HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDM Constructors Inc; 2015-08-10; PWDB15-68UTIL - Pt 2EXHIBIT B
Project Approach
Project Approach
Since the early 1990's, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has been committed to providing recycled water
which helps conserve water by reducing the City's demand on San Diego County's limited drinking water supply
About one of every five gallons of water provided by the Carisbad Municipal Water District today is recycled
water. Recycled water is practically drought-proof Since recycled water is exempt from the drought watering
restriction, it is vital for sites currently able to make use of recycled water, including Legoland, The Crossings @
Carlsbad Golf Course, and the Flower Fields. A gallon of recycled water is also about 16 percent cheaper than a
gallon of potable water, because the water district controls the production. Sales of recycled water increased about
28 percent during the first six months of 2014.
Because of the supply reliability and cost efTecliveness of the CMWD's recycled water, there is an increasing
demand for the recycled water. To accommodate this increased demand, the City is expanding their recycled
water program. The expansion program includes increasing the capacity of the Carlsbad Water Reclamation
Facility by 75 percent, so it can treat and recycle 7 million gallons a day. It currently treats up to 4 million gallons a
day. This expansion will be partly funded through Proposition 84, from which the City was successful in securing
funding. To achieve the schedule milestones of the funding, the City is proceeding with a design/build approach.
In order for this design/build project to be successful, the CMWD needs:
• An integrated design/build team that can meet the CMWD schedule, while maintaining quality and safety
• A facility that fully complies with the RFP and project requirements
• A flexible design that supports the ultimate expansion of the CWRF as additional recycled water demands or
potable reuse opportunities arise
• Membranes that reliably and cost effectively produce a water quality customers expect
• Integration into the existing system that minimizes impact on current plant operations and is consistent with
the existing CWRF and the EWPCF
Project Management Plan and Approach during Phases 1 and 2
CDM Smith will implement management approaches
to streamline construction and manage construction
activities while maintaining plant operations to control
costs and meet CMWD's schedule for this project.
Guided by the leadership of Mike Bantz, DBIA, the
focus of our project management approach is simple:
• Provide leadership and guidance to seamlessly
integrate the design, construction, and operations
teams to meet or exceed the City's expectations for a
well-executed DB project
• Bring the project in on time and on budget
• Keep project team and plant staff safe
• Deliver a quality product
Seamlessly integrate the design, constmction
and operations teams to meet or exceed the
Cit/s expectations for a well-executed DB project
Meeting expectations hinges on open, frequent
communication which is critical to the success of this
project because of exacting equipment requirements,
integration into the existing facilities, and the schedule.
We will establish a colidborative relationship
with the City's team
It is imperative that all parties involved in the
delivery of the project become aligned early on.
As part of our standard approach to DB we use a
chartering workshop allowing the team to establish
a clear set of project objectives and communication
protocols, define roles and responsibilities, align
Parts • Project Approach
metrics on critical success factors and truly develop an
understanding of all project team member perspectives.
During this workshop, a short-term plan that details
the first phase activities will be developed. It allows
for a planned and organized interface between team
members and helps to kick off the project in a
positive manner.
Following the chartering workshop, there will be
frequent technical review meetings wherein CMWD
team members will be updated with development of
design packages and will have opportunities for early
input, review, and comment. CDM Smith encourages an
over-the-shoulder review format for these meetings to
encourage discussions between the entire team which
can be held either at the CMWD's or CDM Smith's
Carlsbad facilities. The charrette process facilitates
the participatory approach to design and at this point
is an ingrained part of our development process. The
workshop methodology includes in-depth, over-the-
shoulder reviews with appropriate executives, staff,
and other end-users to collect feedback on design and
construction issues in an environment that promotes
client, designer, operator, and constructor engagement.
The team's goal in utilizing the workshop methodology
is to promote consensus as to project requirements,
permitting needs, initial planning concepts including
alternate design options and capital cost. To best meet
these goals, charrettes are proposed throughout the
entire design process.
The design and construction processes will be
injtegrated throughout Phases 1 and 2
CDM Smith's commitment to integrated project
delivery has fostered a culture of communication
and cooperation throughout the firm which is reflected
in every one of our DB projects. CDM Smith's approach
to DB projects focuses on partnering between the con-
struction-design staff and operators. Our constructors
are involved in the beginning at the concept design phase
and designers are involved through start-up and commis-
sioning, Constructability reviews are integral to the
design, assessing from the construction standpoint how
the work can be most efficiently procured and executed
in the field, including costs, schedule, construction
sequencing, and impacts. The reviews will focus on the
construction to be performed and the potential for mod-
ification ofthe designs to reduce project costs without
affecting quality and intended performance. These
constructability reviews, which include superintendents,
estimators, safety officers, operators and the construction
manager, are performed starting at the concept design
through 100% design. With in-house designers and con-
structors, there is no hand-off from the designer to the
constructor or the operator, because the designers collab-
orate with the constructors and operators throughout the
design, construction, and commissioning processes.
During construction and commissioning, our engineers
are in the field during construction - spending boot time
at the project site helping to resolve conflict or provide
clarification on issues identified.
CDM Smith's close proximity to the project site will further
foster design presence during construction and start-up.
Bring the project in
on time and on budget
Developing and adhering to the GMP. The process of
arriving at a GMP started during the preparation of
this proposal and continues through Phase 1 to a GMP
offering. Cost estimates will be performed "real-time"
during the development of the 60% design for additions
and deletions approved by CMWD. For continuity of our
proposal we use a common coding architecture that will
align our base proposal with our GMP offering.
As part of the GMP proposal, all costing data including
estimates, vendor quotes and submittal data will be
presented as a bid book to the City electronically as well
as hardcopies provided in 3 ring binders in an open
book, easy to follow manner. A GMP review meeting
will be held to discuss the final proposal. This allows for
a transparent process for the final GMP and award of the
Phase 2 contract.
Risk Management is critical to meeting schedule and
budget. The key to risk management is early identifica-
tion and proactive planning to avoid risk where possible
and developing appropriate measures to mitigate risks
when they are unavoidable.
5-Step Risk Mitigation Process
1. Risk Identification: We hold a dedicated risk iden-
tification meeting with the project
team. We then use a risk register to
record all risk items and later quan-
tify/evaluate those risks in Step 2.
This risk register allows us to define
standards of classification (i.e.,
probability and impact scales). A risk register template is
18 Smith
Project Approach • PartS
used as a starting point to prompt the team members to
address certain risks that are typical for the types of work
we perform. The team works to evolve the template into
the project- specific risk register.
2. Risk Evaluation, Mitigation and Quantification:
We evaluate the probabflity and
potential impact of the risk prior to
mitigation, determine how we can
mitigate and quantify the probabflity
and impact of the mitigated risk
(both dollars and schedule). At
the completion of Step 2, we now have our estimated
probability and impact for each risk item before and after
mitigation. It is important to note that downside and
upside risks be identified as the overall risk projections
need to take into account both types of risk.
