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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNatures Image Inc; 2004-06-30; 3874-2City of Carlsbad
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Project Manager: Mark BiskuD Date Issued: NIA
1760) 602-2763 Request For Bid No.: 3874-2
Public Works Engineering - Attn. Mark Biskup
City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-7314
Award will be made to the lowest responsive, responsible contractor based on total price.
Bid shall be deposited in the Bid Box located
in the first floor lobby of the Faraday Center located at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 until 4:OO p.m. on the day of Bid
Please use typewriter or black ink.
Envelope MUST include Request For Bid No. 3874-2.
Labor, materials and equipment to complete all work per the requirements described under "Scope of Work" in Exhibit "A" of this contract
No job walk-through scheduled. Contractors to arrange site visit by contacting:
Project Manager: Mark BiskuD
Phone No. (760) 602-2763
Submission of bid implies knowledge of all job terms and conditions.
Contractor acknowledges receipt of Addendum No. 1 (-), 2 0, 3 (-), 4 (-), 5 (A.
Name and Address of Contractor
Natures Image, Inc. (949) 454-1 225
Lake Forest Drive, #SI9 (9L.91 ~.51!.-1215
Name Telephone
Address Fax
City/State/Zip E-Mail Address
Lake Forest, CA 92630
-1 - Revised 03/13/02
Title of Person Authorized to sign
President W Signie Title
Michelle Earuana
Name Date' ' '
Quote Lump Sum, including all applicable taxes. Award is by total price.
Evaluation and Award. Bids are binding subject to acceptance at any time within 90 days after opening, unless otherwise stipulated by the City of Carlsbad. Award will be made by the Purchasing Officer to the lowest, responsive, responsible'contractor. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept or reject any item(s) therein or waive any informality in the bid. In the event of a conflict between unit price and extended price, the unit price will prevail unless price is so obviously unreasonable as to indicate an error. In that event, the bid will be rejected as non-responsive for the reason of the inability to determine the intended bid. The City reserves the right to conduct a pre- award inquiry to determine the contractor's ability to perform, including but not limited to facilities, financial responsibility, materials/supplies and past performance. The determination of the City as to the Contractor's ability to perform the contract shall be conclusive. Note: Please do not sicln the contract document (last paqe) at this time. The successful contractor will execute the contract after
bid award.
Contractor's License Number
C27 Classification(s)
Michelle Caruana, President 3/31 /06
Printed Name and Title Expiration Date
Date ' '
(Corporations) Federal Tax I.D.#: 33-0689073
(Individuals) Social Security #:
-2- Revised 0311 3/02
Set forth below is the full name and location of the place of business of each sub-contractor whom the contractor proposes to subcontract portions of the work in excess of one-half of one percent of the total bid, and the portion of the work which will be done by each sub-contractor for each subcontract.
NOTE: The contractor understands that if he fails to specify a sub-contractor for any portion of the work to be performed under the contract in excess of one-half of one percent of the bid, the
contractor shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion, and that the contractor
shall not be permitted to sublet or subcontract that portion of the work, except in cases of
the public emergency or necessity, and then only after a finding, reduced in writing as a
public record of the Awarding Authority, setting forth the facts constituting the emergency or necessity in accordance with the provisions of the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (Section 4100 et seq. of the California Public Contract Code).
If no subcontractors are to be employed on the project, enter the word "NONE."
Total % Subcontracted:
* Indicate Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) of subcontractor.
-3- Revised 0311 3/02
(Less than $25,000)
I propose to employ only skilled workers and to abide by all State and City of Carlsbad Ordinances governing labor, including paying the general prevailing rate of wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the contract.
I guarantee all labor and materials furnished and agree to complete work in accordance with directions and subject to inspection approval and acceptance by: Mark BiskuD, Proiect Manaser.
Wage Rates:
The general prevailing rate of wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the contract
shall be those as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations pursuant to Sections 1770, 1773 and 1773.1 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to Section 1773.2 of the Labor Code, a current copy of the
applicable wage rates in on file in the Office of the City Engineer. The contractor to whom the
contract is awarded shall not pay less than the said specified prevailing rates of wages to all workers employed by him or her in execution of the contract.
False Claims
Contract hereby agrees that any contract claim submitted to the City must be asserted as part of the contract process as set forth in this agreement and not in anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation.
