HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-04-01; City Council; 146; SALE OF REAL PROPERTY- a >/ THE CITY Of C RR L S B A D, CALIFORN m - Agenda Bill No. ,/+ , Date: April 1, 1971 J- .Referred To: City Council ~- I- Subject: Submitted By Sale of Real Property William Bald --- - - Statement of the :datzer At the instigation of the Hater Committee, and with Council approvi Reservoir No. 3 was declared surplus City property and ordered sol( The property was advertised twice in the Carlsbad Journal as appro’ by the City Attorney. The minimum bid price is $7,500. Final bid: are due April 3, 1970 at 5:00:P,M. As of this date no bids have bi received. April 14, 1970: No bids were received. April 19,1970: Readvertised and no bids received this date. Exhi bi t Staff Recommendations --.. ----_ Recommend two things: 1. Offer at lower price. 2. List with loc multiple listing Board of Realtors. 5-1 9-70 REPORT FROM WATER COMMITTEE. The Water Committee appro readvertising said property as per Council action of 5-5 m * -m , Date: April 1, 1970 AB 1116. 146 ?+ City Manager's Recomnendation -- Same as recommended in Staff Recommendations. Council Action -- 5-5-70 The Council instructed the City Manager to readvertise t Monroe Street property at the minimum price established, that the matter be referred to the Water Committee for f recommendation. 5-19--70 No further action taken. Property to be advertised as 6-3-70 The City Manager reported no bids received and was directed. instructed to list property with Board of Realtors on multiple listing at 5% commission fee. -2- 0 *. 1 BROKER^ COPY CALiFORNIA REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM %ea1 Cs'tatrr #3urcfpsc cCotr tract ~IIB 3;totipt for BCQC THIS IS MORE THAN A RECEIPT FOR MONEY. IT Y BE A-LEGAbLY BINDING CONT 0. READ IT CARE -. S-- ____ O ___.____. __ - -. ___ - - -.. California ._____-_-_ %&aT--/ p. .;: ^-______________________ c0 ilecoived _____________ from ______ _- (UL+,k --_--_--_------- - .________ L-- - 4 - -------- -_ .z.L -__- -~:ix:::22iL-&- ----- -..--_____ ---_________-_--_-__--------- Z&P-&---G--- .J= %L--s.- * ,,-,c ' &-c. ---- ~:C-/zsC_-c--,~- . &x-* -&L&dG&:& Z$_-ZaQ-o ----- edL.-d-Z> ---- &4&?iLA?,---e6x%5x ______________ cd edFt--.- _____________. '------------"------------------~----.------------------------- r ............................................................................ e&t(/&rj . '. IQQ?- ............................... A-q:-: ____-_____________________ ,her I *e swn of. - - - cdd:- - - LA-~G+G~(-..~- - ---/--- __ - ______ _______-_____-_ 1 __-__ ___-____ __--__ ___ Dollan 1 $.-La. evidenced by cash I?, personal check &ashi&scheck c , or .._-_____ f .--_____ ~ _________ &--w-y ........................ as deposit on occwnt of purchase price of ---&-U%- _-.._ J--E-.-%*~--.-. - .I ____________ ..................... Ddbo [$.z@i -----------------(-3-------------"-----------~-------------- ______________ z--------------'---'--_---------------------------------- ____________----- A-Q/SA-&Lz2% ------ 1-1--!zL?-, - -LTy---e%L ------ %'%&-L% _-_________________________________ ., I' r.. I. 6 - .I 401 (he purchase of propcdy. hmted in --------_-_-- *dUkLrC_-cW@ f-: ____________ County d __________ *-4-!--4?? __________. bliiornb, desc -_______________________________ ---------------- ------ .............................. _____--_-_______________________________------------- I- cc. - - -. _--_-. _---- % LC ----- Q&&%-L ___-_ ___-________ ___ I------.--------------~------------------ ______-_--_____ ___________ - ............................... -1 ----_-_--_____ 2-e knce d purchase price 0s folLn~s: ................................. _____________ _________ ______ / __________________ __________________. 77- /+ -- a - - - - - - - 7- Lqer will deposit in escrow with._ .. ............................................................................................................. __________-_______________________. ---_-_--____----__-__________^__________--------------------------------------_--------_---_--------------------------------------~-_-------~---. _-__-_--_-__-_-_________________________-------------------..--------------------_---~---~-----------_----------------.-----------~--------------. 1. Title is to be freed liens. encumbmnces, easements, restrictions. rights and conditions of record or knwn to Seller, other rhan the followi~r--_------. ---r- -------------.---. ------ - --------- ~~--------- 9 -.--_-___________ 1 ________________________________________----------. ~--- -- - -C-C ->.nSz ----- 7-- xs.zL&.LAkb ----- -- --&:&&LA ________________________________ _____________ - _____ .................................................................... .......................................................................... - cller sholl furnish to Buyer at _.____ :.&!&-&?:?;'k? _.__.___.__.________ expense a stondord California Land Title Assocktian policy insuring title in Buy< . liens, encumbrances, eosements, rest?ictionr. rights and conditions of record as set forth above. If Seller foils to deliver title as herein provided, Buyer at his 0 .mate this agreement and any deposit shall thereupon be returned to him. 2. Property toxer, premiums on insurance acceptable to Buyer, renk. interest. 04 __________._____________________________------------------------- ----------------------------------_-_--_--_-____--____________________------------------(Insert in blank any other items of income or expense to be pror Grated os of (1) thedate d recordation of deed or (2) ____________.___________________________-------------_-----------------(Strike (1) if (2) is used).The c :*d or ossessment which is a lien sholl be orc:ed (Strike one] by __-_________._-_--______________________----------------- Seller shall pay cost of revenue st1 ib) not later than.________________doys aher cloli 3. Possession shall be delivered to Buyer (Strike inapplicable alternatives] (a\ on close of escrow, or 4 ......................... eLs&L&_-.& ._kz?.&+&_~1,j ___.___.__________. _____ ~-----'-----------'-------------------------. ---------------- KRYiEyAl__--_- 221 ---- i~~-~--~~-~~-~~~-f--~.--~ __.- S-KP&:3lXH-t!5 _____ Paap 4. Escrow instructions signed by Buyer and Sel r shall be delivered to the escrow holder within -----------.---days from the Seller's acceptance he, 7 7 wide for closing within.-&-_.-:.days from the opening d escrmv. subject to written extensions signed by Buyer ond Seller. 5. Unless otherwise designated in the escrow instructions of Buyer, title shall vest as follows: _._.____________________________________--------------- - . - - - - - - --_--L-____--_-_ - --_--_-_--_--_____ -__-_-_______---_ .____.____-_-._-__._____________________----~.---~-.--.----. -__-________-_--_-_-----------------..-------.-----------------------------.--.---.----.-------~---.-------~----~-.-------.--.-----------.--.--~ {THE MANNER OF TAKING TITLE MAY HAVE SIGNIFICANT LEGAL AND TAX CONSEQUENCES. THEREFORE, GIVE MIS MAllER SERIOUS CONSIDERATION 6. H the improvements on the property are destroyed or materially damoged prior to close d escrow, then, on demond by Buyer. any deposit mode by Bu 7. tf Buyer fails to complete soid purchase as herein provided by reason of on? defoult of Buyer, Seller sholl be released from his obligotion to sell the Yrned to him and this controd thereupon sholl terminate. -er and may proceed against Buyer upon ony cloim or remedy which he may have in low or equity; provided, however. that by placing their initiols here [ ) Buyer and Seller agree that it would be impractical or extremely difficult to fix adwl damages in case of Buyer's default. that the amount of the deposit is I Ier -.de d the damages. and that Seller shall retain the deposit as his sole right to damages. bored k. Buyer, either in person or by moil to the address shown below, within days hereof, this der shall be deemed revded and the del -rned to Buyer. Other terms and conditions: (Set forth any terms and conditions d a factual nature applicoble to this sale. such as financing, prior sole of other propert hctural pest control inspection. repoirs and personol property to be included in sa1e.j 8. Buyer's si9nfJfure hereon COnStitUteS On offer to Seller lo purchase the re01 estate described above. Unless acceptance hereof is rigned by Seller and the 9. ~~ _____ ~ -.-- LCc , -~~ e-&&; ---------... .---,-- ---.--.-.- &c3---z--y t -__- ~ .__-_ de-.--@-- ____._ .-c 7, R akLf-4 Estate Brok&c-- .Kl- 6ficq---!&% __________ By ____ Z2$6:%?-5 _------ ----.-----_--_------ ---_. dyL. &- -2 ---._-. Ifi-p7 -- -5s ---&-e3 .__- ?:a** -1 Y' .---_-------_--------- - _--_-___________________________________------ - _- - - -fl j err- -~~~--~~.Aik-~--.~~~Z _______________ CakCcdd4 ____. __- Telephone--.~-~--lC---- --yfi _____L______________--------. -%~-L*-%:*5---> -.A 3.- ____ \xY--Ll\\5a c ' -_______. Buyer- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ------ - -__ - ___ - - __ - ___ __ __. - --_ - - - - __ __ ______ - - __ _______ <m. ...._.._-. .