HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-01; Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Committee Ad Hoc; ; Report on Status of Projects Awarded with ACMF Funding AGRICULTURAL CONVERSION MITIGATION FEE (ACMF) AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Agenda Item: #5 Subject: Report on Status of Projects Awarded with ACMF Funding Meeting Date: December 1, 2014 Of the 26 projects that have been awarded with ACMF grant funding:  Thirteen projects have received full disbursement of funding and have been fully implemented/completed.  Three projects have received full disbursement of funding and project implementation is in progress;  Six projects have received partial disbursement of funding and project implementation is in progress; and  Four projects has received no disbursement of funding. Exhibit 5.1 provides a summary of the status of projects awarded with ACMF funding. Additionally, status reports from individual grantees are attached as Exhibits 5.2 through 5.10. Exhibits: 5.1 Status Summary for Awarded Projects 5.2 Status Reports Staff Contact: Kevin Pointer, Associate Analyst, Economic Development 760-602-4620  kevin.pointer@carlsbadca.gov Exhibit 5.1 REVISED: 11/20/14 PROJECT STATUS SUMMARY FOR AWARDED ACMF GRANTS Breakdown of Encumbrance and Disbursement Totals for Approved Projects PROJECT NUMBER ELIGIBILITY CATEGORY PROJECT NAME PROJECT DESCRIPTION GRANTEE FUNDING APPROVED FUNDING DISBURSED DISBURSED FUNDING SPENT BY GRANTEE FUNDING NOT YET DISBURSED PROJECT STATUS/NOTES PROJECTS FOR WHICH FULL FUNDING HAS BEEN DISBURSED (PROJECT COMPLETE) AGP 06-02 D Audubon Nature Center Interior improvements to Nature Center classroom. Buena Vista Audubon Society $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $0 Project successfully implemented/completed May 2009. AGP 06-05 B Cymbidium Project Greenhouse, shade structure, and related infrastructure for orchid production. CB Ranch Enterprises $316,500 $316,500 $316,500 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/completed October 2011. AGP 06-06 B Multi-Use Barn Barn for off-season equipment storage and seasonal displays and presentations. CB Ranch Enterprises $233,000 $233,000 $233,000 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/ completed April 2009. AGP 06-07 B Permeable Paving Project Permanent semi-permeable road surface for Flower Fields circulation. CB Ranch Enterprises $297,000 $297,000 $297,000 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/ completed August 2008. AGP 06-08 B Drainage Improvements Project Permanent drainage system to reduce erosion and soil loss. CB Ranch Enterprises $230,000 $230,000 $230,000 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/ completed August 2008. AGP 06-09 B Soil Amendment Project 5-year program of soil amendment to improve soil structure and long- term productivity of Flower Fields. CB Ranch Enterprises $84,000 $84,000 $84,000 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/completed November 2011. AGP 06-10 C Carlsbad Beach Nourishment Nourishment of two stretches of beaches in north and south central Carlsbad. City of Carlsbad Beach Preservation Committee $884,060 $884,060 $884,060 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/completed May 2013. Note: original project award was $1,500,000. Project completed under budget and $615,940 was reprogrammed per City Council Resolution 2013-230. AGP 06-16 B La Posada de Guadalupe Farm Worker Housing Construction of farm worker/homeless housing at Casa de Guadalupe. Catholic Charities $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/completed October 2013. Twenty-year program monitoring in progress. AGP 09-01 B Carlsbad Flower Fields Enhanced Access Second access point to the Flower Fields through a right-in only entry on Palomar Airport Road, associated deceleration lane and signage. CB Ranch Enterprises $113,107 $188,107 $188,107 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/completed February 2010. AGP 09-02 B Aquaculture Enhancement at Carlsbad Hatchery Modifying two flow-through raceway units into one re-circulating unit for propagation of white sea bass. Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute $249,313 $249,313 $249,313 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/completed November 2011. AGP 09-09 D Agua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Center Improvements Remodel of existing meeting room to create classroom, meeting room and nature lab. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation $52,000 $52,000 $52,000 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/completed November 2014. AGP 09-11 A & D Buena Vista Creek Watershed Information Management System Development of informational management system (database) for existing studies/conditions. Buena Vista Audubon Society $50,000 $50,000 $45,000 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/completed May 2011. AGP 09-12 D Buena Vista Audubon Nature Center Improvements ADA Accessibility at existing Audubon Nature Center. Buena Vista Audubon Society $50,000 $50,000 $37,075 $0 Full funding disbursed. Project implemented/completed May 2013. Exhibit 5.1 REVISED: 11/20/14 PROJECT NUMBER ELIGIBILITY CATEGORY PROJECT NAME PROJECT DESCRIPTION GRANTEE FUNDING APPROVED FUNDING DISBURSED DISBURSED FUNDING SPENT BY GRANTEE FUNDING NOT YET DISBURSED PROJECT STATUS/NOTES PROJECTS FOR WHICH FULL FUNDING HAS BEEN DISBURSED (PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION IN PROGRESS) AGP 06-15 D Discovery Center Interior Improvements Interior and exterior improvements to existing Discovery Center. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation $386,000 $386,000 $244,218.32 $0 Project status update received November 2014 (Exhibit 5.2). AGP 09-10 C Coastal Bluff Restoration— Tamarack and Frazee Coastal bluff restoration and rehabilitation; fencing, and trail construction. California State Parks/City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department $234,830 $234,830 TBD $234,830 Project status update received November (Exhibit 5.3). AGP 13-03 B Orchard, Fields and Floral Trade Center Access Creation of an access road off Carlsbad Ranch agricultural lands connecting Cannon Road and Car Country Drive. Carlsbad Ranch Company, L.P. $600,000 $600,000.00 Approx. $300,000 $0 Project status update received November 2014 (Exhibit 5.4). PROJECTS FOR WHICH PARTIAL FUNDING HAS BEEN DISBURSED (PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION IN PROGRESS) AGP 06-03 D BLF Nature Center Improvements Nature Center replacement and improvements. Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation $180,732 $88,000 TBD $92,732 Awaiting status update from grantee. AGP 06-04 C & D Buena Vista Lagoon Boardwalk Engineering design and environmental studies for a boardwalk. Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation $164,000 $106,000 $93,000 $58,000 Project status update received November 2014 (Exhibit 5.5). AGP 06-12 A Batiquitos Lagoon Monitoring/ Management Plan Monitor and develop management plan for lagoon. Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation $780,5891 $41,995 TBD $738,594 Awaiting status update from grantee. AGP 06-13 C Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trails Maintenance and construction of trails around Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation $305,750 $50,500 $48,115.67 $255,250 Project status update received November 2014 (Exhibit 5.6). AGP 09-03 A Batiquitos Lagoon North Shore Trail Planning and design of Murphy Trail Bypass Boardwalk and Rosalena Trail. Ayers property acquisition. Mitsuuchi property wetland restoration and trail building. Invasive species removal at Rosalena/San Pacific/Highway 101 areas. Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation $98,572 $59,754 $48,530.51 $38,818 Project status update received November 2014 (Exhibit 5.7). AGP 13-05 B Orchards and Field Crop Installation and Development Installation and cultivation of blueberries, tangerines, hops, olives and pitahaya (dragon fruit) Carlsbad Ranch Company, L.P. $271,000 $176,000 Approx. $70,400 by year end 2014 $95,000 Project status update received November 2014 (Exhibit 5.4). PROJECTS FOR WHICH NO FUNDING HAS BEEN DISBURSED (PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION NOT INITIATED) AGP 13-01 D Nature Center Replacement Project—Grant Augmentation Additional funding for previously awarded grant to replace lagoon nature center Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation $49,542 $0 $0 $49,542 Project status update received November 2014 (Exhibit 5.8). AGP 13-02 A Lagoon Ecological Reserve North Shore Restoration— Phase 2 Planning, public outreach, invasive plant treatment and removal, habitat restoration, maintenance and reporting Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation $20,733 $0 $0 $20,733 Project status update received November 2014 (Exhibit 5.9). 