HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-15; Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee Ad Hoc; ; Additional Committee Review and Discussion of Grant Applications Submitted for Funding ConsiderationSubject: Meeting Date: June 15, 2009 Agenda Item #2 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGRICULTURAL COVNERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE Additional Committee Review and Discussion of Grant Applications Submitted for Funding Consideration June 1S, 2009 At the June 1, 2009 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee meeting, the Committee initiated review. and discussion of 13 grant applications submitted during the 2009 grant solicitation process. The Committee determined that 9 of the 13 grant applications met the minimum grant eligibility criteria. The 9 eligible grant applications result in a total of $2,252,150 requested from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee fund; however, there is only approximately $875,000 available to fund projects at this time. At the June 1st meeting, the Committee directed staff to complete two tasks: Task #1 Because the amount requested by the 9 eligible applications far exceeds the amount available for grant funding, the Committee directed staff to coordinate with applicants of the 9 eligible projects to obtain additional information to answer the following questions: 1. Can the project be separated into phases or components? 2. Would applicants be willing to accept funding for a phase or component of their project, rather than the whole amount requested? 3. If only a portion of the requested funding for a project is awarded, how will that affect the ability to successfully implement the project? On June 2, 2009, staff contacted (via email) the applicants of the 9 eligible projects and requested they respond to the questions noted above, and that they submit a revised project budget that clearly identifies the cost of the project phases and/or components for which the Committee can consider funding (as an alternative to funding the whole amount or the original request). Applicants were asked to submit the information by June 10, 2009. Applicant responses received prior to the distribution of this report are attached as Exhibit 1. Additionally, Exhibit 2 consists of a funding summary table identifying potential funding for phases/components provided by applicants having responded to the above questions prior to distribution of this agenda report. Task #2 In regard to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation's (AHLF) grant application (AGP 09-09- Discovery Center Interior Improvements), the applicant indicated during the June 1" meeting that they are required to construct additional restroom facilities at the AHLF Discovery Center because the Center does not comply with current City regulations. Committee member Julie Baker questioned whether or not a building is required to comply with current regulations if the building was originally constructed pursuant to the regulations in effect at the time of original construction. Staff was asked to confirm whether or not additional restroom facilities are required at the Discovery Center, or if the Center is not required to meet current standards because it was legally established prior to new restroom requirements. In response to the Committee's direction, staff coordinated with representatives from the City's Building and Fire Prevention Departments to discuss requirements applicable to AGP 09-09. Staff identified that the existing Discovery Center is currently, designated with Group B occupancy (applies to office uses), which allows for a maximum interior occupant load of 49 persons within the Discovery Center. AHLF's application involves converting existing offices and a conference room to a multi-purpose room/theater and a classroom/meeting room respectively. Any improvements to convert existing space to a theater. and classroom would constitute a conversion to Group A occupancy, which is a higher occupancy rating than Discovery Center's existing Group B occupancy. Representatives from the Building and Fire Prevention Departments have confirmed that such a conversion to Group A occupancy requires that the building be modified to comply with to current code requirements, which among other things would require additional restrooms. Additionally, the applicant would be required to demonstrate that the structure meets all other current fire and building code requirements, which may necessitate the provision of safety features that include, but are not limited to: fire sprinklers, panic hardware on exit doors; a fire alarm system with audible and visual emergency indicators; and emergency lighting. Additional restroom facilities would not be required to be provided if the applicant does not construct improvements that would increase the occupant load within the building. Other Information The last attachment to this report is a copy of correspondence received from the applicant of grant application AGP 09-07 (Agua Hedionda Lagoon Watershed Management Plan-Watershed Coordinator), which was determined by the Committee to not meet the minimum grant eligibility requirements. Respectfully Submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Exhibits: 1. Applicant Responses to Committee's Questions on Phased/Reduced Funding Options 2. Funding Summary Table for Project Phases/Components 3. Correspondence from Jim Strickland Kevin Pointer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Chris Calkins [ccc@carltas.com] Thursday, June 04, 2009 3:10 PM Kevin Pointer Monica Browning; Mike A Mellano Flower Fields Enhanced Driveway-Grant Application Modification To the ACMFP Advisory Committee: In light of the discussions on Monday related to the available funding for all projects we have consulted with the City road improvement project managers and with our farming partners to identify changes that could reduce the funding we need from the 2009 grant program. As we discussed, this project is driven by the City road widening schedule. Consequently we don't have the flexibility to phase or delay the access project, and the costs we have already identified that we need to absorb ( for design.engineering, parking lot reconfiguration etc.) stretch the limits of our capital and operating funds. However, after discussions with the City staff we are confident that the $188,107 bid amount will be a maximum and that it is likely that some portion of the $22,000 contingency included in the bid will remain when the project is complete. Since a significant portion of the bid is based on estimated quantities instead of a lump sum, it is also likely that some of the contingency will be needed and we have been cautioned that we should not remove that amount from our budgeting altogether. Thus we are reasonably confident that reducing our maximum grant request to the actual amount expended on the City project with a maximum of $188,107 will not threaten the possibility of achieving the project In addition, after consultations with our farming advisors, we believe that the grant awarded in 2006 Grant Program for soil amendment (AGP 06-09) which includes disbursements of $30,000 a year for 2010-2012 can be modified to provide only for continued funding for 2010 in the amount of $15,000 and still achieve the primary objectives we have sought for soil improvement. If the Committee recommends this modification, it would make $75,000 available, which we request be allocated to the enhanced access project. Taking these 2 initiatives together, we propose that the Flower Fields Grant application of $201,814 (1) be reduced to $188,107, and (2) be funded with $113,107 of the 2009 grant funding allocation, and with $75,000 from the 2006 Grant Program by an amendment to the 2006 Soil Amendment Grant. The soil amendment work completed in 2008 and in process in 2009 has been very successful. In part, because of the relative lack of rain, and in part because of quality of the amendments, we acheived greater and more rapid improvement in the soil structure than originally projected. This result allows for the change we have proposed, although we continue to closely monitor the results, and will need to continue a maintenance program. ltis possible that it may be desirable to initiate a amendment program again in the future, and if funding is then available from the ACMFP we will solicit support since we believe this is very successful and focused use of the funds which have been set aside from conversion. Please let us know if you have any questions or require further information. We will be at the hearing on June 15 to answer any other questions or concerns. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of our project as well as all of the others. We understand the dilemma of trying to use scarce resources for a large number of worthwhile initiatives and we hope that with the changes suggested above we can be included in those you are able to fund. Very Truly Yours, Chris Calkins President CB Ranch Enterprises 1 Exhibit 1 Kevin Pointer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dear Kevin - Mark Drawbridge [mdrawbr@hswri.org] Monday, June OB, 2009 10:04 AM Kevin Pointer Bethany Smith RE: ACMFP Grant Review and Evaluation CarlsbadAG budget 09 Phase l.pdf I am responding to your email below regarding our proposal for grant funding. 1. Can your project be separated into phases or components? Yes. In fact this is the way our project was proposed. 2. Would you be willing to accept funding for a phase or component of the project, rather than the whole amount requested? Yes. We stated the same in our original proposal. Partial funding would be used for Phase I 3. If only a portion of the requested funding for your project is awarded, how will that affect your ability to successfully implement the project? Instead of modifying eight flow-through raceway units into four recirculating units, we will modify two of the eight units into one (i.e. do one quarter of the full project). In this process, we will establish precisely what is needed to complete the entire series of systems. Phasing the project in this manner will take more time but it will allow us to field test the first system so that we can make modifications as necessary before completing the entire system. In this regard, we will still be able to successfully implement the project. 4. If you answered yes to Question 2, please submit a revised project budget that clearly identifies the cost of the project phases and/or components for which the Committee can consider funding (as an alternative to funding the whole amount or your original request). A revise budget is attached. Thank you for your consideration of our request. If you have any questions regarding our revised proposal, please do not hesitate to contact me. *********************************************************************** Mark Drawbridge, M.S. Senior Research Scientist and Aquaculture Program Director Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute 2595 Ingraham Street San Diego, CA 92109 619-226-3943 619-226-3944 (FAX) mdrawbridge@hswri.org <http://www.hswri.org> *********************************************************************** I Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute PROPOSED BUDGET -Carlsbad Raceway Recirculation Carlsbad Ag Mitigation Grant Program Prepared by: Drawbridge Date: June 8, 2009 Description Rate Number Units Funds Requested Salaries Project Manager $4,333.33 3 mo $13,000 Assistant $3,333.33 mo $0 $13,000 Fringe Benefits 35% $4,550 Outside Services Electrician $ 90.00 100 hr $9,000 $9,000 Supplies Electrical $ 5,000 1 all $5,000 Plumbing $ 9,000 1 all $9,000 $14,000 Equipment Pools $ 18,000 1 ea $18,000 Biological filtration $ 20,000 1 ea $20,000 Protein skimmers $ 4,500 1 ea $4,500 Gas stripper $ 5,500 1 ea $5,500 Drum filter $ 15,000 1 ea $15,000 Disinfection system $ 30,000 1 ea $30,000 Pumps $ 1,850 4 ea $7,400 Waste lift station $ 16,500 1 ea $16,500 Solar heating systems $ 22,000 1 ea $22,000 $138,900 Travel Mileage $ 0.485 ml $0 $0 Other Site preparation $ 20,000 1 ea $20,000 $20,000 Total Direct Costs: $199,450 Indirect 25% $49,863 Grand Total: $249,3131 Page 1 of 1 ~~· ~ Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation fi'Cscrvc, Ji-otccl, lilld Enhance June 10, 2009 City of Carlsbad Planning Department Attn: Kevin Pointer, Associate Planner 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RECEIVED JUN 10-2009 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT Subject: Amended Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Program (ACMFP) Grant Application -North Shore Trail, Property Acquisition, and Restoration Project Dear Mr. Pointer The Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation is pleased to submit an amended application under the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Grants Program, as requested in your email of June 2, 2009. The following is submitted in response to the questions stated in your June 2nd email. 1. Can your project be separated into phases or components? YES. Our original submission had two options: Option 1 requested ACMFP grant funding of $112,516; Option 2 requested ACMFP grant funding of$77,712. We've revised both Options 1 and 2 in our original grant application. Revised budgets are attached and are now: Option 1: $98,512 (a reduction of $14,004); and Option 2: $75,340 (a reduction of $23,172). 2. Would you be willing to accept funding for a phase or component of the project, rather than the whole amount requested? YES (Either Option 1 or Option) 3. If only a portion of the requested funding for your project is awarded, how will that affect your ability to successfully implement the project? In both options, we shifted our requested funding for the Task Manager to all volunteer. Our Option 2 reductions were achieved primarily by shifting requested funding for the Task Manager to all volunteer, some printing, mailing, reproduction reductions, and reducing our BLF overhead rate to 5% (for both options). Option 2 does not include any trail construction activities, so these activities would be deferred pending obtaining funding through other funding sources. The BLF accepts funding of either option. · · · 4. If you answered yes to Question 2, please submit a revised project budget that clearly identifies the cost of the project phases and/or components for which the Committee can consider funding (as an alternative to funding the whole amount or your original request). A l'evised budget is attached. P. 0. Box l 304fl l Carlsbad, California fJZ0 l :,-0491 • 7G0.fl3 l .0800 • www.batiquilosfouJJdation.or~, 2 We appreciate the opportunity submit an amended budget and hope that this helps the Committee decision-making process in light of funds available and the number of good project requests received. Please feel free to call me at (760) 918-2408 if you have any questions concerning our application. Attachment: North Shore Trail, Property Acquisition, and Restoration Project Grant Application Revised Budgets for Options 1 & 2 Category Personnel Pro·ect Mana er Habitat Restoration S ecialist Task Manager Subtotal Personnel Materials and Other Expenses Printin ire roduction Packaging/binding/office supplies Personnel Pro·ect Mana er Habitat Restoration S ecialist Task Mana er Volunteers Subtotal Personnel Materials and Other Expenses 6/10/2009 Qua11tity Units .Unit i:ost < Total . 16 Hrs $55 $880 8 Hrs $55 $440 24 Hrs $40 $960 $2,280 1 Lum $100 $50 1 Lump $25 $25 240 Hrs $55 $13,200 Hrs $55 240 Hrs $40 $9,600 Hrs $20 $22,800 Page 1 of6 ·••·· •.• •·• • •..••... (h1c111dJ!j!!.BI..F Acr,,r:1{ DirectFuncllng GRANTC & ln~kinil F;UMRJt-lC. ~c:JtoltJril~er> $880 $440 $960 $440 $1,840 $50 $25 $1,840 $13,200 $9,600 $22,800 Amended• Optio11··1 : Elatiqu itos LagoonFoundilticin1(BE~j2oos1ACMFB G~NTP'r'C~E -;(Qptibri\ .. .•···· \> < ·· .. ··.·.. . 1: An, sutTranconsfruciion ·· Category Trail Design Engineering Contractor (e.g., reviewing & updating existing Rosalena Trail plans & engineering drawings; & Murphy Bypass Trail Boardwalk Regular trail segments construction costs (Former Mitsuuchi Property NW: 998.91 ft; Rosalena Trail: 1,287.22 ft; Ayres Connector: 358.19 ft; Arena! Road Segment: 663.91 ft; & El Camino Real Segment: 1,840.82 ft) -Volunteer- based Construction Boardwalk trail construction for Murphy Bypass Trail reach -Contractor Installed Permitting -Rosalena Trail (e.g., re aration & fees Permitting -Murphy Bypass Trail (e.g., re aration & fees Qua,ntity .units UnitCost 1 Contract $18,000 Linear Feet $25 Linear Feet $250 Lum $13,000 Lum $13,000 Days $255 Times $480 >-<--, ,,,, __ ',,,>, ,xg;;~ ,GRANT. iuNtilt:4G $18,000 $18,000 (Including srF Direct F1Jndlng · &In-kind , i X<>l11r1teer ... · .. · $22,1100 ·•· .• ··,ic ,f"?/\;;c;< s· <.·.··•··· \ >/····•··:.re•; •/t:C\.i·••······.·• ... ·····;·\··i••·· \ •···· > r ·.·.• .. ·· .. ·•.··.··.···.•< 3, Invasive PlantCo!ltrol, Removal & Restoration.(Note: Restoration only infonner Mitsuuchi Property wetland .··.····. \ ...•.. >•>ic • / ?•·············-··· •.. ···.···-····.·······-··.·.· .. • ··-i.<.·<·.area1··-••< i•···< .......... ·r····.·.,: .. \/ .... t••·J· ..••...•. > ..................... · Personnel Proiect Manaaer 92 Hrs $55 $5,060 $5,060 Habitat Restoration Soecialist 46 Hrs $55 $2,530 $2,530 Task Manaaer 92 Hrs $40 $3,680 $3,680 Volunteers 368 Hrs $20 $7,360 $7,360 6/10/2009 Page 2 of 6 ;,: ·c'. ,, .,,,~,7'·;;',:Cv:·.s,•,"<<""'v-'.::, ", .', ', ·;:_·,, '• ': , " ,, ', , _ ',::,, "<:,•, .', ':,,.,•"',·<·, ·, ;,;:•;-.,::,./; <·:'.>,·;, \-;,.• ,',,. '·>", ('"°''''J":'•,",;/':',"'.'"'•""'",c' .. ',: (•,,',,'-' 00 .. ,,,,,., :; ,'•C/," ;-· ,:o,,, •;,•,'\; -c·..;:"J"<·:,"f,:/<,'·"",<"\".'; Amenclecl.Qption 1 : .•Batiquitos .. Lagoon •. Fou ndiiti<>11 (1:!LF)~0Q9'.A<:?MFr}3Mlll:f;;.~X91ll: :-PPtlon; ···.·• > ·•·•.··•···.·.·· ·· ·· ' > < . . · 1: All; But Trail Construction • l • • •• L .. . <>· .. ... , . I'·· '. •··••· 1:-:.:::·-(/:".°:;,,<,',_' : .: I,{· <> I? d) i.f~~~p} (ln~ty~i!1g!3LF .. :_':, .••..• ,· < I":._: :--.,-· :./\'.> I\ / O,l~ct ~u11cllng I :,', ·\u~,S/ .. '. _, ..... :: 'i :·:: .. ,·:-:.:.:; <'Ju a1111ty I ;rtta(., .GRANT & In-kind· .·., ',(::aJegoryc,i.: . ••. '.·, .. ,, ,unltfost fiUJltll~§ . C,ybriint~er • Subtotal Personnel $18,630 $2,530 $16,100 Materials and Other Expenses Carlsbad Watershed Network Invasive Plant Removal Team -Rosalena I San Pacifico area (Includes herbicide treatment & biomass removall 9.43 Acres $3,182 $30,006 $30,006 40 Cubic yard dumpster, disposal fee, deliverv/olckuo, 4 dav stav 4 Times $480 $1,920 $1,920 Plant Materials 1 Lump $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 1,1~,WC{'VE~l[ft·····''"•·········· ··., ;g, f2r'f,tj.·? . ii¼f~,; L7•• ··'••' ~ ' ' .. ., ' ,. ,,, .,;, rjr$;JJ45; ·'· ' ; ... ••• !,':,<; .. -,,,_,:,::·;-"-;'," .. , ., ' .. ,., ... •. $16;100 ,,,···· '. I ' ... 1\\li/i\f/ i<i:\.f~c1iiiqJ,if,,~!J,<<i x~c0.'.'< /D;,.?f x.,rt1.;•·.:t,··•~· -•~:t~.~!-•·.··.••>••·• .... ·.· ..•. ·.····••··· > >.• Personnel Proiect Manaaer 192 Hrs $55 $10,560 $10,560 Habitat Restoration Soecialist Hrs $55 Task Manaaer 192 Hrs $40 $7,680 $7,680 Volunteers Hrs $20 Subtotal Personnel $18,240 $18,240 Materials and Other Expenses Lena! Services 1 Lump $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Brokerane Services 1 Lumo $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 Environmental Site Assessment - Phase I 1 Lump $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 Survevor 1 Lump $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 6/10/2009 Page 3 of6 Alllend.13d.Option•.1: Batiq\Jitos [ago~nFo~Hcl~tio~'(Bl.'7)200.!!At5~i= pic;r§~t.cv¢LE°,tjptici11 .. . . . . . . . 1: All, But Trail Construrition < .···. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ..... Category\\ .. Estimated value of the Ayres Property transferred to the BLF based on $80,000/acre in the current econom Escrow, deed, & other related closing costs Personnel Pro·ect Mana er Habitat Restoration S ecialist Task Mana er Volunteers Subtotal Personnel Materials and Other Expenses Pesta e Printin /re reduction Personnel 6/10/2009 7.22 Acres 126 Hrs 40 Hrs 126 Hrs Hrs 1 Lum 1 Lum Page 4 of 6 · Total $80,000 $577,600 $1,000 $1,000 . " .. ,,,· ,. .-.\ -, . --. ·. "" ·': .·.-. :: $620,~40 \ ~2~,tl $55 $6,930 $55 $2,200 $2,200 $40 $5,040 $20 $14,17 $2,200 $10 $10 $10 $50 $50 $50 $25 (lri~ludlng•B.LF Direct F\mding ... &ln~kirid · ll<>lurite.er $577,600 .· .·· $595,84 $6,930 $5,040 $11,970 · . : . · · ..... , ..... ., ... -,:.·:·.,·'-·i',!·,· · ',."'""., ,.,...,, ····:·,·., ,,..,/' · _ ... , ... ·.: _ .. , ..... _ .... ·.,".'a:·.''·.,· .. ·" .. ;;/,:: Amended·OpUon·.1 :. Batiquitosl.agoon Foundation (Bl..F) 2009ACMFPGRANT.CYCLE s()ption . . .. 1: All, But Trail C:Ollstrui:tlon \ · ··· .. ··.· ..•. •.•··•· • · . .. . . ... . Category . .. . .. · . Proiect Mananer Habitat Restoration Snecialist Task Manaoer Volunteers Subtotal Personnel Materials and Other Expenses Postaae Printinn/renroduction Packaging/binding/office supplies > .. ' :", ~-" >/ :: ','., ...... : :.-,·:.···'i', ' . Task Subtotal.: . . ·. ·•• . /. _:,., .. ,..., :"'.::··' ·.-'·;:,''"':-'."', '" ''.::·-' ·:-'.'-. 1.· ... ·. >Sub.total F'.roject Expense! BLF Overhead (5%) Contingency (5%) .··· • it .... ··· . • .. ·> Total r>roject Expenses Grant Agricultural Mitigation Conversion Fee Program (AMCFP) !Other Sources 6/1012009 .. · .··· • ••••••• . ·.· . . . .... • 1:: :· --:-.-.... :::' ·.-, (111clui:fl11gBL~ . ' • . •·· .. 1 ACMFP Direct Funding ·. I• GRANT. · & In-kind ·.· .Unit Cost I "_.Total -. .. Quantity • Units. ·· FU.NOlt-lG · Volunteer . 16 Hrs $55 $880 $880 4 Hrs $55 $220 $220 16 Hrs $40 $640 $640 Hrs $20 $1,740 $220 $1,52( 1 Lump $20 $20 $20 1 Lumo $75 $75 $75 1 Lump $40 $40 $40 .· ...... ·.•·•· I .. < •••••• .. ·_: ,·: .'•· : '. -; .. I i . $1,87! I• .. $351 . I . · . . .. ·· .. · . $1,520 i • • I• < ·,•• . •; I .. · · .. --$89,61'1 • • .· $sso;ofc ·.· .· ._,_ ., ,' _;, :.,; .. , I. $739,681 $36,98, $4,481 $32,50• $36,98• $4,481 $32,50• < • 1i> ¾i' :/·..-. ,·.··· ·.··.· >> $813;&4! < $98,57: I • <$715,077 $98,572 I Page 5 of6 ,, ·', ·: ,'' ·-:-' ' :. -·--.-'._-·--·-·._'.'·:·,';·''.::i''' . .-,;·-; ___ ,.,,.:_;---------"·"·-·-·-:_;-:··· ,,._ .. __ -,,-:---,,,._, ---·---;-----.-_ .... ·.,;•:·.· .. :--:> Amended .option 1: Batlquitos lagoon Fou11~~tio~ (Bl..F) 200~.1CMFP GRANT CYC:~E a ()ptl°'n > .. •·. , ·•· ·• .. · . 1: All, But Trail Co11str1.1ctlon .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Category Batlquitos Lagoon Foundation Direct & In-Kind Support Ti>tal ~ic,JJ~i~e\,;ht16 (fncl~llirig .. •· ... gra11t,!3H''DlrectF'undlng & fn,klnd. support) · · · · · · · · I • .•· ii < • .· ... · i · .... · ... · ... • • > ..... •. · .• ·. Proiect Manaaer Habitat Restoration Snecialist Task Manaaer Volunteers Units > · ...•• Summary Pers.onn.el 682 Hrs 98 Hrs 690 Hrs 368 Hrs " ... . ·· ,, • • .F'ersonnelfotals: · . . ... ".. •• I·.: ...... ! / .·· 6/10/2009 Page 6 of 6 .Total ' ' ' :·,:_ ' ', '< _· $55 $37,510 $55 $5,390 $40 $27,600 $20 $7,360 •• · $77,861 (Including BLF .ACMFP OlrectFundlng .. GRANT & 1n:kind F:.UNOING •·.·.Volunteer·. · •• -.'.i.'· ·.-_. ' _·'._._.-:: .:·. -.: $37,510 $5,390 $27,600 $7,360 ,.· $5,391 .· ····· · $72,470 ArneriJed ~ati~ultos La~oon Foundatlo~ ;~~~;~iri~~6~,i1,~~~~$~~~\f ()~t10J2: *Ii, • Murphy Bypass Trail Design, But No Trail Construction · · · · Personnel Pro·ect Mana er 16 Hrs Habitat Restoration S ecialist 8 Hrs Task Manager 16 Hrs Subtotal Personnel Materials and Other Expenses Printin /re reduction 1 Lum Personnel Pro·ect Mana er 8 Hrs Habitat Restoration S ecialist Hrs Task Mana er 4 Hrs Volunteers Hrs Subtotal Personnel Materials and Other Expenses 6/10/2009 Page 1 of6 $55 $880 $55 $440 $40 $640 $1,960 $100 $50 $55 $440 $55 $40 $160 $20 $600 .. · ...... ·. ·· (lncl~ding BLf ACMl'f> C ~lr~ct fu11dh1~, ·•· GRANT;; •.·.· .. ,.·· .. ·.•·.•·.·•···.~~~ind,/ 'F .. ·.· .. •u. N.·.o .. · .. 1.N·.·.·.'.G.·.·.· · •y 1'·'t(··< ·• >:< .. <tun .. er; $880 $440 $640 $440 $1,520 $10 $20 $440 $160 $60 I Trail Design Engineering Contractor for Mu h B ass Trail Boardwalk Regular trail segments construction costs (Former Mitsuuchi Property NW: 998.91 ft; Rosalena Trail: 1,287.22 ft; Ayres Connector: 358.19 ft; Arena! Road Segment: 663.91 ft; & El Camino Real Segment: 1,840.82 ft) -Volunteer- based Construction Boardwalk trail construction for Murphy Bypass Trail reach -Contractor Installed Permitting -Rosalena Trail (e.g., re aration & fees Permitting -Murphy Bypass Trail (e.g., re aratlon & fees 1 Contract $10,000 Linear Feet $25 Linear Feet $250 Lum $13,000 Lum $13,000 Days $255 Times $480 . (lnc:lu<llrig BLF ACMFP Direct Funding, ;?§~.t.!I•J C<Alh7~1.ric1'•i·i· fUN£>1NG .... )lolutllljei-) $10,000 · $10,000 ,···a.Jh;~~,v~·f,itfcci~ifol,RJf()val.&'Re~tClrllt<in(Note:~~;1cir.itiCll1Cl~ly1ifiorillt;,.,,tii~u~~I.P~p~rtyY1e~and .:-, : /'<," \-,->:·:;,,·,· ... · .. ·:·:··., ,>-·\·_.,,:_,,:/, :,: ·<. ': : :; i-,.\:i,: .. _.,,:,::·:.· .i_-,:,,,:;_: .-a:rtu~f--i:_,->-::'. 0 ; ;_,,·._ ',: _·_: • --\_::,:;,,._-:',::; ... '.-;' .-·.' • > ·:>-' ' .