HomeMy WebLinkAboutLos Angeles Engineering Inc; 2018-06-27; PWS18-123PKS (12) Aviara Community Park – Phase II Construction Project Contract No. 4604 City of Carlsbad, California Technical Specifications and Appendices VOLUME II Project Landscape Architect: Jeffery T. Barr, Schmidt Design Group, Inc. 1111 Sixth Avenue, Suite 500 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 236-1462 SDG Project #: 15-406 Date: January 24, 2017 Aviara Community Park – Phase II Appendix C: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) AVIARA PARK 4635 Ambrosia Lane Carlsbad, California RISK LEVEL: 2 Prepared For City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Prepared By Fuscoe Engineering, Inc. 6390 Greenwich Drive, Suite 170 San Diego, CA 92122 858.554.1500 www.fuscoe.com CIP Project#: 4604 SWPPP#: SW16-05 Drawing#: 491-3 Project Manager: Kenneth T. Kozlik Date Prepared: December 2015 Date Revised: May 2016 Job Number: 1440-001-02 full circle thinking® 6390 Greenwich Drive, Suite 170, San Diego, CA 92122  tel 858.554.1500  fax 858.597.0335  www.fuscoe.com December 2015 CITY OF CARLSBAD Parks & Recreation Department 799 Pine Avenue, Suite 200 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Sir or Madam: This letter has been enclosed to inform you of your responsibilities as the owner of this SWPPP. The SWPPP is intended to be a “living” document, integrating changes to the plan as the construction project progresses. Furthermore, it is to be kept within the premises of the project at all times and kept on file for a period of three years after construction is completed. Below is a list of requirements that you, the Project Superintendent, or the Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) will need to fulfill in order to consider this SWPPP compliant once soil-disturbing activities begin: 1. Provide the name and contact information for the Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) and the General Contractor in Section 6.2 and in Appendix K. 2. Insert copies of the Permit Registration Documents (PRDs), including the signed Fee Statement and WDID Receipt (issued by the SWRCB) in Appendix C (available online through SMARTS). 3. Insert a copy of the Tentative Construction Activity Schedule provided by the contractor into Appendix H of this SWPPP, and update the schedule as needed. 4. Insert a list of Contractors and Subcontractors in Appendix L, and update the list as necessary. 5. Include copies of the appropriate Training Documentation in Appendix J, including training for the designated Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP). 6. Update Site Plan / SWPPP Exhibits / Erosion Control Plan by hand as the project site changes (location of trailer, stockpiling, cement wash out areas, construction phasing, etc.). Dates and initials should accompany each change on the plan. Include copies in the SWPPP (Appendix B). 7. Site inspections must be performed quarterly, prior to anticipated storm events, during extended storm events, and after actual storm events (see Section 7.5 for further details). Inspection forms can be found in Appendix P and Appendix Q. On-site BMPs need to be inspected on a weekly basis. The Visual Inspection Report found in Appendix P of the SWPPP should be used for inspections and is highly recommended for any other site inspection not required by the Construction General Permit. 8. Storm Water Effluent Sampling must be performed for turbidity and pH for all storm events exceeding ½” of rainfall at time of discharge. Refer to section 7.6 for further details on sampling. 9. Spill Reports must be filled out when they occur at the project site (Appendix N). 10. Periodically distribute the Memorandum to Employees in Appendix J. 11. Have all subcontractors sign a copy of the Subcontractor Notification Letter in Appendix M. 12. Complete and submit the Annual Report to the SWRCB prior to September 1, 2015 and annually thereafter while the project is under construction. This report must be based on the inspection reports accumulated for each year. Details are provided in Appendix F. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. Emma C. Smith Environmental Scientist S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC.I SWPPP CERTIFICATION QUALIFIED SWPPP DEVELOPER (QSD) CERTIFICATION "I certify that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is, true, accurate, and complete and meets the requirements of the California Construction General Permit (CAS000002, Order No. 2009-009-DWQ). _______________________________________ ___________________________ Signature Date Emma C. Smith, CPSWQ, CPESC, QSD Environmental Scientist CPSWQ #954 QSD #20121, Exp. 8.30.17 Fuscoe Engineering, Inc. 6390 Greenwich Drive, Suite 170 San Diego, CA 92122 858.554.1500 esmith@fuscoe.com December 18, 2015 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) AVIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING , INC. II OWNER / LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE PERSON (LRP) CERTIFICATION "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." _______________________________________ ___________________________ Signature Date Kevin Crawford City Manager City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2751 Kevin.Crawford@carlsbadca.gov S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC.III TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.SWPPP REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................1  1.1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................1  1.2. SWPPP OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................1  1.3. PERMIT REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS .......................................................................2  1.4. SWPPP AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION .............................................................2  1.5. SWPPP AMENDMENTS .........................................................................................2  1.6. RETENTION OF RECORDS .....................................................................................3  1.7. REQUIRED NON-COMPLIANCE REPORTING ..............................................................4  1.8. ANNUAL REPORT ................................................................................................4  1.9. CHANGES TO PERMIT COVERAGE ..........................................................................5  1.10. NOTICE OF TERMINATION ....................................................................................5  1.11. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................6  2.PROJECT INFORMATION ......................................................................................7  2.1. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................7  2.1.1. Project Description ................................................................................7  2.1.2. Site Description .....................................................................................7  2.1.3. Existing Drainage Conditions .................................................................8  2.1.4. Proposed Drainage Conditions ..............................................................8  2.1.5. Nature of Fill Material & Existing Data Describing the Soil ........................8  2.1.6. Environmentally Sensitive Site Conditions ................................................9  2.1.7. Site Plan...............................................................................................9  2.2. STORM WATER RUN-ON FROM OFF-SITE AREAS .......................................................9  2.3. FINDINGS OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SEDIMENT & RECEIVING WATER RISK DETERMINATION .............................................................................................. 10  2.3.1. Site Sediment Risk ............................................................................... 11  2.3.2. Receiving Water Risk ........................................................................... 13  2.3.3. Risk Determination .............................................................................. 13  2.4. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ................................................................................ 13  2.5. POTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SITE POLLUTANT SOURCES ............................................ 14  2.5.1. Known Sources of Contamination On-Site ............................................ 14  2.5.2. Potential Areas for Storm Water Contamination ..................................... 14  2.5.3. Materials Inventory .............................................................................. 15  2.5.4. Pre-Construction Control Measures ...................................................... 16  2.6. IDENTIFICATION OF NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES ............................................ 17  3.BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) .............................................................. 18  3.1. SCHEDULE FOR BMP IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................. 18  3.2. SWPPP EXHIBITS .............................................................................................. 18  3.3. EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ...................................................... 18  3.3.1. Erosion Control BMPs ......................................................................... 18  3.3.2. Sediment Control BMPs ....................................................................... 21  S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. IV 3.3.3. Tracking Control BMPs ........................................................................ 23  3.3.4. Wind Erosion Control BMPs ................................................................. 23  3.4. NON-STORM WATER AND MATERIAL MANAGEMENT ................................................ 24  3.4.1. Non-Storm Water Management BMPs .................................................. 24  3.4.2. Material and Waste Management BMPs................................................ 27  3.5. POST-CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MEASURES ............................... 29  4. BMP INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND RAIN EVENT ACTION PLANS (REAPS) ....... 32  4.1. BMP INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................. 32  4.2. RAIN EVENT ACTION PLANS ................................................................................ 33  5. TRAINING .......................................................................................................... 34  5.1. OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................... 34  5.2. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 34  5.2.1. Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) ...................................................... 34  5.2.2. Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) ...................................................... 35  5.2.3. Employee & Subcontractor Training ...................................................... 35  6. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES AND OPERATORS .............................................................. 37  6.1. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES ........................................................................................ 37  6.2. CONTRACTOR LIST ........................................................................................... 37  7. CONSTRUCTION SITE MONITORING PROGRAM (CSMP) ..................................... 38  7.1. PURPOSE ........................................................................................................ 38  7.2. APPLICABILITY OF PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... 38  7.3. NUMERIC ACTION LEVELS, EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS, AND DISCHARGE PROHIBITIONS ........ 39  7.4. SAFETY ........................................................................................................... 41  7.5. VISUAL MONITORING (INSPECTIONS) .................................................................... 41  7.5.1. BMP Inspections ................................................................................. 41  7.5.2. Qualifying Rain Event Inspections ......................................................... 42  7.5.3. Non-Storm Water Discharge Inspections ............................................... 43  7.6. WATER QUALITY SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS ............................................................. 44  7.6.1. Potential Pollutant Sources ................................................................... 44  7.6.2. Monitoring Constituents by Risk Level .................................................... 45  7.6.3. Sampling Locations ............................................................................. 46  7.6.4. Sample Collection and Handling .......................................................... 46  7.6.5. Analytical Methods and Reporting Limits ............................................... 49  7.6.6. Exemptions ......................................................................................... 50  7.6.7. Bioassessment .................................................................................... 51  7.7. WATERSHED MONITORING OPTION ..................................................................... 51  7.8. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QC) ......................................... 51  7.8.1. Field Logs .......................................................................................... 51  7.8.2. Clean Sampling Techniques ................................................................. 51  7.8.3. Sample Chain-of-Custody ................................................................... 51  7.8.4. Data Verification ................................................................................. 52  7.9. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND RECORDS RETENTION ............................................ 53  7.9.1. Numeric Action Level Exceedance Report .............................................. 53  S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. V 7.9.2. Numeric Effluent Limitation (NEL) Violation Report ................................. 54  7.9.3. Annual Report .................................................................................... 54  7.9.4. Records Retention ............................................................................... 55  7.10. ACTIVE TREATMENT SYSTEMS (ATS) REQUIREMENTS .................................................. 56  7.10.1. Types of ATS ...................................................................................... 56  7.10.2. ATS Plan ............................................................................................ 57  7.10.3. Required Training for ATS Operation and Monitoring ............................. 57  7.10.4. Visual Monitoring (Inspection) .............................................................. 58  7.10.5. Operational and Compliance Monitoring ............................................. 58  7.10.6. Reporting and Records Retention .......................................................... 59  8. APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 60  S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. VI APPENDICES Appendix A Construction General Permit Appendix B Exhibits B1 Vicinity Map B2 SWPPP Exhibits B3 Erosion Control Plan, Demolition Plan & Excavation Plan (as appropriate) B4 Sampling Locations Plan B5 Post-Construction (SWMP) Plan B6 Hydrology Maps Appendix C Submitted Permit Registration Documents: C1 PRD Instructions C2 NOI C3 Risk Assessment (Sediment and Receiving Water Risk Determination) C4 Site Map (Including Vicinity Map) C5 Signed Certification Statement/Fee Statement & WDID Receipt Appendix D Submitted Changes to PRDs / COIs (due to change in ownership or acreage) Appendix E SWPPP Amendment Log & SWPPP Amendments Appendix F Annual Reporting Requirements Appendix G Runoff Coefficient and Run-on Computation Sheets Appendix H Construction Activity Schedule & BMP Implementation Schedule Appendix I CASQA BMP Handbook Fact Sheets Appendix J Training Documentation Forms & Sample Memorandum to Employees Appendix K Responsible Parties Appendix L Contractors and Subcontractors Appendix M Sample Subcontractor Notification Letter and Log Appendix N Significant Spill Reports Appendix O Quick Reference Disposal Alternatives Appendix P Visual Inspection Forms, Reports & Rain Gauge Log Appendix Q Rain Event Action Plans (REAPs) Appendix R Guidance on Field Measurements Appendix S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Appendix T Storm Water Sampling Forms Appendix U How to Submit an Ad Hoc Report for Construction Site Monitoring Appendix V NAL/NEL Exceedance Site Evaluations and Non-Compliance Reports S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. VII TABLES Table 2.1 Site Impervious Area Composition ....................................................................9  Table 2.2 Off-Site Run-on Summary .............................................................................. 10  Table 2.3 Combined Construction Site Risk Level Matrix .................................................. 10  Table 2.4 Sediment Risk Factor Summary ....................................................................... 13  Table 2.5 Potential Pollutant Sources from Construction Areas and Activities...................... 14  Table 2.6 Materials Inventory and Associated Pollutants of Concern ................................. 15  Table 3.1 Erosion Control BMPs .................................................................................... 19  Table 3.2 Sediment Control BMPs ................................................................................. 21  Table 3.3 Tracking Control BMPs .................................................................................. 23  Table 3.4 Wind Erosion Control BMPs ........................................................................... 23  Table 3.5 Non-Storm Water Management BMPs ............................................................. 24  Table 3.6 Material and Waste Management BMPs .......................................................... 27  Table 3.7 Non-Structural Source Control BMPs ............................................................... 30  Table 3.8 Structural Source Control BMPs ...................................................................... 30  Table 3.9 Structural Treatment Control BMPs .................................................................. 30  Table 6.1 List of Responsible Parties ............................................................................... 37  Table 6.2 List of Contractors ......................................................................................... 37  Table 7.1 Monitoring Requirements by Risk Level ............................................................ 38  Table 7.2 Analytical Methods and Protocols for General Permit Constituents ..................... 49  Table 7.3 Potential Non-Visible Pollutants based on Common Construction Activities ......... 50  Table 7.4 Summary of ATS Discharge Limitations ............................................................ 56  S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. VIII ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATS Active Treatment System BAT/BCT Best Available Technology/Best Control Technology BMP Best Management Practice BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand CASQA California Stormwater Quality Association CFR Code of Federal Regulations cfs cubic feet per second CGP General Construction Permit COD Chemical Oxygen Demand COI Change of Information CPESC Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control CPSWQ Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality CSMP Construction Site Monitoring Program ELAP Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program EPA Environmental Protection Agency GIS Geographic Information Systems LOEC Lowest Observed Effect Concentration LRP Legally Responsible Person MATC Maximum Allowable Threshold Concentration MBAS Methylene Blue Activated Substances MDL Method Detection Limit MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets MSRP Monitoring, Sampling & Reporting Plan NAL Numeric Action Level NEL Numeric Effluent Limitation NICET National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOEC No Observed Effect Concentration NOI Notice of Intent NOT Notice of Termination NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units O&M Operations & Maintenance OC DAMP Orange County Drainage Area Management Plan S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. IX PRD Permit Registration Document QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control QAPrP Quality Assurance Program Plan QSD Qualified SWPPP Developer QSP Qualified SWPPP Practitioner REAP Rain Event Action Plan RUSLE Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board SAFIT Southwestern Association of Freshwater Invertebrate Taxonomists SMARTS Stormwater Multi Application and Tracking System SSC Suspended Sediment Concentration STE Standard Taxonomic Effect SVOC Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds SWAMP Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board TDS Total Dissolved Solids TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load TSP Trisodium Phosphate TSS Total Suspended Solids USDA United States Department of Agriculture VOC Volatile Organic Compounds WDID Waste Discharge Identification WDR Waste Discharge Requirement S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 1 1. SWPPP REQUIREMENTS 1.1. INTRODUCTION This Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has been prepared to provide specifications for the management of both storm water and non-storm water discharges during the construction and operation of Aviara Park in the City of Carlsbad. It has been developed as required under State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB) Order No. 2009-0009- DWQ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000002 (herein referred to as the General Permit or CGP) and in accordance with good engineering practices. This SWPPP describes this facility and its operations, identifies potential sources of storm water pollution at the facility and recommends appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) or pollution control measures to reduce the discharge of pollutants in storm water runoff construction and operational (post-construction) activities. The contents of the SWPPP include, among other requirements, Construction Site Monitoring Program (CSMP), requirements for preparing Rain Event Action Plans (REAPs), employee training documentation, guidelines for periodic reviews of this SWPPP and annual reporting requirements. 1.2. SWPPP OBJECTIVES The objective of this SWPPP is to provide general and specific guidelines for the project owner and contractors to follow in order to maintain and improve existing on-site water quality, and to protect and preserve natural habitat, pursuant to the General Permit. This SWPPP is to be amended or revised when necessary to meet the following objectives:  Identify all pollutants and their sources, including sources of sedimentation and erosion associated with construction, construction site erosion and all other activities associated with construction activity are controlled;  Where not otherwise required to be under a Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) permit, all non-storm water discharges are identified and either eliminated, controlled, or treated;  Identify, construct, implement in accordance with a time schedule, site BMPs that are effective and result in the reduction or elimination of pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges from construction activity to the Best Available Technology/Best Control Technology(BAT/BCT) standard;  Calculations and design details as well as BMP controls for site run-on are complete and correct;  Stabilization BMPs installed to reduce or eliminate pollutants after construction are completed;  Identify post-construction BMPs, which are those measures to be installed during construction that are intended to reduce or eliminate pollutants after construction is completed; and S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 2  Identify and provide methods to implement BMP inspection, visual monitoring, Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) and Construction Site Monitoring Program (CSMP) requirements to comply with the General Permit. 1.3. PERMIT REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS To obtain coverage under the General Permit (Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ), the following Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) must be electronically submitted to the SWRCB through its Stormwater Multi Application and Tracking System (SMARTS) by the Legally Responsible Person (LRP). The following documents are required for submittal, copies of which shall be included in this SWPPP (Appendix C).  Notice of Intent (NOI)  Risk Assessment with supporting documentation  SWPPP  Site Map  Annual Fee  Post-construction Water Balance Calculation (not required for projects covered under a Phase I MS4 Stormwater Permit)  Active Treatment System (ATS) Plan (if ATS will be used on-site)  Signed Certification Statement Date Issued: WDID Number: (to be completed upon issuance) 1.4. SWPPP AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION This SWPPP shall remain on the construction site premises at all times during the hours of operation. This rule is effective beginning with the commencement of soil disturbing activities at the project site and remains in effect until the SWRCB approves the Notice of Termination (NOT) of coverage under the Construction General Permit. The SWPPP shall be implemented concurrently with the start of ground disturbing activities. 1.5. SWPPP AMENDMENTS This SWPPP shall be amended:  Whenever there is a change in construction or operations which may affect the discharge of pollutants to surface waters, groundwater(s), or a municipal separate storm system, (MS4); or S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 3  If any conditions of the Permits is violated or the general objective of reducing or eliminating pollutants in storm water discharges has not been achieved. If the RWQCB determines that a permit violation has occurred, the SWPPP shall be amended and implemented within 14 calendar days after notification by the RWQCB;  Annually, prior to the defined rainy season, when required by the project’s Special Provisions; and  When deemed necessary by the Engineer of Record, Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP), or the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD). The following item will be included in each amendment:  Who requested the amendment  The location of the proposed change  The reason for the change  The original BMP proposed, if any  The new BMP proposed Amendments for this SWPPP are listed in the Amendment Log in Appendix E. As part of the General Permit, any amendments to this SWPPP shall be documented in Appendix E, submitted electronically to the SWRCB through the Storm Water Multi-Application Report Tracking system (SMARTS) and certified by the LRP or the LRP’s approved signatory. Amendments shall also be signed by the QSD. 1.6. RETENTION OF RECORDS The General Permit (Sections I.J.69 and IV.G) requires that all dischargers maintain a paper or electronic copy of all required records for three years from the date generated or date submitted, whichever is last. These records must be available at the construction site until construction is completed. The discharger shall furnish the RWQCB, SWRCB, or US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), within a reasonable time, any requested information to determine compliance with the General Permit. The following reports and records are required:  Amendments to the SWPPP / Erosion Control Plan – to be shown on field copy and attached to the SWPPP (Appendix E)  Inspection Reports – Checklist per attached form in Appendix P  Training Documentation – per attached form in Appendix J  Non-Compliance Reports – include copies in Appendix V  Rain Event Action Plans (REAPs) – per attached form (Appendix Q)  Annual Reports – include in Appendix F  Change of Ownership – per changes to PRDs, include in Appendix D S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 4  Notice of Termination – include copy in Appendix D  Water Quality Sampling & Analysis Data – per attached forms in Appendix T 1.7. REQUIRED NON-COMPLIANCE REPORTING Dischargers who cannot certify compliance and/or who have had other instances of non- compliance according to the General Permit criteria shall notify the RWQCB (via SMARTS reporting). Notifications shall include description of non-compliance event, impact assessment, mitigation measures and schedule of activities necessary to restore compliance. Exceedances and violations to be reported should include the following:  Numeric Action Level (NAL) exceedances (NAL Exceedance Report upon request of the RWQCB);  Numeric Effluent Limitation (NEL) Violation Report;  Self-reporting of any other discharge violations or to comply with RWQCB enforcement actions; and  Discharges which contain a hazardous substance in excess of reportable quantities established in 40 CFR §§ 117.3 and 302.4, unless a separate NPDES Permit has been issued to regulate those discharges. Copies of all reportable exceedances shall be included in the SWPPP. Include the results of an NAL exceedance site evaluation along with other non-compliance events in Appendix V. Refer to Section 7.9 and Appendix U for additional information on non-compliance reporting. 1.8. ANNUAL REPORT The Construction General Permit requires construction sites that are enrolled for more than one continuous three-month period are required to submit information and annually certify that their site is incompliance with the requirements of the General Permit (Order 2009-0009- DWQ). Annual reports shall be prepared and submitted electronically no later than September 1st each year (beginning September 1, 2015) using the SWRCB’s SMARTS website. In addition, the Annual Report is required when submitting a Notice of Termination (NOT). The Annual Report must include a summary and evaluation of the following: 1) Sampling and analysis results including laboratory reports, analytical methods and reporting limits and chain of custody forms (Risk Levels 2 and 3 only); 2) Corrective actions and compliance activities, including those not implemented; 3) Violations of the General Permit; 4) Date, time, place, and name(s) of the inspector(s) for all sampling, inspections, and field measurement activities; 5) Visual observation and sample collection exception records; and S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 5 6) Training documentation of all personnel responsible for General Permit compliance activities. Copies of the completed Annual Reports may also be included in Appendix F. Note: Annual reporting replaces the “Annual Compliance Certification” requirement after July 1, 2010. 1.9. CHANGES TO PERMIT COVERAGE The General Permit (Section II.C) allows changes to the project acreage covered by a WDID when a portion of the project is complete and/or conditions for termination have been met; when ownership of a portion of the project is sold to a different entity; or when new acreage is added to the project. In order to change the acreage covered, new and/or modified PRDs must be filed electronically within 30 days of a reduction or increase in total disturbed areas. Changes are submitted through the Change of Information (COI) form through SMARTS. The following must be submitted:  Revised Notice of Intent (NOI)  SWPPP Revisions (as appropriate)  Revised Site Map  New landowner information (including name, address phone number and email address)  Signed Certification Statement that new landowners have been notified of applicable requirements to obtain permit coverage If the project acreage has increased, dischargers shall mail payment of the revised annual fees within 14 days of receiving the revised annual fee notification. Any updates to PRDs and COIs shall be included in this SWPPP (Appendix D). 1.10. NOTICE OF TERMINATION To terminate coverage under the General Permit, a Notice of Termination (NOT) must be submitted electronically via SMARTS. Filing a NOT certifies that all requirements of the General Permit have been met. The NOT is submitted when the construction of the project is complete and within 90 days of meeting all General Permit requirements for termination and final stabilization, which include the following:  The site will not pose any additional sediment discharge risk than it did prior to construction activity.  All construction related equipment, materials and any temporary BMPs no longer needed are removed from the site. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 6  Post-construction storm water management measures are installed and a long-term maintenance plan that is designed for a minimum of five years has been developed. A final site map and photos are required to be submitted with the NOT. The Annual Report must also be submitted prior to submitting the NOT. In addition, the NOT must demonstrate through photos, Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) results, or results of testing and analysis that the project meets all of the requirements of Section II.D of the General Permit by one of the following methods:  70% final cover method (no computational proof required); or  RUSLE/RUSLE2 method (computational proof required); or  Custom method (discharger demonstrates that site complies with final stabilization). 1.11. REFERENCES The following documents are made part of this SWPPP by reference:  State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000002, Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Discharges of Storm Water Runoff Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities.  California Stormwater BMP Handbook – Construction, November 2009  San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Final 2006 Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments.  Caltrans SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual, dated March, 2007.  San Diego RWQCB, Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (9). September 8, 1994. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 7 2. PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1.1. Project Description The Aviara Community Park site is approximately a 1 acre site located in the City of Carlsbad at the northernmost point of Ambrosia Lane. The existing site is an unused vacant pad. The project proposes to construct an amphitheater, an events center with storage, restrooms and a kitchen as well as new parking area. 2.1.2. Site Description The proposed park addition is located within the San Diego Regional Water Quality Board within the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit. The project is in the Encincas Hydrologic Area and discharges to the Pacific Ocean via the Canyon de Las Encinas. The Canyon de Las Encinas is not listed on the California 2010 303(d) list of impaired water bodies. Existing Beneficial Uses for Canyon de Las Encinas include REC2, WARM, WILD and a potential beneficial use for REC1. Contact Water Recreation (REC-1) Includes uses of water for recreational activities involving body contact with water, where ingestion of water is reasonably possible. These uses include, but are not limited to, swimming, wading, water-skiing, skin and SCUBA diving, surfing, white water activities, fishing, or use of natural hot springs. Non-contact Water Recreation (REC-2) Includes the uses of water for recreational activities involving proximity to water, but not normally involving body contact with water, where ingestion of water is reasonably possible. These uses include, but are not limited to, picnicking, sunbathing, hiking, beachcombing, camping, boating, tidepool and marine life study, hunting, sightseeing, or aesthetic enjoyment in conjunction with the above activities. Warm Freshwater Habitat (WARM) Includes uses of water that support warm water ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation or enhancement of aquatic habitats, vegetation, fish or wildlife, including invertebrates. Wildlife Habitat (WILD) Includes uses of water that support terrestrial ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation and enhancement of terrestrial habitats, vegetation, wildlife (e.g., mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates), or wildlife water and food sources. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 8 2.1.3. Existing Drainage Conditions The existing site consists of a graded pad. It generally drains via sheet flow to an existing storm drain inlet in the southeast corner of the site. The existing parking stalls and sidewalks along the south edge of the pad drain southeasterly into the drive aisle and ultimately to a curb inlet to the southeast. 2.1.4. Proposed Drainage Conditions Under proposed conditions, the site will be regraded to create a shallow amphitheater in the northwestern portion of the site. The northerly half of the site will drain to catch basins in the low point of the amphitheater. A new storm drain system will extend from the catch basins to the existing storm drain system in the southeasterly portion of the site. Additional area drains will provided in the landscape areas around the proposed building, which will also connect to the storm drain system. The proposed parking spaces and a portion of the plaza areas along the southerly edge of the site will continue to drain into the drive aisle and to the existing curb inlet to the southeast. Extensive use of pervious pavements in the hardscape and parking will reduce runoff in the proposed conditions. 2.1.5. Nature of Fill Material & Existing Data Describing the Soil A Revised Final Soils Investigation Report was prepared by K2 Engineering on November 19, 2015 for the Aviara Community Park Expansion. The summary of this report states the following with regards to the existing soil conditions of the site: “This report presents the results of our soils investigation performed to provide earthwork and foundation recommendations for the proposed Aviara Community Park Expansion. The proposed expansion projects are planned on the northwest portion of Aviara Community Park located at 6435 Ambrosia Lane in Carlsbad, California. The location of the exploratory excavations is presented on Plate 1, Site Plan. A summary of our findings and recommendations is presented below. • Fill soils were not encountered in the borings, but may be present at locations not explored. • Formational materials were encountered in all four borings to the maximum depth explored of 16½ feet. The formational materials consisted of dense to very dense, weakly to moderately cemented silty sandstone. • Groundwater was not encountered in the exploratory borings. • The proposed improvements may be supported on the very dense to dense, undisturbed formational materials. • Heavy duty earthmoving equipment in good working condition may be required to excavate the formational materials. • Based on our review of historical aerial photos, a building previously occupied the south- central portion of the site. Project grading plans indicated noted “Trailer Pad per City” for the area. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 9 For purposes of this report, it has been assumed that foundations were not installed at this location. Additional recommendations will be required if disturbed formational materials occur within the footprint of the proposed community room. • Percolation testing performed on site indicated very slow to slow percolation rates.” 2.1.6. Environmentally Sensitive Site Conditions Under existing conditions, the project site is undeveloped. The project site is not located in an area of known for erosive soil conditions, such as a hillside development, nor is it located near environmentally sensitive areas, such as protected habitat or proximate to receiving water bodies. Therefore, it is not expected that construction activities at the project site will impact water quality of environmentally sensitive features. 2.1.7. Site Plan Approximately 1 acre (grading limit) will be developed and/or disturbed on the Aviara Park project site. Under the existing condition, the Aviara Park project site is primarily undeveloped vacant land. Under the proposed condition, the project area will include increases in hardscape (roads, pads, infrastructure improvements) and softscape (landscaping) thereby altering the runoff conditions. A summary of the proposed impervious area composition is illustrated in the table below. Table 2.1 Site Impervious Area Composition Parameter Estimate Construction Site Area 1.1 acres Percentage Impervious Area Before Construction 0% Runoff Coefficient Before Construction 0.40 Percentage Impervious Area After Construction 5% Runoff Coefficient After Construction 0.31 Note: Calculations are provided in Appendix G. 2.2. STORM WATER RUN-ON FROM OFF-SITE AREAS Storm water flows from adjacent off-site areas (referred to as “run-on”) will not flow through the project. The site does not accept run-on from off-site areas due to its location at the top of a ridge. The adjacent canyons to the west, north, and east slope steeply away from the site. The parking lot to the south of the site drains in a southeasterly direction. Copies of the Hydrology Maps for existing and proposed conditions are included in Appendix B. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 10 Table 2.2 Off-Site Run-on Summary Parameter Estimate Area Runoff Coefficient 0 Area Rainfall Intensity 0 in/hr Contributing Drainage Area 0 acres Site Area Run-on Discharge 0 cfs Note: Calculations are provided in Appendix G. cfs cubic feet per second 2.3. FINDINGS OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SEDIMENT & RECEIVING WATER RISK DETERMINATION The General Permit uses a risk-based approach for controlling erosion and sediment discharges from construction sites, since the rates of erosion and sedimentation can vary from site to site depending on factors such as duration of construction activities, climate, topography, soil condition, and proximity to receiving water bodies. The General Permit identifies three levels of risk with differing requirements, designated as Risk Levels 1, 2 and 3, with Risk Level 1 having the fewest permit requirements and Risk Level 3 having the most- stringent requirements. The Risk Assessment incorporates two risk factors for a project site: sediment risk (general amount of sediment potentially discharged from the site) and receiving water risk (the risk sediment discharges can pose to receiving waters). Sediment risk from a project site is determined utilizing a derivative of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), a model developed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is utilized by the US EPA for estimating rates of soil loss at construction sites during rain events. The Receiving Water Risk is based on whether or not the project site drains to a sediment-sensitive water body or a water body with SPAWN, COLD, and MIGRATORY designated beneficial uses as specified in the San Diego RWQCB’s Basin Plan. The resultant risk levels for Sediment Risk and Receiving Water Risk is then assessed in a matrix to determine the combined risk level, based on a scale of 1 to 3. The combined risk level matrix is presented as Table 2.3. Table 2.3 Combined Construction Site Risk Level Matrix Receiving Water Risk Sediment Risk Low Medium High Low Risk Level 1 Risk Level 2 Risk Level 2 High Risk Level 2 Risk Level 2 Risk Level 3 Based on the Risk Level a project falls under, different sets of regulatory requirements are applied to the site. The main difference between Risk Levels 1, 2, and 3 are the numeric effluent standards. In Risk Level 1, there are no numeric effluent standard requirements, as it S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 11 is considered a low Sediment Risk and low Receiving Water Risk (see matrix above). Instead, narrative effluent limits are prescribed. In Risk Level 2, Numeric Action Levels (NALs) of pH between 6.5-8.5 and turbidity below 250 NTU are prescribed in addition to the narrative effluent limitations found in Risk Level 1 requirements. Should the NAL be exceeded during a storm event, the discharger is required to immediately determine the source associated with the exceedance and to implement corrective actions if necessary to mitigate the exceedance. For a Risk Level 3 site, Numeric Effluent Limits (NELs) are applied in addition to the narrative and numeric effluent standards prescribed for a Risk Level 2 site. Risk Level 3 dischargers are subject to a pH NEL of 6.0-9.0 and a turbidity NEL of 500 NTU. Once an NEL is exceeded, the construction site is considered in violation of the General Permit 2.3.1. Site Sediment Risk Sediment risk from a project site is determined utilizing a derivative of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), a model developed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is utilized by the US EPA for estimating rates of soil loss at construction sites during rain events. Utilizing RUSLE, the sediment risk for the project site is thus determined by the following equation: A = (R)(K)(LS)(C)(P) Where: A = rate of sheet and rill erosion, in tons/acre R = rainfall-runoff erosivity factor K = soil erodibility factor LS = length-slope factor C = cover factor (erosion controls) P = management operations & support practices (sediment controls) The General Permit provides the following procedure for determining the RUSLE equation factors for construction sites:  R-Factor: Analyses of data indicated that when factors other than rainfall are held constant, soil loss is directly proportional to a rainfall factor composed of total storm kinetic energy (E) times the maximum 30-min intensity (I30).1 The numerical value of R is the average annual sum of EI30 for storm events during a rainfall record of at least 22 years. "Isoerodent" maps were developed based on R-values calculated for more than 1,000 locations in the Western U.S. The maps may be utilized to determine the Standard Risk Assessment, and have been included in Appendix 1 of the General Permit (Appendix A of this SWPPP). A hand-calculation may also be utilized to determine the site’s R-Factor, either by utilizing the methodology described in USDA’s Agricultural Handbook 703, Predicting soil erosion by water: A guide to conservation planning with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), or the EPA’s R-value Risk Calculator (available at http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/LEW/lewCalculator.cfm). 1 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses A Guide to Conservation Planning. Agriculture Handbook 537. December 1978. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 12  K-Factor: The soil-erodibility factor K represents: (1) susceptibility of soil or surface material to erosion, (2) transportability of the sediment, and (3) the amount and rate of runoff given a particular rainfall input, as measured under a standard condition. The site-specific K-factor may be determined using the nomograph method as shown in Appendix 1 of the General Permit based on a particle-size analysis (ASTM D-422) performed for the soils at the project site.  LS Factor: The effect of topography on erosion is accounted for by the LS factor, which combines the effects of a hillslope-length factor, L, and a hillslope-gradient factor, S. Generally speaking, as hillslope length and/or hillslope gradient increase, soil loss increases. As hillslope length increases, total soil loss and soil loss per unit area increase due to the progressive accumulation of runoff in the downslope direction. As the hillslope gradient increases, the velocity and erosivity of runoff increases. The weighted average LS factor may be determined using the LS Table located in Appendix 1 of the General Permit (Appendix A of this SWPPP). Alternatively, K and LS factors can be derived from the color map included in Appendix 1 of the General Permit (Appendix A of this SWPPP). This alternative method is termed the GIS Map Method. The map is a geographical representation of combined K and LS factors for the State of California.  C-Factor: Cover factor based on erosion controls. Assumed to equal 1.0 to simulate bare ground conditions. The implementation of erosion control measures for the proposed project during construction will reduce the C-Factor to less than 1.0, thereby reducing the erosion potential.  P-Factor: Management operations and support practices for sediment controls. Assumed to equal 1.0 to simulate bare ground conditions. The implementation of sediment control measures for the proposed project during construction will reduce the P-factor to less than 1.0, thereby reducing the sediment loss potential. With both the C-Factor and P-Factor set at 1.0 to simulate bare ground conditions rather than utilizing values to simulate conditions where construction is taking place, sediment risk is condensed to multiplying R, K, and LS factors from RUSLE. The resultant risk of soil loss (A), measured in tons per acre, is then categorized as Low, Medium, or High based on the following breakdown: A < 15 tons/acre = Low Sediment Risk A > 15 and < 75 tons/acre = Medium Sediment Risk A > 75 tons/acre = High Sediment Risk To determine the Sediment Risk for the Aviara Community Park project, the GIS Map Method was utilized. Table 2.4 summarizes the results of the Sediment Risk Analysis performed for the project. Supporting details and calculations are provided in Appendix C. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 13 Table 2.4 Sediment Risk Factor Summary Parameter Method Used Result R Factor EPA Worksheet 3.1 30 K Factor GIS Map Method 0.43 LS Factor GIS Map Method 2.2373 Watershed Erosion Estimate (in tons/acre) 30.6117 Therefore, the Project’s Sediment Risk is Medium. 2.3.2. Receiving Water Risk The second risk factor in performing a Risk Assessment is Receiving Water Risk. The Receiving Water Risk is based on whether or not the project site drains to a sediment-sensitive water body. The General Permit identifies a High Receiving Water Risk if the project drains to a receiving water body that meets at least one of the following characteristics:  The disturbed area discharges (either directly or indirectly) to a 303(d)-listed water body impaired by sediment.  The disturbed area discharges to a water body that has a US EPA-approved TMDL implementation plan for sediment.  The disturbed area discharges to a water body with designated beneficial uses of SPAWN, COLD, & MIGRATORY per the region’s Basin Plan. If the project does not discharge to a water body that meets one of the above categories, it is considered a Low Receiving Water Risk. The project does not meet any of the above criteria. Therefore, the Project’s Receiving Water Risk is Low. 2.3.3. Risk Determination The resultant Risk Level for the Aviara Community Park project is Risk Level 2. Risk Level 2 requirements are outlined in the General Permit, included as Appendix A of this SWPPP. 2.4. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE This SWPPP shall be implemented concurrently with the commencement of soil disturbing activities at the project site. Grading is anticipated to begin September 1, 2016. It is estimated that the project will be completed September 1, 2017. The construction activity S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 14 schedule for the Aviara Community Park project is provided in Appendix H of this SWPPP. A schedule for BMP implementation is also included in Appendix H. 2.5. POTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SITE POLLUTANT SOURCES This section identifies the activities, materials and conditions on the project site that may cause pollutants to become entrained in runoff and discharge from the site. The activities and potential pollutants summarized in the following sections have been considered in selecting BMPs for the project. 2.5.1. Known Sources of Contamination On-Site Based on the review of the available documents, Fuscoe Engineering is not aware of any significant quantities of toxic materials known to have been treated, stored, disposed, spilled or leaked out of this construction site. The City of Carlsbad is not aware of any significant quantities of toxic materials known to have been treated, stored, disposed, spilled or leaked out of this construction site. 2.5.2. Potential Areas for Storm Water Contamination The following source areas for potential storm water runoff contamination were identified and evaluated in this SWPPP: Table 2.5 Potential Pollutant Sources from Construction Areas and Activities Activity/Area of Concern Potential Problem/Pollutants Visually Observable? Cleared and graded areas Sediment mobilization from soil stockpiles and erosion can occur without proper sediment and erosion controls. Yes Concrete disposal Concrete waste, sediment, metals, can raise pH levels outside of permitted range Yes Construction site entrance Tracking of sediment off-site onto existing roads if entrance is not stabilized/protected. Yes Demolition of existing structures Trash & debris Yes Drilling Sediment, Non-storm water discharges Yes Equipment storage area Leaking hydraulic oil and antifreeze from construction equipment. Yes Existing drain inlets The allowance of non-storm water discharges to enter the storm drain without proper inlet protection. Yes Fueling area Gasoline and diesel fuel leaks and spills from fueling activities. Yes S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 15 Activity/Area of Concern Potential Problem/Pollutants Visually Observable? Landscaping Sediment and erosion, trash, debris, organics, soil amendments, fertilizers, soil amendments Varies Masonry, Paving Operations Sediment, oil & grease, mortar, concrete wastes, can raise pH levels outside of permitted range Yes Material delivery and storage area Construction materials such as paints, plaster, and solvents left exposed and uncovered, or accidental spills. Varies Painting, Plastering, Stucco Trace metals, oil, grease, fuels, toxics, thinners, solvents, non-storm water discharges Varies Run-on from existing facilities Developed areas contribute to the deposition of bacteria, pesticides, fertilizers, oils, litter, and sediment on impervious surfaces. Varies Vertical Construction Exposure of trash/debris, sediment, metals Yes Waste collection area Exposure of trash/debris to roof drainage or direct contact with storm water if left uncovered or exposed. Yes Other: BMPs were prescribed for the mitigation and abatement of storm water runoff contamination at these potential source areas. They are described in Section 3. 2.5.3. Materials Inventory Poor management of construction materials and equipment, particularly in the storage and handling of raw materials, can create potential pollutant sources that can lead to storm water runoff contamination. Table 2.6 provides an inventory of materials used at the project site that require the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to mitigate or eliminate contact with storm water runoff. This table includes information regarding the material type and its corresponding storm water pollutant constituents of concern. Table 2.6 Materials Inventory and Associated Pollutants of Concern Material Type Storm Water Pollutant Constituents Visually Observable? Adhesives/Glue Chemical oxygen demand (COD), phenols, semi- volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) Yes Antifreeze/Coolant Ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, heavy metals Yes Asphalt Oil, petroleum distillates Yes Cleaning Products/Solvents Perchloroethylene, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, petroleum distillates Varies S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 16 Material Type Storm Water Pollutant Constituents Visually Observable? Concrete/Cement Limestone, sand, turbidity, fly ash, heavy metals, calcium sulfate, pH Yes Curing Compounds Naphtha, glass oxide, urea extended phenol No Diesel Fuel Petroleum distillate, oil & grease, naphthalene, xylenes Yes Drywall Compounds Vinyl acetate, pigment No Erosion/Sand/Gravel Soil, Particulates, turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS) Yes Fertilizer Nitrogen, phosphorus Yes Gasoline Benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, xylene, methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) Yes Hydraulic Oil/Fluids Mineral oil, additives, combustion byproducts Yes Kerosene Coal oil, petroleum distillates Yes Masonry/Tile/Stone Debris, grout Paints Metal oxide, Stoddard solvent, talc, calcium carbonate, arsenic, ethylene glycol Yes Pesticides Chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphates, carbamates, arsenic Varies Plaster Calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate, sulfuric acid Yes Sandblasting Materials Sandblasting abrasives, rust, rubble, paint Yes Sanitary waste Human waste, feces, bacteria Yes Soil Amendments Gypsum, aluminum sulfate, sulfur No Solid waste, litter Floatables, trash, debris Yes Wastewater from Equipment Washing Soil, oil & grease, solids, turbidity, sediments, sulfites Yes Wood Preservatives Stoddard solvent, petroleum, distillates, arsenic, copper, chromium No Vegetation Organics Yes Other: 2.5.4. Pre-Construction Control Measures This site is currently undeveloped and does not contain any existing control measures. All clearing and construction related activities that have the potential to cause discharges will be minimized with BMPs implemented under this SWPPP. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 17 2.6. IDENTIFICATION OF NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES All efforts will be made by the Project to reduce or eliminate non-storm water discharges from the site. Non-storm water discharges include a wide variety of sources, including improper dumping, spills, or leakage from storage tanks or transfer areas. Potential pollutants and activities that may result in non-storm water discharges are listed in Sections 2.4 and 2.5. Authorized non-storm water discharges may include those from dechlorinated potable water sources such as: fire hydrant flushing, irrigation of vegetative erosion control measures, pipe flushing and testing, water to control dust, uncontaminated ground water from dewatering, and other discharges not subject to a separate general NPDES permit adopted by a Regional Water Board. The discharge of non-storm water is authorized under the following conditions:  The discharge does not cause or contribute to a violation of any water quality standard;  The discharge does not violate any other provision of the Construction General Permit;  The discharge is not prohibited by the applicable Basin Plan;  The discharger has included and implemented specific BMPs required by the General Permit to prevent or reduce the contact of the non-storm water discharge with construction materials or equipment;  The discharge does not contain toxic constituents in toxic amounts or (other) significant quantities of pollutants;  The discharge is monitored and meets the applicable NALs and NELs; and  The discharger reports the sampling information in the Annual Report. If any of the above conditions are not satisfied, the discharge is not authorized by this General Permit. The discharger shall notify the Regional Water Board of any anticipated non-storm water discharges not already authorized by this General Permit or another NPDES permit, to determine whether a separate NPDES permit is necessary. Sampling requirements for non- storm water discharges are outlined in Section 7.6. Dewatering activities involving the removal of storm water from excavated areas are not anticipated at the site during construction. Dewatering activities involving shallow groundwater are not anticipated at the site during construction. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 18 3. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) This SWPPP provides specifications and guidelines for reducing the sediment loading into receiving water bodies that could occur during the construction and operation of Aviara Community Park. Although some erosion and soil loss is unavoidable during land- disturbance activities, the proper siting and design of erosion and sediment controls will reduce the amount of sediment transported off-site. Effective site management minimizes excessive soil erosion by keeping the soil stabilized and by directing runoff from disturbed areas to locations where sediments are removed prior to discharge to receiving water bodies. The following information identifies the specific construction BMPs that are implemented at Aviara Community Park. 3.1. SCHEDULE FOR BMP IMPLEMENTATION A schedule for BMP implementation is included in Appendix H. BMPs will be implemented according to the schedules described in the following sections as well as in Appendix H in accordance with weather conditions and phases of construction. 3.2. SWPPP EXHIBITS SWPPP Exhibits for the applicable phases of construction are included in Appendix B. The maps show existing topography, identify grading areas and proposed slopes, and the location of erosion control measures, such as perimeter controls, gravel bag berms and storm drain inlet protection measures (where applicable). In addition, Demolition Plans and/or Grading Sheets have been included in Appendix B for reference or use as future SWPPP Progress Maps. These maps are to be updated by the Contractor continually throughout construction of the project, as each phase of construction commences to reflect current BMP conditions. Updates may be made by hand in the field, and shall be initialed and dated. Copies of updated maps shall be included with this SWPPP. 3.3. EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 3.3.1. Erosion Control BMPs Erosion Control, also referred to as soil stabilization, is a source control measure that is designed to prevent soil particles from detaching and becoming transported in the storm water runoff. Erosion Control BMPs protect the soil surface by covering and/or binding the soil particles. All inactive soil disturbed areas on the project site, and most active areas prior to the onset of rain, must be protected from erosion. Soil disturbed areas may include relatively flat areas as well as slopes. Inactive areas include areas of construction activity that have been disturbed but are not currently being worked on and are not scheduled to be re- disturbed for at least 14 days. This project will incorporate minimum temporary soil stabilization requirements, temporary erosion control/soil stabilization measures required by the contract documents, and other measures selected by the contractor. This construction project will implement the practices S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 19 identified in Table 3.1 to assure effective temporary and final erosion control during construction. Locations of erosion control BMPs are identified on the SWPPP Exhibits included in Appendix B. Maintenance of erosion control BMPs are outlined in Section 4. Individual BMP fact sheets containing additional information on BMP implementation and maintenance are included in Appendix I. Table 3.1 Erosion Control BMPs CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description EC-1 Scheduling Yes Perimeter sediment controls, including controls along the physical site perimeter and at active storm drain inlets and sediment basins, shall be implemented before the start of construction for each major active area of construction, and maintained throughout the duration of construction activities for each area. Additional sediment control measures will be taken during the rainy season including additional temporary debris basins and stockpiling of emergency gravel bags. Perimeter controls will be added as new active construction areas come online. Schedule major grading operations during dry months when practical. Allow sufficient time prior to the onset of rainfall to stabilize the soil with vegetation or physical means or to install sediment trapping devices. When rainfall is predicted, adjust the construction schedule to allow the implementation of soil stabilization and sediment treatment controls on all disturbed areas prior to the onset of rain. Refer to Appendix H for additional information on BMP scheduling. EC-2 Preservation of Existing Vegetation No The entire construction area is proposed to be disturbed. EC-3 Hydraulic Mulch Yes All graded areas that will be re-disturbed after a long period of inactivity (greater than 14 days during the rainy season) shall apply hydraulic mulch (2,000 to 3,500 lb/acre, depending on type of mixture used) as a temporary erosion control until permanent stabilization can be established (i.e. potted plants, sod, etc.). Mulch shall be applied in multiple directions to adequately cover soil and avoid uneven coverage/shadowing. Refer to BMP Fact Sheet EC-3 for types of hydraulic mulches and appropriate mixtures to be used. Disturbed areas located on site shall be protected with hydraulic mulch until permanent stabilization can be established. EC-4 Hydroseeding No Not a proposed temporary BMP. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 20 CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description EC-5 Soil Binders Yes Hydraulic soil stabilizers, such as acrylic copolymer, shall be applied to all temporary construction areas at finish grade not ready for landscaping or permanent stabilization (amount depends on binder type). The protection shall be maintained until the areas are at finish grade and stabilized with permanent landscaping vegetation or other cover. Soil binders may be utilized in lieu of Hydraulic Mulch described above. EC-6 Straw Mulch No Not a proposed temporary BMP. EC-7 Geotextiles and Mats Yes Geotextiles and mats, or rolled erosion control products may be used to cover the soil surface to reduce erosion from rainfall impact, to stabilize soils until vegetation is established, in channels with flows exceeding 3.3 ft/s, on stockpiles or other disturbed areas. During the rainy season, stockpiles will be covered at all times when not in use. During the dry season, they shall be covered prior to the onset of precipitation. Stockpiles will be located away from drainage courses and storm drain inlets, in accordance with Stockpile Management (WM-3). The Contractor shall limit the use of plastic materials when more sustainable, environmentally friendly alternatives exist. Where plastic materials are deemed necessary, the Contractor shall consider the use of plastic materials resistant to solar degradation. EC-8 Wood Mulch No Not a proposed temporary BMP. EC-9 Earth Dikes & Drainage Swales No Not a proposed temporary BMP. EC-10 Velocity Dissipation Devices No Not a proposed temporary BMP. EC-11 Slope Drains No Not a proposed temporary BMP. EC-12 Streambank Stabilization No Not a proposed temporary BMP. EC-13 (reserved) Reserved for future use. EC-14 Compost Blankets No Not a proposed temporary BMP. EC-15 Soil Preparation/ Roughening No Not a proposed temporary BMP. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 21 CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description EC-16 Non-Vegetative Stabilization No Not a proposed temporary BMP. 3.3.2. Sediment Control BMPs Sediment controls are structural measures that are intended to complement and enhance the soil stabilization/erosion control measures and reduce sediment discharges from construction areas. Sediment controls are designed to intercept and filter out soil particles that have been detached and transported by the force of water. This project will incorporate minimum temporary sediment control requirements, temporary sediment control measures required by the contract documents, and other measures selected by the contractor. Temporary sediment control materials will be maintained on-site throughout the duration of the project, to allow implementation of temporary sediment controls in the event of predicted rain, and for rapid response to failures or emergencies, in conformance with requirements and as described in this SWPPP. This includes implementation requirements for active areas and non-active areas before the onset of anticipated rain events. Locations of sediment control BMPs are identified on the SWPPP Exhibits included in Appendix B. Maintenance of sediment control BMPs are outlined in Section 4. Individual BMP fact sheets containing additional information on BMP implementation and maintenance are included in Appendix I. Table 3.2 Sediment Control BMPs CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description SE-1 Silt Fence Yes Silt fencing will be installed along the downhill boundary of the project site before any soil disturbing activities can take place. This BMP can also be used below the toe or down slope of erodible slopes. Measures SE-5 and/or SE-6 will also be employed with silt fencing. Silt fencing shall be used per SWPPP Wall Map and along downhill boundary of the project.. SE-2 Sediment Basin No Not a proposed temporary BMP. SE-3 Sediment Trap No Not a proposed temporary BMP. SE-4 Check Dams No Not a proposed temporary BMP. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 22 CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description SE-5 Fiber Rolls Yes Fiber rolls shall be used along the toe, top, face, or at grade breaks of exposed slopes, along the perimeter of the project, down slope of exposed soil areas, or around temporary stockpiles. Fiber rolls may be used in lieu of or in conjunction with Gravel Bag Berms (SE-6). SE-6 Gravel Bag Berms Yes Gravel bag berms shall be used below the toe of exposed slopes, as sediment traps at culvert/pipe outlets, along the site perimeter, around temporary stockpiles, parallel to roadways, chevrons in streets, or as check dams along mildly sloping construction roads. May be utilized in lieu of or in conjunction with Sandbag Barriers (SE-8) and/or Fiber Rolls (SE-5). SE-7 Street Sweeping & Vacuuming Yes Visible sediment tracking onto public and private streets from the project site shall be inspected and swept on a daily basis, particularly at points of egress, to prevent sediments from entering storm drains and receiving waters. All immediate access roads shall also be swept prior to any rain event. Street sweeping will be performed in order to keep Ambrosia Lane free of sediments tracked from the project site. SE-8 Sandbag Barrier Yes Sandbag barriers shall be used below the toe of exposed slopes, as sediment traps at culvert/pipe outlets, along the site perimeter, around temporary stockpiles, parallel to roadways, chevrons in streets, or as check dams along mildly sloping construction roads. May be utilized in lieu of or in conjunction with Gravel Bag Berms (SE-7) and/or Fiber Rolls (SE-5). SE-9 Straw Bale Barrier No Not a proposed temporary BMP. SE-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Yes Active storm drain inlets shall be protected prior to the start of construction and maintained throughout the duration of construction activities. Secondary sediment control measures, such as chevrons, are usually required upstream of the inlet to maximize the effectiveness of this BMP. Geotextiles and Mats (EC-7), Silt Fences (SE-1), Fiber Rolls (SE-6), Gravel Bag Berms (SE-7), and Biofilter Bags (SE-14) may be utilized for inlet protection. Refer to Fact Sheet SE-10 in Appendix I for types, design criteria and installation of inlet protection measures. SE-11 Active Treatment Systems (ATS) No Not a proposed temporary BMP. SE-12 Temporary Silt Dike No Not a proposed temporary BMP. SE-13 Compost Socks & Berms No Not a proposed temporary BMP. SE-14 Biofilter Bags No Not a proposed temporary BMP. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 23 3.3.3. Tracking Control BMPs Tracking controls shall be considered and implemented year round and throughout the duration of the project, at all access (ingress/egress) points to the project site where vehicles and/or equipment may track sediment from the construction site onto public or private roadways. Locations of tracking control BMPs are identified on the SWPPP Exhibit/Erosion Control Plans included in Appendix B. Maintenance of tracking control BMPs are outlined in Section 4. Individual BMP fact sheets containing additional information on BMP implementation and maintenance are included in Appendix I. Table 3.3 Tracking Control BMPs CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description TR-1 Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Yes Construction entrances shall be stabilized at all points of site ingress and egress. The pad of aggregate will have minimum dimensions of 50 feet in length and 30 feet in width. Rumble racks (i.e. shaker plates) will be included to provide additional sediment removal and reduce potential for off-site tracking of sediment. There is one proposed ingress/egress route at this time at the Ambrosia Lane entrance. TR-2 Stabilized Construction Roadway Yes Areas that are graded for construction vehicle transport and parking shall be stabilized. Roadway can be stabilized using aggregate, asphalt concrete, or concrete. TR-3 Entrance/Outlet Tire Wash No Not a proposed temporary BMP. 3.3.4. Wind Erosion Control BMPs Wind erosion control BMPs shall be considered and implemented year-round and throughout the duration of the project on all disturbed soils on the project site that are subject to wind erosion, and when significant wind and dry conditions are anticipated during project construction. The objective of wind controls is to prevent the transport of soil from soil- disturbed areas of the project site, off-site by wind. Locations of wind erosion control BMPs are identified on the SWPPP Exhibit/Erosion Control Plans included in Appendix B. Maintenance of wind erosion control BMPs are outlined in Section 4. Individual BMP fact sheets containing additional information on BMP implementation and maintenance are included in Appendix I. Table 3.4 Wind Erosion Control BMPs S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 24 CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description WE-1 Wind Erosion Control Yes Dust control measures shall be used to stabilize soil from wind erosion, primarily in the form of construction watering (i.e. wet suppression). This BMP should be considered in the following areas of activity: (1) construction vehicle traffic on unpaved roads, (2) drilling and blasting activities, (3) soil and debris storage piles, (4) batch drop from front-end loaders, (5) unstabilized soil, and (6) final grading. The project site should be inspected daily to determine the need to implement this BMP and water trucks will be on-site during all active grading activities. In addition, wind screen fencing will be implemented along the perimeter of the project site. 3.4. NON-STORM WATER AND MATERIAL MANAGEMENT The General Permit defines non-storm water discharges as follows: "Non-storm water discharges consist of all discharges from a municipal storm water conveyance which do not originate from precipitation events (i.e., all discharges from a conveyance system other than storm water)." All efforts will be made to the project to reduce or eliminate non-storm water discharges from the site with the use of Non-Storm Water Management BMPs, Materials and Waste Management BMPs, in addition to good housekeeping measures. 