1 Entire request encumbered, but approved only portion ($74,995) at present to allow for data collecting and reporting and maintenance. Exhibit 5.1 REVISED: 11/20/14 PROJECT NUMBER ELIGIBILITY CATEGORY PROJECT NAME PROJECT DESCRIPTION GRANTEE FUNDING APPROVED FUNDING DISBURSED DISBURSED FUNDING SPENT BY GRANTEE FUNDING NOT YET DISBURSED PROJECT STATUS/NOTES AGP 13-04 B Floral Trade Center Improvements Coolers, display and supporting equipment for operation of relocated Floral Trade Center Carlsbad Ranch Company, L.P. $162,833.53 $0 $0 $162,833.53 Project status update received November 2014 (Exhibit 5.4). AGP 13-06 D Kiosk Refurbishment and Interpretive Signage Installation Kiosk and interpretive signage for Buena Vista Lagoon trail system Buena Vista Audubon Society $23,500 $0 $0 $23,500 Project status update received November 2014 (Exhibit 5.10). TOTAL $7,852,061.53 $6,392,059 TBD $1,460,002.53 KEY ELIGIBILITY CATEGORY A Restoration of the coastal and lagoon environment including but not limited to acquisition, management and/or restoration involving wildlife habitat or open space preservation. B Purchase and improvement of agricultural lands for continued agricultural production, or for the provision of research activities or ancillary uses necessary for the continued production of agriculture and/or aquaculture in the city’s coastal zone, including, but not limited to, farm worker housing. C Restoration of beaches for public use including, but not limited to local and regional sand replenishment programs, vertical and lateral beach access improvements, trails, and other beach-related improvements that enhance accessibility and/or public use of beaches. D Improvements to existing or proposed lagoon nature centers. Carlsbad Ranch Company Grant Update- Floral trade Center and Marketplace Project November 17, 2014 Pursuant to the recommendation of the advisory committee, the Carlsbad City Council approved a series of grants, directed at enhancing the long term sustainability of agriculture in the area designated for agriculture proximate to Cannon road. Our project envisioned the addition of specialty food crops to the existing floral production, coupled with a series of facilities for distribution of onsite production, as well as the translation from farm to table products, in an environment analogous to the Flower Fields. In doing so, the project is intended to increase the value of the production, to enhance the access of the Carlsbad community and its visitors to the agricultural areas and experience, and to create a lively place for engagement with agricultural production. We’ve named the project North 40 Urban Farm and we have created a website to help tell the story to potential occupants http://www.carlsbadnorth40.com. The complexity of the project requires multiple initiatives, 3 of which were supported by the grants from the mitigation fund.  AGP 13-03—Orchard, Fields and Floral Trade Center Access Design and development immediately followed approval of the grant, and initial construction of the most significant element- access from Cannon Road and major frontage improvements- was initiated to coordinate with the construction of the desalination line work in Cannon. This expedited work reduced to potential for interference with traffic flow. Below is a photo of the work completed to date on Cannon. A limited amount of landscaping remains to be completed. This access provides the major infrastructure required to initiate any significant farming as well as the potential facilities. Until this entry is completed the only access has been through The Flower Fields™, a particularly dangerous route during The Flower Fields’ season, or by jumping the curb on Cannon, an unsafe practice. Below is the entry area. The cost of this entry was significantly higher than originally forecast in light of water quality standards, and site conditions. Approximately $450,000 of the $600,000 grant has been spent to date, and the balance is anticipated to be applied prior to June, 2015, for work on the internal circulation and access on Car Country Drive.  AGP 13-04—Floral Trade Center Improvements Discussions with the potential Floral Trade Center tenants for whose benefit this grant will be applied during construction of the facility have resulted in recruiting 7 selected distributors, wholesalers, and producers of floral products who are currently in temporary or unsatisfactory locations. Occupancy is targeted for late 2016, and the grant funds will likely be applied in mid-2016. The ability to underwrite part of the cost of the tenant improvements for coolers and other significant items has made financial viability more certain.  AGP 13-05—Orchards and Field Crop Installation and Development Crop installation and related field preparation and infrastructure began shortly after the grant was confirmed. The major water line was installed, and crops are in process of installation. We have made some changes in the crop mix in light of concerns over certain pest issues and availability of planting stock. We are continuing to experiment with varieties of hops and this year, one of the proposed micro- breweries will produce a short pilot run of beer using the produced hops. The major field will be planted after completion of mass grading for the site in 2015. The area of blueberry production was expanded by 50% and the plants have thrived. We anticipate marketable production in 2015. Below are coffee plants in the foreground and blueberries beyond. After a series of discussions and evaluation with a specialty nursery in Ventura, we acquired and have planted a variety of coffee that is suited for our climate. We anticipate ultimately planting approximately 300 plants which will provide a reasonable production for roasting and sale at the North 40, as well as with other local coffee roasters. Below is a young coffee plant. Approximately 3 acres of Olive trees are being planted in December. We anticipate beginning to plant pitaya in 2015. Approximately 40% of the grant will be expended by year end 2014. The balance will be expended over the projected 5 year life of the grant. We are very excited about the unique mix we will be able to bring to Carlsbad- and the opportunity to give the community a close encounter with some of the most common food at the table, whose farm production is not normally seen. 1 November 21, 2014 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Grant Project Status Summary 5 Batiquitos Lagoon North Shore Trail, Property Acquisition, and Restoration Project Grant No. AGP 09-03, September 3, 2008 (BLF Grant Class G-11) Funding Total Grant Award: $98,572. Grant Agreement Signed by Mayor Lewis: April 29, 2008. First funding installment: $59,754. Grant funding expenses to date: $48,530.51. Grant balance remaining (from first installment): $11,223.49. Total grant award funding remaining: $50,037.49 Budget and Disbursement Schedule Updated Project Schedule Task Estimated Start Actual Start Estimated Completion Actual Completion Completion Milestones 1. Project start-up & team organization, & detailed project planning (2 months) DEC 2009 January 21, 2010 MAR 2010 APR 2010 Project planning completed; project team organized; volunteer outreach & recruitment initiated 2. Trail Planning, Design & Construction (12 Months (Includes JAN 2010 January 21, 2010 SEP 2015 Murphy Property Bypass trail plans & construction Date Funding Requested Requested Amount Date Funded Amount Funded Expenses to Date Disbursed Balance Remaining Total Grant Balance Remaining Grant Award Amount $98,572 April 29, 2008 $59,754 June 5, 2008 $59,754 $48,530.51 $11223.49 $50,037.49 2 planning & design subcontract) cost estimates are all accepted; Rosalena Trail reach plans reviewed, updated, construction cost estimates are all accepted 3. Invasive Plant Control, Removal & Restoration (Note: Includes restoration in former Mitsuuchi Property wetland area, & Rosalena, San Pacifico, & CDF&G areas) - Includes invasive plant treatment / biomass removal subcontract. (29 Months) JAN 2010 January 21, 2010 MAR 2015 Invasive plans successfully removed & treated; wetland area created & under maintenance. Includes 2 removal / restoration / maintenance cycles 3.A Season 1 JAN 2010 January 21, 2010 SEP 2010 Season 1 Invasive plans successfully removed & treated; wetland area created & under maintenance. 3.B Season 2 AUG 2015 JUL 2016 Season 2 Invasive plans successfully removed & treated; wetland area created & under maintenance. 3.C Season 3 AUG 2016 SEP 2017 Season 3 Invasive plans successfully removed & treated; wetland area created & under maintenance. 3.D Season 4 AUG 2017 SEP 2018 Season 4 3 Invasive plans successfully removed & treated; wetland area created & under maintenance. 4. Land Acquisition, Including Pre- acquisition Activities - Ayres Group Property (21 months) FEB 2010 February 8, 2010 SEP 2015 Escrow closed & Ayres Group property successfully transferred in fee title to the BLF or other appropriate title holder. 5. Project & Management (over total project duration) DEC 2009 January 21, 2010 SEP 2018 Final project report data collection & invoices submitted to the City of Carlsbad; project completion accepted by the City of Carlsbad 6. Final Project Report (2 Months) OCT 2018 NOV 2018 Final Project report prepared & submitted Project Status  Due to a number of factors, the grant period and funding is now planned to run through November 2018 as reflected in the above milestone chart. This is viewed as a good trend to extend the use of the grant funds.  