<; <<--:· . __ ,.,_,_:. <. ': Personnel Proiect Manaaer 64 Hrs $55 $3,520 $3,520 Habitat Restoration Scecialist 46 Hrs $55 $2,530 $2,530 Task Mananer 64 Hrs $40 $2,560 $2,560 Volunteers 368 Hrs $20 $7,360 $7,360 Subtotal Personnel $15,970 $2,530 $13,441 6/10/2009 Page 2 of6 . ··Arne.11dJcl···B~titjt1it~iL~goo.~··i=J~ndlitio11.(B~F)~oo!iAC,Ml;PGR;.\f'J'J''9xs1:~i9~#9fr2l'.O:WJ; .· . . · Murphy Bypass Trail Design, But NoTr~il C6nstr11ctlon . . .. · .. • .. · .· Materials and Other Expenses Carlsbad Watershed Network Invasive Plant Removal Team -Rosalena / San Pacifico area {Includes herbicide treatment & biomass removal\ 40 Cubic yard dumpster, disposal fee, deliverv/oickuo, 4 dav stav 9.43 Acres 4 Times $3,182 $30,006 $30,006 $480 $1,920 $1,920 Plant Materials 1 Lump $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 :Jr;J/}'l:~"~10~. ~k: ''<',···.·x /c2·1tl· Ht;{,/I!cf 1!1i,?Cf·C l7j;}~;,,i< tc:~Js;~~; .}<• $13,440 I I Personnel Proiect Manaaer Habitat Restoration Snecialist Task Manaaer Volunteers Subtotal Personnel Materials and other Expenses Leaal Services Brokerane Services Environmental Site Assessment - Phase I Survevor 6/10/2009 192 Hrs Hrs 192 Hrs Hrs Lump 1 Lump 1 Lump 1 Lumo Page 3 of6 $55 $10,560 $10,560 $55 $40 $7,680 $7,680 $20 $18,240 $18,240 $5,000 $4,000 $4,000 $9,000 $7,000 $7,000 $6,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 Ame11ded···~atiquitos.l.agoon .. Fouhdati:i(~L;)'i~t9:IJ~#~~.~~~~&Y6l.e•;'oiti~K;ii¼1i;'•·. Murphy sypassTrairoesign, sut Nati-an construction ' ·· Estimated value of the Ayres Property transferred to the BLF based on $80,000/acre in the current econom Escrow, deed, & other related closing costs Personnel Pro· ect Mana er Habitat Restoration S ecialist Task Mana er Volunteers Subtotal Personnel Materials and Other Expenses Pesta e Printin Ire reduction 6/10/2009 .;, ,' ,'' .•·• uri1is. 7.22 Acres 126 Hrs 40 Hrs 126 Hrs Hrs 1 Lum 1 Lum I Page 4 of 6 ',',' ' ' ' . ACMFP. iotiti( • ~i~rtl~ $80,000 $577,600 $55 $6,930 $55 $2,200 $2,200 $40 $5,040 $20 $14,170 $2,20 $10 $10 $10 $50 $50 $50 I (lnclucll11g Bl.:F Direct Funding, >tn-kincl ·•··· vaiutiteer \ $577,600 $595,84 $6,930 $5,040 $11,97 . ~ended•satiqultos.·Lagoon·.i:.ou11Jation (Jt;;JJo~i2i~ ti~Nf dv81.@-&Wtion2:···AII, Murphy Bypass Trail Design, But No Trail Construction · · · Personnel Pro·ect Mana er 16 Hrs Habitat Restoration S ecialist 4 Hrs Task Mana er 16 Hrs Volunteers Hrs Subtotal Personnel Materials and Other Expenses Pesta e 1 Lum Printin ire reduction 1 Lum . Subtotal ProjectExpenses BLF Overhead (5%) .Jotal .• Projectl:xpense Grant Agricultural Mitigation Conversion Fee Program (AMCFP) 6/10/2009 Page 5 of6 $55 $880 $55 $220 $40 $640 $20 $1,74 $20 $20 $75 $75 $40 $693,501 $220 $220 $10 $40 $75,340 jlncludmg BLF Direct f'1111ding, . .1n-klnci: ..• $880 $640 $1,520 $10 $35 $20 $624,99 $31,250 Amended ·Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BL;f ~~osl6~~ P~~~1~~~'ic;t.e';()13tio112: ~I,, Murphy Bypass Trail Design, But No "frailConstruction. . . Other Sources Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Direct & In-Kind Support --.--. -----_,_. )~fi2as1 --. ·----'--- (Including Bl.I' Dlrecffl!ndln~, cln7k!n~. > Nolunteef $687,489 ' ': : .• .. . . .·· ... ·· · ... .. . o > Summary Personnel · .• .· .•. · ·<' • . < . • :.• .• ·· ... ·.· .. · Proiect Manaoer 422 Hrs $55 $23,210 $23,210 Habitat Restoration Soecialist 98 Hrs $55 $5,390 $5,390 Task Manaaer 418 Hrs $40 $16,720 $16,720 Volunteers 368 Hrs $20 $7,360 $7,360 ··•.• ·.···· .. '\/ . Personnel Totals: ':\:·-,·; ·. --i---·,·-. ---. y •••..• .·. $52,68C < •• $5,39( ' : $47,290 ':, ·.· ·-.. _- 6/10/2009 Page 6 of 6 Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Preserve, Protect, and Enhuncc June 10, 2009 City of Carlsbad Planning Department Attn: Kevin Pointer, Associate Planner 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RECEIVED JUNlO 2009 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT Subject: Amended Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Program (ACMFP) Grant Application -Water and Sediment Assessment for Carlsbad Lagoons: A Pilot Project Using a New Cost-Effective Community-based Approach Dear Mr. Pointer The Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation is pleased to submit an amen.ded application under the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Grants Program, as requested in your email of June 2, 2009. As requested, our response to your questions follows: 1. Can your project be separated into phases or components? YES 2. Would you be willing to accept funding for a phase or component of the project, rather than the whole amount requested? YES 3. If only a portion of the requested funding for your project is awarded, how will that affect your ability to successfully implement the project? Our original grant request was for $112,714. Our amended request is for $50,449, a reduction of $$62,265. Our amended project retains the services of our volunteers, provides critical instruments and equipment, and increases our use and sharing of laboratories/facilities and equipment with other organizations (e.g., Cal State San Marcos, San Diego State University, CoastKeepers). The BLF feels that we can complete the project at this reduced level of funding, if necessary. 4. If you answered yes to Question 2, please submit a revised project budget that clearly identifies the cost of the project phases and/or components for which the Committee can consider funding (as an alternative to funding the whole amount or your original request). A revised budget is attached. Again, since our amended budget for the project, reduced our proposed request from $112,714 to $$50,449 or a reduction of $$62,265, we feel our project remains very viable and cost effective. During the Committee meeting on June 1, 2009, our BLF representatives were concerned that the Committee, concluded that our project proposal did not meet the Evaluation Criteria of "Concrete outcome(s)". We take strong exception to that determination as the "end point" is development and acceptance of a management plan for Batiquitos Lagoon. Concrete decisions will be made based on this management P. 0. Box 1304\l I Carlsbad, California 1)2013-049 I • 760.fl3 l .0800 • www.batiqnilosfoundation.org 2 plan, such as establishing measurement thresholds and associated management "triggers" for making decisions such as when and how much to dredge, when and whether to dredge and restore the eastern end of the lagoon. Other critical decisions involve disposal of dredge material, effects on fish and wildlife, and nonpoint source pollutant reduction in the watershed upstream and stormwater inputs. Each of these decisions will have long-lasting and very expensive impacts, but with a science-based" set of parameters, data ranges, and thresholds, decisions on the sustained health of the lagoon will be significantly easier and founded in fact. Although a project is in place to work on the bathymetry (depth), tidal flushing, and wildlife populations of the lagoon (Ag Mitigation Grant awarded in 2006), it does not include two critical pieces of information: the health (toxicity) of the water/sediment delivered to the lagoon and the amount of material brought in from the watershed over time. Without these two components, the plan will be vague. This proposal is designed to fill in these two critical pieces of the puzzle in what we consider a very cost-effective manner. The BLF, therefore strongly recommends that the Committee reconsider the "Concrete outcome(s)" criteria ranking, and fund our amended grant request budget in full at $50,449. We also fully appreciate the Committee's challenge in light of available funds and the number of good projects submitted. · Feel free to contact me at (760) 918-2408 or at email: sandquist2@earthling.net. Attachment: Amended Project Grant Budget -Water and Sediment Assessment for Carlsbad Lagoons: A Pilot Project Using a New Cost-Effective Community-based Approach ••·. Batiquito~~ag51~1J .. f51u1J~atlo1J.(~hf:l•.2,0~9;~~1\/Jf:lj'.~~~J,~Y,~.¼~;-"'{11:!~t~lldt, · · ··•··••·.••>•··•,,; :< . · . < Sediment AssessinentProject" '.l"riended Budget. ' ... · ·.. . . . . ii'f,,C'" > ····.·•• · .......... ···••·· .·. ·. '• .· .. •···········.· ...• , (//if;.;; •··• ; /L. I•.· ./ .... / > , •......... ·.·.·,•.·•.·.····.·.·.••.· .. ·.·.'.' .. ·.•.· ..... '.·.·.·.•.·.·· .. ·.· ... •· ... ;(lr1t:.f.11dlr19.Bi.;!= < .. •· •. ·.··. ..·· >·····.·. • .<;. .. f ' .<• c I.;/ /·· t :; DlrectF1111~ir19, . . < ... ·.. ... . > .. ·.·· · .. ·. ·.··. ·.. ; .I~' . ·.· .• .··. ·.·· .. ·,•.· .·.·.··.'···.,·· .. ·· .. ·.·. ,· .. ; .. .· .. ;· ·.. .·.·.·.·.AqMF,f>···.··.·.·.· Value & lri-l<ind < ·· ·· .·. < ··· .. ·•·· .•. ·. .· . • , .··•·•. •·GRANr viur···· .. , r.,),\·'···············•, >·· <; \,; 'Qua1111ty; ;• . .1, iuo,t<=tisi , ........••. :: 1i f~1.1ijofffc;': '.s'°ap~/~fep, .:f ~~.~i;,i>i~J;i:i;?ier#Jn~ii~!m{h~~~ffi~fft:i ~li1:~t~~n.t)r;1ffiijs}ff :#'.1ff~~@ff ij ~r~f r,s~nijf11f~t,il~b:i1If 2;'. detailed 1?r1JJectpl1.1nr1Jr1g, pur~IIIJ~f:l l.)t.1J11.1teril!!S ~J!!Wllr:,1':ft,'8. P!'.E!~~!?l!illll llf ~lr1i11g m1.1tf:lrl.11I!! .and colle.c~o.n . · • :<,(•' · · • ,protocllls;.a.;sch13clllles/.f' · Personnel Proiect Manaoer Science Manaoer School Science Exoerts Merkel & Associates Task Manaaer Volunteers, Students Postaae Hatch CEU850 • Chemical testing lab kit used for most chemical analvses Hatch DR.850 • Colorimeter for water testina LDO Disolved Oxygen Meter -Field meter for recording temperature, disolved ownen, and salinitv WaterMark bottles -marine water samolers Electronic balance -for gravimetric measures for total suspended solids TSS\ Lab incubator, small • for drying TSS samoles Filter assembly -for vacuum filtering TSS Analvtical oioettes/filters 6/10/2009 172 Hrs $55 288 Hrs $55 160 Hrs $55 52 Hrs $55 288 Hrs $40 48 Hrs $20 1 Lump $27 1 Unit $2,273 1 Unit 1 Unit $2,295 Unit $1,006 1 Unit Unit 1 Unit 1 Lumo $2,175 Page 1 of7 $9,460 $9,460 $15,840 $15,840 $8,800 $8,800 $2,860 $2,860 $11,520 $11,520 $960 $960 $27 $27 $2,273 $2,273 $2,295 $2,295 $1,006 $1,006 $2,175 $2,175 f3atiqui_to~L.ag_oo11 _f'oll11dation (131..F) 200~y 8C::JYll:Rt~ M~I9:!~'"§c':',Yl/at~ran d.t· I.. .... i Sediment Assessmehf F'rojectaAmended!BudgetB!;c5' ' ii; ;(; .. Qwiklite2000 -test insturment for determinin toxicit Refractometers -for salinity measurements Test stri s -for Ph ad·ustments Lamotte green -esturine -student-level teslin kits -estuarine Lamotte green -freshwater -student- level teslin kits -freshwater Educational materials for training -field data sheets, disposable gloves, themometers, etc. Prinlin /re reduction Personnel Pro·ect Mana er Science Mana er School Science Ex eris Merkel & Associates Task Mana er Volunteers, Students 6/10/2009 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1080 1080 54 1080 6480 Unit $5,981 $5,981 $5,981 Lum $3,263 $3,263 $3,263 Lum $435 $435 $435 Lum $435 $435 $435 Lum $457 $457 $457 Lum $392 $392 $392 Lum $850 $850 $850 Lum $109 $109 $109 Lump Hrs $55 Hrs $55 Hrs $55 Hrs $55 Hrs $40 Hrs $20 Page 2 of 7 .•. Batiquitos Lagoon. Fqundatio11. (B½F). f o~.~~C:IVlrf"\ (3~t~.1".,f,Yf.1.,E·.~··~li!~tlill~., .,,. .. . .· ·.·· . ..·\ .••. ·. Sediment AssessmentProject 0 Amended Budget c·• · . . .. Materials and Other Expenses Total supended solids (TSS) (15 sites x 6 years x 6 per year x 3 samples per site x $10 per sample= $16,200) Personnel Pro·ect Mana er Science Mana er School Science Ex erts Merkel & Associates Task Mana er Volunteers, Students Materials and Other Expenses Qwiklite Testing (10 sites x 6 years x 2 per year x 3 samples per site x $60 per sample General chemical and bacterial testing (10 sites x 6 years x 2 per year x 3 samples per site x $1 0 per sample = $16,200) 6/10/2009 Hrs $55 1080 Hrs $55 1080 Hrs $55 54 Hrs $55 1080 Hrs $40 3240 Hrs $20 1 Lump $21,600 1 Page 3 of 7 :.:,_ ··<·:·:__-'_'.":\ ifi~"' GRANT .. ,fllNl)tt-l'G $16,200 $59,400 $59,400 $2,970 $43,200 $64,800 $229,770 $21,600 $21,600 $3,600 $3,600 >/$.;2:54s: ·9i·1<0; • .. ·$·····2·· ·s::2·····0··· ...... ' ...... '. (Including BL:F Di.re.c~ Funding, Value & lri~irid iYolu.nte,r.·•.· .. ,, .. ~upport);. $16,200 $59,400 $59,400 $2,970 $43,200 $64,800 $229,77 Batiquitos Lago~l'1-_Fc,undation._(BLF)._29o~ASMF~(;RA~"[S'rSLE •. ~vv.~teta.nd····· .· .· .. Sediment Assessment Projecf-Amem:led Budget . ·.. . . •. .. . .. Personnel Pro eel Mana er Science Mana er School Science Ex erts Merkel & Associates Task Mana er Volunteers, Students Subtotal Personnel Materials and Other Expenses Personnel Pro·ect Mana er Science Mana er School Science Ex erts Merkel & Associates Task Mana er 6/1012009 Total ••.. • Hrs $55 304 Hrs $55 $16,720 608 Hrs $55 $33,440 16 Hrs $55 $880 144 Hrs $40 $5,760 144 Hrs $20 $2,880 1216 $59,68 '-__-,)i:<<-( ':,' $59,68 :--', ' Task2.4: D~ta qu~liti arid clafu lria~a~ririlri~i ·-.. Hrs $55 192 Hrs $55 $10,560 192 Hrs $55 $10,560 48 Hrs $55 $2,640 192 Hrs $40 $7,680 Page4 of7 ·_ (lnc_ludl~g B1.F Di~~et.F11nding, ACMFP Value & lro;kind GRANT .• '{ol11nt\?.er FUNDING · · ·. support) > $16,720 $33,440 $880 $5,760 $2,880 $59,680 $10,560 $10,560 $2,640 $7,680 , Batiq~itos·.~agqo11 .. fC/undati1>0,(l:3LF)•2009,;J~<?Mf.~•.13~f'l1',SXfl.~7\Mll,teI:1:lO,~; ·· . i ·• .· · ... ·> Sediment Assessment Project -Amended Budget'· .. I Category Materials and Other Expenses Posta e 1 Lum Printin /re reduction Lum Personnel Pro·ect Mana er 18 Hrs Science Mana er 108 Hrs School Science Ex eris 288 Hrs Merkel & Associates 18 Hrs Task Mana er 108 Hrs Materials and Other Expenses 6/10/2009 Page 5 of7 $27 $54 $55 $55 $55 $55 $40 ,_ .. _,, AC!'4Ff> .GRANT. • :rotat/ • i:ut16it1G $27 $27 $100 $100 $50 $50 ·< .' >_--:· '<-.:,:; $43;137 $990 $5,940 $15,840 $990 $4,320 $14,400 f\}~2.~~ (111cl.udirj1JlBLr Di.r~i:t Funding, vaiue &'In-kind Volunteer C •sJpport) ·•• .$42,96 $990 $5,940 $15,840 $990 $4,320 Batiquitos Lagocm Foundation (BLF) •2009.ACMf'F'c..G~NJ;~)':CLE':-wiii1:1r;and. u ' ·• . .. . ·. . •· Sediment.Assessment Project"Amendecl;l:luclgeF/ ; ; }Xi .... · ............ · ..... · .. (ln.t;'Hdfri~ ~.lif' ACM~i, e~Tu~,i'l;;m::,t • /Category . GRANT . Volunteer fllNriif.lcf C .sujjport) '-''-'-: :, i", ',,'\,: .. ·····•.•·$42:;iao Personnel Pro'ect Mana er 120 Hrs $55 $6,600 $6,600 Science Mana er 240 Hrs $55 $13,200 $13,200 School Science Ex eris 480 Hrs $55 $26,400 $26,400 Merkel & Associates 128 Hrs $55 $7,040 $7,040 Task Mana er 120 Hrs $40 $4,800 $4,800 $10,800 $10,800 T:$~~.s~o Materials and Other Expenses Pesta e 1 Lum $27 $27 $27 $27 Printin /re reduction 1 Lum $54 $54 $54 1 $109 $109 BLF Overhead (5%) $2,293 $25,470 6/10/2009 Page 6 of7 · .Bati<14iJ<>s .• ~agoC>11 .. f<>.u11datlo11J~Lf)·.~0,0~(~9!"J~rs~~"1'I'9)';~.l.,~.t,:'lf!'l!~f,~11d·:••••··• · ·;.:·.· .· ... ·.·.. . ... Sediment AssessmentProject'-Amended Budget.• .. ' ... Contingency (5%) ··.. < :>Tota1 eroie,cfExpense Grant Agricultural Mitigation Conversion Fee Program (AMCFP) Other Sources Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Direct & In-Kind Support T~J, i>t«>1ibtii~;tnJ.~11ii~1uc11~~ Y •· gl'llnt;.BL!:; Direct fullding &l11-kl11d siipportfc/ff 0 , ••• , , .. >., ................... ;. ·.·, ·;.· !.i!'/:.>> .·:.>.>;;\\ J·Su111111ary(t::E1rs<mne1.;1;,,··••·•· Proiect Manaaer 310 Hrs $55 Science Manaaer 3292 Hrs $55 School Science Exoerts 3888 Hrs $55 Merkel & Associates 370 Hrs $55 Task Manaaer 3012 Hrs $40 Volunteers, Students # Hrs $20 ' . · ·· ·•··•·· Rel'!l1>11nel Jot.ils: 22620 1,:-:_-,: .;' ,' ,/\, , .. ,-,, l:c•:rc:c:.:; ':\,? · .. ; 6/10/2009 Page 7 of 7 $17,050 $181,060 $213,840 $20,350 $120,480 $234,960 $7'87;7'4( <. >/, .. lfncl11dl11g.B~f ··· · ···· ·•······ ··.·.·. ·· Olf!'.Ct f1Jndi11g, C ACMFP Value & 111,kind .GRANT. Volunteer F'I.INDING t •stlppl>rtHi $50,449 $25,470 \Jss0,33 $560,337 >/•/: .••. ;'}; .:···· .