3.4.1. Non-Storm Water Management BMPs There are three types of non-storm water discharges as specified in the Permit:  Illicit discharges - unplanned  Non-prohibited - planned and unplanned  NPDES permitted - planned Table 3.5 Non-Storm Water Management BMPs CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description NS-1 Water Conservation Practices Yes Water conservation practices shall be implemented to prevent erosion and the transport of pollutants off-site. Water equipment shall be maintained in good working order, water truck filling area will be stabilized, water leaks shall be repaired promptly, and vehicle / equipment washing is discouraged. NS-2 Dewatering Operations No Not a proposed temporary BMP. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 25 CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description NS-3 Paving & Grinding Operations Yes In order to reduce the potential for the transport of pollutants in storm water runoff from paving operations, paving shall be avoided within 72 hours of a forecast significant storm event. Paving and grinding materials shall be stored away from drainage courses. Train employees and sub-contractors in pollution prevention and reduction. Disposal of PCC (Portland cement concrete) and AC (asphalt concrete) waste should be in conformance with WM-8, Concrete Waste Management. NS-4 Temporary Stream Crossing No Not a proposed temporary BMP. NS-5 Clear Water Diversion No Not a proposed temporary BMP. NS-6 Illicit Connection/ Discharge Yes The contractor shall regularly inspect the project site for illicit connections and discharges off-site (quarterly at a minimum). Notify the owner of any illicit connections and illegal dumping or discharge incidents at the time of discovery and document in SWPPP. For illicit connections or discharges to the storm drain system, notify the local storm water management agency. For illegal dumping, notify the local law enforcement agency. NS-7 Potable Water/ Irrigation No Not a proposed temporary BMP. NS-8 Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Yes Vehicles and equipment will be washed off-site at a proper wash facility. The contractor should not permit any vehicle or equipment washing at the job site, unless the wash water can be appropriately captured and treated. If located on-site, location shall be identified on the SWPPP Exhibit(s) by the contractor depending on phase by construction. Cleaning of vehicles and equipment with soap, solvents or steam should not occur on the project site unless resulting wastes are fully contained and disposed of. Resulting wastes should not be discharged or buried, and must be captured and recycled or disposed according to the requirements of WM-10, Liquid Waste Management or WM-6, Hazardous Waste Management, depending on the waste characteristics. Minimize use of solvents. Use of diesel for vehicle and equipment cleaning is prohibited. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 26 CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description NS-9 Vehicle and Equipment Fueling Yes Vehicles and equipment will be fueled off-site at a proper fueling facility. If on-site fueling is the only practical alternative, it will be conducted within designated maintenance areas (at least 50 feet away from drainage facilities and watercourses) in order to enable careful management. The area shall be bermed. Spill kits shall be placed nearby. Nozzles used in vehicle and equipment fueling should be equipped with an automatic shutoff to control drips. Fueling operations should not be left unattended. If located on-site, location shall be identified on the SWPPP Exhibit(s) by the contractor depending on phase by construction. NS-10 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Yes Vehicles and equipment will be repaired off-site at a proper maintenance facility. If on-site repair is the only practical alternative, it will be conducted within designated maintenance areas (at least 50 feet away from drainage facilities and watercourses) in order to enable careful management. If located on-site, location shall be identified on the SWPPP Exhibit(s) by the contractor depending on phase by construction. Drip pans/ tarp will be placed under vehicles and equipment not in use for long periods. For long-term projects, consider using portable tents or covers over maintenance areas if maintenance cannot be performed offsite. NS-11 Pile Driving Operations No Not a proposed temporary BMP. NS-12 Concrete Curing Yes Avoid overspraying of curing compounds. Should runoff be generated, cure water shall be directed away from inlets to areas for infiltration or collection and disposal. Protect drain inlets prior to the application of curing compounds. See WM-8 Concrete Waste Management. NS-13 Concrete Finishing Yes Should runoff be generated, water from blasting operations shall be directed away from inlets to areas for infiltration or collection and disposal. Debris from blasting operations should be swept up at the end of each shift. Refer to WM-8, Concrete Waste Management for disposal of concrete debris. Protect inlets during sandblasting operations. Refer to SE-10, Storm Drain Inlet Protection. NS-14 Material Over Water No Not a proposed temporary BMP. NS-15 Demolition Adjacent to Water No Not a proposed temporary BMP. NS-16 Temporary Batch Plants No Not a proposed temporary BMP. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 27 3.4.2. Material and Waste Management BMPs Waste management consists of implementing procedural and structural BMPs for collecting, handling, storing and disposing of wastes generated by a construction project to prevent the release of waste materials into storm water discharges. Wastes are going to be generated during construction; however, the methods in which the wastes are collected, stored, and removed will determine the success of the waste management activities. Construction site wastes can range from residues collected from non-storm water discharges (i.e., paint removal) to general site litter and debris (i.e., empty marker paint cans). Table 3.6 Material and Waste Management BMPs CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description WM-1 Material Delivery and Storage Yes All construction materials will be delivered to and stored in designated areas at the construction site. The main loading, unloading, and access areas shall be located away from storm drain facilities and drainage courses. The contractor will construct enclosures or flow barriers around these areas to prevent storm water flows and pollutants from entering storm drains or receiving waters. Berms, palettes, secondary containment measures and/or storage sheds shall be used where applicable. Material storage location shall be identified on the SWPPP Exhibit(s) by the contractor depending on phase by construction. WM-2 Material Use Yes All materials shall be used according to the directions provided on their labels. Manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed and employees will be provided training on proper material use. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be available on-site for all materials stored that have the potential to effect water quality. Do not over-apply fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Prepare only the amount needed. Follow the recommended usage instructions. Dispose of latex paint and paint cans, used brushes, rags, absorbent materials, and drop cloths, when thoroughly dry and are no longer hazardous, with other construction debris. Mix paint indoors or in a containment area. Never clean paintbrushes or rinse paint containers into a street, gutter, storm drain, or watercourse. Dispose of any paint thinners, residue, and sludge(s) that cannot be recycled, as hazardous waste. Keep ample supplies of spill cleanup material near use areas in accordance with WM-4, Spill Prevention and Control. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 28 CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description WM-3 Stockpile Management Yes Sediment stockpiles will be located away from drainage courses (minimum of 50 ft separation recommended) and protected from run-on using temporary sediment barriers such as compost berms (SE-13), temporary silt dikes (SE-12), fiber rolls (SE-5), silt fences (SE-1), sandbags (SE-8), gravel bags (SE-6), or biofilter bags (SE- 14). Refer to the individual fact sheet for each of these controls for installation information. Geotextiles and mats (EC-7) may also be utilized for stockpile protection. Stockpiles shall be contained when not in use and prior to the onset of precipitation. Construction bagged materials stockpiles, such as cold mix, will be covered and placed on pallets and under cover. WM-4 Spill Prevention and Control Yes Spills will be cleaned up immediately. Hazardous materials will be stored in covered containers. Spill and cleanup kits should be readily available on-site. Proper spill cleanup procedures and spill reporting instructions shall be posted in an accessible and visible location. Hosing down of spills is prohibited. Use a rag for small spills on paved surfaces, a damp mop for general cleanup, and absorbent material for larger spills. If the spilled material is hazardous, then the used cleanup materials are also hazardous and must be sent to either a certified laundry (rags) or disposed of as hazardous waste. Appropriate spill response personnel shall be trained. WM-5 Solid Waste Management Yes Waste collection areas shall be designate on-site and the areas should provide covers or secondary containment. Trash and debris should also be collected on a daily basis. The disposal of liquid or hazardous wastes in this area should not be allowed. Trash receptacles will also be provided throughout the project site to prevent littering. Arrange for regular waste collection before containers overflow. Do not hose out dumpsters on the construction site. Leave dumpster cleaning to the trash hauling contractor. WM-6 Hazardous Waste Management Yes Wastes should be stored in sealed containers constructed of a suitable material and should be labeled as required by Title 22 CCR, Division 4.5 and 49 CFR Parts 172, 173, 178, and 179. Hazardous wastes shall be disposed of in accordance to federal, state, and local regulations. Temporary containment facility should provide for a spill containment volume equal to 1.5 times the volume of all containers able to contain precipitation from a 25 year storm event, plus the greater of 10% of the aggregate volume of all containers or 100% of the capacity of the largest tank within its boundary, whichever is greater. Paint washouts will be provided where painting activities occur. Employees will be trained appropriately on hazardous waste management. WM-7 Contaminated Soil Management No Not a proposed temporary BMP. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 29 CASQA BMP No. & Name Used? Description WM-8 Concrete Waste Management Yes Whenever possible, concrete trucks will be washed out off-site in designated areas. If washout must occur on-site, wash water will be contained in a temporary washout facility. Washout should be lined so there is no discharge into the underlying soil. Upon completion of the concrete work, the contractor will break up, remove, and haul away solid concrete that has accumulated in the washout pit. Concrete shall be removed when washout pit reaches 75% capacity. Stockpile concrete demolition waste in accordance with BMP WM-3, Stockpile Management. WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste Management Yes All sanitary wastes will be collected and managed through the use of portable toilet facilities. Portable toilets will be transported to and from the construction site by a licensed contractor. Portable toilets shall be located away from drainage courses (recommended minimum of 50 ft), and equipped with containment. No sanitary wastes will be disposed of on-site. If a spill does occur from a temporary sanitary facility, follow federal, state and local regulations for containment and cleanup. WM-10 Liquid Waste Management Yes Employees will be instructed on how to safely differentiate between non-hazardous liquid waste and potential or known hazardous liquid waste, as well as proper storage and disposal procedures. Liquid wastes will not be discharged to any storm drainage structure, waterway, or receiving water. Liquid wastes generated as part of an operational procedure, such as water-laden dredged material and drilling mud, should be contained and not allowed to flow into drainage channels or receiving waters prior to treatment. Apply NS-8, Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning for managing wash water and rinse water from vehicle and equipment cleaning operations. 3.5. POST-CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MEASURES Based on the operational activities of the project site (post-construction), storm water management controls or BMPs will be implemented to reduce the amount of pollutants in storm water discharge. The purpose for post-construction storm water management is to eliminate and/or control the discharge of pollutants in storm water runoff from the site once the construction activities are complete and the site is fully stabilized. Developments and redevelopments generally alter the existing drainage course, increase the area of impervious surface, and create potential sources for runoff contamination. The General Permit requires the implementation of post-construction BMPs to minimize the impacts of these changes to the site. Post-construction BMPs can come in two forms, non-structural or structural control measures. Non-structural controls are practices that are specifically intended to reduce or prevent the generation of storm water pollutants. They are generally implemented to address the problem at the source and do not require any structural changes to the facility. Structural control measures may be necessary to control any pollutants that are still present in the storm water S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 30 after the non-structural controls have been implemented. These types of controls are physical features that control and prevent storm water pollution. They can range from preventive measures to treatment systems. Structural controls require the construction of a physical feature or barrier. A Post-Construction Plan is included in Appendix B. The Aviara Community Park project is exempt from the post-construction water balance standards outlined in Section XIII of the General Permit, since the project is subject to the post- construction requirements of the Phase I municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit approved for the region (San Diego RWQCB Order No. R9-2009-0002). Table 3.7 Non-Structural Source Control BMPs BMP Name Description USE EFFICIENT IRRIGATION SYSTEMS AND LANDSCAPE DESIGN Rain shutoff devices will be required to prevent irrigation after precipitation. Design of the irrigation system is to take into account each landscaped area’s specific water requirements. The use of flow reducers or shutoff valves triggered by a pressure drop to control water loss in the event of broken sprinkler heads or lines as well as other comparable, equally effective, methods to reduce irrigation water runoff. DESIGNING OUTDOOR MATERIAL STORAGE AREAS TO REDUCE POLLUTION INTRODUCTION Hazardous materials with the potential to contaminate urban runoff shall either be: 1) placed in an enclosure such as a cabinet, shed, or similar structure that prevents contact with runoff or spillage to the stormwater conveyance system; or 2) protected by secondary containment structures such as berms, dikes, or curbs. The storage area shall be paved and sufficiently impervious to contain leaks and spills, and shall have a roof or awning to minimize direct precipitation within the secondary containment area. Table 3.8 Structural Source Control BMPs BMP Name Description PROVIDE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM STENCLING AND SIGNAGE Curb stenciling for storm drain inlets associated with the project shall say "No Dumping- I Live Downstream" or equivalent massage as desired by the City of Carlsbad. DESIGN TRASH STORAGE AREAS TO REDUCE POLLUTION INTRODUCTION Trash enclosures will be on an impervious surface designed not to allow run-on from adjoining areas, screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of trash; and trash containers are to be provided with attached lid that exclude rain or with a roof or awning in order to minimize direct precipitation intrusion. Table 3.9 Structural Treatment Control BMPs BMP Name Description PERVIOUS PAVEMENT New parking stalls will be constructed of pervious concrete to minimize impervious footprint. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 31 Refer to the project-specific SWMP for further details on post-construction BMP operation and maintenance. Short-Term Funding During construction, the City of Carlsbad will be responsible for inspecting and maintaining all BMPs within the common areas of development and streets. Long-Term Funding City of Carlsbad shall be responsible for long-term funding for BMP maintenance. City of Carlsbad shall oversee that adequate funding for BMP maintenance is provided including annual maintenance fees and long-term maintenance reserve funds. The Executive Officer of the San Diego RWQCB will be notified when the responsibilities for these post-construction BMPs have been transferred to another maintenance organization. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 32 4. BMP INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, AND RAIN EVENT ACTION PLANS (REAPS) 4.1. BMP INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE The General Permit requires routine weekly inspections of all BMPs and daily inspections during rain events to ensure that all BMPs are implemented and maintained according to the SWPPP. In addition, BMP inspections and maintenance shall be performed 72 hours prior to a forecasted storm event. Inspections shall include the following:  Is there any evidence of spills (e.g., leaks, staining, odors, sheen, etc.)? Are there adequate supplies (i.e., spill kits) to clean up spills?  Are trash receptacles and other waste disposal practices adequate? Are they kept in a clean and orderly manner?  Are erosion and sediment control BMPs installed properly? Are they effective in controlling erosion and sediment from the site?  Are materials properly stored, covered, elevated on pallets or have adequate secondary containment to prevent contact with storm water and run-on?  Is concrete washout being performed in the designated washout pit or area? Is the capacity and structural integrity of the washout facility being properly maintained?  Have drainage patterns changed as a result of grading operations? Have the BMPs been adjusted accordingly?  Are exposed areas stabilized in a timely manner after completion of construction activities? Are inactive areas properly stabilized?  Are employees, contractors, and subcontractors properly trained? Additional maintenance of BMPs may include the following:  Removal of sediment from barriers, check dams, berms, traps, basins and other sedimentation devices (remove when sediment accumulation reaches one-half the design storage volume);  Remove standing water within 96 hours after accumulation (in accordance with BMP NS-2, Dewatering Operations);  Replacement or repair of worn or damaged silt fence fabrics, fiber rolls, and gravel bags/sandbags;  Replacement or repair of damaged structural controls;  Repair of damaged soil stabilization measures;  Other control maintenance as defined in each BMP fact sheet (see Appendix I). S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 33 Completed inspection checklists, photographs, and other maintenance records shall be documented in the SWPPP (Appendix P) and Annual Reports (Appendix F). Forms that may be utilized to document inspections are included in Appendix P. 4.2. RAIN EVENT ACTION PLANS A Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) is a document designed to protect all exposed portions of the construction site within 48 hours prior to any likely precipitation event. REAPs are prepared by the QSP based on the predicted rain event and construction phase, which include:  Grading and Land Development;  Streets and Utilities;  Vertical Construction; and  Final Landscaping and Site Stabilization. REAPs are also required for project sites where construction activities are indefinitely halted or postponed (“inactive sites”). REAPs are required for Risk Level 2 and 3 projects, and should be designed to ensure that the discharger has adequate materials, staff, and time to implement erosion and sediment control measures that are intended to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants generated for the active site. REAPs are to be completed by the QSP when there is a forecast of a likely precipitation event in the project area according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecast website (http://www.crh.noaa.gov/lot/severe/wxterms.php). A “likely precipitation event” is any weather pattern that is forecast to have a 50% or greater chance of precipitation in the project area. Forecasts are normally issued for 12-hour time periods. It is recommended that the NOAA forecast be printed and saved where REAPs are required for documentation of the forecast. Copies shall be saved in Appendix Q. The project site location to be used for obtaining forecast from the NOAA website is:  Carlsbad, CA 92011 REAP templates are included in Appendix Q. Copies of completed REAPs shall be documented in the SWPPP (Appendix Q) and the Annual Reports (Appendix F). Note: REAPs are to be prepared and implemented in addition to the pre-storm event visual inspection requirements, described further in Section 7.5. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 34 5. TRAINING 5.1. OVERVIEW Training is imperative to the success of the BMPs identified in the SWPPP. Adequate training is required if BMPs are to be installed and maintained properly. The General Permit requires that all elements of the SWPPP be implemented under the direction of a QSP. The QSP may delegate tasks to trained employees provided adequate supervision and oversight by the QSP. A construction storm water pollution prevention training program should be held for all construction personnel. 5.2. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS In accordance with the General Permit Section VII, individuals responsible for SWPPP preparation (Qualified SWPPP Developer, or QSD), SWPPP implementation and permit compliance (Qualified SWPPP Practitioner, or QSP), as well as personnel responsible for installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair of BMPs shall be appropriately trained. Training can include both formal and informal training, shall be on an on-going basis (e.g., quarterly, annually), and shall be documented in the Training Document Log in Appendix J of this SWPPP. 5.2.1. Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) The discharger shall ensure that SWPPPs are written, amended and certified by a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) that has one of the following registrations or certifications, and appropriate experience, as required for:  A California registered professional civil engineer;  A California registered professional geologist or engineering geologist;  A California registered landscape architect;  A professional hydrologist registered through the American Institute of Hydrology;  A Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESCTM) registered through Enviro Cert International, Inc.;  A Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQTM) registered through Enviro Cert International, Inc.; or  A professional in erosion and sediment control registered through the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET); In addition, effective September 1, 2011, the QSD shall have attended a SWRCB-sponsored or approved QSD training course. The name and telephone number of the currently designated QSD shall be listed in Section 6 in the SWPPP, and proof of training shall be documented in Appendix J. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 35 5.2.2. Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) The discharger shall ensure that all BMPs required by this General Permit are implemented by a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP). A QSP is a person responsible for non-storm water and storm water visual observations, sampling and analysis. A QSP shall either be a QSD or have one of the following certifications:  A certified erosion, sediment and storm water inspector registered through Enviro Cert International, Inc.; or  A certified inspector of sediment and erosion control registered through Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control, Inc. Similar to the QSD requirements, the QSP shall have attended a SWRCB-sponsored or approved QSP training course effective September 1, 2011. The name and telephone number of the currently designated QSP shall be listed in Section 6 in the SWPPP, and proof of training shall be documented in Appendix J. 5.2.3. Employee & Subcontractor Training Employee/subcontractor training, like maintenance of a piece of equipment, is not so much a best management practice as it is a method by which to implement BMPs. This section highlights the importance of training and of integrating the elements of employee/ subcontractor training from the individual source controls into a comprehensive training program as part of this SWPPP. The focus of this section is more general, and includes the overall objectives and approach for assuring employee/subcontractor training in storm water pollution prevention. The QSP will periodically advise on-site personnel of their responsibility to participate in reducing pollutants and sediment discharges from the site. The QSP is also responsible for training personnel and subcontractors who are responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the pollution control systems. This training may consist of workshops, meetings, tailgate sessions, videos, presentations and handout materials (see attached Training Document Log, Appendix J). All training shall be documented and filed with the SWPPP. Throughout the duration of the project, different Subcontractors will be used. All Subcontractors shall be informed of the measures required in the SWPPP and the Construction General Permit prior to commencement of work. It is strongly encouraged that the Contractor use and modify as necessary the Sample Subcontractor Notification Letter and log (see Appendix M) to ensure compliance with all SWPPP requirements for all the Subcontractors. In addition to training, it is strongly encouraged that the QSP periodically informs and reminds its employees of its position to protect the local waterways from pollutants through memorandums attached to paychecks or other means of distribution. The attached Memorandum for Employees should be modified as necessary to present these objectives to all employees. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 36 Objectives Employee/subcontractor training should be based on four objectives:  Promote a clear identification and understanding of the problem, including activities with the potential to pollute storm water.  Identify solutions (BMPs).  Promote employee/subcontractor ownership of the problems and the solutions.  Integrate employee/subcontractor feedback into training and BMP implementation. Approach Integrate training regarding storm water quality management with existing training programs that may be required for your business by other regulations such as: the Illness and Injury Prevention Program (IIPP) (SB 198) (California Code of Regulations Title 8, Section 3203), the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Standard (29 CFR 1910.120), the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan (40 CFR 112), and the Hazardous Materials Management Plan (Business Plan) (California Health and Safety Code, Section 6.95). Businesses, particularly smaller ones that may not be regulated by Federal, State or local regulations may use the information in this plan to develop a training program to reduce their potential to pollute storm water. Use the quick reference on disposal alternatives (Appendix O) to train employee/ subcontractors in proper and consistent methods for disposal. Consider posting the quick reference table around the job site or in the on-site office trailer to reinforce training. Train employee/subcontractors in standard operating procedures and spill cleanup techniques described in the fact sheets. Employee/subcontractors trained in spill containment and cleanup should be present during the loading/unloading and handling of materials. Personnel who use pesticides should be trained in their use. The California Department of Pesticide Regulation and County Agricultural Commissioners license pesticide dealers, certify pesticide applicators and conduct on-site inspections. Proper education of off-site contractors is often overlooked. The conscientious efforts of well trained employee/subcontractors can be lost by unknowing off-site contractors, so make sure they are well informed about what they are expected to do on-site. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) AVIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING , INC. 37 6. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES AND OPERATORS 6.1. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES Table 6.1 List of Responsible Parties Project Owner / Legally Responsible Person (LRP) City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2751 Kevin Crawford, City Manager Kevin.Crawford@carlsbadca.gov Authorized Signatory Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Name, Title: Email, Phone: Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) Fuscoe Engineering, Inc. 6390 Greenwich Drive, Suite 170 San Diego, CA 92122 858.554.1500 Emma Smith, CPSWQ, CPESC, QSD, Environmental Scientist esmith@fuscoe.com Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Name, Title: Email, Phone: 6.2. CONTRACTOR LIST A list of contractors and subcontractors is provided in Appendix L. Table 6.2 List of Contractors General Contractor Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Name, Title: Email, Phone: Responsible for overall site conditions and SWPPP implementation, maintenance, BMPs, reporting, and retention of records. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 38 7. CONSTRUCTION SITE MONITORING PROGRAM (CSMP) 7.1. PURPOSE The General Permit (Attachments C, D, E; Section I.1.a) requires a written site specific Construction Site Monitoring Program (CSMP) be developed by each discharger prior to the commencement of construction activities, and be revised as necessary to reflect project revisions and that the CSMP be included with the SWPPP. The CSMP is developed to meet the specific requirements and objectives identified in the General Permit for each risk level. Additional information to support the CSMP is included of the appendices to this SWPPP, including drainage and sampling location maps (Appendix B), sample forms (Appendix T), guidance on field measurements (Appendix R) and additional information on sampling methods (Appendix S) and ad hoc reporting (Appendix U). Additionally, the CSMP describes applicable NAL/NEL thresholds for the site. 7.2. APPLICABILITY OF PERMIT REQUIREMENTS General Permit monitoring requirements for storm water and non-storm water visual observations (inspections); storm water and non-storm water sample collection; and receiving water monitoring shall be described in the CSMP. Requirements vary based on the project risk level. The CSMP shall identify the applicable monitoring requirements; and, inspection, observation, and sample collection frequency based on the project’s risk level. The following table summarizes the sampling requirements by risk level: Table 7.1 Monitoring Requirements by Risk Level Visual Inspection Sample Collection Risk Level Quarterly Non- Storm Water Discharge Baseline REAP Daily Storm BMP Post Storm Storm Water Discharge Receiving Water 1 X X X X 2 X X X X X X 3 X X X X X X X 1 1 When numeric effluent level (NEL) exceeded The Risk Level for the Aviara Park project is Risk Level 2. Based on the project’s Risk Level, the following monitoring requirements have been identified: Visual Monitoring/Inspections  Visual monitoring for non-storm water discharges (quarterly)  Baseline pre-rain event inspection (within 48 hours of qualifying rain events) S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 39  BMP inspections (weekly and every 24 hours during extended storm events)  Post-rain event inspection (within 2 business days after qualifying rain events) Sampling & Analysis  Effluent sampling for turbidity and pH (minimum 3 samples per day per discharge point per qualifying rain event)  Contained rain water (at time of discharge)  Non-visible pollutants, spills and/or BMP failures (within first 2 hours of discharge from site)  Other (as required by dewatering permits, RWQCB or TMDLs) 7.3. NUMERIC ACTION LEVELS, EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS, AND DISCHARGE PROHIBITIONS Section V.A of the General Permit identifies the following Narrative Effluent Limitations that apply to all project sites (Risk Levels 1, 2 and 3):  Storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges regulated by this General Permit shall not contain a hazardous substance equal to or in excess of reportable quantities established in 40 C.F.R. §§ 117.3 and 302.4, unless a separate NPDES Permit has been issued to regulate those discharges.  Dischargers shall minimize or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges through the use of controls, structures, and management practices that achieve BAT for toxic and non-conventional pollutants and BCT for conventional pollutants The General Permit contains technology-based Numeric Action Levels (NALs) for pH and turbidity at all Risk Level 2 and 3 sites. Numeric action levels are essentially numeric benchmark values for certain parameters that, if exceeded in effluent sampling, trigger the discharger to take actions. The primary purpose of NALs is to assist the dischargers in evaluating the effectiveness of the on-site BMPs. Exceedance of an NAL does not itself constitute a violation of the General Permit. However, if no corrective action is taken as required by the General Permit, a violation may result. Risk Level 2 and 3 dischargers are subject to the following NALs:  pH NAL of 6.5 – 8.5  Turbidity NAL of 250 NTU In addition to the NALs, Risk Level 3 dischargers that pose a high risk to water quality are subject to technology-based NALs listed above, in addition to technology-based Numeric Effluent Limits (NELs) for pH and turbidity. Exceedances of the NELs are a violation of the Permit. The General Permit requires dischargers with NEL exceedances to implement additional monitoring, BMPs, and revise their SWPPPs accordingly. Dischargers are required S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 40 to notify the State and Regional Water Boards of the violation through the State Water Boards SMARTS website, and provide an NEL Violation Report sharing additional information concerning the NEL exceedance. Risk Level 3 dischargers are subject to the following NELs:  pH NEL of 6.0 – 9.0  Turbidity NEL of 500 NTU The General Permit establishes a 5 year, 24 hour (expressed in inches of rainfall) Compliance Storm Event exemption from the technology-based NELs for Risk Level 3 dischargers. Discharges of storm water from Risk Level 3 sites shall comply with applicable NELs (above) unless the storm event causing the discharges is determined after the fact to be equal to or larger than the “Compliance Storm Event” (expressed in inches of rainfall). The Compliance Storm Event for Risk Level 3 discharges is the 5 year, 24 hour storm (expressed in tenths of an inch of rainfall), as determined by using the maps listed below. Compliance storm event verification shall be done by reporting on-site rain gauge readings as well as nearby governmental rain gauge readings.  http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/pcpnfreq/nca5y24.gif  http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/pcpnfreq/sca5y24.gif In addition, dischargers choosing to implement an Active Treatment System (ATS) on-site are subject to additional requirements and NELs set forth in the permit:  Turbidity NEL of less than 10 NTU for daily flow-weighted average of all samples  Turbidity NEL of 20 NTU for any single sample  Residual Chemical shall be < 10% of Maximum Allowable Threshold Concentration2 (MATC) for the most sensitive species of the chemical used.  pH NEL of 6.0 – 9.0  Toxicity – no allowable adverse effects (batch systems only) The General Permit also contains “compliance storm event” exceptions from the technology- based NELs for ATS discharges. The rationale is that technology-based requirements are developed assuming a certain design storm. In the case of ATS the industry-standard design storm is 10-year, 24-hour (as stated in Attachment F of the General Permit), so the compliance storm event has been established as the 10-year 24-hour event as well to provide consistency. 2 The Maximum Allowable Threshold Concentration (MATC) is the allowable concentration of residual, or dissolved, coagulant/flocculant in effluent. The MATC shall be coagulant/flocculant-specific, and based on toxicity testing conducted by an independent, third-party laboratory. The MATC is equal to the geometric mean of the NOEC (No Observed Effect Concentration) and LOEC (Lowest Observed Effect Concentration) Acute and Chronic toxicity results for most sensitive species determined for the specific coagulant. The most sensitive species test shall be used to determine the MATC. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 41 7.4. SAFETY The QSP may designate qualified personnel to conduct inspections and perform water quality sampling if needed. The QSP and any personnel that may conduct sampling must receive training prior to conducting any sampling activities. This includes reviewing the CSMP as well as any health and safety plans for the construction site. The sampling personnel should also obtain the necessary background information required for an overall understanding of the project, including schedules, BMPs and runoff discharge locations. The contractor’s sampling crewmembers should also be made aware of potential hazards associated with sampling. These hazards can include slippery conditions, cold or hot temperatures, open water that may be fast moving and or deep, construction site traffic, and contaminated water. Crewmembers need to become familiar with the methods to be employed to cope with those hazards. These include, but are not limited to:  At no time during storm conditions or when significant flows are present should sampling personnel enter a river or creek.  Two-person sampling crews should be available for all fieldwork to be conducted under adverse weather conditions, or whenever there are risks to personal safety.  Personnel must be trained regarding appropriate on-site construction traffic control measures.  Do not touch the inside of the sample bottles.  Proper safety equipment shall be kept on-site and available for use, including protective gloves, hardhats, orange safety vests, rain gear, first aid kits and other equipment per the Contractor’s Health and Safety Plan. 7.5. VISUAL MONITORING (INSPECTIONS) All sites (Risk Levels 1, 2, and 3) are required to conduct visual monitoring (inspections). Visual monitoring includes inspections of BMPs, inspections before and after qualifying rain events, and inspection for non-storm water discharges. Visual inspections are required for the duration of the project with the goal of confirming that appropriately selected BMPs have been implemented, are being maintained, and are effective in preventing potential pollutants from coming in contact with storm water. 7.5.1. BMP Inspections The General Permit requires that BMPs be inspected weekly and once each 24-hour period during extended storm events. The purpose of these inspections is to identify BMPs that:  Need maintenance to operate effectively;  Failed; or  Could fail to operate as intended. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 42 If deficiencies are identified during BMP inspections, repairs or design changes to BMPs must be initiated within 72 hours of identification and need to be completed as soon as possible. All BMP inspections must be documented on an inspection checklist (Appendix P). The checklist should be made site specific based on the BMPs and outfalls for each construction project, and copies of the completed inspection forms, any corrective actions and any photographs taken shall be included in this SWPPP. Inspection results shall also be included in the Annual Reports (see Section 7.9.3 and Appendix F). 7.5.2. Qualifying Rain Event Inspections The General Permit defines a qualifying rain event as one that produces ½-inch or more of precipitation with a 48 hour or greater period between rain events. The General Permit requires that the construction site be inspected within two days prior to a predicted qualifying rain event, once every 24-hours during extended storm events, and within two days after a qualifying rain event. These inspections are only required during normal business hours of the construction site. The General Permit requires that only weather forecasts from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are used. Pre- project inspections should be initiated after consulting NOAA for a qualifying rain event with 50% or greater probability of precipitation (PoP). These forecasts can be obtained at http://www.srh.noaa.gov/. Records must be kept of all qualifying rain event inspections, included in Appendix P. Records need to be maintained on site and document:  Personnel performing the observations;  Observation dates (time and date);  Printed copy of the NOAA forecast;  Weather conditions (including the rain gauge reading for the qualifying rain event from the nearest government rain gauge);  Locations observed; and  Corrective actions taken in response to observations. Copies of the Visual Inspection Log Sheets that may be used for pre- and post-rain event inspections are included in Appendix P. Pre-Rain Event Inspections The purpose of the pre-rain event inspection is to make sure the site and the BMPs are ready for the predicted rain. The pre-rain event inspection needs to cover:  All storm water drainage areas to identify any spills, leaks, or uncontrolled pollutant sources;  All BMPs to identify whether they have been properly implemented per the SWPPP and/or REAP; S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 43  Storm water storage and containment areas to detect leaks and ensure maintenance of adequate freeboard; and  The presence or absence of floating and suspended materials, a sheen on the surface, discolorations, turbidity, odors, and source(s) of any observed pollutants within stored storm water. Extended Storm Event / Daily Storm BMP Inspections The purpose of the inspections conducted once every 24-hour period during extended storm events is to identify and record BMPs that need maintenance to operate effectively, that have failed, or that could fail to operate as intended. These inspections need to cover:  All storm water drainage areas to identify any spills, leaks, or uncontrolled pollutant sources;  The presence or absence of floating and suspended materials, a sheen on the surface, discolorations, turbidity, odors, and source(s) of any observed pollutants within stored storm water.  All BMPs to identify whether they have been properly implemented per the SWPPP and/or REAP;  After assessing BMPs it should be noted on the inspection form whether the BMPs need maintenance. Post-Rain Event Inspections The purpose of the post-rain event inspection is to observe the discharge locations and the discharge of any stored or contained rainwater; determine if BMPs functioned as designed; and identify if any additional BMPs are required. The post-rain event inspection needs to cover:  All storm water discharge locations;  The discharge of stored or contained storm water that is derived from and discharged subsequent to a qualifying rain event; and  All BMPs to determine if they were adequately designed, implemented, and effective. After assessing BMPs it should be noted on the inspection form whether the BMPs need maintenance. Rain Event Action Plans (REAPs) Requirements for Rain Event Action Plans (REAPs) are outlined in Section 4.2 of this SWPPP. 7.5.3. Non-Storm Water Discharge Inspections Construction sites, regardless of risk level, must be inspected quarterly for the presence of non-storm water discharges. Inspections are to be performed at the end of each of the following periods:  January-March S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 44  April-June  July-September  October-December Non-storm water discharge inspections are only required during normal business hours of the construction site. The purpose of these inspections is to detect unauthorized non-storm water discharges and observe authorized non-storm water discharges. Quarterly inspections need to include each drainage area of the project and document:  Presence or indications of unauthorized and authorized non-storm water discharges and their sources;  Pollutant characteristics of the non-storm water discharge (floating and suspended material, sheen, discoloration, turbidity, odor, etc;  Personnel performing the observations;  Dates and approximate time each drainage area and non-storm water discharge was observed; and  Response taken to observations. Results of quarterly inspections and any corrective actions taken are to be documented in the SWPPP and included as part of the Annual Reports (see Section 7.9.3 and Appendix F). If the site is Risk Level 2 or 3 and there are non-storm water discharges, then samples must be collected and analyzed per Section 7.6. Potential non-storm water discharges are described in Section 2.6. Records must be kept of all inspections and must be maintained on site. Copies of the Visual Inspection Log Sheets that may be used for non-storm water discharge inspections are included in Appendix P. Results are also to be included as part of the Annual Report (see Section 7.9.3 and Appendix F). 7.6. WATER QUALITY SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS The purpose of sampling is to determine whether BMPs implemented on a construction site are effective in controlling potential construction site pollutants, which come in contact with storm water or non-storm water, and to demonstrate compliance with the applicable NALs or NELs. Water quality sampling and analysis is required for all Risk Level 2 and 3 projects. Typically, Risk Level 1 projects are not required to conduct water quality sampling and analysis unless there is a risk of non-visible pollutant discharge. 7.6.1. Potential Pollutant Sources Sediment & Turbidity Conditions or areas at a construction site that may cause sediment, silt, and/or turbidity in site runoff include: S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 45  Exposed soil areas with inadequate erosion control measures;  Areas of active grading;  Poorly stabilized slopes;  Lack of perimeter sediment controls;  Areas of concentrated flow on unprotected soils;  Poorly maintained erosion and sediment control measures;  Tracking sediment onto roads and paved surfaces;  Unprotected soil stockpiles; and  Failure of an erosion or sediment control measure. High pH Conditions or areas at a construction site that may cause high pH in site discharges include:  Concrete pours and curing;  Concrete waste management areas;  Soil amendments (e.g. fly ash and lime); and  Mortar and stucco mixing, application, and waste management areas. Non-Visible Pollutants Non-visible pollutants are not visually detectable in storm water runoff from a construction site, but may cause or contribute to an exceedance of water quality objectives if discharged. It is important to note that covered construction materials or those that are in their final constructed form, do not need to be monitored. Materials that are stored exposed to precipitation and may generate runoff need to be considered for non-visible pollutant monitoring. Such pollutants may include, but are not limited to: asphalt paving materials and solvents; concrete and concrete slurry; and fertilizers and mulch. Non-visible pollutants in site discharges may result from materials that:  Are being used in construction activities;  Are stored on the construction site;  Were spilled during construction operations and not cleaned up;  Were stored (or used) in a manner that presented the potential for a release of the material during past land use activities;  Were spilled during previous land use activities and not cleaned up; or  Were applied to soil as part of past land use activities. 7.6.2. Monitoring Constituents by Risk Level Risk Level 2 S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 46 At a minimum, Risk Level 2 projects are required to collect water quality samples for pH (during construction phases with a high risk of high pH discharge) and turbidity (all phases of construction). A minimum of 3 samples per day for each qualifying rain event shall be collected at each discharge location and documented in the SWPPP. In addition, grab samples shall be collected of stored or contained storm water from discharges subsequent to a qualifying rain event (producing ½” or more at the time of discharge). The samples obtained shall be representative of the flow and characteristics of the discharge. Risk Level 2 projects are required to collect water quality samples if there is a BMP breach, malfunction, leakage, or spill. Water quality samples should be taken for non-visible pollutants that may have been discharged from the site as identified in the site pollutant source assessment (see Section 2.5 of this SWPPP). Additional monitoring may be required by the RWQCB. Results of all sampling shall be recorded in the SWPPP and included as part of the Annual Report through the SMARTS website. Refer to Appendix U for instructions on submitting Ad Hoc Monitoring Reports through SMARTS as part of the annual reporting process. Particle size analysis may be needed if a Risk Level 2 project is using a sediment basin or if needed to justify a site-specific risk level calculation using RUSLE. The particle size analysis provides the information needed to determine the K-factor. 7.6.3. Sampling Locations A Sampling Locations Exhibit has been included in Appendix B, denoting anticipated sampling locations for the project site, as well as an upstream location to be used for background sample or where uncontaminated samples are needed. Sampling locations for storm water are located at the discharge points that ensure adequate representation of the flow and characteristics of the site’s discharges. Additional locations have also been identified to characterize for non-storm water runoff discharges and/or spills, where necessary. These sample locations are dependent upon the suspected source location, and may vary depending on the location of the spill and/or BMP failure. Sampling locations shall be verified in the field and be representative of current site conditions, disturbed areas and construction phasing. Any updates to the sampling locations (e.g., as a result of construction phasing) shall be noted on the Sampling Locations Plan and included within the SWPPP (Appendix B). 7.6.4. Sample Collection and Handling It is important to use the correct methods to collect and handle samples to ensure the samples are valid. While the handling requirements apply primarily to grab samples collected for laboratory analysis, field measurements can be affected by sample collection procedures. The General Permit requires dischargers to designate and train personnel to collect, maintain, and ship water quality samples in accordance with the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) 2008 Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPrP), which is available at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/tools.shtml#qa. Adherence to SWAMP sampling guidance and proper development of a sampling plan provides for consistent, reproducible, and accurate results. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 47 Sampling methods, handling procedures, and locations should be identified in advance of the sampling event in order to provide sufficient time to gather the supplies and equipment necessary to sample and plan for safe access by the sampling crew(s). This includes preparing sampling blanks or duplicates as required under SWAMP protocols. Field crews should be trained in the appropriate site-specific methods specified in the sampling plan. “Clean sampling” based on the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 1669 should be used when sufficiently low detection concentrations are expected for at least trace metals and mercury. These “clean techniques” include the following protocols:  Samples (for laboratory analysis) are collected only in analytical laboratory-provided sample containers;  Clean, powder-free nitrile gloves should be worn for collection of samples;  Gloves are changed whenever something not known to be clean has been touched;  Decontaminate all equipment (e.g. bucket, tubing) except laboratory provided sample containers, prior to sample collection using a trisodium phosphate (TSP)-soapy water wash, distilled water rinse, and final rinse with distilled water. (Dispose of wash and rinse water appropriately, i.e., do not discharge to storm drain or receiving water); and  To reduce potential contamination, sample collection personnel must adhere to the following rules while collecting samples: o No smoking; o Never sample near a running vehicle; o Do not park vehicles in the immediate sample collection area (even non- running vehicles); o Do not eat or drink during sample collection; and o Do not breathe, sneeze, or cough in the direction of an open sample container. Laboratory Sample Collection Water quality samples should be collected in appropriate sample containers and be of adequate volume to conduct the required measurements or laboratory analyses. The most important aspect of grab sampling is to make sure that the sample best represents the entire runoff stream. Typically, samples are collected by dipping the collection container in the runoff flow paths and streams as noted below. Note, however that depending upon the specific test that is required, some bottles may contain preservatives. These bottles should never be dipped into the stream, but filled indirectly from the collection container.  For small streams and flow paths, simply dip the bottle facing upstream until full.  For larger stream that can be safely accessed, collect a sample in the middle of the flow stream by directly dipping the mouth of the bottle. Once again making sure that the opening of the bottle is facing upstream as to avoid any contamination by the sampler. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 48  For larger streams that cannot be safely waded, pole-samplers may be needed to safely access the representative flow.  Avoid collecting samples from ponded, sluggish or stagnant water.  Avoid collecting samples directly downstream from a bridge as the samples can be affected by the bridge structure or runoff from the road surface. All sampling and sample preservation must be in accordance with the current edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (American Public Health Association). All samples must be maintained between 0-6 degrees Celsius during delivery to the laboratory. Samples must be kept on ice, or refrigerated, from sample collection through delivery to the laboratory. Shipped samples should be placed inside coolers with ice. Make sure the sample bottles are well packaged to prevent breakage and secure cooler lids with packaging tape. Ship samples that will be laboratory analyzed to the analytical laboratory right away. Many analytical methods have short hold-times before which the analysis must be started. Hold times are measured from the time the sample is collected to the time the sample is analyzed. The General Permit requires that samples be received by the analytical laboratory within 48 hours of the physical sampling (unless otherwise required by the analytical laboratory). Collect proper information regarding time and sampling conditions, appropriately label the bottles, and fill out the required chain of custody forms and field logs. All laboratory analyses must be conducted according to analytical procedures specified in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 136, unless other analytical procedures have been specified in the General Permit or by the RWQCB. With the exception of field analyses conducted by the discharger for turbidity and pH, all analyses must be sent to and conducted by a state-certified analytical laboratory. Currently, the SSC method is not state certified and a limited number of laboratories have the capability of doing this analysis. Field Meters Dischargers can perform pH analysis on site with a calibrated pH meter, or pH test kit. Dischargers can perform turbidity analysis using a calibrated turbidity meter (turbidimeter), either on site or at an accredited analytical laboratory. Many manufacturers offer single parameter meters or multiple parameter meters with various optional probes. Dischargers will need to determine the best type of meter for their individual situation. Any meter selected for field monitoring should have the ability to be calibrated, be accompanied by detailed operation instructions, and should be ruggedly designed for field use and long-term storage (you are unlikely to need it during the dry season). Most sites will require the use of some sort of field meter to measure turbidity and pH. Some field meters can be placed directly in the flow of water and gather instantaneous data. Meters with probes that can be directly placed into the flow are ideal, however low flow conditions may not allow for this type of measurement. In this case, grab samples can be collected and S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 49 placed within the field meter’s recording container. Appendix R, derived from the California Stormwater Quality Association’s (CASQA’s) Stormwater Quality Handbook for Construction (2009), provides step-by-step instructions using an example field meter. All monitoring instruments and equipment (including a discharger’s own field instruments for measuring pH and turbidity) should be calibrated and maintained in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications to ensure accurate measurements. Many manufacturers provide step-by-step instructions for the use and calibration of their meters and these instructions should be followed. 7.6.5. Analytical Methods and Reporting Limits The analytical method/protocol, minimum detection limits, and reporting units for the water quality constituents specifically identified in the General Permit are presented in Table 7.2. Table 7.2 Analytical Methods and Protocols for General Permit Constituents Parameter Test Method/Protocol Minimum Detection Limit Minimum Sample Volume Container Type pH Field meter or pH test kit 0.2 pH Units Not Applicable Plastic Turbidity Field meter or EPA 180.1 1 NTU 500 mL Plastic SSC ASTM Method D 3977-97 5 mg/L 200 mL Contact Laboratory Analyses for pH can performed on-site with a calibrated pH meter, or pH test kit. Turbidity analyses can be performed using a calibrated turbidity meter (turbidimeter), either on-site or at an accredited laboratory. Many manufacturers, such as Hach, Hydrolab, Global Water, Fisher Scientific, and LaMott, offer single parameter meters or multiple parameter meters with various optional probes. The QSP will need to determine the best type of meter for their individual situation. Any meter selected for field monitoring should have the ability to be calibrated, be accompanied by detailed operation instructions, and should be ruggedly designed for field use and long-term storage (limited use during the dry season). Refer to Appendix R for further instructions using field meters on-site. Analytical laboratories should be contacted and a contract should be worked out before the wet season to minimize potential disruptions during the critical sampling period. A laboratory should be chosen foremost by their accreditation, ability to perform the required samples in the desired turn-around-time, and then by their proximity for ease of sample delivery. Although with overnight mail delivery, proximity is less important, it may still be an important factor to avoid bottle breakage during shipment. State-certified analytical laboratories can be found by using the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program’s (ELAP) website at: http://www.cdph.ca.gov/certlic/labs/Pages/ELAP.aspx. Non-visible pollutants may include a wide range of analytical methods. A list of potential non- visible pollutants based on common construction activities is shown in Table 7.3 and in Appendix S. Consult with the analytical laboratory to identify specific analytical methods, sample volume and containers needed for the expected non-visible pollutants. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 50 Table 7.3 Potential Non-Visible Pollutants based on Common Construction Activities Activity Potential Pollutant Source Laboratory Analysis Water line flushing Chlorinated water Residual chlorine Portable toilets Bacteria, disinfectants Total/fecal coliform Concrete & Masonry Acid wash Curing compounds Concrete rinse water pH pH, alkalinity, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) pH Painting Resins Thinners Paint Strippers Solvents Adhesives Sealants Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) Phenols, VOCs VOCs Phenols, VOCs Phenols, SVOCs SVOCs Cleaning Detergents Bleaches Solvents Methylene Blue Activated Substances (MBAS), phosphates Residual chlorine VOCs Landscaping Pesticides/Herbicides Fertilizers Lime and gypsum Aluminum sulfate, sulfur Check with analytical laboratory NO3/NH3/P Acidity/alkalinity Total dissolved solids (TDS), alkalinity Treated wood Copper, arsenic, selenium Metals Soil amendments & dust control Lime, gypsum Plant gums Magnesium chloride Calcium chloride Natural brines Lignosulfonates pH Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) Alkalinity, TDS Alkalinity, TDS Alkalinity, TDS Alkalinity, TDS The analysis performed is dependent on the type of potential discharge. Personnel collecting the sample should use the chart above as a general guideline to determine which analyses should be performed. 7.6.6. Exemptions Risk Level 2 and 3 dischargers are not required to physically collect samples or conduct visual observations (inspections) under the following conditions:  During dangerous weather conditions such as flooding and electrical storms  Outside of scheduled site business hours S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 51 If no required samples or inspections are collected due to these exceptions, dischargers shall include an explanation in the SWPPP and in the Annual Report documenting why the sampling or visual observation/inspections were not conducted. 7.6.7. Bioassessment Not required for Risk Level 1 or 2 dischargers. 7.7. WATERSHED MONITORING OPTION Dischargers who are part of a qualified regional watershed-based monitoring program may be eligible for relief from the sampling and analysis requirements. The RWQCB may approve proposals to substitute an acceptable watershed-based monitoring program by determining if the watershed-based monitoring program will provide substantially similar monitoring information in evaluating discharger compliance with the requirements of the General Permit. The Aviara Park will not be utilizing regional watershed-based monitoring. All monitoring will be conducted on-site in accordance with the General Permit. 7.8. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QC) Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures shall be implemented as part of the CSMP to ensure that analytical data can be used with confidence. QA/QC procedures to be used include use of field logs, clean sampling techniques, sample chains-of-custodies, and data verification. 7.8.1. Field Logs The purpose of field logs is to record sampling information and field observations during monitoring that may explain any uncharacteristic analytical results. Sampling information to be included in the field log include the date and time of water quality sample collection, sampling personnel, sample container identification numbers, and types of samples that were collected. Field observations should be noted in the field log for any abnormalities at the sampling location (color, odor, BMPs, etc.). Field measurements for pH and turbidity should also be recorded in the field log. Examples of field logs to record visual inspections and sample collection and field measurements are provided in Appendix T. Completed field logs shall also be kept in Appendix T. 7.8.2. Clean Sampling Techniques Clean sampling techniques involve the use of certified clean containers for sample collection and clean powder-free nitrile gloves during sample collection and handling. As discussed previously, adoption of a clean sampling approach will minimize the chance of field contamination and questionable data results. Refer to Section 7.6.4 for further details on clean sampling techniques. 7.8.3. Sample Chain-of-Custody S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 52 The sample chain-of-custody is an important documentation step that tracks samples from collection through analysis to ensure the validity of the sample. Sample chain-of-custody procedures include the following:  Proper labeling of samples;  Use of chain of custody (COC) forms for all samples; and  Prompt sample delivery to the analytical laboratory. Analytical laboratories usually provide chain-of-custody forms to be filled out for sample containers. Copies of the chain-of-custody forms shall be included in Appendix T. 7.8.4. Data Verification Data verification of analytical results received from the laboratory shall be performed to ensure that data is complete, accurate and the appropriate QA/QC requirements were met. Data should be verified as soon as the data reports are received. Data verification to be performed includes the following: Laboratory Data Verification  Checking the chain-of-custody and laboratory reports to make sure all requested analysis were performed and all samples are accounted for in the reports.  Checking laboratory reports to make sure hold times were met and that the reporting levels meet or are lower than the reporting levels agreed to in the contract.  Check data for outlier values and follow up with the laboratory. Occasionally typographical errors, unit reporting errors, or incomplete results are reported and should be easily detected. These errors need to be identified, clarified, and corrected quickly by the laboratory. Attention should be paid to data that is an order of magnitude or more different than similar locations, or is inconsistent with previous data from the same location.  Evaluate the laboratory-reported QA/QC data to check for contamination (look at method, field, and equipment blanks), precision (laboratory matrix spike duplicates), and accuracy (matrix spikes and laboratory control samples). When QA/QC checks are outside acceptable ranges, the laboratory must flag the data, and usually provides an explanation of the potential impact to the sample results.  Check the data set for outlier values and, accordingly, confirm results and re-analyze samples where appropriate. Sample re-analysis should only be undertaken when it appears that some part of the QA/QC resulted in a value out of the expected range. Initial data, even if outside the expected range may not be discounted unless the analytical laboratory identifies the required QA/QC criteria were not met. If this occurs, the project should obtain a written statement from the analytical laboratory regarding the validity of the sample result. Field Data Verification S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 53  Check field data as soon as possible to identify potential errors. Verify reported data and observations to ensure that it is complete and accurate and as soon as the field logs are received.  Check field logs to make sure all required measurements were completed and appropriately documented. Crews may occasionally miss-record a value. Reported values that appear out of the typical range or inconsistent, should be followed up on immediately to identify potential reporting or equipment problems.  Equipment calibration notations should be verified for outlier data, and if appropriate equipment calibrations should be checked after sampling. Observations noted on the field logs can also help to identify potential interferences. Notations should be made of any errors and actions taken to correct the equipment or recording errors.  When using a field meter it is important to record the value and make note of any possible meter failures or interferences that could have led to an exceedance. Some possible instrument problems may include the need to recalibrate; the need to replace the battery; problems with the sample container (such as scratches on glass or plastic optical sample cells or particles on the outside of the optical sample cells); or fouled probes. 7.9. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND RECORDS RETENTION The majority of reporting will typically occur in the Annual Report (see Section 7.9.3 and Appendix F). However, Risk Level 3 dischargers must electronically submit all storm event sampling results (pH and turbidity) to the SWRCB’s SMARTS no later than five days after the conclusion of the storm event. Field data related to ATS monitoring must be filed every 30 days. Data may be submitted by “Ad Hoc Monitoring Reports” through the SMARTS Annual Reporting interface. Instructions for submitting Ad Hoc Monitoring Reports are included in Appendix U. Additional reporting is required if NALs or NELs are exceeded. The requirements for NAL Exceedance Reports and NEL Violation Reports as well as records retention are discussed in the following sections. 7.9.1. Numeric Action Level Exceedance Report In the event that the storm event daily average of the samples exceeds an applicable NAL (see Section 7.3), Risk Level 2 and 3 dischargers must electronically submit all storm event sampling results to the SWRCB’s SMARTS no later than 10 days after the conclusion of the storm event. (Note, however that Risk Level 3 dischargers must submit all field data regardless of exceedance status within five days of the storm event conclusion). In addition, the RWQCBs may request the submittal of an NAL Exceedance Report. The discharger must certify each NAL Exceedance Report in accordance with the General Permit’s Special Provisions for Construction Activity. An NAL Exceedance Report must contain the following information:  Analytical method(s), method reporting unit(s), and MDL(s) of each analytical parameter; S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 54  Date, place, time of sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation; and  Description of the current BMPs associated with the sample that exceeded the NAL and the proposed corrective actions taken 7.9.2. Numeric Effluent Limitation (NEL) Violation Report In the event that the daily average of the samples exceed an applicable NEL (see Section 7.3), Risk Level 3 dischargers must electronically submit a NEL Violation Report to the SWRCB’s SMARTS within 24 hours of identifying the exceedance. ATS dischargers must submit an NEL Violation Report to the SWRCB’s SMARTS within 24 hours after the NEL exceedance has been identified. The discharger must certify each NEL Violation Report in accordance with the General Permit’s Special Provisions for Construction Activity (General Permit Section IV). Similar to the NAL Exceedance Report, a NEL Violation Report contains the following information:  Analytical method(s), method reporting unit(s), and method detection limits (MDLs) of each analytical parameter;  Date, place, time of sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation; and  Description of the current BMPs associated with the effluent sample that exceeded the NEL and the proposed corrective actions taken. In the event that an applicable NEL was exceeded during a storm event equal to or larger than the Compliance Storm Event (5-year, 24-hour event), Risk Level 3 and ATS dischargers must report the on-site rain gauge reading and nearby governmental rain gauge readings for verification. Projects affected by run-on from a natural disaster (such as a forest fire) are not subject to NELs. Exemption justifications must be entered in to SMARTS. Risk Level 3 projects and sites using ATS are required to subsequently sample receiving waters for pH, turbidity, and SSC for the duration of coverage under the General Permit if an NEL contained in the General Permit is violated. Refer to Section 7.6.3 for discussion of Receiving Water Sampling criteria. NEL Violation Reports are not required for Risk Level 2 dischargers. 7.9.3. Annual Report As discussed in Section 1.8, all dischargers are required to prepare and electronically submit an Annual Report no later than September 1 each year. The Annual Reports must be certified in accordance with the Special Provisions in the General Permit. The Annual Report must include the following storm water monitoring information:  A summary and evaluation of all sampling and analysis results, including original laboratory reports; S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 55  The analytical method(s), method reporting unit(s), and MDL(s) of each analytical parameter (analytical results that are less than the MDL must be reported as “less than the MDL” or “<MDL”);  A summary of all corrective actions taken during the compliance year;  Identification of any compliance activities or corrective actions that were not implemented;  A summary of all violations of the General Permit;  The individual(s) who performed facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements;  The date, place, time of facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation (rain gauge); and  The visual observations and sample collection exception records and reports. In addition, the Annual Report shall include the following training information:  Documentation of all training for individuals responsible for all activities associated with compliance with the General Permit;  Documentation of all training for individuals responsible for BMP installation, inspection, maintenance and repair; and  Documentation of all training for individuals responsible for overseeing, revising, and amending the SWPPP. 7.9.4. Records Retention The Owner shall retain records of all site inspections, sample collections, analytical data, discharge reports and annual reports for a period of at least three (3) years from the date generated. Records to be retained include:  The date, place, time of facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation.  The individual(s) who performed the facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and or measurements.  The date and approximate time of analyses.  The individual(s) who performed the analyses.  A summary of all analytical results from the last three years, the method detection limits (MDLs) and reporting units, and the analytical techniques or methods used.  Rain gauge readings from site inspections (either from on-site rain gauge or nearest government rain gauge)  Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) records and results.  Non-storm water discharge inspections and visual observation (inspections) and storm water discharge visual observation records. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 56  Visual observation and sample collection exception records.  NAL Exceedance Reports and NEL Violation Reports.  The records of any corrective actions and follow-up activities that resulted from analytical results, visual observation (inspections), or inspections. Results of field measurements and laboratory analyses must be kept in the SWPPP. It is also recommended that training logs, chain-of-custody forms, and other documentation related to sampling and analysis be kept with the project’s SWPPP (see Appendices for appropriate locations). 7.10. ACTIVE TREATMENT SYSTEMS (ATS) REQUIREMENTS Projects choosing to use ATS are subject to additional monitoring requirements specific to operation of the ATS. An ATS is defined in the General Permit as any system that utilizes chemical coagulation, chemical flocculation, or electrocoagulation to reduce turbidity caused by fine suspended sediment. Typically, an ATS is considered for use as a BMP at sites with sediment sensitive receiving waters, high concentrations of fine clayey soils, limited space for sediment control structures or long and steep slopes. The General Permit specifies a turbidity NEL for ATS discharge that is different than the NEL for Risk Level 3 sites, and sets limits for chemical residual and toxicity (Table 7.4). Table 7.4 Summary of ATS Discharge Limitations Parameter Limitation ATS Type Turbidity 10 NTU daily flow-weighted average, and 20 NTU single sample maximum All Chemical Residual 10% or less of Maximum Allowable Threshold Concentration (MATC) Flow-through systems Toxicity No allowable toxic effects Batch systems 7.10.1. Types of ATS In general, there are two types of ATS design, as batch treatment systems using either ponds or portable trailer-mounted tanks, or as flow-through systems using any number of proprietary system designs. Batch treatment systems consist of a storm water collection system (i.e., temporary diversion or the permanent site drainage system); a sediment basin, trap or tanks for holding untreated runoff; pumps; a chemical feed system; treatment cells; and interconnected piping. In general, untreated runoff is pumped from the holding basins/tanks through a chemical injection system into treatment cells. Multiple treatment cells allow for clarification of treated water while the other cells are being filled or emptied. Treatment cells may be basins, traps or tanks. The General Permit requires that batch treatment systems have a filtration step to remove residual floc prior to discharge. Flow-through systems, at a minimum, consist of a storm water collection system (either temporary diversion or the permanent site drainage system), an untreated storm water storage S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 57 pond or holding tank and a chemically enhanced filtration system. Storm water from the site is diverted to the storm water pond or holding area and is stored until treatment occurs. It is important that the holding pond be large enough to provide adequate storage. Storm water is then pumped from the storage pond to the chemically enhanced filtration system where polymer is added and pH adjustments may be made. The system continually monitors the storm water for turbidity and pH, and water is recycled to the untreated pond or holding tank where it can be treated again if levels are outside of the acceptable range for discharge. 7.10.2. ATS Plan Prior to using ATS, an ATS Plan must be submitted to the SWRCB via SMARTS, which contains the following components:  ATS Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual for All Equipment;  ATS Monitoring, Sampling & Reporting Plan (MSRP), including QA/QC;  ATS Health and Safety Plan; and  ATS Spill Prevention Plan. In addition, prior to implementing ATS on-site, jar tests are required to be conducted for any chemical/coagulant to be utilized. Jar tests must be conducted according to ASTM D-2035- 08. Refer to the ASTM standard for specific requirements. Commercial ATS providers will generally perform jar testing on site-specific soils prior to ATS set-up to determine the appropriate chemical and dosage to optimize settling. A QA/QC plan should be prepared as part of the MSRP that is consistent with the QA/QC elements that apply to general field monitoring identified in Section 7.8 of this document. Additional QA/QC requirements specific to ATS include monthly laboratory duplicates to verify chemical residual levels obtained from field measurements, calibration schedules of automated instrumentation (see Section 7.8), and method detection limits for chemicals being used. 7.10.3. Required Training for ATS Operation and Monitoring ATS Operators must have specific training to using an ATS and liquid coagulants for storm water discharges. The training is required to consist of a formal class with a certificate and requirements for testing and certificate renewal and include a minimum of eight (8) hours classroom and 32 hours field training. Within the classroom training the following monitoring components are required:  ATS Control Systems;  Coagulant Selection – Jar testing, dose determination, etc.;  Aquatic Safety/Toxicity of Coagulants – proper handling and safety;  Monitoring, Sampling, and Analysis;  Reporting and Recordkeeping; and  Emergency Response. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 58 ATS Training shall be documented in the SWPPP and in the ATS Plan. 7.10.4. Visual Monitoring (Inspection) A designated responsible person is required to be on site daily at all times during treatment operations. Daily on site visual monitoring of the system for proper performance is required to be conducted and recorded in a project field data log and included in the SWPPP/ATS Plan. Sample logs are included in Appendix T. 7.10.5. Operational and Compliance Monitoring All ATS systems (both batch and flow-through) must have instrumentation that automatically measures and records effluent water quality and flow data. This instrumentation typically will include:  Mounted submersible pH and turbidity probes;  Data loggers (field-read or internet-based); and  A system control panel that provides automatic shut off or recirculation in case of water quality or effluent limitation violation, power-loss, or other catastrophic event. The system control panel must also control coagulant dosing to prevent accidental overdosing. The majority of ATS (including both flow-through and batch systems) will likely be designed, supplied, or monitored by established commercial ATS providers, and these systems must be been designed and instrumented to meet the General Permit criteria (see Appendix W). The following parameters must be monitored continuously and recorded in the field data log in no less than 15 minute intervals:  Flow rate and volume of treated discharge;  Influent and effluent pH; and  Influent and effluent turbidity. In addition, the following parameters must also be monitored and recorded:  Cumulative flow volume – daily;  Type and amount of pH adjustment chemical – as utilized;  Dose rate of treatment chemical – 15 minutes after startup and every 8 hours of operation;  Residual chemical/additive levels – as proposed in ATS Plan for flow-through systems; and  Effluent toxicity – for each proposed batch discharge. All instrumentation used for continuous monitoring must be calibrated on a regular basis with calibration requirements stated in the QA/QC section of the ATS Plan. Refer to Appendix R for additional requirements on instrument calibration. S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 59 Refer to Appendix W for additional details on effluent testing for residual chemical and toxicity. 7.10.6. Reporting and Records Retention The SWRCB requires all ATS-related field monitoring data, including chemical residual and effluent toxicity testing to be submitted via SMARTS every 30 days at a minimum. Any monitoring data that violate water quality standards must be reported to the RWQCB. An NEL Violation Report must be electronically filed in SMARTS within 24 hours of identifying an exceedance of an NEL. See Section 7.9.2 for a discussion of NEL Violation Reports. All ATS records must also be kept for a minimum of three years after the conclusion of the project (see discussion in Section 7.9.4). S TORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) A VIARA PARK DECEMBER 2015 FUSCOE ENGINEERING, INC. 60 8. APPENDICES Appendix A Construction General Permit Appendix B Exhibits B1 Vicinity Map B2 SWPPP Exhibits B3 Erosion Control Plan, Demolition Plan & Excavation Plan (as appropriate) B4 Sampling Locations Plan B5 Post-Construction (SWMP) Plan B6 Hydrology Maps Appendix C Submitted Permit Registration Documents: C1 PRD Instructions C2 NOI C3 Risk Assessment (Sediment and Receiving Water Risk Determination) C4 Site Map (Including Vicinity Map) C5 Signed Certification Statement/Fee Statement & WDID Receipt Appendix D Submitted Changes to PRDs / COIs (due to change in ownership or acreage) Appendix E SWPPP Amendment Log & SWPPP Amendments Appendix F Annual Reporting Requirements Appendix G Runoff Coefficient and Run-on Computation Sheets Appendix H Construction Activity Schedule & BMP Implementation Schedule Appendix I CASQA BMP Handbook Fact Sheets Appendix J Training Documentation Forms & Sample Memorandum to Employees Appendix K Responsible Parties Appendix L Contractors and Subcontractors Appendix M Sample Subcontractor Notification Letter and Log Appendix N Significant Spill Reports Appendix O Quick Reference Disposal Alternatives Appendix P Visual Inspection Forms, Reports & Rain Gauge Log Appendix Q Rain Event Action Plans (REAPs) Appendix T Storm Water Sampling Forms Appendix R Guidance on Field Measurements Appendix S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Appendix U How to Submit an Ad Hoc Report for Construction Site Monitoring Appendix V NAL/NEL Exceedance Site Evaluations and Non-Compliance Reports State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality 1001 I Street • Sacramento, California 95814 • (916) 341-5455 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 100 • Sacramento, California • 95812-0100 Fax (916) 341-5463 • http://www.waterboards.ca.gov 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 Linda S. Adams Secretary for Environmental Protection Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORM WATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION AND LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES ORDER NO. 2009-0009-DWQ NPDES NO. CAS000002 This Order was adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board on: September 2, 2009 This Order shall become effective on: July 1, 2010 This Order shall expire on: September 2, 2014 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that this Order supersedes Order No. 99-08-DWQ [as amended by Order No. 2010-0014-DWQ] except for enforcement purposes. The Discharger shall comply with the requirements in this Order to meet the provisions contained in Division 7 of the California Water Code (commencing with section 13000) and regulations adopted thereunder, and the provisions of the federal Clean Water Act and regulations and guidelines adopted thereunder. I, Jeanine Townsend, Clerk to the Board, do hereby certify that this Order with all attachments is a full, true, and correct copy of an Order adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board, on September 2, 2009. AYE: Vice Chair Frances Spivy-Weber Board Member Arthur G. Baggett, Jr. Board Member Tam M. Doduc NAY: Chairman Charles R. Hoppin ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Jeanine Townsend Clerk to the Board State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality 1001 I Street • Sacramento, California 95814 • (916) 341-5455 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 100 • Sacramento, California • 95812-0100 Fax (916) 341-5463 • http://www.waterboards.ca.gov Linda S. Adams Secretary for Environmental Protection Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORM WATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION AND LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES ORDER NO. 2010-0014-DWQ NPDES NO. CAS000002 Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ was adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board on: September 2, 2009 Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ became effective on: July 1, 2010 Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ shall expire on: September 2, 2014 This Order, which amends Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ, was adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board on: November 16, 2010 This Order shall become effective on: February 14, 2011 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that this Order amends Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ. Additions to Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ are reflected in blue-underline text and deletions are reflected in red-strikeout text. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that staff are directed to prepare and post a conformed copy of Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ incorporating the revisions made by this Order. I, Jeanine Townsend, Clerk to the Board, do hereby certify that this Order with all attachments is a full, true, and correct copy of an Order adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board, on November 16, 2010. AYE: Chairman Charles R. Hoppin Vice Chair Frances Spivy-Weber Board Member Arthur G. Baggett, Jr. Board Member Tam M. Doduc NAY: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Jeanine Townsend Clerk to the Board i TABLE OF CONTENTS I. FINDINGS ...................................................................................................................................... 1 II. CONDITIONS FOR PERMIT COVERAGE............................................................................ 14 III. DISCHARGE PROHIBITIONS................................................................................................. 20 IV. SPECIAL PROVISIONS............................................................................................................. 22 V. EFFLUENT STANDARDS ......................................................................................................... 28 VI. RECEIVING WATER LIMITATIONS .................................................................................... 31 VII. TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS................... 32 VIII. RISK DETERMINATION.......................................................................................................... 33 IX. RISK LEVEL 1 REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................... 34 X. RISK LEVEL 2 REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................... 34 XI. RISK LEVEL 3 REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................... 34 XII. ACTIVE TREATMENT SYSTEMS (ATS)............................................................................... 34 XIII. POST-CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS .................................................................................. 35 XIV. SWPPP REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 37 XV. REGIONAL WATER BOARD AUTHORITIES...................................................................... 38 XVI. ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS............................................................................ 39 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A – Linear Underground/Overhead Requirements Attachment A.1 – LUP Type Determination Attachment A.2 – LUP Permit Registration Documents Attachment B – Permit Registration Documents Attachment C – Risk Level 1 Requirements Attachment D – Risk Level 2 Requirements Attachment E – Risk Level 3 Requirements Attachment F – Active Treatment System (ATS) Requirements LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 – Risk Determination Worksheet Appendix 2 – Post-Construction Water Balance Performance Standard Appendix 2.1 – Post-Construction Water Balance Performance Standard Spreadsheet Appendix 3 – Bioassessment Monitoring Guidelines Appendix 4 – Adopted/Implemented Sediment TMDLs Appendix 5 – Glossary Appendix 6 – Acronyms Appendix 7 – State and Regional Water Resources Control Board Contacts 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 i Order STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD ORDER NO. 2009-0009-DWQ [AS AMENDED BY ORDER NO. 2010-0014-DWQ] NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM GENERAL PERMIT NO. CAS000002 WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER RUNOFF ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION AND LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES I. FINDINGS A. General Findings The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) finds that: 1. The federal Clean Water Act (CWA) prohibits certain discharges of storm water containing pollutants except in compliance with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit (Title 33 United States Code (U.S.C.) §§ 1311 and 1342(p); also referred to as Clean Water Act (CWA) §§ 301 and 402(p)). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) promulgates federal regulations to implement the CWA’s mandate to control pollutants in storm water runoff discharges. (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Parts 122, 123, and 124). The federal statutes and regulations require discharges to surface waters comprised of storm water associated with construction activity, including demolition, clearing, grading, and excavation, and other land disturbance activities (except operations that result in disturbance of less than one acre of total land area and which are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale), to obtain coverage under an NPDES permit. The NPDES permit must require implementation of Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water runoff. The NPDES permit must also include additional requirements necessary to implement applicable water quality standards. 2. This General Permit authorizes discharges of storm water associated with construction activity so long as the dischargers comply with all requirements, provisions, limitations and prohibitions in the permit. In addition, this General Permit regulates the discharges of storm water associated with construction activities from all Linear 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 Order Underground/Overhead Projects resulting in the disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre (Attachment A). 3. This General Permit regulates discharges of pollutants in storm water associated with construction activity (storm water discharges) to waters of the United States from construction sites that disturb one or more acres of land surface, or that are part of a common plan of development or sale that disturbs more than one acre of land surface. 4. This General Permit does not preempt or supersede the authority of local storm water management agencies to prohibit, restrict, or control storm water discharges to municipal separate storm sewer systems or other watercourses within their jurisdictions. 5. This action to adopt a general NPDES permit is exempt from the provisions of Chapter 3 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code Section 21100, et seq.), pursuant to Section 13389 of the California Water Code. 6. Pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § 131.12 and State Water Board Resolution No. 68-16,1 which incorporates the requirements of § 131.12 where applicable, the State Water Board finds that discharges in compliance with this General Permit will not result in the lowering of water quality standards, and are therefore consistent with those provisions. Compliance with this General Permit will result in improvements in water quality. 7. This General Permit serves as an NPDES permit in compliance with CWA § 402 and will take effect on July 1, 2010 by the State Water Board provided the Regional Administrator of the U.S. EPA has no objection. If the U.S. EPA Regional Administrator objects to its issuance, the General Permit will not become effective until such objection is withdrawn. 8. Following adoption and upon the effective date of this General Permit, the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regional Water Boards) shall enforce the provisions herein. 9. Regional Water Boards establish water quality standards in Basin Plans. The State Water Board establishes water quality standards in various statewide plans, including the California Ocean Plan. U.S. EPA establishes water quality standards in the National Toxic Rule (NTR) and the California Toxic Rule (CTR). 1 Resolution No. 68-16 generally requires that existing water quality be maintained unless degradation is justified based on specific findings. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 2 Order 10. This General Permit does not authorize discharges of fill or dredged material regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under CWA § 404 and does not constitute a waiver of water quality certification under CWA § 401. 11. The primary storm water pollutant at construction sites is excess sediment. Excess sediment can cloud the water, which reduces the amount of sunlight reaching aquatic plants, clog fish gills, smother aquatic habitat and spawning areas, and impede navigation in our waterways. Sediment also transports other pollutants such as nutrients, metals, and oils and greases. 12. Construction activities can impact a construction site’s runoff sediment supply and transport characteristics. These modifications, which can occur both during and after the construction phase, are a significant cause of degradation of the beneficial uses established for water bodies in California. Dischargers can avoid these effects through better construction site design and activity practices. 13. This General Permit recognizes four distinct phases of construction activities. The phases are Grading and Land Development Phase, Streets and Utilities Phase, Vertical Construction Phase, and Final Landscaping and Site Stabilization Phase. Each phase has activities that can result in different water quality effects from different water quality pollutants. This General Permit also recognizes inactive construction as a category of construction site type. 14. Compliance with any specific limits or requirements contained in this General Permit does not constitute compliance with any other applicable requirements. 15. Following public notice in accordance with State and Federal laws and regulations, the State Water Board heard and considered all comments and testimony in a public hearing on 06/03/2009. The State Water Board has prepared written responses to all significant comments. 16. Construction activities obtaining coverage under the General Permit may have multiple discharges subject to requirements that are specific to general, linear, and/or active treatment system discharge types. 17. The State Water Board may reopen the permit if the U.S. EPA adopts a final effluent limitation guideline for construction activities. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 3 Order B. Activities Covered Under the General Permit 18. Any construction or demolition activity, including, but not limited to, clearing, grading, grubbing, or excavation, or any other activity that results in a land disturbance of equal to or greater than one acre. 19. Construction activity that results in land surface disturbances of less than one acre if the construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or the sale of one or more acres of disturbed land surface. 20. Construction activity related to residential, commercial, or industrial development on lands currently used for agriculture including, but not limited to, the construction of buildings related to agriculture that are considered industrial pursuant to U.S. EPA regulations, such as dairy barns or food processing facilities. 21. Construction activity associated with Linear Underground/Overhead Utility Projects (LUPs) including, but not limited to, those activities necessary for the installation of underground and overhead linear facilities (e.g., conduits, substructures, pipelines, towers, poles, cables, wires, connectors, switching, regulating and transforming equipment and associated ancillary facilities) and include, but are not limited to, underground utility mark-out, potholing, concrete and asphalt cutting and removal, trenching, excavation, boring and drilling, access road and pole/tower pad and cable/wire pull station, substation construction, substructure installation, construction of tower footings and/or foundations, pole and tower installations, pipeline installations, welding, concrete and/or pavement repair or replacement, and stockpile/borrow locations. 22. Discharges of sediment from construction activities associated with oil and gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment operations or transmission facilities.2 23. Storm water discharges from dredge spoil placement that occur outside of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction (upland sites) and that disturb one or more acres of land surface from construction activity are covered by this General Permit. Construction sites that intend to disturb one or more acres of land within the jurisdictional boundaries of 2 Pursuant to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision in NRDC v. EPA (9th Cir. 2008) 526 F.3d 591, and subsequent denial of the U.S. EPA’s petition for reconsideration in November 2008, oil and gas construction activities discharging storm water contaminated only with sediment are no longer exempt from the NPDES program. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 4 Order a CWA § 404 permit should contact the appropriate Regional Water Board to determine whether this permit applies to the site. C. Activities Not Covered Under the General Permit 24. Routine maintenance to maintain original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of the facility. 25. Disturbances to land surfaces solely related to agricultural operations such as disking, harrowing, terracing and leveling, and soil preparation. 26. Discharges of storm water from areas on tribal lands; construction on tribal lands is regulated by a federal permit. 27. Construction activity and land disturbance involving discharges of storm water within the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit. The Lahontan Regional Water Board has adopted its own permit to regulate storm water discharges from construction activity in the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit (Regional Water Board 6SLT). Owners of construction sites in this watershed must apply for the Lahontan Regional Water Board permit rather than the statewide Construction General Permit. 28. Construction activity that disturbs less than one acre of land surface, and that is not part of a larger common plan of development or the sale of one or more acres of disturbed land surface. 29. Construction activity covered by an individual NPDES Permit for storm water discharges. 30. Discharges from small (1 to 5 acre) construction activities with an approved Rainfall Erosivity Waiver authorized by U.S. EPA Phase II regulations certifying to the State Board that small construction activity will occur only when the Rainfall Erosivity Factor is less than 5 (“R” in the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation). 31. Landfill construction activity that is subject to the Industrial General Permit. 32. Construction activity that discharges to Combined Sewer Systems. 33. Conveyances that discharge storm water runoff combined with municipal sewage. 34. Discharges of storm water identified in CWA § 402(l)(2), 33 U.S.C. § 1342(l)(2). 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 5 Order 35. Discharges occurring in basins that are not tributary or hydrologically connected to waters of the United States (for more information contact your Regional Water Board). D. Obtaining and Modifying General Permit Coverage 36. This General Permit requires all dischargers to electronically file all Permit Registration Documents (PRDs), Notices of Termination (NOT), changes of information, annual reporting, and other compliance documents required by this General Permit through the State Water Board’s Storm water Multi-Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) website. 37. Any information provided to the Regional Water Board shall comply with the Homeland Security Act and any other federal law that concerns security in the United States; any information that does not comply should not be submitted. 38. This General Permit grants an exception from the Risk Determination requirements for existing sites covered under Water Quality Orders No. 99-08-DWQ, and No. 2003-0007-DWQ. For certain sites, adding additional requirements may not be cost effective. Construction sites covered under Water Quality Order No. 99-08-DWQ shall obtain permit coverage at the Risk Level 1. LUPs covered under Water Quality Order No. 2003-0007-DWQ shall obtain permit coverage as a Type 1 LUP. The Regional Water Boards have the authority to require Risk Determination to be performed on sites currently covered under Water Quality Orders No. 99-08-DWQ and No. 2003-0007-DWQ where they deem it necessary. The State Water Board finds that there are two circumstances when it may be appropriate for the Regional Water Boards to require a discharger that had filed an NOI under State Water Board Order No. 99-08-DWQ to recalculate the site’s risk level. These circumstances are: (1) when the discharger has a demonstrated history of noncompliance with State Water Board Order No. 99-08- DWQ or; (2) when the discharger’s site poses a significant risk of causing or contributing to an exceedance of a water quality standard without the implementation of the additional Risk Level 2 or 3 requirements. E. Prohibitions 39. All discharges are prohibited except for the storm water and non-storm water discharges specifically authorized by this General Permit or another NPDES permit. Non-storm water discharges include a wide variety of sources, including improper dumping, spills, or leakage from storage tanks or transfer areas. Non-storm water discharges may 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 6 Order contribute significant pollutant loads to receiving waters. Measures to control spills, leakage, and dumping, and to prevent illicit connections during construction must be addressed through structural as well as non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs)3. The State Water Board recognizes, however, that certain non-storm water discharges may be necessary for the completion of construction. 40. This General Permit prohibits all discharges which contain a hazardous substance in excess of reportable quantities established in 40 C.F.R. §§ 117.3 and 302.4, unless a separate NPDES Permit has been issued to regulate those discharges. 41. This General Permit incorporates discharge prohibitions contained in water quality control plans, as implemented by the State Water Board and the nine Regional Water Boards. 42. Pursuant to the Ocean Plan, discharges to Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) are prohibited unless covered by an exception that the State Water Board has approved. 43. This General Permit prohibits the discharge of any debris4 from construction sites. Plastic and other trash materials can cause negative impacts to receiving water beneficial uses. The State Water Board encourages the use of more environmentally safe, biodegradable materials on construction sites to minimize the potential risk to water quality. F. Training 44. In order to improve compliance with and to maintain consistent enforcement of this General Permit, all dischargers are required to appoint two positions - the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) and the Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) - who must obtain appropriate training. Together with the key stakeholders, the State and Regional Water Boards are leading the development of this curriculum through a collaborative organization called The Construction General Permit (CGP) Training Team. 45. The Professional Engineers Act (Bus. & Prof. Code section 6700, et seq.) requires that all engineering work must be performed by a California licensed engineer. 3 BMPs are scheduling of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practice to control site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. 4 Litter, rubble, discarded refuse, and remains of destroyed inorganic anthropogenic waste. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 7 Order G. Determining and Reducing Risk 46. The risk of accelerated erosion and sedimentation from wind and water depends on a number of factors, including proximity to receiving water bodies, climate, topography, and soil type. 47. This General Permit requires dischargers to assess the risk level of a site based on both sediment transport and receiving water risk. This General Permit contains requirements for Risk Levels 1, 2 and 3, and LUP Risk Type 1, 2, and 3 (Attachment A). Risk levels are established by determining two factors: first, calculating the site's sediment risk; and second, receiving water risk during periods of soil exposure (i.e. grading and site stabilization). Both factors are used to determine the site-specific Risk Level(s). LUPs can be determined to be Type 1 based on the flowchart in Attachment A.1. 48. Although this General Permit does not mandate specific setback distances, dischargers are encouraged to set back their construction activities from streams and wetlands whenever feasible to reduce the risk of impacting water quality (e.g., natural stream stability and habitat function). Because there is a reduced risk to receiving waters when setbacks are used, this General Permit gives credit to setbacks in the risk determination and post-construction storm water performance standards. The risk calculation and runoff reduction mechanisms in this General Permit are expected to facilitate compliance with any Regional Water Board and local agency setback requirements, and to encourage voluntary setbacks wherever practicable. 49. Rain events can occur at any time of the year in California. Therefore, a Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) is necessary for Risk Level 2 and 3 traditional construction projects (LUPs exempt) to ensure that active construction sites have adequate erosion and sediment controls implemented prior to the onset of a storm event, even if construction is planned only during the dry season. 50. Soil particles smaller than 0.02 millimeters (mm) (i.e., finer than medium silt) do not settle easily using conventional measures for sediment control (i.e., sediment basins). Given their long settling time, dislodging these soils results in a significant risk that fine particles will be released into surface waters and cause unacceptable downstream impacts. If operated correctly, an Active Treatment System (ATS5) can prevent or reduce the release of fine particles from construction sites. 5 An ATS is a treatment system that employs chemical coagulation, chemical flocculation, or electro coagulation in order to reduce turbidity caused by fine suspended sediment. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 8 Order Use of an ATS can effectively reduce a site's risk of impacting receiving waters. 51. Dischargers located in a watershed area where a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) has been adopted or approved by the Regional Water Board or U.S. EPA may be required by a separate Regional Water Board action to implement additional BMPs, conduct additional monitoring activities, and/or comply with an applicable waste load allocation and implementation schedule. Such dischargers may also be required to obtain an individual Regional Water Board permit specific to the area. H. Effluent Standards 52. The State Water Board convened a blue ribbon panel of storm water experts that submitted a report entitled, “The Feasibility of Numeric Effluent Limits Applicable to Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Municipal, Industrial and Construction Activities,” dated June 19, 2006. The panel concluded that numeric limits or action levels are technically feasible to control construction storm water discharges, provided that certain conditions are considered. The panel also concluded that numeric effluent limitations (NELs) are feasible for discharges from construction sites that utilize an ATS. The State Water Board has incorporated the expert panel’s suggestions into this General Permit, which includes both numeric action levels (NALs) and NELs for pH and turbidity, and special numeric limits for ATS discharges. Numeric Effluent Limitations 53. Discharges of storm water from construction activities may become contaminated from alkaline construction materials resulting in high pH (greater than pH 7). Alkaline construction materials include, but are not limited to, hydrated lime, concrete, mortar, cement kiln dust (CKD), Portland cement treated base (CTB), fly ash, recycled concrete, and masonry work. This General Permit includes an NEL for pH (6.0-9.0) that applies only at sites that exhibit a "high risk of high pH discharge." A "high risk of high pH discharge" can occur during the complete utilities phase, the complete vertical build phase, and any portion of any phase where significant amounts of materials are placed directly on the land at the site in a manner that could result in significant alterations to the background pH of any discharges. 54. For Risk Level 3 discharges, this General Permit establishes technology-based, numeric effluent limitations (NELs) for turbidity of 500 NTU. Exceedances of the turbidity NEL constitutes a violation of this General Permit. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 9 Order 55. This General Permit establishes a 5 year, 24 hour (expressed in inches of rainfall) Compliance Storm Event exemption from the technology- based NELs for Risk Level 3 dischargers. Determining Compliance with Numeric Limitations 56. This General Permit sets a pH NAL of 6.5 to 8.5, and a turbidity NAL of 250 NTU. The purpose of the NAL and its associated monitoring requirement is to provide operational information regarding the performance of the measures used at the site to minimize the discharge of pollutants and to protect beneficial uses and receiving waters from the adverse effects of construction-related storm water discharges. The NALs in this General Permit for pH and turbidity are not directly enforceable and do not constitute NELs. 57. This General Permit requires dischargers with NAL exceedances to immediately implement additional BMPs and revise their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) accordingly to either prevent pollutants and authorized non-storm water discharges from contaminating storm water, or to substantially reduce the pollutants to levels consistently below the NALs. NAL exceedances are reported in the State Water Boards SMARTS system, and the discharger is required to provide an NAL Exceedance Report when requested by a Regional Water Board. 58. If run-on is caused by a forest fire or any other natural disaster, then NELs do not apply. 59. Exceedances of the NELs are a violation of this Permit. This General Permit requires dischargers with NEL exceedances to implement additional monitoring, BMPs, and revise their SWPPPs accordingly. Dischargers are required to notify the State and Regional Water Boards of the violation through the State Water Boards SMARTs system, and provide an NEL Violation Report sharing additional information concerning the NEL exceedance. I. Receiving Water Limitations 60. This General Permit requires all enrolled dischargers to determine the receiving waters potentially affected by their discharges and to comply with all applicable water quality standards, including any more stringent standards applicable to a water body. J. Sampling, Monitoring, Reporting and Record Keeping 61. Visual monitoring of storm water and non-storm water discharges is required for all sites subject to this General Permit. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 10 Order 62. Records of all visual monitoring inspections are required to remain on- site during the construction period and for a minimum of three years. 63. For all Risk Level 3 and Risk Level 2 sites, this General Permit requires effluent monitoring for pH and turbidity. Sampling, analysis and monitoring requirements for effluent monitoring for pH and turbidity are contained in this General Permit. 64. Risk Level 3 sites in violation of the Numeric Effluent Limitations contained in this General Permit and with direct discharges to receiving water are required to conduct receiving water monitoring. 65. For Risk Level 3 sites larger than 30 acres and with direct discharges to receiving waters, this General Permit requires bioassessment sampling before and after site completion to determine if significant degradation to the receiving water’s biota has occurred. Bioassessment sampling guidelines are contained in this General Permit. 66. A summary and evaluation of the sampling and analysis results will be submitted in the Annual Reports. 67. This General Permit contains sampling, analysis and monitoring requirements for non-visible pollutants at all sites subject to this General Permit. 68. Compliance with the General Permit relies upon dischargers to electronically self-report any discharge violations and to comply with any Regional Water Board enforcement actions. 69. This General Permit requires that all dischargers maintain a paper or electronic copy of all required records for three years from the date generated or date submitted, whichever is last. These records must be available at the construction site until construction is completed. For LUPs, these documents may be retained in a crew member’s vehicle and made available upon request. K. Active Treatment System (ATS) Requirements 70. Active treatment systems add chemicals to facilitate flocculation, coagulation and filtration of suspended sediment particles. The uncontrolled release of these chemicals to the environment can negatively affect the beneficial uses of receiving waters and/or degrade water quality (e.g., acute and chronic toxicity). Additionally, the batch storage and treatment of storm water through an ATS' can potentially 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 11 Order cause physical impacts on receiving waters if storage volume is inadequate or due to sudden releases of the ATS batches and improperly designed outfalls. 71. If designed, operated and maintained properly an ATS can achieve very high removal rates of suspended sediment (measured as turbidity), albeit at sometimes significantly higher costs than traditional erosion/sediment control practices. As a result, this General Permit establishes NELs consistent with the expected level of typical ATS performance. 72. This General Permit requires discharges of storm water associated with construction activity that undergo active treatment to comply with special operational and effluent limitations to ensure that these discharges do not adversely affect the beneficial uses of the receiving waters or cause degradation of their water quality. 73. For ATS discharges, this General Permit establishes technology-based NELs for turbidity. 74. This General Permit establishes a 10 year, 24 hour (expressed in inches of rainfall) Compliance Storm Event exemption from the technology-based numeric effluent limitations for ATS discharges. Exceedances of the ATS turbidity NEL constitutes a violation of this General Permit. L. Post-Construction Requirements 75. This General Permit includes performance standards for post- construction that are consistent with State Water Board Resolution No. 2005-0006, "Resolution Adopting the Concept of Sustainability as a Core Value for State Water Board Programs and Directing Its Incorporation," and 2008-0030, “Requiring Sustainable Water Resources Management.“ The requirement for all construction sites to match pre-project hydrology will help ensure that the physical and biological integrity of aquatic ecosystems are sustained. This “runoff reduction” approach is analogous in principle to Low Impact Development (LID) and will serve to protect related watersheds and waterbodies from both hydrologic-based and pollution impacts associated with the post-construction landscape. 76. LUP projects are not subject to post-construction requirements due to the nature of their construction to return project sites to pre- construction conditions. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 12 Order M. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Requirements 77. This General Permit requires the development of a site-specific SWPPP. The SWPPP must include the information needed to demonstrate compliance with all requirements of this General Permit, and must be kept on the construction site and be available for review. The discharger shall ensure that a QSD develops the SWPPP. 78. To ensure proper site oversight, this General Permit requires a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner to oversee implementation of the BMPs required to comply with this General Permit. N. Regional Water Board Authorities 79. Regional Water Boards are responsible for implementation and enforcement of this General Permit. A general approach to permitting is not always suitable for every construction site and environmental circumstances. Therefore, this General Permit recognizes that Regional Water Boards must have some flexibility and authority to alter, approve, exempt, or rescind permit authority granted under this General Permit in order to protect the beneficial uses of our receiving waters and prevent degradation of water quality. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 13 Order IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that all dischargers subject to this General Permit shall comply with the following conditions and requirements (including all conditions and requirements as set forth in Attachments A, B, C, D, E and F)6: II. CONDITIONS FOR PERMIT COVERAGE A. Linear Underground/Overhead Projects (LUPs) 1. Linear Underground/Overhead Projects (LUPs) include, but are not limited to, any conveyance, pipe, or pipeline for the transportation of any gaseous, liquid (including water and wastewater for domestic municipal services), liquescent, or slurry substance; any cable line or wire for the transmission of electrical energy; any cable line or wire for communications (e.g. telephone, telegraph, radio or television messages); and associated ancillary facilities. Construction activities associated with LUPs include, but are not limited to, (a) those activities necessary for the installation of underground and overhead linear facilities (e.g., conduits, substructures, pipelines, towers, poles, cables, wires, connectors, switching, regulating and transforming equipment, and associated ancillary facilities); and include, but are not limited to, (b) underground utility mark-out, potholing, concrete and asphalt cutting and removal, trenching, excavation, boring and drilling, access road and pole/tower pad and cable/wire pull station, substation construction, substructure installation, construction of tower footings and/or foundations, pole and tower installations, pipeline installations, welding, concrete and/ or pavement repair or replacement, and stockpile/borrow locations. 2. The Legally Responsible Person is responsible for obtaining coverage under the General Permit where the construction of pipelines, utility lines, fiber-optic cables, or other linear underground/overhead projects will occur across several properties unless the LUP construction activities are covered under another construction storm water permit. 3. Only LUPs shall comply with the conditions and requirements in Attachment A, A.1 & A.2 of this Order. The balance of this Order is not applicable to LUPs except as indicated in Attachment A. 6 These attachments are part of the General Permit itself and are not separate documents that are capable of being updated independently by the State Water Board. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 14 Order B. Obtaining Permit Coverage Traditional Construction Sites 1. The Legally Responsible Person (LRP) (see Special Provisions, Electronic Signature and Certification Requirements, Section IV.I.1) must obtain coverage under this General Permit. 2. To obtain coverage, the LRP must electronically file Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) prior to the commencement of construction activity. Failure to obtain coverage under this General Permit for storm water discharges to waters of the United States is a violation of the CWA and the California Water Code. 3. PRDs shall consist of: a. Notice of Intent (NOI) b. Risk Assessment (Section VIII) c. Site Map d. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (Section XIV) e. Annual Fee f. Signed Certification Statement Any information provided to the Regional Water Board shall comply with the Homeland Security Act and any other federal law that concerns security in the United States; any information that does not comply should not be submitted. Attachment B contains additional PRD information. Dischargers must electronically file the PRDs, and mail the appropriate annual fee to the State Water Board. 4. This permit is effective on July 1, 2010. a. Dischargers Obtaining Coverage On or After July 1, 2010: All dischargers requiring coverage on or after July 1, 2010, shall electronically file their PRDs prior to the commencement of construction activities, and mail the appropriate annual fee no later than seven days prior to the commencement of construction activities. Permit coverage shall not commence until the PRDs and the annual fee are received by the State Water Board, and a WDID number is assigned and sent by SMARTS. b. Dischargers Covered Under 99-08-DWQ and 2003-0007-DWQ: Existing dischargers subject to State Water Board Order No. 99-08- DWQ (existing dischargers) will continue coverage under 99-08- DWQ until July 1, 2010. After July 1, 2010, all NOIs subject to State Water Board Order No. 99-08-DWQ will be terminated. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 15 Order Existing dischargers shall electronically file their PRDs no later than July 1, 2010. If an existing discharger’s site acreage subject to the annual fee has changed, it shall mail a revised annual fee no less than seven days after receiving the revised annual fee notification, or else lose permit coverage. All existing dischargers shall be exempt from the risk determination requirements in Section VIII of this General Permit until two years after permit adoption. All existing dischargers are therefore subject to Risk Level 1 requirements regardless of their site’s sediment and receiving water risks. However, a Regional Board retains the authority to require an existing discharger to comply with the Section VIII risk determination requirements. 5. The discharger is only considered covered by this General Permit upon receipt of a Waste Discharger Identification (WDID) number assigned and sent by the State Water Board Storm water Multi-Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS). In order to demonstrate compliance with this General Permit, the discharger must obtain a WDID number and must present documentation of a valid WDID upon demand. 6. During the period this permit is subject to review by the U.S. EPA, the prior permit (State Water Board Order No. 99-08-DWQ) remains in effect. Existing dischargers under the prior permit will continue to have coverage under State Water Board Order No. 99-08-DWQ until this General Permit takes effect on July 1, 2010. Dischargers who complete their projects and electronically file an NOT prior to July 1, 2010, are not required to obtain coverage under this General Permit. 7. Small Construction Rainfall Erosivity Waiver EPA’s Small Construction Erosivity Waiver applies to sites between one and five acres demonstrating that there are no adverse water quality impacts. Dischargers eligible for a Rainfall Erosivity Waiver based on low erosivity potential shall complete the electronic Notice of Intent (NOI) and Sediment Risk form through the State Water Board’s SMARTS system, certifying that the construction activity will take place during a period when the value of the rainfall erosivity factor is less than five. Where the LRP changes or another LRP is added during construction, the new LRP must also submit a waiver certification through the SMARTS system. If a small construction site continues beyond the projected completion date given on the waiver certification, the LRP shall recalculate the 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 16 Order rainfall erosivity factor for the new project duration and submit this information through the SMARTS system. If the new R factor is below five (5), the discharger shall update through SMARTS all applicable information on the waiver certification and retain a copy of the revised waiver onsite. The LRP shall submit the new waiver certification 30 days prior to the projected completion date listed on the original waiver form to assure exemption from permitting requirements is uninterrupted. If the new R factor is five (5) or above, the LRP shall be required to apply for coverage under this Order. 8. In the case of a public emergency that requires immediate construction activities, a discharger shall submit a brief description of the emergency construction activity within five days of the onset of construction, and then shall submit all PRDs within thirty days. C. Revising Permit Coverage for Change of Acreage or New Ownership 1. The discharger may reduce or increase the total acreage covered under this General Permit when a portion of the site is complete and/or conditions for termination of coverage have been met (See Section II.D Conditions for Termination of Coverage); when ownership of a portion of the site is sold to a different entity; or when new acreage, subject to this General Permit, is added to the site. 2. Within 30 days of a reduction or increase in total disturbed acreage, the discharger shall electronically file revisions to the PRDs that include: a. A revised NOI indicating the new project size; b. A revised site map showing the acreage of the site completed, acreage currently under construction, acreage sold/transferred or added, and acreage currently stabilized in accordance with the Conditions for Termination of Coverage in Section II.D below. c. SWPPP revisions, as appropriate; and d. Certification that any new landowners have been notified of applicable requirements to obtain General Permit coverage. The certification shall include the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the new landowner. e. If the project acreage has increased, dischargers shall mail payment of revised annual fees within 14 days of receiving the revised annual fee notification. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 17 Order 3. The discharger shall continue coverage under the General Permit for any parcel that has not achieved “Final Stabilization” as defined in Section II.D. 4. When an LRP with active General Permit coverage transfers its LRP status to another person or entity that qualifies as an LRP, the existing LRP shall inform the new LRP of the General Permit’s requirements. In order for the new LRP to continue the construction activity on its parcel of property, the new LRP, or the new LRP’s approved signatory, must submit PRDs in accordance with this General Permit’s requirements. D. Conditions for Termination of Coverage 1. Within 90 days of when construction is complete or ownership has been transferred, the discharger shall electronically file a Notice of Termination (NOT), a final site map, and photos through the State Water Boards SMARTS system. Filing a NOT certifies that all General Permit requirements have been met. The Regional Water Board will consider a construction site complete only when all portions of the site have been transferred to a new owner, or all of the following conditions have been met: a. For purposes of “final stabilization,” the site will not pose any additional sediment discharge risk than it did prior to the commencement of construction activity; b. There is no potential for construction-related storm water pollutants to be discharged into site runoff; c. Final stabilization has been reached; d. Construction materials and wastes have been disposed of properly; e. Compliance with the Post-Construction Standards in Section XIII of this General Permit has been demonstrated; f. Post-construction storm water management measures have been installed and a long-term maintenance plan7 has been established; and g. All construction-related equipment, materials and any temporary BMPs no longer needed are removed from the site. 7 For the purposes of this requirement a long-term maintenance plan will be designed for a minimum of five years, and will describe the procedures to ensure that the post-construction storm water management measures are adequately maintained. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 18 Order 2. The discharger shall certify that final stabilization conditions are satisfied in their NOT. Failure to certify shall result in continuation of permit coverage and annual billing. 3. The NOT must demonstrate through photos, RUSLE or RUSLE2, or results of testing and analysis that the site meets all of the conditions above (Section II.D.1) and the final stabilization condition (Section II.D.1.a) is attained by one of the following methods: a. “70% final cover method,” no computational proof required OR: b. “RUSLE or RUSLE2 method,” computational proof required OR: c. “Custom method”, the discharger shall demonstrate in some other manner than a or b, above, that the site complies with the “final stabilization” requirement in Section II.D.1.a. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 19 Order III. DISCHARGE PROHIBITIONS A. Dischargers shall not violate any discharge prohibitions contained in applicable Basin Plans or statewide water quality control plans. Waste discharges to Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) are prohibited by the California Ocean Plan, unless granted an exception issued by the State Water Board. B. All discharges are prohibited except for the storm water and non-storm water discharges specifically authorized by this General Permit or another NPDES permit. C. Authorized non-storm water discharges may include those from de- chlorinated potable water sources such as: fire hydrant flushing, irrigation of vegetative erosion control measures, pipe flushing and testing, water to control dust, uncontaminated ground water from dewatering, and other discharges not subject to a separate general NPDES permit adopted by a Regional Water Board. The discharge of non-storm water is authorized under the following conditions: 1. The discharge does not cause or contribute to a violation of any water quality standard; 2. The discharge does not violate any other provision of this General Permit; 3. The discharge is not prohibited by the applicable Basin Plan; 4. The discharger has included and implemented specific BMPs required by this General Permit to prevent or reduce the contact of the non- storm water discharge with construction materials or equipment. 5. The discharge does not contain toxic constituents in toxic amounts or (other) significant quantities of pollutants; 6. The discharge is monitored and meets the applicable NALs and NELs; and 7. The discharger reports the sampling information in the Annual Report. If any of the above conditions are not satisfied, the discharge is not authorized by this General Permit. The discharger shall notify the Regional Water Board of any anticipated non-storm water discharges not already authorized by this General Permit or another NPDES permit, to determine whether a separate NPDES permit is necessary. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 20 Order D. Debris resulting from construction activities are prohibited from being discharged from construction sites. E. When soil contamination is found or suspected and a responsible party is not identified, or the responsible party fails to promptly take the appropriate action, the discharger shall have those soils sampled and tested to ensure proper handling and public safety measures are implemented. The discharger shall notify the appropriate local, State, and federal agency(ies) when contaminated soil is found at a construction site, and will notify the appropriate Regional Water Board. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 21 Order IV. SPECIAL PROVISIONS A. Duty to Comply 1. The discharger shall comply with all of the conditions of this General Permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act and is grounds for enforcement action and/or removal from General Permit coverage. 2. The discharger shall comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the CWA for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions, even if this General Permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. B. General Permit Actions 1. This General Permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the discharger for a General Permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not annul any General Permit condition. 2. If any toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition) is promulgated under Section 307(a) of the CWA for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge and that standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation on the pollutant in this General Permit, this General Permit shall be modified or revoked and reissued to conform to the toxic effluent standard or prohibition and the dischargers so notified. C. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense It shall not be a defense for a discharger in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this General Permit. D. Duty to Mitigate The discharger shall take all responsible steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this General Permit, which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 22 Order E. Proper Operation and Maintenance The discharger shall at all times properly operate and maintain any facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the discharger to achieve compliance with the conditions of this General Permit. Proper operation and maintenance also includes adequate laboratory controls and appropriate quality assurance procedures. Proper operation and maintenance may require the operation of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systems installed by a discharger when necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of this General Permit. F. Property Rights This General Permit does not convey any property rights of any sort or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor does it authorize any infringement of Federal, State, or local laws or regulations. G. Duty to Maintain Records and Provide Information 1. The discharger shall maintain a paper or electronic copy of all required records, including a copy of this General Permit, for three years from the date generated or date submitted, whichever is last. These records shall be available at the construction site until construction is completed. 2. The discharger shall furnish the Regional Water Board, State Water Board, or U.S. EPA, within a reasonable time, any requested information to determine compliance with this General Permit. The discharger shall also furnish, upon request, copies of records that are required to be kept by this General Permit. H. Inspection and Entry The discharger shall allow the Regional Water Board, State Water Board, U.S. EPA, and/or, in the case of construction sites which discharge through a municipal separate storm sewer, an authorized representative of the municipal operator of the separate storm sewer system receiving the discharge, upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, to: 1. Enter upon the discharger’s premises at reasonable times where a regulated construction activity is being conducted or where records must be kept under the conditions of this General Permit; 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 23 Order 2. Access and copy at reasonable times any records that must be kept under the conditions of this General Permit; 3. Inspect at reasonable times the complete construction site, including any off-site staging areas or material storage areas, and the erosion/sediment controls; and 4. Sample or monitor at reasonable times for the purpose of ensuring General Permit compliance. I. Electronic Signature and Certification Requirements 1. All Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) and Notices of Termination (NOTs) shall be electronically signed, certified, and submitted via SMARTS to the State Water Board. Either the Legally Responsible Person (LRP), as defined in Appendix 5 – Glossary, or a person legally authorized to sign and certify PRDs and NOTs on behalf of the LRP (the LRP’s Approved Signatory, as defined in Appendix 5 - Glossary) must submit all information electronically via SMARTS. 2. Changes to Authorization. If an Approved Signatory’s authorization is no longer accurate, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section must be submitted via SMARTS prior to or together with any reports, information or applications to be signed by an Approved Signatory. 3. All Annual Reports, or other information required by the General Permit (other than PRDs and NOTs) or requested by the Regional Water Board, State Water Board, U.S. EPA, or local storm water management agency shall be certified and submitted by the LRP or the LRP’s Approved Signatory. J. Certification Any person signing documents under Section IV.I above, shall make the following certification: "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 24 Order K. Anticipated Noncompliance The discharger shall give advance notice to the Regional Water Board and local storm water management agency of any planned changes in the construction activity, which may result in noncompliance with General Permit requirements. L. Bypass Bypass8 is prohibited. The Regional Water Board may take enforcement action against the discharger for bypass unless: 1. Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury or severe property damage;9 2. There were no feasible alternatives to bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated waste, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass that could occur during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance; 3. The discharger submitted a notice at least ten days in advance of the need for a bypass to the Regional Water Board; or 4. The discharger may allow a bypass to occur that does not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if it is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. In such a case, the above bypass conditions are not applicable. The discharger shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass as required. M. Upset 1. A discharger that wishes to establish the affirmative defense of an upset10 in an action brought for noncompliance shall demonstrate, 8 The intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility 9 Severe property damage means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities that causes them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources that can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production. 10 An exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance the technology based numeric effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the discharger. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or improper operation. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 25 Order through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: a. An upset occurred and that the discharger can identify the cause(s) of the upset b. The treatment facility was being properly operated by the time of the upset c. The discharger submitted notice of the upset as required; and d. The discharger complied with any remedial measures required 2. No determination made before an action of noncompliance occurs, such as during administrative review of claims that noncompliance was caused by an upset, is final administrative action subject to judicial review. 3. In any enforcement proceeding, the discharger seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof N. Penalties for Falsification of Reports Section 309(c)(4) of the CWA provides that any person who knowingly makes any false material statement, representation, or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this General Permit, including reports of compliance or noncompliance shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more than two years or by both. O. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability Nothing in this General Permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the discharger from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the discharger is or may be subject to under Section 311 of the CWA. P. Severability The provisions of this General Permit are severable; and, if any provision of this General Permit or the application of any provision of this General Permit to any circumstance is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this General Permit shall not be affected thereby. Q. Reopener Clause 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 26 Order This General Permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause due to promulgation of amended regulations, receipt of U.S. EPA guidance concerning regulated activities, judicial decision, or in accordance with 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 122.62, 122.63, 122.64, and 124.5. R. Penalties for Violations of Permit Conditions 1. Section 309 of the CWA provides significant penalties for any person who violates a permit condition implementing Sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405 of the CWA or any permit condition or limitation implementing any such section in a permit issued under Section 402. Any person who violates any permit condition of this General Permit is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $37,50011 per calendar day of such violation, as well as any other appropriate sanction provided by Section 309 of the CWA. 2. The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act also provides for civil and criminal penalties, which in some cases are greater than those under the CWA. S. Transfers This General Permit is not transferable. T. Continuation of Expired Permit This General Permit continues in force and effect until a new General Permit is issued or the SWRCB rescinds this General Permit. Only those dischargers authorized to discharge under the expiring General Permit are covered by the continued General Permit. 11 May be further adjusted in accordance with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 27 Order V. EFFLUENT STANDARDS A. Narrative Effluent Limitations 1. Storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges regulated by this General Permit shall not contain a hazardous substance equal to or in excess of reportable quantities established in 40 C.F.R. §§ 117.3 and 302.4, unless a separate NPDES Permit has been issued to regulate those discharges. 