HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-08-21; City Council; 246; BID ON CITY PROPERTY (GREENWOOD)/// - T II E CITY OF CARLSBA L@ CALIF-OR, ., * Date: August 21, 19 /$ Agenda Bill KO. 6s *Referred To: Subni tted I3 Subject: Bid on City Property (Greenwood) William C. 75 _. Statement of the Matter Humble Oil Company has made a minimum bid of $200,000 on the subjec. property, subject to conditions as outlined in ex.hibit letter from Humble. Exhibit Letter from Humble Oil & Refining Company Map of property Commission agreement from Bernard Realty B Staff Reconmepdations - Staff asks that the Council make a determination as to whether they wish to sell, and if so5 to establish a minimum bid price. In this manner, bids could be solicited from all interested parties. The most money can be obtained from this property for a service stat site. It should be subject to rigid architectural controls. I * m Date: 9 fi a ib< AB NO . & ~9 %., 4 ?+ 3 City Manager's qecommenda tion 8-26-70 It is suggested that the retention or disposal Greenwood property be pl aced on the anticipated parksi bond issue so that the public may vote as to retaining or maintaining the property for Parks and .Recreation developme of the Council' Action . 9-1-70 Opposition to sale of property by all Council members. Dec to put to the voters as to its use or sale. possible park site. Mr. George Buckley of Humble Oil stated the of was a conservative figure. Further investigation and study require The City Manager to discuss with Park-and Recreation Commission als It was suggested as a -2- 0 * .) u LE l[L 8c REl?INING COMPANY ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92668 POST OFFICE BOX 1254 MARKETING DEPARTMENT MARKET DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE. AREA CODE (714) 83f PACIFIC REGION REAL ESTATE AREACODE (213) 62: August 17, 1970 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California Attention: Mr. William C. Baldwin Re: IWC Elm Street 8: Fio Pic0 at 1-5 Gentlemen: Reference is made to the irregularly shaped parcel of land located at the captioned corner, owned by the City of Carlsbad, together with a strip of land along the westerly boundary, to be acquired by the City from the State Division of EFighways. Said property is depicted on a plat marked Bhibit IfAf1 and attached hereto. It is understood that the City has not yet declared this property avail- able for sale. Yhen the subject property is made available for sale, it ie the opinion of the undersigned that the highest and best use for the pro- perty will be for a service station. As a result of the progress being made on the widening of 1-5 and the fact that Mrs. Greenwood has terminated her life estate on a portion of the pro- perty, it would seem that now would be an excellent time to make this prope ty available for sale. If the City concurs with the above, the Humble Oil & Refining Company is prepared to submit a bid offer to purchase subject property for a sum in excess 0% ~~200,000.00, subject to the following conditions: (1) Proper zoning for service station use. (2) Clear title. (3) Unencumbered access to Zlm Avenue and to Pi0 Pico. (4 1 Final approval by Humble Kanagement . It is, of course, understood that the City will require reasonable archi- tectural control and will allow signing competitive with the three other stations located at this interchange. Pours very truly, CC: J. 3. ‘faturn, Grange GGB/ks Sr. 2.7. 3ep. attch. AM E R I C A’S LEADING ENERGY COMPAN .-__-__...___._ A_-__--- * .. . .___.. ._.__ ... .-. ...~ .._-_-..___ . ___... . ~. -..- ,*e 1 ..a . _- . e e...b ' .. . _-. -_ . .. .. ._.---- . . .. .:"- . - :.. . - . ..( . .. . . i : __ -- .. .. .. t. 6 'r rl - . 1. 