Facility and wifl continue evaluating potential risk items,
some of which are listed below:
3. Model Development: We begin using the "@ Risk"
tool to develop our risk model. This
step can be performed in parallel
with Steps 1 and 2. Using the risk
items identified and their distribu-
tion, probabflity and impact, we
build a model that predicts the likely
total cost and schedule impact on the project.
4. Model Output, Analysis and Recommendations: We
then run an "@ Risk" simulation on
L! each risk item resulting in the likely
^^^^ ^ total cost impact to the project. Once
^^^^ ^ the model runs, we have several
lb ^ graphic options for analysis and
recommendations. The model data
is evaluated and results are presented to the project team.
We then use the cost impact in consideration of our
project risk based contingency.
5. Implementation of Risk Management Activities
During Project Execution: In the final step, the risk
management activities that are
established in the risk management
identification and management
planning in Steps 1 through 4 are
implemented by the project team
as the project plan is finalized, and
the work is then executed. This critical last step is the
most important in the risk management process, as key
risk planning only results in effective mitigation through
proper project team implementation. We have started
this 5-step process for the Carlsbad Water Recycling
• Influent water quahty
• Subsurface conditions
• Schedule
• Long lead procurement
• Tie-ins to existing facflities
• Permitting
Meeting schedule
CDM Smith will complete this project using our proven
"fast-tracked" management procedures using flexible
design and construction processes that identify critical
path work in advance and develop proven methods of
managing schedule. CDM Smith wifl utflize several
scheduling and construction techniques to safely deliver
a quality project on time.
Tested "Fast-Track"Methods using Critical Path
Scheduling will meet the aggressive schedule require-
ments for this project. CDM Smith embraces and
successfully implements Critical Path Design Submittals
to allow construction to commence early in a DB
project. Given the final completion date of September
2016, CDM Smith is ready to demonstrate how schedule
mflestones can be met, and with the CMWD's support,
be fast-tracked.
Timely procurement and delivery of the major process
equipment is a key success factor to completing the
project on time. Involving the design and construction
professionals and vendors, early in the procurement
process enables the team to realize shared goals of
designing and building a high-quality, cost-effective,
and reliable facility. CDM Smith's established procure-
ment management process begins during proposal
development. Final selection of equipment vendors and
subcontractors wfll be heavily weighted toward those
willing to commit to meeting budget, schedule, quality,
safety, and local and smafl business participation goals
for the project.
Our early, pre-NTP coflaboration with our membrane
supplier will greatly facflitate the schedule in the case
of design development and major equipment procure-
ment. For example, in our preliminary schedule, we
have identified the procurement, fabrication and deliv-
ery ofthe MMF process equipment as the critical path.
Our schedule includes the option for early procurement
and fabrication ofthe MMF process equipment.
Through our collaborative workshops and over the
shoulder reviews, we are confident that we will be able
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Part 5 • Project Approach
to reach consensus with the CMWD's team on key deci-
sions so the membrane equipment can be advanced to a
100% level to aUow it to be procured immediately at the
start of Phase 2 after the GMP has been agreed upon.
This early procurement, prior to 100% design of the
total project, will allow for the membrane equipment
to proceed to fabrication while the remainder of the
design is being completed saving months in the project
r We utilized an eariy procurement approach on the Cambria
Emergency Water Supply project to get tbe MF equipment
into fabrication prior to the 100% design completion,
- reducing the overall project schedule by 4-months.
Maintaining the project schedule is critical to meeting
the Prop 84/SRF funding milestones. The primary plan-
ning and scheduling management tool used by our firm
is Oracle's Primavera Professional Project Management
(P6) Software using the Critical Path Method (CPxM)
and Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) techniques to
generate the project schedule. A summarized version
for the Carlsbad WRF Phase III expansion is included at
the end of this section. We wfll provide comprehensive
monthly progress reports; develop meaningful
performance indicators with proposed corrective action
to provide early warning and correction of potential
problems during each phase of the project; provide a
monthly P6 cost loaded schedule of values to accurately
evaluate work in place and progress, and deliver
frequent, consistent, data-driven performance reporting
on a regular schedule.
On time delivery will be facilitated by monitoring
fabrication status on a weekly basis and inspecting
equipment during the fabrication process. Supplier
contracts will include explicit dates and time frames for
submittals, fabrication, delivery, factory-witnessed tests,
O&M manuals, and start-up. Our construction staff will
work closely with our suppliers to track delivery of all
equipment for the project. Suppliers wiU be required
to notify CDM Smith immediately if there is a change
in the anticipated delivery schedule. This type of early
notification will allow the project team to evaluate
options and develop the best contingency plan to ensure
the project stays on schedule.
CDM Smith has extensive experience securing permits
for this type of project. That is why we do not foresee
any significant difficulties in obtaining the permits
required for this project. The anticipated construction
permits include:
• Construction General Permit/Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan
• City of Carlsbad Building Permit
During start-up and testing CDM Smith will conduct
water quality measurements and testing, and prepare
required studies and a compliance report for submittal to
the California State Water Resources Control Board and
Regional Water Quality Control Board for final certificate
to operate the CWRF expansion.
Keep project team and plant staff safe
Completing projects safely is a basic tenet of
CDM Smith's operating philosophy and forms a founda-
tion for all work performed. Translating an integrated
safety management system into afl project actions
promotes maximum personnel and environmental
protection. CDM Smith's safety performance record
is significantly better than industry averages and is
derived from a total commitment to providing a safe
work environment and from involving our employees in
identifying and mitigating potential hazards. This com-
mitment is evidenced by the numerous safety awards
our projects have received. Over the past five years,
CDM Smith has received more than 40 safety awards.
CDM Smith completed the Southern Region Tertiary
Treatment Plant project with nearly 200,000 total
man-hours and zero lost-time injuries. The Stockton Delta
Water Supply Project received the 2011 Occupational
Excellence Achievement A ward from the National Safety
Council for reaching more than 145,000person hours
L worked without a lost-time accident.
CDM Smith maintains a comprehensive corporate
safety and health program which addresses all facets of
construction. Our program was developed to comply
with all federal and state OSHA requirements along
with the specific requirements of our cUent agencies.
We tailor the job specific site health and safety plan to
the project needs and to keeping afl personnel, plant
staff and visitors safe at all times. For this project, we
will develop multiple activity hazard analysis plans for
critical activities that wifl include such activities as:
deep excavations, critical hfts, overhead hoisting of
equipment, chemical handling, confined space entry, arc
flash, lock-out-tag-out procedures, and fafl protection.
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Project Approach • Part 5
Each of CDM Smith's subcontractors are required to
comply with CDM Smith's job-specific health and
safety plan. CDM Smith reviews subcontractor safety
programs and requires they provide their EMR prior to
entering into a subcontract agreement. The adherence
to these protocols helps ensure a safe project site.
Deliver a quality product
For each project CDM Smith performs, we have
strict quality management procedures we follow. CDM
Smith's Quality Management System has a specific
quality program for design as well as construction with
dedicated quality manuals that state guidelines for
critical areas such as design reviews; field inspections;
submittal reviews; deficiency identification, correction,
and tracking; non-conformance; and subcontractor
quality review. In addition to our company-wide
quality program, we also work closely with CMWD to
develop project-specific Quality Management Plan that
wifl detail the policies and procedures for achieving
CMWD's quality objectives.
We have two dedicated quality managers who will be
responsible for quality during design and construction.
Bill O'Neil: Quality Manager - Design
Carlos Melvin: Quality Manager - Construction
These managers wifl provide unrestrained oversight
and inspection on design, equipment and materials,
construction methods, controls integration, functional
startup, testing and training. They will also be respon-
sible for documenting and communicating to the entire
team, including all subcontractors, the progress and
implementation of the QAQC plan through regular
meetings and field inspections.
Testing and Startup Plan
CDM Smith routinely provides startup, testing, and
commissioning services for the facflities that we design,
as well as the facflities that we build. The criticality and
challenges of this project phase are given the specific
attention that they require, starting in the early phases
of CDM Smith designs.
We involve both the engineers who designed the facili-
ties and engineers and technical specialists from our
OScM division. In close coflaboration with CMWD, we
wifl carefully plan each step during this project phase.
As the designer-builder, CDM Smith's approach is to
develop specific and detailed plans and step-by-step
procedures for readiness and acceptance tests of each
unit process and individual equipment, plant disinfec-
tion, capture and recycle of test water, and switch over
of unit processes from testing to production mode.
These plans include: daily test logs, staffing needs, safety
measures, specific day-by-day flow and chemical dosage
rates, equipment rotation, water quality goals, chemical
delivery schedules, and start-up and shutdown procedures.
During startup test planning, operators provide input
for developing daily test scenarios, such as power loss,
interruption in communications, and equipment failure.
Under controfled conditions we train operators on how
to react and how to prevent water quality upsets during
emergency conditions. "Problems" are anticipated
especially during the initial startup test, and addressed
through development of contingency plans, closing com-
munication gaps, tuning control loops, refining operating
setpoints, and providing focused follow-up training.
A key concern during startup and testing is what to do
with the test water, which in most cases is not suitable
for transmission into the distribution system. CDM
Smith recognizes this issue and evaluates and develops
measures at the very start of the design process to
aflow for the appropriate capture and recycling of test
water. Another common challenge faced in acceptance
testing occurs when demand is not high enough to fully
load the facility. This is typically addressed by limiting
process trains in service so that duty units and process
trains are operated at design maximum conditions.
Examples of projects in the past 10 years where CDM
Smith has provided training, startup, testing, and/or
commissioning services include the Stockton Delta
Water Supply Project (30 mgd), the Sand City Brackish
Desalination Facflity (0.3 mgd), the Vander Lans Water
Treatment Facility (3 mgd), and the Groundwater
Replenishment System (70 mgd), Cambria Emergency
Water Supply project (1 mgd).
Acceptance Testing
After the 60% design is complete, we will begin prepar-
ing a fully comprehensive startup and testing plan that
complies with requirements in RFP Section E.7. The
plan wfll be submitted to CMWD a minimum of 60
days prior to the first testing taking place. The plan
wifl be coflectively developed by CDM Smith and the
membrane system supplier's design engineers. Input
will also be provided from CDM Smith's Operation and
Maintenance group and the construction project team.
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Part 5 • Project Approach
A key element of a successful startup and transition to
normal operations is getting input from CMWD's plant
operation staff during the development of the plan. This
wifl be accomplished through review meetings with
CMWD staff.
The procedures wfll be managed by the Field QC
Manager with support from the, membrane system
supplier, the systems integrator, the mechanical.
electrical and process design engineers, manufacturer's
representatives, and CMWD representatives, including
its operations staff and SCADA programmer. CDM
Smith wifl have a licensed water operator present during
the 30 day acceptance test period.
Upon successful completion of the acceptance test
CDM Smith will submit a final Acceptance Testing
Report to CMWD for their approval.
Technical Approach
We have developed our technical approach to achieve
flexibility for future expansion and advancements in
membrane technology, to fully comply with all ofthe
RFP requirements, and minimize impacts to on-going
operations during construction.
Flexible design that supports the ultimate
expansion ofthe CWRF as additional
recycled water demands or potable reuse
opportunities arise
Membrane filtration systems have historically relied
on highly proprietary system designs, which prevented
interchangeability of membranes and sometimes resulted
in non-competitive pricing for membrane replacements
and plant expansions. The proprietary designs also cre-
ated challenges for facflities struggling with membrane
fouling or membrane integrity problems that were often
specific to the manufacturer that had been selected.
Within the last few years, the industry has begun to
move toward a more open platform or semi-universal
design approach for membrane filtration systems. These
systems are buflt to accommodate membranes from
multiple manufacturers, allowing for competitive bidding
of membrane replacements and greater flexibility for
addressing unforeseen performance challenges. CDM
Smith and H20 Innovation have both been pioneers
driving this new direction for the industry Our first
semi-universal design was incorporated side-by-side
with a proprietary Pall system in 2011 at the San Diego
Demonstration Plant, where the Toray UF membranes,
which had been recently introduced to the U.S. market
at that time, demonstrated reliable performance without
any fiber breaks and with extended cleaning frequencies,
exceeding 90 days. CDM Smith has subsequently incor-
porated semi-universal skid designs into facilities for
Santa Barbara, Cambria, and Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.
Two of these facflities are currently operating under Title
22 requirements in the State of California, utilizing Toray
membranes and H^O Innovation skids.
For the CWRF expansion, the CDM Smith team has
proposed a semi-universal skid from H^O Innovation,
which is capable of operating with membranes from
Toray, Dow, or Scinor. It can also be adapted to use GE
or Pafl (Asahi) membranes. This approach will allow the
greatest control over the membrane vendor for technical
issues and cost negotiation during membrane replace-
ment. This approach also allows for system flexibility to
adopt different membranes and new technology which
might be avaflable in the future.
We are proposing to use the Toray HFU-2020N
membrane module as the base system offer. The Toray
module is a mature and stable membrane product used
in municipal potable water treatment applications with
over 10 years of installed experience. This membrane has
also been operating in a tertiary effluent installation in
San Diego since 2011 with minimal fouling and no fiber
breaks. The proposed skid will also be capable of operat-
ing with membranes from at least 4 alternatives suppliers
as presented in the adjacent table. While not all of these
membranes meet the current RFP requirements, they do
provide alternatives for future membrane change out.
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Project Approach • Part 5
Membranes Available for Open Platform UF Skid
Supplier Membrane Description Experience with California Title 22 Meets RFP
Toray HFS-220N 0.01 micron
In operation at RWQCB approved facilities in Cambria and
San Diego.
Pall Asahi UNA620A 0.1 micron
In operation at multiple RWQCB facilities using previous versions of
membrane arrays. Currently marketed membrane arrays have not
yet been installed.
GE ZWl 500-600 0.02 micron
Not currently in use at RWQCB approved facility. Previous Model
ZWl 500-550 in use at facility in San Rafael.
Dow SFD-2880 0.02 micron
Not currently in use at RWQCB approved facility. Alternate Model
IWI 02-1100 is installed at facility in Santa Barbara.
Scinor SMT600-P80 0.1 micron
No current installations in the US.
The Toray HFU-2020N membrane is made of PVDF with a flow direction from outside to inside and a pore size of
0.01 microns. Unlike many other membranes in the industry, Toray's membranes have been manufactured with a
Thermally Induced Phase Separation (TIPS) method of spinning, allowing the membrane to operate at a very high
filtration flux with fewer fiber breaks when compared to the Non-Solvent Induced Phase Separation (NIPS). The TIPS
technology offered by the Toray modules will result in better overall performance for the plant in terms of chemical
resistance for aggressive cleaning and fiber integrity.
Membrane System Configuration
Tlie following summarizes the CDM Smith membrane system configuration.
1 Description Value Unit 3
Plant Capacity (N) 3 MGD
Plant Capacity (N-1) 3 MGD
Operating recovery 90% %
Total # of trains installed 3 -
Instantaneous Flux(N) 23 gfd
Instantaneous Flux (N-1) 35 gfd
# of modules installed per train 63 -
# of module spaces per train 84
% spare space 33% %
Membrane surface area 775 ft^
Membrane surface area per train 48,825 ft^
Total membrane surface area 146,475 ft^
The system has been proposed with over 30% spare space to allow for changes in flux should the influent raw water
quality fluctuate. This allows for flexibility and safety within the MMF system without having to extend the membrane
racks in the future should the water quality results in Phase 1 vary greatly from the available feedwater quality data.
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Part 5 • Project Approach
Outdoor protection
We have taken into consideration the typical outdoor
conditions that the UF membrane system that wifl be
exposed to. For this reason, the following additional
items have been included in the scope of supply as part of
this base offer:
• Each automatic valve that is skidded is equipped
with stainless steel tubing from the solenoid to the
• Each digital input/output and analog input/output
are equipped with surge protection for safety during
any potential lightning strikes
Permeate Water Quality
The Toray membranes the following water quality
\ Value I
Membrane Integrity Test Pass 3-log
Turbidity </ = 0.1 NTU
Turbidity </=0.2NTU
Turbidity </=0.5 NTU
SDI15 <5
In addition to the above, we have proposed a system
capable of meeting the guaranteed performance criteria
in Table 2.2 of Attachment E.2 in the Carlsbad Phase III
Expansion Project No. 5029 RFP
Water quality sampling
A critical step in confirming that the membranes will
meet the performance requirements is water quality sam-
pling to be performed in Phase I. The RFP included water
quality for cBOD, TSS, Turbidity, TDS, and pH. Our
sampling will confirm these water quality parameters
and we wfll also conduct weekly TOC and oil and grease
samples to provide data needed for optimization of the
membrane performance. Our proposal includes a conser-
vative flux at this stage that may be able to be increased
based on the results of the water quality sampling. We
have assumed weekly sampling will be done for eight
weeks, including cBOD, TOC, and ofl and grease using
a composite sampler. It is assumed that pH and turbidity
data can be obtained using existing online meters.
Our sampling phase will also include an assessment of
the chemicals used at the Encina Wastewater Pollution
Control Facflity to determine if any pose a potential risk
to the proposed membranes. CMWD can then use this
information to determine if there are opportunities to
work with the Encina Wastewater Authority to mitigate
any risks identified and reduce the fouling potential of
the source water.
Equipment Layout
Our proposed layout maximizes the use of existing facili-
ties on the site, many of which were built with sufficient
capacity for this expanded plant. The original design
included stub-outs for future equipment, oversized
piping, and blind flanges at the end of piping manifolds,
which our design will utflize in order to minimize the
impacts to existing facilities and avoid unnecessary
redundancies in the buried piping. The new membrane
skids will be located between the existing MF units and
the RO equipment, entirely within the footprint of the
existing treatment area pad. This location minimizes the
impact to existing equipment, while maintaining forklift
access to the new chemical storage totes. Our layout
builds on the approach used in the preliminary design,
with the following modifications and as shown in the
figure provided at the end of this section:
1. A new UF Feed Tank will be fed from a new 16-inch
feed pump connected to the south end of the exist-
ing MFF header. This tank will serve to equalize flow
between the existing MF units and new UF units
and wfll serve for surge control in the event that the
existing submerged membrane system is decommis-
sioned at any time in the future.
2. Two UF Booster Pumps (1 duty, 1 standby) wifl be
located adjacent to the UF Feed Tank and wfll supply
flow to the three new UF trains.
3. Three new UF skids wifl utilize an open platform,
semi-universal design to allow future membrane
change-out using membranes from alternative
suppliers. The plant will include membranes manu-
factured by Toray Membrane, which are currently in
use in San Diego and Cambria treating wastewater
effluent in compliance with Title 22 standards and
permit conditions.
4. UF Effluent wifl be conveyed in a new header to the
south end of the existing MFE header. Water will
then be conveyed to the existing MF Break Tank
using existing buried piping.
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Project Approach • PartS
5. Two UF Backpulse Pumps (1 duty, 1 standby) wifl
be located south of the UF skids and wifl draw water
from the new MFE header.
6. UF backwash waste wifl be conveyed to the existing
cross at the south end of the existing BW waste
header. This will allow conveyance of the backwash
waste into the existing Backwash Equalization Basin
without modifications to this Basin.
7. The MFE inlet pipe on the MF Break Tank will be
re-routed to fill the tank from the existing flange near
the bottom of the tank. This will allow the volume in
this tank to be used for backwashing of the new UF
8. A new overflow will be added to the MF Break tank
at a center line of 71.5 feet. This overflow will be
connected to the existing MFE Bypass, allowing this
existing piping to convey UF Effluent from the break
tank to the chlorine contact basins. The existing
overflow on the MF Break Tank will be reworked to
remove the butterfly valves, proving waste overflow
capabilities for the tank without the risk of valves
being unintentionally closed.
Existing Membrane System Replacement
We have also evaluated an option that would provide
a total 3.8 mgd of tertiary filtration capacity within the
new UF skids. This alternative allows for the elimination
of the existing submerged UF system with minimal
impacts to the overall design. A fourth UF skid would
be provided, and the capacity of each skid would be
decreased from 1.0 mgd to 0.95 mgd under normal
operating conditions. Other anciflary equipment would
remain unchanged. This option can be further explored
during Phase 1.
Procurement of membranes that reliably and cost
effectively produce a water quality customers expect
As discussed above, we are providing a semi-universal
which wifl allow the greatest control over the membrane
vendor for technical issues and cost negotiation during
membrane replacement.
The following table provides detafled information for
three different membrane options that could be utilized
with the H20 Innovation semi-universal skid:
Membrane Microfiltration System
Supplier H20 Innovation
Model Number Toray HFU-2020N with 10 year
membrane warranty (2 years full
warranty -i- 8 pro-rated warranty)
Membrane Material PVDF
Estimated Daily
Energy Consumption
(continuous normal
^includes 3 trains in normal operation,
N condition. Therefore the feed booster
pumps (included in calculation) will
operate only 20.71 hours per day (taking
into account offline time for BWs)
Estimated Daily Chemical Consumption
Sodium 16.1 gallons/day
Caustic N/A
(no maintenance cleans performed with
caustk. Caustic is used for neutralization
Citric Acid 0.62 gallons/day (no maintenance cleans
for citric performed, only recovery cleans
every 30 days)
Maintenance schedules/Equipment Replacement Intervals
Membranes Replacement:
10 years
With proper maintenance under the
guidance and recommendations ofthe
Process Control/SCADA System
SCADA integration is done by CDM Smith's I&C
department, which is a fully integrated UL approved
panel shop. By utilizing our in-house I&C team means
the integrators and panel builders wifl directly interface
with the team during Phase I, where as if this work is
subcontracted, this part ofthe integrators are often not
involved until Phase 2, which could impact schedule and
quality of work.