2. Dischargers shall minimize or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges through the use of controls, structures, and management practices that achieve BAT for toxic and non-conventional pollutants and BCT for conventional pollutants. B. Numeric Effluent Limitations (NELs) Table 1- Numeric Effluent Limitations, Numeric Action Levels, Test Methods, Detection Limits, and Reporting Units Parameter Test Method Discharge Type Min. Detection Limit Units Numeric Action Level Numeric Effluent Limitation Risk Level 2 lower NAL = 6.5 upper NAL = 8.5 N/A pH Field test with calibrated portable instrument Risk Level 3 0.2 pH units lower NAL = 6.5 upper NAL = 8.5 lower NEL = 6.0 upper NEL = 9.0 Risk Level 2 250 NTU N/A Turbidity EPA 0180.1 and/or field test with calibrated portable instrument Risk Level 3 1 NTU 250 NTU 500 NTU 1. Numeric Effluent Limitations (NELs): a. Storm Event, Daily Average pH Limits – For Risk Level 3 dischargers, the pH of storm water and non-storm water discharges 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 28 Order shall be within the ranges specified in Table 1 during any site phase where there is a "high risk of pH discharge."12 b. Storm Event Daily Average Turbidity Limit – For Risk Level 3 dischargers, the turbidity of storm water and non-storm water discharges shall not exceed 500 NTU. 2. If daily average sampling results are outside the range of pH NELs (i.e., is below the lower NEL for pH or exceeds the upper NEL for pH) or exceeds the turbidity NEL (as listed in Table 1), the discharger is in violation of this General Permit and shall electronically file monitoring results in violation within 5 business days of obtaining the results. 3. Compliance Storm Event: Discharges of storm water from Risk Level 3 sites shall comply with applicable NELs (above) unless the storm event causing the discharges is determined after the fact to be equal to or larger than the Compliance Storm Event (expressed in inches of rainfall). The Compliance Storm Event for Risk Level 3 discharges is the 5 year, 24 hour storm (expressed in tenths of an inch of rainfall), as determined by using these maps: http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/pcpnfreq/nca5y24.gif http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/pcpnfreq/sca5y24.gif Compliance storm event verification shall be done by reporting on-site rain gauge readings as well as nearby governmental rain gauge readings. 4. Dischargers shall not be required to comply with NELs if the site receives run-on from a forest fire or any other natural disaster. C. Numeric Action Levels (NALs) 1. For Risk Level 2 and 3 dischargers, the lower storm event average NAL for pH is 6.5 pH units and the upper storm event average NAL for pH is 8.5 pH units. The discharger shall take actions as described below if the discharge is outside of this range of pH values. 12 A period of high risk of pH discharge is defined as a project's complete utilities phase, complete vertical build phase, and any portion of any phase where significant amounts of materials are placed directly on the land at the site in a manner that could result in significant alterations of the background pH of the discharges. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 29 Order 2. For Risk Level 2 and 3 dischargers, the NAL storm event daily average for turbidity is 250 NTU. The discharger shall take actions as described below if the discharge is outside of this range of turbidity values. 3. Whenever the results from a storm event daily average indicate that the discharge is below the lower NAL for pH, exceeds the upper NAL for pH, or exceeds the turbidity NAL (as listed in Table 1), the discharger shall conduct a construction site and run-on evaluation to determine whether pollutant source(s) associated with the site’s construction activity may have caused or contributed to the NAL exceedance and shall immediately implement corrective actions if they are needed. 4. The site evaluation shall be documented in the SWPPP and specifically address whether the source(s) of the pollutants causing the exceedance of the NAL: a. Are related to the construction activities and whether additional BMPs are required to (1) meet BAT/BCT requirements; (2) reduce or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges from causing exceedances of receiving water objectives; and (3) determine what corrective action(s) were taken or will be taken and with a description of the schedule for completion. AND/OR: b. Are related to the run-on associated with the construction site location and whether additional BMPs measures are required to (1) meet BAT/BCT requirements; (2) reduce or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges from causing exceedances of receiving water objectives; and (3) what corrective action(s) were taken or will be taken with a description of the schedule for completion. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 30 Order VI. RECEIVING WATER LIMITATIONS A. The discharger shall ensure that storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges to any surface or ground water will not adversely affect human health or the environment. B. The discharger shall ensure that storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges will not contain pollutants in quantities that threaten to cause pollution or a public nuisance. C. The discharger shall ensure that storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges will not contain pollutants that cause or contribute to an exceedance of any applicable water quality objectives or water quality standards (collectively, WQS) contained in a Statewide Water Quality Control Plan, the California Toxics Rule, the National Toxics Rule, or the applicable Regional Water Board’s Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan). D. Dischargers located within the watershed of a CWA § 303(d) impaired water body, for which a TMDL has been approved by the U.S. EPA, shall comply with the approved TMDL if it identifies “construction activity” or land disturbance as a source of the pollution. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 31 Order VII. TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A. General The discharger shall ensure that all persons responsible for implementing requirements of this General Permit shall be appropriately trained in accordance with this Section. Training should be both formal and informal, occur on an ongoing basis, and should include training offered by recognized governmental agencies or professional organizations. Those responsible for preparing and amending SWPPPs shall comply with the requirements in this Section VII. The discharger shall provide documentation of all training for persons responsible for implementing the requirements of this General Permit in the Annual Reports. B. SWPPP Certification Requirements 1. Qualified SWPPP Developer: The discharger shall ensure that SWPPPs are written, amended and certified by a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD). A QSD shall have one of the following registrations or certifications, and appropriate experience, as required for: a. A California registered professional civil engineer; b. A California registered professional geologist or engineering geologist; c. A California registered landscape architect; d. A professional hydrologist registered through the American Institute of Hydrology; e. A Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) TM registered through Enviro Cert International, Inc.; f. A Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ) TM registered through Enviro Cert International, Inc.; g. A professional in erosion and sediment control registered through the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET); or 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 32 Order Effective two years after the adoption date of this General Permit, a QSD shall have attended a State Water Board-sponsored or approved QSD training course. 2. The discharger shall list the name and telephone number of the currently designated Qualified SWPPP Developer(s) in the SWPPP. 3. Qualified SWPPP Practitioner: The discharger shall ensure that all BMPs required by this General Permit are implemented by a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP). A QSP is a person responsible for non- storm water and storm water visual observations, sampling and analysis. Effective two years from the date of adoption of this General Permit, a QSP shall be either a QSD or have one of the following certifications: a. A certified erosion, sediment and storm water inspector registered through Enviro Cert International, Inc.; or b. A certified inspector of sediment and erosion control registered through Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control, Inc. Effective two years after the adoption date of this General Permit, a QSP shall have attended a State Water Board-sponsored or approved QSP training course. 4. The LRP shall list in the SWPPP, the name of any Approved Signatory, and provide a copy of the written agreement or other mechanism that provides this authority from the LRP in the SWPPP. 5. The discharger shall include, in the SWPPP, a list of names of all contractors, subcontractors, and individuals who will be directed by the Qualified SWPPP Practitioner. This list shall include telephone numbers and work addresses. Specific areas of responsibility of each subcontractor and emergency contact numbers shall also be included. 6. The discharger shall ensure that the SWPPP and each amendment will be signed by the Qualified SWPPP Developer. The discharger shall include a listing of the date of initial preparation and the date of each amendment in the SWPPP. VIII. RISK DETERMINATION The discharger shall calculate the site's sediment risk and receiving water risk during periods of soil exposure (i.e. grading and site stabilization) and use the calculated risks to determine a Risk Level(s) using the methodology in 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 33 Order Appendix 1. For any site that spans two or more planning watersheds,13 the discharger shall calculate a separate Risk Level for each planning watershed. The discharger shall notify the State Water Board of the site’s Risk Level determination(s) and shall include this determination as a part of submitting the PRDs. If a discharger ends up with more than one Risk Level determination, the Regional Water Board may choose to break the project into separate levels of implementation. IX. RISK LEVEL 1 REQUIREMENTS Risk Level 1 Dischargers shall comply with the requirements included in Attachment C of this General Permit. X. RISK LEVEL 2 REQUIREMENTS Risk Level 2 Dischargers shall comply with the requirements included in Attachment D of this General Permit. XI. RISK LEVEL 3 REQUIREMENTS Risk Level 3 Dischargers shall comply with the requirements included in Attachment E of this General Permit. XII. ACTIVE TREATMENT SYSTEMS (ATS) Dischargers choosing to implement an ATS on their site shall comply with all of the requirements in Attachment F of this General Permit. 13 Planning watershed: defined by the Calwater Watershed documents as a watershed that ranges in size from approximately 3,000 to 10,000 acres http://cain.ice.ucdavis.edu/calwater/calwfaq.html, http://gis.ca.gov/catalog/BrowseRecord.epl?id=22175 . 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 34 Order XIII. POST-CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS A. All dischargers shall comply with the following runoff reduction requirements unless they are located within an area subject to post- construction standards of an active Phase I or II municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit that has an approved Storm Water Management Plan. 1. This provision shall take effect three years from the adoption date of this permit, or later at the discretion of the Executive Officer of the Regional Board. 2. The discharger shall demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this section by submitting with their NOI a map and worksheets in accordance with the instructions in Appendix 2. The discharger shall use non-structural controls unless the discharger demonstrates that non-structural controls are infeasible or that structural controls will produce greater reduction in water quality impacts. 3. The discharger shall, through the use of non-structural and structural measures as described in Appendix 2, replicate the pre-project water balance (for this permit, defined as the volume of rainfall that ends up as runoff) for the smallest storms up to the 85th percentile storm event (or the smallest storm event that generates runoff, whichever is larger). Dischargers shall inform Regional Water Board staff at least 30 days prior to the use of any structural control measure used to comply with this requirement. Volume that cannot be addressed using non- structural practices shall be captured in structural practices and approved by the Regional Water Board. When seeking Regional Board approval for the use of structural practices, dischargers shall document the infeasibility of using non-structural practices on the project site, or document that there will be fewer water quality impacts through the use of structural practices. 4. For sites whose disturbed area exceeds two acres, the discharger shall preserve the pre-construction drainage density (miles of stream length per square mile of drainage area) for all drainage areas within the area serving a first order stream14 or larger stream and ensure that post- project time of runoff concentration is equal or greater than pre-project time of concentration. 14 A first order stream is defined as a stream with no tributaries. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 35 Order B. All dischargers shall implement BMPs to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges that are reasonably foreseeable after all construction phases have been completed at the site (Post-construction BMPs). 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 36 Order XIV. SWPPP REQUIREMENTS A. The discharger shall ensure that the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for all traditional project sites are developed and amended or revised by a QSD. The SWPPP shall be designed to address the following objectives: 1. All pollutants and their sources, including sources of sediment associated with construction, construction site erosion and all other activities associated with construction activity are controlled; 2. Where not otherwise required to be under a Regional Water Board permit, all non-storm water discharges are identified and either eliminated, controlled, or treated; 3. Site BMPs are effective and result in the reduction or elimination of pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges from construction activity to the BAT/BCT standard; 4. Calculations and design details as well as BMP controls for site run-on are complete and correct, and 5. Stabilization BMPs installed to reduce or eliminate pollutants after construction are completed. B. To demonstrate compliance with requirements of this General Permit, the QSD shall include information in the SWPPP that supports the conclusions, selections, use, and maintenance of BMPs. C. The discharger shall make the SWPPP available at the construction site during working hours while construction is occurring and shall be made available upon request by a State or Municipal inspector. When the original SWPPP is retained by a crewmember in a construction vehicle and is not currently at the construction site, current copies of the BMPs and map/drawing will be left with the field crew and the original SWPPP shall be made available via a request by radio/telephone. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 37 Order XV. REGIONAL WATER BOARD AUTHORITIES A. In the case where the Regional Water Board does not agree with the discharger’s self-reported risk level (e.g., they determine themselves to be a Level 1 Risk when they are actually a Level 2 Risk site), Regional Water Boards may either direct the discharger to reevaluate the Risk Level(s) for their site or terminate coverage under this General Permit. B. Regional Water Boards may terminate coverage under this General Permit for dischargers who fail to comply with its requirements or where they determine that an individual NPDES permit is appropriate. C. Regional Water Boards may require dischargers to submit a Report of Waste Discharge / NPDES permit application for Regional Water Board consideration of individual requirements. D. Regional Water Boards may require additional Monitoring and Reporting Program Requirements, including sampling and analysis of discharges to sediment-impaired water bodies. E. Regional Water Boards may require dischargers to retain records for more than the three years required by this General Permit. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 38 Order XVI. ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS A. All dischargers shall prepare and electronically submit an Annual Report no later than September 1 of each year. B. The discharger shall certify each Annual Report in accordance with the Special Provisions. C. The discharger shall retain an electronic or paper copy of each Annual Report for a minimum of three years after the date the annual report is filed. D. The discharger shall include storm water monitoring information in the Annual Report consisting of: 1. a summary and evaluation of all sampling and analysis results, including copies of laboratory reports; 2. the analytical method(s), method reporting unit(s), and method detection limit(s) of each analytical parameter (analytical results that are less than the method detection limit shall be reported as "less than the method detection limit"); 3. a summary of all corrective actions taken during the compliance year; 4. identification of any compliance activities or corrective actions that were not implemented; 5. a summary of all violations of the General Permit; 6. the names of individual(s) who performed the facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements; 7. the date, place, time of facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation (rain gauge); and 8. the visual observation and sample collection exception records and reports specified in Attachments C, D, and E. E. The discharger shall provide training information in the Annual Report consisting of: 1. documentation of all training for individuals responsible for all activities associated with compliance with this General Permit; 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 39 Order 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 40 2. documentation of all training for individuals responsible for BMP installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair; and 3. documentation of all training for individuals responsible for overseeing, revising, and amending the SWPPP. ATTACHMENT A Linear Underground/Overhead Requirements EXCLUDED FROM THIS VERSION – NOT APPLICALBE COMPLETE ORDER IS AVAILABLE AT THE WEBSITE BELOW: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/constpermits.shtml ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT B PERMIT REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS (PRDs) TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS A. All Linear Construction Projects shall comply with the PRD requirements in Attachment A.2 of this Order. B. Who Must Submit Discharges of storm water associated with construction that results in the disturbance of one acre or more of land must apply for coverage under the General Construction Storm Water Permit (General Permit). Any construction activity that is a part of a larger common plan of development or sale must also be permitted, regardless of size. (For example, if 0.5 acre of a 20-acre subdivision is disturbed by the construction activities of discharger A and the remaining 19.5 acres is to be developed by discharger B, discharger A must obtain a General Storm Water Permit for the 0.5 acre project). Other discharges from construction activities that are covered under this General Permit can be found in the General Permit Section II.B. It is the LRP’s responsibility to obtain coverage under this General Permit by electronically submitting complete PRDs (Permit Registration Documents). In all cases, the proper procedures for submitting the PRDs must be completed before construction can commence. C. Construction Activity Not Covered By This General Permit Discharges from construction that are not covered under this General Permit can be found in the General Permit Sections II.A &B.. D. Annual Fees and Fee Calculation Annual fees are calculated based upon the total area of land to be disturbed not the total size of the acreage owned. However, the calculation includes all acres to be disturbed during the duration of the project. For example, if 10 acres are scheduled to be disturbed the first year and 10 in each subsequent year for 5 years, the annual fees would be based upon 50 acres of disturbance. The State Water Board will evaluate adding acreage to an existing Permit Waste Discharge Identification (WDID) number on a case-by-case basis. In general, any acreage to be considered must be contiguous to the permitted land area and the existing 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 ATTACHMENT B SWPPP must be appropriate for the construction activity and topography of the acreage under consideration. As acreage is built out and stabilized or sold, the Change of Information (COI) form enables the applicant to remove those acres from inclusion in the annual fee calculation. Checks should be made payable to: State Water Board. The Annual fees are established through regulations adopted by the State Water Board. The total annual fee is the current base fee plus applicable surcharges for all construction sites submitting an NOI, based on the total acreage to be disturbed during the life of the project. Annual fees are subject to change by regulation. Dischargers that apply for and satisfy the Small Construction Erosivity Wavier requirements shall pay a fee of $200.00 plus an applicable surcharge, see the General Permit Section II.B.7. E. When to Apply LRP’s proposing to conduct construction activities subject to this General Permit must submit their PRDs prior to the commencement of construction activity. F. Requirements for Completing Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) All dischargers required to comply with this General Permit shall electronically submit the required PRDs for their type of construction as defined below. G. Standard PRD Requirements (All Dischargers) 1. Notice of Intent 2. Risk Assessment (Standard or Site-Specific) 3. Site Map 4. SWPPP 5. Annual Fee 6. Certification H. Additional PRD Requirements Related to Construction Type 1. Discharger in unincorporated areas of the State (not covered under an adopted Phase I or II SUSMP requirements) and that are not a linear project shall also submit a completed: a. Post-Construction Water Balance Calculator (Appendix 2). 2. Dischargers who are proposing to implement ATS shall submit: a. Complete ATS Plan in accordance with Attachment F at least 14 days prior to the planned operation of the ATS and a paper copy shall be available onsite during ATS operation. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 2 ATTACHMENT B b. Certification proof that design done by a professional in accordance with Attachment F. 3. Dischargers who are proposing an alternate Risk Justification: a. Particle Size Analysis. I. Exceptions to Standard PRD Requirements Construction sites with an R value less than 5 as determined in the Risk Assessment are not required to submit a SWPPP. J. Description of PRDs 1. Notice of Intent (NOI) 2. Site Map(s) Includes: a. The project’s surrounding area (vicinity) b. Site layout c. Construction site boundaries d. Drainage areas e. Discharge locations f. Sampling locations g. Areas of soil disturbance (temporary or permanent) h. Active areas of soil disturbance (cut or fill) i. Locations of all runoff BMPs j. Locations of all erosion control BMPs k. Locations of all sediment control BMPs l. ATS location (if applicable) m. Locations of sensitive habitats, watercourses, or other features which are not to be disturbed n. Locations of all post-construction BMPs o. Locations of storage areas for waste, vehicles, service, loading/unloading of materials, access (entrance/exits) points to construction site, fueling, and water storage, water transfer for dust control and compaction practices 3. SWPPPs A site-specific SWPPP shall be developed by each discharger and shall be submitted with the PRDs. 4. Risk Assessment All dischargers shall use the Risk Assessment procedure as describe in the General Permit Appendix 1. a. The Standard Risk Assessment includes utilization of the following: i. Receiving water Risk Assessment interactive map 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 3 ATTACHMENT B 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 4 ii. EPA Rainfall Erosivity Factor Calculator Website iii. Sediment Risk interactive map iv. Sediment sensitive water bodies list b. The Site-Specific Risk Assessment includes the completion of the hand calculated R value Risk Calculator 5. Post-Construction Water Balance Calculator All dischargers subject to this requirement shall complete the Water Balance Calculator (in Appendix 2) in accordance with the instructions. 6. ATS Design Document and Certification All dischargers using ATS must submit electronically their system design (as well as any supporting documentation) and proof that the system was designed by a qualified ATS design professional (See Attachment F). To obtain coverage under the General Permit PRDs must be included and completed. If any of the required items are missing, the PRD submittal is considered incomplete and will be rejected. Upon receipt of a complete PRD submittal, the State Water Board will process the application package in the order received and assign a (WDID) number. Questions? If you have any questions on completing the PRDs please email stormwater@waterboards.ca.gov or call (866) 563-3107. ATTACHMENT C ATTACHMENT C RISK LEVEL 1 REQUIREMENTS A. Effluent Standards [These requirements are the same as those in the General Permit order.] 1. Narrative – Risk Level 1 dischargers shall comply with the narrative effluent standards listed below: a. Storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges regulated by this General Permit shall not contain a hazardous substance equal to or in excess of reportable quantities established in 40 C.F.R. §§ 117.3 and 302.4, unless a separate NPDES Permit has been issued to regulate those discharges. b. Dischargers shall minimize or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges through the use of controls, structures, and management practices that achieve BAT for toxic and non-conventional pollutants and BCT for conventional pollutants. 2. Numeric – Risk Level 1 dischargers are not subject to a numeric effluent standard. B. Good Site Management "Housekeeping" 1. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall implement good site management (i.e., "housekeeping") measures for construction materials that could potentially be a threat to water quality if discharged. At a minimum, Risk Level 1 dischargers shall implement the following good housekeeping measures: a. Conduct an inventory of the products used and/or expected to be used and the end products that are produced and/or expected to be produced. This does not include materials and equipment that are designed to be outdoors and exposed to environmental conditions (i.e. poles, equipment pads, cabinets, conductors, insulators, bricks, etc.). b. Cover and berm loose stockpiled construction materials that are not actively being used (i.e. soil, spoils, aggregate, fly-ash, stucco, hydrated lime, etc.). 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 ATTACHMENT C c. Store chemicals in watertight containers (with appropriate secondary containment to prevent any spillage or leakage) or in a storage shed (completely enclosed). d. Minimize exposure of construction materials to precipitation. This does not include materials and equipment that are designed to be outdoors and exposed to environmental conditions (i.e. poles, equipment pads, cabinets, conductors, insulators, bricks, etc.). e. Implement BMPs to prevent the off-site tracking of loose construction and landscape materials. 2. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping measures for waste management, which, at a minimum, shall consist of the following: a. Prevent disposal of any rinse or wash waters or materials on impervious or pervious site surfaces or into the storm drain system. b. Ensure the containment of sanitation facilities (e.g., portable toilets) to prevent discharges of pollutants to the storm water drainage system or receiving water. c. Clean or replace sanitation facilities and inspecting them regularly for leaks and spills. d. Cover waste disposal containers at the end of every business day and during a rain event. e. Prevent discharges from waste disposal containers to the storm water drainage system or receiving water. f. Contain and securely protect stockpiled waste material from wind and rain at all times unless actively being used. g. Implement procedures that effectively address hazardous and non- hazardous spills. h. Develop a spill response and implementation element of the SWPPP prior to commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP shall require that: i. Equipment and materials for cleanup of spills shall be available on site and that spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately and disposed of properly; and 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 2 ATTACHMENT C ii. Appropriate spill response personnel are assigned and trained. i. Ensure the containment of concrete washout areas and other washout areas that may contain additional pollutants so there is no discharge into the underlying soil and onto the surrounding areas. 3. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping for vehicle storage and maintenance, which, at a minimum, shall consist of the following: a. Prevent oil, grease, or fuel to leak in to the ground, storm drains or surface waters. b. Place all equipment or vehicles, which are to be fueled, maintained and stored in a designated area fitted with appropriate BMPs. c. Clean leaks immediately and disposing of leaked materials properly. 4. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping for landscape materials, which, at a minimum, shall consist of the following: a. Contain stockpiled materials such as mulches and topsoil when they are not actively being used. b. Contain fertilizers and other landscape materials when they are not actively being used. c. Discontinue the application of any erodible landscape material within 2 days before a forecasted rain event or during periods of precipitation. d. Apply erodible landscape material at quantities and application rates according to manufacture recommendations or based on written specifications by knowledgeable and experienced field personnel. e. Stack erodible landscape material on pallets and covering or storing such materials when not being used or applied. 5. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall conduct an assessment and create a list of potential pollutant sources and identify any areas of the site where additional BMPs are necessary to reduce or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. This potential pollutant list shall be kept with the SWPPP and shall identify 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 3 ATTACHMENT C all non-visible pollutants which are known, or should be known, to occur on the construction site. At a minimum, when developing BMPs, Risk Level 1 dischargers shall do the following: a. Consider the quantity, physical characteristics (e.g., liquid, powder, solid), and locations of each potential pollutant source handled, produced, stored, recycled, or disposed of at the site. b. Consider the degree to which pollutants associated with those materials may be exposed to and mobilized by contact with storm water. c. Consider the direct and indirect pathways that pollutants may be exposed to storm water or authorized non-storm water discharges. This shall include an assessment of past spills or leaks, non-storm water discharges, and discharges from adjoining areas. d. Ensure retention of sampling, visual observation, and inspection records. e. Ensure effectiveness of existing BMPs to reduce or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. 6. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping measures on the construction site to control the air deposition of site materials and from site operations. Such particulates can include, but are not limited to, sediment, nutrients, trash, metals, bacteria, oil and grease and organics. C. Non-Storm Water Management 1. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall implement measures to control all non- storm water discharges during construction. 2. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall wash vehicles in such a manner as to prevent non-storm water discharges to surface waters or MS4 drainage systems. 3. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall clean streets in such a manner as to prevent unauthorized non-storm water discharges from reaching surface water or MS4 drainage systems. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 4 ATTACHMENT C D. Erosion Control 1. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall implement effective wind erosion control. 2. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall provide effective soil cover for inactive1 areas and all finished slopes, open space, utility backfill, and completed lots. 3. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall limit the use of plastic materials when more sustainable, environmentally friendly alternatives exist. Where plastic materials are deemed necessary, the discharger shall consider the use of plastic materials resistant to solar degradation. E. Sediment Controls 1. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall establish and maintain effective perimeter controls and stabilize all construction entrances and exits to sufficiently control erosion and sediment discharges from the site. 2. On sites where sediment basins are to be used, Risk Level 1 dischargers shall, at minimum, design sediment basins according to the method provided in CASQA’s Construction BMP Guidance Handbook. F. Run-on and Runoff Controls Risk Level 1 dischargers shall effectively manage all run-on, all runoff within the site and all runoff that discharges off the site. Run-on from off site shall be directed away from all disturbed areas or shall collectively be in compliance with the effluent limitations in this General Permit. G. Inspection, Maintenance and Repair 1. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall ensure that all inspection, maintenance repair and sampling activities at the project location shall be performed or supervised by a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) representing the discharger. The QSP may delegate any or all of these activities to an employee trained to do the task(s) appropriately, but shall ensure adequate deployment. 2. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall perform weekly inspections and observations, and at least once each 24-hour period during extended 1 Inactive areas of construction are areas of construction activity that have been disturbed and are not scheduled to be re-disturbed for at least 14 days. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 5 ATTACHMENT C storm events, to identify and record BMPs that need maintenance to operate effectively, that have failed, or that could fail to operate as intended. Inspectors shall be the QSP or be trained by the QSP. 3. Upon identifying failures or other shortcomings, as directed by the QSP, Risk Level 1 dischargers shall begin implementing repairs or design changes to BMPs within 72 hours of identification and complete the changes as soon as possible. 4. For each inspection required, Risk Level 1 dischargers shall complete an inspection checklist, using a form provided by the State Water Board or Regional Water Board or in an alternative format. 5. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall ensure that checklists shall remain onsite with the SWPPP and at a minimum, shall include: a. Inspection date and date the inspection report was written. b. Weather information, including presence or absence of precipitation, estimate of beginning of qualifying storm event, duration of event, time elapsed since last storm, and approximate amount of rainfall in inches. c. Site information, including stage of construction, activities completed, and approximate area of the site exposed. d. A description of any BMPs evaluated and any deficiencies noted. e. If the construction site is safely accessible during inclement weather, list the observations of all BMPs: erosion controls, sediment controls, chemical and waste controls, and non-storm water controls. Otherwise, list the results of visual inspections at all relevant outfalls, discharge points, downstream locations and any projected maintenance activities. f. Report the presence of noticeable odors or of any visible sheen on the surface of any discharges. g. Any corrective actions required, including any necessary changes to the SWPPP and the associated implementation dates. h. Photographs taken during the inspection, if any. i. Inspector’s name, title, and signature. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 6 ATTACHMENT C H. Rain Event Action Plan Not required for Risk Level 1 dischargers. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 7 ATTACHMENT C I. Risk Level 1 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Table 1- Summary of Monitoring Requirements Visual Inspections Sample Collection Pre-storm Event Risk Level Quarterly Non- storm Water Discharge Baseline REAP Daily Storm BMP Post Storm Storm Water Discharge Receiving Water 1 X X X X 1. Construction Site Monitoring Program Requirements a. Pursuant to Water Code Sections 13383 and 13267, all dischargers subject to this General Permit shall develop and implement a written site-specific Construction Site Monitoring Program (CSMP) in accordance with the requirements of this Section. The CSMP shall include all monitoring procedures and instructions, location maps, forms, and checklists as required in this section. The CSMP shall be developed prior to the commencement of construction activities, and revised as necessary to reflect project revisions. The CSMP shall be a part of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), included as an appendix or separate SWPPP chapter. b. Existing dischargers registered under the State Water Board Order No. 99-08-DWQ shall make and implement necessary revisions to their Monitoring Programs to reflect the changes in this General Permit in a timely manner, but no later than July 1, 2010. Existing dischargers shall continue to implement their existing Monitoring Programs in compliance with State Water Board Order No. 99-08- DWQ until the necessary revisions are completed according to the schedule above. c. When a change of ownership occurs for all or any portion of the construction site prior to completion or final stabilization, the new discharger shall comply with these requirements as of the date the ownership change occurs. 2. Objectives The CSMP shall be developed and implemented to address the following objectives: a. To demonstrate that the site is in compliance with the Discharge Prohibitions; 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 8 ATTACHMENT C b. To determine whether non-visible pollutants are present at the construction site and are causing or contributing to exceedances of water quality objectives; c. To determine whether immediate corrective actions, additional Best Management Practice (BMP) implementation, or SWPPP revisions are necessary to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges; and d. To determine whether BMPs included in the SWPPP are effective in preventing or reducing pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. 3. Risk Level 1 - Visual Monitoring (Inspection) Requirements for Qualifying Rain Events a. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect) storm water discharges at all discharge locations within two business days (48 hours) after each qualifying rain event. b. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect) the discharge of stored or contained storm water that is derived from and discharged subsequent to a qualifying rain event producing precipitation of ½ inch or more at the time of discharge. Stored or contained storm water that will likely discharge after operating hours due to anticipated precipitation shall be observed prior to the discharge during operating hours. c. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall conduct visual observations (inspections) during business hours only. d. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall record the time, date and rain gauge reading of all qualifying rain events. e. Within 2 business days (48 hours) prior to each qualifying rain event, Risk Level 1 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect): i. All storm water drainage areas to identify any spills, leaks, or uncontrolled pollutant sources. If needed, the discharger shall implement appropriate corrective actions. ii. All BMPs to identify whether they have been properly implemented in accordance with the SWPPP. If needed, the discharger shall implement appropriate corrective actions. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 9 ATTACHMENT C iii. Any storm water storage and containment areas to detect leaks and ensure maintenance of adequate freeboard. f. For the visual observations (inspections) described in e.i and e.iii above, Risk Level 1 dischargers shall observe the presence or absence of floating and suspended materials, a sheen on the surface, discolorations, turbidity, odors, and source(s) of any observed pollutants. g. Within two business days (48 hours) after each qualifying rain event, Risk Level 1 dischargers shall conduct post rain event visual observations (inspections) to (1) identify whether BMPs were adequately designed, implemented, and effective, and (2) identify additional BMPs and revise the SWPPP accordingly. h. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall maintain on-site records of all visual observations (inspections), personnel performing the observations, observation dates, weather conditions, locations observed, and corrective actions taken in response to the observations. 4. Risk Level 1 – Visual Observation Exemptions a. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall be prepared to conduct visual observation (inspections) until the minimum requirements of Section I.3 above are completed. Risk Level 1 dischargers are not required to conduct visual observation (inspections) under the following conditions: i. During dangerous weather conditions such as flooding and electrical storms. ii. Outside of scheduled site business hours. b. If no required visual observations (inspections) are collected due to these exceptions, Risk Level 1 dischargers shall include an explanation in their SWPPP and in the Annual Report documenting why the visual observations (inspections) were not conducted. 5. Risk Level 1 – Monitoring Methods Risk Level 1 dischargers shall include a description of the visual observation locations, visual observation procedures, and visual observation follow-up and tracking procedures in the CSMP. 6. Risk Level 1 – Non-Storm Water Discharge Monitoring Requirements 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 10 ATTACHMENT C a. Visual Monitoring Requirements: i. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect) each drainage area for the presence of (or indications of prior) unauthorized and authorized non-storm water discharges and their sources. ii. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall conduct one visual observation (inspection) quarterly in each of the following periods: January- March, April-June, July-September, and October-December. Visual observation (inspections) are only required during daylight hours (sunrise to sunset). iii. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall ensure that visual observations (inspections) document the presence or evidence of any non- storm water discharge (authorized or unauthorized), pollutant characteristics (floating and suspended material, sheen, discoloration, turbidity, odor, etc.), and source. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall maintain on-site records indicating the personnel performing the visual observation (inspections), the dates and approximate time each drainage area and non-storm water discharge was observed, and the response taken to eliminate unauthorized non-storm water discharges and to reduce or prevent pollutants from contacting non-storm water discharges. 7. Risk Level 1 – Non-Visible Pollutant Monitoring Requirements a. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall collect one or more samples during any breach, malfunction, leakage, or spill observed during a visual inspection which could result in the discharge of pollutants to surface waters that would not be visually detectable in storm water. b. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall ensure that water samples are large enough to characterize the site conditions. c. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall collect samples at all discharge locations that can be safely accessed. d. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall collect samples during the first two hours of discharge from rain events that occur during business hours and which generate runoff. e. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall analyze samples for all non-visible pollutant parameters (if applicable) - parameters indicating the 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 11 ATTACHMENT C presence of pollutants identified in the pollutant source assessment required (Risk Level 1 dischargers shall modify their CSMPs to address these additional parameters in accordance with any updated SWPPP pollutant source assessment). f. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall collect a sample of storm water that has not come in contact with the disturbed soil or the materials stored or used on-site (uncontaminated sample) for comparison with the discharge sample. g. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall compare the uncontaminated sample to the samples of discharge using field analysis or through laboratory analysis.2 h. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall keep all field /or analytical data in the SWPPP document. 8. Risk Level 1 – Particle Size Analysis for Project Risk Justification Risk Level 1 dischargers justifying an alternative project risk shall report a soil particle size analysis used to determine the RUSLE K- Factor. ASTM D-422 (Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils), as revised, shall be used to determine the percentages of sand, very fine sand, silt, and clay on the site. 9. Risk Level 1 – Records Risk Level 1 dischargers shall retain records of all storm water monitoring information and copies of all reports (including Annual Reports) for a period of at least three years. Risk Level 1 dischargers shall retain all records on-site while construction is ongoing. These records include: a. The date, place, time of facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation. b. The individual(s) who performed the facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and or measurements. c. The date and approximate time of analyses. d. The individual(s) who performed the analyses. 2 For laboratory analysis, all sampling, sample preservation, and analyses must be conducted according to test procedures under 40 CFR Part 136. Field discharge samples shall be collected and analyzed according to the specifications of the manufacturer of the sampling devices employed. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 12 ATTACHMENT C 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 13 e. A summary of all analytical results from the last three years, the method detection limits and reporting units, and the analytical techniques or methods used. f. Rain gauge readings from site inspections. g. Quality assurance/quality control records and results. h. Non-storm water discharge inspections and visual observation (inspections) and storm water discharge visual observation records (see Sections I.3 and I.6 above). i. Visual observation and sample collection exception records (see Section I.4 above). j. The records of any corrective actions and follow-up activities that resulted from analytical results, visual observation (inspections), or inspections. ATTACHMENT D ATTACHMENT D RISK LEVEL 2 REQUIREMENTS A. Effluent Standards [These requirements are the same as those in the General Permit order.] 1. Narrative – Risk Level 2 dischargers shall comply with the narrative effluent standards listed below: a. Storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges regulated by this General Permit shall not contain a hazardous substance equal to or in excess of reportable quantities established in 40 C.F.R. §§ 117.3 and 302.4, unless a separate NPDES Permit has been issued to regulate those discharges. b. Dischargers shall minimize or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges through the use of controls, structures, and management practices that achieve BAT for toxic and non-conventional pollutants and BCT for conventional pollutants. 2. Numeric – Risk level 2 dischargers are subject to a pH NAL of 6.5-8.5, and a turbidity NAL of 250 NTU. B. Good Site Management "Housekeeping" 1. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall implement good site management (i.e., "housekeeping") measures for construction materials that could potentially be a threat to water quality if discharged. At a minimum, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall implement the following good housekeeping measures: a. Conduct an inventory of the products used and/or expected to be used and the end products that are produced and/or expected to be produced. This does not include materials and equipment that are designed to be outdoors and exposed to environmental conditions (i.e. poles, equipment pads, cabinets, conductors, insulators, bricks, etc.). b. Cover and berm loose stockpiled construction materials that are not actively being used (i.e. soil, spoils, aggregate, fly-ash, stucco, hydrated lime, etc.). 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 ATTACHMENT D c. Store chemicals in watertight containers (with appropriate secondary containment to prevent any spillage or leakage) or in a storage shed (completely enclosed). d. Minimize exposure of construction materials to precipitation. This does not include materials and equipment that are designed to be outdoors and exposed to environmental conditions (i.e. poles, equipment pads, cabinets, conductors, insulators, bricks, etc.). e. Implement BMPs to prevent the off-site tracking of loose construction and landscape materials. 2. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping measures for waste management, which, at a minimum, shall consist of the following: a. Prevent disposal of any rinse or wash waters or materials on impervious or pervious site surfaces or into the storm drain system. b. Ensure the containment of sanitation facilities (e.g., portable toilets) to prevent discharges of pollutants to the storm water drainage system or receiving water. c. Clean or replace sanitation facilities and inspecting them regularly for leaks and spills. d. Cover waste disposal containers at the end of every business day and during a rain event. e. Prevent discharges from waste disposal containers to the storm water drainage system or receiving water. f. Contain and securely protect stockpiled waste material from wind and rain at all times unless actively being used. g. Implement procedures that effectively address hazardous and non- hazardous spills. h. Develop a spill response and implementation element of the SWPPP prior to commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP shall require: i. Equipment and materials for cleanup of spills shall be available on site and that spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately and disposed of properly. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 2 ATTACHMENT D ii. Appropriate spill response personnel are assigned and trained. i. Ensure the containment of concrete washout areas and other washout areas that may contain additional pollutants so there is no discharge into the underlying soil and onto the surrounding areas. 3. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping for vehicle storage and maintenance, which, at a minimum, shall consist of the following: a. Prevent oil, grease, or fuel to leak in to the ground, storm drains or surface waters. b. Place all equipment or vehicles, which are to be fueled, maintained and stored in a designated area fitted with appropriate BMPs. c. Clean leaks immediately and disposing of leaked materials properly. 4. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping for landscape materials, which, at a minimum, shall consist of the following: a. Contain stockpiled materials such as mulches and topsoil when they are not actively being used. b. Contain all fertilizers and other landscape materials when they are not actively being used. c. Discontinue the application of any erodible landscape material within 2 days before a forecasted rain event or during periods of precipitation. d. Apply erodible landscape material at quantities and application rates according to manufacture recommendations or based on written specifications by knowledgeable and experienced field personnel. e. Stack erodible landscape material on pallets and covering or storing such materials when not being used or applied. 5. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall conduct an assessment and create a list of potential pollutant sources and identify any areas of the site where additional BMPs are necessary to reduce or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. This potential pollutant list shall be kept with the SWPPP and shall identify 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 3 ATTACHMENT D all non-visible pollutants which are known, or should be known, to occur on the construction site. At a minimum, when developing BMPs, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall do the following: a. Consider the quantity, physical characteristics (e.g., liquid, powder, solid), and locations of each potential pollutant source handled, produced, stored, recycled, or disposed of at the site. b. Consider the degree to which pollutants associated with those materials may be exposed to and mobilized by contact with storm water. c. Consider the direct and indirect pathways that pollutants may be exposed to storm water or authorized non-storm water discharges. This shall include an assessment of past spills or leaks, non-storm water discharges, and discharges from adjoining areas. d. Ensure retention of sampling, visual observation, and inspection records. e. Ensure effectiveness of existing BMPs to reduce or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. 6. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping measures on the construction site to control the air deposition of site materials and from site operations. Such particulates can include, but are not limited to, sediment, nutrients, trash, metals, bacteria, oil and grease and organics. 7. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: Risk Level 2 dischargers shall document all housekeeping BMPs in the SWPPP and REAP(s) in accordance with the nature and phase of the construction project. Construction phases at traditional land development projects include Grading and Land Development Phase, Streets and Utilities, or Vertical Construction for traditional land development projects. C. Non-Storm Water Management 1. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall implement measures to control all non- storm water discharges during construction. 2. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall wash vehicles in such a manner as to prevent non-storm water discharges to surface waters or MS4 drainage systems. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 4 ATTACHMENT D 3. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall clean streets in such a manner as to prevent unauthorized non-storm water discharges from reaching surface water or MS4 drainage systems. D. Erosion Control 1. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall implement effective wind erosion control. 2. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall provide effective soil cover for inactive1 areas and all finished slopes, open space, utility backfill, and completed lots. 3. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall limit the use of plastic materials when more sustainable, environmentally friendly alternatives exist. Where plastic materials are deemed necessary, the discharger shall consider the use of plastic materials resistant to solar degradation. E. Sediment Controls 1. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall establish and maintain effective perimeter controls and stabilize all construction entrances and exits to sufficiently control erosion and sediment discharges from the site. 2. On sites where sediment basins are to be used, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall, at minimum, design sediment basins according to the method provided in CASQA’s Construction BMP Guidance Handbook. 3. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: Risk Level 2 dischargers shall implement appropriate erosion control BMPs (runoff control and soil stabilization) in conjunction with sediment control BMPs for areas under active2 construction. 4. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: Risk Level 2 dischargers shall apply linear sediment controls along the toe of the slope, face of the slope, and at the grade breaks of exposed slopes to comply with sheet flow lengths3 in accordance with Table 1. 1 Inactive areas of construction are areas of construction activity that have been disturbed and are not scheduled to be re-disturbed for at least 14 days. 2 Active areas of construction are areas undergoing land surface disturbance. This includes construction activity during the preliminary stage, mass grading stage, streets and utilities stage and the vertical construction stage. 3 Sheet flow length is the length that shallow, low velocity flow travels across a site. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 5 ATTACHMENT D Table 1 - Critical Slope/Sheet Flow Length Combinations Slope Percentage Sheet flow length not to exceed 0-25% 20 feet 25-50% 15 feet Over 50% 10 feet 5. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that construction activity traffic to and from the project is limited to entrances and exits that employ effective controls to prevent offsite tracking of sediment. 6. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that all storm drain inlets and perimeter controls, runoff control BMPs, and pollutant controls at entrances and exits (e.g. tire washoff locations) are maintained and protected from activities that reduce their effectiveness. 7. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: Risk Level 2 dischargers shall inspect on a daily basis all immediate access roads daily. At a minimum daily (when necessary) and prior to any rain event, the discharger shall remove any sediment or other construction activity- related materials that are deposited on the roads (by vacuuming or sweeping). F. Run-on and Run-off Controls Risk Level 2 dischargers shall effectively manage all run-on, all runoff within the site and all runoff that discharges off the site. Run-on from off site shall be directed away from all disturbed areas or shall collectively be in compliance with the effluent limitations in this General Permit. G. Inspection, Maintenance and Repair 1. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that all inspection, maintenance repair and sampling activities at the project location shall be performed or supervised by a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) representing the discharger. The QSP may delegate any or all of these activities to an employee appropriately trained to do the task(s). 2. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall perform weekly inspections and observations, and at least once each 24-hour period during extended storm events, to identify and record BMPs that need maintenance to operate effectively, that have failed, or that could fail to operate as intended. Inspectors shall be the QSP or be trained by the QSP. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 6 ATTACHMENT D 3. Upon identifying failures or other shortcomings, as directed by the QSP, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall begin implementing repairs or design changes to BMPs within 72 hours of identification and complete the changes as soon as possible. 4. For each inspection required, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall complete an inspection checklist, using a form provided by the State Water Board or Regional Water Board or in an alternative format. 5. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that checklists shall remain onsite with the SWPPP and at a minimum, shall include: a. Inspection date and date the inspection report was written. b. Weather information, including presence or absence of precipitation, estimate of beginning of qualifying storm event, duration of event, time elapsed since last storm, and approximate amount of rainfall in inches. c. Site information, including stage of construction, activities completed, and approximate area of the site exposed. d. A description of any BMPs evaluated and any deficiencies noted. e. If the construction site is safely accessible during inclement weather, list the observations of all BMPs: erosion controls, sediment controls, chemical and waste controls, and non-storm water controls. Otherwise, list the results of visual inspections at all relevant outfalls, discharge points, downstream locations and any projected maintenance activities. f. Report the presence of noticeable odors or of any visible sheen on the surface of any discharges. g. Any corrective actions required, including any necessary changes to the SWPPP and the associated implementation dates. h. Photographs taken during the inspection, if any. i. Inspector’s name, title, and signature. H. Rain Event Action Plan 1. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP develop a Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) 48 hours prior to any 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 7 ATTACHMENT D likely precipitation event. A likely precipitation event is any weather pattern that is forecast to have a 50% or greater probability of producing precipitation in the project area. The discharger shall ensure a QSP obtain a printed copy of precipitation forecast information from the National Weather Service Forecast Office (e.g., by entering the zip code of the project’s location at http://www.srh.noaa.gov/forecast). 2. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP develop the REAPs for all phases of construction (i.e., Grading and Land Development, Streets and Utilities, Vertical Construction, Final Landscaping and Site Stabilization). 3. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP ensure that the REAP include, at a minimum, the following site information: a. Site Address b. Calculated Risk Level (2 or 3) c. Site Storm Water Manager Information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number d. Erosion and Sediment Control Provider information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number e. Storm Water Sampling Agent information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number 4. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP include in the REAP, at a minimum, the following project phase information: a. Activities associated with each construction phase b. Trades active on the construction site during each construction phase c. Trade contractor information d. Suggested actions for each project phase 5. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP develop additional REAPs for project sites where construction activities are indefinitely halted or postponed (Inactive Construction). At a minimum, Inactive Construction REAPs must include: a. Site Address b. Calculated Risk Level (2 or 3) c. Site Storm Water Manager Information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 8 ATTACHMENT D d. Erosion and Sediment Control Provider information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number e. Storm Water Sampling Agent information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number f. Trades active on site during Inactive Construction g. Trade contractor information h. Suggested actions for inactive construction sites 6. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP begin implementation and make the REAP available onsite no later than 24 hours prior to the likely precipitation event. 7. Additional Risk Level 2 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP maintain onsite a paper copy of each REAP onsite in compliance with the record retention requirements of the Special Provisions in this General Permit. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 9 ATTACHMENT D I. Risk Level 2 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Table 2- Summary of Monitoring Requirements Visual Inspections Sample Collection Pre-storm Event Risk Level Quarterly Non- storm Water Discharge Baseline REAP Daily Storm BMP Post Storm Storm Water Discharge Receiving Water 2 X X X X X X 1. Construction Site Monitoring Program Requirements a. Pursuant to Water Code Sections 13383 and 13267, all dischargers subject to this General Permit shall develop and implement a written site-specific Construction Site Monitoring Program (CSMP) in accordance with the requirements of this Section. The CSMP shall include all monitoring procedures and instructions, location maps, forms, and checklists as required in this section. The CSMP shall be developed prior to the commencement of construction activities, and revised as necessary to reflect project revisions. The CSMP shall be a part of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), included as an appendix or separate SWPPP chapter. b. Existing dischargers registered under the State Water Board Order No. 99-08-DWQ shall make and implement necessary revisions to their Monitoring Program to reflect the changes in this General Permit in a timely manner, but no later than July 1, 2010. Existing dischargers shall continue to implement their existing Monitoring Programs in compliance with State Water Board Order No. 99-08- DWQ until the necessary revisions are completed according to the schedule above. c. When a change of ownership occurs for all or any portion of the construction site prior to completion or final stabilization, the new discharger shall comply with these requirements as of the date the ownership change occurs. 2. Objectives The CSMP shall be developed and implemented to address the following objectives: 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 10 ATTACHMENT D a. To demonstrate that the site is in compliance with the Discharge Prohibitions and applicable Numeric Action Levels (NALs)/Numeric Effluent Limitations (NELs) of this General Permit. b. To determine whether non-visible pollutants are present at the construction site and are causing or contributing to exceedances of water quality objectives. c. To determine whether immediate corrective actions, additional Best Management Practice (BMP) implementation, or SWPPP revisions are necessary to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. d. To determine whether BMPs included in the SWPPP/Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) are effective in preventing or reducing pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. 3. Risk Level 2 – Visual Monitoring (Inspection) Requirements for Qualifying Rain Events a. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect) storm water discharges at all discharge locations within two business days (48 hours) after each qualifying rain event. b. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect) the discharge of stored or contained storm water that is derived from and discharged subsequent to a qualifying rain event producing precipitation of ½ inch or more at the time of discharge. Stored or contained storm water that will likely discharge after operating hours due to anticipated precipitation shall be observed prior to the discharge during operating hours. c. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall conduct visual observations (inspections) during business hours only. d. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall record the time, date and rain gauge reading of all qualifying rain events. e. Within 2 business days (48 hours) prior to each qualifying rain event, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect): i. all storm water drainage areas to identify any spills, leaks, or uncontrolled pollutant sources. If needed, the discharger shall implement appropriate corrective actions. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 11 ATTACHMENT D ii. all BMPs to identify whether they have been properly implemented in accordance with the SWPPP/REAP. If needed, the discharger shall implement appropriate corrective actions. iii. any storm water storage and containment areas to detect leaks and ensure maintenance of adequate freeboard. f. For the visual observations (inspections) described in c.i and c.iii above, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall observe the presence or absence of floating and suspended materials, a sheen on the surface, discolorations, turbidity, odors, and source(s) of any observed pollutants. g. Within two business days (48 hours) after each qualifying rain event, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall conduct post rain event visual observations (inspections) to (1) identify whether BMPs were adequately designed, implemented, and effective, and (2) identify additional BMPs and revise the SWPPP accordingly. h. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall maintain on-site records of all visual observations (inspections), personnel performing the observations, observation dates, weather conditions, locations observed, and corrective actions taken in response to the observations. 4. Risk Level 2 – Water Quality Sampling and Analysis a. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall collect storm water grab samples from sampling locations, as defined in Section I.5. The storm water grab sample(s) obtained shall be representative of the flow and characteristics of the discharge. b. At minimum, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall collect 3 samples per day of the qualifying event. c. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that the grab samples collected of stored or contained storm water are from discharges subsequent to a qualifying rain event (producing precipitation of ½ inch or more at the time of discharge). Storm Water Effluent Monitoring Requirements d. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall analyze their effluent samples for: i. pH and turbidity. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 12 ATTACHMENT D ii. Any additional parameters for which monitoring is required by the Regional Water Board. 5. Risk Level 2 – Storm Water Discharge Water Quality Sampling Locations Effluent Sampling Locations a. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall perform sampling and analysis of storm water discharges to characterize discharges associated with construction activity from the entire project disturbed area. b. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall collect effluent samples at all discharge points where storm water is discharged off-site. c. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that storm water discharge collected and observed represent4 the effluent in each drainage area based on visual observation of the water and upstream conditions. d. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall monitor and report site run-on from surrounding areas if there is reason to believe run-on may contribute to an exceedance of NALs or NELs. e. Risk Level 2 dischargers who deploy an ATS on their site, or a portion on their site, shall collect ATS effluent samples and measurements from the discharge pipe or another location representative of the nature of the discharge. f. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall select analytical test methods from the list provided in Table 3 below. g. All storm water sample collection preservation and handling shall be conducted in accordance with Section I.7 “Storm Water Sample Collection and Handling Instructions” below. 6. Risk Level 2 – Visual Observation and Sample Collection Exemptions a. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall be prepared to collect samples and conduct visual observation (inspections) until the minimum requirements of Sections I.3 and I.4 above are completed. Risk 4 For example, if there has been concrete work recently in an area, or drywall scrap is exposed to the rain, a pH sample shall be taken of drainage from the relevant work area. Similarly, if sediment laden water is flowing through some parts of a silt fence, samples shall be taken of the sediment-laden water even if most water flowing through the fence is clear. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 13 ATTACHMENT D Level 2 dischargers are not required to physically collect samples or conduct visual observation (inspections) under the following conditions: i. During dangerous weather conditions such as flooding and electrical storms. ii. Outside of scheduled site business hours. b. If no required samples or visual observation (inspections) are collected due to these exceptions, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall include an explanation in their SWPPP and in the Annual Report documenting why the sampling or visual observation (inspections) were not conducted. 7. Risk Level 2 – Storm Water Sample Collection and Handling Instructions a. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall refer to Table 3 below for test methods, detection limits, and reporting units. b. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that testing laboratories will receive samples within 48 hours of the physical sampling (unless otherwise required by the laboratory), and shall use only the sample containers provided by the laboratory to collect and store samples. c. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall designate and train personnel to collect, maintain, and ship samples in accordance with the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program’s (SWAMP) 2008 Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPrP).5 8. Risk Level 2 – Monitoring Methods a. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall include a description of the following items in the CSMP: i. Visual observation locations, visual observation procedures, and visual observation follow-up and tracking procedures. ii. Sampling locations, and sample collection and handling procedures. This shall include detailed procedures for sample 5 Additional information regarding SWAMP’s QAPrP and QAMP can be found at http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/. QAPrP:http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/docs/qapp/swamp_qapp_master090 108a.pdf. QAMP: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/qamp.shtml. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 14 ATTACHMENT D collection, storage, preservation, and shipping to the testing lab to assure that consistent quality control and quality assurance is maintained. Dischargers shall attach to the monitoring program an example Chain of Custody form used when handling and shipping samples. iii. Identification of the analytical methods and related method detection limits (if applicable) for each parameter required in Section I.4 above. b. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that all sampling and sample preservation are in accordance with the current edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" (American Public Health Association). All monitoring instruments and equipment (including a discharger’s own field instruments for measuring pH and turbidity) should be calibrated and maintained in accordance with manufacturers' specifications to ensure accurate measurements. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that all laboratory analyses are conducted according to test procedures under 40 CFR Part 136, unless other test procedures have been specified in this General Permit or by the Regional Water Board. With the exception of field analysis conducted by the discharger for turbidity and pH, all analyses should be sent to and conducted at a laboratory certified for such analyses by the State Department of Health Services. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall conduct their own field analysis of pH and may conduct their own field analysis of turbidity if the discharger has sufficient capability (qualified and trained employees, properly calibrated and maintained field instruments, etc.) to adequately perform the field analysis. 9. Risk Level 2 – Analytical Methods a. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall refer to Table 3 below for test methods, detection limits, and reporting units. b. pH: Risk Level 2 dischargers shall perform pH analysis on-site with a calibrated pH meter or a pH test kit. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall record pH monitoring results on paper and retain these records in accordance with Section I.14, below. c. Turbidity: Risk Level 2 dischargers shall perform turbidity analysis using a calibrated turbidity meter (turbidimeter), either on-site or at an accredited lab. Acceptable test methods include Standard Method 2130 or USEPA Method 180.1. The results will be recorded in the site log book in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 15 ATTACHMENT D 10. Risk Level 2 - Non-Storm Water Discharge Monitoring Requirements a. Visual Monitoring Requirements: i. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect) each drainage area for the presence of (or indications of prior) unauthorized and authorized non-storm water discharges and their sources. ii. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall conduct one visual observation (inspection) quarterly in each of the following periods: January- March, April-June, July-September, and October-December. Visual observation (inspections) are only required during daylight hours (sunrise to sunset). iii. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that visual observations (inspections) document the presence or evidence of any non- storm water discharge (authorized or unauthorized), pollutant characteristics (floating and suspended material, sheen, discoloration, turbidity, odor, etc.), and source. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall maintain on-site records indicating the personnel performing the visual observation (inspections), the dates and approximate time each drainage area and non-storm water discharge was observed, and the response taken to eliminate unauthorized non-storm water discharges and to reduce or prevent pollutants from contacting non-storm water discharges. b. Effluent Sampling Locations: i. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall sample effluent at all discharge points where non-storm water and/or authorized non-storm water is discharged off-site. ii. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall send all non-storm water sample analyses to a laboratory certified for such analyses by the State Department of Health Services. iii. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall monitor and report run-on from surrounding areas if there is reason to believe run-on may contribute to an exceedance of NALs. 11. Risk Level 2 – Non-Visible Pollutant Monitoring Requirements 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 16 ATTACHMENT D a. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall collect one or more samples during any breach, malfunction, leakage, or spill observed during a visual inspection which could result in the discharge of pollutants to surface waters that would not be visually detectable in storm water. b. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall ensure that water samples are large enough to characterize the site conditions. c. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall collect samples at all discharge locations that can be safely accessed. d. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall collect samples during the first two hours of discharge from rain events that occur during business hours and which generate runoff. e. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall analyze samples for all non-visible pollutant parameters (if applicable) - parameters indicating the presence of pollutants identified in the pollutant source assessment required (Risk Level 2 dischargers shall modify their CSMPs to address these additional parameters in accordance with any updated SWPPP pollutant source assessment). f. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall collect a sample of storm water that has not come in contact with the disturbed soil or the materials stored or used on-site (uncontaminated sample) for comparison with the discharge sample. g. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall compare the uncontaminated sample to the samples of discharge using field analysis or through laboratory analysis.6 h. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall keep all field /or analytical data in the SWPPP document. 12. Risk Level 2 – Watershed Monitoring Option Risk Level 2 dischargers who are part of a qualified regional watershed-based monitoring program may be eligible for relief from the requirements in Sections I.5. The Regional Water Board may approve proposals to substitute an acceptable watershed-based monitoring program by determining if the watershed-based monitoring program 6 For laboratory analysis, all sampling, sample preservation, and analyses must be conducted according to test procedures under 40 CFR Part 136. Field discharge samples shall be collected and analyzed according to the specifications of the manufacturer of the sampling devices employed. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 17 ATTACHMENT D will provide substantially similar monitoring information in evaluating discharger compliance with the requirements of this General Permit. 13. Risk Level 2 – Particle Size Analysis for Project Risk Justification Risk Level 2 dischargers justifying an alternative project risk shall report a soil particle size analysis used to determine the RUSLE K-Factor. ASTM D-422 (Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils), as revised, shall be used to determine the percentages of sand, very fine sand, silt, and clay on the site. 14. Risk Level 2 – Records Risk Level 2 dischargers shall retain records of all storm water monitoring information and copies of all reports (including Annual Reports) for a period of at least three years. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall retain all records on-site while construction is ongoing. These records include: a. The date, place, time of facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation. b. The individual(s) who performed the facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and or measurements. c. The date and approximate time of analyses. d. The individual(s) who performed the analyses. e. A summary of all analytical results from the last three years, the method detection limits and reporting units, the analytical techniques or methods used, and the chain of custody forms. f. Rain gauge readings from site inspections; g. Quality assurance/quality control records and results. h. Non-storm water discharge inspections and visual observation (inspections) and storm water discharge visual observation records (see Sections I.3 and I.10 above). i. Visual observation and sample collection exception records (see Section I.6 above). 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 18 ATTACHMENT D 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 19 j. The records of any corrective actions and follow-up activities that resulted from analytical results, visual observation (inspections), or inspections. 15. Risk Level 2 – NAL Exceedance Report a. In the event that any effluent sample exceeds an applicable NAL, Risk Level 2 dischargers shall electronically submit all storm event sampling results to the State Water Board no later than 10 days after the conclusion of the storm event. The Regional Boards have the authority to require the submittal of an NAL Exceedance Report. b. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall certify each NAL Exceedance Report in accordance with the Special Provisions for Construction Activity. c. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall retain an electronic or paper copy of each NAL Exceedance Report for a minimum of three years after the date the annual report is filed. d. Risk Level 2 dischargers shall include in the NAL Exceedance Report: i. The analytical method(s), method reporting unit(s), and method detection limit(s) of each analytical parameter (analytical results that are less than the method detection limit shall be reported as “less than the method detection limit”). ii. The date, place, time of sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation. iii. A description of the current BMPs associated with the effluent sample that exceeded the NAL and the proposed corrective actions taken. ATTACHMENT D Table 3 – Risk Level 2 Test Methods, Detection Limits, Reporting Units and Applicable NALs/NELs Parameter Test Method / Protocol Discharge Type Min. Detection Limit Reporting Units Numeric Action Level pH Field test with calibrated portable instrument Risk Level 2 Discharges 0.2 pH units lower NAL = 6.5 upper NAL = 8.5 Risk Level 2 Discharges other than ATS 1 NTU 250 NTU Turbidity EPA 0180.1 and/or field test with calibrated portable instrument For ATS discharges 1 NTU N/A 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 20 ATTACHMENT E ATTACHMENT E RISK LEVEL 3 REQUIREMENTS A. Effluent Standards [These requirements are the same as those in the General Permit order.] 1. Narrative – Risk Level 3 dischargers shall comply with the narrative effluent standards listed below: a. Storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges regulated by this General Permit shall not contain a hazardous substance equal to or in excess of reportable quantities established in 40 C.F.R. §§ 117.3 and 302.4, unless a separate NPDES Permit has been issued to regulate those discharges. b. Dischargers shall minimize or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges through the use of controls, structures, and management practices that achieve BAT for toxic and non-conventional pollutants and BCT for conventional pollutants. 2. Numeric –Risk Level 3 dischargers are subject to a pH NAL of 6.5-8.5, and a turbidity NAL of 250 NTU. In addition, Risk Level 3 dischargers are subject to a pH NEL of 6.0-9.0 and a turbidity NEL of 500 NTU. B. Good Site Management "Housekeeping" 1. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall implement good site management (i.e., "housekeeping") measures for construction materials that could potentially be a threat to water quality if discharged. At a minimum, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall implement the following good housekeeping measures: a. Conduct an inventory of the products used and/or expected to be used and the end products that are produced and/or expected to be produced. This does not include materials and equipment that are designed to be outdoors and exposed to environmental conditions (i.e. poles, equipment pads, cabinets, conductors, insulators, bricks, etc.). b. Cover and berm loose stockpiled construction materials that are not actively being used (i.e. soil, spoils, aggregate, fly-ash, stucco, hydrated lime, etc.). 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 ATTACHMENT E c. Store chemicals in watertight containers (with appropriate secondary containment to prevent any spillage or leakage) or in a storage shed (completely enclosed). d. Minimize exposure of construction materials to precipitation. This does not include materials and equipment that are designed to be outdoors and exposed to environmental conditions (i.e. poles, equipment pads, cabinets, conductors, insulators, bricks, etc.). e. Implement BMPs to prevent the off-site tracking of loose construction and landscape materials. 2. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping measures for waste management, which, at a minimum, shall consist of the following: a. Prevent disposal of any rinse or wash waters or materials on impervious or pervious site surfaces or into the storm drain system. b. Ensure the containment of sanitation facilities (e.g., portable toilets) to prevent discharges of pollutants to the storm water drainage system or receiving water. c. Clean or replace sanitation facilities and inspecting them regularly for leaks and spills. d. Cover waste disposal containers at the end of every business day and during a rain event. e. Prevent discharges from waste disposal containers to the storm water drainage system or receiving water. f. Contain and securely protecting stockpiled waste material from wind and rain at all times unless actively being used. g. Implement procedures that effectively address hazardous and non- hazardous spills. h. Develop a spill response and implementation element of the SWPPP prior to commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP shall require that: i. Equipment and materials for cleanup of spills shall be available on site and that spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately and disposed of properly; and 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 2 ATTACHMENT E ii. Appropriate spill response personnel are assigned and trained. i. Ensure the containment of concrete washout areas and other washout areas that may contain additional pollutants so there is no discharge into the underlying soil and onto the surrounding areas. 3. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping for vehicle storage and maintenance, which, at a minimum, shall consist of the following: a. Prevent oil, grease, or fuel to leak in to the ground, storm drains or surface waters. b. Place all equipment or vehicles, which are to be fueled, maintained and stored in a designated area fitted with appropriate BMPs. c. Clean leaks immediately and disposing of leaked materials properly. 4. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping for landscape materials, which, at a minimum, shall consist of the following: a. Contain stockpiled materials such as mulches and topsoil when they are not actively being used. b. Contain fertilizers and other landscape materials when they are not actively being used. c. Discontinuing the application of any erodible landscape material within 2 days before a forecasted rain event or during periods of precipitation. d. Applying erodible landscape material at quantities and application rates according to manufacture recommendations or based on written specifications by knowledgeable and experienced field personnel. e. Stacking erodible landscape material on pallets and covering or storing such materials when not being used or applied. 5. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall conduct an assessment and create a list of potential pollutant sources and identify any areas of the site where additional BMPs are necessary to reduce or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. This potential pollutant list shall be kept with the SWPPP and shall identify 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 3 ATTACHMENT E all non-visible pollutants which are known, or should be known, to occur on the construction site. At a minimum, when developing BMPs, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall do the following: a. Consider the quantity, physical characteristics (e.g., liquid, powder, solid), and locations of each potential pollutant source handled, produced, stored, recycled, or disposed of at the site. b. Consider the degree to which pollutants associated with those materials may be exposed to and mobilized by contact with storm water. c. Consider the direct and indirect pathways that pollutants may be exposed to storm water or authorized non-storm water discharges. This shall include an assessment of past spills or leaks, non-storm water discharges, and discharges from adjoining areas. d. Ensure retention of sampling, visual observation, and inspection records. e. Ensure effectiveness of existing BMPs to reduce or prevent pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. 6. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall implement good housekeeping measures on the construction site to control the air deposition of site materials and from site operations. Such particulates can include, but are not limited to, sediment, nutrients, trash, metals, bacteria, oil and grease and organics. 7. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall document all housekeeping BMPs in the SWPPP and REAP(s) in accordance with the nature and phase of the construction project. Construction phases at traditional land development projects include Grading and Land Development Phase, Streets and Utilities, or Vertical Construction for traditional land development projects. C. Non-Storm Water Management 1. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall implement measures to control all non- storm water discharges during construction. 2. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall wash vehicles in such a manner as to prevent non-storm water discharges to surface waters or MS4 drainage systems. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 4 ATTACHMENT E 3. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall clean streets in such a manner as to prevent unauthorized non-storm water discharges from reaching surface water or MS4 drainage systems. D. Erosion Control 1. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall implement effective wind erosion control. 2. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall provide effective soil cover for inactive1 areas and all finished slopes, open space, utility backfill, and completed lots. 3. Dischargers shall limit the use of plastic materials when more sustainable, environmentally friendly alternatives exist. Where plastic materials are deemed necessary, the discharger shall consider the use of plastic materials resistant to solar degradation. E. Sediment Controls 1. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall establish and maintain effective perimeter controls and stabilize all construction entrances and exits to sufficiently control erosion and sediment discharges from the site. 2. On sites where sediment basins are to be used, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall, at minimum, design sediment basins according to the method provided in CASQA’s Construction BMP Guidance Handbook. 3. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall implement appropriate erosion control BMPs (runoff control and soil stabilization) in conjunction with sediment control BMPs for areas under active2 construction. 4. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall apply linear sediment controls along the toe of the slope, face of the slope, and at the grade breaks of exposed slopes to comply with sheet flow lengths3 in accordance with Table 1. 1 Inactive areas of construction are areas of construction activity that have been disturbed and are not scheduled to be re-disturbed for at least 14 days. 2 Active areas of construction are areas undergoing land surface disturbance. This includes construction activity during the preliminary stage, mass grading stage, streets and utilities stage and the vertical construction stage 3 Sheet flow length is the length that shallow, low velocity flow travels across a site. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 5 ATTACHMENT E Table 1 - Critical Slope/Sheet Flow Length Combinations Slope Percentage Sheet flow length not to exceed 0-25% 20 feet 25-50% 15 feet Over 50% 10 feet 5. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that construction activity traffic to and from the project is limited to entrances and exits that employ effective controls to prevent offsite tracking of sediment. 6. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that all storm drain inlets and perimeter controls, runoff control BMPs, and pollutant controls at entrances and exits (e.g. tire washoff locations) are maintained and protected from activities that reduce their effectiveness. 7. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall inspect on a daily basis all immediate access roads daily. At a minimum daily (when necessary) and prior to any rain event, the discharger shall remove any sediment or other construction activity- related materials that are deposited on the roads (by vacuuming or sweeping). 8. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: The Regional Water Board may require Risk Level 3 dischargers to implement additional site- specific sediment control requirements if the implementation of the other requirements in this section are not adequately protecting the receiving waters. F. Run-on and Run-off Controls Risk Level 3 dischargers shall effectively manage all run-on, all runoff within the site and all runoff that discharges off the site. Run-on from off site shall be directed away from all disturbed areas or shall collectively be in compliance with the effluent limitations in this General Permit. G. Inspection, Maintenance and Repair 1. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that all inspection, maintenance repair and sampling activities at the project location shall be performed or supervised by a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) representing the discharger. The QSP may delegate any or all of these activities to an employee appropriately trained to do the task(s). 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 6 ATTACHMENT E 2. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall perform weekly inspections and observations, and at least once each 24-hour period during extended storm events, to identify and record BMPs that need maintenance to operate effectively, that have failed, or that could fail to operate as intended. Inspectors shall be the QSP or be trained by the QSP. 3. Upon identifying failures or other shortcomings, as directed by the QSP, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall begin implementing repairs or design changes to BMPs within 72 hours of identification and complete the changes as soon as possible. 4. For each inspection required, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall complete an inspection checklist, using a form provided by the State Water Board or Regional Water Board or in an alternative format. 5. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that checklists shall remain onsite with the SWPPP and at a minimum, shall include: a. Inspection date and date the inspection report was written. b. Weather information, including presence or absence of precipitation, estimate of beginning of qualifying storm event, duration of event, time elapsed since last storm, and approximate amount of rainfall in inches. c. Site information, including stage of construction, activities completed, and approximate area of the site exposed. d. A description of any BMPs evaluated and any deficiencies noted. e. If the construction site is safely accessible during inclement weather, list the observations of all BMPs: erosion controls, sediment controls, chemical and waste controls, and non-storm water controls. Otherwise, list the results of visual inspections at all relevant outfalls, discharge points, downstream locations and any projected maintenance activities. f. Report the presence of noticeable odors or of any visible sheen on the surface of any discharges. g. Any corrective actions required, including any necessary changes to the SWPPP and the associated implementation dates. h. Photographs taken during the inspection, if any. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 7 ATTACHMENT E i. Inspector’s name, title, and signature. H. Rain Event Action Plan 1. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP develop a Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) 48 hours prior to any likely precipitation event. A likely precipitation event is any weather pattern that is forecast to have a 50% or greater probability of producing precipitation in the project area. The QSP shall obtain a printed copy of precipitation forecast information from the National Weather Service Forecast Office (e.g., by entering the zip code of the project’s location at http://www.srh.noaa.gov/forecast). 2. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP develop the REAPs for all phases of construction (i.e., Grading and Land Development, Streets and Utilities, Vertical Construction, Final Landscaping and Site Stabilization). 3. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP ensure that the REAP include, at a minimum, the following site information: a. Site Address. b. Calculated Risk Level (2 or 3). c. Site Storm Water Manager Information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number. d. Erosion and Sediment Control Provider information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number. e. Storm Water Sampling Agent information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number. 4. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: The QSP shall include in the REAP, at a minimum, the following project phase information: a. Activities associated with each construction phase. b. Trades active on the construction site during each construction phase. c. Trade contractor information. d. Suggested actions for each project phase. 5. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: The QSP shall develop additional REAPs for project sites where construction activities are indefinitely halted or postponed (Inactive Construction). At a minimum, Inactive Construction REAPs must include: 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 8 ATTACHMENT E a. Site Address. b. Calculated Risk Level (2 or 3). c. Site Storm Water Manager Information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number. d. Erosion and Sediment Control Provider information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number. e. Storm Water Sampling Agent information including the name, company, and 24-hour emergency telephone number. f. Trades active on site during Inactive Construction. g. Trade contractor information. h. Suggested actions for inactive construction sites. 6. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP begin implementation and make the REAP available onsite no later than 24 hours prior to the likely precipitation event. 7. Additional Risk Level 3 Requirement: The discharger shall ensure a QSP maintain onsite a paper copy of each REAP onsite in compliance with the record retention requirements of the Special Provisions in this General Permit. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 9 ATTACHMENT E I. Risk Level 3 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Table 2- Summary of Monitoring Requirements Visual Inspections Sample Collection Pre-storm Event Risk Level Quarterly Non- storm Water Discharge Baseline REAP Daily Storm BMP Post Storm Storm Water Discharge Receiving Water 3 X X X X X X X4 1. Construction Site Monitoring Program Requirements a. Pursuant to Water Code Sections 13383 and 13267, all dischargers subject to this General Permit shall develop and implement a written site-specific Construction Site Monitoring Program (CSMP) in accordance with the requirements of this Section. The CSMP shall include all monitoring procedures and instructions, location maps, forms, and checklists as required in this section. The CSMP shall be developed prior to the commencement of construction activities, and revised as necessary to reflect project revisions. The CSMP shall be a part of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), included as an appendix or separate SWPPP chapter. b. Existing dischargers registered under the State Water Board Order No. 99-08-DWQ shall make and implement necessary revisions to their Monitoring Program to reflect the changes in this General Permit in a timely manner, but no later than July 1, 2010. Existing dischargers shall continue to implement their existing Monitoring Program in compliance with State Water Board Order No. 99-08- DWQ until the necessary revisions are completed according to the schedule above. c. When a change of ownership occurs for all or any portion of the construction site prior to completion or final stabilization, the new discharger shall comply with these requirements as of the date the ownership change occurs. 2. Objectives The CSMP shall be developed and implemented to address the following objectives: 4 When NEL exceeded 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 10 ATTACHMENT E a. To demonstrate that the site is in compliance with the Discharge Prohibitions and applicable Numeric Action Levels (NALs)/Numeric Effluent Limitations (NELs) of this General Permit. b. To determine whether non-visible pollutants are present at the construction site and are causing or contributing to exceedances of water quality objectives. c. To determine whether immediate corrective actions, additional Best Management Practice (BMP) implementation, or SWPPP revisions are necessary to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. d. To determine whether BMPs included in the SWPPP/Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) are effective in preventing or reducing pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges. 3. Risk Level 3 – Visual Monitoring (Inspection) Requirements for Qualifying Rain Events a. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect) storm water discharges at all discharge locations within two business days (48 hours) after each qualifying rain event. b. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect) the discharge of stored or contained storm water that is derived from and discharged subsequent to a qualifying rain event producing precipitation of ½ inch or more at the time of discharge. Stored or contained storm water that will likely discharge after operating hours due to anticipated precipitation shall be observed prior to the discharge during operating hours. c. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall conduct visual observations (inspections) during business hours only. d. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall record the time, date and rain gauge reading of all qualifying rain events. e. Within 2 business days (48 hours) prior to each qualifying rain event, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect): i. all storm water drainage areas to identify any spills, leaks, or uncontrolled pollutant sources. If needed, the discharger shall implement appropriate corrective actions. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 11 ATTACHMENT E ii. all BMPs to identify whether they have been properly implemented in accordance with the SWPPP/REAP. If needed, the discharger shall implement appropriate corrective actions. iii. any storm water storage and containment areas to detect leaks and ensure maintenance of adequate freeboard. f. For the visual observations (inspections) described in c.i. and c.iii above, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall observe the presence or absence of floating and suspended materials, a sheen on the surface, discolorations, turbidity, odors, and source(s) of any observed pollutants. g. Within two business days (48 hours) after each qualifying rain event, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall conduct post rain event visual observations (inspections) to (1) identify whether BMPs were adequately designed, implemented, and effective, and (2) identify additional BMPs and revise the SWPPP accordingly. h. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall maintain on-site records of all visual observations (inspections), personnel performing the observations, observation dates, weather conditions, locations observed, and corrective actions taken in response to the observations. 4. Risk Level 3 – Water Quality Sampling and Analysis a. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall collect storm water grab samples from sampling locations, as defined in Section I.5. The storm water grab sample(s) obtained shall be representative of the flow and characteristics of the discharge. b. At minimum, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall collect 3 samples per day of the qualifying event. c. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that the grab samples collected of stored or contained storm water are from discharges subsequent to a qualifying rain event (producing precipitation of ½ inch or more at the time of discharge). Storm Water Effluent Monitoring Requirements d. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall analyze their effluent samples for: i. pH and turbidity. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 12 ATTACHMENT E ii. Any additional parameters for which monitoring is required by the Regional Water Board. e. Risk 3 dischargers shall electronically submit all storm event sampling results to the State Water Board no later than 5 days after the conclusion of the storm event. f. Risk Level 3 discharger sites that have violated the turbidity daily average NEL shall analyze subsequent effluent samples for all the parameters specified in Section I.4.e, above, and Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC). Receiving Water Monitoring Requirements g. In the event that a Risk Level 3 discharger violates an NEL contained in this General Permit and has a direct discharge into receiving waters, the Risk Level 3 discharger shall subsequently sample receiving waters (RWs) for all parameter(s) required in Section I.4.e above for the duration of coverage under this General Permit. h. Risk Level 3 dischargers disturbing 30 acres or more of the landscape and with direct discharges into receiving waters shall conduct or participate in benthic macroinvertebrate bioassessment of RWs prior to commencement of construction activity (See Appendix 3). i. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall obtain RW samples in accordance with the Receiving Water sampling location section (Section I.5), below. 5. Risk Level 3 – Storm Water Discharge Water Quality Sampling Locations Effluent Sampling Locations a. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall perform sampling and analysis of storm water discharges to characterize discharges associated with construction activity from the entire project disturbed area. b. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall collect effluent samples at all discharge points where storm water is discharged off-site. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 13 ATTACHMENT E c. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that storm water discharge collected and observed represent5 the effluent in each drainage area based on visual observation of the water and upstream conditions. d. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall monitor and report site run-on from surrounding areas if there is reason to believe run-on may contribute to an exceedance of NALs or NELs. e. Risk Level 3 dischargers who deploy an ATS on their site, or a portion on their site, shall collect ATS effluent samples and measurements from the discharge pipe or another location representative of the nature of the discharge. f. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall select analytical test methods from the list provided in Table 3 below. g. All storm water sample collection preservation and handling shall be conducted in accordance with Section I.7 “Storm Water Sample Collection and Handling Instructions” below. Receiving Water Sampling Locations h. Upstream/up-gradient RW samples: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall obtain any required upstream/up-gradient receiving water samples from a representative and accessible location as close as possible and upstream from the effluent discharge point. i. Downstream/down-gradient RW samples: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall obtain any required downstream/down-gradient receiving water samples from a representative and accessible location as close as possible and downstream from the effluent discharge point. j. If two or more discharge locations discharge to the same receiving water, Risk Level 3 dischargers may sample the receiving water at a single upstream and downstream location. 5 For example, if there has been concrete work recently in an area, or drywall scrap is exposed to the rain, a pH sample shall be taken of drainage from the relevant work area. Similarly, if sediment-laden water is flowing through some parts of a silt fence, samples shall be taken of the sediment laden water even if most water flowing through the fence is clear. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 14 ATTACHMENT E 6. Risk Level 3 – Visual Observation and Sample Collection Exemptions a. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall be prepared to collect samples and conduct visual observation (inspections) until the minimum requirements of Sections I.3 and I.4 above are completed. Risk Level 3 dischargers are not required to physically collect samples or conduct visual observation (inspections) under the following conditions: i. During dangerous weather conditions such as flooding and electrical storms. ii. Outside of scheduled site business hours. b. If no required samples or visual observation (inspections) are collected due to these exceptions, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall include an explanation in their SWPPP and in the Annual Report documenting why the sampling or visual observation (inspections) were not conducted. 7. Risk Level 3 – Storm Water Sample Collection and Handling Instructions a. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall refer to Table 3 below for test methods, detection limits, and reporting units. b. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that testing laboratories will receive samples within 48 hours of the physical sampling (unless otherwise required by the laboratory), and shall use only the sample containers provided by the laboratory to collect and store samples. c. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall designate and train personnel to collect, maintain, and ship samples in accordance with the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program’s (SWAMP) 2008 Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPrP).6 6 Additional information regarding SWAMP’s QAPrP and QAMP can be found at http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/. QAPrP:http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/docs/qapp/swamp_qapp_ master090108a.pdf QAMP: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/qamp.shtml 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 15 ATTACHMENT E 8. Risk Level 3 – Monitoring Methods a. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall include a description of the following items in the CSMP: i. Visual observation locations, visual observation procedures, and visual observation follow-up and tracking procedures. ii. Sampling locations, and sample collection and handling procedures. This shall include detailed procedures for sample collection, storage, preservation, and shipping to the testing lab to assure that consistent quality control and quality assurance is maintained. Dischargers shall attach to the monitoring program an example Chain of Custody form used when handling and shipping samples. iii. Identification of the analytical methods and related method detection limits (if applicable) for each parameter required in Section I.4 above. b. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that all sampling and sample preservation are in accordance with the current edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" (American Public Health Association). All monitoring instruments and equipment (including a discharger’s own field instruments for measuring pH and turbidity) should be calibrated and maintained in accordance with manufacturers' specifications to ensure accurate measurements. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that all laboratory analyses are conducted according to test procedures under 40 CFR Part 136, unless other test procedures have been specified in this General Permit or by the Regional Water Board. With the exception of field analysis conducted by the discharger for turbidity and pH, all analyses should be sent to and conducted at a laboratory certified for such analyses by the State Department of Health Services (SSC exception). Risk Level 3 dischargers shall conduct their own field analysis of pH and may conduct their own field analysis of turbidity if the discharger has sufficient capability (qualified and trained employees, properly calibrated and maintained field instruments, etc.) to adequately perform the field analysis. 9. Risk Level 3 – Analytical Methods a. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall refer to Table 3 below for test methods, detection limits, and reporting units. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 16 ATTACHMENT E b. pH: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall perform pH analysis on-site with a calibrated pH meter or a pH test kit. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall record pH monitoring results on paper and retain these records in accordance with Section I.14, below. c. Turbidity: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall perform turbidity analysis using a calibrated turbidity meter (turbidimeter), either on-site or at an accredited lab. Acceptable test methods include Standard Method 2130 or USEPA Method 180.1. The results will be recorded in the site log book in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). d. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC): Risk Level 3 dischargers shall perform SSC analysis using ASTM Method D3977-97. e. Bioassessment: Risk Level 3 dischargers shall perform bioassessment sampling and analysis according to Appendix 3 of this General Permit. 10. Risk Level 3 - Non-Storm Water Discharge Monitoring Requirements a. Visual Monitoring Requirements: i. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall visually observe (inspect) each drainage area for the presence of (or indications of prior) unauthorized and authorized non-storm water discharges and their sources. ii. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall conduct one visual observation (inspection) quarterly in each of the following periods: January- March, April-June, July-September, and October-December. Visual observation (inspections) are only required during daylight hours (sunrise to sunset). iii. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that visual observations (inspections) document the presence or evidence of any non- storm water discharge (authorized or unauthorized), pollutant characteristics (floating and suspended material, sheen, discoloration, turbidity, odor, etc.), and source. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall maintain on-site records indicating the personnel performing the visual observation (inspections), the dates and approximate time each drainage area and non-storm water discharge was observed, and the response taken to eliminate unauthorized non-storm water discharges and to 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 17 ATTACHMENT E reduce or prevent pollutants from contacting non-storm water discharges. b. Effluent Sampling Locations: i. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall sample effluent at all discharge points where non-storm water and/or authorized non-storm water is discharged off-site. ii. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall send all non-storm water sample analyses to a laboratory certified for such analyses by the State Department of Health Services. iii. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall monitor and report run-on from surrounding areas if there is reason to believe run-on may contribute to an exceedance of NALs or NELs. 11. Risk Level 3 – Non-Visible Pollutant Monitoring Requirements a. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall collect one or more samples during any breach, malfunction, leakage, or spill observed during a visual inspection which could result in the discharge of pollutants to surface waters that would not be visually detectable in storm water. b. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall ensure that water samples are large enough to characterize the site conditions. c. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall collect samples at all discharge locations that can be safely accessed. d. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall collect samples during the first two hours of discharge from rain events that occur during business hours and which generate runoff. e. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall analyze samples for all non-visible pollutant parameters (if applicable) - parameters indicating the presence of pollutants identified in the pollutant source assessment required (Risk Level 3 dischargers shall modify their CSMPs to address these additional parameters in accordance with any updated SWPPP pollutant source assessment). f. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall collect a sample of storm water that has not come in contact with the disturbed soil or the materials stored or used on-site (uncontaminated sample) for comparison with the discharge sample. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 18 ATTACHMENT E g. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall compare the uncontaminated sample to the samples of discharge using field analysis or through laboratory analysis.7 h. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall keep all field /or analytical data in the SWPPP document. 12. Risk Level 3 – Watershed Monitoring Option Risk Level 3 dischargers who are part of a qualified regional watershed-based monitoring program may be eligible for relief from the requirements in Sections I.5. The Regional Water Board may approve proposals to substitute an acceptable watershed-based monitoring program by determining if the watershed-based monitoring program will provide substantially similar monitoring information in evaluating discharger compliance with the requirements of this General Permit. 13. Risk Level 3 – Particle Size Analysis for Project Risk Justification Risk Level 3 dischargers justifying an alternative project risk shall report a soil particle size analysis used to determine the RUSLE K- Factor. ASTM D-422 (Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils), as revised, shall be used to determine the percentages of sand, very fine sand, silt, and clay on the site. 14. Risk Level 3 – Records Risk Level 3 dischargers shall retain records of all storm water monitoring information and copies of all reports (including Annual Reports) for a period of at least three years. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall retain all records on-site while construction is ongoing. These records include: a. The date, place, time of facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation. b. The individual(s) who performed the facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and or measurements. c. The date and approximate time of analyses. 7 For laboratory analysis, all sampling, sample preservation, and analyses must be conducted according to test procedures under 40 CFR Part 136. Field discharge samples shall be collected and analyzed according to the specifications of the manufacturer of the sampling devices employed. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 19 ATTACHMENT E d. The individual(s) who performed the analyses. e. A summary of all analytical results from the last three years, the method detection limits and reporting units, the analytical techniques or methods used, and the chain of custody forms. f. Rain gauge readings from site inspections. g. Quality assurance/quality control records and results. h. Non-storm water discharge inspections and visual observation (inspections) and storm water discharge visual observation records (see Sections I.3 and I.10 above). i. Visual observation and sample collection exception records (see Section I.6 above). j. The records of any corrective actions and follow-up activities that resulted from analytical results, visual observation (inspections), or inspections. 15. Risk Level 3 – NAL Exceedance Report a. In the event that any effluent sample exceeds an applicable NAL, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall electronically submit all storm event sampling results to the State Water Board no later than 10 days after the conclusion of the storm event. The Regional Boards have the authority to require the submittal of an NAL Exceedance Report. b. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall certify each NAL Exceedance Report in accordance with the Special Provisions for Construction Activity In this General Permit. c. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall retain an electronic or paper copy of each NAL Exceedance Report for a minimum of three years after the date the annual report is filed. d. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall include in the NAL Exceedance Report: i. The analytical method(s), method reporting unit(s), and method detection limit(s) of each analytical parameter (analytical results that are less than the method detection limit shall be reported as “less than the method detection limit”). 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 20 ATTACHMENT E ii. The date, place, time of sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation. iii. A description of the current BMPs associated with the effluent sample that exceeded the NAL and the proposed corrective actions taken. 16. Risk Level 3 – NEL Violation Report a. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall electronically submit all storm event sampling results to the State Water Board no later than 5 days after the conclusion of the storm event. b. In the event that a discharger has violated an applicable NEL, Risk Level 3 dischargers shall submit an NEL Violation Report to the State Water Board within 24 hours after the NEL exceedance has been identified. c. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall certify each NEL Violation Report in accordance with the Special Provisions for Construction Activity in this General Permit. d. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall retain an electronic or paper copy of each NEL Violation Report for a minimum of three years after the date the annual report is filed. e. Risk Level 3 dischargers shall include in the NEL Violation Report: i. The analytical method(s), method reporting unit(s), and method detection limit(s) of each analytical parameter (analytical results that are less than the method detection limit shall be reported as “less than the method detection limit”); ii. The date, place, time of sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation; and iii. A Description of the current onsite BMPs, and the proposed corrective actions taken to manage the NEL exceedance. f. Compliance Storm Exemption - In the event that an applicable NEL has been exceeded during a storm event equal to or larger than the Compliance Storm Event, Risk level 3 discharger shall report the on-site rain gauge reading and nearby governmental rain gauge readings for verification. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 21 ATTACHMENT E 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 22 17. Risk Level 3 – Bioassessment a. Risk Level 3 dischargers with a total project-related ground disturbance exceeding 30 acres shall: i. Conduct bioassessment monitoring, as described in Appendix 3. ii. Include the collection and reporting of specified in stream biological data and physical habitat. iii. Use the bioassessment sample collection and Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA/QC) protocols developed by the State of California’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP).8 b. Risk Level 3 dischargers qualifying for bioassessment, where construction commences out of an index period for the site location shall: i. Receive Regional Board approval for the sampling exception. ii. Conduct bioassessment monitoring, as described in Appendix 3. iii. Include the collection and reporting of specified instream biological data and physical habitat. iv. Use the bioassessment sample collection and Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA/QC) protocols developed by the State of California’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP). OR v. Make a check payable to: Cal State Chico Foundation (SWAMP Bank Account) or San Jose State Foundation (SWAMP Bank Account) and include the WDID# on the check for the amount calculated for the exempted project. vi. Send a copy of the check to the Regional Water Board office for the site’s region. vii. Invest $7,500.00 X The number of samples required into the SWAMP program as compensation (upon regional board approval). 8 http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/. ATTACHMENT E Table 3 – Risk Level 3 Test Methods, Detection Limits, Reporting Units and Applicable NALs/NELs Parameter Test Method / Protocol Discharge Type Min. Detection Limit Reporting Units Numeric Action Level Numeric Effluent Limitation pH Field test with calibrated portable instrument Risk Level 3 Discharges 0.2 pH units lower NAL = 6.5 upper NAL = 8.5 lower NEL = 6.0 upper NEL = 9.0 Risk Level 3 Discharges other than ATS 1 NTU 250 NTU 500 NTU Turbidity EPA 0180.1 and/or field test with calibrated portable instrument For ATS discharges 1 NTU N/A 10 NTU for Daily Weighted Average & 20 NTU for Any Single Sample SSC ASTM Method D 3977-979 Risk Level 3 (if NEL exceeded) 5 mg/L N/A N/A Bioassessment (STE) Level I of (SAFIT),10 fixed-count of 600 org/sample Risk Level 3 projects> 30 acres N/A N/A N/A N/A 9 ASTM, 1999, Standard Test Method for Determining Sediment Concentration in Water Samples: American Society of Testing and Materials, D 3977-97, Vol. 11.02, pp. 389-394. 10 The current SAFIT STEs (28 November 2006) list requirements for both the Level I and Level II taxonomic effort, and are located at: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/swamp/docs/safit/ste_list.pdf. When new editions are published by SAFIT, they will supersede all previous editions. All editions will be posted at the State Water Board’s SWAMP website. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 23 ATTACHMENT F ATTACHMENT F: Active Treatment System (ATS) Requirements Table 1 – Numeric Effluent Limitations, Numeric Action Levels, Test Methods, Detection Limits, and Reporting Units Parameter Test Method Discharge Type Min. Detection Limit Units Numeric Action Level Numeric Effluent Limitation Turbidity EPA 0180.1 and/or field test with a calibrated portable instrument For ATS discharges 1 NTU N/A 10 NTU for Daily Flow- Weighted Average & 20 NTU for Any Single Sample A. Dischargers choosing to implement an Active Treatment System (ATS) on their site shall comply with all of the requirements in this Attachment. B. The discharger shall maintain a paper copy of each ATS specification onsite in compliance with the record retention requirements in the Special Provisions of this General Permit. C. ATS Design, Operation and Submittals 1. The ATS shall be designed and approved by a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), a Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ); a California registered civil engineer; or any other California registered engineer. 2. The discharger shall ensure that the ATS is designed in a manner to preclude the accidental discharge of settled floc1 during floc pumping or related operations. 3. The discharger shall design outlets to dissipate energy from concentrated flows. 4. The discharger shall install and operate an ATS by assigning a lead person (or project manager) who has either a minimum of five years construction storm 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 Floc is defined as a clump of solids formed by the chemical action in ATS systems. 1 ATTACHMENT F water experience or who is a licensed contractors specifically holding a California Class A Contractors license.2 5. The discharger shall prepare an ATS Plan that combines the site-specific data and treatment system information required to safely and efficiently operate an ATS. The ATS Plan shall be electronically submitted to the State Water Board at least 14 days prior to the planned operation of the ATS and a paper copy shall be available onsite during ATS operation. At a minimum, the ATS Plan shall include: a. ATS Operation and Maintenance Manual for All Equipment. b. ATS Monitoring, Sampling & Reporting Plan, including Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC). c. ATS Health and Safety Plan. d. ATS Spill Prevention Plan. 6. The ATS shall be designed to capture and treat (within a 72-hour period) a volume equivalent to the runoff from a 10-year, 24-hour storm event using a watershed runoff coefficient of 1.0. D. Treatment – Chemical Coagulation/Flocculation 1. Jar tests shall be conducted using water samples selected to represent typical site conditions and in accordance with ASTM D2035-08 (2003). 2. The discharger shall conduct, at minimum, six site-specific jar tests (per polymer with one test serving as a control) for each project to determine the proper polymer and dosage levels for their ATS. 3. Single field jar tests may also be conducted during a project if conditions warrant, for example if construction activities disturb changing types of soils, which consequently cause change in storm water and runoff characteristics. E. Residual Chemical and Toxicity Requirements 1. The discharger shall utilize a residual chemical test method that has a method detection limit (MDL) of 10% or less than the maximum allowable threshold 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 2 Business and Professions Code Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 4, Class A Contractor: A general engineering contractor is a contractor whose principal contracting business is in connection with fixed works requiring specialized engineering knowledge and skill. [http://www.cslb.ca.gov/General-Information/library/licensing-classifications.asp]. 2 ATTACHMENT F concentration3 (MATC) for the specific coagulant in use and for the most sensitive species of the chemical used. 2. The discharger shall utilize a residual chemical test method that produces a result within one hour of sampling. 3. The discharger shall have a California State certified laboratory validate the selected residual chemical test. Specifically the lab will review the test protocol, test parameters, and the detection limit of the coagulant. The discharger shall electronically submit this documentation as part of the ATS Plan. 4. If the discharger cannot utilize a residual chemical test method that meets the requirements above, the discharger shall operate the ATS in Batch Treatment4 mode. 5. A discharger planning to operate in Batch Treatment mode shall perform toxicity testing in accordance with the following: a. The discharger shall initiate acute toxicity testing on effluent samples representing effluent from each batch prior to discharge5. All bioassays shall be sent to a laboratory certified by the Department of Health Services (DHS) Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP). The required field of testing number for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) testing is E113.6 b. Acute toxicity tests shall be conducted with the following species and protocols. The methods to be used in the acute toxicity testing shall be those outlined for a 96-hour acute test in “Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Water to Freshwater and Marine Organisms, USEPA-841-R-02-012” for Fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow). Acute toxicity for Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow Trout) may be used as a substitute for testing fathead minnows. c. All toxicity tests shall meet quality assurance criteria and test acceptability criteria in the most recent versions of the EPA test method for WET testing. d. The discharger shall electronically report all acute toxicity testing. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 3 The Maximum Allowable Threshold Concentration (MATC) is the allowable concentration of residual, or dissolved, coagulant/flocculant in effluent. The MATC shall be coagulant/flocculant-specific, and based on toxicity testing conducted by an independent, third-party laboratory. A typical MATC would be: The MATC is equal to the geometric mean of the NOEC (No Observed Effect Concentration) and LOEC (Lowest Observed Effect Concentration) Acute and Chronic toxicity results for most sensitive species determined for the specific coagulant. The most sensitive species test shall be used to determine the MATC. 4 Batch Treatment mode is defined as holding or recirculating the treated water in a holding basin or tank(s) until treatment is complete or the basin or storage tank(s) is full. 5 This requirement only requires that the test be initiated prior to discharge. 6 http://www.dhs.ca.gov/ps/ls/elap/pdf/FOT_Desc.pdf. 3 ATTACHMENT F F. Filtration 1. The ATS shall include a filtration step between the coagulant treatment train and the effluent discharge. This is commonly provided by sand, bag, or cartridge filters, which are sized to capture suspended material that might pass through the clarifier tanks. 2. Differential pressure measurements shall be taken to monitor filter loading and confirm that the final filter stage is functioning properly. G. Residuals Management 1. Sediment shall be removed from the storage or treatment cells as necessary to ensure that the cells maintain their required water storage (i.e., volume) capability. 2. Handling and disposal of all solids generated during ATS operations shall be done in accordance with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. H. ATS Instrumentation 1. The ATS shall be equipped with instrumentation that automatically measures and records effluent water quality data and flow rate. 2. The minimum data recorded shall be consistent with the Monitoring and Reporting requirements below, and shall include: a. Influent Turbidity b. Effluent Turbidity c. Influent pH d. Effluent pH e. Residual Chemical f. Effluent Flow rate g. Effluent Flow volume 3. Systems shall be equipped with a data recording system, such as data loggers or webserver-based systems, which records each measurement on a frequency no longer than once every 15 minutes. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 4 ATTACHMENT F 4. Cumulative flow volume shall be recorded daily. The data recording system shall have the capacity to record a minimum of seven days continuous data. 5. Instrumentation systems shall be interfaced with system control to provide auto shutoff or recirculation in the event that effluent measurements exceed turbidity or pH. 6. The system shall also assure that upon system upset, power failure, or other catastrophic event, the ATS will default to a recirculation mode or safe shut down. 7. Instrumentation (flow meters, probes, valves, streaming current detectors, controlling computers, etc.) shall be installed and maintained per manufacturer’s recommendations, which shall be included in the QA/QC plan. 8. The QA/QC plan shall also specify calibration procedures and frequencies, instrument method detection limit or sensitivity verification, laboratory duplicate procedures, and other pertinent procedures. 9. The instrumentation system shall include a method for controlling coagulant dose, to prevent potential overdosing. Available technologies include flow/turbidity proportional metering, periodic jar testing and metering pump adjustment, and ionic charge measurement controlling the metering pump. I. ATS Effluent Discharge 1. ATS effluent shall comply with all provisions and prohibitions in this General Permit, specifically the NELs. 2. NELs for discharges from an ATS: a. Turbidity of all ATS discharges shall be less than 10 NTU for daily flow- weighted average of all samples and 20 NTU for any single sample. b. Residual Chemical shall be < 10% of MATC7 for the most sensitive species of the chemical used. 3. If an analytical effluent sampling result is outside the range of pH NELs (i.e., is below the lower NEL for pH or exceeds the upper NEL for pH) or exceeds the turbidity NEL (as listed in Table 1), the discharger is in violation of this General 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 7 The Maximum Allowable Threshold Concentration (MATC) is the allowable concentration of residual, or dissolved, coagulant/flocculant in effluent. The MATC shall be coagulant/flocculant-specific, and based on toxicity testing conducted by an independent, third-party laboratory. The MATC is equal to the geometric mean of the NOEC (No Observed Effect Concentration) and LOEC (Lowest Observed Effect Concentration) Acute and Chronic toxicity results for most sensitive species determined for the specific coagulant. The most sensitive species test shall be used to determine the MATC. 5 ATTACHMENT F Permit and shall electronically file the results in violation within 24-hours of obtaining the results. 4. If ATS effluent is authorized to discharge into a sanitary sewer system, the discharger shall comply with any pre-treatment requirements applicable for that system. The discharger shall include any specific criteria required by the municipality in the ATS Plan. 5. Compliance Storm Event: Discharges of storm water from ATS shall comply with applicable NELs (above) unless the storm event causing the discharges is determined after the fact to be equal to or larger than the Compliance Storm Event (expressed in inches of rainfall). The Compliance Storm Event for ATS discharges is the 10 year, 24 hour storm, as determined using these maps: http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/pcpnfreq/nca10y24.gif http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/pcpnfreq/sca10y24.gif This exemption is dependent on the submission of rain gauge data verifying the storm event is equal to or larger than the Compliance Storm. J. Operation and Maintenance Plan 1. Each Project shall have a site-specific Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual covering the procedures required to install, operate and maintain the ATS.8 2. The O&M Manual shall only be used in conjunction with appropriate project- specific design specifications that describe the system configuration and operating parameters. 3. The O&M Manual shall have operating manuals for specific pumps, generators, control systems,and other equipment. K. Sampling and Reporting Quality Assurance/ Quality Check (QA/QC) Plan 4. A project-specific QA/QC Plan shall be developed for each project. The QA/QC Plan shall include at a minimum: a. Calibration – Calibration methods and frequencies for all system and field instruments shall be specified. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 8 The manual is typically in a modular format covering generalized procedures for each component that is utilized in a particular system. 6 ATTACHMENT F b. Method Detection Limits (MDLs) – The methods for determining MDLs shall be specified for each residual coagulant measurement method. Acceptable minimum MDLs for each method, specific to individual coagulants, shall be specified. c. Laboratory Duplicates – Requirements for monthly laboratory duplicates for residual coagulant analysis shall be specified. L. Personnel Training 1. Operators shall have training specific to using an ATS and liquid coagulants for storm water discharges in California. 2. The training shall be in the form of a formal class with a certificate and requirements for testing and certificate renewal. 3. Training shall include a minimum of eight hours classroom and 32 hours field training. The course shall cover the following topics: a. Coagulation Basics –Chemistry and physical processes b. ATS System Design and Operating Principles c. ATS Control Systems d. Coagulant Selection – Jar testing, dose determination, etc. e. Aquatic Safety/Toxicity of Coagulants, proper handling and safety f. Monitoring, Sampling, and Analysis g. Reporting and Recordkeeping h. Emergency Response M. Active Treatment System (ATS) Monitoring Requirements Any discharger who deploys an ATS on their site shall conduct the following: 1. Visual Monitoring a. A designated responsible person shall be on site daily at all times during treatment operations. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 7 ATTACHMENT F b. Daily on-site visual monitoring of the system for proper performance shall be conducted and recorded in the project data log. i. The log shall include the name and phone number of the person responsible for system operation and monitoring. ii. The log shall include documentation of the responsible person’s training. 2. Operational and Compliance Monitoring a. Flow shall be continuously monitored and recorded at not greater than 15- minute intervals for total volume treated and discharged. b. Influent and effluent pH must be continuously monitored and recorded at not greater than 15-minute intervals. c. Influent and effluent turbidity (expressed in NTU) must be continuously monitored and recorded at not greater than 15-minute intervals. d. The type and amount of chemical used for pH adjustment, if any, shall be monitored and recorded. e. Dose rate of chemical used in the ATS system (expressed in mg/L) shall be monitored and reported 15-minutes after startup and every 8 hours of operation. f. Laboratory duplicates – monthly laboratory duplicates for residual coagulant analysis must be performed and records shall be maintained onsite. g. Effluent shall be monitored and recorded for residual chemical/additive levels. h. If a residual chemical/additive test does not exist and the ATS is operating in a batch treatment mode of operation refer to the toxicity monitoring requirements below. 3. Toxicity Monitoring A discharger operating in batch treatment mode shall perform toxicity testing in accordance with the following: a. The discharger shall initiate acute toxicity testing on effluent samples representing effluent from each batch prior to discharge.9 All bioassays shall be sent to a laboratory certified by the Department of Health Services (DHS) 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 9 This requirement only requires that the test be initiated prior to discharge. 8 ATTACHMENT F Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP). The required field of testing number for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) testing is E113.10 b. Acute toxicity tests shall be conducted with the following species and protocols. The methods to be used in the acute toxicity testing shall be those outlined for a 96-hour acute test in “Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Water to Freshwater and Marine Organisms, USEPA-841-R-02-012” for Fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas or Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss may be used as a substitute for fathead minnow. c. All toxicity tests shall meet quality assurance criteria and test acceptability criteria in the most recent versions of the EPA test method for WET testing.11 4. Reporting and Recordkeeping At a minimum, every 30 days a LRP representing the discharger shall access the State Water Boards Storm Water Mulit-Application and Report Tracking system (SMARTS) and electronically upload field data from the ATS. Records must be kept for three years after the project is completed . 5. Non-compliance Reporting a. Any indications of toxicity or other violations of water quality objectives shall be reported to the appropriate regulatory agency as required by this General Permit. b. Upon any measurements that exceed water quality standards, the system operator shall immediately notify his supervisor or other responsible parties, who shall notify the Regional Water Board. c. If any monitoring data exceeds any applicable NEL in this General Permit, the discharger shall electronically submit a NEL Violation Report to the State Water Board within 24 hours after the NEL exceedance has been identified. i. ATS dischargers shall certify each NEL Violation Report in accordance with the Special Provisions for Construction Activity in this General Permit. ii. ATS dischargers shall retain an electronic or paper copy of each NEL Violation Report for a minimum of three years after the date the annual report is filed. iii. ATS dischargers shall include in the NEL Violation Report: 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 10 http://www.dhs.ca.gov/ps/ls/elap/pdf/FOT_Desc.pdf. 11 http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/methods/wet/. 9 ATTACHMENT F 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 10 (1) The analytical method(s), method reporting unit(s), and method detection limit(s) of each analytical parameter (analytical results that are less than the method detection limit shall be reported as “less than the method detection limit”); (2) The date, place, time of sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation; and (3) A description of the current onsite BMPs, and the proposed corrective actions taken to manage the NEL exceedance. iv. Compliance Storm Exemption - In the event that an applicable NEL has been exceeded during a storm event equal to or larger than the Compliance Storm Event, ATS dischargers shall report the on-site rain gauge reading and nearby governmental rain gauge readings for verification. Appendix 1 2009-0009-DWQ 1 September 2, 2009 Risk Determination Worksheet Step 1 Determine Sediment Risk via one of the options listed: 1. GIS Map Method - EPA Rainfall Erosivity Calculator & GIS map 2. Individual Method - EPA Rainfall Erosivity Calculator & Individual Data Step 2 Determine Receiving Water Risk via one of the options listed: 1. GIS map of Sediment Sensitive Watersheds provided (in development) 2. List of Sediment Sensitive Watersheds provided Step 3 Determine Combined Risk Level Appendix 1 2009-0009-DWQ 2 September 2, 2009 Sediment Risk Factor Worksheet Entry A) R Factor Analyses of data indicated that when factors other than rainfall are held constant, soil loss is directly proportional to a rainfall factor composed of total storm kinetic energy (E) times the maximum 30-min intensity (I30) (Wischmeier and Smith, 1958). The numerical value of R is the average annual sum of EI30 for storm events during a rainfall record of at least 22 years. "Isoerodent" maps were developed based on R values calculated for more than 1000 locations in the Western U.S. Refer to the link below to determine the R factor for the project site. http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/LEW/lewCalculator.cfm R Factor Value 0 B) K Factor (weighted average, by area, for all site soils) The soil-erodibility factor K represents: (1) susceptibility of soil or surface material to erosion, (2) transportability of the sediment, and (3) the amount and rate of runoff given a particular rainfall input, as measured under a standard condition. Fine-textured soils that are high in clay have low K values (about 0.05 to 0.15) because the particles are resistant to detachment. Coarse-textured soils, such as sandy soils, also have low K values (about 0.05 to 0.2) because of high infiltration resulting in low runoff even though these particles are easily detached. Medium-textured soils, such as a silt loam, have moderate K values (about 0.25 to 0.45) because they are moderately susceptible to particle detachment and they produce runoff at moderate rates. Soils having a high silt content are especially susceptible to erosion and have high K values, which can exceed 0.45 and can be as large as 0.65. Silt-size particles are easily detached and tend to crust, producing high rates and large volumes of runoff. Use Site-specific data must be submitted. Site-specific K factor guidance K Factor Value 0 C) LS Factor (weighted average, by area, for all slopes) The effect of topography on erosion is accounted for by the LS factor, which combines the effects of a hillslope- length factor, L, and a hillslope-gradient factor, S. Generally speaking, as hillslope length and/or hillslope gradient increase, soil loss increases. As hillslope length increases, total soil loss and soil loss per unit area increase due to the progressive accumulation of runoff in the downslope direction. As the hillslope gradient increases, the velocity and erosivity of runoff increases. Use the LS table located in separate tab of this spreadsheet to determine LS factors. Estimate the weighted LS for the site prior to construction. LS Table LS Factor Value 0 Watershed Erosion Estimate (=RxKxLS) in tons/acre 0 Site Sediment Risk Factor Low Sediment Risk: < 15 tons/acre Medium Sediment Risk: >=15 and <75 tons/acre High Sediment Risk: >= 75 tons/acre Low Appendix 1 2009-0009-DWQ 3 September 2, 2009 For the GIS Map Method, the R factor for the project is calculated using the online calculator at (see cell to right). The product of K and LS are shown on the figure below. To determine soil loss in tons per acre, multiply the R factor times the value for K times LS from the map. http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/LEW/lewCalculator.cfm Appendix 1 2009-0009-DWQ 4 September 2, 2009 Receiving Water (RW) Risk Factor Worksheet Entry Score A. Watershed Characteristics yes/no A.1. Does the disturbed area discharge (either directly or indirectly) to a 303(d)-listed waterbody impaired by sediment? (For help with impaired waterbodies please check the attached worksheet or visit the link below) or has a USEPA approved TMDL implementation plan for sediment?: 2006 Approved Sediment-impared WBs Worksheet http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/tmdl/303d_lists2006_epa.shtml OR A.2. Does the disturbed area discharge to a waterbody with designated beneficial uses of SPAWN & COLD & MIGRATORY? http://www.ice.ucdavis.edu/geowbs/asp/wbquse.asp Yes High Appendix 1 2009-0009-DWQ 5 September 2, 2009 Combined Risk Level Matrix Sediment Risk Low Medium High Low Level 1 Level 2 Receiving Water Risk High Level 2 Level 3 Project Sediment Risk:Low 1 Project RW Risk:High 2 Project Combined Risk:Level 2 Appendix 1 2009-0009-DWQ 6 September 2, 2009 Soil Erodibility Factor (K) The K factor can be determined by using the nomograph method, which requires that a particle size analysis (ASTM D-422) be done to determine the percentages of sand, very fine sand, silt and clay. Use the figure below to determine appropriate K value. Erickson triangular nomograph used to estimate soil erodibility (K) factor. The figure above is the USDA nomograph used to determine the K factor for a soil, based on its texture (% silt plus very fine sand, % sand, % organic matter, soil structure, and permeability). Nomograph from Erickson 1977 as referenced in Goldman et. al., 1986. Appendix 1 2009-0009-DWQ 7 September 2, 2009 Average Watershed Slope (%) Sheet Flow Length (ft) 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 20.0 <3 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.20 0.23 0.26 0.32 0.35 0.36 0.38 0.39 0.41 6 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.20 0.23 0.26 0.32 0.37 0.41 0.45 0.49 0.56 9 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.20 0.23 0.26 0.32 0.38 0.45 0.51 0.56 0.67 12 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.20 0.23 0.26 0.32 0.39 0.47 0.55 0.62 0.76 15 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.20 0.23 0.26 0.32 0.40 0.49 0.58 0.67 0.84 25 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.21 0.26 0.31 0.36 0.45 0.57 0.71 0.85 0.98 1.24 50 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.21 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.54 0.70 0.91 1.15 1.40 1.64 2.10 75 0.05 0.08 0.14 0.25 0.36 0.47 0.58 0.69 0.91 1.20 1.54 1.87 2.21 2.86 100 0.05 0.09 0.15 0.28 0.41 0.55 0.68 0.82 1.10 1.46 1.88 2.31 2.73 3.57 150 0.05 0.09 0.17 0.33 0.50 0.68 0.86 1.05 1.43 1.92 2.51 3.09 3.68 4.85 200 0.06 0.10 0.18 0.37 0.57 0.79 1.02 1.25 1.72 2.34 3.07 3.81 4.56 6.04 250 0.06 0.10 0.19 0.40 0.64 0.89 1.16 1.43 1.99 2.72 3.60 4.48 5.37 7.16 300 0.06 0.10 0.20 0.43 0.69 0.98 1.28 1.60 2.24 3.09 4.09 5.11 6.15 8.23 1 400 0.06 0.11 0.22 0.48 0.80 1.14 1.51 1.90 2.70 3.75 5.01 6.30 7.60 10.24 1 600 0.06 0.12 0.24 0.56 0.96 1.42 1.91 2.43 3.52 4.95 6.67 8.45 10.26 13.94 1 800 0.06 0.12 0.26 0.63 1.10 1.65 2.25 2.89 4.24 6.03 8.17 10.40 12.69 17.35 2 1000 0.06 0.13 0.27 0.69 1.23 1.86 2.55 3.30 4.91 7.02 9.57 12.23 14.96 20.57 2 LS Factors for Construction Sites. Table from Renard et. al., 1997. APPENDIX 2 APPENDIX 2: Post-Construction Water Balance Performance Standard Spreadsheet The discharger shall submit with their Notice of Intent (NOI) the following information to demonstrate compliance with the New and Re-Development Water Balance Performance Standard. Map Instructions The discharger must submit a small-scale topographic map of the site to show the existing contour elevations, pre- and post-construction drainage divides, and the total length of stream in each watershed area. Recommended scales include 1 in. = 20 ft., 1 in. = 30 ft., 1 in. = 40 ft., or 1 in = 50 ft. The suggested contour interval is usually 1 to 5 feet, depending upon the slope of the terrain. The contour interval may be increased on steep slopes. Other contour intervals and scales may be appropriate given the magnitude of land disturbance. Spreadsheet Instructions The intent of the spreadsheet is to help dischargers calculate the project-related increase in runoff volume and select impervious area and runoff reduction credits to reduce the project-related increase in runoff volume to pre-project levels. The discharger has the option of using the spreadsheet (Appendix 2.1) or a more sophisticated, watershed process-based model (e.g. Storm Water Management Model, Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran) to determine the project-related increase in runoff volume. In Appendix 4.1, you must complete the worksheet for each land use/soil type combination for each project sub-watershed. Steps 1 through 9 pertain specifically to the Runoff Volume Calculator: Step 1: Enter the county where the project is located in cell H3. Step 2: Enter the soil type in cell H6. Step 3: Enter the existing pervious (dominant) land use type in cell H7. Step 4: Enter the proposed pervious (dominant) land use type in cell H8. Step 5: Enter the total project site area in cell H11 or J11. Step 6: Enter the sub-watershed area in cell H12 or J12. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 APPENDIX 2 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 2 Step 7: Enter the existing rooftop area in cell H17 or J17, the existing non- rooftop impervious area in cell H18 or J18, the proposed rooftop area in cell H19 or J19, and the proposed non-rooftop impervious area in cell H20 or J20 Step 8: Work through each of the impervious area reduction credits and claim credits where applicable. Volume that cannot be addressed using non- structural practices must be captured in structural practices and approved by the Regional Water Board. Step 9: Work through each of the impervious volume reduction credits and claim credits where applicable. Volume that cannot be addressed using non-structural practices must be captured in structural practices and approved by the Regional Water Board. Non-structural Practices Available for Crediting • Porous Pavement • Tree Planting • Downspout Disconnection • Impervious Area Disconnection • Green Roof • Stream Buffer • Vegetated Swales • Rain Barrels and Cisterns • Landscaping Soil Quality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 AB C D E F G H I J K L M N (Step 1a) If you know the 85th percentile storm event for your location enter it in the box below (Step 1b) If you can not answer 1a then select the county where the project is located (click on the cell to the right for drop-down): This will determine the average 85th percentile 24 hr. storm event for your site, which will appear under precipitation to left. (Step 1c) If you would like a more percise value select the location closest to your site. If you do not recgonize any of these locations, leave this drop-down menu at location. The average value for the County will be used. Project Name:(Step 2) Indicate the Soil Type (dropdown menu to right): Waste Discharge Identification (WDID): (Step 3) Indicate the existing dominant non-built land Use Type (dropdown menu to right): Date:(Step 4) Indicate the proposed dominant non-built land Use Type (dropdown menu to right): Sub Drainage Area Name (from map):Acres 82 (Step 5) Total Project Site Area:5.00 74 (Step 6) Sub-watershed Area:5.00 Percent of total project :Based on the County you indicated above, we have included the 85 percentile average 24 hr event - P85 (in)^ for your area. in The Amount of rainfall needed for runoff to occur (Existing runoff curve number -P from existing RCN (in)^) In (Step 7) Sub-watershed Conditions P used for calculations (in) (the greater of the above two criteria)In Sub-watershed Area (acres)Acres ^Available at www.cabmphandbooks.com Existing Rooftop Impervious Coverage 0 Existing Non-Rooftop Impervious Coverage 0 Proposed Rooftop Impervious Coverage 0 Proposed Non-Rooftop Impervious Coverage 0 (p)p Credits Porous Pavement Tree Planting Pre-Project Runoff Volume (cu ft) Cu.Ft.Downspout Disconnection Project-Related Runoff Volume Increase w/o credits (cu ft)Cu.Ft. Impervious Area DisconnectionGreen Roof Stream Buffer Vegetated Swales Subtotal Subtotal Runoff Volume Reduction Credit (Step 9) Impervious Volume Reduction Credits Rain Barrels/Cisterns Soil Quality Cu. Ft. Subtotal Runoff Volume Reduction Total Runoff Volume Reduction Credit 247 Proposed Development Pervious Runoff Curve Number 0.62 0.62 Optional Runoff Curve Numbers Complete Either Lawn, Grass, or Pasture covering more than 75% of the open space Existing Pervious Runoff Curve Number Complete EitherOptional Optional Calculated Acres Optional You have achieved your minimum requirements Project-Related Volume Increase with Credits (cu ft)0 Design Storm 0 0.44 0 Post-Construction Water Balance Calculator 100% Acres 5.00 5.00 Wood & Grass: <50% ground cover User may make changes from any cell that is orange or brown in color (similar to the cells to the immediate right). Cells in green are calculated for you. Project Information SACRAMENTO 0.00 Cu. Ft. Cu.Ft. Cu. Ft. 0 0 0 00.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 Cu. Ft. Volume (cubic feet) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Square FeetAcres 0 SACRAMENTO FAA ARPT Low infiltration. Sandy clay loam. Infiltration rate 0.05 to 0.15 inch/hr when wet. Runoff Calculations 5.00Sq Ft Sq Ft Group C Soils Cu. Ft. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 Porous Pavement Credit Worksheet Please fill out a porous pavement credit worksheet for each project sub-watershed. For the PROPOSED Development: Proposed Porous Pavement Runoff Reduction*In SqFt.In Acres Equivalent Acres Area of Brick without Grout on less than 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil 0.45 0.00 Area of Brick without Grout on more than 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil 0.90 0.00Area of Cobbles less than 12 inches deep and over soil 0.30 0.00 Area of Cobbles less than 12 inches deep and over soil 0.60 0.00 Area of Reinforced Grass Pavement on less than 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil 0.45 0.00 Area of Reinforced Grass Pavement on at least 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil 0.90 0.00 Area of Porous Gravel Pavement on less than 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil 0.38 0.00 Area of Porous Gravel Pavement on at least 12 inches of base with at least 20% void space over soil 0.75 0.00 Area of Poured Porous Concrete or Asphalt Pavement with less than 4 inches of gravel base (washed stone) 0.40 0.00 Area of Poured Porous Concrete or Asphalt Pavement with 4 to 8 inches of gravel base (washed stone) 0.60 0.00 Area of Poured Porous Concrete or Asphalt Pavement with 8 to 12 inches of gravel base (washed stone) 0.80 0.00 Area of Poured Porous Concrete or Asphalt Pavement with 12 or more inches of gravel base (washed stone) 1.00 0.00 *=1-Rv**Return to Calculator **Using Site Design Techniques to meet Development Standards for Stormwater Quality (BASMAA 2003)**NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual (2007) Fill in either Acres or SqFt Tree Planting Credit Worksheet Tree Canopy Credit Criteria Number of Trees Planted Credit (acres) 0 0.00 0.00 Square feet Under Canopy 0.00 0.00 0 Return to Calculator * credit amount based on credits from Stormwater Quality Design Manual for the Sacramento and South Placer Regions Please fill out a tree canopy credit worksheet for each project sub-watershed. Number of proposed evergreen trees to be planted (credit = number of trees x 0.005)* Number of proposed deciduous trees to be planted (credit = number of trees x 0.0025)* Square feet under an existing tree canopy, that will remain on the property, with an average diameter at 4.5 ft above grade (i.e., diameter at breast height or DBH) is LESS than 12 in diameter. Please describe below how the project will ensure that these trees will be maintained. Square feet under an existing tree canopy that will remain on the property, with an average diameter at 4.5 ft above grade (i.e., diameter at breast height or DBH) is 12 in diameter or GREATER. Downspout Disconnection Credit Worksheet Percentage of existing 0.00 Acres The Stream Buffer and/or Vegetated Swale credits will not be taken in this sub-watershed area? Please fill out a downspout disconnection credit worksheet for each project subwatershed. If you answer yes to all questions, all rooftop area draining to each downspout will be subtracted from your proposed rooftop impervious coverage. Is the roof runoff from the design storm event fully contained in a raised bed or planter box or does it drain as sheet flow to a landscaped area large enough to contain the roof runoff from the design storm event? Downspout Disconnection Credit Criteria Do downspouts and any extensions extend at least six feet from a basement and two feet from a crawl space or concrete slab? Is the area of rooftop connecting to each disconnected downspout 600 square feet or less? of rooftop surface has disconnected downspouts of rooftop surface has disconnected 50 Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Percentage of the proposed 0.00 Acres p downspouts 50 Return to Calculator Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Impervious Area Disconnection Credit Worksheet Response Percentage of existing 0.00 AcresPercentage of the proposed 0.00 Acres 70 Return to Calculator The Stream Buffer credit will not be taken in this sub-watershed area? non-rooftop surface area disconnected non-rooftop surface area disconnected Please fill out an impervious area disconnection credit worksheet for each project sub-watershed. If you answer yes to all questions, all non-rooftop impervious surface area will be subtracted from your proposed non-rooftop impervious coverage. Non-Rooftop Disconnection Credit Criteria Is the maximum contributing impervious flow path length less than 75 feet or, if equal or greater than 75 feet, is a storage device (e.g. French drain, bioretention area, gravel trench) implemented to achieve the required disconnection length? Is the impervious area to any one discharge location less than 5,000 square feet? Yes No Yes No Yes No Green Roof Credit Worksheet Please fill out a greenroof credit worksheet for each project sub-watershed. If you answer yes to all questions, 70% of the greenroof area will be subtracted from your proposed rooftop impervious coverage. Green Roof Credit Criteria Response Is the roof slope less than 15% or does it have a grid to hold the substrate in place until it forms a thick vegetation mat? Has a professional engineer assessed the necessary load reserves and designed a roof structure to meet state and local codes? Is the irrigation needed for plant establishment and/or to sustain the green roof during extended dry periods, is the source from stored, recycled, reclaimed, or reused water? Percentage of existing 0.0 0 Acres rooftop surface area in greenroof Percentage of the proposed 0.0 0 Acres rooftop surface area in greenroof Return to Calculator Stream Buffer Credit Worksheet Please fill out a stream buffer credit worksheet for each project sub-watershed. If you answer yes to all questions, you may subtract all impervious surface draining to each stream buffer that has not been addressed using the Downspout and/or Impervious Area Disconnection credits. Stream Buffer Credit Criteria Response Does runoff enter the floodprone width* or within 500 feet (whichever is larger) of a stream channel as sheet flow**? Is the contributing overland slope 5% or less, or if greater than 5%, is a level spreader used? Is the buffer area protected from vehicle or other traffic barriers to reduce compaction? Will the stream buffer be maintained in an ungraded and uncompacted condition and will the vegetation be maintained in a natural condition? Percentage of existing 0.00 Acres impervious surface area draining into a stream buffer: Percentage of the proposed 0.00 Acres impervious surface area that will drain into a stream buffer: Please describe below how the project will ensure that the buffer areas will remain in ungraded and uncompacted condition and that the vegetation will be maintained in a natural condition. Return to Calculator * floodprone width is the width at twice the bankfull depth. ** the maximum contributing length shall be 75 feet for impervious area Vegetated Swale Credit Worksheet Percentage of existing 0.00 Acres Percentage of the proposed 0.00 Acres Return to Calculator Please fill out a vegetated swale worksheet for each project subwatershed. If you answer yes to all questions, you may subtract all impervious surface draining to each stream buffer that has not been addressed using the Downspout Disconnection credit. Vegetated Swale Credit Criteria Have all vegetated swales been designed in accordance with Treatment Control BMP 30 (TC-30 - Vegetated Swale) from the California Stormwater BMP Handbook, New Development and Redevelopment (available at www.cabmphandbooks.com)? Is the maximum flow velocity for runoff from the design storm event less than or equal to 1.0 foot per second? of impervious area draining to a vegetated swale of impervious area draining to a vegetated swale Yes No Yes No Rain Barrel/Cistern Credit Worksheet Rain Barrel/Cistern Credit Criteria Response Total number of rain barrel(s)/cisterns Average capacity of rain barrel(s)/cistern(s) (in gallons) Total capacity rain barrel(s)/cistern(s) (in cu ft) 1 0 1 accounts for 10% loss Return to Calculator Please fill out a rain barrel/cistern worksheet for each project sub-watershed. Response 1.3 Sandy loams, loams 12 2.97 Return to Calculator Table 1 Sands, loamy sands <1 6 Porosity (%)50 94% Will the landscaped area be lined with an impervious membrane? What is the average depth of your landscaped soil media meeting the above criteria (inches)? What is the total area of the landscaped areas meeting the above criteria (in acres)? Please fill out a soil quality worksheet for each project sub-watershed. Will the soils used for landscaping meet the ideal bulk densities listed in Table 1 below?1 If you answered yes to the question above, but you do not know the exact bulk density, which of the soil types in the drop down menu to the right best describes the top 12 inches for soils used for landscaping (in g/cm3). If you answered yes to the question above, and you know the area-weighted bulk density within the top 12 inches for soils used for landscaping (in g/cm 3)* , fill in the cell to the right and skip to cell G11. If not select from the drop-down menu in G10. Yes No Sands, loamy sands <1.6 Porosity (%) 50.94% Sandy loams, loams <1.4 Sandy clay loams, loams, clay loams <1.4 Silts, silt loams <1.3 Silt loams, silty clay loams <1.1 Sandy clays, silty clays, some clay loams (35-45% clay)<1.1 Clays (>45% clay)<1.1 http://soils.usda.gov/sqi/management/files/sq_utn_2.pdf * To determine how to calculate density see: http://www.globe.gov/tctg/bulkden.pdf?sectionID=94 1 USDA NRCS. "Soil Quality Urban Technical Note No.2-Urban Soil Compaction". March 2000. Mineral grains in many soils are mainly quartz and feldspar, so 2.65 a good average for particle density. To determine percent porosity, use the formula: Porosity (%) = (1-Bulk Density/2.65) X 100 Yes No APPENDIX 3 APPENDIX 3 Bioassessment Monitoring Guidelines Bioassessment monitoring is required for projects that meet all of the following criteria: 1. The project is rated Risk Level 3 or LUP Type 3 2. The project directly discharges runoff to a freshwater wadeable stream (or streams) that is either: (a) listed by the State Water Board or USEPA as impaired due to sediment, and/or (b) tributary to any downstream water body that is listed for sediment; and/or have the beneficial use SPAWN & COLD & MIGRATORY 3. Total project-related ground disturbance exceeds 30 acres. For all such projects, the discharger shall conduct bioassessment monitoring, as described in this section, to assess the effect of the project on the biological integrity of receiving waters. Bioassessment shall include: 1. The collection and reporting of specified instream biological data 2. The collection and reporting of specified instream physical habitat data Bioassessment Exception If a site qualifies for bioassessment, but construction commences out of an index period for the site location, the discharger shall: 1. Receive Regional Water Board approval for the sampling exception 2. Make a check payable to: Cal State Chico Foundation (SWAMP Bank Account) or San Jose State Foundation (SWAMP Bank Account) and include the WDID# on the check for the amount calculated for the exempted project. 3. Send a copy of the check to the Regional Water Board office for the site’s region 4. Invest 7,500.00 X The number of samples required into the SWAMP program as compensation (upon Regional Water Board approval). 5. Conduct bioassessment monitoring, as described in Appendix 4 6. Include the collection and reporting of specified instream biological data and physical habitat 7. Use the bioassessment sample collection and Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA/QC) protocols developed by the State of California’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Site Locations and Frequency Macroinvertebrate samples shall be collected both before ground disturbance is initiated and after the project is completed. The “after” sample(s) shall be collected after at least one winter season resulting in surface runoff has transpired after project-related ground disturbance has ceased. “Before” and “after” samples shall be collected both upstream and downstream of the project’s 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 discharge. Upstream samples should be taken immediately before the sites outfall and downstream samples should be taken immediately after the outfall (when safe to collect the samples). Samples should be collected for each freshwater wadeable stream that is listed as impaired due to sediment, or tributary to a water body that is listed for sediment. Habitat assessment data shall be collected concurrently with all required macroinvertebrate samples. Index Period (Timing of Sample Collection) Macroinvertebrate sampling shall be conducted during the time of year (i.e., the “index period”) most appropriate for bioassessment sampling, depending on ecoregion. This map is posted on the State Water Board’s Website: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/construction.s html Field Methods for Macroinvertebrate Collections In collecting macroinvertebrate samples, the discharger shall use the “Reachwide Benthos (Multi-habitat) Procedure” specified in Standard Operating Procedures for Collecting Benthic Macroinvertebrate Samples and Associated Physical and Chemical Data for Ambient Bioassessments in California (Ode 2007).1 Physical - Habitat Assessment Methods The discharger shall conduct, concurrently with all required macroinvertebrate collections, the “Full” suite of physical habitat characterization measurements as specified in Standard Operating Procedures for Collecting Benthic Macroinvertebrate Samples and Associated Physical and Chemical Data for Ambient Bioassessments in California (Ode 2007), and as summarized in the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program’s Stream Habitat Characterization Form — Full Version. Laboratory Methods Macroinvertebrates shall be identified and classified according to the Standard Taxonomic Effort (STE) Level I of the Southwestern Association of Freshwater Invertebrate Taxonomists (SAFIT),2 and using a fixed-count of 600 organisms per sample. Quality Assurance The discharger or its consultant(s) shall have and follow a quality assurance (QA) plan that covers the required bioassessment monitoring. The QA plan shall include, or be supplemented to include, a specific requirement for external QA checks (i.e., verification of taxonomic identifications and correction of data where 1 This document is available on the Internet at: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/swamp/docs/phab_sopr6.pdf. http://swamp.mpsl.mlml.calstate.edu/wp- content/uploads/2009/04/swamp_sop_bioassessment_collection_020107.pdf. 2 The current SAFIT STEs (28 November 2006) list requirements for both the Level I and Level II taxonomic effort, and are located at: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/swamp/docs/safit/ste_list.pdf http://www.safit.org/Docs/ste_list.pdf. When new editions are published by SAFIT, they will supersede all previous editions. All editions will be posted at the State Water Board’s SWAMP website. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 2 errors are identified). External QA checks shall be performed on one of the discharger’s macroinvertebrate samples collected per calendar year, or ten percent of the samples per year (whichever is greater). QA samples shall be randomly selected. The external QA checks shall be paid for by the discharger, and performed by the California Department of Fish and Game’s Aquatic Bioassessment Laboratory. An alternate laboratory with equivalent or better expertise and performance may be used if approved in writing by State Water Board staff. Sample Preservation and Archiving The original sample material shall be stored in 70 percent ethanol and retained by the discharger until: 1) all QA analyses specified herein and in the relevant QA plan are completed; and 2) any data corrections and/or re-analyses recommended by the external QA laboratory have been implemented. The remaining subsampled material shall be stored in 70 percent ethanol and retained until completeness checks have been performed according to the relevant QA plan. The identified organisms shall be stored in 70 percent ethanol, in separate glass vials for each final ID taxon. (For example, a sample with 45 identified taxa would be archived in a minimum of 45 vials, each containing all individuals of the identified taxon.) Each of the vials containing identified organisms shall be labeled with taxonomic information (i.e., taxon name, organism count) and collection information (i.e., site name/site code, waterbody name, date collected, method of collection). The identified organisms shall be archived (i.e., retained) by the discharger for a period of not less than three years from the date that all QA steps are completed, and shall be checked at least once per year and “topped off” with ethanol to prevent desiccation. The identified organisms shall be relinquished to the State Water Board upon request by any State Water Board staff. Data Submittal The macroinvertebrate results (i.e., taxonomic identifications consistent with the specified SAFIT STEs, and number of organisms within each taxa) shall be submitted to the State Water Board in electronic format. The State Water Board’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) is currently developing standardized formats for reporting bioassessment data. All bioassessment data collected after those formats become available shall be submitted using the SWAMP formats. Until those formats are available, the biological data shall be submitted in MS-Excel (or equivalent) format.3 The physical/habitat data shall be reported using the standard format titled SWAMP Stream Habitat Characterization Form — Full Version.4 3 Any version of Excel, 2000 or later, may be used. 4 Available at: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/docs/reports/fieldforms_fullversion052908.pd f 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 3 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 4 Invasive Species Prevention In conducting the required bioassessment monitoring, the discharger and its consultants shall take precautions to prevent the introduction or spread of aquatic invasive species. At minimum, the discharger and its consultants shall follow the recommendations of the California Department of Fish and Game to minimize the introduction or spread of the New Zealand mudsnail.5 5 Instructions for controlling the spread of NZ mudsnails, including decontamination methods, can be found at: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/invasives/mudsnail/ More information on AIS More information on AIS http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/ais/ APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ September 2, 2009 1Appendix 4 Sediment TMDLs Implemented Sediment TMDLs in California. Construction was listed as a source in all fo these TMDLs in relation to road construction. Although construction was mentioned as a source, it was not given a specific allocation amount. The closest allocation amount would be for the road activity management WLA. Implementation Phase – Adoption process by the Regional Board, the State Water Resources Control Board, the Office of Administrative Law, and the US Environmental Protection Agency completed and TMDL being implemented. A. Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.albionfinaltmdl R Albion River Sedimentation Road Construction 2001 43 acres See A (table 6) B Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.EelR-middle.mainSed.temp R Middle Main Eel River and Tributaries (from Dos Rios to the South Fork) Sedimentation Road Construction 2005-2006 521 mi2 100 C Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.EelRsouth.sed.temp R South Fork Eel River Sedimentation Road Construction 12 1999 See chart 473 D Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.bigfinaltmdl R Big River Sedimentation Road Construction 12 2001 181 mi2 watershed drainage TMDL = loading capacity = nonpoint sources + background = APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ September 2, 2009 2 393 t mi2 yr E Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.EelR-lower.Sed.temp-121807-signed R Lower Eel River Sedimentation Road Construction 12 2007 300 square-mile watershed 898 F Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.EelR-middle.Sed.temp- R Middle Fork Eel River Sedimentation Road Construction 12 2003 753 mi2 (approx. 482,000 acres) 82 G Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres Mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.EelRnorth-Sed.temp.final-121807-signed R North Fork Eel River Sedimentation Road Construction 12 30 2002 289 (180,020 acres) 20 H Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres Mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.EelR-upper.mainSed.temp- R Upper Main Eel River and Tributaries (including Tomki Creek, Outlet Creek and Lake Pillsbury) Sedimentation Road Construction 12 29 2004 688 (approx. 440,384 acres) 14 APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ September 2, 2009 3 I Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.gualalafinaltmdl R Gualala River Sedimentation Road Construction Not sure 300 (191,145 acres) 7 J Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.Mad-sed.turbidity R Mad River Sedimentation Road Construction 12 21 2007 480 174 K Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.mattole.sediment R Mattole River Sedimentation Road Construction 12 30 2003 296 27 or 520+27 = 547 L Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.navarro.sed.temp R Navarro River Sedimentation Road Construction Not sure 315 (201,600 acres). 50 M Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.noyo.sediment R Noyo River Sedimentation Road Construction 12 16 1999 113 (72,323 acres) 68 (three areas measured) Table 16 in the TMDL APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ September 2, 2009 4 N Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.RedwoodCk.sed Cr Redwood Creek Sedimentation Road Construction 12 30 1998 278 1900 Total allocation O Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA – Roads tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.tenmile.sed R Ten Mile River Sedimentation Road Construction 2000 120 9 P Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA management tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.trinity.sed R Trinity River Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 2000 of 3000 covered in this TMDL See rows below 1 Cr Horse Linto Creek Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 64 528 1 Cr Mill creek and Tish Tang Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 39 210 1 Cr Willow Creek Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 43 94 1 Cr Campbell Creek and Supply Creek Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 11 1961 1 Cr Lower Mainstem and Coon Creek Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 32 63 1 R Reference Subwatershed 1 Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 434 24 1 Cr Canyon Creek Sedimentation Road 12 20 2001 64 326 APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ September 2, 2009 51 New River, Big French, Manzanita, North Fork, East Fork, North Fork 2 Dutch, Soldier, Oregon gulch, Conner Creek 3 Big Bar, Prairie Creek, Little French Creek 4 Swede, Italian, Canadian, Cedar Flat, Mill, McDonald, Hennessy, Quimby, Hawkins, Sharber 5 Stuarts Fork, Swift Creek, Coffee Creek 6 Stuart Arm, Stoney Creek, Mule Creek, East Fork, Stuart Fork, West Side Trinity Lake, Hatchet Creek, Buckeye Creek, 7 Upper Trinity River, Tangle Blue, Sunflower, Graves, Bear Upper Trinity Mainstream, Ramshorn Creek, Ripple Creek, Minnehaha Creek, Snowslide Gulch, Scorpion Creek 8 East Fork Trinity, Cedar Creek, Squirrel Gulch Construction 1 R Upper Tributaries2 Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 72 67 1 R Middle Tributaries3 Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 54 53 1 R Lower Tributaries4 Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 96 55 1 Cr Weaver and Rush Creeks Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 72 169 1 Cr Deadwood Creek Hoadley Gulch Poker Bar Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 47 68 1 L Lewiston Lake Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 25 49 1 Cr Grassvalley Creek Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 37 44 1 Cr Indian Creek Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 34 81 1 Cr Reading and Browns Creek Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 104 66 1 Cr Reference Subwatersheds5 Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 235 281 1 L, Cr Westside tributaries6 Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 93 105 1 R, Cr, G Upper trinity7 Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 161 690 1 R, Cr, G East Fork Tributaries8Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 115 65 1 R, L Eastside Tributaries9 Sedimentation Road Construction 12 20 2001 89 60 APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ September 2, 2009 69 East Side Tributaries, Trinity Lake Q Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.trinity.so.sed R, Cr South Fork Trinity River and Hayfork Creek Sedimentation Road Construction 12 1998 Not given, 19 miles long 33 (road total) R Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 1 R1.epa.vanduzen.sed R, Cr Van Duzen River and Yager Creek Sedimentation Various 12 16 1999 429 1353 total allocation 1 Upper Basin Sedimentation Road Construction 7 1 Middle Basin Sedimentation Road Construction 22 1 Lower Basin Sedimentation Road Construction 20 S Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 6 R6.blackwood.sed Cr Blackwood Creek (Placer County) Bedded Sediment Various 9 2007 11 17272 total T Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Acres mi2 WLA tons mi2 yr 6 R6.SquawCk.sed R Squaw Creek (Placer County) Sedimentation /controllable sources Various – basin plan amendment 4 13 2006 8.2 10,900 APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ September 2, 2009 7 Adopted TMDLs for Construction Sediment Sources Region Type Name Pollutant Stressor Potential Sources TMDL Completion Date Watershed Area mi2 Waste load Allocation tons mi2 yr 8 R Newport Bay San Diego Creek Watershed Sedimentation Construction Land Development 1999 2.24 (1432 acres) 125,000 tons per Year (no more than 13,000 tons per year from construction sites) APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 1 September 2, 2009 Appendix 4 Non Sediment TMDLs Region 1 Lost River-DIN and CBOD Pollutant Stressors/WLA Region 1 Source: Cal Trans Construction TMDL Completion Date: 12 30 2008 TMDL Type: River, Lake Watershed Area= 2996 mi2 Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) (metric tons/yr) Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) (metric tons/yr) Lost River from the Oregon border to Tule Lake .1 .2 Tule Lake Refuge .1 .2 Lower Klamath Refuge .1 .2 Region 2 San Francisco Bay-Mercury Name Pollutant Stressor/WLA TMDL Completion Date Region 2 Source:Non-Urban Stormwater Runoff TMDL Type: Bay San Francisco Bay Mercury 25 kg/year 08 09 2006 APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 2 September 2, 2009 Region 4 Machado Lake Nutrients - Resolution No. 2008-006 (Effective Date - March 11, 2009) 1 The compliance points for effective date interim WLAs are measured in the lake. 2 No compliance points are specified for general construction stormwater permits for the year 5 interim WLAs and final WLAs Region 4 Ballona Creek-Metals and Selenium – Resolution No. 2007-015 (Effective Date October 29, 2008) Wet Weather WLAs Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb) Selenium (Se) Zinc (Zn) Region 4 Source: NPDES General Construction TMDL Completion Date: 10 29 2008 TMDL Type: Creek g/day g/day/acre g/day g/day/acre g/day g/day/acre g/day g/day/acre Ballona Creek 4.94E-07 x Daily storm volume (L) 2.20E-10 x Daily storm volume (L) 1.62E-06 x Daily storm volume (L) 7.20E-10 x Daily storm volume (L) 1.37E-07 x Daily storm volume (L) 6.10E-11 x Daily storm volume (L) 3.27E-06 x Daily storm volume (L) 1.45E-09 x Daily storm volume (L) General Construction Stormwater Permit WLAs Years After Effective Date Total Phosphorus (mg/L) Total Nitrogen (TKN + NO3-N + NO2-N) (mg/L) Interim WLAs1 At Effective Date 1.25 3.50 Interim WLAs2 5 years 1.25 2.45 Final WLAs2 9.5 years 0.10 1.00 APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 3 September 2, 2009 Wet-weather WLA Implementation • Within seven years of the effective date of the TMDL, the construction industry will submit the results of BMP effectiveness studies to determine BMPs that will achieve compliance with the final waste load allocations assigned to construction storm water permittees. • Regional Board staff will bring the recommended BMPs before the Regional Board for consideration within eight years of the effective date of the TMDL. • General construction storm water permittees will be considered in compliance with final waste load allocations if they implement these Regional Board approved BMPs. All permittees must implement the approved BMPs within nine years of the effective date of the TMDL. If no effectiveness studies are conducted and no BMPs are approved by the Regional Board within eight years of the effective date of the TMDL, each general construction storm water permit holder will be subject to site-specific BMPs and monitoring requirements to demonstrate compliance with final waste load allocations. Dry-weather WLAs A waste load allocation of zero is assigned to all general construction storm water permits during dry weather. Dry-weather WLA Implementation Non-storm water flows authorized by the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (Water Quality Order No. 99-08 DWQ), or any successor order, are exempt from the dry-weather waste load allocation equal to zero as long as they comply with the provisions of sections C.3 and A.9 of the Order No. 99-08 DWQ, which state that these authorized non-storm discharges shall be: (1) infeasible to eliminate (2) comply with BMPs as described in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan prepared by the permittee, and (3) not cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards, or comparable provisions in any successor order. Unauthorized non-storm water flows are already prohibited by Order No. 99-08 DWQ. APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 4 September 2, 2009 Region 4 Los Angeles River and Tributaries-Metals– Resolution No. 2007-014 (Effective Date October 29, 2008) Wet Weather WLAs Cadmium (Cd) Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb) Zinc (Zn) kg/day g/day/acre kg/day g/day/acre kg/day g/day/acre kg/day g/day/acre 5.9x10-11 x Daily storm volume (L) 7.6x10-12 x Daily storm volume (L) 3.2x10-10 x Daily storm volume (L) 4.2x10-11 x Daily storm volume (L) 1.2x10-9 x Daily storm volume (L) 1.5x10-10 x Daily storm volume (L) 3.01x10-9 x Daily storm volume (L) 3.9x10-10 x Daily storm volume (L) Wet-weather WLA Implementation • Within seven years of the effective date of the TMDL, the construction industry will submit the results of BMP effectiveness studies to determine BMPs that will achieve compliance with the final waste load allocations assigned to construction storm water permittees. • Regional Board staff will bring the recommended BMPs before the Regional Board for consideration within eight years of the effective date of the TMDL. • General construction storm water permittees will be considered in compliance with final waste load allocations if they implement these Regional Board approved BMPs. All permittees must implement the approved BMPs within nine years of the effective date of the TMDL. If no effectiveness studies are conducted and no BMPs are approved by the Regional Board within eight years of the effective date of the TMDL, each general construction storm water permit holder will be subject to site-specific BMPs and monitoring requirements to demonstrate compliance with final waste load allocations. Dry-weather WLAs A waste load allocation of zero is assigned to all general construction storm water permits during dry weather. Dry-weather WLA Implementation Non-storm water flows authorized by the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (Water Quality Order No. 99-08 DWQ), or any successor order, are exempt from the dry-weather waste load allocation equal to zero as APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 5 September 2, 2009 long as they comply with the provisions of sections C.3 and A.9 of the Order No. 99-08 DWQ, which state that these authorized non-storm discharges shall be: (1) infeasible to eliminate (2) comply with BMPs as described in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan prepared by the permittee, and (3) not cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards, or comparable provisions in any successor order. Unauthorized non-storm water flows are already prohibited by Order No. 99-08 DWQ. Region 4 Calleguas Creek Metals TMDL – Resolution No. 2006-012 (Effective Date - March 26, 2007) Interim Limits and Final WLAs for Total Recoverable Copper, Nickel, and Selenium Interim limits and waste load allocations are applied to receiving water. A. Interim Limits Dry CMC (ug/L)Dry CCC (ug/L)Wet CMC (ug/L)Dry CMC (ug/L)Dry CCC (ug/L)Wet CMC (ug/L)Copper*23 19 204 23 19 204Nickel15 13 (a) 15 13 (a)Selenium(b) (b) (b) 14 13 (a)Calleguas and Conejo CreekRevolon SloughConstituents (a) The current loads do not exceed the TMDL under wet conditions; interim limits are not required. (b) Selenium allocations have not been developed for this reach as it is not on the 303(d) list. (c) Attainment of interim limits will be evaluated in consideration of background loading data, if available. B. Final WLAs for Total Recoverable Copper, Nickel, and Selenium Dry-Weather WLAs in Water Column APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 6 September 2, 2009 Low FlowAverage FlowElevated Flow Low FlowAverage FlowElevated Flow Copper1 (lbs/day)0.04*WER -0.020.12*WER -0.020.18*WER -0.030.03*WER - 0.010.06*WER - 0.030.13*WER -0.02Nickel (lbs/day) 0.100 0.120 0.440 0.050 0.069 0.116Selenium (lbs/day)(a) (a) (a) 0.004 0.003 0.004Flow RangeCalleguas and Conejo CreekRevolon Slough 1 If site-specific WERs are approved by the Regional Board, TMDL waste load allocations shall be implemented in accordance with the approved WERs using the equations set forth above. Regardless of the final WERs, total copper loading shall not exceed current loading. (a) Selenium allocations have not been developed for this reach as it is not on the 303(d) list. Wet-Weather WLAs in Water Column ConstituentCalleguas CreekRevolon SloughCopper1 (lbs/day)(0.00054*Q^2*0.032*Q - 0.17)*WER - 0.06(0.0002*Q2+0.0005*Q)*WERNickel2 (lbs/day)0.014*Q^2+0.82*Q0.027*Q^2+0.47*QSelenium2 (lbs/day)(a)0.027*Q^2+0.47*Q 1 If site-specific WERs are approved by the Regional Board, TMDL waste load allocations shall be implemented in accordance with the approved WERs using the equations set forth above. Regardless of the final WERs, total copper loading shall not exceed current loading. 2 Current loads do not exceed loading capacity during wet weather. Sum of all loads cannot exceed loads presented in the table (a) Selenium allocations have not been developed for this reach as it is not on the 303(d) list. Q: Daily storm volume. Interim Limits and Final WLAs for Mercury in Suspended Sediment APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 7 September 2, 2009 Interim (lbs/yr)Final (lbs/yr)Interim (lbs/yr)Final (lbs/yr)0-15,000 MGY3.3 0.4 1.7 0.115,000-25,000 MGY10.5 1.6 4 0.7Above 25,000 MGY64.6 9.3 10.2 1.8Calleguas Creek Revolon SloughFlow Range MGY: million gallons per year. In accordance with current practice, a group concentration-based WLA has been developed for all permitted stormwater discharges, including municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s), Caltrans, general industrial and construction stormwater permits, and Naval Air Weapons Station Point Mugu. Dischargers will have a required 25%, 50% and 100% reduction in the difference between the current loadings and the load allocations at 5, 10 and 15 years after the effective date, respectively. Achievement of required reductions will be evaluated based on progress towards BMP implementation as outlined in the urban water quality management plans (UWQMPs). If the interim reductions are not met, the dischargers will submit a report to the Executive Officer detailing why the reductions were not met and the steps that will be taken to meet the required reductions. Region 4 Calleguas Creek-OC Pesticides, PCBs, and Siltation (Resolution 2005-010) Effective Date - March 24, 2006 Interim Requirements Pollutant Stressor WLA Daily Max (µg/L) WLA Monthly Ave (µg/L) Chlordane 1.2 0.59 4,4-DDD 1.7 0.84 4,4-DDE 1.2 0.59 4,4-DDT 1.2 0.59 Dieldrin 0.28 0.14 PCB’s 0.34 0.17 Region 4 Calleguas Creek Source: Minor NPDES point sources/WDRsTMDL Completion Date: 3 24 2006 TMDL Type:Creek Toxaphene 0.33 0.16 APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 8 September 2, 2009 Region 4 Calleguas Creek-Calleguas Creek Toxicicity (Resolution 2005-009) Effective Date - March 24, 2006 Minor sources include NPDES permittees other than POTWs and MS4s, discharging to the Calleguas Creek Watershed. A wasteload of 1.0 TUc is allocated to the minor point sources discharging to the Calleguas Creek Watershed. Additionally, the following wasteloads for chlorpyrifos and diazinon are established. Final WLAs apply as of March 24, 2006. Chlorpyrifos WLAs, ug/L Final WLA (4 day) 0.014 Diazinon WLAs, ug/L Final WLA Acute and Chronic 0.10 Region 4 Calleguas Creek-Salts (Resolution 2007-016) Effective Date – December 2, 2008 Final Dry Weather Pollutant WLA (mg/L) Region 4 Calleaguas Creek Source Permitted Stormwater Dischargers TMDL Completion Date: 12 2 2008 TMDL Type:Creek Critical Condition Flow Rate (mgd) Chloride (lb/day) TDS (lb/day) Sulfate (lb/day) Boron (lb/day) Simi 1.39 1738 9849 2897 12 Las Posas 0.13 157 887 261 N/A Conejo 1.26 1576 8931 2627 N/A Camarillo 0.06 72 406 119 N/A Pleasant Valley (Calleguas) 0.12 150 850 250 N/A Pleasant Valley (Revolon) 0.25 314 1778 523 2 Dry Weather Interim Pollutant WLA (mg/L) Chloride (mg/L) TDS (mg/L) Sulfate (mg/L) Boron (mg/L) APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 9 September 2, 2009 Simi 230.0 1720.0 1289.0 1.3 Las Posas 230 1720 1289 1.3 Conejo 230 1720 1289 1.3 Camarillo 230 1720 1289 1.3 Pleasant Valley (Calleguas) 230 1720 1289 1.3 Pleasant Valley (Revolon) 230 1720 1289 1.3 • Dry- weather waste load allocations apply in the receiving water at the base of each subwatershed. Dry weather allocations apply when instream flow rates are below the 86th percentile flow and there has been no measurable precipitation in the previous 24 hours. • Because wet weather flows transport a large mass of salts at low concentrations, these dischargers meet water quality objectives during wet weather. No wet weather allocations are assigned. Ballona Creek Toxic Pollutants (Resolution No. 2005-008) Effective Date - January 11, 2006 Each storm water permittee enrolled under the general construction or industrial storm water permits will receive an individual waste load allocation on a per acre basis, based on the acreage of their facility. Metals per Acre WLAs for Individual General Construction or Industrial Storm Water Permittees (g/yr/ac) Cadmium Copper Lead Silver Zinc 0.1 3 4 0.1 13 Organics per Acre WLAs for Individual General Construction or Industrial Storm Water Permittees (mg/yr/ac) Chlordane DDTs Total PCBs Total PAHs 0.04 0.14 2 350 Waste load allocations will be incorporated into the State Board general permit upon renewal or into a watershed spec ific general construction storm water permit developed by the Regional Board. Within seven years of the effective date of the TMDL, the construction industry will submit the results of BMP effectiveness studies to determine BMPs that will achieve compliance with the waste load allocations assigned to construction storm water permittees. Regional Board staff will bring the recommended BMPs before the Regional Board for consideration within eight years of the APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 10 September 2, 2009 effective date of the TMDL. General construction storm water permittees will be considered in compliance with waste load allocations if they implement these Regional Board approved BMPs. All general construction permittees must implement the approved BMPs within nine years of the effective date of the TMDL. If no effectiveness studies are conducted and no BMPs are approved by the Regional Board within eight years of the effective date of the TMDL, each general construction storm water permit holder will be subject to site-specific BMPs and monitoring requirements to demonstrate compliance with waste load allocations. Region 4 Marina Del Rey Harbor Toxic Pollutants TMDL (Resolution No. 2005-012) Effective Date March 22, 2006 Each storm water permittee enrolled under the general construction or industrial storm water permits will receive an individual waste load allocation on a per acre basis, based on the acreage of their facility. Metals per Acre WLAs for Individual General Construction or Industrial Storm Water Permittees (g/yr/ac) Copper Lead Zinc 2.3 3.1 10 Organics per acre WLAs for Individual General Construction or Industrial Storm Water Permittees (mg/yr/ac) Chlordane Total PCBs 0.03 1.5 Waste load allocations will be incorporated into the State Board general permit upon renewal or into a watershed spec ific general construction storm water permit developed by the Regional Board. Within seven years of the effective date of the TMDL, the construction industry will submit the results of BMP effectiveness studies to determine BMPs that will achieve compliance with the waste load allocations assigned to construction storm water permittees. Regional Board staff will bring the recommended BMPs before the Regional Board for consideration within eight years of the effective date of the TMDL. General construction storm water permittees will be considered in compliance with waste load allocations if they implement these Regional Board approved BMPs. All general construction permittees must implement the approved BMPs within nine years of the effective date of the TMDL. If no effectiveness studies are conducted and no BMPs are approved by the Regional Board within eight years of the effective date of APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 11 September 2, 2009 the TMDL, each general construction storm water permit holder will be subject to site-specific BMPs and monitoring requirements to demonstrate compliance with waste load allocations. Region 4 San Gabriel River and Tributaries-Metals and Selenium (EPA-established TMDL – Effective date: 3/26/07) Wet-weather allocations Waterbody Copper Lead Zinc San Gabriel River Reach 2* 0.8 kg/d Coyote Creek** 0.513 kg/d 2.07 kg/d 3.0 kg/d *Mass-based allocations are based on a flow of 260 cfs (daily storm volume = 6.4 x108 liters) **Mass-based allocations are based on a flow of 156 cfs (daily storm volume = 3.8 x108 liters) Dry-weather allocations The dry-weather copper waste load allocation for general construction storm water permittees that discharge to San Gabriel Reach 1, Coyote Creek, and the Estuary is zero. The dry-weather selenium allocation for general construction storm water permittees that discharge to San Jose Creek Reach 1 and Reach 2 is 5 µg/L (total recoverable metals). Region 4 Upper Santa Clara River Chloride TMDL Adopted by Resolution No 2006-016 Effective Date June 12, 2008 “Other NPDES dischargers” have a chloride WLA equal to 100 mg/L. This TMDL was revised by Resolution No 2008-012, which, when it becomes effective, includes the following conditional WLAs for “Other minor NPDES discharges”: APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 12 September 2, 2009 Reach Concentration-based Conditional WLA for Chloride (mg/L)* 6 150 (12-month Average), 230 (Daily Maximum) 5 150 (12-month Average), 230 (Daily Maximum) 4B 117 (3-month Average), 230 (Daily Maximum) *The conditional WLAs for chloride for all point sources shall apply only when chloride load reductions and/or chloride export projects are in operation by the Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District according to the implementation plan for the TMDL. If these conditions are not met, WLAs shall be based on existing water quality objectives for chloride of 100 mg/L. Region 4 The Harbor Beaches of Ventura County-Bacteria (Adopted by Resolution No. 2007-017) Effective Date – December 18, 2008 Current and future enrollees in the Statewide Construction Activity Storm Water General Permit in the Channel Islands Harbor subwatershed are assigned WLAs of zero (0) days of allowable exceedances of the single sample limits and the rolling 30-day geometric mean limits. Single Sample Limits are: a. Total coliform density shall not exceed 10,000/100 ml. b. Fecal coliform density shall not exceed 400/100 ml. c. Enterococcus density shall not exceed 104/100 ml. d. Total coliform density shall not exceed 1,000/100 ml, if the ratio of fecal-to-total coliform exceeds 0.1. Rolling 30-day Geometric Mean Limits are: a. Total coliform density shall not exceed 1,000/100 ml. b. Fecal coliform density shall not exceed 200/100 ml. c. Enterococcus density shall not exceed 35/100 ml. APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 13 September 2, 2009 Los Angeles Harbor Bacteria TMDL (Adopted by Resolution No. 2004-001) Effective Date – March 10, 2005 Current and future enrollees in the Statewide Construction Activity Storm Water General Permit in the watershed are assigned WLAs of zero (0) days of allowable exceedances of the single sample limits and the rolling 30-day geometric mean. Single Sample Limits are: a. Total coliform density shall not exceed 10,000/100 ml. b. Fecal coliform density shall not exceed 400/100 ml. c. Enterococcus density shall not exceed 104/100 ml. d. Total coliform density shall not exceed 1,000/100 ml, if the ratio of fecal-to-total coliform exceeds 0.1. Rolling 30-day Geometric Mean Limits are: a. Total coliform density shall not exceed 1,000/100 ml. b. Fecal coliform density shall not exceed 200/100 ml. c. Enterococcus density shall not exceed 35/100 ml. Ballona Creek Bacteria TMDL (Adopted by Resolution No. 2006-011) Effective Date – April 27, 2007 Current and future enrollees in the Statewide Construction Activity Storm Water General Permit in the watershed are assigned WLAs of zero (0) days of allowable exceedances of the single sample limits and the rolling 30-day geometric mean. Single Sample Limits are: a. Total coliform density shall not exceed 10,000/100 ml. b. Fecal coliform density shall not exceed 400/100 ml. c. Enterococcus density shall not exceed 104/100 ml. d. Total coliform density shall not exceed 1,000/100 ml, if the ratio of fecal-to-total coliform exceeds 0.1. Rolling 30-day Geometric Mean Limits are: a. Total coliform density shall not exceed 1,000/100 ml. b. Fecal coliform density shall not exceed 200/100 ml. c. Enterococcus density shall not exceed 35/100 ml. APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 14 September 2, 2009 Region 4 Resolution No. 03-009 Los Angeles River and Tributaries-Nutrients Minor Point Sources Waste loads are allocated to minor point sources enrolled under NPDES or WDR permits including but not limited to Tapia WRP, Whittier Narrows WRP, Los Angeles Zoo WRP, industrial and construction stormwater, and municipal storm water and urban runoff from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) Malibu Creek Attachment A to Resolution No. 2004-019R-Bacteria Effective date: 1 24 2006. The WLAs for permittees under the NPDES General Stormwater Construction Permit are zero (0) days of allowable exceedances for the single sample limits and the rolling 30-day geometric mean. Single Sample Limits are: a. Total coliform density shall not exceed 10,000/100 ml. b. Fecal coliform density shall not exceed 400/100 ml. c. Enterococcus density shall not exceed 104/100 ml. d. Total coliform density shall not exceed 1,000/100 ml, if the ratio of fecal-to-total coliform exceeds 0.1. Rolling 30-day Geometric Mean Limits are: a. Total coliform density shall not exceed 1,000/100 ml. b. Fecal coliform density shall not exceed 200/100 ml. c. Enterococcus density shall not exceed 35/100 ml. Pollutant Stressor/WLA Total Ammonia (NH3) Nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) Nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N) NO3-N + NO3-N Region 4 Minor Point Sources for NPDES/WDR Permits TMDL Effective Date: 3 23 2004 TMDL Type: River 1 Hr Ave mg/l 30 Day Ave mg/l 30 Day Ave mg/l 30 Day Ave mg/l LA River Above Los Angeles-Glendale WRP (LAG) 4.7 1.6 8.0 1.0 8.0 LA River Below LAG 8.7 2.4 8.0 1.0 8.0 Los Angeles Tributaries 10.1 2.3 8.0 1.0 8.0 APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 15 September 2, 2009 Region 4 Marina del Rey Harbor, Mothers’ Beach and Back Basins Attachment A to Resolution No. 2003-012-Bacteria Effective date: 3 18 2004. Discharges from general construction storm water permits are not expected to be a significant source of bacteria. Therefore, the WLAs for these discharges are zero (0) days of allowable exceedances for the single sample limits and the rolling 30-day geometric mean. Any future enrollees under a general NPDES permit, general industrial storm water permit or general construction storm water permit within the MdR Watershed will also be subject to a WLA of zero days of allowable exceedances. Single Sample Limits are: a. Total coliform density shall not exceed 10,000/100 ml. b. Fecal coliform density shall not exceed 400/100 ml. c. Enterococcus density shall not exceed 104/100 ml. d. Total coliform density shall not exceed 1,000/100 ml, if the ratio of fecal-to-total coliform exceeds 0.1. Rolling 30-day Geometric Mean Limits are: a. Total coliform density shall not exceed 1,000/100 ml. b. Fecal coliform density shall not exceed 200/100 ml. c. Enterococcus density shall not exceed 35/100 ml. Santa Clara River Nutrients TMDL (Adopted by Resolution No. 2003-011 Effective Date - March 23, 2004 Concentration-based wasteloads are allocated to municipal, industrial and construction stormwater sources regulated under NPDES permits. For stormwater permittees discharging into Reach 7, the thirty-day WLA for ammonia as nitrogen is 1.75 mg/L and the one-hour WLA for ammonia as nitrogen is 5.2 mg/L; the thirty-day average WLA for nitrate plus nitrite as nitrogen is 6.8 mg/L. For stormwater permittees discharging into Reach 3, the thirty-day WLA for ammonia as nitrogen is 2.0 mg/L and the one-hour WLA for ammonia as nitrogen is 4.2 mg/L; the thirty-day average WLA for nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen is 8.1 mg/L. APPENDIX 4 2009-0009-DWQ 16 September 2, 2009 Region 8 RESOLUTION NO. R8-2007- 0024 Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for San Diego Creek, Upper and Lower Newport Bay, Orange County, California *Red= Informational WLA only, not for enforcement purposes Organochlorine Compounds TMDLs Implementation Tasks and Schedule Regional Board staff shall develop a SWPPP Improvement Program that identifies the Regional Board’s expectations with respect to the content of SWPPPs, including documentation regarding the selection and implementation of BMPs, and a sampling and analysis plan. The Improvement Program shall include specific guidance regarding the development and implementation of monitoring plans, including the constituents to be monitored, sampling frequency and analytical protocols. The SWPPP Improvement Program shall be completed by (the date of OAL approval of this BPA). No later than two months from completion of the Improvement Program, Board staff shall assure that the requirements of the Program are communicated to interested parties, including dischargers with existing authorizations under the General Construction Permit. Existing, authorized dischargers shall revise their project SWPPPs as needed to address the Program requirements as soon as possible but no later than (three months of completion of the SWPPP Improvement Program). Applicable SWPPPs that do not adequately address the Program requirements shall be considered inadequate and enforcement by the Regional Board shall proceed accordingly. The Caltrans and Orange County MS4 permits shall be revised as needed to assure that the permittees communicate the Regional Board’s SWPPP expectations, based on the SWPPP Improvement Program, with the Standard Conditions of Approval. Organochlorine Compounds Total DDT Chlordane Total PCBs Toxaphene Region 8 NPDES Construction Permit TMDL Completion Date: 1 24 1995 TMDL Type: River. Cr, Bay g/day g/yr g/day g/yr g/day g/yr g/day g/yr San Diego Creek .27 99.8 .18* 64.3* .09* 31.5* .004 1.5 Upper Newport Bay .11 40.3 .06 23.4 .06 23.2 X X Lower Newport Bay .04 14.9 .02 8.6 .17 60.7 X X APPENDIX 5 APPENDIX 5: Glossary Active Areas of Construction All areas subject to land surface disturbance activities related to the project including, but not limited to, project staging areas, immediate access areas and storage areas. All previously active areas are still considered active areas until final stabilization is complete. [The construction activity Phases used in this General Permit are the Preliminary Phase, Grading and Land Development Phase, Streets and Utilities Phase, and the Vertical Construction Phase.] Active Treatment System (ATS) A treatment system that employs chemical coagulation, chemical flocculation, or electrocoagulation to aid in the reduction of turbidity caused by fine suspended sediment. Acute Toxicity Test A chemical stimulus severe enough to rapidly induce a negative effect; in aquatic toxicity tests, an effect observed within 96 hours or less is considered acute. Air Deposition Airborne particulates from construction activities. Approved Signatory A person who has been authorized by the Legally Responsible Person to sign, certify, and electronically submit Permit Registration Documents, Notices of Termination, and any other documents, reports, or information required by the General Permit, the State or Regional Water Board, or U.S. EPA. The Approved Signatory must be one of the following: 1. For a corporation or limited liability company: a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this section, a responsible corporate officer means: (a) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation or limited liability company; or (b) the manager of the facility if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures; 2. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; 3. For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency: a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, city manager, council president, or any other authorized public employee with managerial responsibility over the 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 APPENDIX 5 construction or land disturbance project (including, but not limited to, project manager, project superintendent, or resident engineer); 4. For the military: any military officer or Department of Defense civilian, acting in an equivalent capacity to a military officer, who has been designated; 5. For a public university: an authorized university official; 6. For an individual: the individual, because the individual acts as both the Legally Responsible Person and the Approved Signatory; or 7. For any type of entity not listed above (e.g. trusts, estates, receivers): an authorized person with managerial authority over the construction or land disturbance project. Beneficial Uses As defined in the California Water Code, beneficial uses of the waters of the state that may be protected against quality degradation include, but are not limited to, domestic, municipal, agricultural and industrial supply; power generation; recreation; aesthetic enjoyment; navigation; and preservation and enhancement of fish, wildlife, and other aquatic resources or preserves. Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) As defined by USEPA, BAT is a technology-based standard established by the Clean Water Act (CWA) as the most appropriate means available on a national basis for controlling the direct discharge of toxic and nonconventional pollutants to navigable waters. The BAT effluent limitations guidelines, in general, represent the best existing performance of treatment technologies that are economically achievable within an industrial point source category or subcategory. Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) As defined by USEPA, BCT is a technology-based standard for the discharge from existing industrial point sources of conventional pollutants including biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended sediment (TSS), fecal coliform, pH, oil and grease. Best Professional Judgment (BPJ) The method used by permit writers to develop technology-based NPDES permit conditions on a case-by-case basis using all reasonably available and relevant data. Best Management Practices (BMPs) BMPs are scheduling of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 2 APPENDIX 5 and practices to control site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. Chain of Custody (COC) Form used to track sample handling as samples progress from sample collection to the analytical laboratory. The COC is then used to track the resulting analytical data from the laboratory to the client. COC forms can be obtained from an analytical laboratory upon request. Coagulation The clumping of particles in a discharge to settle out impurities, often induced by chemicals such as lime, alum, and iron salts. Common Plan of Development Generally a contiguous area where multiple, distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times under one plan. A plan is generally defined as any piece of documentation or physical demarcation that indicates that construction activities may occur on a common plot. Such documentation could consist of a tract map, parcel map, demolition plans, grading plans or contract documents. Any of these documents could delineate the boundaries of a common plan area. However, broad planning documents, such as land use master plans, conceptual master plans, or broad-based CEQA or NEPA documents that identify potential projects for an agency or facility are not considered common plans of development. Daily Average Discharge The discharge of a pollutant measured during any 24-hour period that reasonably represents a calendar day for purposes of sampling. For pollutants with limitations expressed in units of mass, the daily discharge is calculated as the total mass of the pollutant discharged during the day. For pollutants with limitations expressed in other units of measurement (e.g., concentration) the daily discharge is calculated as the average measurement of the pollutant throughout the day (40 CFR 122.2). In the case of pH, the pH must first be converted from a log scale. Debris Litter, rubble, discarded refuse, and remains of destroyed inorganic anthropogenic waste. Direct Discharge A discharge that is routed directly to waters of the United States by means of a pipe, channel, or ditch (including a municipal storm sewer system), or through surface runoff. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 3 APPENDIX 5 Discharger The Legally Responsible Person (see definition) or entity subject to this General Permit. Dose Rate (for ATS) In exposure assessment, dose (e.g. of a chemical) per time unit (e.g. mg/day), sometimes also called dosage. Drainage Area The area of land that drains water, sediment, pollutants, and dissolved materials to a common outlet. Effluent Any discharge of water by a discharger either to the receiving water or beyond the property boundary controlled by the discharger. Effluent Limitation Any numeric or narrative restriction imposed on quantities, discharge rates, and concentrations of pollutants which are discharged from point sources into waters of the United States, the waters of the contiguous zone, or the ocean. Erosion The process, by which soil particles are detached and transported by the actions of wind, water, or gravity. Erosion Control BMPs Vegetation, such as grasses and wildflowers, and other materials, such as straw, fiber, stabilizing emulsion, protective blankets, etc., placed to stabilize areas of disturbed soils, reduce loss of soil due to the action of water or wind, and prevent water pollution. Field Measurements Testing procedures performed in the field with portable field-testing kits or meters. Final Stabilization All soil disturbing activities at each individual parcel within the site have been completed in a manner consistent with the requirements in this General Permit. First Order Stream Stream with no tributaries. Flocculants Substances that interact with suspended particles and bind them together to form flocs. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 4 APPENDIX 5 Good Housekeeping BMPs BMPs designed to reduce or eliminate the addition of pollutants to construction site runoff through analysis of pollutant sources, implementation of proper handling/disposal practices, employee education, and other actions. Grading Phase (part of the Grading and Land Development Phase) Includes reconfiguring the topography and slope including; alluvium removals; canyon cleanouts; rock undercuts; keyway excavations; land form grading; and stockpiling of select material for capping operations. Hydromodification Hydromodification is the alteration of the hydrologic characteristics of coastal and non-coastal waters, which in turn could cause degradation of water resources. Hydromodification can cause excessive erosion and/or sedimentation rates, causing excessive turbidity, channel aggradation and/or degradation. Identified Organisms Organisms within a sub-sample that is specifically identified and counted. Inactive Areas of Construction Areas of construction activity that are not active and those that have been active and are not scheduled to be re-disturbed for at least 14 days. Index Period The period of time during which bioassessment samples must be collected to produce results suitable for assessing the biological integrity of streams and rivers. Instream communities naturally vary over the course of a year,and sampling during the index period ensures that samples are collected during a time frame when communities are stable so that year-to-year consistency is obtained. The index period approach provides a cost-effective alternative to year- round sampling. Furthermore, sampling within the appropriate index period will yield results that are comparable to the assessment thresholds or criteria for a given region, which are established for the same index period. Because index periods differ for different parts of the state, it is essential to know the index period for your area. K Factor The soil erodibility factor used in the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). It represents the combination of detachability of the soil, runoff potential of the soil, and the transportability of the sediment eroded from the soil. Legally Responsible Person The Legally Responsible Person (LRP) will typically be the project proponent. The categories of persons or entities that are eligible to serve as the LRP are set forth below. For any construction or land disturbance project where multiple persons or entities are eligible to serve as the LRP, those persons or entities 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 5 APPENDIX 5 shall select a single LRP. In exceptional circumstances, a person or entity that qualifies as the LRP may provide written authorization to another person or entity to serve as the LRP. In such a circumstance, the person or entity that provides the authorization retains all responsibility for compliance with the General Permit. Except as provided in category 2(d), a contractor who does not satisfy the requirements of any of the categories below is not qualified to be an LRP. The following persons or entities may serve as an LRP: 1. A person, company, agency, or other entity that possesses a real property interest (including, but not limited to, fee simple ownership, easement, leasehold, or other rights of way) in the land upon which the construction or land disturbance activities will occur for the regulated site. 2. In addition to the above, the following persons or entities may also serve as an LRP: a. For linear underground/overhead projects, the utility company, municipality, or other public or private company or agency that owns or operates the LUP; b. For land controlled by an estate or similar entity, the person who has day- to-day control over the land (including, but not limited to, a bankruptcy trustee, receiver, or conservator); c. For pollution investigation and remediation projects, any potentially responsible party that has received permission to conduct the project from the holder of a real property interest in the land; or d. For U.S. Army Corp of Engineers projects, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may provide written authorization to its bonded contractor to serve as the LRP, provided, however, that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is also responsible for compliance with the general permit, as authorized by the Clean Water Act or the Federal Facilities Compliance Act. Likely Precipitation Event Any weather pattern that is forecasted to have a 50% or greater chance of producing precipitation in the project area. The discharger shall obtain likely precipitation forecast information from the National Weather Service Forecast Office (e.g., by entering the zip code of the project’s location at http://www.srh.noaa.gov/forecast). Maximum Allowable Threshold Concentration (MATC) The allowable concentration of residual, or dissolved, coagulant/flocculant in effluent. The MATC shall be coagulant/flocculant-specific, and based on toxicity 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 6 APPENDIX 5 testing conducted by an independent, third-party laboratory. A typical MATC would be: The MATC is equal to the geometric mean of the NOEC (No Observed Effect Concentration) and LOEC (Lowest Observed Effect Concentration) Acute and Chronic toxicity results for most sensitive species determined for the specific coagulant. The most sensitive species test shall be used to determine the MATC. Natural Channel Evolution The physical trend in channel adjustments following a disturbance that causes the river to have more energy and degrade or aggrade more sediment. Channels have been observed to pass through 5 to 9 evolution types. Once they pass though the suite of evolution stages, they will rest in a new state of equilibrium. Non-Storm Water Discharges Discharges are discharges that do not originate from precipitation events. They can include, but are not limited to, discharges of process water, air conditioner condensate, non-contact cooling water, vehicle wash water, sanitary wastes, concrete washout water, paint wash water, irrigation water, or pipe testing water. Non-Visible Pollutants Pollutants associated with a specific site or activity that can have a negative impact on water quality, but cannot be seen though observation (ex: chlorine). Such pollutants being discharged are not authorized. Numeric Action Level (NAL) Level is used as a warning to evaluate if best management practices are effective and take necessary corrective actions. Not an effluent limit. Original Sample Material The material (i.e., macroinvertebrates, organic material, gravel, etc.) remaining after the subsample has been removed for identification. pH Unit universally used to express the intensity of the acid or alkaline condition of a water sample. The pH of natural waters tends to range between 6 and 9, with neutral being 7. Extremes of pH can have deleterious effects on aquatic systems. Post-Construction BMPs Structural and non-structural controls which detain, retain, or filter the release of pollutants to receiving waters after final stabilization is attained. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 7 APPENDIX 5 Preliminary Phase (Pre-Construction Phase - Part of the Grading and Land Development Phase) Construction stage including rough grading and/or disking, clearing and grubbing operations, or any soil disturbance prior to mass grading. Project Qualified SWPPP Developer Individual who is authorized to develop and revise SWPPPs. Qualified SWPPP Practitioner Individual assigned responsibility for non-storm water and storm water visual observations, sampling and analysis, and responsibility to ensure full compliance with the permit and implementation of all elements of the SWPPP, including the preparation of the annual compliance evaluation and the elimination of all unauthorized discharges. Qualifying Rain Event Any event that produces 0.5 inches or more precipitation with a 48 hour or greater period between rain events. R Factor Erosivity factor used in the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). The R factor represents the erosivity of the climate at a particular location. An average annual value of R is determined from historical weather records using erosivity values determined for individual storms. The erosivity of an individual storm is computed as the product of the storm's total energy, which is closely related to storm amount, and the storm's maximum 30-minute intensity. Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) Written document, specific for each rain event, that when implemented is designed to protect all exposed portions of the site within 48 hours of any likely precipitation event. Remaining Sub sampled Material The material (e.g., organic material, gravel, etc.) that remains after the organisms to be identified have been removed from the subsample for identification. (Generally, no macroinvertebrates are present in the remaining subsampled material, but the sample needs to be checked and verified using a complete Quality Assurance (QA) plan) Routine Maintenance Activities intended to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of a facility. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 8 APPENDIX 5 Runoff Control BMPs Measures used to divert runon from offsite and runoff within the site. Run-on Discharges that originate offsite and flow onto the property of a separate project site. Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) Empirical model that calculates average annual soil loss as a function of rainfall and runoff erosivity, soil erodibility, topography, erosion controls, and sediment controls. Sampling and Analysis Plan Document that describes how the samples will be collected, under what conditions, where and when the samples will be collected, what the sample will be tested for, what test methods and detection limits will be used, and what methods/procedures will be maintained to ensure the integrity of the sample during collection, storage, shipping and testing (i.e., quality assurance/quality control protocols). Sediment Solid particulate matter, both mineral and organic, that is in suspension, is being transported, or has been moved from its site of origin by air, water, gravity, or ice and has come to rest on the earth's surface either above or below sea level. Sedimentation Process of deposition of suspended matter carried by water, wastewater, or other liquids, by gravity. It is usually accomplished by reducing the velocity of the liquid below the point at which it can transport the suspended material. Sediment Control BMPs Practices that trap soil particles after they have been eroded by rain, flowing water, or wind. They include those practices that intercept and slow or detain the flow of storm water to allow sediment to settle and be trapped (e.g., silt fence, sediment basin, fiber rolls, etc.). Settleable Solids (SS) Solid material that can be settled within a water column during a specified time frame. It is typically tested by placing a water sample into an Imhoff settling cone and then allowing the solids to settle by gravity for a given length of time. Results are reported either as a volume (mL/L) or a mass (mg/L) concentration. Sheet Flow Flow of water that occurs overland in areas where there are no defined channels where the water spreads out over a large area at a uniform depth. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 9 APPENDIX 5 Site Soil Amendment Any material that is added to the soil to change its chemical properties, engineering properties, or erosion resistance that could become mobilized by storm water. Streets and Utilities Phase Construction stage including excavation and street paving, lot grading, curbs, gutters and sidewalks, public utilities, public water facilities including fire hydrants, public sanitary sewer systems, storm sewer system and/or other drainage improvements. Structural Controls Any structural facility designed and constructed to mitigate the adverse impacts of storm water and urban runoff pollution Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) The measure of the concentration of suspended solid material in a water sample by measuring the dry weight of all of the solid material from a known volume of a collected water sample. Results are reported in mg/L. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) The measure of the suspended solids in a water sample includes inorganic substances, such as soil particles and organic substances, such as algae, aquatic plant/animal waste, particles related to industrial/sewage waste, etc. The TSS test measures the concentration of suspended solids in water by measuring the dry weight of a solid material contained in a known volume of a sub-sample of a collected water sample. Results are reported in mg/L. Toxicity The adverse response(s) of organisms to chemicals or physical agents ranging from mortality to physiological responses such as impaired reproduction or growth anomalies. Turbidity The cloudiness of water quantified by the degree to which light traveling through a water column is scattered by the suspended organic and inorganic particles it contains. The turbidity test is reported in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) or Jackson Turbidity Units (JTU). Vertical Construction Phase The Build out of structures from foundations to roofing, including rough landscaping. 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 10 APPENDIX 5 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 11 Waters of the United States Generally refers to surface waters, as defined by the federal Environmental Protection Agency in 40 C.F.R. § 122.2.1 Water Quality Objectives (WQO) Water quality objectives are defined in the California Water Code as limits or levels of water quality constituents or characteristics, which are established for the reasonable protection of beneficial uses of water or the prevention of nuisance within a specific area. 1 The application of the definition of “waters of the United States” may be difficult to determine; there are currently several judicial decisions that create some confusion. If a landowner is unsure whether the discharge must be covered by this General Permit, the landowner may wish to seek legal advice. APPENDIX 6 APPENDIX 6: Acronym List ASBS Areas of Special Biological Significance ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials; Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils ATS Active Treatment System BASMAA Bay Area Storm water Management Agencies Association BAT Best Available Technology Economically Achievable BCT Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology BMP Best Management Practices BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand BPJ Best Professional Judgment CAFO Confined Animal Feeding Operation CCR California Code of Regulations CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations CGP NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities CIWQS California Integrated Water Quality System CKD Cement Kiln Dust COC Chain of Custody CPESC Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control CPSWQ Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality CSMP Construction Site Monitoring Program CTB Cement Treated Base CTR California Toxics Rule CWA Clean Water Act CWC California Water Code CWP Center for Watershed Protection DADMAC Diallyldimethyl-ammonium chloride DDNR Delaware Department of Natural Resources DFG Department of Fish and Game DHS Department of Health Services DWQ Division of Water Quality EC Electrical Conductivity ELAP Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program EPA Environmental Protection Agency ESA Environmentally Sensitive Area ESC Erosion and Sediment Control HSPF Hydrologic Simulation Program Fortran JTU Jackson Turbidity Units LID Low Impact Development LOEC Lowest Observed Effect Concentration LRP Legally Responsible Person LUP Linear Underground/Overhead Projects 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 APPENDIX 6 MATC Maximum Allowable Threshold Concentration MDL Method Detection Limits MRR Monitoring and Reporting Requirements MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System MUSLE Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation NAL Numeric Action Level NEL Numeric Effluent Limitation NICET National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOEC No Observed Effect Concentration NOI Notice of Intent NOT Notice of Termination NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service NTR National Toxics Rule NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units O&M Operation and Maintenance PAC Polyaluminum chloride PAM Polyacrylamide PASS Polyaluminum chloride Silica/sulfate POC Pollutants of Concern PoP Probability of Precipitation POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works PRDs Permit Registration Documents PWS Planning Watershed QAMP Quality Assurance Management Plan QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control REAP Rain Event Action Plan Regional Board Regional Water Quality Control Board ROWD Report of Waste Discharge RUSLE Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation RW Receiving Water SMARTS Storm water Multi Application Reporting and Tracking System SS Settleable Solids SSC Suspended Sediment Concentration SUSMP Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan SW Storm Water SWARM Storm Water Annual Report Module SWAMP Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program SWMM Storm Water Management Model SWMP Storm Water Management Program SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan TC Treatment Control TDS Total Dissolved Solids 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 2 APPENDIX 6 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 3 TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load TSS Total Suspended Solids USACOE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USC United States Code USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency USGS United States Geological Survey WDID Waste Discharge Identification Number WDR Waste Discharge Requirements WLA Waste Load Allocation WET Whole Effluent Toxicity WRCC Western Regional Climate Center WQBEL Water Quality Based Effluent Limitation WQO Water Quality Objective WQS Water Quality Standard APPENDIX 7 APPENDIX 7: State and Regional Water Resources Control Board Contacts NORTH COAST REGION (1) 5550 Skylane Blvd, Ste. A Santa Rose, CA 95403 (707) 576-2220 FAX: (707)523-0135 CENTRAL COAST REGION (3) 895 Aerovista Place, Ste 101 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 549-3147 FAX: (805) 543-0397 LAHONTAN REGION (6 SLT) 2501 Lake Tahoe Blvd. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530) 542-5400 FAX: (530) 544-2271 SAN FRANCISCO BAY REGION (2) 1515 Clay Street, Ste. 1400 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 622-2300 FAX: (510) 622-2640 LOS ANGELES REGION (4) 320 W. 4th Street, Ste. 200 Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 576-6600 FAX: (213) 576-6640 VICTORVILLE OFFICE (6V) 14440 Civic Drive, Ste. 200 Victorville, CA 92392-2383 (760) 241-6583 FAX: (760) 241-7308 CENTRAL VALLEY REGION (5S) 11020 Sun Center Dr., #200 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-6114 (916) 464-3291 FAX: (916) 464-4645 COLORADO RIVER BASIN REGION (7) 73-720 Fred Waring Dr., Ste. 100 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 346-7491 FAX: (760) 341-6820 FRESNO BRANCH OFFICE (5F) 1685 E St. Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 445-5116 FAX: (559) 445-5910 SANTA ANA REGION (8) 3737 Main Street, Ste. 500 Riverside, CA 92501-3339 Phone (951) 782-4130 FAX: (951) 781-6288 REDDING BRANCH OFFICE (5R) 415 Knollcrest Drive, Ste. 100 Redding, CA 96002 (530) 224-4845 FAX: (530) 224-4857 SAN DIEGO REGION (9) 9174 Sky Park Court, Ste. 100 San Diego, CA 92123-4340 (858) 467-2952 FAX: (858) 571-6972 STATE WATER BOARD PO Box 1977 Sacramento, CA 95812-1977 stormwater@waterboards.ca.gov 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ September 2, 2009 as modified on November 16, 2010 1 A C EB D F 2 EROSION CONTROL NOTES AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK 6390 Greenwich Drive, Suite 170 San Diego, California 92122 tel 858.554.1500 fax 858.597.0335 www.fuscoe.com 0 10 20 40 1" = 20'-0"SCALE : Plot Date: 2015-12-16; 11:55am, Drawing Title: Appendix B2 - SWPPP Wall Map - Details.dwg, User ID: esmith 2 65AVIARA COMMUNITY PARKXXX-XXXXX6390 Greenwich Drive, Suite 170San Diego, California 92122tel 858.554.1500 fax 858.597.0335www.fuscoe.comSDG PROJECT NO: 15-406PLT DATE: 11/24/15 2hniLc.ACwww.scpeelthoAo4NV,219idtesgn.c1-632}91138,im{ed6319felimiscaZ3m62498-632}716{92xS11i9DeAvenu,Saniego,CAth2101iSute005,11Plot Date: 2015-11-23; 11:04am, Drawing Title: 1440-002gr-c1.0.dwg, User ID: Kevin WeiKWKKJTB, JJXXC1.0 ELECTRIC VEHICLE ON L Y LIMIT OF W O R K LIMIT OF WORKLIMIT OF WORKAEXISTING UTILITIESCONSTRUCTION NOTES XX C1.1 65 AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK XXX-XXXXX 6390 Greenwich Drive, Suite 170 San Diego, California 92122 tel 858.554.1500 fax 858.597.0335 www.fuscoe.com 0 10 20 40 1" = 20'-0"SCALE : SDG PROJECT NO: 15-406 PLT DATE: 11/24/15 2 h n iLc.AC www.sc peeltho A o 4 NV ,219 idtesgn.c 1-632}91 138, im {e d 6 319 f elimisca Z 3 m 62 4 98-632}716{9 2 xS11i 9DeAvenu,San iego,CAth 2101iSute005,11 Plot Date: 2015-11-23; 12:02pm, Drawing Title: 1440-002gr-c1.1.dwg, User ID: Kevin Wei KW KK JTB, JJ ELECTRIC VEHICLE O N L Y LIMIT OF W O R K LIMIT OF WORKLIMIT OF WORKXX C2.1 65 AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK XXX-XXXXX 6390 Greenwich Drive, Suite 170 San Diego, California 92122 tel 858.554.1500 fax 858.597.0335 www.fuscoe.com 0 10 20 40 1" = 20'-0"SCALE : SDG PROJECT NO: 15-406 PLT DATE: 11/24/15 2 h n iLc.AC www.sc peeltho A o 4 NV ,219 idtesgn.c 1-632}91 138, im {e d 6 319 f elimisca Z 3 m 62 4 98-632}716{9 2 xS11i 9DeAvenu,San iego,CAth 2101iSute005,11 Plot Date: 2015-11-23; 11:19am, Drawing Title: 1440-002gr-c2.1ec.dwg, User ID: Kevin Wei KW KK JTB, JJ EROSION CONTROL NOTES ELECTRIC VEHICLE ON L Y LIMIT OF W O R K LIMIT OF WORKLIMIT OF WORK1 AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK 6390 Greenwich Drive, Suite 170 San Diego, California 92122 tel 858.554.1500 fax 858.597.0335 www.fuscoe.com 0 10 20 40 1" = 20'-0"SCALE : Plot Date: 2015-12-16; 12:06pm, Drawing Title: Appendix B4 - Sampling Locations Plan.dwg, User ID: esmith 1 NOT APPLICABLE - NOT A PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BASIN A C=0.35 AREA= 0.69 AC Q(100)= 1.7 CFS BASIN B C=0.50 AREA= 0.12 AC Q(100)= 0.4 CFS AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK EXISTING CONDITIONS HYDROLOGY EXHIBIT GNIREENEIGN 6390 Greenwich Dr., Suite 170, San Diego, California 92122 tel 858.554.1500 fax 858.597.0335 www.fuscoe.com SDG PROJECT NO: 15-406 PLT DATE: 11/24/15 E C E 2 h n iLc.AC www.sc peeltho CHs T DD NAABL W HTI MI N A o 4 NV ,219 idtesgn.c 1-632}91 138, im {e d 6 319 f elimisca Z 3 m 62 4 G T N GN A R T IS OR N M E S NI N V I G I ,PU I PX RE S S I S E N S I T R CI TA O E L 98-632}716{9 2 G . I N D E S I Y C O N I V I T N xS11i 9DeAvenu,San iego,CAth 2101iSute005,11 LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING STORM DRAIN HYDROLOGY BASIN FLOW DIRECTION HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS Q=C*I*A SOIL TYPE D Tc= 5 MIN, P6= 2.7 IN => I= 7.11 IN/HR ELECTRIC VEHICLE O N L Y LIMIT OF W O R K LIMIT OF WORKLIMIT OF WORKBASIN A C=0.50 AREA= 0.90 AC Q(100)= 3.2 CFS BASIN B C=0.50 AREA= 0.16 AC Q(100)= 0.6 CFS AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK PROPOSED CONDITIONS HYDROLOGY EXHIBIT GNIREENEIGN 6390 Greenwich Dr., Suite 170, San Diego, California 92122 tel 858.554.1500 fax 858.597.0335 www.fuscoe.com SDG PROJECT NO: 15-406 PLT DATE: 11/24/15 E C E 2 h n iLc.AC www.sc peeltho CHs T DD NAABL W HTI MI N A o 4 NV ,219 idtesgn.c 1-632}91 138, im {e d 6 319 f elimisca Z 3 m 62 4 G T N GN A R T IS OR N M E S NI N V I G I ,PU I PX RE S S I S E N S I T R CI TA O E L 98-632}716{9 2 G . I N D E S I Y C O N I V I T N xS11i 9DeAvenu,San iego,CAth 2101iSute005,11 LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING STORM DRAIN PROPOSED STORM DRAIN HYDROLOGY BASIN FLOW DIRECTION HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS Q=C*I*A SOIL TYPE D Tc= 5 MIN, P6= 2.7 IN => I= 7.11 IN/HR ATTACHMENT B PERMIT REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS (PRDs) TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS A. B. Who Must Submit C. Construction Activity Not Covered By This General Permit D. Annual Fees and Fee Calculation E. When to Apply F. Requirements for Completing Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) G. Standard PRD Requirements (All Dischargers) H. Additional PRD Requirements Related to Construction Type I. Exceptions to Standard PRD Requirements J. Description of PRDs SWPPPs Risk Assessment Post-Construction Water Balance Calculator ATS Design Document and Certification State Water Resources Control BoardNOTICE OF INTENT GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (WQ ORDER No. 2009-0009-DWQ) 0.43 City of Carlsbad steven.didier@carlsbadca.gov steven.didier@carlsbadca.gov Steven Didier 2.37 24 Acres Region 9 - San Diego 6435 Abrosia Lane steven.didier@carlsbadca.gov 619-516-1990 1635 Faraday Avenue 33.11509 San Diego November 01, 2016 Municipal Projects Manager Carlsbad CA 92008 Emma Smith Steven Didier 20121 -117.2828 Carlsbad CA 92011 Steven Didier Steven Didier Aviara Community Park - Phase 2 No Municipal Projects Manager *Other: Government facility/pulbic park Level2 City of Carlsbad Carlsbad CA 92008 760-602-7539 760-602-7539 760-602-7539 r9_stormwater@waterboards.ca.gov 26.76 September 29, 2017 July 27, 2016 1.26 Acres 1635 Faraday Avenue Attachments Meta Data Information: Attachment ID File Name File Description File Hash File Size Date Attached Attachment Type 1707869 Aviara Park SWPPP 82b838de3da82a1 9ea456cd4d72877 7f5676aaae1bfc5d 25bb798e543cfcec 4 51341767 2016-07-27 17:44:12.0 SWPPP 1707870 Aviara Park SWPPP Carlsbad 82b838de3da82a1 9ea456cd4d72877 7f5676aaae1bfc5d 25bb798e543cfcec 4 51341767 2016-07-27 17:46:14.0 SWPPP 1707873 Aviara SWPPP Carlsbad 82b838de3da82a1 9ea456cd4d72877 7f5676aaae1bfc5d 25bb798e543cfcec 4 51341767 2016-07-27 17:47:37.0 SWPPP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 20 ABC Entry 30 0.43 2.373 Watershed Erosion Estimate (=RxKxLS) in tons/acre Site Sediment Risk Factor Low Sediment Risk: < 15 tons/acre Medium Sediment Risk: >=15 and <75 tons/acre High Sediment Risk: >= 75 tons/acre Sediment Risk Factor Worksheet A) R Factor R Factor Value B) K Factor (weighted average, by area, for all site soils) Analyses of data indicated that when factors other than rainfall are held constant, soil loss is directly proportional to a rainfall factor composed of total storm kinetic energy (E) times the maximum 30-min intensity (I30) (Wischmeier and Smith, 1958). The numerical value of R is the average annual sum of EI30 for storm events during a rainfall record of at least 22 years. "Isoerodent" maps were developed based on R values calculated for more than 1000 locations in the Western U.S. Refer to the link below to determine the R factor for the project site. http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/LEW/lewCalculator.cfm K Factor Value LS Factor Value Medium C) LS Factor (weighted average, by area, for all slopes) The soil-erodibility factor K represents: (1) susceptibility of soil or surface material to erosion, (2) transportability of the sediment, and (3) the amount and rate of runoff given a particular rainfall input, as measured under a standard condition. Fine-textured soils that are high in clay have low K values (about 0.05 to 0.15) because the particles are resistant to detachment. Coarse-textured soils, such as sandy soils, also have low K values (about 0.05 to 0.2) because of high infiltration resulting in low runoff even though these particles are easily detached. Medium-textured soils, such as a silt loam, have moderate K values (about 0.25 to 0.45) because they are moderately susceptible to particle detachment and they produce runoff at moderate rates. Soils having a high silt content are especially susceptible to erosion and have high K values, which can exceed 0.45 and can be as large as 0.65. Silt-size particles are easily detached and tend to crust, producing high rates and large volumes of runoff. Use Site-specific data must be submitted. The effect of topography on erosion is accounted for by the LS factor, which combines the effects of a hillslope-length factor, L, and a hillslope-gradient factor, S. Generally speaking, as hillslope length and/or hillslope gradient increase, soil loss increases. As hillslope length increases, total soil loss and soil loss per unit area increase due to the progressive accumulation of runoff in the downslope direction. As the hillslope gradient increases, the velocity and erosivity of runoff increases. Use the LS table located in separate tab of this spreadsheet to determine LS factors. Estimate the weighted LS for the site prior to construction. 30.6117 Site-specific K factor guidance LS Table Receiving Water (RW) Risk Factor Worksheet Entry Score A. Watershed Characteristics yes/no A.1. Does the disturbed area discharge (either directly or indirectly) to 303(d)-listed waterbody impaired by sediment? For help with impaired waterbodies please check the attached worksheet or visit the link below: 2006 Approved Sediment-impared WBs Worksheet http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/tmdl/303d_lists2006_epa.shtml OR A.2. Does the disturbed area discharge to a waterbody with designated beneficial uses o SPAWN & COLD & MIGRATORY? http://www.ice.ucdavis.edu/geowbs/asp/wbquse.asp No Low Low Medium High Low Level 1 High Level 3 Project Sediment Risk:Medium 2 Project RW Risk:Low 1 Project Combined Risk:Level 2 Combined Risk Level Matrix Sediment Risk Receiving Water RiskLevel 2 Level 2 R-FACTOR CALCULATION SUMMARY Project: Aviara Park Date: December 2015 Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Stormwater Phase II Final Rule Construction Rainfall Erosivity Waiver. EPA 833-F-00-014, Revised March 2012. Fact Sheet 3.1. Construction Duration: September 1, 2016 to September 1, 2017 (~1 Year) Figure 1 – Erosivity Index Zone Map EI Distribution Zone: 25 Table 1 – Erosivity Index Table EI percentage 09-01-2016 to 12-31-2016: 100% –63.2% = 36.8% EI percentage 01-01-2017 to 09-01-2017: 63.2% – 0% = 63.2% Total EI percentage (1 year duration): 100% Figure 4 – Isoerodent Map of California Interpolated annual erosion index for location: 30 R-Factor Calculation 30 x (100%) = 30 R-Factor for Project: 30 SWPPP AMENDMENTS This SWPPP shall be amended:  Whenever there is a change in construction or operations which may affect the discharge of pollutants to surface waters, groundwater(s), or a municipal separate storm system, (MS4); or  If any conditions of the Permits is violated or the general objective of reducing or eliminating pollutants in storm water discharges has not been achieved. If the RWQCB determines that a permit violation has occurred, the SWPPP shall be amended and implemented within 14 calendar days after notification by the RWQCB;  Annually, prior to the defined rainy season, when required by the project’s Special Provisions; and  When deemed necessary by the Engineer of Record, Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP), or the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD). The following item will be included in each amendment:  Who requested the amendment  The location of the proposed change  The reason for the change  The original BMP proposed, if any  The new BMP proposed Amendment No. Date Description Preparer Amendment No. Date Description Preparer Order XVI. ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS A. All dischargers shall prepare and electronically submit an Annual Report no later than September 1 of each year. B. The discharger shall certify each Annual Report in accordance with the Special Provisions. C. The discharger shall retain an electronic or paper copy of each Annual Report for a minimum of three years after the date the annual report is filed. D. The discharger shall include storm water monitoring information in the Annual Report consisting of: 1. a summary and evaluation of all sampling and analysis results, including copies of laboratory reports; 2. the analytical method(s), method reporting unit(s), and method detection limit(s) of each analytical parameter (analytical results that are less than the method detection limit shall be reported as "less than the method detection limit"); 3. a summary of all corrective actions taken during the compliance year; 4. identification of any compliance activities or corrective actions that were not implemented; 5. a summary of all violations of the General Permit; 6. the names of individual(s) who performed the facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements; 7. the date, place, time of facility inspections, sampling, visual observation (inspections), and/or measurements, including precipitation (rain gauge); and 8. the visual observation and sample collection exception records and reports specified in Attachments C, D, and E. E. The discharger shall provide training information in the Annual Report consisting of: 1. documentation of all training for individuals responsible for all activities associated with compliance with this General Permit; 2009-0009-DWQ 40 September 02, 2009 Order 2009-0009-DWQ 41 September 02, 2009 2. documentation of all training for individuals responsible for BMP installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair; and 3. documentation of all training for individuals responsible for overseeing, revising, and amending the SWPPP. ANNUAL REPORT Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ Section XVI requires that all dischargers prepare and submit an Annual Report no later than September 1 each year. The Annual Report contains a summary of all storm water monitoring information, compliance actions, training documentation, and other information pertaining to permit compliance from the reporting year (July 1 through June 30). The reports are prepared and submitted electronically via SMARTS and certified by the Legally Responsible Person (LRP) in accordance with the Permit Special Provisions. In addition, a paper copy of each Annual Report shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years after the report is filed. Though the report information is entered and submitted electronically through SMARTS, below is a summary of the questions and information required to be entered as part of the Annual Report. A. SITE OWNER INFORMATION B. SITE INFORMATION C. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) C.1. Has a SWPPP been prepared by a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) for the construction project? C.2. Does the SWPPP include a Construction Site Monitoring Program (CSMP) section/element? C.3. Are these documents kept onsite? D. GOOD SITE MANAGEMENT “i.e. HOUSEKEEPING” D.1. Were required good site management "i.e.housekeeping" measures for construction materials implemented on-site in accordance with CGP and SWPPP? D.1.a. Was an inventory of the products used and/or expected to be used conducted? D.2 Were required good site management "i.e.housekeeping" measures for waste management implemented on-site in accordance with CGP and SWPPP? D.2.a. Is there a spill response and implementation element of the SWPPP? D.3. Were required good site management "i.e.housekeeping" measures for vehicle storage and maintenance implemented on-site in accordance with CGP and SWPPP? D.4. Were required good site management "i.e.housekeeping" measures for landscape materials implemented on-site in accordance with CGP and SWPPP? D.5. Was a list of potential pollutant sources developed? D.6. Were good site management "housekeeping" measures to control air deposition of site materials and from site operations implemented on-site? E. NON-STORM WATER MANAGEMENT E.1. Were measures to control all non-storm water discharges during construction implemented? E.2. Were vehicles washed in such a manner as to prevent non-storm water discharges to surface waters or to MS4 drainage systems? E.3. Were streets cleaned in such a manner as to prevent unauthorized non-storm water discharges from reaching surface waters or MS4 drainage systems? F. EROSION CONTROLS F.1. Were required erosion controls implemented on-site in accordance with CGP and SWPPP? G. SEDIMENT CONTROLS G.1. Were required sediment controls implemented on-site in accordance with CGP and SWPPP? G.2. Were immediate access roads inspected on a daily basis? H. RUN-ON AND RUN-OFF CONTROLS H.1. Was all site run-on and run-off effectively managed? H.2. Did Risk level 2 and 3 dischargers monitor and report run-on from surrounding areas if there was reason to believe run-on may have contributed to an NAL or NEL exceedance? I. RAIN EVENT ACTION PLAN (REAP) I.1. Were REAPs developed 48 hours prior to all likely precipitation events (50% or greater probability of producing precipitation)? I.2. Did the REAPs developed meet the minimum criteria listed in the CGP? J. INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR J.1. Were all site inspections, maintenance, and repairs performed or supervised by a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP)? J.2. Were site inspections conducted weekly and at least once each 24-hour period during extended storm events? J.3. Were post rain event inspections conducted? J.4. Do your inspection forms/ checklists meet the minimum criteria listed in the CGP? J.5. During any site inspection was BMP maintenance or repairs required? (if YES, provide information) J.6. If BMP maintenance/repair or design change was needed, did implementation begin within 72 hours? K. VISUAL MONITORING K.1. Within 2 business days (48 hours) after each qualified rain event, were visual inspections conducted in compliance with the CGP? K.2. Were all storm water discharges that occurred from storage or containment systems visually observed prior to discharge? K.3. Were the time, date, and rain gauge reading recorded for each qualifying rain event? K.4. Within 2 business days (48 hours) prior to each predicted rain event, were visual inspections conducted in compliance with the CGP ? K.5. Are all visual inspection records retained on-site? L. WATER QUALITY SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS L.1. How many qualifying storm events (producing precipitation of 0.5 inch or more at the time of discharge) occurred this past reporting year? L.2. How many qualifying storm events (producing precipitation of 0.5 inch or more at the time of discharge) were sampled? L.3. For the sampled events, did you collect three samples, at minimum (representative of the flow and characteristics) each day of discharge per qualified event? L.4. Were grab samples analyzed for pH and/or turbidity? (Analytical data must be entered in the RAW DATA tab in SMARTS)? L.5. Were Active Treatment System (ATS) effluent samples taken? (Applies to projects that deployed ATS) M. NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGE MONITORING M.1. Were all drainage areas monitored for authorized/ unauthorized non-storm water discharges quarterly? M.2. Did visual observations indicate any authorized/ unauthorized non-storm water discharges? (Complete Form 2) M.3. Were effluent samples taken of the authorized/ unauthorized non-storm water discharge? (Analytical data must be entered in the RAW DATA tab in SMARTS) M.4. Were the effluent samples sent to a laboratory certified for such analyses by the State Department of Health Services? M.5. Were unauthorized non-storm water discharges eliminated? N. NON-VISIBLE POLLUTANT MONITORING N.1. Were any breaches, malfunctions, leakages, or spills observed during a visual inspection? N.2. How many potential discharges of non-visible pollutants were identified? N.3. For each discharge event (of non-visible pollutants), were samples collected in compliance with the CGP? (Analytical data must be entered in the RAW DATA tab in SMARTS) N.4. For each discharge event was a comparison sample collected (uncontaminated sample that did not come into contact with the pollutant)? (Analytical data must be entered in the RAW DATA tab in SMARTS) O. WATERSHED MONITORING O.1. Are you part of a qualified regional watershed-based monitoring program approved by the Regional Water Board? P. RECORDS P.1. Are all records of all storm water monitoring information retained on-site? Q. NAL EXCEEDANCES Q.1. Were any Numeric Action Levels (NALs) exceeded? Q.2. Were corrective actions taken to address the NAL exceedances? (if YES, provide information) Q.3. Were analytical results from any/all NAL exceedances submitted electronically to the State Water Board no later than 10 days after the conclusion of the storm event? Q.4. Were any NAL Exceedance Reports submitted to the Regional Water Board? R. (NOT APPLICABLE) S. (NOT APPLICABLE) T. TRAINING T.1. Was a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) in reasonable charge of SWPPP implementation? T.2. Were all individuals conducting BMP installation, inspection, maintenance and repairs trained appropriately? T.3. Are complete training records kept on-site and available upon request? U. AUTHORIZED NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES (NSWD) DISCHARGED U.1. Were any authorized NSWDs discharged observed from July-September? U.2. Were any authorized NSWDs discharged observed from October-December? U.3. Were any authorized NSWDs discharged observed from January-March? U.4. Were any authorized NSWDs discharged observed from April-June? If YES to any of the above, provide information below (Form 2).  Date/Time of observation  Discharge type (Authorized or Unauthorized)  Source and location of NSWD  Name of NSWD  Describe NSWD characteristics (at the NSWD source)  Describe NSWD characteristics (at the NSWD drainage area and discharge location)  Describe any revised or new BMPs and provide their implementation date. V. UNAUTHORIZED NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES (NSWD) DISCHARGED V.1. Were any unauthorized NSWDs discharged observed from July-September? V.2. Were any unauthorized NSWDs discharged observed from October-December? V.3. Were any unauthorized NSWDs discharged observed from January-March? V.4. Were any unauthorized NSWDs discharged observed from April-June? If YES to any of the above, provide information below (Form 2).  Date/Time of observation  Discharge type (Authorized or Unauthorized)  Source and location of NSWD  Name of NSWD  Describe NSWD characteristics (at the NSWD source)  Describe NSWD characteristics (at the NSWD drainage area and discharge location)  Describe any revised or new BMPs and provide their implementation date. FORM 3 Please enter a general summary of any BMP deficiencies identified for each quarter and the corrective actions taken. Maximum up to 1000 characters.  July-September Quarter  October-December Quarter  January-March Quarter  April-June Quarter DAILY AVERAGES SUMMARY Data Summary for the Daily Averages of the Ad Hoc Reports associated with this Annual Report. ATTACHMENTS Attach current documents related to the SWARM Reports. CERTIFICATION Computation Sheet for Determining Runoff Coefficients Total Site Area = 1.1 (A) Existing Site Conditions Impervious Site Area1 = 0 (B) Impervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient 2, 4 = 0.95 (C) Pervious Site Area3 = 1.1 (D) Pervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient4 = 0.4 (E) Existing Site Area Runoff Coefficient  (A) EDCB = 0.4 (F) Proposed Site Conditions (after construction) Impervious Site Area1 = .1 (G) Impervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient 2, 4 = 0.95 (H) Pervious Site Area3 = 1.0 (I) Pervious Site Area Runoff Coefficient4 = .25 (J) Proposed Site Area Runoff Coefficient  (A) JIHG = 0.31 (K) 1. Includes paved areas, areas covered by buildings, and other impervious surfaces. 2. Use 0.95 unless lower or higher runoff coefficient can be verified. 3. Includes areas of vegetation, most unpaved or uncovered soil surfaces, and other pervious areas. 4. See the table on the following page for typical C values. Computation Sheet for Determining Run-on Discharges Existing Site Conditions The site does not accept run-on from off-site areas due to its location at the top of a ridge. The adjacent canyons to the west, north, and east slope steeply away from the site. The parking lot to the south of the site drains in a southeasterly direction. Figure 819.2A Runoff Coefficients for Undeveloped Areas Watershed Types Extreme High Normal Low Relief .28 -.35 Steep, rugged terrain with average slopes above 30% .20 -.28 Hilly, with average slopes of 10 to 30% .14 -.20 Rolling, with average slopes of 5 to 10% .08 -.14 Relatively flat land, with average slopes of 0 to 5% Soil Infiltration .12 -.16 No effective soil cover, either rock or thin soil mantle of negligible infiltration capacity .08 -.12 Slow to take up water, clay or shallow loam soils of low infiltration capacity, imperfectly or poorly drained .06 -.08 Normal; well drained light or medium textured soils, sandy loams, silt and silt loams .04 -.06 High; deep sand or other soil that takes up water readily, very light well drained soils Vegetal Cover .12 -.16 No effective plant cover, bare or very sparse cover .08 -.12 Poor to fair; clean cultivation crops, or poor natural cover, less than 20% of drainage area over good cover .06 -.08 Fair to good; about 50% of area in good grassland or wood- land, not more than 50% of area in cultivated crops .04 -.06 Good to excellent; about 90% of drainage area in good grassland, woodland or equivalent cover. Surface Storage .10 -.12 Negligible surface depression few and shallow; drainageways steep and small, no marshes .08 -.10 Low; well defined system of small drainageways; no ponds or marshes .06 -.08 Normal; considerable surface depression storage; lakes and pond marshes .04 -.06 High; surface stor- age, high; drainage system not sharply defined; large flood plain storage or large number of ponds or marshes. Given An undeveloped watershed consisting of; Solution: 1) rolling terrain with average slopes of 5%, Relief 0.14 2) clay type soils, Soil Infiltration 0.08 3) good grassland area, and Vegetal Cover 0.04 4) normal surface depressions. Surface Storage 0.06 C= 0.32 Find The runoff coefficient, C, for the above watershed. Table 819.2B Runoff Coefficients for Developed Areas Type of Drainage Area Runoff Coefficient Business: Downtown areas 0.70 - 0.95 Neighborhood areas 0.50 - 0.70 Residential: Single-family areas 0.30 - 0.50 Multi-units, detached 0.40 - 0.60 Multi-units, attached 0.60 - 0.75 Suburban 0.25 - 0.40 Apartment dwelling areas 0.50 - 0.70 Industrial: Light areas 0.50 - 0.80 Heavy areas 0.60 - 0.90 Parks, cemeteries: 0.10 - 0.25 Playgrounds: 0.20 - 0.40 Railroad yard areas: 0.20 - 0.40 Unimproved areas: 0.10 - 0.30 Lawns: Sandy soil, flat, 2% 0.05 - 0.10 Sandy soil, average, 2-7% 0.10 - 0.15 Sandy soil, steep, 7% 0.15 - 0.20 Heavy soil, flat, 2% 0.13 - 0.17 Heavy soil, average, 2-7% 0.18 - 0.25 Heavy soil, steep, 7% 0.25 - 0.35 Streets: Asphaltic 0.70 - 0.95 Concrete 0.80 - 0.95 Brick 0.70 - 0.85 Drives and walks 0.75 - 0.85 Roofs: 0.75 - 0.95 BMP IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE GRADING & LAND DEVELOPMENT PHASE Project Name: Aviara Park Activities Associated with Phase: (check all that apply) Demolition Surveying Rock Crushing Excavation Finish Grade Blasting Rough Grade Soil Amendment(s): Soils Testing Erosion & Sediment Control Equip. Maintenance/Fueling Other: Clearing/Vegetation Removal Material Delivery & Storage BMP Deployment: (check all that apply) Erosion Control BMPs:  EC-1 Scheduling  EC-7 Geotextiles & Mats EC-13 Reserved EC-2 Protect Existing Vegetation EC-8 Wood Mulching EC-14 Compost Blankets  EC-3 Hydraulic Mulch* EC-9 Earth Dikes & Drainage Swales EC-15 Soil Preparation/ Roughening EC-4 Hydroseeding* EC-10 Velocity Dissipation EC-16 Non-Vegetative Stabilization  EC-5 Soil Binders* EC-11 Slope Drains EC-6 Straw Mulch* EC-12 Streambank Stabilization Sediment Control BMPs:  SE-1 Silt Fence  SE-6 Gravel Bag Berm SE-11 ATS SE-2 Sediment Basin  SE-7 Street Sweeping & Vacuuming SE-12 Temporary Silt Dike SE-3 Sediment Trap  SE-8 Sandbag Barrier SE-13 Compost Socks & Berms SE-4 Check Dam SE-9 Straw Bale Barrier SE-14 Biofilter Bags  SE-5 Fiber Rolls  SE-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Tracking Control & Wind Erosion Control BMPs:  TC-1 Stabilized Entrance/Exit  TC-2 Stabilized Roadway TC-3 Entrance/Outlet Tire Wash  WE-1 Wind Erosion Control Non-Storm Water Management BMPs:  NS-1 Water Conservation  NS-7 Potable Water/Irrigation  NS-12 Concrete Curing NS-2 Dewatering Operations  NS-8 Vehicle & Equip. Cleaning  NS-13 Concrete Finishing  NS-3 Paving & Grinding  NS-9 Vehicle & Equip. Fueling NS-14 Material Use Over Water NS-4 Temp. Stream Crossing  NS-10 Vehicle & Equip. Maint. NS-15 Demo. Adj. to Water NS-5 Clear Water Diversion NS-11 Pile Driving Operations NS-16 Temporary Batch Plants  NS-6 Illicit Connection/Discharge Materials & Waste Management BMPs:  WM-1 Material Delivery/Storage  WM-5 Solid Waste Management  WM-8 Concrete Waste Mgmt.  WM-2 Material Use  WM-6 Hazardous Waste Mgmt.  WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste  WM-3 Stockpile Management WM-7 Contaminated Soil Management  WM-10 Liquid Waste Management  WM-4 Spill Prevention & Control Note: Refer to the SWPPP Exhibits/Erosion Control Plans for BMP locations by construction phase. Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project. * The Contractor shall select one of the five measures or a combination thereof to stabilize inactive areas (areas of construction activity that have been disturbed but are not currently being worked on and are not scheduled to be re-disturbed for at least 14 days)  Minimum BMP BMP IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE STREETS & UTILITIES Project Name: Aviara Park Activities Associated with Phase: (check all that apply) Finish Grade Curb/Gutter Concrete Pour Material Delivery & Storage Utility Install: Water/Sewer/Gas Masonry/Retaining Walls Equip. Maintenance/Fueling Storm Drain Installation Paving Operations Other: BMP Deployment: (check all that apply) Erosion Control BMPs:  EC-1 Scheduling  EC-7 Geotextiles & Mats EC-13 Reserved EC-2 Protect Existing Vegetation EC-8 Wood Mulching EC-14 Compost Blankets  EC-3 Hydraulic Mulch* EC-9 Earth Dikes & Drainage Swales EC-15 Soil Preparation/ Roughening EC-4 Hydroseeding* EC-10 Velocity Dissipation EC-16 Non-Vegetative Stabilization  EC-5 Soil Binders* EC-11 Slope Drains EC-6 Straw Mulch* EC-12 Streambank Stabilization Sediment Control BMPs:  SE-1 Silt Fence  SE-6 Gravel Bag Berm SE-11 ATS SE-2 Sediment Basin  SE-7 Street Sweeping & Vacuuming SE-12 Temporary Silt Dike SE-3 Sediment Trap  SE-8 Sandbag Barrier SE-13 Compost Socks & Berms SE-4 Check Dam SE-9 Straw Bale Barrier SE-14 Biofilter Bags  SE-5 Fiber Rolls  SE-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Tracking Control & Wind Erosion Control BMPs:  TC-1 Stabilized Entrance/Exit  TC-2 Stabilized Roadway TC-3 Entrance/Outlet Tire Wash  WE-1 Wind Erosion Control Non-Storm Water Management BMPs:  NS-1 Water Conservation  NS-7 Potable Water/Irrigation  NS-12 Concrete Curing NS-2 Dewatering Operations  NS-8 Vehicle & Equip. Cleaning  NS-13 Concrete Finishing  NS-3 Paving & Grinding  NS-9 Vehicle & Equip. Fueling NS-14 Material Use Over Water NS-4 Temp. Stream Crossing  NS-10 Vehicle & Equip. Maint. NS-15 Demo. Adj. to Water NS-5 Clear Water Diversion NS-11 Pile Driving Operations NS-16 Temporary Batch Plants  NS-6 Illicit Connection/Discharge Materials & Waste Management BMPs:  WM-1 Material Delivery/Storage  WM-5 Solid Waste Management  WM-8 Concrete Waste Mgmt.  WM-2 Material Use  WM-6 Hazardous Waste Mgmt.  WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste  WM-3 Stockpile Management WM-7 Contaminated Soil Management  WM-10 Liquid Waste Management  WM-4 Spill Prevention & Control Note: Refer to the SWPPP Exhibits/Erosion Control Plans for BMP locations by construction phase. Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project.  Minimum BMP BMP IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION Project Name: Aviara Park Activities Associated with Phase: (check all that apply) Framing Electrical Painting Masonry Plumbing Stucco Drywall/Interior Walls HVAC Tile Exterior Siding Insulation Landscaping & Irrigation Flooring Roofing Equip. Maintenance/Fueling Carpentry Concrete Forms/Foundations Other: BMP Deployment: (check all that apply) Erosion Control BMPs:  EC-1 Scheduling  EC-7 Geotextiles & Mats EC-13 Reserved EC-2 Protect Existing Vegetation EC-8 Wood Mulching EC-14 Compost Blankets  EC-3 Hydraulic Mulch* EC-9 Earth Dikes & Drainage Swales EC-15 Soil Preparation/ Roughening EC-4 Hydroseeding* EC-10 Velocity Dissipation EC-16 Non-Vegetative Stabilization  EC-5 Soil Binders* EC-11 Slope Drains EC-6 Straw Mulch* EC-12 Streambank Stabilization Sediment Control BMPs:  SE-1 Silt Fence  SE-6 Gravel Bag Berm SE-11 ATS SE-2 Sediment Basin  SE-7 Street Sweeping & Vacuuming SE-12 Temporary Silt Dike SE-3 Sediment Trap  SE-8 Sandbag Barrier SE-13 Compost Socks & Berms SE-4 Check Dam SE-9 Straw Bale Barrier SE-14 Biofilter Bags  SE-5 Fiber Rolls  SE-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Tracking Control & Wind Erosion Control BMPs:  TC-1 Stabilized Entrance/Exit  TC-2 Stabilized Roadway TC-3 Entrance/Outlet Tire Wash  WE-1 Wind Erosion Control Non-Storm Water Management BMPs:  NS-1 Water Conservation  NS-7 Potable Water/Irrigation  NS-12 Concrete Curing NS-2 Dewatering Operations  NS-8 Vehicle & Equip. Cleaning  NS-13 Concrete Finishing  NS-3 Paving & Grinding  NS-9 Vehicle & Equip. Fueling NS-14 Material Use Over Water NS-4 Temp. Stream Crossing  NS-10 Vehicle & Equip. Maint. NS-15 Demo. Adj. to Water NS-5 Clear Water Diversion NS-11 Pile Driving Operations NS-16 Temporary Batch Plants  NS-6 Illicit Connection/Discharge Materials & Waste Management BMPs:  WM-1 Material Delivery/Storage  WM-5 Solid Waste Management  WM-8 Concrete Waste Mgmt.  WM-2 Material Use  WM-6 Hazardous Waste Mgmt.  WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste  WM-3 Stockpile Management WM-7 Contaminated Soil Management  WM-10 Liquid Waste Management  WM-4 Spill Prevention & Control Note: Refer to the SWPPP Exhibits/Erosion Control Plans for BMP locations by construction phase. Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project.  Minimum BMP BMP IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE FINAL LANDSCAPING & SITE STABILIZATION Project Name: Aviara Park Activities Associated with Phase: (check all that apply) Stabilization Drainage Inlet Stencils Storage Yard/Material Removal Landscape Installation Irrigation System Testing Erosion & Sediment Control BMP Removal Vegetation Establishment Inlet Filtration Permanent Water Quality Features Other: BMP Deployment: (check all that apply) Erosion Control BMPs:  EC-1 Scheduling  EC-7 Geotextiles & Mats EC-13 Reserved EC-2 Protect Existing Vegetation EC-8 Wood Mulching EC-14 Compost Blankets  EC-3 Hydraulic Mulch* EC-9 Earth Dikes & Drainage Swales EC-15 Soil Preparation/ Roughening EC-4 Hydroseeding* EC-10 Velocity Dissipation EC-16 Non-Vegetative Stabilization  EC-5 Soil Binders* EC-11 Slope Drains EC-6 Straw Mulch* EC-12 Streambank Stabilization Sediment Control BMPs:  SE-1 Silt Fence  SE-6 Gravel Bag Berm SE-11 ATS SE-2 Sediment Basin  SE-7 Street Sweeping & Vacuuming SE-12 Temporary Silt Dike SE-3 Sediment Trap  SE-8 Sandbag Barrier SE-13 Compost Socks & Berms SE-4 Check Dam SE-9 Straw Bale Barrier SE-14 Biofilter Bags  SE-5 Fiber Rolls  SE-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Tracking Control & Wind Erosion Control BMPs:  TC-1 Stabilized Entrance/Exit  TC-2 Stabilized Roadway TC-3 Entrance/Outlet Tire Wash  WE-1 Wind Erosion Control Non-Storm Water Management BMPs:  NS-1 Water Conservation  NS-7 Potable Water/Irrigation  NS-12 Concrete Curing NS-2 Dewatering Operations  NS-8 Vehicle & Equip. Cleaning  NS-13 Concrete Finishing  NS-3 Paving & Grinding  NS-9 Vehicle & Equip. Fueling NS-14 Material Use Over Water NS-4 Temp. Stream Crossing  NS-10 Vehicle & Equip. Maint. NS-15 Demo. Adj. to Water NS-5 Clear Water Diversion NS-11 Pile Driving Operations NS-16 Temporary Batch Plants  NS-6 Illicit Connection/Discharge Materials & Waste Management BMPs:  WM-1 Material Delivery/Storage  WM-5 Solid Waste Management  WM-8 Concrete Waste Mgmt.  WM-2 Material Use  WM-6 Hazardous Waste Mgmt.  WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste  WM-3 Stockpile Management WM-7 Contaminated Soil Management  WM-10 Liquid Waste Management  WM-4 Spill Prevention & Control Note: Refer to the SWPPP Exhibits/Erosion Control Plans for BMP locations by construction phase. Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project.  Minimum BMP BMP IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE INACTIVE SITE Project Name: Aviara Park Activities Associated with Phase: (check all that apply) Routine Site Inspection Street Sweeping Erosion/Sediment Control Device Installation Trash Removal Erosion/Sediment Control Device Maintenance Other: BMP Deployment: (check all that apply) Erosion Control BMPs:  EC-1 Scheduling  EC-7 Geotextiles & Mats EC-13 Reserved EC-2 Protect Existing Vegetation EC-8 Wood Mulching EC-14 Compost Blankets  EC-3 Hydraulic Mulch* EC-9 Earth Dikes & Drainage Swales EC-15 Soil Preparation/ Roughening EC-4 Hydroseeding* EC-10 Velocity Dissipation EC-16 Non-Vegetative Stabilization  EC-5 Soil Binders* EC-11 Slope Drains EC-6 Straw Mulch* EC-12 Streambank Stabilization Sediment Control BMPs:  SE-1 Silt Fence  SE-6 Gravel Bag Berm SE-11 ATS SE-2 Sediment Basin  SE-7 Street Sweeping & Vacuuming SE-12 Temporary Silt Dike SE-3 Sediment Trap  SE-8 Sandbag Barrier SE-13 Compost Socks & Berms SE-4 Check Dam SE-9 Straw Bale Barrier SE-14 Biofilter Bags  SE-5 Fiber Rolls  SE-10 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Tracking Control & Wind Erosion Control BMPs:  TC-1 Stabilized Entrance/Exit  TC-2 Stabilized Roadway TC-3 Entrance/Outlet Tire Wash  WE-1 Wind Erosion Control Non-Storm Water Management BMPs:  NS-1 Water Conservation  NS-7 Potable Water/Irrigation  NS-12 Concrete Curing NS-2 Dewatering Operations  NS-8 Vehicle & Equip. Cleaning  NS-13 Concrete Finishing  NS-3 Paving & Grinding  NS-9 Vehicle & Equip. Fueling NS-14 Material Use Over Water NS-4 Temp. Stream Crossing  NS-10 Vehicle & Equip. Maint. NS-15 Demo. Adj. to Water NS-5 Clear Water Diversion NS-11 Pile Driving Operations NS-16 Temporary Batch Plants  NS-6 Illicit Connection/Discharge Materials & Waste Management BMPs:  WM-1 Material Delivery/Storage  WM-5 Solid Waste Management  WM-8 Concrete Waste Mgmt.  WM-2 Material Use  WM-6 Hazardous Waste Mgmt.  WM-9 Sanitary/Septic Waste  WM-3 Stockpile Management WM-7 Contaminated Soil Management  WM-10 Liquid Waste Management  WM-4 Spill Prevention & Control Note: Refer to the SWPPP Exhibits/Erosion Control Plans for BMP locations by construction phase. Not all minimum requirements may be applicable to every project.  Minimum BMP * The Contractor shall select one of the five measures or a combination thereof to stabilize inactive areas (areas of construction activity that have been disturbed but are not currently being worked on and are not scheduled to be re-disturbed for at least 14 days) TRAINING FORMS & LOGS Storm Water Management Topic: (check as appropriate)  Temporary Soil Stabilization  Temporary Sediment Control  Wind Erosion Control  Tracking Control  Non-storm water management  Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control  Storm Water Sampling Specific Training Objective: Location: Date: Instructor: Telephone: Course Length (hours): Attendee Roster (attach additional forms if necessary) Name Company Phone COMMENTS: Storm Water Management Topic: (check as appropriate)  Temporary Soil Stabilization  Temporary Sediment Control  Wind Erosion Control  Tracking Control  Non-storm water management  Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control  Storm Water Sampling Specific Training Objective: Location: Date: Instructor: Telephone: Course Length (hours): Attendee Roster (attach additional forms if necessary) Name Company Phone COMMENTS: MEMORANDUM TO EMPLOYEES (May be periodically attached to paychecks) TO ALL EMPLOYEES: [Client Name] supports the protection of our environment and has developed a program for this project to reduce pollutants from entering the local waterways. You will be expected to abide by all requirements of the program and do your part to comply with the program while you are working on this project by:  Disposing of trash, rubbish, and construction debris properly.  Reporting, to the General Contractor, leaky vehicles or equipment or other pollution sources that may be present.  Covering material, which may be exposed to the rain.  Encouraging your co-workers to do the same. Remember, we all benefit from the recreation that is provided by these waters that we are protecting. A copy of the storm water pollution plan developed for this site is available for your review at the construction office. Emma Smith Jun 04, 2015 - Aug 30, 2017 Certificate # 20121 CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS Project Name: WDID: Company Name Contact Person Name Address Telephone Responsibilities Sample Subcontractor Notification Letter [Date] [Subcontractor/Supplier’s Name] [Company] [Address] [City, State] Dear [Subcontractor/Supplier’s Name] Please be advised that this contract is subject to the requirements and conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Construction Permit. In short, the purpose of this system is to eliminate pollutants from entering into the storm drain systems which eventually lead into our lakes, streams and oceans. Common pollutants include oil, grease, trash, sediment, asphaltic emulsions, concrete wastes, fertilizers, and pesticides. [Fuscoe Engineering, Inc. (example)] has developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with state requirements. You, as a Subcontractor/supplier are required to comply with the SWPPP and the NPDES General and Regional Permits (if any) for all work performed on this site. Any person or group who violates any condition of the general permit may be subject to substantial penalties in accordance with Section 309 of the Clean Water Act and the Porter- Cologne Water Quality Control Act. You are encouraged to advise each of your employees working on this project of requirements and guidelines of the SWPPP. Periodic memorandums attached to paychecks are often effectives means to remind employees of their responsibilities (see Appendix 13). In the event that any violation of the above referenced permit conditions is committed by a representative of [Subcontractor/Supplier], the liability for any associated penalties levied against [Client Name] becomes the responsibility of the [Subcontractor/Supplier]. A copy of the General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit, and the SWPPP developed for this site is available for your review at the construction office. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, [Name of Sender] I hereby acknowledge receipt of this document, and agree with the terms and conditions represented herein. ________________________________ [Subcontractor/Supplier]   SUBCONTRACTOR NOTIFICATION LOG Project Name: WDID: SUBCONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CONTACT NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER PAGER/ FIELD PHONE DATE NOTIFICATION LETTER SENT TYPE OF WORK SUBCONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME CONTACT NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER PAGER/ FIELD PHONE DATE NOTIFICATION LETTER SENT TYPE OF WORK USE ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY SIGNIFICANT SPILL REPORT WDID: Date of Occurrence: Discovered by: Location: Material Type: Volume Spilled: Cause of Spill: Corrective Action Taken: Agencies Contacted: Signed: Printed Name: Title: SIGNIFICANT SPILL REPORT WDID: Date of Occurrence: Discovered by: Location: Material Type: Volume Spilled: Cause of Spill: Corrective Action Taken: Agencies Contacted: Signed: Printed Name: Title: 1 QUICK REFERENCE  DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVES (Adopted from Santa Clara County Nonpoint Source Solution Control Program  December 1992) All of the waste products on this chart are prohibited from discharge to the storm drain system. Use this matrix to decide which alternative disposal strategies to use. ALTERNATIVES ARE LISTED IN PRIORITY ORDER. Key: HHW Household hazardous waste (Government-sponsored drop-off events) POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Plant Reg.Bd. Regional Water Quality Control Board (Oakland) “Dispose to sanitary sewer” means dispose into sink, toilet, or sanitary sewer clean-out connection. “Dispose as trash” means dispose in dumpsters or trash containers for pickup and/or eventual disposal in landfill. “Dispose as hazardous waste” for business/commercial means contract with a hazardous waste hauler to remove and dispose. DISCHARGE/ACTIVITY BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Disposal Priorities Approval Disposal Priorities General Construction and Paint; Street and Utility Maintenance Excess paint (oil-based) 1. Recycle/reuse 2. Dispose as hazardous waste 1. Recycle/reuse 2. Take to HHW drop-off Excess paint (water-based) 1. Recycle/reuse 2. Dry residue in cans, dispose as trash 3. If volume is too much to dry, dispose as hazardous waste 1. Recycle/reuse 2. Dry residue in cans, dispose as trash 3. If volume is too much to dry, take to HHW drop-off Paint cleanup (oil-based) Wipe paint out of brushes, then: 1. Filter & reuse thinners, solvents 2. Dispose as hazardous waste Wipe paint out of brushes, then: 1. Filter & reuse thinners, solvents 2. Take to HHW drop-off Paint cleanup (water-based) Wipe paint out of brushes, then: 1. Rinse to sanitary sewer Wipe paint out of brushes, then: 1. Rinse to sanitary sewer Empty paint cans (dry) 1. Remove lids, dispose as trash 1. Remove lids, dispose as trash Paint stripping (with solvent) 1. Dispose as hazardous waste 1. Take to HHW drop-off Building exterior cleaning (high-pressure water) 1. Prevent entry into storm drain and remove offsite 2. Wash onto dirt area, spade in 3. Collect (e.g., mop up) and discharge to sanitary sewer POTW Cleaning of building exteriors which have HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (e.g., mercury, lead) in paints 1. Use dry cleaning methods 2. Contain and dispose washwater as hazardous waste (Suggestion: dry material first to reduce volume) 2 DISCHARGE/ACTIVITY BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Disposal Priorities Approval Disposal Priorities General Construction and Paint; Street and Utility Maintenance (cont’d) Non-hazardous paint scraping/sand blasting 1. Dry sweep, dispose as trash 1. Dry sweep, dispose as trash HAZARDOUS paint scraping/sand blasting (e.g., marine paints or paints containing lead or tributyl tin) 1. Dry sweep, dispose as hazardous waste 1. Dry sweep, take to HHW drop-off Soil from excavations during periods when storms are forecast 1. Should not be placed in street or on paved areas 2. Remove from site or backfill by end of day 3. Cover with tarpaulin or surround with hay bales, or use other runoff controls (e.g., sandbags) 4. Place filter mat over storm drain Note: Thoroughly sweep following removal of dirt in all four alternatives Soil from excavations placed on paved surfaces during period when storms are not forecast 1. Keep material out of storm conveyance systems and thoroughly remove via sweeping following removal of dirt 2. Surround with sandbags Cleaning streets in construction areas 1. Dry sweep and minimize tracking of mud 2. Use silt ponds and/or similar pollutant reduction techniques when flushing pavement Soil erosion, sediments 1. Cover disturbed soils, use erosion controls and block entry to storm drain 2. Seed or plant immediately Fresh cement, grout, and mortar 1. Use/reuse excess 2. Dispose to trash 1. Use/reuse excess 2. Dispose to trash Washwater from concrete/mortar (etc.) cleanup 1. Wash onto dirt area, spade in 2. Pump and remove to appropriate disposal facility 3. Settle, pump water to sanitary sewer POTW 1. Wash onto dirt area, spade in 2. Pump and remove to appropriate disposal facility 3. Settle, pump water to sanitary sewer Aggregate wash from driveway/patio construction 1. Wash onto dirt area, spade in 2. Pump and remove to appropriate disposal facility 3. Settle, pump water to sanitary sewer POTW 1. Wash onto dirt area, spade in 2. Pump and remove to appropriate disposal facility 3. Settle, pump water to sanitary sewer 3 DISCHARGE/ACTIVITY BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Disposal Priorities Approval Disposal Priorities General Construction and Paint; Street and Utility Maintenance (cont’d) Rinsewater from concrete mixing trucks 1. Return truck to yard for rinsing into pond or dirt area 2. At construction site, wash into settling pond or dirt area lined with plastic and bermed, or surrounded with sandbags Non-hazardous construction and demolition debris 1. Recycle/reuse (concrete, wood, etc.) 2. Dispose as trash 1. Recycle/reuse (concrete, wood, etc.) 2. Dispose as trash Hazardous demolition and construction debris (e.g., asbestos) 1. Dispose as hazardous waste 1. Do not attempt to remove yourself. Contact asbestos removal service for safe removal and disposal 2. Very small amounts (less than 5 lbs.) may be double-wrapped in plastic and take to HHW drop-off Saw-cut slurry 1. Use dry cutting technique and sweep up residue 2. Vacuum slurry and dispose off-site 3. Block storm drain or berm with low weir as necessary to allow most solids to settle. Shovel out gutters; dispose residue to dirt area, construction yard or landfill Construction dewatering (Nonturbid, uncontaminated groundwater) 1. Recycle/Reuse 2. Discharge to storm drain Construction dewatering (other than nonturbid, uncontaminated groundwater) 1. Recycle/Reuse 2. Discharge to sanitary sewer 3. As appropriate, treat prior to discharge to storm drain POTW Reg. Bd. Portable toilet waste 1. Leasing company shall dispose to sanitary sewer at POTW POTW Leaks from garbage dumpsters 1. Collect, contain leaking material. Eliminate leak, keep covered, return to leasing company for immediate repair 2. If dumpster is used for liquid waste, use plastic liner 4 DISCHARGE/ACTIVITY BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Disposal Priorities Approval Disposal Priorities General Construction and Paint; Street and Utility Maintenance (cont’d) Leaks from construction debris bins 1. Ensure that bins are used for dry nonhazardous materials only (Suggestion: Fencing, covering helps prevent misuse) Dumpster cleaning water 1. Clean at dumpster owner’s facility and discharge waste through grease interceptor to sanitary sewer 2. Clean on-site and discharge through grease interceptor to sanitary sewer POTW POTW Cleaning driveways, paved areas * (Special Focus = Restaurant alleys, Grocery dumpster areas) * Note: Local drought ordinances may contain additional restrictions 1. Sweep and dispose as trash (Dry cleaning only) 2. For vehicle leaks, restaurant/grocery alleys, follow this 3-step process: a. Clean up leaks with rags or absorbents b. Sweep, using granular absorbent material (cat litter) c. Mop and dispose of mopwater to sanitary sewer (or collect rinse- water and pump to the sanitary sewer) 3. Same as 2 above, but with rinsewater (2c) (no soap) discharged to storm drain 1. Sweep and dispose as trash (Dry cleaning only) 2. For vehicle leaks, restaurant/grocery alleys, follow this 3-step process: a. Clean up leaks with rags or absorbents; dispose as hazardous waste b. Sweep, using granular absorbent material (cat litter) c. Mop and dispose of mopwater to sanitary sewer Steam cleaning of sidewalks, plazas * * Note: Local drought ordinances may contain additional restrictions 1. Collect all water and pump to sanitary sewer 2. Follow this 3-step process: a. Clean oil leaks with rags or absorbents b. Sweep (Use dry absorbent as needed) c. Use no soap, discharge to storm drain Potable water/line flushing Hydrant testing 1. Deactivate chlorine by maximizing time water will travel before reaching creeks Super-chlorinated (above 1 ppm) water from line flushing 1. Discharge to sanitary sewer 2. Complete dechlorination required before discharge to storm drain 5 DISCHARGE/ACTIVITY BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Disposal Priorities Approval Disposal Priorities Landscape/Garden Maintenance Pesticides 1. Use up. Rinse containers. Use rinsewater as product. Dispose rinsed containers as trash 2. Dispose unused pesticide as hazardous waste 1. Use up. Rinse containers. Use rinsewater as pesticide. Dispose rinsed containers as trash 2. Take unused pesticide to HHW drop-off Garden clippings 1. Compost 2. Take to Landfill 1. Compost 2. Dispose as trash Tree trimming 1. Chip if necessary, before composting as recycling 1. Chip if necessary, before composting as recycling Swimming pool, spa, fountain water (emptying) 1. Do not use metal-based algicides (i.e., Copper Sulfate) 2. Recycle/reuse (e.g., irrigation) 3. Determine chlorine residue = 0, wait 24 hours and then discharge to storm drain POTW 1. Do not use metal-based algicides (i.e., Copper Sulfate) 2. Recycle/reuse (e.g., irrigation) 3. Determine chlorine residue = 0, wait 24 hours and then discharge to storm drain Acid or other pool/spa/fountain cleaning 1. Neutralize and discharge to sanitary sewer POTW Swimming pool, spa filter backwash 1. Reuse for irrigation 2. Dispose on dirt area 3. Settle, dispose to sanitary sewer 1. Use for landscape irrigation 2. Dispose on dirt area 3. Settle, dispose to sanitary sewer Vehicle Wastes Used motor oil 1. Use secondary containment while storing, send to recycler 1. Put out for curbside recycling pickup where available 2. Take to Recycling Facility or auto service facility with recycling program 3. Take to HHW events accepting motor oil Antifreeze 1. Use secondary containment while storing, send to recycler 1. Take to Recycling Facility Other vehicle fluids and solvents 1. Dispose as hazardous waste 1. Take to HHW event Automobile batteries 1. Send to auto battery recycler 2. Take to Recycling Center 1. Exchange at retail outlet 2. Take to Recycling Facility or HHW event where batteries are accepted Motor home/construction trailer waste 1. Use holding tank. Dispose to sanitary sewer 1. Use holding tank, dispose to sanitary sewer 6 DISCHARGE/ACTIVITY BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Disposal Priorities Approval Disposal Priorities Vehicle Wastes (cont’d) Vehicle Washing 1. Recycle 2. Discharge to sanitary sewer, never to storm drain POTW 1. Take to Commercial Car Wash 2. Wash over lawn or dirt area 3. If soap is used, use a bucket for soapy water and discharge remaining soapy water to sanitary sewer Mobile Vehicle Washing 1. Collect washwater and discharge to sanitary sewer POTW Vehicle leaks Follow this 3-step process: 1. Clean up leaks with rags or absorbents 2. Sweep, using granular absorbent material (cat litter) 3. Mop and dispose of mopwater to sanitary sewer Other Wastes Carpet cleaning solutions & other mobile washing services 1. Dispose to sanitary sewer POTW 1. Dispose to sanitary sewer Roof drains 1. If roof is contaminated with industrial waste products, discharge to sanitary sewer 2. If no contamination is present, discharge to storm drain Cooling water Air conditioning condensate 1. Recycle/reuse 2. Discharge to sanitary sewer POTW Pumped groundwater, infiltration/ foundation drainage (contaminated) 1. Recycle/reuse (landscaping, etc.) 2. Treat if necessary; discharge to sanitary sewer 3. Treat and discharge to storm drain Reg. Bd. POTW Reg. Bd. Fire fighting flows If contamination is present, Fire Dept. will attempt to prevent flow to stream or storm drain 7 DISCHARGE/ACTIVITY BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Disposal Priorities Approval Disposal Priorities Other Wastes (cont’d) Kitchen Grease 1. Provide secondary containment, collect, and/or send to recycler. 