0 k*.i-)E*B#tii 41 <,Q4!a dE-+SOb( itilff7\ t-6 611 6>%isS!C 934 1\1trItca,ay 10i S4a)iBtirndS fl,,, i,, 6 FIii!t,F PPi@ 'a'ia:r~, "3.rJp',- i it<,(? :Srg $- Jf ,;f8 August 12, 1970 A G B E ;5 K 3 N T In the event the attached tentative offer to purchase or any subsequent offers on the property located at Highway #5 and Elm in the City of Carlsbad by Rumble Oil & Refining Company is acceptec? by the City of Carlsbad, the undersigned agrees to pay to Shirley Bernard for services rendered in connection idth 'chis sale the sum of six (6%) of the purchase price upon recor- dation of sale. City of Carlsbad By : L92 * July 3, 1970 tore and price ir is i.;;3rein t. The continu- coiqritunity is deeply sppreci ated. s i 2 c n T c? 1 y 'f Jack E. Ptri>cld City Kanager Friends of the Library of Carlsbad Cite LibPary July 1, 1970 Mr. Jack B. Arnold Carlsbad City Manager 1200 E Im Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Arnold: Enclosed you will find a letter sent to Carlsbad Friends of the Library by Mr. Charles Martin, former City Manager. He stated in this letter that we could use the Greenwood house, located on the north east corner of Elm and Pi0 Pic0 Streets, for storage and pricing of our books until the Book Fair in May, 1970. He requested that further use of this building be brought to your attention. We now have books stored in the building. We are in hopes that you will go along with Mr. Martin's decision and continue to let our organization store and price books in the Greenwood house until their next Book Fair in May, 1971, Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Best of luck in your new position and welcome to Carlsbad. Sincerely, Mrs. Julian J, Pinz Carlsbad Friends of the Library President Encl . cc: Mayor D. M. Dunne 1250 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 729-7933 ‘b Q \ .- ’3. ‘Lt r/ -,,-I v2 ?ELL- (W) /m.l & 1m EU AVmu + d) CMW, CALIFWA PaOQB , k‘ Wire d k City Mnwr 4 * February 2, 1970 - e Mrs. Marvin Sipple 4679 El Camino Carl sbed, Cali fornl a Dear Mrs. Sipple: X hereby acknowledge recefpt of your letter of January 20 in connection with the Frfands of the Library request to use the Greenwood house unttl the Book Fair .In May, 1970. *; It wtll not be necessary for your organization to brlng this matter before the City Councll for within the author- lty vested In me dn the Carlsbrd Municipal Code you are * hereby granted such permlssion, Subsequent use of thts property should be Q9scbsed wfth my successor. f wish to commend you and the Friends of the library fos the wonderful csntributi8n you have made and contfnue to nrke in Curthrrtng the great educattanal and cultural interests of the City qf Carlsbrd. 9 -. q. 9 ,’ / 63 ** i n very $dn6;emlly. C. E. Martin CIty Manager CLU:hl cc: Mayor 0. M. Bunne * /’ h UU 4v “SS - -... -. + i, Qe matt’s 4Itlub. of (aarlddr 0 -, @ CALIFORNIA Box I73 CARLSBAD /f 7 I ,lJrIVED T’TY CLERK’S OFFICE & & -- P.0. BOX 81 CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 /Q -#f) ““a *@, 63 as‘ February 10, 1970 Carlsbad city Council Carlsbad City Hall Carlsbad, California . Gentlemen: The CarLsbad ’Garden Club would like to go on record as urging the City Council to reserve the Greenwood Triangle at Pi0 Pic0 and Elm Avenue as a park, green. This is a mcin entrance to the City and any other use would be detriment61 to the aspect of the community center. keeping the space open and Respectfully yours, ij t\-rL4 4- z, I ,&a--L4 1 ,=, Corresponding Secretary. ..’ . .’ ,. $ _’ , - : _.. ,’ : ,.. ” “.I :,: -.. : _’ : :‘.. ;: ‘, :: .. ‘, Recember ll? .1967 '_ .I - 'r,.: j " : ,_ -_-. I ', ., .Miss Shi'rley.Bernard :. ._' : . . ,. McKellar - Wyer _ Real Estat.e -Brokers - .I .'. ,. 