The Murphy By-pass property acquisition has been a long process! A draft acquisition Agreement” has been prepared and is being finalized for submission to the property owner. Separate acquisition funding is available and, if the acquisition negotiations are successful, a key missing segment of the North Shore Trail can be designed and constructed.  Through discussions with the California Coastal Conservancy (CCC), the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (BLF) has indicated their willingness, if offered, to accept fee- title to the Ayers Property, ~7.2 acres. Due to California’s budgetary problems, the CCC was forced to place this project on hold. We are now in the process of restarting the property acquisition project and hope to complete the property transfer to the BLF by September 2014. Because this is a property deed transfer, project costs are expected to be less. Trail design issue discussions have already begun 4 with California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) for completing the North Shore Trail through the BLF’s Cholla Point Property (Former Mitsuuchi Family Trust Property) through to El Camino Real across from La Costa Resort and Spa.  Restoration of the BLF’s Cholla Point Property is going slow and methodological. We are in the process of changing our engineering contractor for strategy and design of bluff erosion control measures and also assist in getting appropriate grading permits for other parts of our property. This has resulted in extending our invasive plant removal and restoration work to include additional seasons.  Grant funding remains sufficient for planned activities. 1 November 21, 2014 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Grant Project Status Summary 1 Batiquitos Lagoon Nature Center Replacement Project, Grant No. AGP 13-01, Agreement Pending (BLF Grant Class G-23) Funding Total Grant Award: $49,592. Grant Agreement: Pending. First funding installment: $0. Grant funding expenses to date: $0. Grant balance remaining (from first installment): $49,592. Total grant award funding remaining: $49,592 Budget and Disbursement Schedule Updated Project Schedule Task Estimated Start Actual Start Estimated Completion Actual Completion Completion Milestones Project Start Jan 2015 Project Status  This grant augments the total funding allocated for our new nature center to reflect cost increases due to extended permit requirements, engineering changes required by the City of Carlsbad and the California Coastal Commission, and associated cost increases.  The Carlsbad Planning Commission approved our Conditional use permit (CUP) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP), but the California Coastal Commission appealed it on a brush management-related mitigation requirement. Following Date Funding Requested Requested Amount Date Funded Amount Funded Expenses to Date Disbursed Balance Remaining Total Grant Balance Remaining Grant Award Amount $49,592 $49,592 2 discussion with Coastal Commission and City staff, the Coastal Commission expects to withdraw their appeal and grant the CDP after another review of our plans and a City of Carlsbad determination that no mitigation is required.  Final engineering drawings are being prepared and expected to be completed on or before the end of December 2014.  A legal issue with Aviara Master Association (property owner) is being addressed and expected to be resolved by January 2015.  Installation of our new nature center is expected in the Spring of 2015. 1 November 21, 2014 Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Grant Project Status Summary 1 Batiquitos Lagoon North Shore Trail, Property Acquisition, and Restoration Project Grant No. AGP 13-02, Agreement Pending (BLF Grant Class G-24) Funding Total Grant Award: $20,733. Grant Agreement Pending. First funding installment: Pending. Grant funding expenses to date: $0. Grant balance remaining (from first installment): $20,733. Total grant award funding remaining: $20,733. Budget and Disbursement Schedule Updated Project Schedule Task Estimated Start Actual Start Estimated Completion Actual Completion Completion Milestones Project Start May 2015 Project Status  Receipt of agreement and execution is pending.  Initial request for initial disbursement expected to be submitted in April 2015. Date Funding Requested Requested Amount Date Funded Amount Funded Expenses to Date Disbursed Balance Remaining Total Grant Balance Remaining Grant Award Amount $20,733 Pending Pending $0 $0 $20,733