HomeMy WebLinkAboutSammis Properties; 1986-08-20;BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK
This parks agreement is made this A* day of
, 1986 between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, ("City") a
municipal corporation of the State of California, and SAMMIS
PROPERTIES, ("Sammis") a California Corporation
who agree as follows:
A. On October 1, 1985 the City Council adopted
Ordinance No. 9778 adopting a master plan for the Batiquitos
Lagoon Educational Park (MP-175) (BLEP). Section VI1.B 4.b) of
that master plan reads as follows:
"Park requirements for each planning area, as may be
applicable, shall be established in accordance with City
Council Ordinance No. 9365 adopted October 18, 1973 and subsequent amendments. [Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code]. In lieu of fees, the City may require developer to dedicate land off-site for park purposes. Prior to occupancy of any phase of the development within the master plan, the applicant and the City shall enter into a parks agreement so that land for park purposes can be dedicated up front to bring the City up to standard for community parks in this district based
upon current population levels.
"This will be available as a credit against the
property's Quimby Act park dedication requirements, and in addition, any excess of dedicated land over the applicant's required amount will be eligible for reimbursement by future developers within this district."
This agreement is intended to implement the provisions
of that section of the master plan.
B. Sammis has requested that City approve a final
map for Carlsbad Tract 85-14 for phase I of the BLEP.
The tentative map for Carlsbad Tract 85-14 contained a
condition which read:
"The City Council may require the developer to dedicate land off-site for park purposes. If the City Council so determines prior to occupancy of any of the units in this project the applicant and the City shall enter into a parks agreement as required by the master plan."
The Carlsbad City Council on July 8, 1986 approved a
final map for Carlsbad Tract 85-14 subject to the condition that
before recording of the map Sammis and City shall enter into an
agreement for dedication of the park land.
C. The park dedication required in this agreement will
satisfy the requirements of Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code for subdivisions within the BLEP, and implements
the provisions of Section 20.44.110 of the Carlsbad Municipal
Code which provides an alternative procedure for satisfaction of
parks obligations within planned communities through the overall
community planning process rather than on a subdivision by
subdivision basis. City and Sammis recognize the development of
the BLEP will take place over a period of years and intend to
arrange for the dedication of park land in advance of actual need
in order to insure that the park area of the City in which the
BLEP is located will have sufficient park land as required by
City standards before the actual need for the land accrues. In
addition, Sammis has volunteered, and is obligated as a condition
of the master plan, to dedicate 10 acres of usable park land to
the City in order to cure the park land deficiency which exists
in the southwest quadrant of the City.
In order to cure the deficiency in the southwest
quadrant of 8.3 acres, Sammis will dedicate to the City
approximately 10 acres of usable park land before any buildings
within the BLEP may be occupied. Sammis will be reimbursed for
the land dedicated in excess of the park obligation for the BLEP.
For the purpose of this agreement it is agreed that the park
obligation for the BLEP is 3.95 acres of park land.
D. In lieu of the obligation to dedicate park land
under this agreement Sammis may propose and the City Council may
authorize Sammis to improve park land that the City owns to the
satisfaction of the City Council. The cost of such improvements
shall not be less than the amount of fees Sammis would otherwise
be required to pay in lieu of the 3.95 acre park land dedication
requirement for the BLEP.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants
contained herein an incorporating the recitals set forth above
the parties agree as follows:
1. In satisfaction of its master plan obligation to
dedicate park land Sammis agrees to acquire and dedicate to the
City of Carlsbad approximately 10 acres of land suitable and
usable for park and recreational purposes within City of Carlsbad
park district 3 (southwest quadrant). The location of and the
suitability for park purposes land shall be approved by the City
Council pursuant to paragraph 5 prior to the dedication to the
City. The dedication shall occur prior to the filing of a final
map for Phases II or III of the master plan or the occupancy of
any buildings within the BLEP, whichever occurs first. The
dedication shall be free and clear of all liens and
2. Park Dedication Credits. (a) The parties agree
that the park land dedication requirements for the development of
BLEP is not less than 3.95 acres as determined at the time of
execution of this agreement. If the requirement for park land
dedication increases within the BLEP by either an increase in the
acreage per population or an increase in the calculated number of
people who will be residing within the master plan area as
determined by Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code then
the park dedication requirement for Sammis shall increase. If
changes occur to Chapter 20.44 which would decrease the park land
dedication requirements the parties agree that there shall not be
a reduction in the master plan park requirement below the 3.95
acre level.
(b) Upon dedication of the park land specified in
paragraph 1 the amount of the land dedicated shall constitute a
credit in favor of Sammis to be held on account by the City to be
drawn upon in satisfaction of the park dedication obligations of
subdivisions within the BLEP.