226OAven%da' de la Playa La Jolla, California- ,92037 ,.: ' : '. . . Dear M.153. Bernard:" '.;.I:- '. . : 1. am i.n receipt of your letter dated November 276 1967, " concerning the "Creenwoody property. j : Ptease be advfsed the .C$ty .of Carlsbad‘has ret-eIved ... ' several offersfor this property in. the past year how- ', ever; !,t was the, decfsion -of the City Council to iake- / .. .: no actlon- on the offers at the present ti-me. 1 : , . If your offIce is dbs-irous of suhinitt~inri- an neG-2' ..- .. - - - . . . . ur!, .“I r FS ) WC .' shal,l be. happy to .keep the offer on"fii'z.for future cona1deration.; 1' '. _ Yours 'very truly; ,. . . '- . ,W: C.. ATKIMSON., jR. , : , : ,' . . ,Ffwor ._ : WCA:ma --,' :- _" .,. '. y . : : I . . :) : '. _. '.. . . ; -:' . ..L ,' : '.' I. '. : '..'. . . 1 :.x ', ,. ,. . . .' .: : 1 \ e 0; CKELL~R YLR General Building Contractors Real gsbte B.rokers 2260 avenida de la Plaqa, La Jolla, California 92037 MW TelepLone 454-0493 Telephone 454-4113 MAYOR WILLIAM C. ATKINSON, CITY OF CARLSBAD, 2960 PI0 PIC0 DRIVX, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Dear Sir: My client is prepared to make an offer on the "Greenwood" property owned by the City of Carlsbad. The proposed offer would be subject to Mrs. Greenwood's life tenancy agreement. The offer muld encom- pass that portion not used by the State Division of Highways. I would like to emphasize that in my opinion, the City will recognize a higher return on the property now, than at some future date, when the major oil companies will have their required number of sites. If I may submit an offer now, subject to your approval, we will be most happy to do so. Very truly yours , November 27, 1967 sb: a /&lpC, Emerson Wqe.r Douglas Scripps M ‘i c RONALD REAGA a e STATE OF CALIFORNIA-TRANSPORTATION AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT 11, P.O. BOX 390, SAN DIEGO 92112 December 1, 1967 File: ll-SD-5 039712 R/W 14577 Ms. Alice E. Greenwood, As to a Life Estate and City of Carlsbad, As to the Remainder c/o City of Carlsbad 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Ms. Greenwood and Gentlemen: The Right of Way Contract signed by YOU, covering your right of way transaction with the State of Calbfornia, has now been approved and an executed copy is being returned to you for your files. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, t /@ d,’* -f h 2 E&e&& UL-&+C et#& ‘ ROBERT CRBISANT Right sf Way Agent Enclosure m 4-*, c - 1. " -p' * .': ' D _-______ California ---- CGQBER -I-_.._- --&-----19&-2- -___________________________I__ ______ __I_ @f G%3ntw& Document No .--___--_ _______________in the form of a_-. --. covering the property particularly described in the above instrument has been executed and delia to -_-_-_____ ___________________________________Right of Way Agent for the State of Califo In consideration of which, and the other considerations hereinafter set forth, it is mutually a€ I. The parties have herein set forth the whole of their agreement. The performance of this ai ment constitutes the entire consideration for said document and shall relieve the State of all fui obligation or claims on this account, or on account of the location, grade or construction oi proposed public improvement. as follows: 2. The State shall: f ( e@ me-a-8" B $3? c w% a a C' .d @ .*" . 4 "t,' * IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement the day and year first above writ ki25CZ2 ___--_-_ LIFE &%=The --a---Mmjam--b _dQs-_rn--_A _____ kW-4J&.Qg& -_-______-______ ~ ---______________________________________------------ Granto, STATE OF CALIFORNIA \ Recorn-mended for ApprQval: - -_-_-_-_______-___ District Emginee --__I By-,a.-c-dL L-d pg7 _--____--_______________________________~~~~.. &&&J&yy Right of Way Agent ____. __._. .. _______________-_-___ hose SeP Forth Herein will Be bcognked SST. 4489. SUSS-800 IP-64 28M SCXT I, a 4b Coldwell, Banker & Company A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION REAL ESTATE * PROPERTY MANAGEUENT - MORTGAGE LOANS . INSURANCE 1450 SEVENTH AVENUE . SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92101 * TEL 232 9113 May 4, 1967 Mr. John J. Mamaux City Manager 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Mamaux: Thank you for your letter of May 2, 1967, advising me that the City Council has decided to take the Greenwood property off the market for the time being. I would greatly appreciate your informing me when the property is again placed on the market. Thank you. Very truly yours, COLDWELL, BANKER & COMPANY &k?& Thomas R. Hornaday TWI Pg CONVENIENT OFFICES IN CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA, NEVADA c 0 5871 Soledad Road La Jolla, California March 27, 1967 City Council City of Carlsbad 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: In reference to the Interstate 5 site that the City of Carlsbad owns at the Northeast Corner of Interstate 5 and Elm Avenue, located in the City of Carlsbad, we wish to propose a ground lease on the following basis: We would prefer a site with dimensions of 150' x 150' and we would be willing to ground lease on a net-net basis for this site on the basis of evaluation of $5.00 per square foot, This, in my computation, would provide the City with a rental of Six Hundred and Fifty- six Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ($656.25) monthly. The original term would be ten (10) years with three (3) five (5) year renewal options and would contain a gallonage override pro- vision in favor of the City on the basis of one and one-half cents (l-l/Z cents) per gallon in excess of 550,000 gallons per annum. Under this kind of a deal, the Lessee would be responsible for the construction, taxes and maintenance on the proposed service sta- tion improvements. build the most modern type ranch station available and would pro- vide landscaping in accordance with the City of Carlsbad's speci- fications. We would further pay all the real estate taxes levied against the land. Please use this letter as a guide only in the proposal that we are making, and fw-ther realize that this letter and any commitments are subject to the approval of our management. this letter will be discussed prior to your Council Meeting on April 4 at which I hope to be present to answer any questions that you may have. You can be sure that the Lessee would also It is hoped that Y d-: L V. C. ' McFarland New Business Representativ The American Oil Company cc: Mrs. Ruth Gunther VCM/js Austin Real Estate Co. 1 1 . . , , .‘. _’ _ .‘. _’ _ 7. 7. ;J’* - - ,,. i I’* - - ,,. i - - .. .. ., ” ., ” .:. .:. 0 0 :~. ‘, :~. ‘, _’ _’ ‘7s ., ‘7s ., _. _. ;. ‘L. ;. ‘L. l; l; ._ ._ . . . . : : I’ I’ ., ., - - : : .. .. ‘. ‘. ‘,~ ‘,~ ‘_ ‘_ ‘.I ‘.I . . .’ .’ ,- ,- :.:. :.:. ., ., i. i. _ _ _._ _._ .. _,, ‘. .. _,, ‘. _. _. .: . . .: . . r r ; . ; . : : : ‘. : ‘. ,- ,- ,_ :. ,_ :. /May: 2,‘.19‘67 +,:- /May: 2,'.1967 +,:- ., ., . . . . , ‘. , '. ; ; I I - - ‘1 '1 ‘_ ; '_ ; : : ,.“, , ,.", , . . i i ‘, ,, ', ,, I .< I .< . . . . .Ivlr;: Thomas R. Hokaday .Ivlr;: Thomas R. Hoi-naday ,’ ,’ Co1 dwel l;, Bariker -& Company Co1 dwel I;, Banker -& Company : , : , .: .: : : ,' ,' 1450 Se-venth.Avenue 1450 Se-venth.Avenue : : .- .- Sdn .Dieg.o, -California 92101 :', " ; Sdn .Dieg.o, -California 92101 :', " ; ). ). ,,, ,,, ,, ..:.': ,, ..:.': ^ ^ -, Dear Wr, Hornaday: -, Dear Wr, Hornaday: : : Theoffer,,& purchkse submitted by your office on Theoffer,,& purchkse submitted by your office on . . ._ behalf bf'sib'arco Stations, In’?. was considered b-y ._ behalf bf'sib'arco Stations, In’?. was considered b-y thoCity.CouncIl,. __ 1 thoCity.CouncIl,. __ 1 ., ., Please be- Advised at the regular meeting of the d.ity Please be- Advised at the regular meeting of the d.ity '- '- . :, . :, ,: '. i. ,: '. i. ,. Council hel.d-.on‘"Aprjl' 18, 1967, it w&s agreed. that ,. Council hel.d-.on‘"Aprjl' 18, 1967, it w&s agreed. that - all options to.p.ukchase the Gree.nwood property,be - all options to.p.ukchase the Gree.nwood property,be ,: ,: pl.aced on ff:le; as the City does not contemplate any pl.aced on ff:le; as the City does not contemplate any 'action concerning. this ,property at the present-tI:me.. 'action concerning. this ,property at the present-tI:me.. We wish to. thank you. for your i.nterest in th-Is matter, We wish to. thank you. for your i.nterest in th-Is matter, : : ._' ._' and at such tZme as the City contemplates sellingthis and at such tZme as the City contemplates sellingthis _ _ .particular property; we shall be happy.to ,notify your .particular property; we shall be happy.to ,notify your _/ _/ .I .office.. .. .' .I. ' :I, .I .office.. .. .' .I. ' :I, :: :: _ _ j j .. .. : : :. :. - - -. -. ,, ,, -. -. Yours ,very truly, " Yours ,very truly, " ; ; ' ' -. .IJOHN 3. MAMAUX ;’ -. .IJOHN 3. MAMAUX ;’ ” ” ^ ^ : : City Pla.nager City Pla.nager y y : : JJ#:ma, ’ :’ JJ#:ma, ’ :’ ” ” _’ _’ .‘.. .‘.. . . . . : : :: :: : : ” ,_ ” ,_ : ..; : ..; . . ,.L ” ,.L ” , , ,’ ,’ . . : : ., ., . . _. - _. - : : . . . . 7 7 ..I. ..I. _’ _’ .. .. .‘- . .‘- . . ..s . ..s _.. _.. .: ” .: ” .- .- _’ _’ 4 Mr. Hal SmJth . 0. Box 3152 alifornia 92103 th: Your option to p CJty of Carlsbad, known as the "Greenwood Prope ase the property owned by the y the City Counci 1 . d at the regular meeting of the City April 18, 1967, St was agreed that urchase the Greenwood property b as the City does not contemplat g this pro the present this matter, plates selling thjs 1 be happy to notif t s Senior Associate r and Associates submitted by your office on Oil and Refining Company was idered by the Cfty Council. Please be advised at the regular meeting of the City Council held on April 18, 1967, it was agreed that all options to purchase the Greenwood property be placed on file, as the Cfty does not contemplate any action concerning this property at the present or your interest in this matter, e City contemplates selling this e shall be happy to notify your Yours very truly, JOHN J. MAMAUX City Manager - eJo-F:i\r A, $'3;E'8"-7-1 II a, u PU ---~~~~E. AND ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE 8 INSURANCE a PROPEWTY MANAGEbjEfiIT OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA PHONE 714-72 HOME OFFICES 711 THIRD STREET P. 0. BOX 628 .. March 31, 1967 ! Mr John Pkaaux City Manager City of Car lsbad 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Car lsbad, Calif or ni a Dear Mr, Manaux: We have been authorized as agent for the Humble Oil and Refining Ccmpany to advise you that 3mTbI.e is most in- terested in acquiring a service station site at the Northeast corner of Elm Street and Interstate #5, City of Carlsbad. It is our understanding, and Hunble's, that this property is owned by the City of Carfsbad, Humble would be interested in either a fee purchase or a ground lease. Subject to the a2proval of Huzble manage- ment, Humble would be willing to pay $SSO,OO net per zonth as a ground rental or $165,000,00 cash for a site 175' X 1; Humble would want to constxuct a specially designed statior with an abundance of landscaping, They would expect to worE closely with the City of Carlsbad in regard to these matter They woulc? expect