechanical screening effort is producing approximately 8 buckets of sortable materials per excavation
unit (84 total units). To date, Atkins has sorted approximately 50 buckets and there is a backlog of over
115 buckets of sortable material. Based on the remaining excavation units (SO), we estimate an additional
400 buckets will be required to finish the Phase Ill data recovery excavation in the southern discovery
zone. A budget augment is required to cover sorting of mechanically screened materials. This is an
essential step in an archaeological project because it is the primary way that artifacts are recovered from
the excavation units.
Task 2 -Site Protection: Southern Discovery Zones
Due to the publication of an article in the Union Tribune, the safety of recoveries from the southern
discovery zone may be in jeopardy from looting/vandalism/treasure hunting. To protect the excavated
material, the City and San luis Rey Band have decided to move the dry screening operation from the
project site to the City's Tamarack Avenue staging yard. Atkins staff will be responsible for the
transportation of buckets of excavated material to and from the Tamarack yard. This will occur at the end
of each day in the field. This is out of scope work and requires a budget amendment to cover the daily
loss in excavation production.
• The mechanical screen will be provided by the San luis Rey Band of Mission Indians and their staff
will operate it.
• Wet or dry screening for the joint utility trench area to the west of the roadway is not included in
this scope of work because the work effort is estimated to be approximately three months from
the date of this proposal and the means and methods for the excavation and data recovery have
not been finalized. Atkins will prepare a separate proposal for the joint utility trench data recovery
• A final fieldwork report will be required to summarize the results of previous investigations,
provide the results of the construction monitoring, and all excavations including Phase II testing
and Phase Ill data recovery efforts for the project. This report is not included within this scope of
work. Atkins will prepare a separate proposal for the fieldwork report once all monitoring, testing
and data recovery efforts are completed.
• lab work associated with cleaning, cataloguing and analysis of recovered artifacts is not included
in this scope of work because the rate of artifact recoveries is unknown at this time. Once all
excavations have been completed and Atkins can reasonably estimate further monitoring
recoveries, a separate proposal for cleaning, cataloguing, analyzing and curating will be provided
to the City.
Mr. David Carlin
City of Carlsbad
July 29, 2015
Page 3 of 5
The cost for the above-described scope of work is $83,504. A breakdown of costs by task is provided
below. A cost table with a breakdown of hours by task is attached.
Task 1 Materials Sorting: Southern Discovery Zone
Task 2 Site Protection: Southern Discovery Zone
We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this cost
proposal, please feel free to contact me at (858) 514-1010.
Diane Sandman,
Senior Project Manager
Cost Estimate
.. .. ~-lr!l:i~ •• • •.Jil[eJ~I II ~,:IeJ::-1 [1(. ll:::t ~r~ :(eliJi 11eJr.:.11
Pt Task Task/Sub SSIV Sill AS RA SPI SAl -: F~
$198 $130 $80 $65 $122 $110 -
1 Materials Sorting 8 130 180 685 1003 $77,409
Field supplies (15 days x $20/day) $300
Mileage (80 milday for MD & SP) $695
Subtotal 1003 $78,404
2 Moving buckets ( 1 hr/day for 15 15 60 75 $5,100 days x 5 people)
Subtotal 75 $5,100
I i
r----------~-~ ------· ·~-------· --·~···---------~---~~·
--:---"-~----~-~-~ --~----~----------~--
ECR Task 2 Archae Fee Estimate 07 29 2015.xlsm -7/29/2015
This second Pr9,j_e£! Jask Description and Fee Allotment, is entered into on ~ ::u..t • d-OlS , pursuant to an Agreement between Atkins
North America, a Florida corporation, ("Contractor") and the City of Carlsbad, ("City") dated
November 28, 2012, (the "Agreement"), the terms of which are incorporated herein by this
Contractor shall provide archaeological investigations and environmental monitoring
services in accordance with the "Project Engineer's Manual", 2001 edition, as published
by the City's Engineering Department, City "Standards for Design & Construction of Public
Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad," and the proposal dated April 22, 2015,
("proposal"), attached as Appendix "A" for the El Camino Real Widening Project, (the
"Project"). The Project services shall include construction monitoring, records searching,
testing and data recovery planning, testing and data recovery, and coordination services.
Contractor's receipt of this Project Task Description and Fee Allotment, signed by the City
Manager or Director and a Purchase Order from the City's Purchasing Department,
constitutes notification to proceed to the Contractor. Contractor shall begin work within 5
working days after receiving this fully executed document and a City Purchase Order.
Contractor shall complete the work within 120 working days thereafter. Working days are
defined in section 6-7.2 'Working Day" of the Standard Specifications for Public Works
Construction (Green Book). In no event shall Contractor work beyond the term or
authorized compensation of the Agreement, as amended by this Project Task Description
and Fee Allotment.
Contractor's compensation for the Project is shown in Table 1, "Fee Allotment", herein.
Fees shall be paid on the basis of time and materials for each task group shown in Table
1. Progress payments shall be based on percentage of work completed. Appendix "A",
attached, prepared by Contractor and reviewed by City, shows the parties' intent as to the
elements, scope and extent of the task groups. Contractor acknowledges that
performance of any and all tasks by the Contractor constitutes acknowledgment by
Contractor that such tasks are those defined in Appendix "A".
Additional task groups, not shown in Table 1 or Appendix "A", will be performed by the
Contractor only upon authorization of the City through the mechanism of a separate
Project Task Description and Fee Allotment and Purchase Order. In the event that City
directs Contractor to curtail or eliminate all, or portions of the task groups identified in
Table 1 or Appendix A, then the Contractor shall only invoice the City for work actually
performed. The maximum total cost of Contractor's services for this Project Task
Description and Fee Allotment is $99,836.
