HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-04-27; City Council; 142; Sewer easementTHE CITY OF CAR L S B A D, C A L I F'O R N I A @ Agenda ail 1 No. Date: 4-27-70 Ref erred To: .. Submi tted By : Subject: h Sewer e as en en t Attorney Statement of the Matter -, Jolin and ?irginia Fox have offered to exchange their property at FOX'S ~uug itarbor for sewer main ;?urposes for a fair exchange and one that the city ought to a-ccept. an easenent over . a free sawer hookup to ther.: by the City. Tiiis ap?ears to be Exhi bi t copy of deed Staff Recommendations Accept deed and authorize hook-u?. . City Manager's Recommendat-ion Concur with staff recommendation. Council Action 5-5-70 The easement from John and Virginia Fox was accepted and the City Clerk instructed to record th+.same. Authorizatjon was given for a free sewer hookup to the Fox property in exchange for the easement. . .. .. .-_.-.- - ^. __ . .. . . -. __ . . r- t t i * .- -'iECORDINC REQUESTED E" Grnntce AND WHEN RLCOROCO MAIL 10 r 1 No-* City of Carlsbad *dd,o,r 1200 Elm Avenue ciw Carlsbad, California 92008 Stroot stat* L _i MAll 1AX STAlEMfNTS 10 '-city of Carlsbad 1 st)).( 1200 Elni Avenue Addrow Cih L Carlsbad, California 92008 sroro L _I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Documentary Transfer Tax S I_ Computed on full valueonroperty conveyed. or computed on full value less liens and en- cumbrances remaining thereon at time of sale. ~ Signature of declarant or agent determining tax Firm Name I m ................................................. I Grant Deed TO 405 CA 4 9.68 t THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, F2kJCIS JOIiN FOX and VIRGINIA E. FOX herebyGRANT(S) to the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporzti.cn of the State of California, a perpetual right of wzy easonerit for prGoses of erecting constructin?, reconstructin:, reylacirig, repairing, naintaining and oijt'ra il section of sever !!lain and azpurtenances, in, upcn, over and across That portion of Lot 12 in Elock C of the resubdivision of a yortion of Tract 233 and 243 of Thum Lmck, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, accordin2 to :.lap thereof I.iuxber 2103, filed in tile office of the Cou~ty Recorder of said County, AGril 3, 1928 described 8s follo~ls : the following described real property in the Citv of CarlslJad County of S a2 II i e o , State of California: Bevinnin? at the r.ost Northwesterly corner of said LGt 12; th.snce Xorth 61 21' Cast 10.90 feat to a 2oint in the arc of a- 179.00 foot radius curve, concave I.Iorthcrly, a radial line of said curve itears Xorth 41'36' East to said point; tiience Eastzrly a1on.r the arc of said curve, being also the :.!ort!ierly linc of said Lot 12, 84.23 fezt to a point in said curve, frm vhic2 a radial line bears llorth 13°?2'36'1 East; thence 5outh 6l021' -;est 41.57 feet to a point in a line which is parallzl vith and 15.00 fcct Easterly from said ?:escerly line of said Lot; tiience South 28'39' !:at 250.00 feet; therice Soilti1 61'21' :.:est 15.90 feet, said -,join2 being on the Yesterly line of Lot 12; thence North 28'39' iscst 319.19 feet to the Point of- Seeinning. 8 >,s. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COIJNTY OF >5311 nic(so On ,MJ?/ L 27. /G 70 before me, the under- signed, a Notar! Public .in and for said State, personally appeared Franc3.s Jo,in Fox known to me to be the person S subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that t k executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. whose name 3 Signature c~ m(CLQ& Name (Typed or Printed) 57'0 4kt Title Order No. -Escrow or Imin No.-.- - MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE