HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-07-14; City Council; 232; Abondoned Shed - 4150 Hillside Dr.THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA * Agenda Bill No. $ 3 *** Date: July 1[|.f 1970 Deferred To: Subject: Abandoned Shed - 1±15Q Hillside- Dr. Submitted By: Girard «f. Anear, °hief Carlsbad Fire Dept. Statement of the Matter The north en£ of this shed burned approximately four years ago. The roof in this area is in danger of collapsing. The rest of the building is in very poor repair. The building contains a large amount of rubbish, junk appliances, etc. The shed.is wide open, and children have been playing in the buildings. There are weeds growing against the sides of the building. We sent a notice to the owners, requesting that either the building be restored to a safe condition or demolished and that all of the rubbish, etc., be removed and properly disposed of. This noticed was mailed to them on April 28, 1970 with May the l8th as a re-inspection date. There was no compliance with this part of the not ice» July 13, 1970 In my opinion the building and the trash are a fire and a life hazard; particularly for children. Exhibit /, Copy of original notice. * . Slides. Staff Recommendation^ ^ ^^ ghed and ^ ^^ immediately around it be declared a public nuisance under City Ordinance -#2028, Sec 13.25, 13-26, 13.27 Uniform Jire Code covering trash and sub-standard buildings) City Ordin 5>010A Sec 6 (Trash upon private property declared nuisance) Sec 7 (Weeds may be declared nuisance) Sec 8 (Authority to abate nuisance) Sec 13 and Ord. No. 5037 Sec 1 (Charges for Abatement) Abandoned Shed - i^l^O Hillside Dr. -2- AB No. ' Date: July Ik. 1970 City Manager's Recommendation The recommendation of the Fire Chief is concurred with. It is sug- gested the abandoned shed on 4150 Hillside Drive be abated under City Ordinances No. 2028, 5010-A and 5037. Council Action 8-4-70 Resolution #1767 was adopted, regarding alleged Public Nuisance at 4150 Hillside Drive. -2- o C***1 o>H *• • CC'(V O 00 •Z. <p r* O "HH. -a &z <: LU r^ <U <U .02 .Q 4-<'<;</) nj Q- — Q UJ V- . Q rO • . • , OLU r^' . • " f*i* 0> en Lt^ 3 LAc rQ <D ov < > CM 02 <^ I^» 00-i ece — . • < LU Q OL . . • . • • OC Lrt <•, r> . Nt . . .CM '< U. <T^ j ^J 0 „</> 1-— o 0 v Z -* * • - i - - .- ', :-•..- Of**- vQ CJ. 1 f\lr~ <Uco 0- 0) a).r- CQ « ij CB c f i£•4 W 4w r•S>. <.'5K. f- '*?'< 34O fcu v W C .. 0) En> •z. - i .. . ... C_ fV-cC\!cr t 5 Tco ^cr—f-ct: 4f "it; O r-' £ C '/O c\ • • in in 0) 73 <• CV •r^ r~ • [ vfj o f\i O »~ . nj c — 0 0 — > 0 VO 01 tJ 0) (D U CC <\1.' ; .c . ' «— -;j£>• .••»-*'• i-c <u , . OJ JQ ^ > E •4J -3 ra.z L- 0) 3 U O C>- n>c "O o i 1 ( T V 0. r-r~ •t- fc C If ^; c O 0 . ro A r-o • •> • . «4-. •' ' O, in <Us_ -OT3 <v\c» CJ . "Cc tO £ 0 « O CM C R • H 0 C •a.'flB t X) Cn *•=•H T (8 *fo : : Jc c«t« .'< •';'.. 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' *>. c ^5 t dcora H d M§1/"NX>vs j (y03 ^y^ D H ^d **^»ii £^3^s_ OJ-d ..e i_ S o £ 4-1 0 -1 <U «2 a.4 (/> J CO — Q LU t/1 O 111 o h-O z -_ 1- 1 CO -1 a: o i. <£ z'» ^ Lu 0)4V a ,. u ' o 4-1 O 0}a. c * _ 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1767 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING ALLEGED PUBLIC NUISANCE AT 3 4150 HILLSIDE DRIVE. 4j The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve 5 as follows: 6 1. It has been alleged that there exists on real property 7j at 4150 Hillside Drive in the City of Carlsbad a public nuisancei 8J in that a large shed on said property is in a condition which is 9j adverse or detrimental to public peace, health, safety, and general 10 welfare, and which is maintained so as to permit the same to be- ll come so defective, unsightly, dangerous and in a condition of de- 12 terioration and disrepair so that the same will, or may, cause 13 harm to person, or which will be materially detrimental to prop- 14. erty and/or improvements located in the immediate vicinity of said j 15 property. 2. The City Council will hold a public hearing at 7:30 p.m., on September 15, 1970, at the City Council Chambers at 1200 Elm 18 Avenue, Carlsbad, California, to hear and consider any and all evi- 19 dence and objections regarding whether a public nuisance exists as 20 alleged, and will at said hearing determine whether or not such public nuisance exists on said property. 22{ 3. If a public nuisance is found to exist on said property, 23 the City Council will order the abatement thereof at the expense 24 of the persons creating, causing, committing, or maintaining it, | 25j and will make the cost of such abatement a: 26 (1) personal obligation of the person creating, 27j causing, committing, or maintaining the public 281 nuisance. i 29j . (2) lien against the subject property. 30J C3) personal obligation of the property owner of 31 the subject property, and/or special assess- 32 rnent against the subject property. f .„ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8iI 9! 10 11 12 13 14! 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26, 27!i 28!i 29 i 301 31!i 32 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held August 4, 1970, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Dunne, Cmn. McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis NOES: None. ABSENT: None. DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor ATTEST: MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk