HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-01; Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee Ad Hoc; ; Report to Committee on Status of ProjectsSubject: June 1, 2009 Agenda Item #4 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGRICULTURAL COVNERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE Report to Committee on Status of Projects Awarded with Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Funding Meeting Date: June 1, 2009 At the November 17, 2008 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee meeting, the Committee directed staff to return with continual status updates on awarded grant projects. Since the last status update provided at the January 6, 2009 Committee meeting, staff has disbursed funding to awarded projects and has received updates/reports from some grantees. As a result, staff has summarized the activity having occurred since the January 6, 2009 meeting in Exhibit'.!.. As an update, staff notes that of the thirteen (13) projects approved for grant funding: • Four (4) projects have received full disbursement of funding; • Seven (7) projects have received partial disbursement of funding; and, • Two (2) projects have yet to receive disbursement of funding. A revised encumbrance/disbursement breakdown has been attached to this report as Exhibit 2 to summarize the fund balance and status of agricultural conversion mitigation grant projects awarded to date. Respectfully Submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Exhibits: 1. Summary of Activity on Awarded Grants 2. Breakdown of Encumbrance and Disbursement Totals for Approved Projects Agenda Item #4 Exhibit 1 Summary of Recent Activity on Awarded Grants1 AGP 06-02 (Buena Vista Audubon Nature Center) The grantee submitted a FINAL REPORT on May 6, 2009 indicating that the entire grant award of $15,000 has been spent, resulting in successful and complete implementation of the project through the completion of interior improvements to the Nature Center classrooms. AGP 06-03 (Batiquitos Lagoon Nature Center Improvements/Replacement} The grantee submitted a STATUS UPDATE on May 8, 2009 indicating expenditure of portions of the $180,732 awarded. The applicant is currently engaged in negotiations with the property owner for lease of the property on which the Nature Center is located. AGP 06-05 (The Flower Fields Cymbidlum Project) The grantee submitted a STATUS UPDATE on April 9, 2009. Of the $316,500 awarded, $6,000 remains to be disbursed, which is anticipated to cover the cost of utilities during Years 2 and 3 of the project. AGP 06-06 (The Flower Fields Multi-Use Barn} The grantee submitted a FINAL REPORT on April 9, 2009 indicating that the entire grant award of $233,000 has been spent, resulting in successful and complete implementation of the project by constructing a barn for storage, research and operations, and restrooms at the Flower Fields. AGP 06-09 (The Flower Fields 5-Year Soil Amendment Program) The City disbursed $30,000 of the encumbered $159,000 on March 3, 2009 to cover costs for Year 2 soil amendments, which were implemented in 2008. Total disbursements made to date for this project is $69,000. Total funding that remains available for disbursement to implement this project is $90,000. AGP 06-10 (Carlsbad Beach Nourishment) On May 5, 2009 City Council authorized the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with SANDAG to support the Regional Beach Sand Project II and committed to funding the environmental review, permitting and final engineering plans and specifications efforts. Through this action the City Council committed $41,936 from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Program to provide Carlsbad's prorated share of study and design for the region-wide project. AGP 06-12 (Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring and Management} The grantee submitted a STATUS UPDATE on April 13, 2009. $23,995 of the encumbered $780,589 has been disbursed resulting in completion of a Bathymetric and Tidal Assessment of Batiquitos Lagoon. AGP 06-16 (La Posada Farm Worker Housing) 1 No activity has been reported since the January 6, 2009 Committee meeting for grant applications not listed herein. As of the date of this report, the City and Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego are engaged in discussions related to the execution of a funding agreement, which is necessary for disbursement of up to $108,500 {of the encumbered $2 million) to support design of the project. l> "" ID :I CITY COUNCIL APPROVED AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE PROJECTS: Breakdown of Encumbrance and Disbursement Totals for Approved Projects PROJECT . ELIGIBILITY • · .. • · ·. · ·. .. < •.• •·•• ~RClPOSAL NUMBER CP.T;'{ • ··. PROP. OSAL NAME -.. • ... o.· .... E.·.·.·.s .. c.·.··.RIPTIO··.N . .__. '\ _,_-.· -. ,--·:> _:;:: ·.••,<" >'.. ·< -·-·. AGP06-02 D AGP 06-03 D AGP 06-04 C & D AGP 06-05 B AGP 06-06 B Audubon Nature Center BLF Nature Center Improvements Buena Vista Lagoon Boardwalk Cymbidium Project Multi-Use Barn I Interior improvements to Nature Center classroom Nature Center replacement and improvements Engineering design and environmental studies for a boardwalk Greenhouse,shade structure, and related infrastructure for orchid production Barn for off-season equipment storage and seasonal displays and presentations FUNDING .... I FU~plNG . . ; • E~fH\'"lBERED APPLICANT . . . APPROVED l)ISBIJ .. RSED/ I•.•· FUNDING · .. ·\·. . . .. . .. ·. ·. . .. AVAILABLE Buena Vista Audubon Society Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation CB Ranch Enterprises CB Ranch Enterprises $15,000 $180,732 $164,000 $316,500 $233,000 $15,000 $0.00 $88,000 $92,732 $68,000 $96,000 $310,500 $6,000 $233,000 $0.00 .... PROJECT STA.TIJS • i .· .• .. Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/ complete. Partial funding disbursed. Lease negotiations underway. Partial funding disbursed. Project design in progress. Partial funding disbursed. Project implementation underway/near completion. Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/ complete. AGP 06-07 B Permeable Paving Project Permanent semi-permeable road surface for Flower Fields circulation CB Ranch Enterprises $297,000 $297,000 $0.00 Full funding disbursed. AGP 06-08 B Drainage Improvements Project Permanent drainage CB Ranch system to reduce Enterprises erosion and soil loss $230,000 $230,000 Project implemented/ complete. $0.00 Full funding disbursed. Project complete/implemented. fr AGP 06-09 B Soil Amendment Project 5-year program of soil CB Ranch $159,000 $69,000 $90,000 Partial funding disbursed. Years 1 and 2 of composting applications implemented/ complete. ;:; ID 3 !It "" amendment to Enterprises improve soil structure and long-term productivity of Flower Fields REVISED: 5/13/09 ::., ·.:> y_-:·:; .,.' )'',' ;·:,···· · ...... · •....... ·.<\~RQPOSAL .• .. · .. ·... . ·.· . .. _:_:--:',,_._.<:· .... ,\ ENCUMBERED PROJ!,Sf> C .:el.161131u1Y PROPOSAL NAN!E . • .. I· ::.. -; __ ,. ·.: ·· FUl'l()ING . · FUNDING<• -,·:-·',,•",',•,("•; .. ;_,,, >·; ;,:/,o,,/.:,\c AP.Pl,lc::ANT ..•. DISf31JR{E1:l . FUNDING NUMBER CAT!.Y . . ()~SCRIPTION .· .. ..• Al'PRoyEo . I • Al/All.ABLE .. ·.·. .'.'/",'.'," .. .. .. ... . . --' __ ,_ AGP 06-10 C Carlsbad Beach Nourishment of two City of $1,500,000 $74,500 $1,425,500 Nourishment stretches of beaches in Carlsbad north and south Beach central Carlsbad Preservation Committee AGP 06-12 A Batiquitos Lagoon Monitor and develop Batiquitos $780,589' $23,995 $756,594 Monitoring/ management plan for Lagoon Management Plan lagoon Foundation AGP 06-13 C Agua Hedionda Maintenance and Agua $305,750 $0.00 $305,750 Lagoon Trails construction of trails Hedionda around Agua Hedionda Lagoon Lagoon Foundation AGP06-15 D Discovery Center Interior and exterior Agua $386,000 $68,500 $317,500 Improvements improvements to Hedionda existing Discovery Lagoon Center Foundation AGP06-16 B La Posada Construction of Catholic $2,000,000' $0.00 $2,000,000 Farmworker Housing farmworker/homeless Charities housing at Casa de Guadalupe TOTAL $6,567,571 $1,477,495 $5,090,076 1 Entire request encumbered, but approved only portion ($74,995) at present to allow for data collecting and reporting and maintenance. 2 Entire request encumbered, but approved only portion ($108,500) at present to allow for design work. . . . •.. i PROJECT STATUS •• .·.· ... Partial funding disbursed. Planning activities underway. Partial funding disbursed. Bathymetric and Tidal Assessment Study Complete. No funding disbursed. Partial funding disbursed. Interior improvements. No funding disbursed. REVISED: 5/18/09