HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-22; Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee Ad Hoc; ; Status of Projects Awarded with Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee FundingSubject: Meeting Date: Agenda Item #3 CITY OF CARLSBAD AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE AD HOC CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE Status of Projects Awarded with Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Funding February 22, 2010 At the Nov. 17, 2008 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF) Ad Hoc Citizen's Advisory Committee (Committee) meeting, the Committee directed staff to return with continual status updates on awarded grant projects. Of the 20 projects that have been awarded with ACMF grant funding: • Nine projects have received full disbursement of funding, five of which have been fully implemented and completed; • Nine projects have received partial disbursement of funding; and, • Two projects have yet to receive disbursement of funding. Exhibit 3-1 provides an updated summary of the fund balance and status of projects awarded with ACMF funding. Additionally, status reports from individual grantees of funding are attached as Exhibits 3.2 through 3-11. Respectfully Submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Exhibits: 3.1 3.2-3.11 Encumbrance/Disbursement Breakdown Status Reports from Grantees PROJECT ELIGIBILITY PROJECT NAME NUMBER CATEGORY AGPOG-02 D Audubon Nature Center AGP 06-03. D BLF Nature Center Improvements AGP 06-04 C&D Buena Vista Lagoon Boardwalk AGP 06-05 B Cymbidium Project AGP06-06 B Multi-Use Barn AGP 06-07 B Permeable Paving Project AGP06-08 B Drainage Improvements Project AGP 06-09 B Soil Amendment Project AGP 06-10 C Carlsbad Beach Nourishment AGP 06-12 A Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring/ Management Pian AGP06-13 C Agua Hedionda lagoon Trails AGP 06-15 D Discovery Center Interior improvements AGP 06-16 B La Posada de Guadalupe Farm Worker Housing AGP09-01 B Carlsbad Flower Fields Enhanced Access AGP09-02 B Aquaculture Enhancement at Carlsbad Hatchery CITY COUNCIL APPROVED AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE PROGRAM: Breakdown of Encumbrance and Disbursement Totals for Approved Projects FUNDING FUNDING FUNDING PROJECT DESCRIPTION GRANTEE SPENT BY APPROVED DISBURSED GRANTEE Interior improvements to Nature Center classroom Buena Vista $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 Audubon Society Dec 2007 Nature Center replacement and improvements Batiquitos Lagoon $180,732 $88,000 $3,820.14 Foundation May2008 Engineering design and environmental studies for a Buena Vista Lagoon $164,000 $68,000 $31,014.79 boardwalk Foundation Oct. 2008 Greenhouse, shade structure, and related infrastructure for CB Ranch $316,500 $310,500 Unknown orchid production Enterprises Aug.2007 Barn for off-season equipment storage and seasonal displays CB Ranch $233,000 $233,000 $233,000 and presentations Enterprises Oct. 2007 Permanent semi-permeable road surface for Flower Fields CB Ranch $297,000 $297,000 $297,000 circulation Enterprises July 2007 Permanent drainage system to reduce erosion and soil loss CB Ranch $230,000 $230,000 $230,000 Enterprises Aug. 2007 5-year program of soil amendment to improve soil structure CB Ranch $84,000 $84,000 $84,000 and long-term productivity of Flower Fields Enterprises July 2007; March 2008; & Feb. 2010 Nourishment of two stretches of beaches in north and south City of Carlsbad $1,500,000 $116,437 $116,437 central Carlsbad Beach Preservation June 2008 Committee &Aug. 2009 Monitor and develop management plan for lagoon Batiquitos Lagoon $780,5891 $23,995 $21,633.55 Foundation April 2008 Maintenance and construction of trails around Agua Agua Hedionda $305,750 $35,000 $0 Hedionda Lagoon lagoon Foundation Nov.2009 Interior and exterior improvements to existing Discovery Agua Hedionda $386,000 $68,500 $32,308.16 Center Lagoon Foundation Dec. 2008 Construction of farm worker/homeless housing at Casa de Catholic Charities $2,000,000' $54,400 Unknown Guadalupe June 2009 Second access point to the Flower Fields through a right-in onl• ,B Ranch Enterprises $113,107 $113,107 Unknown entry on Palomar Airport Road, associated deceleration lane Sept. 2009 and signage. Modifying two flow-through raceway units into one re-Hubbs-SeaWorld $249,313 $249,313 Unknown circulating unit for propagation of white sea bass. Research Institute Nov. 2009 1 Entire request encumbered, but approved only portion ($74,995) at present to allow for data collecting and reporting and maintenance. 2 Entire request encumbered, but approved only portion ($108,500) at present to allow for design work. Exhibit 3.1 NOT YET DISBURSED PROJECT STATUS FUNDING $0 Project successfully implemented/complete. $92,732 Lease negotiations for project site underway. See Exhibit 3.2 for additional information. $96,000 Preliminary design in progress. See Exhibit 3.3 for additional information. $6,000 Project implementation underway. Remaining $6,000 is anticipated to cover utility costs for years 2 and 3. See Exhibit 3.4 for additional information. $0 Full funding disbursed. Project Implemented/ complete. $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/ complete. $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/ complete. $0 Years 1 through 3 of composting applications implemented/ complete. See Exhibit 3.4 for additional information. $1,383,563 Planning activities complete. Phase II tasks anticipated to ¢•' begin soon and be complete mid 2011. See Exhibit 3.5 for additional information. $756,594 Partial funding disbursed April 2008. Bathymetric and Tidal Assessment Study Complete. See Exhibit 3.6 for additional information. $270,750 RFP for trail work underway. Grantee anticipates beginning physical improvements