City Calaisba^
Fred Sandquist
Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation
PO Box 130491
Carlsbad, CA 92013-0491
I am pleased to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council encumbered your organization's entire
funding request of $780,589 in Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Grant fiinding, with the
stipulation that, among other things, only $74,995 of that request be fiinded now to allow some
data collecting and reporting and maintenance to proceed. The City Council's action was based
on the recommendations of the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens
Committee's and city staff The grant fiinding is to be used for the following purpose(s): to
develop a Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan, including conducting
monitoring and maintenance activities as described in your Grant Proposal No. AGP 06-12
- Bat Lagoon Mon'g/Mgmt Plan. The City Council resolution approving the fiinding and fiilly
describing the stipulation is enclosed.
This letter is to serve as a Letter of Agreement. The grant fiinds will be awarded in phases and
upon the achievement of milestones according to the attached project schedule. Any project that
is awarded fiinds will be required to meet agreed-upon milestones. (Some projects will be a
single-phase project.) If you need to make changes in your grant proposal project or schedule,
please contact the Planning Department. Please have both of the people who signed the grant
application sign this agreement and retum it in the enclosed envelope. City staff will then
forward the letter to the Mayor for signature.
Once the agreement has been signed by the applicants and the mayor, we will begin the initial
release of funds according to the approved milestone/fiinding schedule. If the funds are not spent
for this specific purpose, they must be retumed to the City. In addition, failure to satisfy the
agreed-upon milestones will result in project reconsideration and possible cessation of fiinding.
Grant recipients are required to recognize on all printed material that the project is fiinded in part
or in fiill by the City of Carlsbad.
A final report on how the fiinds were spent and what the project accomplished must be filed with
the City of Carlsbad once the fiinds are spent or within one year of receipt of the money,
whichever comes first. In addition, you agree to maintain original records (i.e., receipts) for at
least five years from the date on which you receive your final grant funds and make them
available to the City should they request to audit them.
1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us
March 3, 2008
Page 2
Thank you for your participation in the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Grant process.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Scott Donnell at (760) 602-4618.
Planning Director
I/We hereby agree to all of the above.
^ Date
7 n^acu zoo^
Applicant Name Date
Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan, AGP 06-12
Funding Scheduie
Funding for this project is to be provided in advance on or before the date indicated in
the "date Funded" funded column below. Total project funding of $780,589 was
approved, with the stipulation that $74,995 of that total be funding now to allow some
data collection and reporting, and lagoon maintenance in areas surrounding the lagoon-
proper to proceed. Ofthe total of $74,995 initial approved funding, $20,995 is to be
used to support data collection and reporting as follows: (1) Task 1.1- Physical
Monitoring: Bathymetric and Beach Monitoring and Tidal Monitoring: $18,713; and (2)
Task 1.3 - Reporting: $2,282. The remaining $54,000 is distributed over 6 years as
indicated in the table beiow.
The remaining $705,594 of the approved project funds will be held pending review of
the report of the results of the study report, expected to be completed within 6 months
from approval ofthe fomrial grant agreement. Ifthe balance of funding is approved by
the City, a revised funding schedule, and project schedule and milestones will be
Period Date Funded Amount Funded Cumulative
Yearl March (As soon as
possible after grant
approval), 2008
$23,995 $23,995
Year 2 July 1,2009 $15,000 $38,995
Year 3 July 1,2010 $3,000 $41,995
Year 4 July 1,2011 $15,000 $56,995
Years July 1,2012 $3,000 $59,995
Years July 1,2013 $15,000 $74,995
Project Schedule and Milestones
The following summarizes the key task schedule and completion milestones for the
Task Start Completion Completion
Yearl: Data
Collection, Physical
(Bathymetric and
Beach Monitoring
and Tidal Monitoring
March (As soon as
possible after grant
January 30, 2009 Submission of study
results report by
Merkei &
March (As soon as
possible after grant
June 30, 2009 Submission of
summary report of
r"\. ^ J
Activities agreement
activities by the
Batiquitos Lagoon
Year 2:
July 1,2009 June 30, 2010 Submission of
summary report of
activities by the
Batiquitos Lagoon
Year 3:
July 1.2010 June 30, 2011 Submission of
summary report of
activities by the
Batiquitos Lagoon
Year 4:
July 1,2011 June 30, 2012 Submission of
summary report of
activities by the
Batiquitos Lagoon
Year 5:
July 1.2012 June 30. 2013 Submission of
summary report of
activities by the
Batiquitos Lagoon
Year 6:
July 1,2013 June 30. 2014 Submission of
summary report of
activities by the
Batiquitos Lagoon
Professional Services Agreement
GeaeraJ Terms of Agrecffient
This AGREEMENT made this t^/Jn/ day of J2QS^A J> 2008 by and between Bitiqiiitoi Lasooo
FoaadfltiMi, a Calif<»nia Nmi-iHt>fit Coipoittion, (hereiaafter "^BLF^, locmted at 7380 GaMiiano Lane, Carli^»ul,
Califomia 92011 and Merfcel A Associated, tae, a Califomia Coiporation, (hereinafter ^'CONSULTANT'), located
at 5434 Ruffin Road, San Diego, Califomia 92123.
