HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-01; Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee Ad Hoc; ; Committee Review and Discussion of Grant Applications Submitted for Funding ConsiderationSubject: Meeting Date: June 1, 2009 Agenda Item #6 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGRICULTURAL COVNERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE Committee Review and Discussion of Grant Applications Submitted for Funding Consideration June l, 2009 At the February 17, 2009 City Council meeting the Council authorized the Committee to solicit, evaluate and provide recommendations on grant requests to award the remaining/available funding within the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee fund. The solicitation of grant applications was well-advertised with announcements provided via local newspaper, the City's website, direct mailings, e-mail notification, fliers and the City's on- hold phone message. Expenditures from the fund utilized to cover the cost of newspaper advertising totals $2,614.80. During the solicitation period, the City accepted 13 applications from 11 different applicants. Although approximately $875,000 remains available within the ACMFP fund to support eligible projects (see report for Agenda Item #5); the total amount of funds requested in applications received is approximately $2.6 million. A summary list of applications received is attached to this report as Exhibit 1. Copies of the applications have been distributed to Committee members and are on file and available for public review at the City's Planning Department located at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008. At the January 6, 2009 Committee meeting, the Committee passed a motion that authorized Chairperson Larson to direct staff (based on the number of grant requests received) on whether to involve a facilitator at meetings scheduled for reviewing and evaluating grant proposals. In consideration of the 13 grant applications received, Chairperson Larson directed staff to coordinate the use of a facilitator. Staff has coordinated with Jim Boylan of PathFinders Organizational Effectiveness to facilitate review and evaluation of the applications received. Lastly, letters from the public pertaining to applications received during the 2009 grant solicitation period have been attached to this report as Exhibit 2. Respectfully Submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Exhibits: 1. Summary Table of Applications Received 2. Public Comment Letters Received l> .. 11) ::, a. ., ;:; 11) 3 :it en ;;:; X =-<T ;:;: ... -Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Program (ACMFP) 2009 Grant Applications AGP09-01 Carlsbad Flower Fields Enhanced CB Ranch Enterprises 4/16/09 B Access AGP09-02 Aquaculture Enhancement at Hubbs-SeaWorld Research 4/29/09 B Carlsbad Hatchery Institute AGP09-03 Batiquitos Lagoon North Shore Trail Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation 4/29/09 A AGP09-04 Batiquitos Lagoon-Water and Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation 4/30/09 A Sediment Toxicity Assessment AGP09-05 Vee's Veggies Hydroponic Veronic Boen 4/30/09 B Greenhouse AGP09-06 Ecotourism Carlsbad-Brochure Carlsbad Lagoons and 4/30/09 D Design and Distribution Wetlands (CLAW) and others AGP09-07 Agua Hedionda Watershed Mgmt Jim Strickland 4/30/09 A Plan-Watershed Coordinator AGP09-08 Agua Hedionda Lagoon Beach Tu Casa Homeowner's 4/30/09 C Restoration Association AGP09-09 Agua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Agua Hedionda Lagoon 4/30/09 D Center Interior Improvements Foundation AGP09-10 Coastal Bluff Restoration-California State Parks 4/30/09 None Selected Tamarack and Frazee AGP09·11 Buena Vista Creek Watershed Buena Vista Audubon Society 4/30/09 A&D Information Management System AGP09·12 Buena Vista Audubon Nature Buena Vista Audubon Society 4/30/09 D Center Improvements AGP09-13 Rudvalis Orchids Greenhouse Roof Barbara Rudvalis, Rudvalis 4/30/09 B Replacement Orchids TOTAL: A. Restoration of the coastal and lagoon environment; B. Purchase and improvement of agricultural lands: o For continued agriculture production, or $201,814 $796,095 $112,516 $119,785 $180,000 $6,400 $75,000 $120,000 $220,000 $242,330 $50,000 $367,000 $142,610 $2,633,550.00 o For the provision of research activities or ancillary uses necessary for the continued production of agriculture/aquaculture in the Coastal zone, including farm worker housing; C. Restoration of beaches for public use; or D. Improvements to existing or proposed lagoon nature centers. ACMFP Advisory Committee City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad California 92008 Attn: Kevin Pointer Associate planner Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fund Grant Proposal-The Flower Fields I urge you to approve the proposed grant request of the Flower Fields to fund the cost of enhanced access to the Flower Fields. I have been a docent, volunteering my time each spring for three years. I have met thousands of guests over the year, many of whom come back year after year to have the experience that is so special to Carlsbad. Over the years the success of the Flower Fields in drawing visitors and the outlet mall in drawing customers has made access more difficult. Coordinating tour buses and children's groups without interfering with other visitors has become even more challenging. I am concerned that for many visitors, the access when they most want to come is so congested that they will not return. I know how important our visitors are to the survival of the Flower Fields and I know they will only return if the whole experience is positive. Please help make it continue to be the one real farm experience for our community by approving the grant. s;,ct~ i Philip A. Okun 2337 Longfellow Road Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Agenda Item #6 Exhibit 2 May 7, 2009 ACMFP Advisory Committee City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad California 92008 Attn: Kevin Pointer Associate planner Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fund Grant Proposal-The Flower Fields The Flower Fields are one of the most important and beloved attractions in our City. Its image appears as a banner for Carlsbad and is recognized worldwide. Creating better access for the Flower Fields will make them more productive by encouraging the many visitors to Carlsbad to help support the growing operation with their admission monies and purchasing the cut flowers and bulbs. The economic health and survival of this farming operation is important not only to the agricultural heritage of the City but as an integral partner to the third largest industry of Carlsbad, San Diego County and the state of California. We are keenly aware that tourists as well as local and regional visitors will avoid the Flower Fields if there is not easy an access to the site. Tourism is one of the most important economic drivers for all of the businesses in Carlsbad. It not only provides a major revenue source in taxes for our City, but also supports, the restaurants, shops, hotels and recreation areas that are important to our quality of life. We urge you to support and approve the grant request for enhanced access to the Flower Fields in order to keep this valued attraction a part of Carlsbad's growing tourism industry. Thank you. Best r:gards, /4 /)/. -,;·. -,~- -:7tf/l,tcut U Frankie Laney Interim Executive Director Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau 400 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008 1760) 434.6093 • FAX (7601434.6056 • www.visitcarlsbad.com • info@visitcarlsbad.com "The Official Destination Marketing Organization of Carlsbad, California" ACMFP Advisory Committee City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad California 92008 Attn: Kevin Pointer Associate planner Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fund Grant Proposal-The Flower Fields Agriculture in Carlsbad means the Flower Fields. All of the changes in this community that have taken away farming and open spaces have also made the traffic and access to our remaining piece of history difficult. Over the 13 years I have lived in Carlsbad and volunteered at the Flower Fields I have watched with concern the increasing difficulty of getting io the Fields. I have heard the concern-particularly with older visitors -about the limited access and how nerve wracking it can be to get to the fields. I have watched agriculture disappear, and I don't want these fields to fail because we can't even support their efforts to find a way to pay for the cost of farming. These visitors not only pay admission to walk the fields but they buy the flowers here. I believe that making access easier from Palomar Airport Road will make the Flower Fields better able to continue to be productive and stay a permanent part of our heritage. Please approve the grant request from the Flower Fields. Sincerely, ~. Yvt-1-l~~,e,o Pat Humphrey ,; he ·~ Patrician ·" ...... AtMFPAdv1sory Committee City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad California 92008 Attn: Kevin Pointer Associate planner Flower Fields Grant Request ------------------ RECEIVED MAY 18 2009. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT We urge you to approve the grant requested for enhanced access for the Carlsbad Flower Fields. We conduct tours throughout southern California and the Flower Fields have become on of our most important destinations. Over the past few years the increasing congestion during much of the time when the Flower Fields are in bloom has created problems for us in scheduling. Since the Flower Fields are always linked with another attraction in order to fill out a full or half day tour, this decreased access may require us to drop the Flower Fields from a number of tour groups who would otherwise prefer to include a stop. The Flower Fields are a unique experience transcending the normal garden stop to provide a sense of California's great strength in agriculture and the stunning beauty of flowers. The experience has led many of our customers to repeat the tour annually and we would hate to have to disappoint them by substituting another event or place that is closer and more accessible to the other destinations. While the improved access won't solve all the problems of congestion it will be a big step forward and we urge you to support it with a grant. Very Truly Yours, Ingrid Wilson Wellness Director The Patrician A Kisco Senior Living Community 4025 Pulitzer Place San Diego, CA 92 I 22 (858) 455-9188 Small Farm Program University of California One Shields Avenue Davis CA 95616-8699 (530) 752-8136 Fax (530) 752-7716 sfcenter@ucdavis.edu www.sfp.ucdavls.edu Director Shermain Hardesty Small Farm Advisors Aziz Baameur UCCE Santa Clara Mark Gaskell UCCE Santa Barbara Manuel Jimenez UCCETulare Ramiro Lobo UCCE San Diego Richard Molinar UCCE Fresno Small Farm Program Staff Linda Vieira Kristin Reynolds Brenda Dawson May 19, 2009 ACMFP Advisory Committee City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad California 92008 Attn: Kevin Pointer Associate planner Re: Flower Fields Grant Request RECEIVED MAY 21 2009 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT 1 urge you to approve the grant for enhanced access for the Carlsbad Flower Fields. The popularity of agritiourism ventures, such as the Flower Fields, has increased significantly during the past ten years across the United States. Agritourism enables agricultural producers to increase and diversify their sources of farming income. It leads to the preservation of agricultural land and open space. The wine grape industry, some specialty produce farms, and the flower industry have been able to successfully integrate such programs. In addition to providing supplemental income to farm operators and increased employment opportunities on the farms, agritourism directly benefits the larger community by encouraging a flow of visitors who spend money with other nearby businesses, and by contributing to the local tax base. The successful integration ofagritourism and the resulting stability of the farming operation often require access that is perceived as relatively convenient by the visiting population. In some cases the access is the distance from major roadways (like Bell Gardens in Valley Center) and in some cases it is the specific farm access, as in some of the more remote vineyards. The Flower Fields have a unique opportunity for success, but only if the relative access does not discourage return visitors. The I 00,000 to 150,000 annual Flower Farm visitors would be more likely to return to Carlsbad if the access road is enhanced. The proposal to enhance access from a major roadway is a major step to sustain the success and should be supported, and the grant approved, as an improvement directly improving the productivity of the farmland. Sincerely, ife~rM-Z~ ~t~ Shermain D. Hardesty, Ph.D., Director, Small Farm Program COOPERATIVE EXTENSION UNNERSITY of CALIFORNIA -COUNTY of SAN DIEGO 4-H YOl!l'll & FAMlLY -AGRlCUL1lJRE-HOK11CUL1lJRE-NATURAL RESOURCFS-NITTRJTION & CONSUMER SCIENCE 5555 OVERLAND AVENUE,SUITE 4101,SAN DIEGO,CA 92123 PHONE: 858-694-2845 FAX: 858-694-2849 E-MAIL: ccsandiego@ucdavis.edu WEBSITE: www. cesandiego.ucdavis.cdu May 20, 2009 AGMFP Advisory Committee City of Carlsbad Faraday Carlsbad California Attn: Kevin Pointer Associate Planner RE: Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fund Grant Proposal -The Flower Fields I am the director of the University of California Cooperative Extension program here in San Diego County. Our office works with agricultural producers to make their programs viable as individ,ual enterprises and as part of the overall San Diego County economy. Farming in a southern California urban environment is quite different than in the central valley or other traditional farming areas of California. It requires a different business model to produce the economic yield that will permit field crops to be grown and nurtured. Over my 30 years with the UC Cooperative Extension supporting farming operations in Southern California, I have seen and encouraged the shift from pure growing and wholesaling crops to an integrated use of all aspects of the farm experience. This change has been necessary in order to meet the challenge of lower cost producers and oversupply which is a consequence of our global economy, and the hard realities of retail sales. Among the most effective approaches has been to offer the community the opportunity to participate in the farming experience at its most attractive moment, and in doing so support the costs of farming through admissions. It only can be effective where an adequate visitor population can be attracted, and the visitors can have good access to the farm. The Flower Fields have been a success, continuing to take