City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13
1. Construction Monitoring $35,282
2. SCIC Records Search $1,500
3. Testing & Data Recovery Plan $3,404
4.Phase 2 Test Excavations $8,361
5. Phase 3 Data Recovery Excavations $49,321
6. Coordination $1,968
TOTAL (Not-to-Exceed) $99,836
Executed by Contractor this 27th day of ___ A_...p~r_l_· 1 _________ , 2015.
Florida corporation
(print name/title)
If Contractor is a corporation, this document must be signed by one individual from each
Column A
Chairman, President or Vice-President
Column B
Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or
Assistant Treasurer
Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant
secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation.
CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California
By~D-o-d""s=o~n-/_A_s_sl-st_a_n_t -C-1ty_M_a_n_a_ger Date: ~~\.S
April 22, 2015
Brandon Miles
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Appendix "A"
Atkins North America, Inc.
3S70 Carmel Mountain Road, Suite 300
San Diego, California 92130
Telephone: +1.858.874.1810
Fax: +1.8S8.2S9.0741
Re: Scope of Work and Cost Estimate for Archaeological Resources Support for the El Camino Real
Widening Project
Dear Mr. Miles:
This letter provides a scope of work and cost estimate to the City of Carlsbad for services in support of
the El Camino Real Widening Project (project) under Atkins' Master Agreement for Environmental and
Planning Study Services dated November 28, 2012. The project area is located in the City of Carlsbad
along a stretch of El Camino Real bounded by Tamarack Avenue to the south and Chestnut Avenue to
the north. The City began construction on the project and encountered inadvertent cultural resources
discoveries, including possible human remains, which require additional cultural resources
investigations. The Oty is also requesting that Atkins provide cultural resources construction monitoring
services for the project.
To date, Atkins is aware that several large bags of historic artifacts have been recovered from the
construction monitoring effort, and approximately 30 bone fragments and additional historic era
artifacts have been recovered from two areas on the west side of El Camino Real, four of which have
been determined to be potentially human. The San luis Rey Band of Mission Indians, as the Most Likely
Descendant {MLD), is requesting further cultural resources investigations to complete data recovery in
the southern zone where the potential human remains were found, and further characterization of the
northern zone of the archaeological deposits.
To develop the following scope of work, Atkins coordinated with ASM Affiliates and Petra Resource
Management, who have both conducted work on the project, as well as attended meetings with City
staff, Kleinfelder representatives, and members of the San luis Rey Band of Mission Indians.
Task 1-Construction Monitoring
Atkins will provide a full-time {40 hours per week) cultural resources monitor for all project construction
activities in native soils for approximately 11 weeks (450 hours of field time). The monitor will complete
daily monitoring forms, photographic logs and artifact recordation forms. The monitor will review the
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and previous cultural resources Investigations prepared
for the project and will be able to pro-'lde informed recommendations on monitoring finds.
Mr. Brandon Miles
City of Carlsbad
April 22, 2015
Page2 of4
Task 2-Records Search
Records search data is essential to understand the nature of the archaeological deposits on site;
however, this Information is not available due to the age of the original cultural resources report. Atkins
will request a new records search at the South Coastal Information Center at San Diego State University
to determine the number and type of historical resources that have been previously recorded within a
one mile radius of the project site boundary.
Task 3 -Testing and Data Recovery Plan
Atkins will prepare a detailed testing and data recovery plan. The testing plan will pertain to the
northern zone and will describe the methods to be used to determine the extent of the archaeological
deposit, characterize the deposit and prepare an evaluation of the resource. The data recovery plan will
pertain to the southerly zone deposit where possible human remains were found. The San Luis Rey Band
of Mission Indians has requested 100% data recovery for this area. The data recovery plan will detail
how this will be accomplished efficiently and to maximize artifact recoveries.
Task 4-Northern Zone Phase Z Test
Atkins understands from conversations with ASM Affiliates and Petra Resource Management that the
northern zone roped off area has not been defined or adequately assessed for resource significance.
Atkins proposes to define the area through the excavation of shovel test pits (STPs). Once the STPs have
delineated the site, additional test excavation units or other activity may be necessary to adequately
characterize the deposit and make an evaluation of the resource. Based on volume calculations provided
by Kleinfelder, Atkins has determined that the test plan will take approximately five working days to
complete. To date, no human remains have been recovered from this area.
Atkins is proposing the following to define the deposit:
Task 4.1 -Shovel Test Pits. Atkins will hand excavate STPs of approximately 30cm x 30cm x SOcm in
size. The STPs will be placed every 10 meters within the construction zone, staggered in two rows
for a maximum of 40 STPs. The purpose of the STPs is to delineate the spatial extent of the site
within the construction zone. In the event that the archaeological deposit proves to be spatially
constrained, Atkins will cease excavation after two sequential sterile STPs are observed in each line.
Task 4.2 -Screening. All sediments excavated by STPs will be screened through 1/8 inch screen
either through a mechanical sifter or manually, or a combination of both to maintain efficiency. It is
assumed that the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians will provide a mechanical screen for use on
the project and that the mechanical screening will be conducted by Tribe. Atkins staff will
supplement the effort with 3-4 manual screens. The screening will be conducted within the site
Task 4.3 -Recommendations. Based on the results of the STPs, Atkins will provide a
recommendation via email for any additional work that may be necessary to adequately
characterize the deposit and make an evaluation of the resource in the northern zone. The
additional work may include additional test excavation units or data recovery efforts. If
recommendations require additional work a separate task order proposal request will be submitted
to the City.
Mr. Brandon Miles
City of Carlsbad
April 22, 2015
Page3 of4
Task 5-Southern Zone Phase 3 Data Recovery
The southern zone is the area where the possible human remains have been recovered. This area has
been determined to be a significant resource under CEQA and requires Phase 3 data recovery
excavations. The Most Likely Descendent (San luis Rey Band) has requested 100% data recovery of the
areas of disturbance, which have been roped off. Based on volume calculations provided by Kleinfelder,
Atkins has determined that the work will take approximately three weeks to complete.