The preliminary design cafls for Remote Input/Output
(RIO) PLC to control the MF Feed Pumps. Our intent
is to remove the Remote Input/Output (RIO) PLC and
control the New MF Feed Pumps via integral Ethernet
Communication Module.
^yrmth 25
Part 5 • Project Approach
Integration into the existing system that minimizes
impact on current plant operations and is consistent with
the existing CWRF and the EWPCF
During Phase I, CDM Smith wifl develop a detailed
Maintenance of Plant Operations (MOPO) plan which
identifies key tie-ins and incorporates them into the
design and construction of the project. CDM Smith
wfll utilize the MOPO plan and work with CMWD to
ensure that the plant remains operational and meets the
water quality regulatory requirements with minimal
interruption during construction. We will work with the
operators to ensure we have a thorough understanding
of the operators' routine activities and allowable plant
shutdown durations. Investigations will be conducted in
advance to pothole and locate critical utility crossings
and tie-ins. The MOPO Plan will include a detailed
overaU construction schedule that clearly indicate the
date(s) and durations for all critical activities affecting
plant operation such as, temporary shutdowns required
to tie-in new work with existing facilities, or significant
construction material/equipment deliveries that may
have a temporary impact on plant access to chemical
delivery trucks or operator vehicles, emergency repair
plan. The MOPO plan is a critical tool used to maintain
communication. During construction, MOPO shutdowns
and tie-ins will be detailed in the 3 week look ahead
schedule at each weekly progress meeting and closely
coordinated with CMWD and the operators. Some of the
key tie-ins include:
Tie in of 3 new MF transfer pumps to existing MFF
transfer discharge manifold
Tie-in the existing MFF influent feed piping to the
new MFF influent feed to 3 MGD MF process facflity
Tie-in MF permeate effluent from new 3 MGD MF
process facility to chlorine contact basin influent
Tie-in to existing drain systems for MF waste
Relocation of existing electrical manhole that is in
conflict with expansion of second CCB process train
MF discharge to existing MF filtrate tank for RO
influent feed
CCB effluent tie-in with existing storage basins
and storage basin bypass for discharge operational
CCB influent chamber and effluent chamber
knockout wafls interconnections to second CCB
process train.
Electrical cutovers for new process pumps and
process systems
Integration of new chemical feed system pumps to
existing systems
Instaflation of new static mixer for system chemical
mixing and removal of old static mixer.
Systems integration for SCADA plant communica-
tions and controL
26 Smith
Project Approach • Part 5
UF Skids
Three new UF skids will use open platform design,
allowing future membrane change-out with membranes
from multiple different vendors.
Chemical Storage Totes
New process equipment will be located between the
existing MF units and the RO equipment within the
existing treatment pad, maintaining forklift access to
chemical storage totes.
Process Piping
UF effluent will be conveyed to the existing MF break
tank using the existing MFE header.
Our design utilizes existing piping and equipment,
where appropriate, for the expanded flows, taking
advantage of CMWD's original plans for expansion.
Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility
Proposed Phase III Process Area Layout
CDM ith 27
Project Approach • PartS
lAdivityiD ' Activity Name Duration Start Finish
Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Phase III 509 Cfl-May-15 20-Sep-16
Milestones 509 03-May-15 20-Sep-16
A1220 Conlract Awarded 0 01-May-15
A1000 Notice to Proceed - Phase 1 0 01-Jun-15
A1010 60% Design Submittal 0 06-Sep-15
A1090 Submit Maximum Guaranteed Price 0 06-Sep-15
All 20 Notice to Proceed - Phase 2 0 11-Sep-15
A1050 Procure MF System 0 i;>-Sep-15
A1020 90% Design Submittal 0 08-NOV-15
A1030 Final Design Complete / Issue for Construction 0 13-Dec-15
A1040 Construction Start 0 14-Dec-15
A1130 Deliver MMF System 0 09-Mar-16
A1060 Construction Complete 0 27-May-16
A1080 Start Acceptance Test 0 28-May-16
A1070 Acceptance Test Complete 0 26-Jun-16
A1230 Substantial Completion 0 26-Jun-16
A1240 Prpject Complete 0 20-Sep-16
Design 1 422
Design Meetings 180 01-Jun-15 27-NOV-15
Site Investigation 15 01-Jun-15 15-Jun-15
60% Design 98 01-Jun-15 06-Sep-15
90% Design 58 12-Sep-15 08-NOV-15
Final Design 35 09-NOV-15 13-Dec-15
Record Drawings 30 27-Jun-16 26-JUI-16
Pre-Construction 222 01-Jul-15 07-Feb-16
Project Plans 222 01-Jul-15 07-Feb-16
Permitting 42 02-NOV-15 13-Dec-15
Procurement 203 j 0|^Sep-l5j 27-Mar-16 ||
Yard Piping and Valves 98 09-NOV-15 14-Feb-16
Canopy 84 09-NOV-15 31-Jan-16
Process Mechanical 175 07-Sep-15 28-Feb-16
MMF System 180 12-Sep-15 09-Mar-16
Electrical 112 09-NOV-15 28-Feb-16
Instrumentation & Controls 140 09-NOV-15 27-Mar-16
Site Civil
Structural Concrete
Electrical and l&C
109 14-Dec-15 18-May-16
14-Dec-15 17-Mar-16
21-Dec-15 17-Mar-16
24-Mar-16 06-Apr-16
16-Feb-16 20-Apr-16
1C-Mar-16 20-Apr-16
21-Apr-16 18-May-16
Startup, Commissioning, & Training 67 1 2t-Apr-16 26-Jun-16
Systems Controls Integration 5 21-Apr-16 27-Apr-16
System Commissioning 5 28-Apr-16 04-May-16
Functional Test 7 05-May-16 13-May-16
System Test 10 16-May-16 27-May-16
Performance/Acceptance Test 30 28-May-16 26-Jun-16
Project Close Out eo j 27-Jun-16 2G-Sep-16 1
A2670 Closeout Activities 60 27-Jun-16 20-Sep-16
May Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Forecast Work
• Critical Work
• Milestone
Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Phase
Proposal Schedule
(^City of
Data Date = 0
Page 1 of 1
Smith 28
1925 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 300
Carlsbad, California 92008
tel: (760) 438-7755
Contract Administration
Kevin Davis
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Subject: Price Proposal for Project No. 5209
Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Phase III Expansion
Dear Mr. Davis:
Enclosed is our cost proposal for Design-Build Services for the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF)
Phase III Expansion, Project No 5209. We have included the following information as required in the
Request for Proposals:
• Part 1- Price Proposal
• Appendix A- Price Proposal Forms
CDM Smith greatly appreciates the opportunity to work with CMWD on this very important project.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our technical and cost proposals.
Michael Dzubnar, P.E., DBfc^ Lanaya Voelz,l'TEr
Principal-in-Charge, CDM Smith Associate, CDM Smith
9220 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 100
Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730
T: (760) 710-4683/ Email: dzubnarmd(a)cdmsmith.com
Part 1
Price Proposal
Part I- Price Proposal
CDM Smith's lump-sum fee proposal is based upon the Project Design Report and Project Preliminary
Drawings as detailed in the Request for Proposals (RFP) Design Build Services for the Carlsbad Water
Recycling Facility Phase III Expansion. This lump-sum price proposal includes the scope of Design
Builder services as defined in RFP Attachment B and meets the Project Performance and Technical
Requirements as detailed in the RFP.
Appendix A
Price Proposal Forms
Cc Carlsbad
Municipal Water District
CWRF Phase III Expansion
Project No. 5209
PROPOSAL TO: Contract Administration
Kevin Davis
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
PROPOSAL FROM: CDM Contractors Inc.
(Name of Firm Submitting F*roposal)
1925 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 300
Carlsbad, California 92008
(City, State, Zip Code)
T: (760)438-7755 F: (760) 438-7411
(Telephone & Fax Number)
April 15,2015
(Date Submitted)
Note: All portions of this Price FYoposal Form must be completed and must include the signed Declaration on the
last page of this form before the Price Proposal is submitted. Failure to execute the Declaration will result in the
Proposal being rejected as nonresponsive.
Page 1
^Carlsbad CWRF Phase III Expansion
Municipal Water District Project No. 5209
Section 1 Proposer's Representations
Proposer, represents that a) it has the appropriate active ConU-actor's license required by the State of Califomia; b)
it has carefully read and examined the Proposal Documents for the proposed Work on this Project; c) it has
examined the site of the proposed Work and all information available to Proposers; d) it has become familiar wilh
all the condilions related lo the proposed Work, including the availability of labor, materials, and equipment; e)
lhal all informaiion and submittals provided as part of the Proposal process are accurate and correct. Proposer
hereby offers lo fumish all labor, materials, equipmeni, tools, transportation, and services necessary lo complele
the proposed Work on this Projecl in accordance with the Request for Proposal and Contract Documents for the
sums quoted. Proposer further agrees lhal il will nol withdraw its Proposal wilhin 60 days after the Proposal
Deadline, and that, if il is selecled as the apparent "best value" responsive and responsible Proposer, lhat it will,
wilhin 20 days afler receipt of notice of selection, sign and deliver lo CMWD the Agreemenl and fumish lo
CMWD all items required by the Request for Proposal and Contract Documents. If awarded the Contract,
Proposer agrees lo complele the proposed Work wilhin the Contract Time specified in the Agreemenl in
conformance wilh all provisions oflhe Request for Proposal and Contract Documents.
Section 2 Addenda
Proposer acknowledges that it is Proposer s responsibility to ascertain wheiher any Addenda have been issued and
if so, lo oblain copies of such Addenda from CMWD's facilily al the appropriale address staled on Page 1 of this
Price Proposal Form or from the CMWD website. Proposer Iherefore agrees lo be bound by all Addenda lhal have
been issued for this Proposal.
Section 3 Total Project Cost
The Tolal Project Cost shall include all costs lo complele the Work and shall include all allowances (CMWD
provided and Design/Builder provided) and any involuntary changes lhal impaci the Tolal Projecl Cost. The
Total Project Cost shall be the sum of Phase 1 and Phase 2 costs. The Tolal Projecl Cost shall NOT include
any voluntary Projecl Enhancemenls/Innovalions/Energy Efficiency Voluntary Altematives submilled in the
Technical Proposal or any Altematives defined herein.
Page 2
Cc Carlsbad
Municipal Water District
CWRF Phase III Expansion
Project No. 5209
Section 4 Price Proposal
$ 4 8 2 7 9 0 *
(Place figures in appropriate boxes)
$ 6 8 1 0 2 7 8 *
(Place figures in appropriate boxes)
$ 7 • 2 9 3 0 6 8 *
(Place figures in appropriate boxes )
Section 5 Alternatives
Provide all design, engineering, coordination, labor, materials, equipmeni, accessories, and Design Build Entity
and subcontractor overhead, mark-up, and profit required for the following Altemates. Indicale by marking only
one of the three boxes ("Add", "Deduct", or "No Change") and slale the amounl by placing figures in the
corresponding boxes. Check the "No Change" box when there is no change in the Price Proposal. Failure lo quote
an amount or check "No Change" or the insertion of any words that qualify the Price Proposal will result in the
Proposal being rejected as nonresponsive. No extension of lime will be granted if the Altemate is accepted.
Alternate No.
boxes) (Place figures in appropriate boxes)
CMWD reserves the right to accept this altemate concurrent with
the Notice to Proceed for Phase 1.
Page 3
C: Carlsbad
Municipal Water District
CWRF Phase III Expansion
Project No. 5209
Section 6 Proposer Infortnation
(Corporation, Partnership, Individual, Joint Venlure, etc.)
Stephen ]. Hickox, CEO
(Insert Name)
Tim Wall, President and Chief Operating Officer
(Insert Name)
(Insert Name and Title)
(Insert Name)
(Insert Names Continued)
CDM Constructors Inc.
Name of Licensee
671513 05/31/2015
(Classification) (License Number) (Expiralion Date)
(For Joint Venlure, list Joint Venture's license and licenses for all Joint Venture partners.)
Ccarisbad '''^''^'''proS''io9
Municipal Water District rrujeu /VO. O^L/y
Section 7 Required Completed Attachments
The following documents are submitted with and made a condition ofthe Proposal:
1. Proposal Bid Security in the form of Bid Bond
(Bid Bond or Certified Check)
Section 8 Declaration
I, "^SLOf^t^/^-^ (Printed name), hereby declare that 1 am the
4a<rd^ or2_\/l<^jeL lfa6rt»tT3fe>^itle) of Ct'Z^ ^ttt-Wrf^OCT <!»tg.*> \ t4c..
(Name of Proposer) submitting this Price Proposal Form; that I am duly authorized to bind the Proposer and
execute this Price Proposal Form on behalf of Proposer; and lhat all information set forth in this Price Proposal
Form and all attachments hereto are, to the best of my knowledge, true, accurate, and complete as of its
submission date. I hereby attest lo and will abide to the Proposer's Representations described in the Price
I declare, under penalty of perjury, thai the foregoing is Hue and correcl and lhal this declaration was subscribed
at: Carlsbad (Location and city). County of San Diego ,
Slate of California , on April 14. 2015 (Date).
(Print Name and Title)
Page 6
Municipal Water District
CWRF Phase III Expansion
Project No. 5209
Principal Civil $200
Senior Civil $180
Civil $145
Junior Civil $110
CAD Operator $130
Principal Engineer $200
Senior Engineer $180
Engineer $145
Junior Engineer $110
CAD Operator $100
Principal Engineer $200
Senior Engineer $180
Engineer $145
Junior Engineer $110
CAD Operator $100
Principal Engineer $200
Senior Engineer $180
Engineer $145
Junior Engineer $110
CAD Operator $100
Principal I&C $200
Senior I&C $180
I&C $145
$110 Junior I&C $110
CAD Operator $100
SCADA $180
Page 7
Munitapai Wate.' District
CWRF Phase III Expansion
Project No. 5209
(To Accompany Proposal)
That we. CDM Constructors Inc. as Pnncipal, and
Fidelity arxj Deposit
Company of Marylarwj , as Surety are
held and firmly bound unto CMWD, in an amount as follows: (must be at least ten percent (10%) of the bid
amount) Ten Percent of Amount Bid(io%) for which payment, well and tmly made, we bind ourselves, our heirs,
executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH diat if the proposal of die above-bounden
Principal for.
in the City of Carlsbad, is accepted by CMWD, and if the Principal shall duly enter into and execute a Contract
including required bonds and insurance policies within twenty (20) days fiom the date of award of Contract b}' tbe
CMUT), being duly notified ofsaid award, then this obhgation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and
remain in fiill force and effect, and the amount specifiied herem shall be forfeited to CMWD.
In the event Principal executed this bond as an indi\'idual, it is agreed that the death of Principal shall not exonerate
the StJi«t>' from its obhgations imder this bond.
Execute by PRINCIPAL this lOtti day of Apnl ,2015
Principal: CDM Constructors Inc.
(name of Principal)
(sign here)
(print name here)
(Title and Organization of Signatory)
Bv: : ^br. ,
(sign here)
Mario J. Marcaccio
(print name here)
(title and organization of signatory)
Executed by SURETi' this
of April ^ 2015
10th day
SURETY: Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland
(name of Suret\-)
14O0 American Lane. Tower I. 18th Roor, Schaumburg. IL 60196-1056
(address of Surety)
(847) eos-eooo" •
(pnnted name of Attomey-in-Fact)
Page 8
Ccarlsbad ^^^f^^ ^^^se /// Expansion
MurricipaJ V.;elgi Oist^kX Project A/o. 5209
(Attach corporate resolution showing current power of attorney.)
(Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by PR1NC1P.AL and SURETY must be attached.)
(President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary musl sign for corporations. If only one officer
signs, tbe corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal
empowering that officer to bind the corporation.)
City Attomey
Deputy City Attorney
Page 9
arlsb ad CWRF Phase III Expansion
Proyecf No. 5209
(Attach corporate resolution showing current power of attorney.)
(Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by PRINCIPAL and SURETY must be attached.)
(President or vice-president and secretary or assistant secretary must sign for corporations. If only one officer
signs, tbe corporation must attach a resolution certified by tlie secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal
empowering that officer to bind the corporation.)
City Attomey
Deputy City Attomey
2/'! 7/15
A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only ttie identity of the individual who signed the
document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfuliness, accuracy or validity of that document.
State of CT
County of Hartford }
On April 10, 2015
personally appeared Stacy Rivera
before me, Danielle M. Bechard , Notary Public
Name and Trtle of NoCsry
Nam and or Names of Signaf^)
Who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence
to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed
to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that
he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized
capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the
instmment the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of
which the person(s) acted, executed the instmment.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of
the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is tme
and correct.
Witness my hand and offici
Donlelle M. Bechard
Notary Public-Connecticut
My Commission Expires
June 30. 201 5
Place Notary Public Seai ACixe
Though the /nformaf/on betow is not required by law, it may prove valuable to the persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal
and reattachment of this fonn to ancrfrier document.
Description of Attached Document
Title or Type of Document
Document Date
Signer's Name:
• Individual
• Corporate Officer - Tltle(s):
• Partner - • Limrted • General
• Guardian or Cionservator
S Attomey-In-Fact
• Trtjstee
• Other
Signer is representing
Fidelity and Deposit Gjnpany
of l^faryland
Top of Ihumb
Number of Pages:
• individual
• Corporate Officer - Title(s):
• Partner - • Limited • General
• Guardian or Conservator
• Attomey-in-Fact
• Tnjstee
• Other
Signer is representing
"Article V, Section 8, Attomeys in Fact. The Chief ExecuUve Officer, the President, or any Executive Vice President or Vice President
may, by writlen instrument under the attested corporate seal, appoint attomeys-in-fact with authority lo execute bonds, policies.
rccogni?.ances, stipulations, undertakings, or other like instiuments on behalf of the Company, and may authorize any officer or any such
attorney-in-fact to affix the corporate seal thereto; and may with or without cause modify of revoke any such appointment or authority at any
I. the undersigned. Vice President of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, the COLONIAL AMERICAN
foregoing Power of Attorney is sull in full force and effect on the date of this cemficate; and I do further certify lhat Article V. Secfion 8. of
the By-Laws oflhe Companies is still in force.
This Power of Attomey and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following re.<?oIuiion of the Board of
Directors of ihe ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 15lh day of December 1998.
RESOLVED: "That the signalure of the Pre.sident or a Vice President and the attesfing signature of a Secretary or an .Assistam Secretary
and ihe Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any Power of .Allorney. Any such Power or any certificale thereof bearing such
facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company."
This Power of Auomey and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by audiority of the following resolution oflhe Board of
Directon; of die COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY' at a meeung duly called and held twi the .'5lh day of
May. 1994. and the following resolufion of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSPT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a
meeting duly called and held on the 10th day of May, 1990.
RESOLVED: That tbe facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal ofihe company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature
of any Vice-President. Secretary, or Assistant .Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a
certified copy of any power of allorney issued by the Company, shall be vafid and binding upon the Company wilh die same force and effect
as ihough manually affixed.
IN TE.STIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed ihe corporate seals ofthe .said Companies,
this lOthdav of April , 2015_.
•'i '^/
Gerald F. Haley, Vice President
York, the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, a corporation ofthe Stale of Maryland, and the FIDELITY
AND DEPOSrr COMPANY OF MARYLAND a corporation of the Slale of Maryland (herein collectively called the "Companies"), by
THOM.\S O. MCCLELLAN, Vice President, in pursuance of authority granted by Article V. Section 8. of the By-Laws of said
Companies, which arc set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in fiill force and effect on the dale hereof, do hereby
nominate, consfimie. and appoint Jeannette PORRINI, Stacy RIVERA, .Mza LOPEZ, Elana V. SANCHEZ and Erin L. KIERNAN, all
of Hartford, CunntM:ticut, EACH its true and lawful agent and Atiomey-in-Facl, lo make, execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf
as surety, and as its act and deed: any and all bunds and undertatungs, and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of
ihese presents, shall be as binding upon said Compames, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and
acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at its office in New York. New
York., the regularly elected officers of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at its office in Owings
Mills. Maryland., and die regulariy elected officers of the RDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMP.ANY OF MARYLAND at its office in Owings
Mills, Maryland., in their own proper persons.