•• :·:x $17,050 $181,060 $213,840 $20,350 $120,480 $234,960 [,:.e;·;·(;, . .:. ·; It<> __ --_ -$787',7'4( 6-09-2009 8,37AM FROM AL CERDA JR AUTOTUNE 760 591 9199 P. 1 RON YEO, FAIA ARCHITECT, INC. 500 JASMINE AVENUE CORONA DB. MAR, CA\Jl'ORNIA 92625 PHONE: {949) -111 F/>X 64+0449 REPORT ANALYSIS December 200s for implementing the INTERPRETIVE MASTER PLAN Prepared by The Acorn Group, 200s The purpose of this report Is to provide architectural, structural options, feasibility, probable costs as well as documenting the agency approval process for implementing the Interpretive Master Plan relative to the building structure. It Is understood that the Implementation may be accomplished in phases as funding becomes available. Also that additional master plan studies for use of the entire site .will be studied In the future. The first phase that is currently funded and in the process includes storage and consideration of a fold down desk In the classroom/meeting room and addition of gift sales In the foyer. CITY REVIEW PROCESS -ZONING · The visitor/nature center is currently operating. under the Planning Commission· Resolution #4401. · In discussion with Christen Westman of the City Planning Department, he stated . that as long as all of the proposed Improvements are interior and that there is no building expansion, there is no need to amend the SDP 98-15/CDP, 98-59/HDP, 98-16/PCD document. It ls highly probable that the building will have to be expanded for new restroom addition. This will now require a planning review. It is recommended that the review submittal include all of the anticipated & potential site improvements. CITY REVlEW PROCESS -BUILDING & CODE ISSUES Any structural, electrical; plumbing or HVAC modifications to the building will have to be processed buy submitting construction documents, There has been a request to Will Foss, the City Building Official. to increase the building occupancy of 49 to 147 In order to accommodate special events. He has responded that he . would like to see complete construction plans prior to any increase in the existing occupancy. Investigation relative to the existing use and occupancy has proven futile. According to Raenette Abbey, a City building department plan checker, The City's records do not contain any information from the original time. of relocation/construction as to the occupancy load and the only data on the occupancy type is: "Group B with a ? (question)". 1 6-09--2009 8,38AM FROM AL CERDA JR AUTOTUNE 760 591 9199 P.2 It can be assumed that the building defim1d by the 1997 Uniform Building Code was a "Group B occupancy" (a building for office, professional or service-type transactions with an occupant load of less than 50) and type Vn structure (non- sprinkler). · · · All new construction work will now have to conform to the new 2007 California Building Code. Another code issue is that if the building or portion thereof Is used by more than 6 persons at any one time for educational purposes through the 12111 grade that portion becomes a "Group E occupancy• with a few additional safety restrictions. If the space was used for "crafts" and "creative non education" activities it may be ciassified as a group B occupancy, like the rest of the building. This would have to . be confirmed by the building official. · If the meeting/classroom area is kept at less than 50 persons it will be classified as a Group l3 occupancy. If it is more than 50.persons, it would be classified as a Group A-3 occupancy, with a few additional safety restrictions. · Since the entire building will have over 50 occupants, it is. recommended that the building be reclassified as a group A-3 occupancy .. KEY BUILDING ISSUES 1. Accommodating larger groups -in the. classroom & the multi- purpose room 2. Pro/con of light, windows; views & display 3. Noise conflict classroom & RR to the offices 4. Removal of the load bearing post in the multi-purpose room 5. Construction cost 6. Additional Restrooms 7. Future expansion 8. Cost for the installation of the ceramic tile "watershed" entry floor. 2 6-09-2009 8,38AM I' 0 I r-, \ . ~-, . .. · .... 1· . , ... r:, "'. ' . I ,_ 3·0 t''..,/'. I I I I '.,..,,,. I ,_...,.. FROM AL CERDA JR AUTOTUNE 760 591 9199 . ' . . : ; I /,t'-6" .,_. , h' · 6-o . __.. lJ\ ~: . , .... '. l ~ -r···-~ j ;: ;, •. ,V' 1·.. 1' I 0 ' I ~ i -· --~ ~ '1· f l 1' .. ! '-J> ~ --4- ~ "' ~ .,, ,. 1,,- ~ -°' ~:,: • O' C() ?: ' ti! ~ 'il .....--4, I ~ ~ t ' C ~ c!l ' -I I ~ ~ ,· '' .... t ~ ,. ... ~ . -·~ --~--.. '.~ ~' . ~ • !'-::: :; ·-ll I " ~ I O<l I .• l i ' ' ~ ...... ;,~.'"" ·-· I .... .. : ~ . /.Z. '-6" \ .S ... o'~ "' P.3 • ] I IJIWOn$~ Me~ j undGlDr\lS Subthemo6 Human History MULTI.PURPOSE ROOM AND THEATER ~onSaeen I FOYER ' ' -.,l ''.~ \ "! <le ·.com;iau Row,'> --'·"-Jr, l_.,, ',-J I MAIN ENTRANCE cl ,, _ subthem:i-· ··7 WATERSHED_, HEALTI-/<'. _) II ==:::=-c Ti~ Flootiog HALL GALLERY I\; ' ; CLASSROOM ANO MEETING ROOM r NATURE LAB ' '\ / "'-~ 0 r) V C! 0 0 I' I Kevin Pointer From: SPhaneuf@aol.com Sent: To: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 2:00 PM Kevin Pointer Subject: Re: Fw: ACMFP Grant Review and Evaluation Attachments: Buena Vista Audubon Society Ag Mitigation Projects.pd! Hi Kevin, Attached please find Buena Vista Audubon Society's response to the Committee's request. The attached document contains four pages. The first three pages are with respect to our larger grant request ($367,000 for Nature Center improvements). That grant application can be broken into segments. I've included the ADA accessibility survey that was completed for the Nature Center to give the Committee an idea as to the extent of the repairs to make the Nature Center ADA compliant. The fourth page of the document is with respect to the Watershed Management Plan application ($50,000). Because that application was actually for the first phase of a multi-phase project, it can't be scaled down any further. Please let me know if there is anything further that you need. Best regards, Shannon Phaneuf Buena Vista Audubon Society Phone: (760) 439-BIRD In a message dated 6/3/2009 2:23:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time, bvaudubon@sbcglobal.net writes: ····· Forwarded Message •••• From: Kevin Pointer <Kevin.Pointer@carlsbadca.gov> To: "ccc@carltas.com" <ccc@carltas.com>; "mdrawbridge@hswri.org" <mdrawbridge@hswri.org>; "Sandquist2@earthlink.net" <Sandquist2@earthlink.net>; "Sandquist2@earthlink.net" <5andquist2@earthlink.net>; "nkweaver@aguahedionda.org" <nkweaver@aguahedionda.org >; "bketterer@parks.ca.gov" <bketterer@parks.ca.gov>; "bvaudubon@sbcglobal.net" <bvaudubon@sbcglobal.net>; "bvaudubon@sbcglobal.net" <bvaudubon@sbcglobal.net>; "brudvalis@aol.com" <brudvalis@aoi.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 1:53:38 PM Subject: ACMFP Grant Review and Evaluation Dear Applicant, At the June 1, 2009 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee meeting, the Committee began its review and evaluation of the 2009 grant applications. Your grant application was 1 of 9 applications (out of 13 submitted) that were determined to meet the minimum grant eligibility criteria. The 9 eligible grant applications listed in the attached document result in a total of $2,252,150 requested from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Fund; however, there is only approximately $875,000 available to fund projects at this time. Because the amount requested by the 9 eligible applications far exceeds the amount available for grant funding, the Committee requests tha·t the eligible grant applicants for these nine projects provide information to answer the following questions: 1. Can your project be separated into phases or components? 2. Would you be willing to accept funding for a phase or component of the project, rather than the whole amount requested? 1 3. If only a portion of the requested funding for your project is awarded, how will that affect your ability to successfully implement the project? 4. If you answered yes to Question 2, please submit a revised project budget that clearly identifies the cost of the project phases and/or components for which the Committee can consider funding (as an alternative to funding the whole amount or your original request). Please submit responses to the questions above ASAP, but no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday June 10, 2009. Responses can be emailed as a reply to this message; or mailed or delivered to me at the contact information stated below. If you have any questions regarding the Committee's request or the contents of this email, please feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely, www.carlsbadca.gov Kevin Pointer Associate Planner City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 {760) 602-4620 {760) 602-8559 fax A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours In lust 2 easy steps! 2 Buena Vista Audubon Society Nature Center Improvements: $367,000 1. Can your project be separated into phases or components? Yes. The improvements project can be broken into three separate segments (the second floor observation deck, the ADA accessibility compliance project and the hard cost of educational materials and chairs for the Nature Center). 2. Would you be willing to accept funding for a phase or component of the project, rather than the whole amount requested? Yes. 3. If only a portion of the requested funding for your project is awarded, how will that affect your ability to successfully implement the project? Because the observation deck and ADA accessibility issues are independent of one another, receiving funding for only one segment would not impact our ability to successfully implement the other. 4. If you answered yes to QuesUon 2, please submit a revised project budget that clearly identifies the cost of the project phases and/or components for which the Committee can consider funding (as an alternative to funding the whole amount or your original request). ADA Accessibility . . . It em .. . P r u pose .. Repair areas that are not ADA-compliant ADA access!blllty compliance survey and repair fees and obtain ADA certification for the Nature Center and surrounding trails and Permitting and other fees Item • Archltectural planning and design services Construction seivices Permitting and other fees Bird spotting scopes and mounts Display cases Stackable chairs (Qty. 100) Computer, printer, monitor and software Satisfy necessary local, state, and/ or federal reeulatorv nermits TOTAL Observation Deck .. ·. · .... •Purpose .. · . Design and manage Nature Center modlficatlons, improvements and ADA· comnliance efforts Construct and manage interior/ exterior improvements per design plans Satisfy necessary local, state, and/ or federal reeulatorv oermits TOTAL Spotting, studying and reporting on la oon birds and other wildlife Used to house interactlve and non~ interactive dis la items ln·house meetings/ conference hardware Used to improve organizational ca abilities TOTAL Amou t n $48,000 $2,000 $50,000 Amount $48,000 $228,000 $13,000 $289,000 $8,000 $4,000 $6,000 $10,000 $28,000 Buena Vista Audubon Society Nature Center Draft ADA Survey Performed March 26, 2009, 10am-11am A. INDOOR (GENERAL) 1. Drinking fountain needs to be replaced with an ADA-compliant, high-low double fountain with paddle, not twist~ knobs 2. Need a portable assisted listening system (ALS) in the conference room 3. Need a sign posted that says an ALS system is available 4. Interior hallway door near kitchen is not compliant ... should be removed or made a double-swing door with no latches. 5. t\11 exterior exits (3 in all) need to be furnished with J\D1\-compliant Braille exit signs 6. Exterior double entry doors locking mechanisms at the bottom need to be covered with an 8" plate to prevent catching by wheelchair equipment 7. Display counter by cashier corner needs to have a 36" high by 34" wide transaction counter B. INDOOR (BATHROOMS) 1. Need ADA compliant Braille signs on the outside (strike side) of both bathrooms. Display adjacent to men's bathroom is in the way of this. 2. Pressure needed to open bathroom doors is too high 3. Men's urinal is about 1.5" too narrow (needs to be 36" wide 4. !vlen's toilet door needs to swing in instead of out 5. lvlen's toilet is about 1" too high and 22" from the wall ... needs to be 18" from the wall 6. Men's sinks arc too high (one is about 1/," too high and the other is about 1" too high). Need to have at least one sink be 34" high 7. Women's toilet door needs to swing in instead of out 8. Women's toilet is about 1" too high and 22" from the wall ... necds to be 18" from the wall 9. \'(1omcn's sinks are too high (one is about ¼" too high and the other is about 1" too high). Need to have at least one sink be 34" high C. INDOOR (KITCHEN) I. Light switch is 2" too high 2. Sink needs to have wheelchair knee clearance underneath 3. Counter is 2" too high (34" max) D. OUTDOOR (PARKING LOT) I. lnsrall lllcgal Parking Tow ~-\way sign at the dri\'cway cnrrancc -rccommcn<lc<l to do this AS,-\P! 2. Move the handicap parking space to the spot second from the left in the same row adjacent to the sidewalk 3. Install ADA-compliant parallel curb ramp adjacent to the new handicap parking space location (see image below) 4. Remove old blue handicap pavement striping .. .install white striping at new handicap parking space location 5. Relocate handicap parking sign and add $250 fine sign to existing signs 6. Install ADA-compliant parallel curb ramp near the gate that leads to cross path to trail head across the driveway (see image) 7. Install white cross path striping from ramp near the gate to the trail head leading down to the kiosk E. OUTDOOR (TRAILS) I. Install sign at head oi the trail leading down to kiosk (and other trails) that reads. "Not Recommended for \'\-'hcclchair ;\cc.e~s" -recommended to <lo this :\S.\P! 2. Trim tree on slope leading to the kiosk (need 80" of vertical clearance on all trails) 3. Should replace decomposed granite (DG) slope path with a brushed concrete path using existing path slope as it is compliant 4. Stabilize DG path with cross members in areas that it is washed out or rutted 5. Should make kiosk ADA accessible -remove trail border and install paving stones or other material to provide a level surface for viewing 6. Replace handrails on stairs by picnic tables with ADA-compliant hand rails 7. Paint nosing on the stairs by the picnic table with a color that visibly contrasts with the light concrete color of the stairs ... brown should be ok 8. Generally maintain the trails in this area around landing zones and other areas where there arc vertical trip hazards or potential obstacles for access 9. Trail slope adjacent to the boat landing? area needs to be leveled and a trail border should be installed (see image below) F. OTHER I. Consider partnering with Accessible San Diego or other like organization that provides motorized wheelchairs for visitors 2. Consider contacting those (Native American groups, etc.) who might be able to use the pulled rules to construct canoes, baskets, etc. 11,is could also be used as a publicity source. 3. We didn't have time to check out the plant garden on the west side of the building ... I have a feeling that the slope of the wooden bridge might be a bit steep. for compliance (sec image below). Buena Vista Audubon Society Watershed Management Plan: $50,000 1. Can your project be separated Into phases or components? No. Buena Vista Audubon Society previously broke down the larger Buena Vista Creek Watershed Management Plan when it wrote the "first phase" Ag Mitigation project application. This project as defined in our application would lay the groundwork and help define the scope of the larger Watershed Management Plan project, thereby allowing us to seek follow-up funding. II represents the required first step before additional funding requests could be entertained by various funding sources. The Wetlands Recovery Group of the California State Coastal Conservancy reviewed the full project and awarded it "Priority One" status. While that doesn't guarantee state funding, especially during these difficult economic limes, it represents a stated commitment lo utilize the state's resources to assist in obtaining funding for the larger project from various funding sources, including state and federal grant programs, civic and commercial project requiring mitigation and private foundations. This initial project, when completed, would stand alone as a much needed and very functional tool for watershed-wide planning and management efforts by the multitude of federal, state, and local agencies, non-governmental organizations and commercial entities that operate within its boundaries. 2. Would you be willing to accept funding for a phase or component of the project, rather than the whole amount requested? Not applicable. 3. If only a portion of the requested funding for your project is awarded, how will that affect your ability to successfully implement the project? Not applicable. 4. If you answered yes to Question 2, please submit a revised project budget that clearly identifies the cost of the project phases and/or components for which the Committee can consider funding {as an alternative to funding the whole amount or your original request). Not applicable. Kevin Pointer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dear Mr. Pointer, kasey [kcinciarelli@roadrunner.com] Wednesday, June 10, 2009 5:00 PM Kevin Pointer BRudvalis@aol.com Ag Mit Revised Budget -Rudvalis Orchids Rudvalis Orchids AgMit budget -June 10,2009.doc Barbara Rudvalis has asked me to interface with the city and respond to this request. Her business predates the incorporation of Carlsbad and our city has no record of permits on file. Some permits were originally pulled thru the county. To fullfill current City of Carlsbad requirements for permits which are required on both the roof changes and the electrical system the following drawings would need to be provided: site plan, existing roofs and electrical documentation and drawings showing proposed changes to each. Barbara lost her home with her office in the 1996 Lacosta fire and these may need to be generated. All roofs and electrical would need to be brought up to existing codes. Costs for this and project management have been added. Rudvalis needs a consultant to interface with the County, City and contractors to: manage permit approvals, interface with contractors and make sure work is completed to specifications. Owner would split the cost of the electrical system upgrade. By reducing the scope of the project the overall costs have been reduced by one third. 