Task 5.1 -Excavation Units. Atkins will conduct the 100% recovery effort in the southern zone
through the excavation of 80 excavation units (EUs) approximately 1m x 1m x 30cm in size. The EUs
will be excavated in 10cm levels.
Task 5.2 -Screening. All excavated material from this area will be matrix screened through 1/8 inch
mesh via a combination of mechanical and manual screens to maximize efficiency. All mechanical
screening will be conducted by the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians; and all sediment will be
screened on site. Atkins staff will supplement the effort with 3-4 manual screens.
Task 5.3 -Letter Report. A brief letter report will be submitted to the City within 21 days of
completion of southern zone Phase 3 data recovery area to summarize the results of the data
recovery effort. The letter report will be incorporated Into the final project monitoring and discovery
report documenting all archaeological activities during construction to be prepared once the project
Is complete (not a part of this scope of work).
Task 6-Coordination
A total of 12 hours of coordination time for project meetings, permitting, and/or consultation with City
staff or regulatory agencies is included in this scope of work and cost estimate.
• The cultural resources monitoring effort will not exceed a standard 40-hour work week and is
limited to 450 hours in total.
• The mechanical screen will be provided by the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians and their
staff will operate it.
• Additional testing and/or data recovery may be required for the northern zone. The need for
additional work will be determined once STPs have delineated the extent of the site. If deemed
necessary, Atkins will prepare a separate task order proposal request for the additional work.
• Wet screening for the joint utility trench area to the west of the roadway is not included in this
scope of work because the work effort is estimated to be approximately three months from the
date of this proposal. Atkins will prepare a separate task order proposal request for the wet
screening effort.
• A final fieldwork report will be required to summarize the results of previous investigations,
provide the results of the construction monitoring, and all excavations including Phase 2 testing
Mr. Brandon Miles
City of Carlsbad
April 22, 2015
and Phase 3 data recovery efforts for the project. This report is not included within this scope of
work. Atkins will prepare a separate task order proposal request for the fieldwork report once
all monitoring, testing and data recovery efforts are completed.
• Lab work associated with cleaning, cataloguing and analysis of recovered artifacts is not
included in this scope of work because the rate of artifact recoveries is unknown at this time.
Once all excavations have been complete and Atkins can reasonably estimate further monitoring
recoveries, a scope of work and cost for cleaning, cataloguing, analyzing and curating will be
provided to the City.
The cost for the above-described scope of work is $99,836. A breakdown of costs by task is provided
below. A cost table with a breakdown of hours by task is attached.
Task Cost
Task 1 Construction Monitoring $35,282
Task 2 SCIC Records Search $1,500
Task3 Testing and Data Recovery Plan $3,404
Task4 Phase 2 Test Excavations $8,361
TaskS Phase 3 Data Recovery Excavations $49,321
Task6 Coordination $1,968
TOTAL $99,836
We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this cost
proposal, please feel free to contact me at (858) 514-1010.
Diane Sandman,
Senior Project Manager
Cost Estimate
ATKINS Pllge1 of1
Pt THII IT•allub
:: $~~ : : 8PI BAI . . . . . . HOURS PI!E
$122 $110 . . . . .
1 ,.
I 12 8 450 I 470 ~.666
Field SUPIII_ies ($15/day) $900
Mileage (45 mllday for TO) $1,716
Subtotal 470 $35,282
2 SCIC Records Search $1,500
SUblo1lll $1,500
: 3 Testing and Data Recovery Plan 2 16 4 I 4 26 $3,404
SUbtotal 26 $3,404
4 =~: -:.ae;: (NOf1h Zone) ·· 5
STPs(40) 2 20 36 32 90 $7,956
Field SUpplies (S351day) $175
Mileage (80 milday for MD & SP) $230
Subtotal 90 $6,361
5 ~=·330= ~~(South
EUs(80) 10 120 192 180 502 $44,640
Phase 3 Report 2 12 16 2 32 $3,456
Field Supplies ($35/day) I $525
Mileage (80 milday for MD & SP) $700
Subtotal 534 $49,321
6 ,. 6 6 I I 12 $1,968 I
Subtotal 12 $1,968
: I i
1=::~~:=~ I 34 I 182 I 244 I 882 I 4 I 8 I I I I I I I 1.132 I Sll.na I
I ·34 I 182 I 244 I 882 I 4 I 8 I I I I I I I 1,132 I Pt,l31 I
ECRArchH F• Eslfmllle042215.lllam • 412212015
This first Project Task Description and Fee Allotment, is entered into on
DeceW\be,r ll ,;to 13 , pursuant to an Agreement between
ATKINS NORTH AMERICA': INC, a Florida corporation ("Contractor") and the City of Carlsbad,
("City") dated November 28, 2012 (the "Agreement"), the terms of which are incorporated herein
by this reference.
Contractor shall provide biological resource mapping and survey services in accordance
with the "Project Engineer's Manual", 2001 edition, as published by the City's
Engineering Department, City "Standards for Design & Construction of Public Works
Improvements in the City of Carlsbad," and the proposal dated November 19, 2013,
("proposal"), attached as Appendix "A" for the Arroyo Vista Trail Extension Project No.
4040, (the "Project"). The Project services shall include preliminary investigations
regarding biological resources within the project boundary, general survey and
vegetation mapping, preparation of Biological Resources Letter report with
recommendations, and land surveying services.
Contractor's receipt of this Project Task Description and Fee Allotment, signed by the
City Manager or Director and a Purchase Order from the City's Purchasing Department,
constitutes notification to proceed to the Contractor. Contractor shall begin work within
five (5) working days after receiving this fully executed document and a City Purchase
Order. Contractor shall complete the work within 25 working days thereafter. Working
days are defined in section 6-7.2 "Working Day" of the Standard Specifications for Public
Works Construction (Green Book). In no event shall Contractor work beyond the term or
authorized compensation of the Agreement, as amended by this Project Task
Description and Fee Allotment.