by May 2010. See Exhibit 3.7 for additional information. $317,500 Office upgrades, architecture and planning complete. See Exhibit 3.7 for additional information. $1,945,600 See status update under Agenda Item US $0 Components of project financed with ACMF funds are complete. Project completion anticipated March 2010 with onsite improvements. See Exhibit 3.4 for additional information. $0 Finalization of design specifications expected March 2010. See Exhibit 3.8 for additional information. REVISED: 2/18/10 FUNDING FUNDING FUNDING NOT YET PROJECT ELIGIBILITY PROJECT NAME PROJECT DESCRIPTION GRANTEE SPENT BY DISBURSED PROJECT STATUS NUMBER CATEGORY APPROVED DISBURSED GRANTEE FUNDING AGP 09-03 A Batiquitos Lagoon North Planning and design of Murphy Trail Bypass Boardwalk and Batiquitos Lagoon $98,572 $59,754 $0 $38,818 Partial funding disbursed Dec. 2009. Project start-up, team Shore Trail Rosalena Trail. Ayers property acquisition. Mitsuuchi property Foundation Dec. 2009 organization and detailed project planning underway and wetland restoration and trail building. Invasive species expected to be completed in March 2010. See Exhibit 3.9 for removal at Rosalena/San Pacific/Highway 101 areas. additional information. AGP09-09 D Agua Hedionda Lagoon Remodel of existing meeting room to create classroom, llgua $52,000 $0 $0 $52,000 See Exhibit 3.7. Discovery Center meeting room and nature lab. Hedionda Lagoon Improvements Foundation AGP09-10 C Coastal Bluff Coastal bluff restoration and rehabilitation; fencing, and trail • alifornia $234,830 $0 $0 $234,830 See Exhibit 3.10 . Restoration-Tamarack construction. tale Parks and Frazee AGP 09-11 A&D Buena Vista Creek Development of informational management system (database) Buena Vista Audubon $50,000 $50,000 Unknown $0 Full funding disbursed Dec. 2009. Data collection underway. Watershed Information for existing studies/conditions. Society Dec. 2009 Project completion anticipated June 2010. See Exhibit 3.11 Management System for additional information. AGP 09-12 D Buena Vista Audubon ADA Accessibility at existing Audubon Nature Center. Buena Vista Audubon $50,000 $50,000 Unknown $0 Full funding disbursed Dec. 2009. See Exhibit 3.11 for Nature Center ,ociety Dec. 2009 additional information. Improvements TOTAL $7,340,393 $2,146,006 $5,194,387 REVISED: 2/17 /10 Exhibit 3.2 -.@.~. #.~.-' ./4 ' . RECEIVED FEB 1 5 ?010 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT February 15, 201 0 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Grant Project Status Summary BLF Nature Center Improvements Grant Proposal No. AGP-06-03, April 29, 2008 Grant Summary Project Award: $180,732, Grant Agreement Signed by Mayor Lewis: April 29, 2008. First funding installment: $88,000 (City of Carlsbad Ck#175684 dated June 5, 2008). Grant balance remaining: $92,732. Project expenses to date: $3,820.14. General Comments and Project Status The upgraded nature center resides in an area designated as open space in Carlsbad Local Coastal Program. A relatively recent Coastal Program Amendment was approved by the California Coastal Commission which allows for temporary facilities to be installed in such open space areas. This chang.:l allows for facilities like our nature center to apply for and obtain a renewable Conditional Use Permit (CUP)/ Coastal Development Permit (CDP). The project is behind schedule and under spending due to a two key factors. The most difficult and challenging part of this project has been ongoing negotiations and discussions with Aviara Master Association (AMA), which owns the property upon which the existing and upgraded Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Nature Center is located. Before submitting our application to the City of Carlsbad for a renewable CUP/CDP as part of the application process, we must first formalize a license agreement that is acceptable to the BLF and AMA, and then have it formally recorded as part of their property deed with San Diego County. We have made significant progress in this process, with our lawyers nearing completion of the agreement for review, approval and recording by the BLF and AMA. A draft CUP/CDP application and project documentation package was submitted to AMA on December 21, 2010 to formally start their review process. The schedule for this critical part of the project is summarized below. License Agreement Milestone Chart Milestone Estimated Date 1. BLF Submits Draft December 21, 2009 (Completed) Packaqe to Aviara Master Association's Architectural Committee for Review (Includes property license agreement, CUP/CDP application, and related engineering drawing and materials) 2. Aviara Master January 15, 2010 Association's Architectural Committee submits package for Board Review 3. Aviara Master February 17, 2010 (Now estimated to be Association's Board March 2010) Annroval 4. City of Carlsbad September 17, 2010 Approves and Issues CUP/CDP 5. Installation of October 4, 2010 Upgraded Nature Center and Storage - Unit The second activity that contributed to the delay was the time it has taken to complete the upgraded nature center engineering design and associated cost estimate by Williams Scottsman, the provider of the upgraded nature center facility. This included a required earthquake certification of the facilities above ground foundation system by the State of California. We now have their information and foundation certification, and have incorporated that in our documentation provided to AMA on December 21, 2009. We expect to submit the formal CUP/CDP application and fee in March 2010 and also make the down payment for the upgrade to William Scottsman in April 2010 so that they can place it in their production schedule. We feel that we are now on track to have the replacement nature center installed in the October-November 2010 timeframe. BUENA VISTA LAGOON FOUNDATION • P.O. BOX 4516 • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 lo, an-geles February 9, 2010 Kevin Pointer Associate Planner City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Kevin, FEB 11 2010 t_ __ --------u., __ This is a followup to our Noy. report to the Committee. We are still in the preliminary design phase. Final details are being worked out between the Foundation, Warren Wong ofCDF&G, and Noble's designer, Tom Fischetti. The design produced will be a 30% design as desired for the Buena Vista Lagoon restoration EIR. To date we have disbursed $31,014.79 to Noble Consultants for their work. We anticipate completion of phase 1 soon. NON PROFIT PUBLIC CHARITY Kevin Pointer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Chris Calkins [ccc@carltas.com] Wednesday, February 17, 201 0 9:28 AM Kevin Pointer Fred Clarke; Jim Bornemann; Monica Browning RE: ACMF Grants to The Flower Fields Here is an update of the funded projects: Exhibit 3.4 l.AG_P 06-05( Cymbidium Project)-The first finished plants and cut stems have been sold-900 plants and 1000 cut stems. The project is well on track and the product has been well received. We will request the disbursement for utilities later this spring . 2. AGP 06-09 (Soil Amendment)-The last of the funded amendment has been completed and the funds fully disbursed. We expect the crop to show the benefit of this amendmet as did last years. 3. AGP 09-01 ( Enhanced Access)-The funded work is complete. The City has required significantly more improvement onsite than was anticipated and this work is still being completed. It will be done before the commencement of the season in March. Please let me know if you require further information. Chris Calkmins From: Kevin Pointer [mailto:Kevin.Pointer@carlsbadca.gov) Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 8:51 AM To: Chris Calkins Subject: FW: ACMF Grants to The Flower Fields Hi Chris, Would you please provide very brief updates on the below projects that I may update the Committee with? I don't recall receiving updates as of yesterday, but I would like to still include them in the agenda packet that will go out tomorrow morning if you're able to submit them before the end of the day today. For the soil amendment project, I expect that you've received the last $15,000 check last week, so simply referencing an anticipated completion date should be sufficient. Please let me know if you have questions. From: Kevin Pointer Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 8:08 AM To: Chris Calkins (ccc@carltas.com) Subject: ACMF Grants to The Flower F:ields Hi Chris, I've scheduled an Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF) Committee meeting for Monday, February 22, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. At the meeting, I'd like to provide an update to the Committee on the status of projects that have received funding. The update is purely informational and the Committee will not be taking action on awarded grants. Kevin Pointer From: Sent: To: Subject: Kevin, Steve Jantz Friday, January 29, 2010 11 :49 AM Kevin Pointer RE: SANDAG Beach Nourishment The following is a brief status report on the Sandag Regional Beach Sand Project II: Exhibit 3.5 Phase I of the next Regional Beach Sand Project (RBSP II) was completed last summer. Phase I consisted of a feasibility study and preliminary issue determinations. In the fall of last year, Sandag authorized a task order with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers to begin preparation of the Phase II work tasks. These tasks include the preparation of the engineering design plan for the beach nourishment project, conduct shoreline modeling scenarios at specific locations in the region, conduct stakeholder meetings, preparation and processing of an EIR/EIS, securing the required resource agency permits/approvals, and the preparation of construction bid documents. Phase II is projected to be complete towards the middle of 2011 with the project scheduled to begin in early 2012. Regarding funding, the California Department of Boating and Waterway has budgeted for 85% ($19.SM) of the total cost of the project with the local coastal cities sharing in the remaining 15%. The contractual arrangements between Sandag and the cities is established through an MOU and implemented on an annual basis. Therefore, each city only has to budget the specific amount for each fiscal year's worth of consultant services. For FY 2009/10 the city paid $41,936 in Ag Mitigation Funds. For the upcoming fiscal year (FY 2010/11), Carlsbad's expected contribution is $65,150 which will also be paid through the previously approved Ag Mitigation Grant for the Beach Nourishment Project. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. From: Kevin Pointer Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 5:14 PM To: Steve Jantz Subject: SANDAG Beach Nourishment Hi Steve, Would you please provide me on the SANDAG Beach Nourishment project funded with Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee funds? The Committee will be meeting on 2/22 and I would like to provide them with an update on the status of grant awards. Would you please provide me with an update by 2/11 so that I may get that update to them as part of the agenda packet? The Committee last received an update on this project at their June 2009 meeting. Thanks! ~ \i>:: ~ Cil? 0' CARLSBAD Kevin Pointer Associate Planner City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov 1 Exhibit 3.6 RECEIVED FEB I 5 2010 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT February 15, 2010 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Grant Project Status Summary Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring/Management Plan (Includes Trail Maintenance/Restoration) Project Grant Proposal No. AGP 06-09, April 29, 2008 Funding Project Award: $756,594 ($74,995 released). Grant Agreement Signed by Mayor Lewis: April 29, 2008. First funding installment: $23,995. Grant balance remaining (from first installment): $2,631.45. Updated Disbursement Schedule Period Date Funded Amount Funded Cumulative Fundina Year1 Anril 14, 2008 $23;995 $23,995 Year2 Anril 2010 $15,000 $38,995 Year 3 Aoril 2011 $3,000 $41,995 Year4 Anril 2012 $15,000 $56,995 Year5 Anril 2013 $3,000 $59,995 Year 6 Anril 2014 $15,000 $74,995 Updated Project Schedule Task Start Completion Completion Milestone Year 1: Data May 2008 April 10, 2009 Submission of study Collection, Physical [COMPLETED] results report by Monitoring Merkel & (Bathymetric and Associates. , Beach Monitoring and Tidal Monitorino ' Year 1: May 2008 March 29, 2010 Submission of Maintenance summary report of Activities maintenance activities bv the 1 Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Year 2: April 2010 March 2011 Submission of Maintenance summary report of Activities maintenance activities by the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Year 3: April 2011 March 2012 Submission of Maintenance summary report of Activities maintenance activities by the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Year 4: April 2012 March 2013 Submission of Maintenance summary report of Activities maintenance activities by the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Year 5: April 2013 March 2014 Submission of Maintenance summary report of Activities maintenance activities by the Batiquitos Lagoon ~,,,,, Foundation Year 6: April 2014 March 2015 Submission of Maintenance summary report of Activities maintenance activities by the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Project Status • The Bathymetric and Tidal Assessment of Batiquitos Lagoon report was submitted to the Planning Department and California Department of Fish and Game on April 10, 2009. This plan was subsequently incorporated into the 10 Year Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Report. It is also being used in the planning for the next lagoon dredging which is to begin in the fall of 2010. This will be a very large dredging project with a revised Memorandum of Agreement being circulated for signatures of the enhancement project co-permittees. The dredging is estimated to be in the 350,000 -450,000 cubic year range. Endorsement of the MOA is pending signature by the City of Carlsbad. • The trail maintenance and restoration portion of the grant is behind schedule. The disbursement and project schedules above have been updated. Significant progress has been achieved in invasive plant removal and restoration of an area just outside the Four Seasons Golf Club !railhead. Work along the North Shore Trail to remove 2 invasive plants and to maintain and improve the trail has been made by BLF volunteers. We expect to accelerate this work. Volunteers have spent a lot of time doing trail maintenance and clean-up following the recent storm events. • The BLF is prepared to make its case for release of the balance of project funds associated with the grant. $705,594. The BLF feels that moving forward with the Lagoon Monitoring and Management Plan activities now that the 10 monitoring project has ended almost 2 years ago, is critical to sustaining the health of the lagoon. With the current economic situation and the State of California's budget problems, we need to more forward expeditiously. 3 TO: Kevin Pointer, City of Carlsbad Planning Dept. FROM: Nikki Weaver, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation RE: Update on Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Grants Discovery Center Improvements Grant Current Status: RECEIVED FEB 1 5 20;0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT Exhibit 3.7 The AHLF has spent $32,308 of the $68,500 grant funds received in December 2008, leaving a current balance of $36,192 in the grant account. A detailed accounting is attached. The grant expenditures thus far include office upgrades and improvements as follows: new built in desks and office furniture, bookshelves, cabinets and new flooring. Cabinets and bookshelves were also upgraded in the multi-purpose/conference room of the Discovery Center. In addition, $8,800 has been spent on architectural and planning consultants. The remaining balance of this grant will be used to fund the structural modifications needed for the Discovery Center's Interpretive Master Plan including the installation of a retail/gift shop in the front foyer and the installation, repair and/or removal of walls and windows. Challenges Encountered: During the professional architectural review process for the Interpretive Master Plan it was brought to our attention that the desired occupancy for the Discovery Center may not meet the new state building health and safety codes for a building of this capacity. This revelation resulted in delays to the project milestones and timeline that we had originally submitted to City of Carlsbad in December of 2008. The AHLF Board and Master Plan Committee has retained a planning firm to assist in the Preliminary Review Process and Site Development plan procedures. This Review Process will require the review of the completed Outdoor Master Plan as well as the aforementioned Interpretive Master Plan by the City Planning Department. In preparation of the Review process the AHLF has obtained a Title Report and an engineering constraints map for the Outd0oor Master Plan Committee to work with. The Foundation is , currently soliciting RFPs for landscape architects to complete the design for the Outdoor Master Plan. The AHLF expects to have an approved Outdoor Master plan by July of 2010 and will be in the Preliminary Review process with City staff in August of 2010. The implementation timeline for this grant is currently six months behind schedule. Once the City's review process is completed, the Foundation will have a more accurate projection of the remaining milestones for this project. Agua Hedionda Trails Grant The Trail Maintenance Phase of this grant began in December 2009 with the receipt of $35,000 in funds. We are currently in the process of soliciting RFP's for the trail work .. We anticipate beginning maintenance work on the Hubbs Trail no later than May 2010. Work on the DFG trail (below the Discovery Center) will be deferred until after the nesting season ends in the Fall of 2010. Discovery Center Classroom Expansion The timeline for this grant is contingent upon the timeline for the larger DC-Improvements ACMG and the constraints therein (see Exhibit A and B attachments). Work on this project cannot begin until the Preliminary Review has been approved by the City Planning Dept. Reallocation of Funds The AHLF would like to reallocate some of the funds originally approved for the construction of a garage/storage building to cover unexpected costs and fees required for the completion of the Preliminary Review Process and a Site Development Plan. The request for funds to build a garage/storage in the original grant was connected to another grant that was subsequently denied (CLAW exhibit) and therefore this element of the budget has become irrelevant and obsolete in the context of the approved project. This proposed reallocation was included in the revised project timeline/budget submitted to the City in November 2008. Conclusion As with other non-profit organizations, the AHLF has been impacted by the global economic downturns and as a result, the Board and staff have had to reallocate some of their time and resources towards ensuring the organization's ongoing financial stability. The Board of Directors wishes to convey to the City of Carlsbad that it is 100% committed to the successful completion of the Discovery Center Improvements -Agricultural Mitigation Grant project and we plan to make every effort to meet the remaining milestones for this project. EXHIBIT A TIMELINE AND BUDGET SUMMARY AGUA HEDIONDA DISCOVERY CENTER IMPROVEMENTS AGP 06-15 Milestone Approx. Approx. Spent as Date Cost of 1/10 PHASE I: I. I Interior Improvements - Upgrades to offices, including $22,741 bookshelves, desks, filing cabinets and 1/2009 $22,500 flooring; new lloorin.g, l.2 Selection of Architect/Engineers for Building Modifications -$ 9,567 Plans drawn up for indoor 812010 $10,000 modifications 1.3 Front entty modifications - 9/2010 $16,000 Installation of eift shoo/retail 1.4 Issuance of building permits for 1/2011 NIA interior improvements 1.5 Exhibits ordered "" 9/2010 $20,000 1.6 Exhibits installed ~· 1212010 NIA Total Expenditures lo Onie -Phase I $32 308 PHASE II: 2.1 Outdoor Classroom -RFP's in Retainer of architect/planning $30,000 consultations for design phase process 2.2 Preliminary Design of Exterior Improvements/Outdoor Classroom Construction; submittal of permits and 812010 $20,000 ann!ication for CUP/CDP 2.3 Submit preliminary review process 8/2010 2.4 Prepare construction/ landscape 10/2010 S20,000 drawings, annlv for CUP/CDP 2.5 Permits issued; outdoor construction beJdns , 512011 $147,500 2.6 Outdoor landscaping/ construction 11/2011 $100,000 comoleted TOTAL GRANT FUNDS $386,000 revised 2/10/2010 . ----------------- SUMMARY OF AHLF i ------------·--------·-AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION GRANT! DISCOVERY CENTER IMPROVEMENTS AGP 06-15 ------·-·- --·---··-··--·· ·---·-··"" --~-------------·- . _ B~ginning Balance _ -· $68,500.00 ..... ·---· --.. VENDOR AMOUNT PURPOSE .... _____ .. -·-· ·------Action Carpet $484.00 new office caroets -·--·-... $5.45 )expense reimbursement· Al Cerda ____ , ---$675.00 I floor olan board · · Acorn Group California Closets • TOTAL $22,257.00 \offfices and board room $2,500.00 rarchitecturaE;ervices .. Ron Yeo Hofman Pl_anning_·_I()TAL ' --1 $6,386,71 ·r1anning & ·engliieering . Total Exf)_enses to date $32,308.16 Current Grant Balance $36,191.84 : 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 EXHIBIT B TIMELINE AND BUDGET SUMMARY. AGUA HEDIONDA DISCOVERY CENTER CLASSROOM EXPANSION AGP 09-09 Ag. Con. Mitigation fee Grant for Approx. Date Status as Meeting room remodel of Completion of Feb 2010 Prepare a Preliminary Review November 2009 ongoing Annlication Submit a Preliminary Review January 2010 Aug2010 Annlication Prepare interior construction February 2010 Sept 2010 drawim!S, annlv for buildint! oermit Prepare exterior construction March 2010 Oct 2010 drawings, apply for CUP and CDP orocess ... Issuance of Buildint! Permits Mav2010 Jan 2011 Interior remodelint1 bet!ins June-Oct. 20 I 0 Feb 2011 Approval of CUP amendment by September 2010 April 2011 Citv Construction Begins for exterior October 2010 May 201 I modifications-parking lot, storage area and outdoor classroom Construction comnleted March 2011 Nov 2011 Approx. Cost $10,000 . $42,000 Kevin Pointer From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kevin- Mark Drawbridge [MDrawbridge@hswri.org] Sunday, February 14, 2010 11:57 AM Kevin Pointer Michael Paquette; Mike Gafford; Bethany Smith RE: ACMF Grant Award: HSWRI Hatchery Here is an update to our Carlsbad Agriculture Mitigation Fee Project. 1. Funding was received in early December, which is when we officially initiated the project. Exhibit 3.8 2. Task 1 -Finalize Design Specifications (2 months). We are on track with finalizing design specifications and expect to be complete by the end of March. 3. Task 2 -Solicit Bids (1 month). We have solicited preliminary bids ahead of schedule but these will be refined when Task 1 is completed 4. Task 3 -Complete site work (2 months). We have initiated some electrical work ahead of schedule but the majority of site work will not be initiated until Task 1 is complete. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any additional questions. Thank you Mark Drawbridge, M.S. Senior Research Scientist & Aquaculture Program Director Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute 2595 Ingraham Street San Diego, CA 92109 619-226-3943 619-226-3944 (FAX) mdrawbridge@hswri.org <http://www.hswri.org> From: Kevin Pointer [mallto:Kevin.Pointer@carlsbadca.gov] Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 10:56 AM To: Mark Drawbridge Subject: ACMF Grant Award: HSWRI Hatchery Hi Mark, I've scheduled an Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF) Committee meeting for Monday, February 22, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. At the meeting, I'd like to provide an update to the Committee on the status of projects that have recently received funding. The update is purely informational and the Committee will not be taking action on awarded grants. Would you please provide me with a status update on the grant to HSWRI for the hatchery improvements at Agua Hedionda Lagoon so that I can transmit the information to the Committee for the meeting? I would greatly appreciate receiving the update by Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010 to include it in the agenda packet. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! 1 Exhibit 3.9 --~--1:.._--~-A<-r] RECEIVED FEB : 5 ~-'-"'D I t ;,; i . "\, ~ .J' CITY OF CARL PLAN'' SBAD i,,/ilJG DEPT - February 15, 2010 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Grant Project Status Summary Batiquitos Lagoon North Shore Trail, Property Acquisition, and Restoration Project Grant No. AGP JlS--O!f, April 29, 2008 o'I-o3 Funding Project Award: $98,572. Grant Agreement Signed by Mayor Lewis: April 29, 2008. First funding installment: $59,754. Grant balance remaining (from first installment): $59,754. Budget and Disbursement Schedule Budget with disbursement schedule is attached. Updated Projec(Schedule -- Task Estimated Actual Estimated Actual Start Start Comnletlon Completion 1. Project start-up & DEC 2009 January MAR 2010 team organization. & 21,2010 detailed project planning (2 months) -----·-- 2. Trail Planning, Design JAN 2010 January JAM 2011 & Construction ( 12 21,2010 Months (Includes planning & design subcontract) ' ' Completion Milestones Project planning completed; project team organized: volunteer outreach & recruitment iniliated ------···· --~-----Murphy Properly Bypass boardwalk trail plans & conslruclion cost estimates are all accepted; Rosalena Trail reach plans reviewed, updated, construction cost estimates are all acce led I i I ' ' --·-·· --· ·- ______ , --j 3. Invasive Plant JAN 2010 January JUN 2012 Invasive plans 21.2010 ___ successfully Control, Removal & --·---------·····- 1 Restoration (Note: removed & treated; Includes restoralion in wetland area fonner Mitsuuchi created & under Property wetland area, & maintenance. Rosalena, San Pacifico, Includes 2 removal I & CDF&G areas) -restoration I Includes invasive plant maintenance cycles treatment I biomass removal subcontract. 129 Monfhsl 3.A Season 1 JAN 2010 January DEC 2010 Season 1 Invasive 21,2010 plans successfully removed & treated; wetland area created & under maintenance. 3.B Season 2 JAN 2011 FEB 2012 Season 2 lnvas~ plans successfully removed & treated; wetland area created & under maintenance. 4. Land Acquisition, FEB 2010 February NOV 2011 Escrow closed & Including Pre-acquisition 8,2010 Ayres Group Activities -Ayres Group property Property (21 months) ~ successfully transferred In fee 1 tille to the BLF or other appropriate ' title holder. -~·-···-·"' 5. Project & DEC 2009 January JUN 2012 Final project report Management (over total 21,2010 data collection & project duration of 30 invoices submitted months) lo the City of Carlsbad; project completion accepted by the Citv of Carlsbad 6. Final Project Report APR 2012 JUN 2012 Final Project report (2 Months) prepared & submitted ' - 2 Project Status General Comments: We originally thought that we need a modification to the grant agreement to address a subcontract issue associated with the invasive plant work that San Elljo Lagoon Conservancy is to perform. Upon further discussion, an agreement modification is not required. The attached budget and disbursement schedule that was originally submitted to the City of Carlsbad remains correct. • Agreement with San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy, who has an experienced invasive plant removal team, has been finalized and ready to begin work. The San Pacifico and Rosalena Homeowners Associations have been contacted and alerted to the invasive plant removal work. California Department of Fish and Game has approved our work. • Contact has been made and contract proposal is under review for the Murphy Property By-pass trail engineering design with Masson and Associates, Inc. of Escondido, California. They specialize in planning, engineering and surveying. Following proposal review and their budget estimate, we expect to award a sub- contract in early March 2010. • Representatives of the Ayres Group have been contacted. They intend to donate -7.2 acres of wetland habitat to the BLF for a tax break. Our land broker (Ann Van Leer, Land Conservation Brokerage) has begun working with them. • Planning has begun on the various trail and restoration work. 3 Baliquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) 2009 ACMFP GRANT CYCLE AGP 09-03 Projected Grant Disbursement OlstrJbutlon Request-(Including Blf ACMFP Start: Request #2 Request #3 Request#4 Direct Funding GRANT Oecember Oecembor December Oecembar & ln~kind Category Quantity Unlls Unlt Cost Tot>I FUNDING 2009 2010 2011 2012 Volunteer 1. Project 5tart~up & team organization, & delailod project planning .. Poruonnel .. Proioct