HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-07-07; City Council; 197; Expansion of EWPCF Phase II• C ~T H E CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIF' ORNIA Agenda Bill No. // / Date: July 7, 1970 Referred To: Subject: . Submitted By: Enlargement of Encina Water Pollution Control Hunter T. Cook Facility; Contract for Phase II Expansion City Engineer Statement of the. Matter - The Phase II Expansion of the Treatment Plant is occassioned by the addition of San Marcos County Water District into the Joint System. They have deposited $256,000 to cover a portion of the cost/. *The remainder will be covered by funds from a Federal Grant. There will be no cash outlay-required by the 'City of Carlsbad. Construction is scheduled to be completed in August 1971. A summary of the background leading up to the expansion, a - funding breakdown, and proposed schedule are attached as Exhibits A-C. Exhibit A. Dept. of Special District Services letter dated 6/17/70. B. Proposed project financing. C. Tentative time schedule. & City ManagerStafftJRecoinmenda tions Adopt a motion approving the plans and specifications. c o 197AB No. ' y/ Date: City Manager's Recommendation Council Action 7-7-70 Phase II. - Plans and specifications were approved for the enlargement of the Encina Water Pollution Control facility occasioned by the inclusion of San Marcos County Water District DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES COUNTY 'OF SAN DIEGO 5555 OVERLAND AVENUE, BLDG. 2 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 TELEPHONE 278-92OO XJ»K>OCXM»*K«, ASST. DIRECTOR June 17, 1970 City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen: PROJECT 7505 - ENLARGEMENT OF ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY The plans and specifications for the subject project have been completed and were approved by the Joint Advisory Committee on May 20, 1970. In accordance with Section 6 of the Third Supplement to the Basic Agreement between Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad, dated March 22, 1965, it is now necessary that you approve the attached plans and specifications. The Vista Sanitation District should be notified of your approval. It will be recalled that the San Marcos County Water District was permitted to become a participant in the Joint Sewerage System by terms specified in the Third Supplement. This agreement became effective on June 27, 1968, when San Marcos deposited the specified funds with Vista to be held pending the enlargement of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. San Marcos commenced using the Encina plant and ocean outfall in August of 1969. The decision to proceed with the en- largement, which will be accomplished at no expense to the other three owners, was made in May of 1969. According to the terms of the agreement Vista was specified as the contracting agency to carry out the construction program. The funds provided by San Marcos have been deposited by Vista and are drawing interest. An application for a thirty-three percent Federal Grant has been filed and is expected to be received. A summary of project costs and funding is enclosed. A copy of the tentative time schedule being used as a guide for proceeding with the project is also enclosed for information purposes. You will note that after approval of the plans by all parties Vista must await the receipt of a Grant Offer from the Federal V/ater Pollution Control Administration before advertising for construction bids. We will forward all necessary material as soon as it is available to the State Water Resources Board and the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration to expedite this matter. When the Grant Offer is received it is recommended the Vista Sanitation District advertise for bids. Because of a steady increase in the daily wastewater flow being processed at the plant it is very important that the enlargement program proceed on schedule. You CIty Counc i1 City of Carlsbad -2- June 17, 1970 will note it is anticipated the construction is estimated to be completed by August of 1971. If this schedule is maintained there should be no problem in being able to adequately treat the projected increase in wastewater flow. It is of interest to note that the proposed enlargement will increase plant capacity from 4.5 to 6.75 million gallons per day (mgd) upon completion. By agreement San Marcos will own 1.2 mgd of total plant capacity. Each of the other owners will receive a dividend of increased capacity from the remainder of the 2.25 mgd enlargement because of the transfer of ownership of certain basic items, such as site, roads, operation building and piping, that would automatically serve San Marcos but were owned by the other three parties. Vista will gain 0.50 mgd, Carlsbad 0.43 rngd and Buena 0.12 mgd in plant capacity rights as a result of the enlargement . Very truly yours, 'BERT V. ELKINS, Acting Director BVE:CBO:mh Enclosures PROPOSED PROJECT FINANCING FOR ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY 1970 ENLARGEMENTS Expenditures Construction Cost $331,000 Engineering Design 28,000 Project Administration, Surveying, Inspection, Misc. 30.OOP Total Estimated Cost • $389,000 Anticipated Funds Cash Payment by San Marcos $256,000 Interest on Principal 44,000 Federal Grant 129.000 Total Funds Available $429,000 Less Total Estimated Cost 389.000 ESTIMATED SURPLUS $ 40,000 Kay 13, 1970 Sanitary Engineering Division Department of Special District Services County of San Diego c 0 TENTATIVE TIME SCHEDULE FOR 1970 ENLARGEMENT TO ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY 1. Pre-certification report submitted to Water Quality Control Board. 2. Submit project to Comprehensive Planning Organization for review and approval. Approval anticipated in June 1970. 3. Joint Advisory Committee approves plans and specifications after receiving recommendation from Operator (Plans and specifications received March 18, 1970, by registered mail for final review. This meets terms of contract with consultant for completion by March 20, 1970.). 4. Water Quality Control Board adopts requirements for increased discharge and approves pre-certification report. 5. Each of four owners approve plans and specifications per Section 6 of Third Supplement. 6. The Engineer authorizes Brown and Caldwell to print 100 sets of plans and specifications. 7. Plans and specifications submitted to State Water Resources Control Board for certification (Pre-cert ification required from Regional Water Quality Control Board as part of State certification.). Include in submittal, sending one set to State Water Resources Control Board in Sacramento and two sets to Federal Water Pollution Control Administration in San Francisco,the following: a. Plans and Specifications b. Compliance Report FWPCA-T128 c. Statement of Availability of Funds d. Civil Rights Act, DI Form 1350 e. Three copies of contract with Brown and Caldwell f. Three copies of legal description of site 8. Grant Offer Form received (Contract from Federal Water Pollution Control Administration committing funds for project.). 9. Vista pays Brown and Caldwell 90% of fee when plans and specifications are completed. a. $331,000 x 8.5% x 90% = $25,300 April 1970(Completed) April 1970(In Process; May 20, 1970(Complete< May 26, 1970(Complete< June 1970 June 1970 (Completei June 1970 Early August 1970 July 1970 (In Process] 10. Advertise for Bids. Mid August 1970 11. Open Construction Bids. Mid September 1970 12. Authorization by Federal Water Pollution Control October 1, 1970 Administration to award contract after bid opening. 13. Award contract for construction. Mid October 1970 14. Construction completed. August 1971 Prepared by: Sanitary Engineering Division Department of Special District Services County of San Diego April 13, 1970