Contractor's compensation for the Project is shown in Table 1, "Fee Allotment", herein.
Fees shall be paid on the basis of time and materials for each task group shown in Table
1. Progress payments shall be based on a time and materials basis, and a not to exceed
amount of $23,134.00. Appendix "A", attached, prepared by Contractor and reviewed by
City, shows the parties' intent as to the elements, scope and extent of the task groups.
Contractor acknowledges that performance of any and all tasks by the Contractor
constitutes acknowledgment by Contractor that such tasks are those defined in
Appendix "A".
Additional task groups, not shown in Table 1 or Appendix "A", will be performed by the
Contractor only upon authorization of the City through the mechanism of a separate
Project Task Description and Fee Allotment and Purchase Order. In the event that City
directs Contractor to curtail or eliminate all, or portions of the task groups identified in
Table 1 or Appendix A, then the Contractor shall only invoice the City for work actually
performed. The maximum total cost of Contractor's services for this Project Task
Description and Fee Allotment No. 1 is $23,134.00.
City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13
City Attorney A pproved Version 1/30/13
• <~ ; : (: ~ .:' ·· · TASK'GROUR'·.;·,·•·.:.". ·. .. tvue~,•v:• Fge · ..•... >·.: ..... ·. ,: ·.· ...... ::·:/" .
Task 1 -Preliminary Investigations $5,220.00
Task 2-General Survey and Vegetation Mapping $3,244.00
Task 3-Biological Resources Letter Report with Recommendations $8,066.00
Task 4-Base Map Development $6,604.00
TOTAL (Not-to-Exceed) $23,134.00
Executed by Contractor this 2nd day of December ' 20....:.1 :;:_3 -
(name of Contractor)
David J. Carter, Senior Vice President
(print name/title)
If Contractor is a corporation, this document must be signed by one individual from each
Chairman, President or Vice-President
Column B
Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or
Assistant Treasurer
Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant
secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation.
, a municipal corporation of the State of California
By: Date: _....!...,/_2__..:· (:.....=o~· ...!....( ...:...; ___ _
CELIA A. BREW . y Attorney
City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13
PERSONALLY APPEARED before me, the undersigned authority,
David J. Carter and Rene de los Rios , well known to me or who has produced
-------------------------as identification and known
by me to be the Senior Vice President and Assistant Secretary of the
corporation named above, and acknowledged before me that they executed the foregoing instrument
on behalf of said corporation as its true act and deed, and that they were duly authorized to do so.
WITNESS my hand and official seal this 2nd day of December, 2013.
''""''' ~;r..v tv~ DEBORAH LYNN SHIMEl i~l~J·::~ MY COMMISSION IFF 036524 ~1:c. ·:_! EXPIRES: November 13, 2017
• .....,.(.,~ •• Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters
d.J! )£:2 NOTARYPU~
My Commission Expires: Nov. 13, 2017
ATKINS Atkins North America, Inc.
3570 Carmel Mountain Road, Suite 300
San Diego, California 92130
Telephone: +1.8S8.874.1810
Fax: + 1.858.259.07 41
Scope of Work, Schedule and Cost Estimate for the
City of Carlsbad
Scope of Work
Arroyo Vista Trail Extension Project
November 19, 2013
As requested by the City of Carlsbad (City), this scope of work, schedule, and cost estimate includes an
evaluation of baseline conditions and general biological surveys, vegetation mapping, and preparation of
a biological resources letter report for the proposed Arroyo Vista Trail Extension Project (project). The
intent of the work effort is to perform background and onsite investigations in accordance with the City
of Carlsbad Planning Department Guidelines for Biological Studies (2008) to determine the nature and
extent of further studies and permits required for project implementation. In addition, Atkins will
provide surveying services to determine the private and/or public property boundaries adjacent to the
proposed project. The project is located along Encinitas Creek between Rancho Santa Fe Road and Calle
Acervo in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California.
Atkins staff will undertake the following tasks:
Task 1) Preliminary Investigations
Atkins will conduct preliminary investigations regarding biological resources within the project and
immediately adjacent (within 100-feet) areas. These investigations will include the following:
a. Data found during a record search of the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB);
b. A list of federal and threatened species obtained from the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
for the project area; and
c. A California Native Plant Society inventory for the project location.
Additionally, any available maps, databases, and literature specific to San Diego County including, but
not limited to, relevant Carlsbad HMP information, Multiple Species Conservation Program
documentation, and San Diego Geographic Information Source (GIS) ecology information, will be
queried for biological resource data about the site. Finally, all project information, such as trail design,
and any additional information from the City pertaining to the site, will be reviewed.
These preliminary investigations will provide background information that will be included in the
Biological Resources Letter Report.
Task 2) General Survey and Vegetation Mapping
Atkins biology staff will conduct a reconnaissance level biological and botanical resources survey within
and immediately adjacent to the project area. We will document species observed (flora and fauna) and
conduct onsite vegetation community mapping using the modified Holland system of classification.
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November 19, 2013
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Habitat information will be compiled into a GIS database to create a vegetation map for incorporation
into the Biological Resources Letter Report. Onsite conditions will be used to provide an assessment of
potentially occurring sensitive plant and animal species, and recommend further actions for project
implementation under the Carlsbad HMP.
Note: Task 2 does not include protocol level surveys for special status species (flora and fauna), formal
consultation with the USFWS, permit applications or coordination with the CDFW, jurisdictional wetland
delineation/jurisdictional delineation report, associated permitting and/or coordination with the USACE
and/or RWQCB (e.g., Sections 401 or 404 of the Clean Water Act), or onsite construction monitoring.
Additionally, the Biological Resources Letter Report will not include the identification of mitigation
measures to reduce potential impacts. Should any of these services be requested, a separate scope of
work and cost will be provided.
Task 3) Biological Resources letter Report with Recommendations
Atkins will provide a draft Biological Resources Letter Report to the City within four weeks of notice to
proceed. The draft report will include items outlined in Tasks 1 and 2 above, as well as
recommendations for further studies, required regulatory permits, and compliance with the Carlsbad
HMP permit process. Upon receiving draft report comments from the City, Atkins will prepare one set of
minor revisions not to exceed twelve hours of professional staff time to complete without client consent
for additional costs. The final version of the report will be prepared and submitted in electronic (PDF)
format and hard copy (up to five color documents) to the City.
Task 4) Surveying Services-Base Map Development
Atkins will prepare a base map of the proposed trail extension alignment and surrounding area. The
base map will identify existing topography, existing utilities and aerial images based on the City GIS
data. This task includes a property boundary survey of the existing open space parcels within the HMP
and existing private parcels on the south side of the proposed trail extension alignment. It is assumed
that a title report will be provided by the City.
Note: It is assumed that design level topography will be needed once an alignment has been finalized.
Should this service be requested, a separate scope of work and cost estimate will be provided.
Task 1 (Preliminary Investigations) and Task 2 (General Survey and Vegetation Mapping): preliminary
investigations and a reconnaissance level biological and botanical resources survey will be completed
within two weeks of receipt of the notice to proceed from the City.
Task 3 (Biological Resources Letter Report): a draft Biological Resources Letter Report will be submitted
to the City within four weeks of receipt of the notice to proceed from the City.
Task 4 (Surveying Services -Base Map Development): Base map development will be submitted to the
City within three weeks of receipt of the notice to proceed from the City.
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Cost Estimate
A cost breakdown for Tasks 1 - 4 is as follows:
Task 1-Preliminary Investigations:
Task 2-General Survey and Vegetation Mapping:
Task 3-Biological Resources Letter Report with Recommendations:
Task 4-Surveying Services-Base Map Development:
Atkins will provide the above scope of work (Tasks 1 -4) on a time and material basis, not to exceed
$23,134.00. The total for this phase of work will not be exceeded without prior written authorization by
the City. Atkins will invoice the City once each month for services rendered the previous month.
T IS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the o?~ day of
~JW~K-/ , 20 /otr by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal
corpo tion, hereinafter referred to as "City", and ATKINS NORTH AMERICA, INC., a Florida
corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor."
A. City requires the professional services of an engineering consultant that is
experienced in environmental and planning studies.
B. The professional services are required on a non-exclusive, project-by-project
C. Contractor has the necessary experience in providing professional services and
advice related to environmental and planning studies.
D. Contractor has submitted a proposal to City and has affirmed its willingness and
ability to perform such work.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants
contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows:
City retains Contractor to perform, and Contractor agrees to render, those services (the
"Services") that are defined in attached Exhibit "A", which is incorporated by this reference in
accordance with this Agreement's terms and conditions.
Contractor's obligations with respect to any project granted to Contractor under this Agreement
will be as specified in the Task Description for the project (see paragraph 5 below).
While performing the Services, Contractor will exercise the reasonable professional care and
skill customarily exercised by reputable members of Contractor's profession practicing in the
Metropolitan Southern California Area, and will use reasonable diligence and best judgment
while exercising its professional skill and expertise.
The term of this Agreement will be effective for a period of three years starting from the date first
written above.
The work for any project granted to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement will begin within ten
(1 0) days after receipt of notification to proceed by City and be completed within the time
specified in the Task Description for the project (see paragraph 5 below). Extensions of time for
a specific Task Description may be granted if requested by Contractor and agreed to in writing
by the City Manager or the Division Director as authorized by the City Manager ("Director'').
The City Manager or Director will give allowance for documented and substantiated
unforeseeable and unavoidable delays not caused by a lack of foresight on the part of
Contractor, or delays caused by City inaction or other agencies' lack of timely action. In no
event shall a specific Task Description exceed the term of this Agreement.
City Attorney Approved Version 2/17/12
The cumulative total for all projects allowed pursuant to this Agreement will not exceed two
hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) for the term of the agreement; the total amount allowed
per Project Task Description and Fee Allotment will not exceed one hundred thousand dollars
($1 00,000). Fees will be paid on a project-by-project basis and will be based on Contractor's
Schedule of Rates specified in Exhibit "A". Prior to initiation of any project work by Contractor,
City shall prepare a Project Task Description and Fee Allotment (the "Task Description") which,
upon signature by Contractor and for City, the City Manager or Director, will be considered a
part of this Agreement. The Task Description will include a detailed scope of services for the
particular project being considered and a statement of Contractor's fee to complete the project
in accordance with the specified scope of services. The Task Description will also include a
description of the method of payment and will be based upon an hourly rate, percentage of
project complete, completion of specific project tasks or a combination thereof.
Contractor will perform the Services in Contractor's own way as an independent contractor and
in pursuit of Contractor's independent calling, and not as an employee of City. Contractor will be
under control of City only as to the result to be accomplished, but will consult with City as
necessary. The persons used by Contractor to provide services under this Agreement will not
be considered employees of City for any purposes.
The payment made to Contractor pursuant to the Agreement will be the full and complete
compensation to which Contractor is entitled. City will not make any federal or state tax
withholdings on behalf of Contractor or its agents, employees or subcontractors. City will not be
required to pay any workers' compensation insurance or unemployment contributions on behalf
of Contractor or its employees or subcontractors. Contractor agrees to indemnify City within
thirty (30) days for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment,
unemployment payment or workers' compensation payment which City may be required to
make on behalf of Contractor or any agent, employee, or subcontractor of Contractor for work
done under this Agreement. At the City's election, City may deduct the indemnification amount
from any balance owing to Contractor.
Contractor will not subcontract any portion of the Services without prior written approval of City.