to be allowed to sign the site as well as their immediate conpetition. Should the City of Carlsbad decide to sell or lease this property (sometimes referred to as the "Greenwood" propert3 on a final bid basis I shall appreciate knowrir,g it so we may submit a final offer in writing. For yoar information, I have enclosed a copy of Humble's letter of March 27, 1967, to uso Thank youo Sincerely yours, J hn A. Steiger & Associates p?? & ff- h'eqry Belt L/ Senior Associate A -e . &I .I A- JB/g c w 5- HUM3LE OIL CCC. REFINING COMPANY ORANGE, CALIFOKNIA 92669 wsr OFFICE eox 125 HARKETING DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT TELEPHONE: AREA CODE 714. I March 27, 1967 John A. Steiqer & As,cri?tss 709-711 Third Strezt Oceanside, Californi-. Attention: Mr. Jerry Belt RE: NEC'EI~ Street & I Carlsbad, Califorr This is to advise you that Humble Oil and Refining Cor pany is most interested in acquiring a service station sita at the czptiofied location. It is our understandin.9 that th property is otuned by the City of Carlsbad, ground lease. S'JSject to the approval of Humble management we would b2 t.:il,lir. LC -ai $352.(30 PC:, per rnocth as a grou rental or 5165,GaC casrl fsr a site 175' x 175', Since the site is adjacent to the planned Civic Center we would tuant to constTuct a specially designed station wit an abundance OF landscaoing. We xould expect to work close with the City OF Carl>>;zd in regard to these matters, would, however, expect to be allowed to sign the site as we as our imnediate competition, It is our interk to pay any brokerage fee due you in ti event that a deal is corsummat3d 3etweon Humble Oil and Ref. ing and the City of Carls'lad, Gent 1. erne n: We would be interested in either a fee purchase or a !de Yours very truly, HURBLE OIL h REFINING COMPANl F. M. Schniedsr by LA-.-,* ). bLdy George G.JB ckley District Real Estate Represer GCB: bk . c c AREA CODE 714 - 21 (24 HOUR ANSWERING e HAL SMITH e F 812 HOTEL CIRCLE WEST SAN DIEGO. CALIF. 92110 (MAIL ADDRESS) P.0. BOX 3152 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 April 12, 1967 PIr. John J. P'iaJnaux, City Xanager City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Dear Job; - If you will be available around 11: 00 A.E., Friday next, I would like to drive up and deliver an option to purchase the property we have discussed. Please let me know. Go rdially J/// / d7 L+$q< ,--*&$ ' J % / Hal Smith 4 \k ' JIJ 0 1 & O?TIOFI' TO PmC!rASZ For and in COKSID3RATION of the sun of ---n Len--- --- Dollars, (B 10.00 ), rew of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, o7mer(s> of the hereinafter de; properties, hereinafter referred to as lrSELLFFS1' hereby give and grant to H.4L SM et al, his assignee or nominee, hereinafter referred to as "BUYERi1, the exclusive to purchase that real property situate in the City of Carlsbad Co:mty of 3an 3iego , State of Californiz, described as folk together with all improvements of SELL33 (s) thereon, for a total purchase price -. 452 r//cc* $'4/v 2, L1C.L .+c5; &'is c [Z P? ;- =. (9 -2 /- d.r-;/ LfWL" /!A J 2.f I,, 2;. cy 3 c- - J k-q & c'(;l,, (- < payable as follows: %sh, out of and at close of eszrolli. 3,f- This option shall remain in full. force and effect to and including the --L-Sth--- of 2u.ly , 1967 . This option may be exercised by BUYER by deposit of no%ice of exercise thereof in the United States mails on or before said date, addl to SELL.