Manager 16 His S55 Sll80 S880 Habitat Restoration Soccitihst a Hts 555 5440 5440 S440 iask Manngec 24 HIS S40 S960 $960 Subtotal Ptlrsonnol $2,280 $440 $440 $1,840 Materials .and Oltlor Exponsos I b Prihtinotrenroduction 1 Lump 5100 S50 S50 550 P.ick.oging/bindingJoirice $Upplies 1 lump $25 $25 $25 $25 Task Subtot.it: $2,355 $515 $515 $1,840 2. Trail Planning, Oi!sign & Construction PorsonMtl Prcicci Mano.oer ; 2AO Hts $55 S13.200 S13.200 Habitt.ll Re.slow.lion Snecialist Hrs $55 rask tvl.an.aQet 240 Hts S40 $9.600 .. S9600 2ll!;l2010 Page 1 of7 Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) 2009 ACMFP GRANT CYCLE AGP 09-03 Projected Grant Disbursement Distribution Request· (Including BLF ACMFP Start: Request #2 Roqu~t#3 Request #4 Direct Funding GRANT December December December December & In-kind Category Quantity Units Unit Cost Total FUNDING 2009 2010 2011 2012 Volunteer Voiunteers Mrs I s2ol I Sublet.al Pu-rsonnel $22,BOO $22,800 Materials and Othet Expenses Trail Design Engineering Contractor {e.g,, rovie-.vir~J S. updaling existing Rosatona Tr.aJ plans & engineering drawings: & Murphy Bypass Trail Boardwalk) 1 Contract S16.000 $18,000 516.000 S12.0DD $6,000 Regular troll S!;!gments cor1struction i, costs (Former Mi!sui,,;c'li Property NW: 998.91 ft; Rosalena Trait 1287 22 ft Ayres Conncc!cr 35-S.19 ft: Arohal Road Segment 663.91 ft; & EJ Camino Real Segment 1,040.82 tt) • Volunteer· based Construction Linear Feet S25 I Boardwalk trail construction for Murphy Brpass Trail reach • Contractor Installed Linear Feet S250 Permitting. Rosn1ena Tra:I (e.g . IPtePi"ltal!on & foes) Lumn S13.C00 .. --Perm11:\f\g -Murphy Bypass Ttai! (e.g., :,reoaralion & fees) Lumn $13,000 Bobcat fer trail construct:on Days S255 40 Cublc )"ard dumpster. disp~sal fee. deliverv/nickuo, 4 dav stay Times 5480 Surveyor ! 1 Contractor $8,DD0 $6,000 56,DD0 ' se,oo-o S2,DD0 Task Subtotal: $48,800 S26,000 $18,000 $8,000 $22,800 2115/2010 Page 2 of7 Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) 2009 ACMFP GRANT CYCLE AGP 09-03 Projected Grant Disbursement Distribution Request· (Including BLF . ACMFP Start: Request #2 Requesl#3 Request #4 Olr~ Funding GRANT December Deeem~r-December December & In-kind Category Quantity Units Unlt Cost Total FUNDING 2009 2010 2011 2012 Volunteer . 3. Invasive Plant Control, Removal & Restoration (Noto: Restoi'atlon only In former Mitsuuchi Proporty weUand area} Porsonnel . Proiect Manaocr 92 Hrs $55 55,060 . S5.060 Habitat Restoration Scecialist 46 Hrs S55 S2.630 S2.530 St.265. 51.265 Task Mam.met I 92 Hrs $40 &;3,660 I 53.680 I I ' ~-I Volunteers i 368 Hrs S20 S7.350 S7.360 Subtotal Personnel $18,630 $2,530 $1,265 $1,265 $16,100 Materials and Other Expenses Carlsbad \Nnlef'S..hed Nerwork lm,asive I . Plant Removal Team· Rosalena I San Pac,fico area (Includes herbicide treatment & biomass remo-.. al) 9.43 Acres S3,182 S30.006 $30,005 S30,006 ,_ 40 Cubi:; yard dumpster. d1sposal fee. dehve1v/dckun, 4 dav stuv 4 Times $480 51.920 $1,920 5960 5960 Plact Mate1i.al.s {Plants grown In advance by Tree of Life Nwse,ry) 1 Lump 51.000 51.000 S1,000 S500 S500 Task Subtotal: $51,556 $35,456 $32,731 $1,460 $1,265 $16,100 I I I 2!15.'2010 Page3ot7 Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLFJ 2009 ACMFP GRANT CYCLE AGP 09-03 Projected Grant Olsbur,seine,,t Distribution , Request w (Including BLF ACMFP Start: Request #2 Request j3 Request #4 Direct Funding GRANT December December December December & ln-l<lnd Category Quantity Units Unit Cost Total FUNDING 2009 2010 2011 2012 Volunteer " ' 4. Land Acquisition, Including Pro-acqulslion Activities • Ayres Group Property , Porsonnol P10-lect Manaoer 192 Hrs $55 St0.560 $10,560 ' Habitat Restoration Specialist His S55 Task MamlQer 192 HIS 540 $7,680 57,680 Vo!uriti::ers H!S 520 k: ' Subtotal Personnel $18,240 $18,240 Matorlals and O0\Cr E.xponsos Legal Services 1 Lumo $5,000 55,000 $5,000 $3,000 52.000 ,?rohoraoo Sor,,·iccs 1 Lumo $9,000 59,0COi $9,000 54.500 54,500 Environmental Site Assessment • I ss.oool Pha:rn I l Luwp so,oco! S6.000 S5.000 ' I Survovot , lunm S·l,000 $4,0001 54,000 $4,000 E.stimatel.f value of the Ay1&$ P10pe1ty tr.:msierreo to the BLf based on SS0,000/acre in the current economv 7,22 Acres SB0.000 5577.600 S577,600 Escrow, doe<l. &. other related closing C05tS ' Lump 51.000 St,000 $1,000 s,ooo Task Subtotal: $620,840 $?5,000 $17,500 57.500 $595,840 2!15/2010 Page4of7 Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) 2009 ACMFP GRANT CYCLE AGP 09.03 Proiected Grant Disbursement Olstrlbullon . Request· (Including BLf ACMFP Start: Request#2 Request#3 RE!quest#4 Direct Funding GRANT December December Dei:ember December & In-kind . Catogory OuanUty Units Unit Cost Total FUNDING 2009 2010 2011 2012 Voluntoer . 5. Project & Marnsgement (over total project duraUon) Personm:I . Project Manager 126 Hrs $55 $6.930 $6,930 H.ibito.t Restocaticn Soecialist 40 Hrs S55 $2,200 52,200 S550 S550 $550 $550 Task Manaaer 126 Hts $40 $5,040 $5,040 !. I VO::unteers Hrs $20 Subtotal PefSonnel 514,170 $2,200 $550 $550 $550 $550 $11,970 Materials and Other Expenses Postace 1 Lump SIO $10 $10 53 52 53 $2 P1inlism/reoroduci:ion 1 Lump S50 S50 550 $20 $10 S10 510 Packaging/binding/office suppli.es 1 Lump 525 S25 S25 $6 S6 .56 $7 Task Subtotal: $14,255 $2,285 $579 $568 $569 $569 $11,970 I I 6. Final Project Report 2/15/2010 Page S of 7 Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation {BLF} 2009 ACMFP GRANT CYCLE AGP 09-03 Projected Grant OIGbursement Dlstribut1on Request-{Including BLF ACMFP Start: Requ .. l#2 Request tl3 Request#4 Direct Fundlitg GRANT O~ember December Ce-camber Oecembet & ln•klnd Category Quantity Units Unll Cost Total FUNDING 2009 2010 2011 2012 Volun~r Personnel . P1oiect Manaoer 15 Hrs S55 $880 S880 Habitat Restor::itlon S ....... cialist 4 Hrs S55 S220 S220 S2,0 Task