If Contractor subcontracts any of the Services, Contractor will be fully responsible to City for the
acts and omissions of Contractor's subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly
employed by the subcontractor, as Contractor is for the acts and omissions of persons directly
employed by Contractor. Nothing contained in this Agreement will create any contractual
relationship between any subcontractor of Contractor and City. Contractor will be responsible for
payment of subcontractors. Contractor will bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of
a subcontractor by the terms of this Agreement applicable to Contractor's work unless
specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract and approved in writing by City.
The City reserves the right to employ other Contractors in connection with the Services.
Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, officials, employees
and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys
fees arising out of the performance of the work described herein caused in whole or in part by
any willful misconduct or negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone
2 City Attorney Approved Version 2/17/12
directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be
The parties expressly agree that any payment, attorney's fee, costs or expense City incurs or
makes to or on behalf of an injured employee under the City's self-administered workers'
compensation is included as a loss, expense or cost for the purposes of this section, and that
this section will survive the expiration or early termination of this Agreement.
Contractor will obtain and maintain for the duration of the Agreement and any and all
amendments, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may
arise out of or in connection with performance of the services by Contractor or Contractor's
agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The insurance will be obtained from an
insurance carrier admitted and authorized to do business in the State of California. The
insurance carrier is required to have a current Best's Key Rating of not less than "A-:VII" OR
with a surplus line insurer on the State of California's List of Eligible Surplus Line Insurers
(LESLI) with a rating in the latest Best's Key Rating Guide of at least "A: X".
10.1 Coverages and Limits. Contractor will maintain the types of coverages and minimum
limits indicated below, unless Risk Manager or City Manager approves a lower amount. These
minimum amounts of coverage will not constitute any limitations or cap on Contractor's
indemnification obligations under this Agreement. City, its officers, agents and employees make
no representation that the limits of the insurance specified to be carried by Contractor pursuant
to this Agreement are adequate to protect Contractor. If Contractor believes that any required
insurance coverage is inadequate, Contractor will obtain such additional insurance coverage, as
Contractor deems adequate, at Contractor's sole expense.
1 0.1.1 Commercial General Liability Insurance. $1,000,000 combined single-limit
per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If the submitted policies
contain aggregate limits, general aggregate limits will apply separately to the work under this
Agreement or the general aggregate will be twice the required per occurrence limit.
1 0.1.2 Automobile Liability (if the use of an automobile is involved for
Contractor's work for City). $1,000,000 combined single-limit per accident for bodily injury and
property damage.
1 0.1.3 Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation
limits as required by the California Labor Code. Workers' Compensation will not be required if
Contractor has no employees and provides, to City's satisfaction, a declaration stating this.
1 0.1.4 Professional Liability. Errors and omissions liability appropriate to
Contractor's professio with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per claim. Coverage must be
maintained for a period f five years following the date of completion of the work.
D If box is checked, Professional Liability
City's Initials Insurance requirement is waived.
1 0.2. Additional Provisions. Contractor will ensure that the policies of insurance required under
this Agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions:
3 City Attorney Approved Version 2/17/12
1 0.2.1 The City will be named as an additional insured on Commercial General
Liability which shall provide primary coverage to the City.
1 0.2.2 Contractor will obtain occurrence coverage, excluding Professional
Liability, which will be written as claims-made coverage.
1 0.2.3 This insurance will be in force during the life of the Agreement and any
extensions of it and will not be canceled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to City sent
by certified mail pursuant to the Notice provisions of this Agreement.
10.3 Providing Certificates of Insurance and Endorsements. Prior to City's execution of this
Agreement, Contractor will furnish certificates of insurance and endorsements to City.
10.4 Failure to Maintain Coverage. If Contractor fails to maintain any of these insurance
coverages, then City will have the option to declare Contractor in breach, or may purchase
replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on existing policies in order to
maintain the required coverages. Contractor is responsible for any payments made by City to
obtain or maintain insurance and City may collect these payments from Contractor or deduct the
amount paid from any sums due Contractor under this Agreement.
10.5 Submission of Insurance Policies. City reserves the right to require, at any time,
complete and certified copies of any or all required insurance policies and endorsements.
Contractor will obtain and maintain a City of Carlsbad Business License for the term of the
Agreement, as may be amended from time-to-time.
Contractor will maintain complete and accurate records with respect to costs incurred under this
Agreement. All records will be clearly identifiable. Contractor will allow a representative of City
during normal business hours to examine, audit, a~d make transcripts or copies of records and
any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor will allow inspection of all
work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of
three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement.
All work product produced by Contractor or its agents, employees, and subcontractors pursuant
to this Agreement is the property of City. In the event this Agreement is terminated, all work
product produced by Contractor or its agents, employees and subcontractors pursuant to this
Agreement will be delivered at once to City. Contractor will have the right to make one (1) copy
of the work product for Contractor's records.
Contractor agrees that all copyrights that arise from the services will be vested in City and
Contractor relinquishes all claims to the copyrights in favor of City.
4 City Attorney Approved Version 2/17/12
The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notice or to receive written notice
on behalf of City and on behalf of Contractor under this Agreement are:
For City:
Skip Hammann
Transportation Director
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad CA, 92008
(760) 602-2751
For Contractor:
Kim Howlett
Assoc. Vice President
3570 Carmel Mountain Road,
Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92130
(858) 514-1018
Kim. howlett@atkinsglobal.com
Each party will notify the other immediately of any changes of address that would require any
notice or delivery to be directed to another address.
Contractor shall file a Conflict of Interest Statement with the City Clerk in accordance with the
requirements of the City of Carlsbad Conflict of Interest Code. The Contractor shall report
investments or interests in all four categories.
Contractor will keep fully informed of federal, state and local laws and ordinances and
regulations which in any manner affect those employed by Contractor, or in any way affect the
performance of the Services by Contractor. Contractor will at all times observe and comply with
these laws, ordinances, and regulations and will be responsible for the compliance of
Contractor's services with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations.