2. Provide secondary containment, collect, and/or send to POTW via hauler POTW 1. Collect, solidify, dispose as trash Restaurant cleaning of floor mats, exhaust filters, etc. 1. Clean inside building with discharge through grease trap to sanitary sewer 2. Clean outside in container or bermed area with discharge to sanitary sewer Clean-up wastewater from sewer back-up 1. Follow this procedure: a. Block storm drain, contain, collect, and return spilled material to the sanitary sewer b. Block storm drain, rinse remaining material to collection point, and pump to sanitary sewer (no rinse- water may flow to storm drain) VISUAL MONITORING / INSPECTIONS All sites (Risk Levels 1, 2, and 3) are required to conduct visual monitoring (inspections). Visual monitoring includes inspections of BMPs, inspections before and after qualifying rain events, and inspection for non-storm water discharges. Visual inspections are required for the duration of the project with the goal of confirming that appropriately selected BMPs have been implemented, are being maintained, and are effective in preventing potential pollutants from coming in contact with storm water The attached forms may be utilized for documenting visual monitoring & inspections performed on the project site. The General Permit includes the following requirements for visual monitoring: Visual Monitoring (all Risk Levels)  Visual monitoring for non-storm water discharges (quarterly) o January-March o April-June o July-September o October-December  Baseline pre-rain event inspection (within 48 hours of qualifying rain events)  BMP inspections (weekly and every 24 hours during extended storm events)  Post-rain event inspection (within 2 business days after qualifying rain events) The General Permit defines a qualifying rain event as one that produces ½-inch or more of precipitation with a 48 hour or greater period between rain events. The General Permit requires that the construction site be inspected within two days prior to a predicted qualifying rain event, once every 24-hours during extended storm events, and within two days after a qualifying rain event. These inspections are only required during normal business hours of the construction site. The General Permit requires that only weather forecasts from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are used. Pre-project inspections should be initiated after consulting NOAA for a qualifying rain event with 50% or greater probability of precipitation (PoP). These forecasts can be obtained at http://www.srh.noaa.gov/. Records must be kept of all qualifying rain event inspections, included in Appendix P. Records need to be maintained on site and document:  Personnel performing the observations;  Observation dates (time and date);  Printed copy of the NOAA forecast  Weather conditions (including the rain gauge reading for the qualifying rain event);  Locations observed; and  Corrective actions taken in response to observations. If deficiencies are identified during BMP inspections, repairs or design changes to BMPs must be initiated within 72 hours of identification and need to be completed as soon as possible. All BMP inspections must be documented on an inspection checklist (see attached forms). The checklist should be made site specific based on the BMPs and outfalls for each construction project, and copies of the completed inspection forms, any corrective actions and any photographs taken shall be included in this SWPPP (Appendix P). Results of all visual monitoring & inspections are included as part of the Annual Report (see Section 7.9.3 and Appendix F). If the site is Risk Level 2 or 3 and there are non-storm water discharges, then samples must be collected and analyzed per Section 7.6. Refer to Section 7.5 of the SWPPP for further information regarding visual monitoring requirements. Rain Gauge Log Site Name: WDID: Date Time Rain Gauge Reading Read By (printed name) Risk Level 1, 2, 3 Visual Inspection Field Log Sheet Date and Time of Inspection: Report Date: Inspection Type: □ Weekly □ Before predicted rain □ During rain event □ Following qualifying rain event □ Contained stormwater release □ Quarterly non-stormwater Site Information Construction Site Name: WDID: Construction stage and completed activities: Approximate area of exposed site: Weather and Observations Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Estimate storm beginning: (date and time) Estimate storm duration:_________ (hours) Estimate time since last storm: ________ (days or hours) Rain gauge reading: _______ (inches) Observations: If yes identify location Odors Yes □ No □ Floating material Yes □ No □ Suspended Material Yes □ No □ Sheen Yes □ No □ Discolorations Yes □ No □ Turbidity Yes □ No □ Site Inspections Outfalls or BMPs Evaluated Deficiencies Noted (add additional sheets or attached detailed BMP Inspection Checklists) Photos Taken: Yes □ No □ Photo Reference IDs: Corrective Actions Identified (note if SWPPP/REAP change is needed) Inspector Information Inspector Name: Inspector Title: Signature: Date: Risk Level 1, 2, 3 Visual Inspection Field Log Sheet Date and Time of Inspection: Report Date: Inspection Type: □ Weekly □ Before predicted rain □ During rain event □ Following qualifying rain event □ Contained stormwater release □ Quarterly non-stormwater Site Information Construction Site Name: WDID: Construction stage and completed activities: Approximate area of exposed site: Weather and Observations Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Estimate storm beginning: (date and time) Estimate storm duration:_________ (hours) Estimate time since last storm: ________ (days or hours) Rain gauge reading: _______ (inches) Observations: If yes identify location Odors Yes □ No □ Floating material Yes □ No □ Suspended Material Yes □ No □ Sheen Yes □ No □ Discolorations Yes □ No □ Turbidity Yes □ No □ Site Inspections Outfalls or BMPs Evaluated Deficiencies Noted (add additional sheets or attached detailed BMP Inspection Checklists) Photos Taken: Yes □ No □ Photo Reference IDs: Corrective Actions Identified (note if SWPPP/REAP change is needed) Inspector Information Inspector Name: Inspector Title: Signature: Date: Risk Level 1, 2, 3 Visual Inspection Field Log Sheet Date and Time of Inspection: Report Date: Inspection Type: □ Weekly □ Before predicted rain □ During rain event □ Following qualifying rain event □ Contained stormwater release □ Quarterly non-stormwater Site Information Construction Site Name: WDID: Construction stage and completed activities: Approximate area of exposed site: Weather and Observations Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Estimate storm beginning: (date and time) Estimate storm duration:_________ (hours) Estimate time since last storm: ________ (days or hours) Rain gauge reading: _______ (inches) Observations: If yes identify location Odors Yes □ No □ Floating material Yes □ No □ Suspended Material Yes □ No □ Sheen Yes □ No □ Discolorations Yes □ No □ Turbidity Yes □ No □ Site Inspections Outfalls or BMPs Evaluated Deficiencies Noted (add additional sheets or attached detailed BMP Inspection Checklists) Photos Taken: Yes □ No □ Photo Reference IDs: Corrective Actions Identified (note if SWPPP/REAP change is needed) Inspector Information Inspector Name: Inspector Title: Signature: Date: Risk Level 1, 2, 3 Visual Inspection Field Log Sheet Date and Time of Inspection: Report Date: Inspection Type: □ Weekly □ Before predicted rain □ During rain event □ Following qualifying rain event □ Contained stormwater release □ Quarterly non-stormwater Site Information Construction Site Name: WDID: Construction stage and completed activities: Approximate area of exposed site: Weather and Observations Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Estimate storm beginning: (date and time) Estimate storm duration:_________ (hours) Estimate time since last storm: ________ (days or hours) Rain gauge reading: _______ (inches) Observations: If yes identify location Odors Yes □ No □ Floating material Yes □ No □ Suspended Material Yes □ No □ Sheen Yes □ No □ Discolorations Yes □ No □ Turbidity Yes □ No □ Site Inspections Outfalls or BMPs Evaluated Deficiencies Noted (add additional sheets or attached detailed BMP Inspection Checklists) Photos Taken: Yes □ No □ Photo Reference IDs: Corrective Actions Identified (note if SWPPP/REAP change is needed) Inspector Information Inspector Name: Inspector Title: Signature: Date: Risk Level 1, 2, 3 Visual Inspection Field Log Sheet Date and Time of Inspection: Report Date: Inspection Type: □ Weekly □ Before predicted rain □ During rain event □ Following qualifying rain event □ Contained stormwater release □ Quarterly non-stormwater Site Information Construction Site Name: WDID: Construction stage and completed activities: Approximate area of exposed site: Weather and Observations Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Estimate storm beginning: (date and time) Estimate storm duration:_________ (hours) Estimate time since last storm: ________ (days or hours) Rain gauge reading: _______ (inches) Observations: If yes identify location Odors Yes □ No □ Floating material Yes □ No □ Suspended Material Yes □ No □ Sheen Yes □ No □ Discolorations Yes □ No □ Turbidity Yes □ No □ Site Inspections Outfalls or BMPs Evaluated Deficiencies Noted (add additional sheets or attached detailed BMP Inspection Checklists) Photos Taken: Yes □ No □ Photo Reference IDs: Corrective Actions Identified (note if SWPPP/REAP change is needed) Inspector Information Inspector Name: Inspector Title: Signature: Date: Risk Level 1, 2, 3 Visual Inspection Field Log Sheet Date and Time of Inspection: Report Date: Inspection Type: □ Weekly □ Before predicted rain □ During rain event □ Following qualifying rain event □ Contained stormwater release □ Quarterly non-stormwater Site Information Construction Site Name: WDID: Construction stage and completed activities: Approximate area of exposed site: Weather and Observations Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Estimate storm beginning: (date and time) Estimate storm duration:_________ (hours) Estimate time since last storm: ________ (days or hours) Rain gauge reading: _______ (inches) Observations: If yes identify location Odors Yes □ No □ Floating material Yes □ No □ Suspended Material Yes □ No □ Sheen Yes □ No □ Discolorations Yes □ No □ Turbidity Yes □ No □ Site Inspections Outfalls or BMPs Evaluated Deficiencies Noted (add additional sheets or attached detailed BMP Inspection Checklists) Photos Taken: Yes □ No □ Photo Reference IDs: Corrective Actions Identified (note if SWPPP/REAP change is needed) Inspector Information Inspector Name: Inspector Title: Signature: Date: Risk Level 1, 2, 3 Visual Inspection Field Log Sheet Date and Time of Inspection: Report Date: Inspection Type: □ Weekly □ Before predicted rain □ During rain event □ Following qualifying rain event □ Contained stormwater release □ Quarterly non-stormwater Site Information Construction Site Name: WDID: Construction stage and completed activities: Approximate area of exposed site: Weather and Observations Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Estimate storm beginning: (date and time) Estimate storm duration:_________ (hours) Estimate time since last storm: ________ (days or hours) Rain gauge reading: _______ (inches) Observations: If yes identify location Odors Yes □ No □ Floating material Yes □ No □ Suspended Material Yes □ No □ Sheen Yes □ No □ Discolorations Yes □ No □ Turbidity Yes □ No □ Site Inspections Outfalls or BMPs Evaluated Deficiencies Noted (add additional sheets or attached detailed BMP Inspection Checklists) Photos Taken: Yes □ No □ Photo Reference IDs: Corrective Actions Identified (note if SWPPP/REAP change is needed) Inspector Information Inspector Name: Inspector Title: Signature: Date: Risk Level 1, 2, 3 Visual Inspection Field Log Sheet Date and Time of Inspection: Report Date: Inspection Type: □ Weekly □ Before predicted rain □ During rain event □ Following qualifying rain event □ Contained stormwater release □ Quarterly non-stormwater Site Information Construction Site Name: WDID: Construction stage and completed activities: Approximate area of exposed site: Weather and Observations Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Estimate storm beginning: (date and time) Estimate storm duration:_________ (hours) Estimate time since last storm: ________ (days or hours) Rain gauge reading: _______ (inches) Observations: If yes identify location Odors Yes □ No □ Floating material Yes □ No □ Suspended Material Yes □ No □ Sheen Yes □ No □ Discolorations Yes □ No □ Turbidity Yes □ No □ Site Inspections Outfalls or BMPs Evaluated Deficiencies Noted (add additional sheets or attached detailed BMP Inspection Checklists) Photos Taken: Yes □ No □ Photo Reference IDs: Corrective Actions Identified (note if SWPPP/REAP change is needed) Inspector Information Inspector Name: Inspector Title: Signature: Date: STORM WATER QUALITY CONSTRUCTION SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name WDID No. Contractor Arrival Time Departure Time Weather Condition Construction Type  Prior to forecast rain  After a rain event Inspection Type (Check Applicable)  24-hr intervals during extended rain  Other Season (Check Applicable)  Rainy  Non-Rainy Storm Start Date & Time: Storm Duration (hrs): Storm Data Time elapsed since last storm (Circle Applicable Units) Min. Hr. Days Approximate Rainfall Amount (mm) PROJECT AREA SUMMARY AND DISTURBED SOIL AREA (DSA) SIZE Total Project Area Hectare/Acres Estimate of Active DSAs Hectare/Acres OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Preservation of Existing Vegetation Is temporary fencing provided to preserve vegetation in areas where no construction activity is planned? Temporary Soil Stabilization Does the applied temporary soil stabilization provide 100% coverage for the required areas? Are there any non-vegetated areas that may require temporary soil stabilization? Temporary Linear Sediment Barriers Are temporary linear sediment barriers properly installed in accordance with the details, functional and maintained? Are cross barriers installed where necessary and properly spaced? Storm Drain Inlet Protection OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Are storm drain inlets properly protected and maintained? Desilting Basins Do basins provide the required retention/detention? Stockpiles Are all locations of temporary stockpiles, including soil, hazardous waste, and construction materials in approved areas? Are stockpiles protected from run-on, run-off from adjacent areas and from winds? Are required covers and/or perimeter controls in place? Concentrated Flows Are concentrated flow paths free of visible erosion? Tracking Control Are all paved areas and points of ingress/egress free of visible sediment tracking or other particulate matter? Is dust control implemented in conformance with Section 10 of the Standard Specifications? Dewatering Operations Is dewatering handled in conformance with the dewatering permit issued by the RWQCB? Is required treatment provided for dewatering effluent? Vehicle & Equipment Fueling, Cleaning, and Maintenance Are vehicle and equipment fueling, cleaning and maintenance areas clean and free of spills and leaks? Are vehicle and equipment fueling, cleaning and maintenance activities performed on an impermeable surface? If no, are drip pans used? Are dedicated fueling, cleaning, and maintenance areas located appropriately and protected from run-on and runoff? Is wash water contained for infiltration/ evaporation and disposed of outside the highway right of way? Is on-site cleaning limited to washing with water only? Are vehicles and equipment inspected for leaks and repaired? Waste Management & Materials Pollution Control Are material storage areas and washout areas protected from run-on and runoff, and located in appropriate areas? Are all material handling and storage areas clean and stocked with appropriate clean-up supplies? Are liquid materials, hazardous materials, and hazardous wastes stored in temporary containment facilities? Are bagged and boxed materials stored on pallets? Are hazardous materials and wastes stored in appropriate, labeled containers? Are proper storage, clean-up, and spill-reporting procedures for hazardous materials and wastes posted in appropriate areas? Are temporary containment facilities free of spills and rainwater? OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Are temporary containment facilities and bagged/boxed materials covered? Are temporary concrete washout facilities designated and being used? Are temporary concrete washout facilities functional? Do concrete washout facilities provide sufficient volume for planned operations? Are concrete wastes, including residues from cutting and grinding, contained in off-site or in concrete washout facilities? Are spills from mobile equipment fueling and maintenance properly contained and cleaned up? Is the site free of litter? Are trash receptacles in appropriate areas, watertight, and leak free? Temporary Water Body Crossing or Encroachment Are temporary water body crossings and encroachments constructed as shown on the plans or as approved by the engineer? Does the project conform to the requirements of the 404 permit and/or 1601agreement? Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting Is there any evidence of illicit discharges or illegal dumping on the project site? If yes, has the Engineer been notified? Discharge Points Are discharge points and discharge flows free from noticeable pollutants? Are discharge points free of any significant erosion or sediment transport? SWPPP Update Does the SWPPP reflect the activities at the construction site? General Are there any other potential water pollution control concerns at the site? Storm Water Monitoring Does storm water discharge directly to a water body listed in the General Permit as impaired for sediment/sedimentation or turbidity? If yes, were samples for sediment/sedimentation or turbidity collected pursuant to the sampling and analysis plan, if required, during rain events? Were there any BMPs not properly implemented or breaches, malfunctions, leakages or spills observed which could result in the discharge of pollutants to surface waters that would not be visually detectable in storm water? If yes, were samples for non-visually detectable pollutants collected pursuant to the sampling and analysis plan during rain events? Were soil amendments (e.g., gypsum) used on the project? OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action If yes, were samples for non-visually detectable pollutants collected pursuant to the sampling and analysis plan during rain events? Did storm water contact stored materials or waste and run off the construction site? (Materials not in watertight containers, etc.) If yes, were samples for non-visually detectable pollutants collected pursuant to the sampling and analysis plan during rain events? Additional Comments/Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Certification Inspection performed by: ____________________________ ____________________________ Name Signature Title: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Inspection confirmed by: ____________________________ ____________________________ Name Signature Title: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ A COPY OF THIS REPORT MUST BE KEPT ON-SITE IN THE SWPPP AT ALL TIMES. STORM WATER QUALITY CONSTRUCTION SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name WDID No. Contractor Arrival Time Departure Time Weather Condition Construction Type  Prior to forecast rain  After a rain event Inspection Type (Check Applicable)  24-hr intervals during extended rain  Other Season (Check Applicable)  Rainy  Non-Rainy Storm Start Date & Time: Storm Duration (hrs): Storm Data Time elapsed since last storm (Circle Applicable Units) Min. Hr. Days Approximate Rainfall Amount (mm) PROJECT AREA SUMMARY AND DISTURBED SOIL AREA (DSA) SIZE Total Project Area Hectare/Acres Estimate of Active DSAs Hectare/Acres OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Preservation of Existing Vegetation Is temporary fencing provided to preserve vegetation in areas where no construction activity is planned? Temporary Soil Stabilization Does the applied temporary soil stabilization provide 100% coverage for the required areas? Are there any non-vegetated areas that may require temporary soil stabilization? Temporary Linear Sediment Barriers Are temporary linear sediment barriers properly installed in accordance with the details, functional and maintained? Are cross barriers installed where necessary and properly spaced? Storm Drain Inlet Protection OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Are storm drain inlets properly protected and maintained? Desilting Basins Do basins provide the required retention/detention? Stockpiles Are all locations of temporary stockpiles, including soil, hazardous waste, and construction materials in approved areas? Are stockpiles protected from run-on, run-off from adjacent areas and from winds? Are required covers and/or perimeter controls in place? Concentrated Flows Are concentrated flow paths free of visible erosion? Tracking Control Are all paved areas and points of ingress/egress free of visible sediment tracking or other particulate matter? Is dust control implemented in conformance with Section 10 of the Standard Specifications? Dewatering Operations Is dewatering handled in conformance with the dewatering permit issued by the RWQCB? Is required treatment provided for dewatering effluent? Vehicle & Equipment Fueling, Cleaning, and Maintenance Are vehicle and equipment fueling, cleaning and maintenance areas clean and free of spills and leaks? Are vehicle and equipment fueling, cleaning and maintenance activities performed on an impermeable surface? If no, are drip pans used? Are dedicated fueling, cleaning, and maintenance areas located appropriately and protected from run-on and runoff? Is wash water contained for infiltration/ evaporation and disposed of outside the highway right of way? Is on-site cleaning limited to washing with water only? Are vehicles and equipment inspected for leaks and repaired? Waste Management & Materials Pollution Control Are material storage areas and washout areas protected from run-on and runoff, and located in appropriate areas? Are all material handling and storage areas clean and stocked with appropriate clean-up supplies? Are liquid materials, hazardous materials, and hazardous wastes stored in temporary containment facilities? Are bagged and boxed materials stored on pallets? Are hazardous materials and wastes stored in appropriate, labeled containers? Are proper storage, clean-up, and spill-reporting procedures for hazardous materials and wastes posted in appropriate areas? Are temporary containment facilities free of spills and rainwater? OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action Are temporary containment facilities and bagged/boxed materials covered? Are temporary concrete washout facilities designated and being used? Are temporary concrete washout facilities functional? Do concrete washout facilities provide sufficient volume for planned operations? Are concrete wastes, including residues from cutting and grinding, contained in off-site or in concrete washout facilities? Are spills from mobile equipment fueling and maintenance properly contained and cleaned up? Is the site free of litter? Are trash receptacles in appropriate areas, watertight, and leak free? Temporary Water Body Crossing or Encroachment Are temporary water body crossings and encroachments constructed as shown on the plans or as approved by the engineer? Does the project conform to the requirements of the 404 permit and/or 1601agreement? Illicit Connection/Illegal Discharge Detection and Reporting Is there any evidence of illicit discharges or illegal dumping on the project site? If yes, has the Engineer been notified? Discharge Points Are discharge points and discharge flows free from noticeable pollutants? Are discharge points free of any significant erosion or sediment transport? SWPPP Update Does the SWPPP reflect the activities at the construction site? General Are there any other potential water pollution control concerns at the site? Storm Water Monitoring Does storm water discharge directly to a water body listed in the General Permit as impaired for sediment/sedimentation or turbidity? If yes, were samples for sediment/sedimentation or turbidity collected pursuant to the sampling and analysis plan, if required, during rain events? Were there any BMPs not properly implemented or breaches, malfunctions, leakages or spills observed which could result in the discharge of pollutants to surface waters that would not be visually detectable in storm water? If yes, were samples for non-visually detectable pollutants collected pursuant to the sampling and analysis plan during rain events? Were soil amendments (e.g., gypsum) used on the project? OTHER REQUIREMENTS Requirement Yes No N/A Corrective Action If yes, were samples for non-visually detectable pollutants collected pursuant to the sampling and analysis plan during rain events? Did storm water contact stored materials or waste and run off the construction site? (Materials not in watertight containers, etc.) If yes, were samples for non-visually detectable pollutants collected pursuant to the sampling and analysis plan during rain events? Additional Comments/Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Certification Inspection performed by: ____________________________ ____________________________ Name Signature Title: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Inspection confirmed by: ____________________________ ____________________________ Name Signature Title: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ A COPY OF THIS REPORT MUST BE KEPT ON-SITE IN THE SWPPP AT ALL TIMES. RAIN EVENT ACTION PLANS (REAPs) REAPs are to be completed by the QSP when there is a forecast of a likely precipitation event in the project area according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecast website (http://www.crh.noaa.gov/lot/severe/wxterms.php). A “likely precipitation event” is any weather pattern that is forecast to have a 50% or greater chance of precipitation in the project area. Forecasts are normally issued for 12-hour time periods. It is recommended that the NOAA forecast be printed and saved where REAPs are required for documentation of the forecast. Copies may be saved in Appendix Q. REAPs are also required for project sites where construction activities are indefinitely halted or postponed. REAP templates are included in Appendix Q. Copies of completed REAPs shall be documented in the SWPPP (Appendix Q) and submitted through SMARTS with the Annual Report (Appendix F). Note: REAPs are to be prepared and implemented in addition to the pre-storm event visual inspection requirements, described further in Section 7.5. REAPs are not required for Risk Level 1 dischargers. November 2009 California Stormwater BMP Handbook | www.casqa.org C-1 0BRain Event Action Plan (REAP) Date: WDID Number: Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Site Information: Site Name, City and Zip Code Project Risk Level: □ Risk Level 2 □ Risk Level 3 Site Stormwater Manager Information: Name, Company, Emergency Phone Number (24/7) Erosion and Sediment Control Contractor – Labor Force contracted for the site: Name, Company, Emergency Phone Number (24/7) Stormwater Sampling Agent: Name, Company, Emergency Phone Number (24/7) Current Phase of Construction Check ALL the boxes below that apply to your site.  Grading and Land Development  Vertical Construction  Inactive Site  Streets and Utilities  Final Landscaping and Site Stabilization  Other: Activities Associated with Current Phase(s) Check ALL the boxes below that apply to your site (some apply to all Phases). UGrading and Land Development:  Demolition  Vegetation Removal  Vegetation Salvage-Harvest  Rough Grade  Finish Grade  Blasting  Soil Amendment(s):  Excavation (_____ ft)  Soils Testing  Rock Crushing  Erosion and Sediment Control  Surveying  Equip. Maintenance/Fueling  Material Delivery and Storage  Other: UStreets and Utilities:  Finish Grade  Utility Install: water-sewer-gas  Paving Operations  Equip. Maintenance/Fueling  Storm Drain Installation  Material Delivery & Storage  Curb and Gutter/Concrete Pour  Masonry  Other: UVertical Construction:  Framing  Carpentry  Concrete/Forms/Foundation  Masonry  Electrical  Painting  Drywall/Interior Walls  Plumbing  Stucco  Equip. Maintenance/Fueling  HVAC  Tile  Exterior Siding  Insulation  Landscaping & Irrigation  Flooring  Roofing  Other: UFinal Landscaping & Site Stabilization:  Stabilization  Vegetation Establishment  E&S Control BMP Removal  Finish Grade  Storage Yard/ Material Removal  Landscape Installation  Painting and Touch-Up  Irrigation System Testing  Other:  Drainage Inlet Stencils  Inlet Filtration  Perm. Water Quality Ponds  Other: UInactive Construction Site:  E & S Control Device Installation  E & S Control Device Maintenance  Other:  Routine Site Inspection  Street Sweeping  Other:  Trash Removal  Other: November 2009 California Stormwater BMP Handbook | www.casqa.org C-2 Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) Date: WDID Number: Trades Active on Site during Current Phase(s) Check ALL the boxes below that apply to your site  Storm Drain Improvement  Grading Contractor  Surveyor- Soil Technician  Street Improvements  Water Pipe Installation  Sanitary Station Provider  Material Delivery  Sewer Pipe Installation  Electrical  Trenching  Gas Pipe Installation  Carpentry  Concrete Pouring  Electrical Installation  Plumbing  Foundation  Communication Installation  Masonry  Demolition  Erosion and Sediment Control  Water, Sewer, Electric Utilities  Material Delivery  Equipment Fueling/Maintenance  Rock Products  Tile Work- Flooring  Utilities, e.g., Sewer, Electric  Painters  Drywall  Roofers  Carpenters  HVAC installers  Stucco  Pest Control: e.g., termite prevention  Exterior Siding  Masons  Water Feature Installation  Insulation  Landscapers  Utility Line Testers  Fireproofing  Riggers  Irrigation System Installation  Steel Systems  Utility Line Testers  Other: 16BTrade Contractor Information Provided Check ALL the boxes below that apply to your site.  Educational Material Handout  Tailgate Meetings  Training Workshop  Contractual Language  Fines and Penalties  Signage  Other:  Other:  Other: 17BContinued on next page. November 2009 California Stormwater BMP Handbook | www.casqa.org C-3 Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) Date of REAP BWDID Number: Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Predicted Rain Event Triggered Actions Below is a list of suggested actions and items to review for this project. Each active Trade should check all material storage areas, stockpiles, waste management areas, vehicle and equipment storage and maintenance, areas of active soil disturbance, and areas of active work to ensure the proper implementation of BMPs. Project-wide BMPs should be checked and cross-referenced to the BMP progress map. Trade or Activity Suggested action(s) to perform / item(s) to review prior to rain event  Information & Scheduling  Inform trade supervisors of predicted rain  Check scheduled activities and reschedule as needed  Alert erosion/sediment control provider  Alert sample collection contractor (if applicable)  Schedule staff for extended rain inspections (including weekends & holidays)  Check Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) material stock  Review BMP progress map  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  Material storage areas  Material under cover or in sheds (ex: treated woods and metals)  Perimeter control around stockpiles  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  __________________________________  Waste management areas  Dumpsters closed  Drain holes plugged  Recycling bins covered  Sanitary stations bermed and protected from tipping  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  Trade operations  Exterior operations shut down for event (e.g., no concrete pours or paving)  Soil treatments (e.g.,: fertilizer) ceased within 24 hours of event  Materials and equipment (ex: tools) properly stored and covered  Waste and debris disposed in covered dumpsters or removed from site  Trenches and excavations protected  Perimeter controls around disturbed areas  Fueling and repair areas covered and bermed  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  __________________________________  Site ESC BMPs  Adequate capacity in sediment basins and traps  Site perimeter controls in place  Catch basin and drop inlet protection in place and cleaned  Temporary erosion controls deployed  Temporary perimeter controls deployed around disturbed areas and stockpiles  Roads swept; site ingress and egress points stabilized  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  __________________________________  Concrete rinse out area  Adequate capacity for rain  Wash-out bins covered  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  __________________________________  Spill and drips  All incident spills and drips, including paint, stucco, fuel, and oil cleaned  Drip pans emptied  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  __________________________________ Continued on next page. November 2009 California Stormwater BMP Handbook | www.casqa.org C-4  Other / Discussion / Diagrams  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________ Attach a printout of the weather forecast from the NOAA website to the REAP. I certify under penalty of law that this Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) will be performed in accordance with the General Permit by me or under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. ______________________________________________________Date: __________________________ Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (Use ink please) November 2009 California Stormwater BMP Handbook | www.casqa.org C-1 0BRain Event Action Plan (REAP) Date: WDID Number: Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Site Information: Site Name, City and Zip Code Project Risk Level: □ Risk Level 2 □ Risk Level 3 Site Stormwater Manager Information: Name, Company, Emergency Phone Number (24/7) Erosion and Sediment Control Contractor – Labor Force contracted for the site: Name, Company, Emergency Phone Number (24/7) Stormwater Sampling Agent: Name, Company, Emergency Phone Number (24/7) Current Phase of Construction Check ALL the boxes below that apply to your site.  Grading and Land Development  Vertical Construction  Inactive Site  Streets and Utilities  Final Landscaping and Site Stabilization  Other: Activities Associated with Current Phase(s) Check ALL the boxes below that apply to your site (some apply to all Phases). UGrading and Land Development:  Demolition  Vegetation Removal  Vegetation Salvage-Harvest  Rough Grade  Finish Grade  Blasting  Soil Amendment(s):  Excavation (_____ ft)  Soils Testing  Rock Crushing  Erosion and Sediment Control  Surveying  Equip. Maintenance/Fueling  Material Delivery and Storage  Other: UStreets and Utilities:  Finish Grade  Utility Install: water-sewer-gas  Paving Operations  Equip. Maintenance/Fueling  Storm Drain Installation  Material Delivery & Storage  Curb and Gutter/Concrete Pour  Masonry  Other: UVertical Construction:  Framing  Carpentry  Concrete/Forms/Foundation  Masonry  Electrical  Painting  Drywall/Interior Walls  Plumbing  Stucco  Equip. Maintenance/Fueling  HVAC  Tile  Exterior Siding  Insulation  Landscaping & Irrigation  Flooring  Roofing  Other: UFinal Landscaping & Site Stabilization:  Stabilization  Vegetation Establishment  E&S Control BMP Removal  Finish Grade  Storage Yard/ Material Removal  Landscape Installation  Painting and Touch-Up  Irrigation System Testing  Other:  Drainage Inlet Stencils  Inlet Filtration  Perm. Water Quality Ponds  Other: UInactive Construction Site:  E & S Control Device Installation  E & S Control Device Maintenance  Other:  Routine Site Inspection  Street Sweeping  Other:  Trash Removal  Other: November 2009 California Stormwater BMP Handbook | www.casqa.org C-2 Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) Date: WDID Number: Trades Active on Site during Current Phase(s) Check ALL the boxes below that apply to your site  Storm Drain Improvement  Grading Contractor  Surveyor- Soil Technician  Street Improvements  Water Pipe Installation  Sanitary Station Provider  Material Delivery  Sewer Pipe Installation  Electrical  Trenching  Gas Pipe Installation  Carpentry  Concrete Pouring  Electrical Installation  Plumbing  Foundation  Communication Installation  Masonry  Demolition  Erosion and Sediment Control  Water, Sewer, Electric Utilities  Material Delivery  Equipment Fueling/Maintenance  Rock Products  Tile Work- Flooring  Utilities, e.g., Sewer, Electric  Painters  Drywall  Roofers  Carpenters  HVAC installers  Stucco  Pest Control: e.g., termite prevention  Exterior Siding  Masons  Water Feature Installation  Insulation  Landscapers  Utility Line Testers  Fireproofing  Riggers  Irrigation System Installation  Steel Systems  Utility Line Testers  Other: 16BTrade Contractor Information Provided Check ALL the boxes below that apply to your site.  Educational Material Handout  Tailgate Meetings  Training Workshop  Contractual Language  Fines and Penalties  Signage  Other:  Other:  Other: 17BContinued on next page. November 2009 California Stormwater BMP Handbook | www.casqa.org C-3 Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) Date of REAP BWDID Number: Date Rain Predicted to Occur: Predicted % chance of rain: Predicted Rain Event Triggered Actions Below is a list of suggested actions and items to review for this project. Each active Trade should check all material storage areas, stockpiles, waste management areas, vehicle and equipment storage and maintenance, areas of active soil disturbance, and areas of active work to ensure the proper implementation of BMPs. Project-wide BMPs should be checked and cross- referenced to the BMP progress map. Trade or Activity Suggested action(s) to perform / item(s) to review prior to rain event  Information & Scheduling  Inform trade supervisors of predicted rain  Check scheduled activities and reschedule as needed  Alert erosion/sediment control provider  Alert sample collection contractor (if applicable)  Schedule staff for extended rain inspections (including weekends & holidays)  Check Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) material stock  Review BMP progress map  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  Material storage areas  Material under cover or in sheds (ex: treated woods and metals)  Perimeter control around stockpiles  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  __________________________________  Waste management areas  Dumpsters closed  Drain holes plugged  Recycling bins covered  Sanitary stations bermed and protected from tipping  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  Trade operations  Exterior operations shut down for event (e.g., no concrete pours or paving)  Soil treatments (e.g.,: fertilizer) ceased within 24 hours of event  Materials and equipment (ex: tools) properly stored and covered  Waste and debris disposed in covered dumpsters or removed from site  Trenches and excavations protected  Perimeter controls around disturbed areas  Fueling and repair areas covered and bermed  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  __________________________________  Site ESC BMPs  Adequate capacity in sediment basins and traps  Site perimeter controls in place  Catch basin and drop inlet protection in place and cleaned  Temporary erosion controls deployed  Temporary perimeter controls deployed around disturbed areas and stockpiles  Roads swept; site ingress and egress points stabilized  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  __________________________________  Concrete rinse out area  Adequate capacity for rain  Wash-out bins covered  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  __________________________________  Spill and drips  All incident spills and drips, including paint, stucco, fuel, and oil cleaned  Drip pans emptied  Other:___________________________________  ________________________________________  __________________________________ November 2009 California Stormwater BMP Handbook | www.casqa.org C-4 Continued on next page.  Other / Discussion / Diagrams  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________  ________________________________________ Attach a printout of the weather forecast from the NOAA website to the REAP. I certify under penalty of law that this Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) will be performed in accordance with the General Permit by me or under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. ______________________________________________________Date: __________________________ Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (Use ink please) Guidance on Field Measurements Source: California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA). California Stormwater Quality Handbook for Construction, Appendix D – Field Monitoring and Analysis Guidance. November 2009. This section details the general practices for sampling using field meters. Before any sampling begins it is imperative to wear proper clothing and equipment. This includes the appropriate sampling safety equipment and powder-free nitrile gloves. Instrument Calibration Calibrate field meters and equipment before any sampling. Follow the calibration instructions provided by the manufacturer with your instrument. Calibration standards should be purchased with your instrument and repurchased as needed. The standards have limited shelf life and should not be used beyond the expiration date. Most pH meters require a two or three point calibration curve; therefore you will need to purchase two or three different standard solutions. Typical solutions have pH values of 4, 7, and 10. Turbidity measurements are also based on a two or three point curve and should include a zero value. It is very important to make sure that the turbidity standard solution is well mixed before meter calibration. Since turbidity standards sometimes contain suspended solids, inaccurate calibration can result if the standards are not properly mixed. Field Meter Sampling Measurement of turbidity and pH using a field meter is very similar. Figure D-2 shows an example of an all-in-one field meter, which among other things, records pH and turbidity. Since methods for specific field meters vary from model to model carefully follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. This pictorial guide provides an outline for the methods appropriate for an all-in-one meter. Measurements In-Stream The simplest method is to place the sensor directly into the waterway or flow path (Figure D-3) and record the results. This will only work if there is significant runoff with a depth greater than six inches, which may not be the case at a construction site. With this method, it is important to not only to have runoff with a significant depth but to sample in a location that is representative of the entire flow. Avoid puddles that might have formed off of the main drainage. Measurements in a Sample Container Most likely the sampling will take place in low flow conditions so an intermediate container must be used. The container should be clean and decontaminated. Make sure to obtain a grab sample that represents site runoff conditions. If two or more runoff streams originating from the site converge at one location downstream from the construction site, then collect a grab sample at this location. Collect the field sample by holding the container in the flow path (Figure D-4) until enough water is obtained to fill the field meter’s receiving container. In some cases, small, clean cups or sampling syringes may be needed to collect an adequate sample volume. Next pour the grab sample into the field meter’s receiving container (Figure D-5) Insert field meter into receiving container with the sample water (Figure D-6). This step will differ based on the design of the meter. Wait for the pH and turbidity values to stabilize before recording the results, which may take few moments. Complete the field logs with results and any important information to describe the sampling settings. Include in the documentation any apparent odor, color, clarity, sheen, and other visual characteristics of the water sample. Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 1 Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory Hot Asphalt Asphalt Emulsion Liquid Asphalt (tack coat) Cold Mix Yes - Rainbow Surface or Brown Suspension Visually Observable - No Testing Required Crumb Rubber Yes – Black, solid material Visually Observable - No Testing Required Asphalt Products (Sections 37, 39, 92, 93, 94, and Special Provisions) Asphalt Concrete (Any Type) Yes - Rainbow Surface or Brown Suspension Visually Observable - No Testing Required EPA 150.1 (pH) SM 2310B (Acidity) Acids No pH Acidity Anions (acetic acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen chloride) pH Meter Acidity Test Kit EPA 300.0 (Anion) Bleaches No Residual Chlorine Chlorine SM 4500-CL G (Res. Chlorine) Detergents Yes - Foam Visually Observable - No Testing Required TSP No Phosphate Phosphate EPA 365.3 (Phosphate) VOC None EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) Cleaning Products Solvents No SVOC None EPA 625 (SVOC) Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 1 Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory Portland Cement (PCC) Yes - Milky Liquid Visually Observable - No Testing Required pH EPA 150.1 (pH) Masonry products No Alkalinity pH Meter Alkalinity or Acidity Test Kit SM 2320 (Alkalinity) Methyl Methacrylate EPA 625 (SVOC) Sealant (Methyl Methacrylate - MMA) No Cobalt Zinc None EPA 200.8 (Metal) Incinerator Bottom Ash Bottom Ash Steel Slag Foundry Sand Fly Ash Municipal Solid Waste No Aluminum Calcium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Test EPA 200.8 (Metal) EPA 200.7 (Calcium) Mortar Yes - Milky Liquid Visually Observable - No Testing Required Concrete Rinse Water Yes - Milky Liquid Visually Observable - No Testing Required Acidity SM 2310B (Acidity) Alkalinity SM 2320 (Alkalinity) pH EPA 150.1 (pH) VOC EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) Portland Concrete Cement & Masonry Products (Section 27, 28, 29, 40, 41, 42, 49, 50, 51, 53, 63, 65, 72, 73, 80, 81, 83, 90, and Special Provisions) Non-Pigmented Curing Compounds No SVOC pH Meter Alkalinity or Acidity Test Kit EPA 625 (SVOC) Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 1 Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory Aluminum EPA 200.8 (Metal) TDS EPA 160.1 (TDS) Aluminum Sulfate No Sulfate TDS Meter Sulfate EPA 300.0 (Sulfate) Sulfur-Elemental No Sulfate Sulfate EPA 300.0 (Sulfate) Nitrate Nitrate EPA 300.0 (Nitrate) Phosphate Phosphate EPA 365.3 (Phosphate) Organic Nitrogen None EPA 351.3 (TKN) Fertilizers-Inorganic 4 No Potassium None EPA 200.8 (Metal) TOC EPA 415.1 (TOC) Nitrate EPA 300.0 (Nitrate) Organic Nitrogen EPA 351.3 (TKN) Fertilizers-Organic No COD Nitrate EPA 410.4 (COD) Natural Earth (Sand, Gravel, and Topsoil) Yes - Cloudiness and turbidity Visually Observable - No Testing Required Herbicide Herbicide Pesticide Pesticide None Check lab for specific herbicide or pesticide Alkalinity SM 2320 (Alkalinity) Landscaping and Other Products (Section 20, 24, and Special Provisions) Lime No pH pH Meter Alkalinity or Acidity Test Kit EPA 150.1 (pH) Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 1 Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory Paint Yes Visually Observable - No Testing Required VOC None EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) Paint Strippers No SVOC None EPA 625 (SVOC) COD EPA 410.4 (COD) Resins No SVOC None EPA 625 (SVOC) Sealants No COD None EPA 410.4 (COD) COD EPA 410.4 (COD) VOC EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) Solvents No SVOC None EPA 625 (SVOC) COD EPA 410.4 (COD) VOC EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) Lacquers, Varnish, Enamels, and Turpentine No SVOC None EPA 625 (SVOC) VOC EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) Painting Products (Section 12-3.08, 20-2.32, 50-1.05, 59, 91, and Special Provisions) Thinners No COD None EPA 410.4 (COD) Portable Toilet Waste Products Portable Toilet Waste Yes Visually Observable - No Testing Required Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 1 Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory Aerially Deposited Lead3 No Lead None EPA 200.8 (Metal) Petroleum Yes – Rainbow Surface Sheen and Odor Visually Observable - No Testing Required Contaminated Soil 5 Mining or Industrial Waste, etc. No Contaminant Specific Contaminant Specific – Check with laboratory Contaminant Specific – Check with laboratory Line Flushing Products Chlorinated Water No Total chlorine Chlorine SM 4500-CL G (Res. Chlorine) COD None EPA 410.4 (COD) Phenols Phenol EPA 420.1 (Phenol) Adhesives Adhesives No SVOC None EPA 625 (SVOC) Chloride Chloride EPA 300.0 (Chloride) TDS TDS Meter EPA 160.1 (TDS) Dust Palliative Products (Section 18) Salts (Magnesium Chloride, Calcium Chloride, and Natural Brines) No Cations (Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium) None EPA 200.7 (Cations) Antifreeze and Other Vehicle Fluids Yes - Colored Liquid Visually Observable - No Testing Required Sulfuric Acid None EPA 300.0 (Sulfate) Lead None EPA 200.8 (Metal) Batteries No pH pH Meter Alkalinity or Acidity Test Kit EPA 150.1 (pH) Vehicle Fuels, Oils, Lubricants Yes - Rainbow Surface Sheen and Odor Visually Observable - No Testing Required Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 1 Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory Organic Nitrogen None EPA 351.3 (TKN) BOD None EPA 405.1 (BOD) COD None EPA 410.4 (COD) DOC None EPA 415.1 (DOC) Nitrate Nitrate EPA 300.0 (Nitrate) Sulfate Sulfate EPA 300.0 (Sulfate) Polymer/Copolymer 6, 7 No Nickel None EPA 200.8 (Metal) Straw/Mulch Yes - Solids Visually Observable - No Testing Required Alkalinity Alkalinity SM 2320 (Alkalinity) Lignin Sulfonate No TDS TDS Meter EPA 160.1 (TDS) COD EPA 410.4 (COD) Psyllium No TOC None EPA 415.1 (TOC) COD EPA 410.4 (COD) TOC EPA 415.1 (TOC) Guar/Plant Gums No Nickel None EPA 200.8 (Metal) pH pH Meter, Alkalinity or Acidity Test Kit EPA 150.1 (pH) Calcium Calcium EPA 200.7 (Calcium) Sulfate Sulfate EPA 300.0 (Sulfate) Aluminum Barium Manganese Soil Amendment/Stabilization Products Gypsum No Vanadium None EPA 200.8 (Metal) Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 1 Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory Arsenic Total Chromium Copper Ammoniacal-Copper-Zinc-Arsenate (ACZA) Copper-Chromium-Arsenic (CCA) Ammoniacal-Copper-Arsenate (ACA) Copper Naphthenate No Zinc Total Chromium EPA 200.8 (Metal) Treated Wood Products (Section 58, 80-3.01B(2), and Special Provisions) Creosote Yes - Rainbow Surface or Brown Suspension Visually Observable - No Testing Required Notes: 1. 1 If specific pollutant is known, analyze only for that specific pollutant. See MSDS to verify. 2. For each construction material, test for one of the pollutant indicators. Bolded pollutant indicates lowest analysis cost or best indicator. However, the composition of the specific construction material, if known, is the first criterion for selecting which analysis to use. 3. See www.hach.com, www.lamotte.com, www.ysi.com and www.chemetrics.com for some of the test kits 4. If the type of inorganic fertilizer is unknown, analyze for all pollutant indicators listed. 5. Only if special handling requirements are required in the Standard Special Provisions for aerially deposited lead (ADL) 6. If used with a dye or fiber matrix, it is considered visually observable and no testing is required. 7. Based upon research conducted by Caltrans, the following copolymers/polymers do not discharge pollutants and water quality sampling and analysis is not required: Super Tak™, M-Binder™, Fish Stik™, Pro40dc™, Fisch-Bond™, and Soil Master WR™. ACRONYMS: BOD – Biochemical Oxygen Demand COD – Chemical Oxygen Demand DOC – Dissolved Organic Carbon EPA – Environmental Protection Agency HACH – Worldwide company that provides advanced analytical systems and technical support for water quality testing. SM – Standard Method SVOC – Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds TDS – Total Dissolved Solids TKN – Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen TOC – Total Organic Carbon TSP – Tri-Sodium Phosphate VOC - Volatile Organic Compounds REFERENCES: Construction Storm Water Sampling and Analysis Guidance Document, California Stormwater Quality Task Force, October 2001. Environmental Impact of Construction and Repair Materials on Surface and Ground Waters, Report 448, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2001 Soil Stabilization for Temporary Slopes, Environmental Programs, California Department of Transportation, October 1, 1999. Statewide Storm Water Management Plan, Division of Environmental Analysis, California Department of Transportation, April 2002. Statewide Storm Water Quality Practice Guidelines, Environmental Program, California Department of Transportation, August 2000. Soil Stabilization for Temporary Slopes and District 7 Erosion Control Pilot Study, June 2000. Stormwater Monitoring Protocols, Guidance Manual, California Department of Transportation, May 2000. SWPPP/WPCP Preparation Manual, Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks, February 2003. SAMPLING & ANALYSIS Sampling & Analysis for Risk Level 2  Effluent sampling for turbidity and pH (minimum 3 samples per day per discharge point per qualifying rain event)  Contained rain water (at time of discharge)  Non-visible pollutants, spills and/or BMP failures (within first 2 hours of discharge from site)  Other (as required by dewatering permits, RWQCB or TMDLs) Sampling & Analysis for Risk Level 3  Effluent sampling for turbidity and pH (minimum 3 samples per day per discharge point per qualifying rain event)  Suspended sediment concentration (SCC) (required only if turbidity exceeds NEL, minimum 3 samples per day per discharge point, per qualifying rain event)  Receiving water sampling for turbidity and SCC and/or pH (if NEL is exceeded and project has a direct discharge to receiving water, minimum 3 samples per day per discharge point, per qualifying rain event)  Bioassessment (if project is 30 acres or more and directly discharges to a wadeable stream, conduct up- and down-stream of point of discharge to receiving water, conduct before start of construction activity and after completion)  Contained rain water (at time of discharge)  Non-visible pollutants, spills and/or BMP failures (within first 2 hours of discharge from site)  Other (as required by dewatering permits, RWQCB or TMDLs) Copies of all inspection and sampling reports are to be documented in the SWPPP and included in the Annual Report. All sampling data is required to be entered into SMARTS through the Annual Reports and Ad Hoc Monitoring Reports interface prior to submitting the Annual Report. Refer to the SWPPP Section 7.6 for additional sampling and monitoring requirements, and Section 7.9 for reporting requirements and records retention. Instructions for submitting ad hoc monitoring reports are included in Appendix U. In the event that the storm event average of the samples exceeds an applicable NAL (see Section 7.3), Risk Level 2 and 3 dischargers must electronically submit all storm event sampling results to the SWRCB’s SMARTS no later than 10 days after the conclusion of the storm event. (Note, however that Risk Level 3 dischargers must submit all field data regardless of exceedance status within five days of the storm event conclusion). In addition, the RWQCBs may request the submittal of an NAL Exceedance Report through SMARTS. The discharger must certify each NAL Exceedance Report in accordance with the General Permit’s Special Provisions for Construction Activity. In the event that the daily average of the samples exceed an applicable NEL (see Section 7.3), Risk Level 3 dischargers must electronically submit a NEL Violation Report to the SWRCB’s SMARTS within 24 hours of identifying the exceedance. ATS dischargers must submit an NEL Violation Report to the SWRCB’s SMARTS within 24 hours after the NEL exceedance has been identified. The discharger must certify each NEL Violation Report in accordance with the General Permit’s Special Provisions for Construction Activity (General Permit Section IV). Instructions for submitting ad hoc monitoring reports are included in Appendix U. Risk Level 2 Effluent Sampling Field Log Sheets Construction Site Name: WDID: Sampler: Date: Time Start: Sampling Event Type: □ Stormwater □ Non-stormwater □ Non-visible pollutant Field Meter Calibration pH Meter ID No./Desc.: Calibration Date/Time: Turbidity Meter ID No./Desc.: Calibration Date/Time: Field pH and Turbidity Measurements Discharge Location Description pH Turbidity Time Grab Samples Collected Discharge Location Description Sample Type Time Additional Sampling Notes: Time End: Risk Level 2 Effluent Sampling Field Log Sheets Construction Site Name: WDID: Sampler: Date: Time Start: Sampling Event Type: □ Stormwater □ Non-stormwater □ Non-visible pollutant Field Meter Calibration pH Meter ID No./Desc.: Calibration Date/Time: Turbidity Meter ID No./Desc.: Calibration Date/Time: Field pH and Turbidity Measurements Discharge Location Description pH Turbidity Time Grab Samples Collected Discharge Location Description Sample Type Time Additional Sampling Notes: Time End: SAMPLE ACTIVITY LOG GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name WDID No. Contractor Arrival Time Departure Time Weather Condition Construction Type  Prior to forecast rain  After a rain event Sampling Type (Check Applicable)  24-hr intervals during extended rain  Other Season (Check Applicable)  Rainy  Non-Rainy Storm Start Date & Time: Storm Duration (hrs): Storm Data Time elapsed since last storm (Circle Applicable Units) Min. Hr. Days Approximate Rainfall Amount (mm) For rainfall information: http://cdec.water.ca.gov/weather.html or http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/wrhq/nwspage.html SAMPLE LOG Sample Identification Sample Location Sample Collection Date and Time Specific sample locations descriptions may include: 30m upstream from discharge at eastern boundary, runoff from northern waste storage area, downgradient of inlet 57 at kilometer post 36, etc. FIELD ANALYSIS Yes No Sample Identification Test Result SAMPLE ACTIVITY LOG GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name WDID No. Contractor Arrival Time Departure Time Weather Condition Construction Type  Prior to forecast rain  After a rain event Sampling Type (Check Applicable)  24-hr intervals during extended rain  Other Season (Check Applicable)  Rainy  Non-Rainy Storm Start Date & Time: Storm Duration (hrs): Storm Data Time elapsed since last storm (Circle Applicable Units) Min. Hr. Days Approximate Rainfall Amount (mm) For rainfall information: http://cdec.water.ca.gov/weather.html or http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/wrhq/nwspage.html SAMPLE LOG Sample Identification Sample Location Sample Collection Date and Time Specific sample locations descriptions may include: 30m upstream from discharge at eastern boundary, runoff from northern waste storage area, downgradient of inlet 57 at kilometer post 36, etc. FIELD ANALYSIS Yes No Sample Identification Test Result SAMPLE ACTIVITY LOG GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name WDID No. Contractor Arrival Time Departure Time Weather Condition Construction Type  Prior to forecast rain  After a rain event Sampling Type (Check Applicable)  24-hr intervals during extended rain  Other Season (Check Applicable)  Rainy  Non-Rainy Storm Start Date & Time: Storm Duration (hrs): Storm Data Time elapsed since last storm (Circle Applicable Units) Min. Hr. Days Approximate Rainfall Amount (mm) For rainfall information: http://cdec.water.ca.gov/weather.html or http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/wrhq/nwspage.html SAMPLE LOG Sample Identification Sample Location Sample Collection Date and Time Specific sample locations descriptions may include: 30m upstream from discharge at eastern boundary, runoff from northern waste storage area, downgradient of inlet 57 at kilometer post 36, etc. FIELD ANALYSIS Yes No Sample Identification Test Result SAMPLE ACTIVITY LOG GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name WDID No. Contractor Arrival Time Departure Time Weather Condition Construction Type  Prior to forecast rain  After a rain event Sampling Type (Check Applicable)  24-hr intervals during extended rain  Other Season (Check Applicable)  Rainy  Non-Rainy Storm Start Date & Time: Storm Duration (hrs): Storm Data Time elapsed since last storm (Circle Applicable Units) Min. Hr. Days Approximate Rainfall Amount (mm) For rainfall information: http://cdec.water.ca.gov/weather.html or http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/wrhq/nwspage.html SAMPLE LOG Sample Identification Sample Location Sample Collection Date and Time Specific sample locations descriptions may include: 30m upstream from discharge at eastern boundary, runoff from northern waste storage area, downgradient of inlet 57 at kilometer post 36, etc. FIELD ANALYSIS Yes No Sample Identification Test Result Construction Ad Hoc Reporting ‐ 1/18/2011 revised Page 1  How to Submit an Ad Hoc Report for Construction Site Monitoring State Water Board Order No. 2009-009-DWQ, the Construction General Permit (CGP) is a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit that implements Federal regulations (40 CFR § 122.44) requiring enrollees to self-report effluent monitoring for their covered discharges. The CGP requires some permittees to self- report effluent monitoring information under specific circumstances. For example, if the permittees are Risk Level or Type 2 then they are subject to Numeric Action Levels (NALs). If the permittees are Risk Level or Type 3 then they are subject to Numeric Effluent Limitations (NELs). All Risk Level and Type 2 and 3 CGP permittees must report results of their sampling and analysis of effluent discharges to characterize discharges associated with construction activity from the entire area disturbed by the project. Risk Level and Type 1 permittees must conduct water quality monitoring of their effluent only if non-visible pollutants are present on the project. The CGP requires both annual (September 1 of each year) and ad hoc electronic reporting of this information, depending on the circumstances. These instructions are specifically for ad hoc reporting. We will produce similar instructions for annual reporting as soon as possible. All of this effluent monitoring information must be reported electronically through the Stormwater Multi Application & Report Tracking System (SMARTS) by the deadlines listed below: Risk Level/LUP Type Non-Visible Monitoring Results1 Effluent Monitoring Results NAL Exceedance Results NEL Exceedance Results 1 Prior to Annual Report Submittal N/A N/A 2 Prior to Annual Report Submittal 10 days after storm event conclusion N/A 3 5 days after storm event conclusion For more information on the CGP: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/stormwater/construction.shtml If you have any questions please contact the Storm Water help desk at smarts@wateboards.ca.gov or 1-866-563-3107. 1 Up to date analytical data must be included in the SWPPP Construction Ad Hoc Reporting ‐ 1/18/2011 revised Page 2  Instructions Objectives  Learn how to enter effluent monitoring data for Construction sites. Prerequisites  Best used in Internet Explorer.  Data reviewed by a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner. Logging into SMARTS 1. Open Internet Explorer and visit https://smarts.waterboards.ca.gov/ NOTE: This screen provides notifications regarding system maintenance times and/or other important information about SMARTS. 2. Enter your User ID & Password. NOTE: The User ID and Password are case sensitive. Ad Hoc Report 1. After logging in, select the menu item: "Annual Report" NOTE: Ad Hoc reports for monitoring data are part of the Annual Report. At the end of the reporting year all Ad Hoc reports will be submitted as part of the Annual Report. Construction Ad Hoc Reporting ‐ 1/18/2011 revised Page 3  2. Select the Construction Site to begin the Ad Hoc Report NOTE: Both Construction & Industrial Annual Reports are accessible via this search screen. 3. Begin a New Ad Hoc Report a. Select “Event Type” 1) Rain Event: Storm Event producing 0.50 inches of precipitation or more. 2) Non-Storm Water Discharge Event: All other discharges. b. Enter “Event Start Date/Time” (Time is optional) c. Enter “Event End Date/Time” (Time is optional) d. Enter “Rain fall amount” in inches 1) Recorded from onsite rain gauge or nearby governmental rain gauge.. e. Enter “Number of Business Days” during rain event 1) Effluent monitoring is only required during normal site business hours. f. Click on “Start New Event Report” Construction Ad Hoc Reporting ‐ 1/18/2011 revised Page 4  NOTE: Ad hoc reports may be saved at anytime and users can return at a later time to complete the submittal. Ad Hoc reports associated with this WDID are listed at bottom of the screen under “Ad Hoc Reports” 4. General Information Owner/Site information to verify you are working in the correct WDID. If the information needs to be updated, click on “Click here to go to NOI screens” link. a. Click “Next” to continue 5. Monitoring Location Tab In this tab you create & maintain monitoring locations on the project site. a. Click the "Create a New Monitoring Location" button if the appropriate monitoring location has not been created. b. Enter Monitoring Location Information 1) Select “Discharge Point Type” from drop down a) Effluent Monitoring b) Influent Monitoring c) Internal Monitoring d) Receiving Water Monitoring Construction Ad Hoc Reporting ‐ 1/18/2011 revised Page 5  2) Enter “Monitoring Location Name” 3) Enter “CDF Identifier” NOTE: For future use to link data from a MS Excel spreadsheet template to upload all monitoring data at one time. 4) Enter “Description” (not required) NOTE: Although the "Description" field is not required, it is recommended that a description of the monitoring location be entered (e.g. NW corner outfall) 5) Enter “Latitude” in decimal degrees 6) Enter “Longitude” in decimal degrees 7) Select “Accuracy” (optional) 8) Select “Datum” (optional) 9) Select “Status” a) Active b) In-Active NOTE: For different rain events, monitoring locations may not discharge so you can choose to in-activate the monitoring location. 10) Click "Save" and repeat steps i – ix to add all monitoring locations 11) Click “Next” to continue to Raw Data tab. 6. Raw Data Tab All monitoring data will be entered in this tab. a. Select “Enter New Sample” NOTE: The basic parameters and parameters specific to the site will be populated in the table. b. Select “Monitoring Location” from the drop down box for this sample. c. Enter “Sample Date/Time” The date and time must be in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM. There must be a space in between the Construction Ad Hoc Reporting ‐ 1/18/2011 revised Page 6  date and time, and the time must be in 24-hour format (e.g. to enter March 1, 2006 at 3pm, enter 03/01/2006 15:00). d. Enter the “Qualified SWPPP Practitioner’s” name e. Enter “% of Total Discharge” This is the percent contribution of discharge point as compared to the sum of all discharge points (100%). Can be area or flow weighted. f. Enter the results for the parameter(s) listed 1) If a pH sample is not required, enter zero for the result. Click "Save & Stay". A hyperlink will appear on the right to "delete". Click the hyperlink to delete the parameter. Non-Visible Pollutant/Non-Storm Water Discharge Sample 2) To add additional parameters for a non-visible pollutant discharge or non-storm water sample, click the "Add Additional Parameter" button and enter the additional parameters to the table. 3) Enter the Parameter Name and click “Search” 4) When a parameter result(s) appears, choose the appropriate selection by clicking the “Select” hyperlink under the "Action" column. 5) Selected parameter is added to the Raw Data table 6) Enter the result for this parameter 7) If a sample result is marked as ND (non-detect), the user must locate the MDL (Method Detection Limit) on the laboratory report, change the Result Qualifier to Construction Ad Hoc Reporting ‐ 1/18/2011 revised Page 7  "<", enter the MDL value, and then again in the MDL column. Also, if the sample result is marked as "TRACE" amounts detected, change the Result Qualifier to "<", enter the most restrictive value (either PQL or MDL), and then again in the MDL column. 8) If the sample result units do not match the units listed in SMARTS, convert the result units by using the "Unit Conversions" table. Click the "Unit Conversions" hyperlink to view this table. 9) Click "Save & Stay" 10) Repeat Steps iii – ix to add additional parameters. NOTE: The following are instructions on each “Save” button: - “Save & Stay”: Saves any changes that have been made on the screen and will remain on the screen. - “Save & Add New Sample”: Saves any changes that have been made on the screen and clears the data fields for a new sample record. This is to be used when multiple monitoring locations and/or samples need to be entered. - “Save & Back to List”: Saves any changes that have been made on the screen and takes the user back to the “Create New Event” screen. 7. Data Summary Tab This tab allows users to review all data entered on the Raw Data tab. Return to the Raw Data tab if edits are necessary Click “Next” when done reviewing the data. a. Click “Back” to go to Raw Data tab. 8. Daily Average Tab Enter the daily average for pH and/or turbidity for each business day of the rain event. The number of days is automatically populated based on the business days entered when starting the report. Construction Ad Hoc Reporting ‐ 1/18/2011 revised Page 8  ” a. Enter “Business Day Date” b. Enter “pH” average c. Enter “Turbidity” average d. Enter “Calculation Summary” A summary is required so Water Board staff can view what individual samples were used to calculate the submitted average. e. Follow steps a – d for additional business days. f. Click “Save” when complete. g. Click “Next” to go to Attachment Tab 9. Attachments Tab Scanned or electronic documents required for the SMARTS report are attached using this tab. NOTE: Laboratory reports are required to be attached to the report to validate data. a. Click “Upload Attachment” NOTE: Separate Browser Window will pop-up. Make sure pop-up blockers are turned off. b. Select the appropriate “Attachment File Type” from the drop down menu Construction Ad Hoc Reporting ‐ 1/18/2011 revised Page 9  c. Give the file an “Attachment Title” d. If necessary, enter a “File Description” e. If the document is large, you can upload in portions. i.e. 1 of 5, 2 of 5 etc… f. Click “Browse” to locate the “File Name” on your computer. Click “Open” to select the file. g. Click “Upload” to upload the attachment to SMARTS. h. Once the file has successfully uploaded, it will populate in the Attachment table on the bottom of the screen. i. Close the attachment window j. Click “Next” to go to the Certify Tab 10. Certify Tab a. Click “Perform Completion Check” 1) Any mandatory fields without data will be displayed. a) Correct any errors and Perform Completion Check again 2) If no errors are found: a) You can choose to “Review & Print the Ad Hoc report” for your files b) Mark the Certification Statement and click the “Certify Ad Hoc Report.” a. If you are a Data Entry Person, notify the Legally Responsible Person and/or Approved Signatory to certify the Ad Hoc Report. 11. Ad Hoc Report(s) table Construction Ad Hoc Reporting ‐ 1/18/2011 revised Page 10  a. Ad Hoc reports that are “In-Progress” or “Submitted” are listed in the Ad Hoc reports table. b. To continue an “In-Progress” or view a “Submitted” report, click on the “Event ID” to open the report. c. “In-Progress” reports can be deleted by clicking the “delete” link on the right. d. “Submitted” reports may be remanded if changes are required after the LRP or Approved Signatory certified the report.