(c) As a condition of receiving the final map for
Carlsbad Tract 85-14 Sammis has entered into an agreement to pay
park in lieu fees as required by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter
20.44. If, at the time of obtaining the building permits for
the residential portion of Carlsbad Tract 85-14, the land which
is the subject of this agreement has not yet been dedicated
Sammis shall pay the park in lieu fees to the City as required by
that agreement. Upon making the dedication improvements
satisfying the alternative under paragraph 4, those fees shall be
refunded to Sammis without interest.
3. Reimbursement. Sammis shall be reimbursed from
park-in-lieu fees collected in the southwest quadrant of the City
for the amount of land dedicated which is in excess of the park
land dedication requirement for the BLEP as determined pursuant
to this agreement and the appropriate provisions of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code, eg., 10 acres (dedicated) minus 3.95 acres
(obligation) equals 6.05 acres (reimbursable acreage).
Reimbursement shall be paid from park-in-lieu fees collected as
follows: The City shall collect from subdividers within the
southwest quadrant (except for subdividers within BLEP) fees in
lieu of park land dedication pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code in effect at the
time the fees are collected. The fees collected shall then be
paid over to Sammis less a three percent administrative charge
which shall be retained by the City to cover the cost of
administering this agreement. The amount of the remaining land
for which Sammis receives reimbursement shall be reduced in an
amount equal to the amount of land which would otherwise have
been required to be dedicated for the subdivision paying the
fees. The reimbursement shall continue until the balance of the
land for which reimbursement is owed is zero acres. If after 15
years, Sammis has not been reimbursed out of park-in-lieu fees
collected from the southwest quadrant of the City, the City shall
then reimburse Sammis from park-in-lieu fees collected in the
remainder of the City.
4. Improvement Alternative. In the discretion of the
City Council, the City may, in lieu of the dedication of the park
land required by Section 1 of this agreement, require Sammis to
improve park land owned by the City as determined by the Parks
and Recreation Director and the City Council, and deliver to the
City a completed park facility. The cost of such improvements
shall not be less than $344,530.
5. Access. The park site dedicated under this
agreement, as a condition of acceptance by City Council, shall
have reasonable access to a dedicated street or other access
acceptable to the City and shall have reasonable access to sewer
and other necessary public utilities and otherwise shall meet
City's reasonable criteria for parks as set forth in City's
general plan. The City Council shall determine the adequacy of
the access and the geological and geographical suitability of the
site for development of active recreational facilities before the
land is dedicated to the City. Sammis shall provide any
information, studies, surveys or other data necessary to
establish the suitability of the site for park purposes.
6. Nature of the Master Plan. City and Sammis
acknowledge that the BLEP is part of the City's dynamic changing
land use planning process and that the City may change the master
plan pursuant to the provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code at
any time. It is acknowledged by the parties that in the course
of the development of the property the park dedication
requirement for the Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park master
plan may change. In the event that the parks requirement for the
master plan changes it is agreed that the parks obligation for
the purposes of this agreement shall not be less than 3.95
7. Acquisition by Condemnation. If 8ammi.s is unable to
acquire the land necessary to fulfil1 its obligations under this
agreement City agrees to use its power of eminent domain to
acquire the necessary property interest. Sammis shall notify the
City of the inability to acquire the land not less than 100 days
prior to the time occupancy of the buildings or the final map for
Phases II and III of the master plan will be requested. Sammis
agrees to bear all expenses, costs, fees and charges including
land costs, attorneys, engineers, appraisers, or other
professional service fees, and court costs; incurred or charged
in connection with the acquisition of the property interests in
the preparation and prosecution of the eminent domain proceeding.
The City shall assume no responsibility for said amounts. There
shall be no charge for City staff time associated with such
acquisition. No occupancy shall be granted until the acquisition
is completed.
8. Successors and Assigns. This agreement shall bind
and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective assigns
and successors, and the successors owners' of the property.
9. Attorneys Fees. In the event of any dispute between
the parties relating to the terms of the subject matter of this
agreement, the parties agree that the prevailing party shall be
entitled to reasonable attorneys fees together with all costs and
damages as determined by the court regardless of whether the
dispute is settled or prosecuted to judgment.
10. Amendments. No change in or addition to this
agreement or any part hereof shall be valid unless it is in
writing and signed by all the parties hereto.
11. Severability. If any portion of this agreement is
held by a court or arbitrator or competent jurisdiction to be
invalid, void or unenforceable the remainder of the portions
hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall no way be
effected impaired or invalidated.
12. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the
entire understanding between the parties with respect to the
subject matter hereof, superseding all negotiations, prior
discussions, preliminary agreements or understandings written or
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed
this agreement on the day and year first above written.
a Municipal Corporation of the
State of California