Contractor will be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
and will comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for
employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants whose services are
required by this Agreement.
Contractor will comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations prohibiting
discrimination and harassment.
If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of the Services the following procedure will
be used to resolve any questions of fact or interpretation not otherwise settled by agreement
between the parties. Representatives of Contractor or City will reduce such questions, and their
respective views, to writing. A copy of such documented dispute will be forwarded to both
parties involved along with recommended methods of resolution, which would be of benefit to
both parties. The representative receiving the letter will reply to the letter along with a
recommended method of resolution within ten (10) business days. If the resolution thus
obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the disputes will be forwarded
to the City Manager. The City Manager will consider the facts and solutions recommended by
each party and may then opt to direct a solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the
City Manager will be binding upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedure will
prohibit the parties from seeking remedies available to them at law.
5 City Attorney Approved Version 2/17/12
In the event of the Contractor's failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the Services, City may
terminate this Agreement for nonperformance by notifying Contractor by certified mail of the
termination. If City decides to abandon or indefinitely postpone the work or services
contemplated by this Agreement, City may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to
Contractor. Upon notification of termination, Contractor has five (5) business days to deliver any
documents owned by City and all work in progress to City at the address contained in this
Agreement. City will make a determination of fact based upon the work product delivered to City
and of the percentage of work that Contractor has performed which is usable and of worth to
City in having the Agreement completed. Based upon that finding City will determine the final
payment of the Agreement.
Either party upon tendering thirty (30) days written notice to the other party may terminate this
Agreement. In this event and upon request of City, Contractor will assemble the work product
and put it in order for proper filing and closing and deliver it to City. Contractor will be paid for
work performed to the termination date; however, the total will not exceed the lump sum fee
payable under this Agreement. City will make the final determination as to the portions of tasks
completed and the compensation to be made.
Contractor warrants that Contractor has not employed or retained any company or person, other
than a bona fide employee working for Contractor, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that
Contractor has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide
employee, any fee, ·commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration
contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or
violation of this warranty, City will have the right to annul this Agreement without liability, or, in
its discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full
amount of the fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee.
By signing this Agreement, Contractor agrees that any Agreement claim submitted to City must
be asserted as part of the Agreement process as set forth in this Agreement and not in
anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. Contractor acknowledges that if a false
claim is submitted to City, it may be considered fraud and Contractor may be subject to criminal
prosecution. Contractor acknowledges that California Government Code sections 12650 et seq.,
the False Claims Act applies to this Agreement and, provides for civil penalties where a person
knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made
with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of
information. If City seeks to recover penalties pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to
recover its litigation costs, including attorney's fees. Contractor acknowledges that the filing of a
false claim may subject Contractor to an administrative debarment proceeding as the result of
which Contractor may be prevented to act as a Contractor on any public work or improvement
for a period of up to five (5) years. Contractor acknowledges debarment by another jurisdiction
is grounds for City to terminate this Agreement.
Any action at law or in equity brought by either of the parties for the purpose of enforcing a right
or rights provided for by this Agreement will be tried in a court of competent jurisdiction in the
County of San Diego, State of California, and the parties waive all provisions of law providing for
a change of venue in these proceedings to any other county.
6 City Attorney Approved Version 2/17/12
It is mutually understood and agreed that this Agreement will be binding upon City and
Contractor and their respective successors. Neither this Agreement or any part of it nor any
monies due or to become due under it may be assigned by Contractor without the prior consent
of City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
This Agreement, together with any other written document referred to or contemplated by it,
along with the purchase order for this Agreement and its provisions, embody the entire
Agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter of it. In case of
conflict, the terms of the Agreement supersede the purchase order. Neither this Agreement nor
any of its provisions may be amended, modified, waived or discharged except in a writing
signed by both parties.
7 City Attorney Approved Version 2/17/12
The individuals executing this Agreement and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of
Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority
to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Executed by Contractor this 27th day of Sept ember '20...1.2_.
Florida corporation
(sign her ··./'l.OR\0~.··
Rene de los Rios' ....... _,
Assistant Secretar~•••~~~~"'
(print name/title)
Group A
President, or
CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal
corporation of the State of California
City Clerk
Group B
Assistant Secretary,
CFO or Assistant Treasurer
Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant
secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation.
CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California
BY: ~~~~~~~~==~---
8 City Attorney Approved Version 2117112
PERSONALLY APPEARED before me, the undersigned authority,
David J. Carter and Rene de los Rios , well known to me or who has produced
-------------------------as identification and known
by me to be the Senior Vice President and Assistant Secretary of the
corporation named above, and acknowledged before me that they executed the foregoing instrument
on behalf of said corporation as its true act and deed, and that they were duly authorized to do so.
WITNESS my hand and official seal this 27th day of September, 2012.
··':f·.v''"•·· DEBORAH LYNN SHIMEL f.~<:IJ· ·~:; MY COMMISSION# DD 924543 ;,..:. .~f EXPIRES: November 13, 2013 ~~i:· .. ·· / Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters ,Rf.,~
My Commission Expires: Nov. 13, 2013
• •
• • •
' ' ' • • • • • •
5. Rate Schedule EXHIBIT A
Supervising Scientist. ................................... $198.00
Senior Scientist 111 .......................................... 180.00
Senior Scientist II ........................................... 170.00
Senior Scientist I ............................................ 140.00
Scientist 111 ......••........••••...•••.••.•••.••.................. 130.00
Scientist 11 ....................................................... 110.00
Scientist ! .......................................................... 92.00
Assistant Scientist.. .......................................... 80.00
Research Assistant .......................................... 65.00
Project Manager ........................................... $170.00
Community Relations Specialist .................... 140.00
Assistant Project Manager ............................. 125.00
Account Coordinator ........................................ 80.00
Principal Professional. .................................. $196.00
Supervising Professional. ............................... 170.00
Sr. Professional Ill I Sr. GIS Analyst 111 .......... 150.00
Senior Professional II I Sr. GIS Analyst 11 ..••.. 135.00
Senior Professional! I Sr. GIS Analyst I ........ 122.00
Professional II/ GIS Analyst II ....................... 101.00
Professional 1/ GIS Analyst I ........................... 88.00
Atkins North America, Inc.