advantage of their position and products, while addressing an ever increasing squeeze from higher costs of operation and lower flower prices. To continue their success, visitors must have easy access to the facility. The proposed additional access for the Flower Fields is an important part of the continuing effort to improve community access and deserves the support of the matching grant requested. It is important that agricultural enterprises that embrace and involve the community are supported so the San Diego region can continue to have a viable, environmentally sound and community supported agricultural sector. The University of califomi.a prohibits. ducrimination again.rt or hanwmenl of a.ny perwn on the buis cf race, color, national origin, religion, ,ex, phy,ical or mental disability, medica.l condition {cancer related or genetic characterimcs), ance.rtry, nwilaJ status,. age, sexual orientation, citiunsltip or status as a covered veteran upccia.1 disabled veteran. Vietnam-era veten1.n or any other veteran who $Ct'Ved on active duty during a war or in campaign or expedition for which a campaign bwge lw been authorized.). University Policy b intended to coruimnt with the provWom of applicable State and Federal law,. Inquiries regarding the Univcl"!ity's policies may be directed to the AffinnAtive Action/Staff Personnel Service, Dirmor, University of C.lifomiA, Agriculture and Natural l'tesoun::es, 300 LIWide Drive. 6JII Floor, Oakland, CA 94612~3550. Phone {510} 987~0096. The University of California, the COunty of san Diego and the United Stai,, IJcpartmenl of Agriculture coopcnlling. ACMFP Advisory Committee City of Carlsbad RECENED u,v 2 6 'l'ln9 1.-1i ... , .:.l..U 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad California 92008 Attn: Kevin Pointer Associate planner CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT Flower Fields Grant request for Enhanced Access Carlsbad has come a long way from the farming community that surrounded the small downtown in which the Chamber of Commerce first met. But the importance of its remaining farming icon (and chamber member) the Flower Fields, has grown. We need to continue to support their efforts to survive as a private business. Our success in bringing other businesses to Carlsbad has created the potential for success and problems which the proposed access project for the Flower Fields will address. The agricultural mitigation conversion funds were set aside as farmlands converted to the businesses and homes in order to help solve the problems created for the remaining farmlands by these new uses. The problems of access which the requested grant would help mitigate arise in large part from the very success of the conversion of other farmland in Carlsbad. What could be a more appropriate use of these funds than to help mitigate this problem? We support the creative and flexible approach which the Flower Fields have shown to continue their spectacular farming. Their success is important to all of our businesses and City, and particularly the hospitality and visitor services which provide a key part of the health of our community. We urge you to approve this grant for enhanced access for the Flower Fields. VeryTnu,~ Tedii}ll.X(h." CEO Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 5934 Priestly Drive• Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone· (7h01 ()~1-R400 • J:',w, t7t:..fl\ O'.l.1 01:;.2 • L' __ ;1. -L--L~ . .,,:;.. - 1 t 1 ~ ,ur I Barbara Rudvalis -Rudvalis Orchids 6595 Black Rail Rd., CBD, CA 92011 PO Box 130665 CBD, CA 92013 Agricultural Mitigation Committee: May 20, 2009 ld30 €>NINNV1d avas,~'1::> .:::10 .A110 600Z 9 Z AVW 03'\1303~ Find attached itemized copies of the entire project budgeL This includes $7,900 that the business owner would pay to complete the electrical system prior to start of grant work. Money asked for in the original grant application remains the same -$142,610. Grant Work Includes Installing: 20 new agricultural fans in 9 greenhouse bays. ( owner to pay $2,000 S&H) 175 fog nozzles (out of 430) would be replaced along with 2 replacement pumps for the high pressure fog cooling system. The existing fiberglass roof is over 15 years old, deteriorating and limiting light transmittance which adversely affects production. This will be removed and replaced on all ten existing greenhouses. To achieve optimum production the orchids are being physically moved in and out of the greenhouses. This is extremely unproductive in a commercial orchid growing business. Once the fiberglass has been removed the existing steel frames will be cleaned and conditioned to receive the double poly. Double poly refers to a double layer polyvinyl roof liner, inflated with positive pressure blower units installed to maintain a thermal cushion between the outside and inside of the greenhouses. This system will be installed on all ten greenhouse roots. This new double poly roof will stabilize the interior temperatures, save