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2020-07-07; Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District; ; 2020-07-07
CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA BILL AB# 07-20-194 CTBID STAFF GENERAL COUNSEL MTG. 7-7-20 Accept Report from Visit Carlsbad for Period Ending June 30, 2020 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept report from Visit Carlsbad for period ending June 30, 2020. ITEM EXPLANATION: The CTBID contracts with Visit Carlsbad to provide various tourism services. The contract requires Visit Carlsbad "To provide periodic updates at the CTBID's request and a year-end report on the program of work deliverables which shall include an accounting of funds spent by program in a format approved by the CTBID Board. Allocation of the unspent funds shall be determined by the CTBID Board". Attached is the year-end report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. (Exhibit 1) The FY 2019-20 Profit and Loss for Visit Carlsbad submitted with the year-end report shows that Visit Carlsbad's spent a total of $1,043,224 of the total $1,213,000 budgeted. This decrease in spending was due to the decision by the Visit Carlsbad board to decrease spending and furlough most of the staff during the last 4 months of the fiscal year due to COVID-19. The contract states that "installments wi//be adjusted based on the approved actual expenses from the prior month". The disbursements to Visit Carlsbad from the CTBID for FY 2019- 20 were $1,040,326. As shown in the attached report. there was $2,847 in unreimbursed funds at the end of the year. These funds will be disbursed in FY 2020-21 to fully reimburse Visit Carlsbad for their FY 2019-20 expenses. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action does not approve any projects that will have a physical adverse affect on the environment so it falls within the general rule under CEQA that this is not a project (CEQA Regulation 153789(b)). EXHIBITS: 1. Report from Visit Carlsbad for period ending June 30, 2020 DEPT. CONTACT: Cheryl Gerhardt, 760-602-2468 cheryl.qerhardtcarlsbadca.qov VISIT CARLSBAD Budget vs. Actuals: FY2020 - FY20 P&L July 2019 - June 2020 Income 701 CTBID Revenues Total % of Budget Actual Budget over Budget $ 1,040,326 $ 1,213,000 $ (172,674) 85.76% Total 700 Public Sources $ 1,040,326 $ 1,213,000 $ (172,674) $ 0.86 705 Private Sources 0 0 0 708 Advertising Sales / Commissions 51 0 51 Total 705 Private Sources 51 0 51 Total Income $ 1,040,377 $ 1,213,000 $ (172,623) Expenses 800 Labor Expenses 801 Salaries - Officers $ 120,923 $ 102,439 $ 18,484 118.04% 802.2 Visitor Services Manager $ 31,354 $ 39,566 $ (8,212) 79.24% 802.3 Visitor Services Coordinator $ 6,552 $ 11,459 $ (4,907) 57.18% 802.4 Volunteer- Paid $ 869 $ 1,195 $ (327) 72.68% 802.5 Marketing Director $ 84,542 $ 84,460 $ 82 100.10% 802.7 Sales Coordinator $ 2,202 $ 6,096 $ (3,895) 36.11% 806.2 Salaries - Group $ 93,202 $ 86,909 $ 6,293 107.24% Total 802 Salaries - Direct Labor $ 218,720 $ 229,685 $ (10,964) 95.23% 803 Employee Benefits $ 44,928 $ 60,000 $ (15,072) 74.88% 803.1 Employee Paid Benefit $ (1,533) $ - $ (1,533) Total 803 Employee Benefits $ 43,395 $ 60,000 $ (16,605) 72.33% 806 Payroll Tax Expense $ 29,163 $ - $ 29,163 Payroll Tax Expense (SUI,FUTA) $ - $ 28,200 $ (28,200) 0.00% Total 800 Labor Expenses $ 412,202 $ 420,324 $ (8,121) 98.07% 804 Workmans Comp $ 2,306 $ 4,000 $ (1,694) 57.65% 808 Group Sales Bonus $ - $ 10,000 $ (10,000) 0.00% 901.1 Spring As Campaign $ 113,370 $ 156,000 $ (42,630) 72.67% Total 901 Advertising & Production $ 113,370 $ 156,000 $ (42,630) 72.67% 902 Research $ 6,222 $ 10,000 $ (3,778) 62.22% 903.1 Interactive Marketing $ 197,080 $ 250,000 $ (52,920) 78.83% 903.3 Public Relations Services $ 97,763 $ 115,000 $ (17,237) 85.01% 903.4 PR Special Projects $ 9,513 $ - $ 9,513 Total 903.3 Public Relations Services $ 107,276 $ 115,000 $ (7,724) 93.28% Total 903 OutsideServices $ 304,356 $ 365,000 $ (60,644) 83.39% 904 Travel & Entertainment $ 2,781 $ 10,000 $ (7,219) 27.81% 905 Dues & Subscriptions $ 12,294 $ 9,000 $ 3,294 136.60% 906 Collateral Prod. & Fulfillment $ 1,038 $ 2,000 $ (962) 51.92% 907 Public Relations Events $ 3,449 $ 15,000 $ (11,551) 22.99% Total 900 Promotional Programs $ 443,511 $ 567,000 $ (123,489) 78.22% 908 Group Direct Services 908.1 Technology $ 8,838 $ 9,000 $ (162) 98.20% 908.3 Memembership/Dues $ 934 $ 1,000 $ (66) 93.40% 908.4 Group Incentive $ 32,000 $ 50,000 $ (18,000) 64.00% 908.5 Sponsorship/Partnerships $ 17,250 $ 19,000 $ (1,750) 90.79% 908.6 Marketing/Advertising $ 16,585 $ 10,000 $ 6,585 165.85% 908.7 FAMs $ 1,091 $ 27,000 $ (25,909) 4.04% 908.7.1 Site Inspections $ 3,471 $ 5,000 $ (1,529) 69.42% Total 908.7 FAMs $ 4,562 $ 32,000 $ (27,438) 14.26% 908.8 Travel & Entertainment $ 5,406 $ 10,000 $ (4,594) 54.06% 908.9 Tradeshows $ 49,547 $ 50,000 $ (453) 99.09% Total 908 Group Direct Services $ 135,122 $ 181,000 $ (45,878) 74.65% 950 General Administration Expenses 951 Bank Service Charges $ 1 $ 500 $ (499) 0.20% 952 Equipment Rental & Replacement $ 2,515 $ 3,200 $ (685) 78.58% 953 Facility Repairs & Maintenance $ 178 $ 300 $ (122) 59.48% 954 General Liabilty Insurance $ 942 $ 1,000 $ (58) 94.20% 956 Office Supplies $ 1,604 $ 2,000 $ (396) 80.20% 957 Postage $ 15 $ 100 $ (85) 14.75% 958 Taxes-General $ (11) $ 150 $ (161) -7.11% 959 Telephone $ 8,142 $ 10,000 $ (1,858) 81.42% 960 Professional Services $ 31,325 $ 7,000 $ 24,325 447.50% 961 Volunteer Program $ 1,269 $ 1,000 $ 269 126.94% 962 Miscellaneous Expenses $ 1,856 $ 1,027 $ 829 180.75% 963 Utilities $ 2,168 $ 2,400 $ (232) 90.32% 964 Computer Expense $ 87 $ 2,000 $ (1,913) 4.33% Total 950 General Administration Expenses $ 50,091 $ 30,676 $ 19,415 163.29% Unapplied Cash Bill Payment Expense $ (7) $ - $ (7) Total Expenses $ 1,043,225 $ 1,213,000 $ (169,775) 86.00% Net Income $ (2,847) $ (2,848) Tuesday, Jun 30, 2020 02:57:22 PM GMT-7 - Cash Basis