Contractor acknowledges that California Government Code sections 12650 et seq., the False Claims
Act, provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information.
The provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code sections 3.32.025, 3.32.026, 3.32.027 and 3.32.028 pertaining to false claims are incorporated herein by reference.
Contractor hereby acknowledges that the filing of a false claim may be subject to the contractor to an administrative debarment proceeding wherein the contractor may be prevented from further bidding on public contracts for a period of up to five grounds for the City of Carlsbad to disqualify and that debarment by another jurisdiction is ontractor orpqbcontractor from participating in contract bidding.
Print Name: Michelle Caruana
-4- Revised 0311 3/02
Commercial General Liability, Automobile Liability and Workers’ Compensation Insurance:
The successful contractor shall provide to the City of Carlsbad, a Certification of Commercial General Liability and Property Damage Insurance and a Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance indicating coverage in a form approved by the California Insurance Commission. The certificates shall indicate coverage during the period of the contract and must be furnished to the City
prior to the start of work. The minimum limits of liability Insurance are to be placed with insurers that have: (1) a rating in the most recent Best‘s Key Rating Guide of at least A-:V and (2) are admitted
and authorized to transact the business of insurance in the State of California by the Insurance Commissioner.
Commercial General Liability Insurance of Injuries including accidental death, to any one person in
an amount not less than.. . . . . . .$500,000
Subject to the same limit for each person on account of one accident in an amount not less than
....... $500,000
Property damage insurance in an amount of not less than.. . .. . ..$lOO,OOO
Automobile Liability Insurance in the amount of $100,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. In addition, the auto policy must cover any vehicle used in the performance of the contract, used onsite or offsite, whether owned, non-owned or hired, and whether scheduled or non-scheduled. The automobile insurance certificate must state the coverage is for “any auto” and cannot be limited in any manner.
The above policies shall have non-cancellation clause providing that thirty (30) days written notice shall be given to the City prior to such cancellation.
The policies shall name the City of Carlsbad as additional insured.
The Contractor shall assume the defense of, pay all expenses of defense, and indemnify and hold harmless the City, and its officers and employees, from all claims, loss, damage, injury and liability of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly arising from or in connection with the performance of the Contract or work; or from any failure or alleged failure of Contractor to comply with any applicable law, rules or regulations including those related to safety and health; and from any and all claims, loss, damages, injury and liability, howsoever the same may be caused, resulting directly or indirectly from the nature of the work covered by the Contract, except for loss or damage caused by the sole or active negligence or willful misconduct of the City. The expenses of defense. include all costs and expenses including attorneys’ fees for litigation, arbitration, or other dispute resolution method.
-5- Revised 0311 3/02
May 2004
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Contact: Mark Biskup
(760) 602-2756
I .o
6.1 Schedule
6.2 Site Preparation
6.4 Maintenance During Monitoring Period
MONITORING PLAN (Not Part of This Contract)
7.1 Monitoring Methods
7.2 Schedule of Maintenance/Monitoring Inspections
7.3 Annual Report
Final Landscape And Revegetation Plan
For the purposes of this agreement, the following shall be defined:
ACOE - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
BMP's - Best Management Practices
CCC - California Coastal Commission
CDFG - California Department of Fish and Game
City - City of Carlsbad
Contractor - The individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, or other legal entity having
a Contract with the City of Carlsbad to perform the work identified and described within this
Engineer - The Public Works DirectodCity Engineer of the City of Carlsbad or hidher approved
representative. The Public Works DirectorICity Engineer is the third level of appeal for informal
dispute resolution.
Deputy City Engineer - The Senior Civil Engineer's immediate supervisor and third level of
appeal for informal dispute resolution.
Biological MonitorlHabitat Restoration Specialist - A Biological MonitodHabitat Restoration
Specialist will be hired by the City with knowledge and understanding of the native and exotic
plant species and natural plant communities present onsite. The Biological MonitorIHabitat
Restoration Specialist will have training and experience in habitat restoration projects in coastal
Southern California. The Biological MonitorIHabitat Restoration Specialist shall monitor the work
of the Landscape Contractor and prepare any necessary reports to the City and resource
agencies. The Biological MonitorIHabitat Restoration Specialist shall also determine whether
any planting and/or seeding is necessary following the removal and/or control of invasive exotic
weed species from the project site.
Project EngineedProject ManagedProject Inspector - The Engineer's designated
representative for inspection, contract administration, and first level for informal dispute
Recommendations - The California Food and Agriculture Code defines recommendation as
"the giving of any instruction or advise on any agricultural use as to any particular application on
any particular piece of property." Recommendations must be put in writing and signed, and must
include specific required information listed in the regulations.
SAA - Streambed Alteration Agreement #R5-2002-0216, issued by CD&FG June 26, 2003.
Senior Civil Engineer - The Project EngineerIProject ManagerIProject Inspector's immediate
supervisor and first level of appeal for informal dispute resolution.
Supervisor/Project Contract Manager - The Contractor's on-site Supervisor/Crew Leader and
designated contact with the Engineer. The Restoration Biologist may assume the role of
supervisor. The Contractor's Supervisor/Crew leader is authorized to represent the Contractor at
all meetings and on the site and is also authorized to author any reports provided by the
The contents of this Plan are based on the Wetlands Reveaetation Plan for the North Agua
Hedionda Sewer - Eastern Segment Rehabilitation Proiect prepared by Dudek and Associates,
and submitted to CDFG on August 18, 2003. The purpose of the plan is to fulfill conditional
approval of temporary impacts to wetlands habitats within Agua Hedionda Creek resulting from
implementation of the North Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor Rehabilitation -Eastern Segment
Project. In order to reduce the potential loss of wetlands functions and values as a result of the
project, this program is based on a condition to provide enhancement of wetland habitat at 2:l
ratio within the Agua Hedionda Creek watershed. This equates to 0.14 acre of required
wetlands revegetation. A combination of physical removal and herbicide treatment will be
required to control exotic plant species in the project area.
This revegetation project consists of site preparation including exotics removal over the entire
project site and site revegetation and maintenance and monitoring for a one-year period. The
proposed revegetation strategy consists of the enhancement of 0.14 acre of disturbed southern
willow scrub. The disturbed southern willow scrub will be enhanced in areas invaded by non-
native/exotic species within Agua Hedionda Creek. The southern willow scrub enhancement will
occur along the banks of Hedionda Creek and will focus on the removal and control of pampas
grass and other invasive species as well as replanting with native southern willow scrub
species. The revegetation areas have been designed to include a diverse assemblage of plant
species typical of southern willow scrub communities in southern California. The revegetation
program will help to expand upon an existing, riparian system and will help decrease weed
cover and future re-invasion within the enhanced wetlands habitat as well as within the existing
wetlands habitat.
The project is located along the Agua Hedionda Creek, as shown on the location map, see
Appendix No 1. The site will be delineated for the contractor prior to commencement of work
and as needed during the project's implementation.
All applicable laws, regulations, safety precautions, and label directions will be followed when performing weed control. The contractor shall provide a licensed Pest Control Advisor (PCA)
with a Qualified Applicators License including licenses to apply pesticides under aquatics and right-of-way classifications. Copies of licenses and certificates shall be provided to the City prior to start of work and shall remain in the project file. The PCA will supply herbicide recommendations for use as needed to the City's Biological Monitor/Habitat Restoration Specialist.
No herbicides will be applied to any open water areas. The above-described herbicides could
change as new formulations become available that are applicable to the species we are treating. Updates to herbicide formulations shall be presented to the City in written form and kept in the project file.
revegetation effort
Year 1 monitoring
Final sign-off
To conform to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Dudek and Associates will perform nesting bird surveys prior to any exotics removal or control and follow-up herbicide treatments that may be
required by Nature's Image between February 1 5th and September 1 st.
construction and 1 20-day maintenance period
Winter, Summer, Spring, and Fall of Year 1 following completion of installation phase
Winter of Year 1
In this area, southern willow scrub, whether degraded or not, has the potential to support nesting sites for least Bell's vireo. Therefore, the revegetation site is assumed to be occupied
habitat and all activities (installation, maintenance, etc.) will be conducted outside the vireo breeding season (April 15-September 30, annually). No other rare or endangered species are
known or expected to occur within the revegetation site.
The following plan describes the necessary implementation measures for enhancing the
intended habitats and implementing the intended revegetation program.
6.1 Schedule
Implementation of the program is proposed to begin in Fall 2004, as shown on Table 1. Deviation from the following schedule must be submitted the City and approved by the
Biological MonitodHabitat Restoration Specialist prior to implementation.
6.2 Site Preparation
The initial site preparation effort necessary to prepare the revegetation areas for the
revegetation effort will include the removal of all non-native weeds and exotic species from the
enhancement area including, but not limited to, pampas grass, and other invasive exotics from
the limits of the revegetation areas. Where pampas grass plants cannot be completely removed,
including rootballs, by mechanical means, the pampas grass clumps shall be cut to two inches
above grade by hand and immediately treated with an acceptable herbicide as specified by a
Licensed Pest Control Advisor. All other exotic/invasive and weed species as identified in Sections 6.4 and as tagged by the Biological Monitor/Habitat Restoration Specialist, shall be cut
down and removed from the site. Remaining trunks shall be treated with a stump killer and
periodically treated with a herbicide as necessary to help control re-sprouts.
6.3 Final LandscapelReveqetation Plan
Implementation of the revegetation program must be coordinated among the applicant,
Biological Monitor/Habitat Restoration Specialist, landscape contractor and plant material
supplier. In lieu of providing a final set of landscape construction documents, installation of the
revegetation site will be monitored by the Biological MonitodHabitat Restoration Specialist.
The contracting nursery and seed collectors should be given the maximum possible lead
(i,e,, no less than nine months prior to the actual planting installation) to complete special
collections/propagation and prepare plant material for the project in order to assure availability
and minimize cost. Field coordination shall be provided by the Biological MonitodHabitat
Restoration Specialist for construction of the revegetation areas.
Species to be planted from containers in the revegetation areas are shown in the attached plant
palette (Table 7), which includes the proposed plant species for the proposed project.
The conceptual planting plan is graphically depicted in Figure 4. Plant material for the
revegetation effort will also include seed applications as shown on the hydroseed mix legend
(Table 7).
Few nurseries have experience dealing with native plants, specifically for habitat revegetation
purposes, especially those species not used for ornamental purposes. An experienced native
plant nursery such as Tree of Life Nursery in San Juan Capistrano, Mockingbird Nursery in
Riverside, or an approved equal, should be contracted to collect propagules and supply the
necessary container grown plant material. A deposit will be required to initiate the contract
growing agreement The Applicant should initiate the contract growing agreement if the
landscape contractor will not have sufficient time in hidher contract. A seed supplier specializing
in native species, such as S&S Seeds in Carpenteria, or an approved equal, should be
contracted with to supply the necessary seed.
Appropriate timing of planting may decrease or eliminate the need for supplemental watering
and will increase the survival of the plants. The best survival rates are achieved when planting is
achieved between 15 November and 15 April. Planting at the site should be accomplished
during the late wintedearly spring immediately after the hazard from winter flooding has
subsided. Some container planting implementation may be allowable in the late fall or early
winter of the year, per biological monitor approval, if the areas for planting are outside the area
of potential flooding. This will be determined based upon the final implementation schedule,
upon actual field conditions and nursery supply schedules. Hydroseeding should be timed to
take advantage of seasonal rainfall patterns and should be applied between fall and spring, if
possible. However, all planting areas to be irrigated could be seeded outside of this timeframe, if
necessary .
Following the first summer after installation, the plants should be checked for viability
(Le., number of dead container plants). Sufficient replacement plants shall be installed in order
to help achieve adequate native plant cover (Le., al dead container planted trees and shrubs
shall be replaced). The dead plant material shall be removed and replaced with the same size
material as was planted originally. Replacement planting should be done in November or
December. The viability check in fall should be part of the technical assessment described in the
Monitoring Plan, Section 7.0.
The restoration plant palettes have been designed to include a composition of species similar to
existing and adjacent natural areas. Table 2 shows the intended species compositions, the
anticipated spacings on center, the size for initial plantings from container stock, and the
intended plant species from seed for the enhancement of southern willow scrub.