energy and waler, plus enable the owner to manipulate the environment for better quality and increased flower production. At 5 year intervals the double poly will need replacing, but costs will be considerably less. A 24' x 168' steel frame shade house, installed upon prepared concrete footings, will replace an existing wooden frame structure. This shade house is used for growing non-flowering production plants. Existing benches and water saving emitter watering system have been and will continue to be used in the newly framed and shaded structure. All costs included. Rudvalis Orchids, a Carlsbad-based business for over 30 years, and one of only four producers of cymbidium orchids remaining in the USA today is internationally recognized for its exclusive high quality flowers and plants. Hybridizers and vendors travel from around the world to observe and try to secure plant materials to propagate, flowers to distribute ,and cultural methods from this famous grower. Rudvalis Orchids has given back to Carlsbad -specialty orchid arrangements for the Carlsbad Unified School District, City senior center, private schools, and orchid societies up and down the West Coast. Rudvalis Orchids invites professional flower associations, as well as, hobbyist clubs and the public, to special events during the blooming season. As all growers contend with increasing water rates the investment of Agricultural Mitigation money into improved infrastructure for Rudvalis Orchids will enable Carlsbad's premium cut-flower cymbidium grower to remain competitive and stay in business. Sincerely, L,, .?4,., ~::. /3 ?CA-0-<'<-'( •---::;, Barbara Rudvalis Gmail -Greenhouse Improvements for Rudvalis Orchids Page I of 1 Barbara Rudvalis <rudvallsorchids@gmall.com> Greenhouse Improvements for Rudvalis Orchids Barbara Rudvalls <rudvalisorchlds@gmall.com> To: kasey <kcinciarelli@roadrunner.com> Cc: Barbara Rudvalis <rudvalisorchids@aol.com> Greenhouse Improvements for Rudvalis Orchids 4/30/2009 Cost Estimates Item Roof 1 N structure Description Roof change from fiberglass to double inflated poly plastic Replacement of current wooden structure in North shadehouse 24' x 168' cold frame kit Replacement foundation Labor for construction Shade covering for same area Fog system Reparation of Fog system 175 fog nozzles $21@ 2-Replacement pumps repair labor 1MCY2 Exhaust fans Replace mal-functioning 52" exhaust fans 20@$1,152 Installation freight+installation Electrical revamp electrical system Grand Total $3,274.00 $1,748.00 $4,032.00 $ 554.40 $3,762.50 $1,025.00 $ 675.00 $23,040.00 $2,000.00 $7,900 Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 4:55 PM totals $103,900.00 $9,608.40 $5,462.50 $25,040.00 $7,900 $151,910.90 http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9f339a8f39&view=pt&cat=Grant%20Information&search... 5/19/2009 MELLANO & COMPANY "I"' . ;· 19·,-" ,.,_,,1row1n9, ·or you since ..:::::o ACMFP Advisory Committee City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad California 92008 Attn: Kevin Pointer Associate planner Flower Fields Grant Request Field Visitors during the season are a crucial part of the direct marketing of products from the Flower Fields. Over 12,000 bunches of flowers and approximately 1000 bags of bulbs were sold at the fields. By increasing and improving the ability to sell direct from the fields, the costs associated with transport, storing and merchandising are avoided and the economic value of the field products are significantly greater. The enhanced access will allow for continuing and improved sales of the products of the Flower Fields during and beyond the season. This kind of direct and improved access to customers, particularly local residents, can allow for some longer term crop diversification that will make the overall yield of the farmland significantly greater while retaining the signature spring flower crop. Without this access, the opportunity for direct sales is limited and the productivity of the fields will be further limited. We urge you to approve the proposed grant and support continuing agriculture in Carlsbad. Michael A Mellano VP-Production Mellano and Company P.O. Box 100. San Luis Rev. California 92068 / l-800-MELLANO / 760-433-9550 I FAX 760-433-6721 Kevin Pointer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kevin: Chris Calkins [ccc@carltas.com] Wednesday, May 27, 2009 9:30 AM Kevin Pointer Monica Browning 2009 ACMFP Application Draft We have been advised by the City of Carlsbad that they have received the final bids for the work for which we have requested a grant to address The Flower Fields enhanced access which will be presented the City Council for award. The final bid amount for the work is $188,107 and accordingly we propose that the grant, if approved, provide for reduction to the actual bid amount awarded by the City Council, but in no event to exceed the current grant request of $201,814. Thank You. Chris Calkins President, CB Ranch Enterprises 1