The parties agree as follows:
L CoBtrset DociiiBeBts: The Contract Do(wmnt$ for this AGREEMENT ccmsist of this Professional S«vices
AGREEMENT, any attadiments, exhil»t5, site m»!p&^ specifications and/or (faaiwii^ attadied to or referenced
he^ia, and all modifkattcms issued after the execittion of this AGREEMENT. Conflicting piovi»cins hereof, if
any, shall prevail in the following <lesoaidiiig onder of prec^lence: (1) (wovisiom set forth m any modtfic^on,
(2) provisiens sel forth in this Mas^ AGREEMENT and (3) the site maps, specifications and drawings
attached or incoiporated by referaioe,
2. Scope of Work; The services to be rendo^ under ttiis AGREEMENT are to be {»^ovided pursuant to
Exhibit L
J. Term of Coatraet: This AGREEMENT shall be deemed to have commenced on March I, 2008 and shall
terminate [>ec^ber 31, 2008, unless terminated in accordance witfi the provisi<m of Article 16 of this
AGREEMENT (Termination). CONSULTANT will not begin work under ttiis AGREEMENT until a written
notice lo proceed is received finom BLF.
4. Compeiisatioii: BLF agn^ to pay CONSULTANT for die pe^bimance of its work at die fixed costs of
$18,713.00 for Task 1.1 ami $ $2^82,00 for Task 1.3 as d^rib^ in Exhibit 1. CONSULTANT will be paid
cmXy for mjthoriz^ services on a pero&ax ocxi^lete t:»sts.
5. InvoktBg: CONSULTANT will submit invoices to BLF fw the performam^ bas^l upon ttie fixed fee amounts
in S<»:tion 4 of this AGREEMENT. Invoice must represent the value of the ctHnpieted Scope of Work for
CONSULTANT'S billing period. BLF will pay CONSULTANT wittiin 30 days of receipt of each invoice.
6. Chaages: Wittiout invalidating this AGREEMENT, BLF may require changes in tfie services wtthin the
general scope of Work Onkis iss««d under tfits AGREEMENT, consisting of additions, deletions or ottier
revisions. Thc contrm^ sum, scope of work and schedule shall be adjusted ^xotdingly and in keeping with the
temw of this AGREEMENT and Work OnJcrs issued httifin. All such changes in slices shall be autlKMt^
in writing cxeci^ed by BLF and CONSULTANT.
7. Notices: Any notices to be given under this AORKEMKN^r shall be given in writing. Such notices may be
sa^ed by personal delivery, facsimile transmission or first class r^ular nail, poi^e prepaid. Any SIK^I
notice, when served by mail, simll be effective two calendar days after tiie date of nmiUng tfie same, and when
served by facsimile tramraission or perscmal dclivciy shall be effisctive upon receipt. For tfw purposes hereof,
ttie address of BLF is: PO Box 130491. Carisbad, Califomia ^013-0491, Phone (760) 931-0800 and ttie
address of CONSULTANT is: 5434 RulKn Road, San Diego, Califbmia 92123, Phone (858) 560-5465 Fax
(858) 560-7779.
