HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-12; City Council; 22260; Request for approval of membership in San Diego County Climate CollaborativeCITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL 6 PO () AB# 22,260 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MEMBERSHIP IN THE SAN DEPT. DIRECTO~ - 4/12/16 . DIEGO REGIONAL CliMATE COLLABORATIVE DATE: CITY ATTY. k_ DEPT. PW-EM CITYMGR. I,_L (/' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a resolution approving city membership In the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative (SDRCC) and authorizing the City Manager to sign the Charter {Attachment A). ITEM EXPLANATION: On Sept. 22, 2015, the City Council approved the Climate Action Plan {CAP), which contains various measures and actions that the city needs to carry out to meet its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions targets. On Feb. 23, 2016, the City Council received the cost analysis for CAP implementation. At that time, staff noted that they had been attending regional meetings to learn about CAP implementation best practices and funding opportunities and would return to City Council to request membership in the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative (SDRCC). The SDRCC is a network for public agencies to share expertise, leverage resources, and advance comprehensive solutions to facilitate climate action planning and implementation. Jurisdictional members include the County of San Diego and the cities of Oceanside, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, San Diego, Poway, National City, Chula Vista and the Port of San Diego. Supporting members include SDG&E, UCSD, USD, SDSU, the San Diego Foundation and Clean Tech San Diego. Meetings are held quarterly and are a~so attended by staff from SANDAG, The Center for Sustainable Energy, and other non-profit organizations involved in energy efficiency programs. There is no charge for membership in SDRCC, and it will provide many benefits to the city's climate planning efforts, such as peer-to-peer collaboration, educational events, and access to grant funding. For example, SDRCC was the only West Coast recipient and one of only siix nationwide to receive a grant award through NOAA's Regional Coastal Resilience Grant Program, designed to directly support community-based coastal hazard planning. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no fiscal impacts to the city. There are no fees for joining SDRCC, and no dues or other financial contributions necessary for membership. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Mike Grim 760-602-4623 mike.grim@carlsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED U2(' CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC 0 DENtED 0 CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN 0 CONTINUED 0 RETURNED TO STAFF 0 WITHDRAWN 0 OTHER-SEE MINUTES 0 AMENDED 0 REPORT RECEIVEO 0 1 Approve Membership In The so Regional Climate Collaborative March 22, 2016 Pa9e2o12 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution approving city membership in the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative (SORCe) and authorizing the City Manager to sign the Charter (Attachment A). 2. San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative Governance Policy. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and RESOLUTION NO. 2016-066 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CITY MEMBERSHIP IN THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL CLIMATE COLLABORATIVE AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE CHARTER. EXHffiiT l WHEREAS, the City Council on Sept. 22, 2015, adopted the Climate Action Plan (CAP); WHEREAS, the city intends to implement the measures and actions within the CAP; and WHEREAS, membership in the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative can provide benefits that will assist the city with CAP implementation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That membership in the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative is approved and the City Manager is authorized to sign the Charter, attached hereto as Attachment A. Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of April, 2016, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. M~ ATTACHMENT A CHARTER SAN DIEGO REGIONAL CLIMATE COLLABORATIVE PURPOSE The San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative (Climate Collaborative) is a network for public agencies that serve the San Diego region to share expertise, leverage resources, and advance comprehensive solutions to facilitate climate change planning. By partnerlng with academia, non-profit organi1ations, and business and community leaders, we work to raise the profile of regional leadership. Activities performed by the Climate Collaborative are conducted by staff and the member organizations. GOALS • Support regional efforts and advance comprehensive solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for local climate change Impacts. • Expand the membership and effectiveness of the Climate Collaborative. • Communicate about the leadership of the Climate Collaborative and the San Diego region to local, state, and nationall.eaders, peers, and funding institutions. • Build capacity within San Diego regional public agencies