Manamu 16 Hrs S40 5640 5640 Votuitteers Hrs SW Subtotal Personnel $1,740 S220 $220 $1,520 Matorlals and Other Expenses ' il Fo5tac:e 1 Lumu S20 S20 S20 $20 Pdntin:i:iu.mn.:dut:tion 1 Lumo $75 575 $75 S75 Packaging!blrn:lingloffice supplies 1 Lump $40 S40 $40 S40 Task Subtotal: S1,875 $355 $355 $1,520 I I I . Subtotal Project Expenses $739,681 $89,611 $69,,25 $17,528 $1,834 $924 $650,070 BLF O'o-'orhead (5%) $36,984 $4,481 $3,466 $876 $92 $46 $32,504 Contingency (5%) $36,984 $4,481 $3,466 $876 $92 $46 $32,504 Total Project Exponses $813,&19 $98,572 $76,258 $19,281 $2,017 $1,016 $715,077 2!1512010 Page6ot7 Batlqullos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) 2009 ACMFP GRANT CYCLE AGP 09-03 Projected Grant Disbursement Ol$trlb1.ition I Request· . (lncludln9 BLF . ACMFP Start: Request #2 Request #3 Request #4 Olrec:1 FundJng GRANT December December Deeernber December & In-kind Category Quantily Units Unit Cost Total FUNDING .·. 2009 2010 2011 2012 Volunteer Gnmt Agricultural .iVlitigation Conversion liee Program (AMCFP) $99,572 S76,259 S19,281 52.017 $1,016 . .. ·. Total Gran1s $98,572 $76,258 $19,281 $2,017 $1,016 OU1er Sources BaUqultos Lagoon Foundation Direct & In-Kind Support I ! ' I S715,077 . •. Total Project Revenue (Including grant, BLF Direct Funding & ln•kind support) $813,649 $98,572 $76,258 $19,281 $2,017 $1,016 $715,077 Summary Personnel Proiecl Man.ige; 662 Hrs S55 $37,510 537,510 Hanitat Rcstotation Soec,al1st 95 Hrs 555 SS,390 55,390 S2.255 $550 $1,815 $770 Task Manaoer 690 Hrs $.SO $27,600 S27.600 Volunteers 368 Hrs $20 $7,360 S7,360 Personnel Tot;its: S77,860 S5,390 $2,255 $550 $1,815 $770 S72.470 2.11512010 Page 7 of 7 Kevin Pointer From: Sent: To: Subject: Kevin, Smith, Darren [darren@parks.ca.gov] Wednesday, February 17, 2010 9:05 AM Kevin Pointer RE: Carlsbad Agricultural Mitigation Grant Funding Agreement Status Just wanted to give you a heads up regarding the status of our project. Exhibit 3.10 We were unable to set up the spending account without paying a 10% administrative fee to handle the State accounting costs associated with the project. · Since the grant does not allow an administrative fee we are currently looking for other funding to cover the 1 0 percent. My guess is that we will be able to find enough to cover the planning phase of the project in this fiscal year and then look for a larger sum next fiscal year. This would likely delay the implementation phase to next Summer or Fall. Another avenue we are exploring is to fund the project through a partnership with the Friends of Carlsbad and Cardiff State Beach Foundation. This may allow a more efficient way of funding and contracting the project. Brian Ketterer will meet with Foundation to discuss as soon as they are available. We remain very excited about this project and are determined to implement it as soon as possible. Darren Darren Scott Smith, Environmental Scientist California State Parks -San Diego Coast District 4477 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 952-3895 Kevin Pointer From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Kevin, sphaneuf@aol.com Thursday, February 11, 2010 6:47 PM Kevin Pointer Re: Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Funding Here's what I have to update: Nature Center ADA Improvements: Exhibit 3.11 I spoke with our contractor today, and I am pleased to report we are near completion with the ADA repairs. Per the contractor, everything should be finished by the end of next week (February 19th). To date, all of the general ADA repairs in addition to the kitchen and bathroom modifications have been completed. The final portion being addressed is the outside modifications (parking lot), and that was held up briefly because of the rain. We are SO pleased with how well things have gone, and the public has been so supportive during the transition. We've received many compliments thus far, and we continue to openly praise the City of Carlsbad, as none of this would have been possible without the commitment and ongoing support you've provided. Watershed Management Plan: With this project, we utilized a RFP process to find the most qualified candidate to partner with Buena Vista for the technology component of the watershed management plan. The RFP process took place at the end of last year, and a contractor has been selected (D-MAX Engineering, Inc.). The data collection stage has begun, and we are currently in the process of accumulating studies, etc. It is expected the data collection stage will last another month and a half, with another three months following that to create the technology infrastructure. Please let me know if I can provide any further information. Best regards, Shannon Buena Vista Audubon Society www.bvaudubon.org -----Original Message---- From: Kevin Pointer <Kevin.Pointer@carlsbadca.gov> To: Shannon Phaneuf (SPhaneuf@aol.com) <SPhaneuf@aol.com> Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2010 8:20 am Subject: Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Funding Hi Shannon, I've scheduled an Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee (ACMF) Committee meeting for Monday, February 22, 2010 at 1 :30 p.m .. At the meeting, I'd like to provide an update to the Committee on the status of projects that have recently received funding. The update is purely informational and the Committee will not be taking action on awarded grants. Would you please provide me with a status update on the two grants issued to Buena Vista Audubon Society so that I can transmit the information to the Committee for the meeting? I would greatly appreciate receiving the update by Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010 to include it in the agenda packet? Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! ~ <(<: ~ C!!'t OJ CARLSBAD Kevin Pointer Associate Planner l