HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-06; Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee Ad Hoc; ; Report to Committee on Awarded Grant AGP 06-16Subject: Meeting Date: January 12, 2009 Agenda Item #5 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGRICULTURAL COVNERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE Report to Committee on Awarded Grant AGP 06-16 (La Posada Farmworker Housing) January 12, 2009 At the November 17, 2008 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee meeting, the Committee received updates from staff and the project applicant's representative pertaining to the La Posada Farmworker Housing project. The applicant's representative indicated that although funding for the project has been secured to finance design and construction, there exists no foreseeable funding which may be identified, secured and allocated to fund the ongoing operational costs associated with the project. At the November 17'h meeting, the Committee requested that staff conduct research and return to the Committee to report on whether the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee could be used to fund maintenance programs such as operational costs for the La Posada Farmworker Housing project. In July 2004, the California Coastal Commission (CCC) processed a Local Coastal Plan Amendment (LCPA) submitted by the City of Carlsbad, following conditional approval by the Carlsbad City Council. The purpose of the LCPA was to codify and formally approve the City's Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee program. This LCPA was approved following specific discussion by CCC, which resulted in modifications to the City's submittal to include language that, among other things, prohibits the funding of maintenance-type activities through the program. Through such modifications to the City's Local Coastal Plan, it is clear that the intent of the program is to fund physical projects, rather than to allocate the funding for ongoing maintenance or operative functions. Accordingly, use of the fund to support operational costs for the La Posada Farmworker Housing project would be prohibited without the approval of a LCPA approved by City Council and subsequently approved by the CCC. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the likelihood for approval of such an amendment by CCC is doubtful given the specific discussion and subsequent approval of the LCPA In addition to the update provided at the November 17th meeting, the applicant submitted the attached correspondence, dated December 15, 2008 (Exhibit 1). Within this correspondence, the applicant 1) indicates interest in pursuing a different such as the acquisition of alternate sites for farmworker housing, and 2) requests that the Committee provide Catholic Charities with six (6) months to one (1) year to potentially secure federal funding. It is unclear whether Catholic Charities is interested in utilizing the requested time period to identify and subsequently secure funds to support an alternative project or to secure funds to support operational costs for the La Posada project. Since staff anticipates returning to Council to obtain support and concurrence to proceed with the Committee's intended direction to solicit a second round of grant proposals, staff believes that it would be appropriate to brief the City Council on the status of awarded projects. As such, staff suggests the Committee pursue any of the following options pertaining to AGP 06-16 (La Posada Farmworker Housing): 1. Take no action. 2. Recommend the City Council reprogram the $2 million awarded for the La Posada Farmworker Housing project, which would make the funding available for award to other projects, including potential farmworker housing projects at sites other than La Posada. 3. Establish provisional time periods to allow the applicant to pursue acquisition of additional funding. This scenario could include continued reservation of funding for the La Posada Farmworker Housing project for a period of one year, with a requirement that Catholic Charities return to the Committee in six months to report on whether likelihood exists that operational funding may be secured. After that year, the Committee may wish to consider recommending the funding be reprogrammed. This may be a prudent approach given the difficult nature associated with securing funding. Projects are generally more competitive for additional grant funding when there is a demonstrated financial commitment from other sources. Also, the grant award for this project was authorized on February 19, 2008 and any action to recommend reprogramming of the funding at this time may be considered premature given the extensive time periods typically associated with project planning, permitting and construction. Respectfully Submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Exhibits: 1. Correspondence from Catholic Charities, dated December 15, 2008 CATHOLIC CHARITIES Administration Report to Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Committee RECEIVED New Construction Farm Worker Housing co-located at La Posada Funding Awarded: $2,000,000 DEC 16 2008 $185,000 immediate release for concept/design work C Expenditures to date: $ 0 ITY OF CARLSBAD At the November meeting catholic Charities restated to the committee its concerns related tf ~~f~l~~J2~T operations of the new facility and advised the committee that the agency could not at this time assume the financial responsibility associated with the proposed project and therefore could not move forward with the project. The agency recommends that the committee consider the following three actions: 1. Preserve the Farm Worker Housing funds for future use 2. Urge the City Council to investigate full benefit use of funds: Construction + Operations 3. Establish a cap for construction, with remaining funds from the grant set aside for operations. The committee asked that Catholic Charities explore possible options that could result in the creation of housing for farm workers. Catholic Charities (CC) met with Community Housing Works (CHW) and an interested community leader to discuss possible options. During the discussion two options emerged as viable --CHW take over the project or CHW partner with CC to jointly create farm worker housing. CHW and CC discussed the possibility of purchasing an existing apartment building and possibility of new construction at a site other than La Posada. During the course of the discussion Community Housing Works expressed a strong interest in the project but felt that with the current economic climate the likelihood of purchasing an existing apartment building were slim and that new construction at a site other than La Posada right now would be difficult. CHW and CC agreed that a partnership between the two agencies could be created. Each agency agreed to engage in research to identify existing properties that might be for sale or in foreclosure and to monitor the federal government and the new administrations plan for housing that is affordable. Both agencies agreed that right now the real estate market is not favorable for renovation or new construction. We would therefore recommend three actions for the committee to consider: 1. PRESERVE THE FARM WORKER HOUSING FUNDS 2. HOLD THE FUNDS - A MINIMUM FOR TWELVE MONTHS· OR UNTIL THE ECOMONIC CLIMATE IMPROVES AND THE NEW ADMINSTRATION REVEALS ITS PLAN TO CREATE HOUSING THAT IS AFFORDABLE 3, ALLOW COMMUNITY HOUSING WORKS AND CATHOLIC CHARITIES A MINIMUM OF SIX MONTHS TO COMPLETE RESEARCH ON CURRENT HOUSING OPPORTUNmES AND NEW FEDERAL FUNDING. Sister RayMonda Duvall Executive Director December 15, 2008 ,J:.,., Catholic l J Charities Diocese of San Diego 349 Cedar Street, San Diego, California 92101-3197 • Tel. (619) 231-2828 • Fax (619) 234-2272 Member Agency of United Way • Member Agency of Catholic Charities USA Exhibit 1