through networking, training and partnerships with academic institutions, businesses, and non~profits. GOVERNANCE The Climate Collaborative is governed by a Steering Committee that meets regularly. The Steering Committee serves as the primary governing and decision making body for the Climate Collaborative, wliich·is built aroun~ and for the pl!rpqse of supporting anq ad\lancir:~g t~e climate g9als of public agencies. It is ~omprised of 7 to 11 members includil'lg a Chair and Vice Chai~; who-are chosen thro4gh a sfmple majority vote ef approval by the Steering. Committee on a biannual basis beginning in January 2013, to oversee regional energy anc;l cli.mate partnership activities. The Steering Committee approves all Climate Collaborative membership and appointments to the Steering Committee. MEMBERSHIP The Climate Collaborative offers three membership categor'ies: Public Agency Member, Supporting Member, and ~artner. Membership opportunities are available to local governments, other publi.c agencies, academic institutions, philanthropic and non-profit organizations, businesses, and other entities. Criteria and benefits for each category are deflned in the Climate Collaborative Governance Policy. MEETINGS The Climate Collaborative holds network meetings quarterly. Meeting locations are hosted by Member 17-Jun-14 organizations. Member Kevi CrawfOrd, City Manager, City of Carlsbad, CA Chair, San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative cnmate Collaborative SAN DIEGO REGION EXHIBIT 2 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL CLIMATE COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE POUCY PURPOSE The San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative (Climate Collaborative or CC) was established in 2011, as a network for public agencies to share expertise, leverage resources, and advance comprehensive solutions to facilitate climate change planning. By partnering with academia, non-profit organi~ations, and business and community leaders, these agencies work to raise the profile of regional leadership. As the Climate Collaborative sets out to encourage membership from all public agencies in the San Diego region, this Governance Policy has been prepared to ensure that the activities and actions undertaken by the Climate Collaborative on behalf of its members remain consistent with, and In accordance to, the intention and purpose of its establishment. This Governance Polley provides direction and guidance as to the expectations and capacity of the Climate Collaborative as it addresses the harmful effects of climate change, promotes a high quality of life, and fosters a green and growing economy in an equitable and unified way. LEADERSHIP The Steering Committee is comprised of both Standing and Rotating members (see definitions below) and serves as the primary governing and decision making body for the Climate Collaborative which is built around the purpose of supporting and advancing the climate goals of public agencies. The Steering Committee can have 7 to 12 members with a composition of up to: • 7 seats for Public Agency members; and • 5 seats for Supporting Members or additional public agencies, with at least 1 seat for academia and 1 seat for a philanthropic or non-profit organization. Standing St eering Committee: Standing Steering Committee members are the founding San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative Steering Committee and include: the City of San Diego, the City of Chula Vista, the County of San Diego, the Port of San Diego, San Diego Association of Governments, San Diego Gas & Electric, the University of San Diego, and the San Diego Foundation. Rotating Steering Committee: Rotating Steering Committee members serve on the Committee for 2 years and are voted in annually. www .sdclimatecollaborative.org December 2014 (Rev. 2/8/16) CDmate \.., Collaborative SAN DIEGO REGION All Steering Committee members are responsible for: 1. Contributing financial and/or in-kind resources to ensure Climate Collaborative success; 2. Examining and reviewing Climate Collaborative performance; 3. Providing guidance for the design and content of the Climate Collaborative website; 4. Seeking and rpanaging funding initiatives; 5. Approving Climate Collaborative membership and appointments to the Steering Committee; 6. Branding and sponsorship of Climate Collaborative; 7. Determining staff needs and hiring of staff; and 8. Representing the Climate Collaborative at events, meetings and on committees. To meaningfully fulfill these roles, the Steering Committee members must: • Provide at least $5,000 in direct financial and/or in-kind programmatic support annually; • Attend at least 75% of all Steering Committee meetings in a single calendar year; • Meet at least quarterly to perform the responsibilities outHned by this Governance Policy; • Participate in broader network meetings with Climate Collaborative Members; • Meet all Member criteria; and • Vote, by simple majority, for all Climate Collaborative decisions and activities. Public Agency Members and Supporting Members are eligible to be on the Steering Committee. Appointments to the Steering Committee are reviewed and voted on with a simple majority vote of approval by the Steering Committee on a bi-annual basis or as needed. A call for Rotating Steering Committee members will be made annually in December to existing Climate Collaborative members. A maximum of two Steering Committee Members will be selected each year and commit to serve for 2 years, allowing for additions to be made to the Steering Committee on an annual basis. The Steering Committee will review membership applications based on relevance to the Climate Collaborative's purpose, objectives, and the Steering Committee's responsibilities and select the two approved members in the first quarter of every year. OFFICERS Officers must be Steering Committee members. A Chair and Vice Chair are elected by a simple majority vote of the Steering Committee to serve one-year terms. Officer elections will take place annually by September 30th with the new Officers' terms starting January 1st. Their responsibilities include: Chair • Participate in the Climate Collaborative on behalf of a local government or public agency • Represent the Climate Collaborative at events, meetings, and other engagements (or Chair's designee) Represent the Climate Collaborative on committees (or Chair's designee) • Point of contact for primary correspondence and media inquiries • Set agendas, convene and lead meetings Vice Chair • Serve as the Chair in the absence of the Chair • Work with the Chair in developing agendas for Steering Committee meetings • Assist the Chair, as necessary, with communication with subcommittee leads www. sdcli matecollaborative. org December 2014 (Rev. 2/8/16) Administrative Sponsor • Represents the entity providing the Climate Collaborative's administration and financial management (not an elected position). • Provides general oversight of the .Climate Collaborative staff and budget to ensure that the organization is meeting all required financjal, human resource, and legal requirements. • May also develop job descriptions for staff, oversee the design and content of the Climate Collaborative communications, and provide additional administrative support. SUBCOMMITTEES To advance the mission, purpose and objectives of the Climate Collaborative, various projects may be undertaken that do not require or warrant full participation ofthe Climate Collaborative, and as such, will be led by a subcommittee. Subcommittees must be led by at least two Climate Collaborative Member~, and must be approved by the Steering Committee. Progress will be reported back to the Steering Committee at their regular meetings, ancl to the full membership at network meetings when appropriate. MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES Public Agency Members All19 local jurisdictions and oth~r public agencies in San Diego County are invited to become Members. Climate Collaborative Members can participate in general meetings, peer-to-peer networking events, and educational opportunities in support of a green economy and climate friendly policies for the San Diego region. Criteria: • Represent a local government .or public agency with authority in the San Diego region • Demonstrated sustainability practices that address climate change • Sign a Membership Agreement Benefits: • Eligible to serve on the Steering Committee • Showcase climate-related plans, policies and programs on the website and through any other marketing efforts ofthe Climate Collaborative • Use the Clirnate Collaborative brand on their website and materials • Invited to participate in networking forums with other Members Supporting Members Academic institutions, utilities, non-profit organizations, and philanthropic organizations in San Diego County that support public agencies and the purpose of CC are invited to become a Supporting Member. Criteria: • Represent a utility, academic institution, non-profit or philanthropic organization which p>rovides some in-kind or financial support approved by the Steering Committee to help achieve the purpose and objectives of the Climate Collaborative Benefits: • Eligible to serve on the Steering Committee www.sdclimatecollaborative.org December 2014 (Rev. 2/8/16} aimate \., Collaboratiw SAN DIEGO REGION • Participate in networking forums with other Members and Associate Members • Showcase climate-related plans, policies and programs on the CC website and through other marketing efforts of the Climate Collaborative • Recognized on the Climate Collaborative website Partners The San Diego region has a number of interested and informed organizations looking to help support and inform regional discussions and opportunities for addressing climate change. The Climate Collaborative recognizes the value that these organizations have and, provides opportunities for engagement through Partner memberships. Criteria: • Demonstrated sustainability practices that address climate change • Support the purpose and objectives of the Climate Collaborative • . Participate in Climate Collaborative project(s) and/or program(s) implementation Benefits: • Sponsorship opportunities • Participate in Climate Collaborative events and learning opportunities with other Members • Recognized on Climate Collaborative website ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Public Agency Member Supporting Member Partner General Meetings Peer-to-Peer Networking www. sdcli matecollaborative. org Vice Chair Regional Initiatives Education and Training December 2014 (Rev. 2/8/16)