1. Applicant has reduced the number of green house roofs to be replaced from 10 to 6._ 2. Applicant has reduced funding request from $142,610 to $99,052. Yes applicant will accept reduced funding. 3. Applicant could successfully implement project with reduced project scope and funding as stated above. Roofing contractor has a six roof minimum. Reductions included reducing replaced roofs from 10 to 6, eliminating fog nozzle replacements, reducing number of exhaust fans replaced from 20 to 8. 4. Revised Budget attached. Please direct any questions to me as Barbara is out of town until June 22. I will be at the meeting on Monday. Thank You, kasey cinciarelli 720-5220 ---Original Message --- From: Kevin Pointer To: ccc@carltas.com ; mdrawbridge@hswri.org ; Sandguist2@earthlink.net; Sandguist2@earthlink.net; nkweaver@aguahedionda.org : bketterer@parks.ca.gov; bvaudubon@sbcglobal.net ; bvaudubon@sbcglobal.net ; brudvalis@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 1 :53. PM Subject: ACMFP Grant Review and Evaluation Dear Applicant, At the June 1, 2009 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee meeting, the Committee began its review and evaluation of the 2009 grant applications. Your grant application was 1 of 9 applications (out of 13 submitted) that were determined to meet the minimum grant eligibility criteria. The 9 eligible grant applications listed in the attached document result in a total of $2,252,150 requested from the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Fund; however, there is only approximately $875,000 available to fund projects at this time. Because the amount requested by the 9 eligible applications far exceeds the amount available for grant funding, the Committee requests that the eligible grant applicants for these nine projects provide information to answer the following questions: 1. Can your project be separated into phases or components? 1 2. Would you be willing to accept funding for a phase or component of the project, rather than the whole amount requested? 3. If only a portion of the requested funding for your project is awarded, how will that affect your ability to successfully implement the project? 4. If you answered yes to Question 2, please submit a revised project budget that clearly identifies the cost of the project phases and/or components for which the Committee can consider funding (as an alternative to funding the whole amount or your original request). Please submit responses to the questions above ASAP, but no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday June 10, 2009. Responses can be emailed as a reply to this message; or mailed or delivered to me at the contact information stated below. If you have any questions regarding the Committee's request or the contents of this email, please feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely, www.carlsbadca.gov Kevin Pointer Associate Planner City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 602-4620 (760) 602-8559 fax 2 Greenhouse Improvements for Rudvalis Orchids Permitting Prepare Site Plan for Planning approval Drawings of Existing Roof /Electrical Drawings of proposed Electrical/roofing $ 350 650 650 June 10, 2009 total documentation costs for permit application$ 1650 ............................... $ 1,650 City Permit for roofing upgrade $ 213/per greenhouse x 6 greenhouses........ 1,278 City Permits for Electrical upgrade$ 35/per greenhouse x 6 greenhouses......... 210 Electrical System Upgrade {repairs to code) $17,500 {owner pays half) ....... 8,750 Roof Change from Fiberglass to double poly plastic: Materials: Strengthening Framing, poly locking devices $2835 Double layer Poly Tufflite IV 6mil clear/white 1055 Labor: Remove existing Fiberglass from roof (each) Install additional framing and poly locking Install double poly to roof New Roof Costs ....................................................... .. 2800 (Eric Larson requested) 2800 900 $10,390/per greenhouse x 6 = 62,340 Shade House................................................................... 9,608.................................. 9,608 Fog System· replace 2 pumps ONLY ................................ 1,700.................................. 1,700 Exhaust Fans· {reduced from 20 to 8) ........................... 10,016................................. 10,016 Grand Prep ........................................................................... 750..................................... 750 Project Management.. ...................................................... 2,750 .................................... 2,750 Revised Grant Request -TOTAL. ......................... $99,052 Exhibit 2 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Program (ACMFP) 2009 Eligible Grant Applications Application/ Project Number Project Name Funding Originally Requested Applicant-Presented Funding Options for Project Phases/Components AGP 09-01 Carlsbad Flower Fields Enhanced Access $201,814 $75,000 - - - - - - AGP 09-02 Aquaculture Enhancement at Carlsbad Hatchery $796,095 $249,313 - - - - - - AGP 09-03 Batiquitos Lagoon North Shore Trail $112,516 Option 1 $98,512 Option 2 $75,340 AGP 09-04 Batiquitos Lagoon—Water and Sediment Toxicity Assessment $119,785 $50,449 - - - - - - AGP 09-09 Agua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Center Interior Improvements $220,000 Funding Revisions Not Provided At Time of Report Distribution ? ? ? AGP 09-10 Coastal Bluff Restoration—Tamarack and Frazee $242,330 Funding Revisions Not Provided At Time of Report Distribution ? ? ? AGP 09-11 Buena Vista Creek Watershed Information Management System $50,000 Cannot Be Phased $50,000 (No reduction) AGP 09-121 Buena Vista Audubon Nature Center Improvements $367,000 Component 1 $28,000 Component 2 $50,000 Component 3 $289,000 AGP 09-13 Rudvalis Orchids Greenhouse Roof Replacement $142,610 $99,052 - - - - - - $2,633,550.00 $1,495,2142 1 Note: The applicant has provided funding itemization for the three components of the project (Equipment, Furnishings and Materials: $28,000; ADA Accessibility: $50,000; and Observation Deck: $289,000) with indication that any combination of components can be successfully implemented independent of one another. 2 Based on information provided at the time of report distribution, full funding for AGP 09-09, AGP 09-10 and AGP 09-11 was included in the total. However, reduced funding options may be provided by the applicants for AGP 09-09 and AGP 09-10 at or prior to the June 1st Committee meeting. Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Program (ACMFP) 2009 Ineligible Grant Applications Application/ Project Number Project Name Funding Originally Requested Reduced Funding Options for Project Phases/Components AGP 09-05 Vee’s Veggies Hydroponic Greenhouse $180,000 INELIGIBLE AGP 09-06 Ecotourism Carlsbad—Brochure Design and Distribution $6,400 INELIGIBLE AGP 09-07 Agua Hedionda Watershed Mgmt Plan-- Watershed Coordinator $75,000 INELIGIBLE AGP 09-08 Agua Hedionda Lagoon Beach Restoration $120,000 INELIGIBLE Kevin Pointer From: Sent: To: Subject: Kevin, Jim strickland Uim.strick1and1@sbcglobal.net] Tuesday, June 02, 2009 1 :25 PM Kevin Pointer Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fund I care about the Lagoon very much and a healthy watershed is vital to a healthy lagoon. I believe that having an Agua Hedionda Watershed Coordinator is very important to the Lagoon and the City of Carlsbad and the citizens of Carlsbad. Without someone doing the job the $500,000 Management plan will go to waste. I would like to request that the committee reconsider the proposal with a change. I'd like to withdraw myself as coordinator. The committee can fund the position and hire who they feel is qualified. I would appreciate it if you would pass this on the committee. Regards, Jim Strickland 720-6181 Exhibit 3