Trees (overstory)
Platanus racemosa - western sycamore
Salix exigua - narrow-leaved willow
Salix lasiolepis - arroyo willow
Salix gooddingii - black willow
Sambucus mexicanus - Mexican elderberry
Baccharis salicifolia - mule fat Iva hayesiana - San Diego marsh elder
Leymus condensatus - giant wild rye
Shrubs (understory)
1 gal.
1 gal.
1 gal.
1 gal.
1 gal.
1 gal.
1 gal.
1 gal.
5% to10%
5% to 15%
35% to 45%
15% to 25%
5% to 10%
15% to 25%
10% to 20%
5% to 15%
20 ft.
8 ft.
12 ft.
15 ft.
12 ft.
5 ft.
3 ft.
4 ft.
Muhlenbergia rigens - deergrass
6.4 Maintenance Durinq Monitorinq Period
The purpose of the monitoring program is to provide guidelines of the revegetated habitats. Because the goal of the revegetation program is to create natural native plant assemblages that can support themselves over the long-term with little or no maintenance, the primary effort of the
maintenance/monitoring program is concentrated in the first few seasons of growth to control
non-native weedy species and to promote seed growth. Invasive species removal shall be conducted on a monthly basis through first year of the revegetation program. The Biological
MonitodHabitat Restoration Specialist will make recommendations to the Contractor for
maintenance efforts based on quarterly inspections.
Maintenance Activities
A. Native understory species will not be cleared from the revegetated areas. Non-native, weedy, and invasive plant species shall be the only vegetation removed from the revegetation areas. Additional vegetation thinning of native species, if necessary, must
be authorized by the Biological MonitodHabitat Restoration Specialist.
The revegetation areas will not be fertilized during the maintenance period unless determined necessary by the Biological Monitor as a remedial measure to correct soil deficiencies.
C. Non-native, weedy, and invasive plant species may invade the revegetation areas and become a deterrent during the establishment period of the intended native plant associations. The primary non-native, and weedy species observed during the field
examination, and may invade plantings in the revegetation areas include: pampas grass (Corfaderia selloana), giant reed (Arundo donax), tamarisk (Tamarix sp.), tree tobacco
(Nicotiana glauca), castor bean (Ricinus communis), and other pestilent plant species. These should be physically removed as soon as they begin to abundantly grow and
before they become too large for hand extraction.
An approximate 90 percent non-native/weed-free condition should be maintained
throughout the one-year maintenance period for the above mentioned species.
Dead container plant material shall be replaced during the first year following installation.
Pruning or clearing of existing and/or planted native vegetation will not be allowed within
the revegetation areas unless so directed by the Biological MonitodHabitat Restoration Specialist. Deadwood and leaf litter of native trees and shrubs shall not be removed.
Downed logs and leaf litter provide valuable microhabitats for invertebrates, reptiles, small mammals and bird species. In addition, the decomposition of deadwood and leaf litter is essential for the replenishment of the soil nutrients and minerals. Non-organic
trash and debris will be removed from revegetation areas by hand on a regular basis, at no less than one-month intervals, for the first year. Trash consists of all man-made
non-organic materials, equipment, or debris dumped, thrown, or left within the
revegetation areas.
Recommendations for maintenance efforts will be based upon site observations provided by the Biological MonitodHabitat Restoration Specialist as described under
Section 7.2. Weed removal by the maintenance contractor should be conducted on a monthly basis for the first year. Contractor shall provide City with monthly report, dating
and summarizing work completed.
The primary purpose of the monitoring and maintenance program is to provide technical input to
the applicant that will facilitate success of the project and compliance with the conditions of the
CDFG 1603 permit. Weed control and herbivory are particularly important maintenance issues
that often require ongoing attention from maintenance personnel. The qualitative (visual)
assessments of the habitats shall be performed by a qualified Biological MonitorIHabitat
Restoration Specialist.
Associates )
Monitoring Methods (NOT A PART OF THIS CONTRACT - Provided by Dudek and
Biological monitoring shall consist of field monitoring visits during the fall of the first year after
planting by a qualified Biological MonitodHabitat Restoration Specialist to assess completion of
installation. Following the completion of installation, qualitative site visits will be conducted
quarterly for the first year by a qualified biologist to assess establishment of native species and
maintenance issues.
