HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-16; City Council; 185; Improvement of Partially Improved Public Streetsr .. I .. I 11 I l r r: -~•"~',/ ~ ......... ~ ·• n. ...... ~ .. -~ T H E C I T Y ' 0 F C A R L s B A D, Agenda Bill No, _/J£. Subject: •• Policy concerning City ,Participation in the Improvement of certain Partially Improved Public Streets ;.;.--------------------------=-~JJ,!(h __:..':_ Statement of the. Ma ttl!!.. ., .. , Exhibit C -· ",.\.- I~ ,__,,,. A L I Submitted By: Hunter 'l'. Cook i,City Engineer ~~,•'f'.,.· "'"~ ................. "' -,,_.:.,/J). -~" . ' 1. Resolution No. fJfS: affirming City policy re9.ari!ing the· impr9,yement of certain partially improved public stre~ts • ., Staff Recommendations Adopt Resolution No. / 71,Z:: ( .. ... .i I. l,. i r ' ' ~ .. ,. ., .... , If\.' ...... ~ ....... ....... ( 4 'l ~ ,1 I • I ------~----~~ AB No. 185 June 11, 1970 City Manager's Recommendation I have reviewed the suggested policy concerning City participation in the improvement of certain partially improved public streets and concur with this concept. Council Action 6-16-70 Resolution #1745 was adopted, affirming City Policy regarding City particjpation in the improvefuent of certain partially improved City streets. · -2- L. .... I :i ·,I :1 i ,, l,! :1 !1 "i ;, d ... -June 2, 1970 DISCUSSION: Inquiries are continually received from citizens requesting information as to how a street can be improved and what the extent of City participation would be. Present City policy in this area is somewhat hazy. In order to clarify the situation, it is suggested that a formal policy be established outlining specifically what the City will do to assist property owners in constructing standard street improvements. In the past the City has from time to time assisted property owners with construction of portions of the improvements. We believe this would be a good thing to continue. It should stimulate the completion of improvements along those streets ¥hich are only partially improved at present, eg., those with curb and gutter only on one side. Improvement will in many cases improve drainage con- ditions and reduce City maintenance costs. The overall appearance of many neighborhoods will be enhanceC::. One of the most important benefits would be the elimination of traffic hazards such as the open drainage ditches on Basswood Avenue. Funds for City participation would come from City street maintenance allocations as a budgeted item. It is estimated the City•s share will be in the range of $500 per lot. Any participation would hecessarily be limited to the funds available. A portion of the City cost will be recovered from the reduced maintenance expenditures which are required for improved streets. The City is currently processing a request from citizens on Knowles Avenue and Buena Vista Way, westerly of the freeway, to complete improvement of the streets. our response will be dependent upon your policy determination. .. .. ~ Ri:!SOLUTION NO. /Jif.j A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AFFIRMING ClTY POLICY REGARDING CITY PARTICIPATION IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF CERTAIN PARTIALLY IMPROVED PUBLIC STREETS It shall be the policy of the City Council that the City will 6 participate with the property owner in the following manner in the 7 construction 9f public improvements adjacent to single family I 81 residential property which cannot be considered for subdivision or i 9j parcel split: 10! l I ll! l City Property owner. 12 1 1. Paving 100% of remaining paving 0 ! 13 ! 14· 15 2. 16 3. 171 4. 18 5. 19 6. 20 7. 2i 8. 221 23' Curb and gutter Sidewalk Street lights Street trees Grading where at least one lane of paving has been const. to City permanent street standards on property owner's side. 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 Dedication of R/W to ultimate width Engineering 0 All costs in ex~ess of $1.00/L.F. 100% $1.00/L.F. The City work will normally be done in conjunction with the 24 property owner's portion of the work or shortly thereafter, however, 25 j scheduling will necessarily be at the sole discretion of the City, 26'. dependent on the availability of funds and the workload of City 27 ! forces. I 28; This policy shall not relieve the property owner from any 29' l I 30j 31 ! 32 obligation under any "Future 3treet Agreement" or from the require- ment of any ordinance or resolution of the City. All work shall be done to City standards. Exhibit "l" " "Ii ! I ! l l j I l I f l \ j ·1 ~ I i i ' i I I I I - I '' . . .. •• "~ ... II>- I I l l ! I I i ~ ' t \ l I t ! l I ' PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council 2 of the City of Carlsbad, California, held 3 by the following vote, to wit: 4 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12! I ' 13: 14'. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 261 I 27! I I 28' I ' 29! I 301 31 32 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: MARGARE'r E. (SEAL) ADAMS, City Clerk DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor of the City of Carlsbad, California '. '' I' l . ' ' '' J i' ' ·, i. i' I I' '. i '' '. ' • I • I i ! 1 l ;[ r l ' l -' j