__.. __._..__ ~.-~.L!~L.cL4Lu&I .___________-__ -r _____ - &L ____-_ L@. ____ CKL 6J+LL!g? __-. XL -QA _-__- zzm--3-L/&-P -~~~~~~~---~~~~~L~~~~~ - Gm*$&L&Oiik; ont;lla.. if - -. - - - -. - - - - -- - - - ---- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -- -- -- - - - - - -/- ----- - - - --_-- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - _-_ - - - - - - - 3: ___-- ----- tcy --.- z --_-.__._.._..__ ~ --.----------_--_-- __ -____ --_-__-.__----. - ----.___________ - - - - - - - - - f - -_ - ,?- . -- - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - . - - -. - _- - - - The undersigned Buyer offers and agrees to buy the above described propee on the terms and conditions above stoted and acknwledger receipt of a copy her -* - LL~~W- :- - - - - - - - - - - __. - - - - ___ __ - - ______ - - ___ - ___ ACCEPTANCE underr;gneJ Seller occsph the foregoing offer ond ogreel trr sell the property described thereon on the terms and conditions therein sei (oh. undersigned eller ha wployed e Brdrer above named ond for BrcAer's services agrees to pay Broker, as a commission, the sum O~....L-....&.L.L-- --_____ & '-- d< - kt- - J dollars i$ Tcq Cr, rC 1 poyable os follows: (a) On recordation d the deed or other evidence d tiH completion of sole is prevented by defoult of Buyer, only if and when Seller t xger from Buyer. by suit or dher.rire, and then in on amount not to exceed one half that portion ol the damages collected oher lint deducting title and escra the expenses of collection. 8 any. 51 etion le is prevented b default of Seller, upon Seller's default. or IC] I The undersigned acknowledges receipt Oler?PPL_Y~~~e4~~d_.~~~arcAer to deliver a signed copy of it to Buyer. ..,> - r I- 3: .--- --_ ____________________-- -----------..p__#_-e~~~--l- 1;-.3----------- ; L'' err: _..-..--_______________________ ----akbd r C~~f.-,,i.---------- , -. . ________________--------------------------------------------. .* r, ............................................................. 7- h~: --------..._._------------------------------ _________________ __ ___ __-- r consenh to the foregoing. 5olfsr __ _______ - ---------- -________________ __ . - -- ---- - -- _____ ___ __ Brdrcr ___ --._.___._____ ___________---_-__.._--.-....-.----------------------- . _-.. ---. ~ _---.. 0 Q .. .* . .. ---2_ Full legal description at Robert Neleon Realty . .. --- ”... -_ _____ ._ - __.. .---.. .- . . I! r, e a ;m{ FlkXRkFXQrdYer P.O. Box 12 i? 0 1: TI Aveniiq , ,' ,. 7 9 ,," ..o f Cltp of QLarZ$bab /' . '_ 3 I /1 -1 CarIsfiab, CCaIifornia Jariuary 29, 1978 rnl I I) : 1; [:O:..,I ; Attorney 5ll'i;JECT: Sale of :?ionroe Later i'roi>crty ?ur &;I as i ri g Ai; e il t Gear iiill: At its' Jaiuary 20, 137C c;eetir;G? t;ic Counci L rriitliorizzci tile acvurtisezent of tjic 25ove c;escrloed .;jrn;:ert)r for sale * iieloii is a forr.1 of aG aciifertising. the sale. it neeCs to havc added to it the street a.ddress and legal descriijtion of tile ;jro?erty. Also tlie uate for receipt oi bids :<?ill Il~ve t.0 i!~ fi11,e~t i.il :ii~ )'ou~ I<; c:?' 1 c k I ;>; I;.. 1 T 1 .>; [; $ I 1.; ij >ii;eaked i-)-jds rv.il1 jjc rtzceii:cd f~y th:2 py~~~~~~ of ti?e follor:i.Ins dcscri.'i)ea ~cal pre;?ert)i locatec; in the Citxv 9 I97u at the ofiice LA:> tc Five P.;.i, of tiic i'urc'iiasin:; i.;fficer of .tile City of Carl.c;i-,a.ci, l:?JFi :;<IX Avciiui:, Carisi:ad, Gal.lfornia. :jibis shall Le for t'ile ;;#aynt?rit 0,' ail c~.s;-, .iil-ir!i;'dia.t:eli; u,:o~i delivery 01 tltc iiceg. iiie City of Carlsbai n~kcs no rc;.:rI~:sent3tio!:S 01- r.an.rraiities rezariiiri said pro;.)cr-t)i anu reslsrves tile ri(;iit to rejec+, 22). &11 z11 bids a;;< tc !:.aive ailv irren- 1-1 ularities or iilfcnizlicizs Fit any bids or in t3e I:idciinz ;);','rl;:l: of Csrl sbaci 3 Count)- of Sail. 1i.ep # State rjf C;al ifornia ~ - 1 .,. .. .. . . I~Y -II - T ,I {.r. r s- ;!/I T,L% ;\:/ II. ijiiI.LJt\ 1.; Purchas ins i'iiicer .TY l*ery truly )-ours s SCI,' : j s e 0 r - I N T E R - 0 F F I C E ME MO RAN DUM February 2, 1970 TO : Stu Wi 1 son FROM: Wm. C. Baldwin SUBJECT: Sale of Monroe lalater Property Your form of ad, presumably for the sale of reservoir #3, has been received. I would suggest that we advertise a minimum bid to re- strict a myriad of token bids. It seems to me that I recommended to the Water Committee a minimum bid of $7,000. I don't know whether this is acceptable to them or not. I believe it should be checked before we run any ad. fil/ ci/ Wrn. C. Baldwin WCB:hl * '4 *. I 4