8. StandanI of Performaiice: Services provided CONSULTANT under ttiis AGREEMENT will be pi^formed
in a manner consists with that degree of care and skill ordinarily ex»cised by members of tfie same profession
currently practicing under similar circumstances in thc State of Califomia.
9. Time of I^tformaiice: CONSULTANT agrees tfiat il will perform swvices with <fcie and reasonable diligmce
consistent with sound professional practices and in keeping witfi a mutually agreed upon schedule.
10. ladcpeadicat CoBtrrctor: CONSULTANT tsitmll poform the sarvi<^ hexewider as an independ^ contractor.
This AGREEMENT shall in no way be constmed to autf)orij» CONSULTANT or any of its employees or
autttori^ ageo^ to act as the onployee or repr^entative of BLF.
I t. AsrigaiaeBt: CONSULTANT agrees that it shall not as»gp or subcontract the sm^ia^ desarfbed h^in, or
any part thereof, without the pricM- wrttten approval of BLF. CONSULTANT may, however, subcontract
eiem^ts of thc work lo others, but CONSULTANT shall remain responsible for all terms of this
12. iBSttraace: CONSULTANT maintain insuranoe in ttie following minimum amounts aiwl within two wedis
of the date of tfiis con&act, provkle certificates thai deoKMishrate fidl compliance with tfie requirm»»i^ of ttiis
provision (1) GenatU Liability: For personal and bodily injury, including death and ptopetty damage in the
amount of $1,000,000 each occwnawe aiMl $2,000,000 geiMral ^gregate; (2) AutonKtbiie Liability: For
pmonal and bodily injivy including death, and pn^imty dmiu^e in an ^notsit not le^ than $1,000,000 per
occurrenoe, ami (3) Worker's C<Hnpem«ti(m: As requirtxi by law.
13. I>isp«te RcsfrivMoa: In an effort to resolve any txmflicts tfiat may imse dimng the project or following project
completicn, CONSULTANT and BLF agree tfiat all disfaites between then arising out of or relating to this
AGREEMENT shall be submitted to noi^bindtng nwdiatkm unless the parties mutually agree otherwise.
14. iRdemaiffeatkMi: CONSULTANT agrees, to ttie fiille^ extent permitt^ by law, to indemnify and hold BLF
harmless from any damage, liabitity or cost (tncln^ing reasonable attorneys* fees and c«>sts of defense) to the
extent caused by CONSULTANTS negli^it acts, exrtm or canissions in Ihe poformance of professional
services under this AGREEMENT and those of its subconsultants or anyone for whcxn CONSULTANT is
legally liable.
BLF ai^s, to ttic fiillcs* extent petmittcd by law, to iiKlenttiil^^ and hold CONSULTANT harmless from any
damage, liability or cost (incliMjii^ reasonable attovney's fe^ «td costs of def«»ise) to the extent caused
BLF's negligent acts, cnws m omissioiB aid tfxM* of its (xmtracfors, suba»itraK:lors or consultants or anyone
for whom BLF is legally liable, and arising from tfie project tfiat is tfie subject of tfiis AGREEMENT.
15. Ownership of DocaneBts: All documents, studies, drawings, maps, models, digital and paper files,
photographs and repwts prepared by tfie CONSULTANT wider tfiis AGREEMENT shaii be considered ttic
property of BLF upon payment of services performed by CONSULTANT. Said documents and maierials shall
be delivered to BLF by CONSULTANT al tfic completion or t«minrtion of this contract. CONSUT-TANT
may retain copies of all such documentation for its files. CONSULTANT docs, howevo-. reserve ttie right to
utilize generic biological infonnalion collected during tfie course of the inv^gation to prepare scientific
papers, taiks/seminars, or marketing materials fbr pubtic dissemination.
16. TerminatioH: CONSULTANT may terminate this AGREEMENT at any time upon giving BLF ten (10) days
written notice. If AGREEMENT is temiinated in whote or pwt by CONSULTAm for reasons of defiiult by
BLF, an equitable adjusmient in c<Hnpa^i<m shall be msde for work d«me>d satisfiKlory md i^eable BLF,
bw no anKMjnt shall be allowed for laiperfomMid sm'iocs. Any payment to CONSULTANT shall be
adjusted to ttie extent of any additional costs to CONSULTANT oocastooed by BLF's dcfiiult.
17. NoiidiseriniiBatioB: CONSULTANT shall not discriminate against any employee (w any applicant for
employment because of ra*^ religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, AIDS, HIV status, disability, handicap,
Vietnam Era veteran status, or iHttional (m&n in accofdance with all appiicat^ requiremoits of stete and
federal law. CONSULI ANT shall ensure tfiitt applicsits are oonsidmxl and <miployees are treated during
employment witfiout regard to any of tfiese bases, induding but not limhed to employment, uf^rading,
demotion, transfer, recruitment, recmitment »lvmtsing. layoff, termination, rates of pay or otiier forms of
compoisatioiu and selection for training including apprenticeship. CONSULTANT agrees to post in a
ocHispicuous place available to employees and applicants for employment notices setting oul tfie provisions of
tfiis nondiscrimination clause. CONSULTANT shall state, in all solicitatiws or advcitisem^ for employees,
ttiat all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment witfioul r^ard lo ttiesc bases.
18. Governing Law: This AGREEMENT shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of California.
19. SevembUity and Survival: Any provision of tfiis AGREEMENI later held to be unenforceable for any reason
shall be deemed void, and all remaining provisions shall continue in fiill force and eUcct.
20. Saccessors and Assigas; Tbe provisions of ttiis AGREEMENT shall insure to ami bind each ofthe parties
hereto, and each ofthe respective heirs, exeortors, adrainistralors, successors, and assigns.
21. Intcgratioii: This AGREEMENT comprises tfie final and complete AGREEMENT between CONSULTANT
and BLF. U supercedes ail prior contemporaneous ccmimunications, representations, or AGREEMENTS,
whether oral or written, relating to tiie subject matter of ttiis AGREEMEN r, Execution of tfiis AGREEMENT
signifies tfiat each party has read the document diorou|^ly, has had aay questions explained by indcpisident
counsel, if desired, and is satisfied with this final AGREEMENT, AmerKlmcnts to ttiis AGREEMENT shall not
be binding unless made in writing and signed by botfi CONSUL FANT and BLF.
22. Authority: The individual signing tfiis AGREEMENT certifies ttiat he or she is an auttiorized representative of
CONSULTANT and has tfie power and authority to bind CONSULTANT to tfiis AGREEMENT.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ttie parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT which is in efTcct as ofttie date
above written when signed by botti parties.
By: -
Bsbt^ara L. Merkei
Title: President
Date: Mb%
Batiquilos Lagoon Monitoring Program Phase I
B>t|iyBietric aad Beach Monitor ing
To assess ttie volume of sediment accreted from offshore, San Marcos Creek, Encinitas Creek,
surface runofT. and other watershed drmnage, a bathymetric survey of Batiquitos lagoon will be
conducted in Spring 2008. The survey will include all areas of the west, central, and east basins
ofthe lagoon below the line of v^e^ion. Contour plots will be generated to document currrat
conditions and provide a comparison to eariier, post-restoration conditions.
Tidal Moaitoripg
To document tfie degree of tidal muting occurring in the Batiquitos Lagoon system, a tidal
monitoring program will be initiated in Sping 2(X)8 and continue for one quaner (March, April,
& May). Instruments will be deployed in each basin of the lagoon. Collected data will be
compared to measured oceanic tides and tfic degree of tidal muting and lag determinKl,
This task will not be initiated at this time.
TASK 13: Rt:wouTimi
A single report will be generated following data collection under Task 1.1 and f^vickd to tfie
Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation electronically and as 4 hard copies wiUiin 30 days of completion
ofthe surv^'.
Initiation of Work: Within 7 days of Notice to Proca^,
Completion of Field Worfc: Within 120 days of initiation of work (to include 90-day tide study).
Submission of Report: Within 30 days of compl^ion of field work.
A single report including all results, battiymetric contour maps and analysis, tidal muting charts
and analysis, and recommendations. The report will be provided to the Batiquitos Lagoon
Foundation electronically on DVD and as 4 hard copies.