7.2 Schedule of MaintenancelMonitoring Inspections (NOT A PART OF THIS
CONTRACT - Provided by Dudek and Associates)
The Biological MonitodHabitat Restoration Specialist will conduct quarterly maintenance
inspections during the first year after installation. Weed removal by the maintenance contractor
will be conducted on a monthly basis for the first year based on the Biological Monitor/Habitat
Restoration Specialist recommendations.
Associates )
Annual Report (NOT A PART OF THIS CONTRACT - Provided by Dudek and
An annual report outlining the results of the annual monitoring surveys based upon the
anniversary date of the installation, shall be submitted by the Applicant to CDFG.
The monitoring report shall describe the current site conditions, discuss vegetation
establishment, achievement of success criteria, identify all shortcomings of the revegetation
program, and recommended remedial measures necessary for the successful completion of the
revegetation program and to demonstrate compliance with the appropriate permit conditions.
The annual report will also include the following:
0 A list of names, titles, and companies of all persons who prepared the content of the
annual report and participated in monitoring activities;
City will pay Contractor monthly for progress payments for the initial exotics removal, and initial
revegetation as completed to the satisfaction of the Biological MonitorIHabitat Restoration
Specialist. Revegetation maintenance will be paid monthly. All invoices are to be paid in 30
days. Any retention withheld will be released 35 days from completion of each line item of work
No payment shall be made for Work described under Sections 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3, which will
be provided by Dudek and Associates under a separate agreement.
The Contractor shall acquire a Letter of Permission from the CDFG for the right to enter and
complete the work identified in this contract for APN 208 020 44. The Contactor shall submit a
copy of the Right of Entry to the Engineer and have a copy to be kept on-site anytime work is
being performed. Along with the Letter of Permission the Contractor shall acquire a letter from
the City's Project Manager, which identifies the Contractor and the work they are providing for
the City. Both letters shall be available on site anytime work is being performed.
Resource and agency permits for this are attached to this document and a copy to be kept
on-site anytime work is being performed. Resource and agency permits pertaining to this project
1. California Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement No.
#I 600-2004-0006-R5. Contractor shall notify the Department in writing at least five (5)
days prior to initiation of project activities and at least five (5) days prior to completion of
project activities each year. Notification shall be sent to:
Region 5
4949 Viewridge Avenue
San Diego, CA 92123
Attention: Tamara Spear.
The Contractor shall:
Provide all labor and materials, except where otherwise indicated in this agreement,
and supervise the performance of the work.
Furnish a supervisor proficient in English who may be the restoration biologist depending
on the activity and make every effort to keep the supervisor on-site when crews are
working. Follow-up herbicide treatments do not require a supervisor.
Perform all work necessary and incidental to the orderly performance of the work.
Work Hours
Work hours shall be between 7:OO a.m. and 500 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
City-observed holidays. The Contractor shall obtain the written approval of the Engineer
if the Contractor desires to work outside hours or at any time during weekends and/or
holidays. A copy is provided in Exhibit "B".
Biological MonitodHabitat Restoration Specialist (Provided by City)
The Biological MonitodHabitat Restoration Specialist is responsible for ensuring that the
Contractor understands the maintenance provisions of the mitigation plan.
Schedulinq and InsDection
1. Scheduling. Contractor shall prepare a bar chart schedule indicating
maintenance and reporting. The bar chart shall be updated annually. Preparation,
revision, and maintenance of the Schedule are incidental to the work and no
separate payment will be made.
2. Communication. The Contractor shall communicate with the Engineer at a
minimum of once a month between September 1 and February 15 of each year.
3. Inspection. A general inspection of each site with the Engineer or his designated
representative shall be made during the first week of each month between
September 1 and February 15. If no work is occurring, communication may either
take place by phone or email.
Emergency Call Out Procedures
Emergency Call Out Procedures. Within fifteen (15) working days after the date of this
agreement, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer or his designated representative for
approval, a procedure for emergency response on nights, weekends, and holidays.
The Contractor shall require each of his personnel to adhere to basic public works standards of working attire with shirts and or vests clearly marked with the Contractor's company name. Shirts shall be worn and buttoned at all times. Contractor's personnel shall be equipped with proper shoes and other gear required by the State Safety
Regulations. Brightly colored traffic vests or reflectors shall be worn when personnel are working near vehicular traffic.
All tasks listed above will be performed at cost indicated
5,600.00 I