3570 Carmel Mountain Road, Suite 300
San Diego, California 92130
Telephone: +1.858.87 4.1810
Fax: +1.858.259.0741
Senior Designer Ill ....................................... $140.00
Senior Designer II .......................................... 135.00
Senior Designer! ........................................... 120.00
Designer 11 ...................................................... 110.00
Designer ! ....................................................... 100.00
CAD Technician 111 ........................................... 95.00
CAD Technician 11 ............................................ 85.00
CAD Technician! ............................................. 70.00
Graphics Designer II ...................................... 100.00
Graphics Designer I ......................................... 95.00
Senior Administrator .................................... $11 0.00
Senior Administrative Assistant Ill ................... 95.00
Senior Administrative Assistant 11 .................... 85.00
Senior Administrative Assistant! ..................... 80.00
Administrative Assistant 111 ............................... 75.00
Administrative Assistant!!. ............................... 65.00
Administrative Assistant 1/ Clerk ..................... 60.00
Identifiable non-salary costs that are directly attributable to the project, such as reproduction costs, telephone charges, mileage,
postage, etc., are billed at actual cost plus 10 percent to cover overhead and administration costs. Mileage will be billed at the
current IRS rate at the time of vehicle use .
Fees for subconsultant services provided are billed at actual cost plus 10 percent to cover overhead and administration costs .
Fees for litigation and expert witness services will be charged at $450.00 per hour with a 4-hour minimum per day .
Computer Aided Drafting, hydrologic water, sewer and stormwater modeling, GIS, automated mapping, database and web
programming, etc., is charged at $5 per labor hour.
If applicable, a vehicle allowance of $8.00 per hour will be charged for the use of a company vehicle assigned to an inspector.
• Non-Prevailing Wage
** Prevailing Wage Rate -Overtime will be charged at 1.25 times and Sundays and holidays will be charged at 1. 70 times the
above rates.
A late payment finance charge at a rate of 18 percent per annum will be applied to any unpaid balance commencing 30 days
after the date of original invoice.
This rate schedule will remain in effect for three years beginning on the date of the fully executed contract.
0414 028650 0512 Atkins 1 SOQ for City of Carlsbad
Generally, a modification to the coverage requirement will be accepting a lower limit of coverage or waiving the
Requested by: Bill Plummer/Utilities, Marshall PlantzJTransportation
(Name and Department)
October 12, 2012
Proposed modification(s) to the Prof. Liability requirement( s) for Master Agreements for 20 12-20 15 for
Atkins North Environmental/Planning Services
America CA932-City; CA934-CMWD
--==----::-:-------:-(Type of insurance) (Name of contract)
D Reduce coverage to the amount of:
D Waive coverage
[ZJ Other: Waive requirement of surplus lines carrier on the LASLI (formerly LESLI) -----·---
0Significance of Contractor: Contractor has previous experience with the City that is important to the
efficiency of completing the scope of work and the quality of the work-product. [explain} ----·---·-·---·--·----···
0Significance of Contractor: Contractor has unique skills and there are few if any alternatives. [explain:
include number of candidates RFP sent to and number responded ifapplicable] __________ _
Ocontract Amount/Term of Contract: $ __ . Work will be completed over a period of __
0Professional Liability coverage is not available to this contractor or would increase the cost of the contract by
$ [explain}. -----------------------------
12\lOther (e.g. explain whv exposures are minimal, how expgsures are covered in another policy. exposure
control mechanisms. and anv other information pertinent to your request): Under the Nonadmitted and
Reinsurance Reform Act (NRRA), as part of the Dodd-Frank Act and implemented in Insurance Code Section
1765.1, "alien" nonadmitted insurers listed on the NAIC's (National Association of Insurance Commissioners)
Quarterly List of Alien Insurers are eligible to accept placements of California risks from surplus lines brokers.
The federal action provides for the national listing, thereby allowing alien carriers to avoid individual tiling
requirements in each state such as those to be included on the LASLI (formerly LESLI). As of January 30, 2012
Lloyds of London/Beazley syndicate voluntarily removed itself from the LASLI. electing to rely on inclusion on
the Quarterly List of Alien Insurers to provide insurance for California risks from surplus lines brokers. Lloyds
has made a filing in California that permits the Department of Insurance to "recognize" Lloyd's syndicates in the
event of an inquiry from a broker or a member of the public. However, the extent to which standards for a
surplus lines carrier on the LASLI (List of Approved Surplus Lines Insurers) versus those on the Quarterly List
of Alien Insurers is unclear as of the writing of this waiver and in recent articles appearing in the Insurance
Journal it appears that the state's implementing legislation has resulted in issues that may need to be resolved in
court. In any case, there is confusion among brokers and clients because there arc now 2 lists in the state. one
with ··approved" surplus lines carriers and the other, the national list of"eligible" surplus lines carriers.
Apparentlv Lloyds is trying to work with the state to sort out some ofthe confusion ad it can be anticipated that
there will be more to come on this matter. In the meantime, Lloyds of London/Beazley syndicate has and
continues to be the carrier f{)r Atkins North America for its professional liability insurance, it was on the LASLI
until it requested removal. and it is the carrier for the contractor with significant ongoing projects in the City. It
is requested Lloyds of London/Beazley syndicate be accepted as the carrier for professional liability insurance
for Atkins North America.
Approved by Risk Manager for these 2 contracts only:
H:\WOR[)\Insurance\Admin Order 1168 waiver modifY insumncc requircmcnt~.doc