The said Vice President does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a lme copy of Ardcle V, Seclion 8, of
the By-Laws of said Companies, and is now in force.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice President has hereunto subscribed his/her names and affixed ihe Corporate Seals of the said
FIDELITY' AND DEPOSIT COMPAN Y OF MARYLAND, this 8th day of December, A.D. 2014.
Secretary Vice President
Eric D. Barnes Thomas O. McClellan
State of Maryland
Couniy of Bald more
On this 8th day of December. A.D. 2014. bcforc the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified. THOMAS
O. MCCLELLAN, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Secretary, of the Companies, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers
described in and who executed the preceding instrament, and acknowledged the execution of same, and tjeing by mc duly swom. deposeth and saith. that
he/she is the said officer of the Company aforesaid, and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument arc the Corporate Seats of said Companies, and that
tbe said Coiporate Seals and the signature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said in.<!trament by the authority and direction of the said
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set ray hand and affixed my Official Seal ihc day and year firsl above written.
Maria D. Ad.imski, Notary Public
My Commission Expires: July 8, 2015
POA-F 142-0587E
600 Red Brook Blvd., Suite 600, Owings Mills, MD 21117
Statement of Financial Condrtion
As Of December 31,2013
Bonds „ $ 139^72,722
Stocks 22,258,887
Cash and Short Term Investm«its 6,595,113
Reinsurance Recoverable ] 7,970,134
Other Accounts Receivable ...„ 33,409,916
Reserve for Taxes and Expenses $ 1,787,480
Ceded Reinsin^noe Premiums Payable „ 42,146,005
Securities Lending Collateral Liaiility _ 6,613,750
TOTAL LL«iBILITfES $ .50,547,235
Capital Stock, Paid Up $ 5,000,000
Snrphis 163.959,537
Suiplus as regards Policyholders 168,959,537
TOTAL J 219,506,772
Securities carried at $58,378,690 in Ae above .statement are deposited witii various states as requht^d by law.
Seciu-ilies carried on the basis prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. On the basis of
market quotations for ail bonds and stocks owned, the Company's total admitted assets at December 31, 2013 would
be $223,222,696 and surplus as regards policyholders $172,675,461.
I, DE>TNIS F. KERRIGAN, Corporate Secretary of die FIDELITY AND DEPOSn" COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby
ceitify that the foregoing statement is a correct exhibit oUhe assets and liabilities of the said Company on the 31st
day of December, 2013. / |
/ / ' /
State of Illinois -v
City of Schaumburg j
Siibsoribed and swom to, before me, a Notar>' Pubiic of il»c State of lllinoi.s, in tiic City of Schaumburg. Ihij; 15lh day of Mnrcli. 2014.
MVuri' Piiblrc
Notary Public - State of Illinois
My Commission Expires May 3, 2014
(To Accompany Price Proposal)
The Proposer certifies that it has used the following listed subcontractors in preparing this
Proposal for the Work and that the listed subcontractors will be used to perform the portions of
the Work as designated in this list in accordance with applicable provisions of the specifications
and section 4100 et seq. of the Public Contract Code, "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair
Practices Act."
Portion of Work
Subcontractor Name and
Location of Business
License No. and
Amount of
Work by
in Dollars
Gerdau Specially Contractor
Rebar 3880 Murphy Canyon Rd. 00974202 $210,122
San Diego. CA 92123
S&S Masonry 661467
Masonry 2588 - F El Camino Real $72,090
Carisbad, CA 92008
Pascal Steel 886991
Structural Steel 555 2nd Street $75,000
Encinitas, CA 92028
Prada 742112
Painting & Coatings 14281 Palisades Drive $95,129
Poway, CA 92068
Page of pages of this Subcontractor Designation form
(To Accompany Price Proposal)
1) Have you or any of your subcontractors ever been debarred as an irresponsible bidder by
another jurisdiction in the State of California?
yes no
2) If yes, what was/were the name{s) of the agency (ies) and what was/were the period (s) of
debarment(s)? Attach additional copies of this page to accommodate more than two
party debarred
period of debarment
party debarred
period of debarment
(name of Contractor)
(sign here)
(print name/title)
Page ^ of _J pages of this Re Debarment form
(To Accompany Price Proposal)
Contractors are required by law to be licensed and regulated by the Contractors' State License
Board which has jurisdiction to investigate complaints against contractors if a complaint regarding
a patent act or omission is filed within four years of the date of the alleged violation. A complaint
regarding a latent act or omission pertaining to structural defects must be filed within 10 years of
the date of the alleged violation. Any questions concerning a contractor may be referred to the
Registrar, Contractors' State License board, P.O. Box 26000, Sacramento, California 95826.
1) Have you ever had your contractor's license suspended or revoked by the California
Contractors' State license Board two or more times within an eight year period?
yes no
2) Has the suspension or revocation of your contractor's license ever been stayed?
yes no
3) Have any subcontractors that you propose to perform any portion of the Work ever had their
contractor's license suspended or revoked by the California Contractors' State license Board
two or more times within an eight year period?
yes no
4) Has the suspension or revocation of the license of any subcontractor's that you propose to
perform any portion of the Work ever been stayed?
yes no
5) If the answer to either of 1. or 3. above is yes fully identify, in each and every case, the party
disciplined, the date of and violation that the disciplinary action pertain to, describe the nature
of the violation and the disciplinary action taken therefore.
(If needed attach additional sheets to provide full disclosure.)
Page ^ of ^ pages of this Disclosure of Discipline form
(To Accompany Price Proposal)
6) If the answer to either of 2. or 4. above is yes fully identify, in each and every case, the party
who's discipline was stayed, the date of the violation that the disciplinary action pertains to,
describe the nature of the violation and the condition (if any) upon which the disciplinary action
was stayed.
(If needed attach additional sheets to provide full disclosure.
COM <:^^v-UgrT3<^^OfZiS>
(name of Contractor)
(sign here)
(print name/title)
Page 1 of 1 pages of this Disclosure of Discipline form
(To Accompany Price Proposal)
The undersigned declares: ^ ^ . n n - -i 4\vic-'
I am the^^"**Pft>^T of , the party making the foregoing Price Proposal.
The Price Proposal (Proposal or Total Project Cost) is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of,
any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation. The
Proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham. The Proposer has not directly or indirectly induced
or solicited any other Proposer to put in a false or sham Proposal. The Proposer has not directly
or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any Proposer or anyone else to put in
a sham Proposal, or to refrain from proposing. The Proposer has not in any manner, directly or
indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the price of the
Proposal or any other Proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the price, or of
that of any other Proposer. All statements contained in the Proposal are true. The Proposer has
not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposed Total Project Cost or any breakdown
thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, to any corporation,
partnership, company, association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent
thereof, to effectuate a collusive or sham Proposal, and has not paid, and will not pay, any person
or entity for such purpose.
Any person executing this declaration on behalf of a Proposer that is a corporation, partnership,
joint venture, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other entity, hereby
represents that he or she has full power to execute, and does execute, this declaration on behalf
of the Proposer.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that theforegoing is
true and correct and that this declaration is executed on f^asKZAX^ \ Ar^ ,
20\^ at [city], [state].
Signature of Proposer