%I(S) at In the event BUYER elects Lo exercise this o$ion, STLIER(s) agree(s) to convey tj said property to BIIYER by good and sufficient deed, free and clear of all liens, c or encumbrances, except as above mentioned and restrictions and right-of-wags of I or whatsoever kind or nature, except current taxes not delinquent at tirne title tc property vests in BUYEX, upn the following tems and conditions: Said sale shall be accomplished through a thirty (30) day escrow, which sf be opened with a bank or title company designated by B'JmR after BUYZR'S election to exercise this option. to seller less seller's share of expsnses hereinafter specified, after sef furnishes through escrow the following: 1. 2. The purchase price as called for above shall be paid into said escrow and (a) A good and s7dficient deed conveying said real property to BUYER free and clear of all liens, clouds and encunbrances, except as noted above, subject only to current taxes not delinauent. Standard form policy of title insurance in the amount of said purchase price fron a reliable title cornpny showing title called for in BUYER. (b) e - OPTION TO PLTFXHASE * Page. 2 ,$ . ' (c> Such other conditfons as may be set forth in Paragraph #7, hereaft SELLER shall pay SELUFl'S escrow fees and cost of revenue stmps and prepara of deed. B'UYER shall pay cost of BUYER'S escrow charges and cost.of recordi deed. 196 7 -196 8 escrow. BUYER may order a preliminary title' report and survey said property and ext( said escrow for such time as BUYER may require to examine said preliminary ' report and have the property surveyed, corners established, description ver: and determined proper and complete. In the event the preliminary title rep( reveals any lien, cloud, encumbrancep covenant, easment or other condition satisfactory to BUYEX, or such survey or description is unsatisfactory to E BUYER shall hzve the right, at his option, to terminate said escrow and be of all obligations thereunder or under his exercise of this option, and any all sums of money deposited by BUYER in said escrow shall be refunded to hi Said escrow may be extended by BUYER for a period of time not to exceed thj (30) days for the purpose of determining hrhether all pemLts necessary or c: pedient for the construction of improvements upon and the use of said propc contenplated by BUYER can be secured by BUYEFt;l,. and if BiTYB is unable to mz such determination within such extended priod, or he finds that he cannot obtain all such permits, BUYER shall have the right, at his option, to ten said escrow and be relieved of all obligations thereunder or under his exe: of this option, and any and all sums of money deposited by BUYER in said e shall be refunded to him. 3. SELLER shall pay cost of policy title insurance referred to above. 4. City and Coimty taxes shall be prorated as of date of close of 5. 6. -.. 7. ,-.;q-J;G;>\?-.;;TL2jy of- j;t;lf$ C'-><j.31T?* 7 I+: '2 3- .r?' X' .I :; c 2 1-t .;, - s -- ;> -1 ^ri n ,.,,,. '? 2;. -* LO" i.;.y>;'L.<.&l,z 7;cj j-;g i:' c:] :i: 1: :j ,> 2- j:1 i :-;si' $i;.yjy:y:.s * (!, il; -,,- c, p1 - l7 -- .J .'.* ., j . irr -<. " *. :.-L;.1 '2 -i; 0 n I x;, - -~ ?..* ;1 1) ., c* c ,J -L ;>.3 ,.) 1.2 c: L; Y c: --_ .i I.! -:- .! <-:+ .,LA I' . <I - .. 0 c-: 3 7 'i n..p 5 c>* .!G....,\ .,... ..XI ;\ ~~ + .-, -is -. 1 <.a ..I :,. 5 , d <-, A. ..3 3".' :. ;.. .-. .'.d ,.A5 -Ai,.& c Dated at , California this day of . y 196 4 SELLTR SOHN A. STEIGE AND ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 0 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HOME OFFICES 711 THIRD STREET P. 0. BOX 628 OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA PHONE 714-722-1 171 March 31, 1967 MX John Mamaw City Manager City of Caxlsbad 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Carlsbad, Galifouni a Dean Mr e Planaux: We have been authorized as agent fsn the Humble Oil and Refining Co3pany to advise ysu that Wunble is most in- terested in acquiring a service station site at the Northeast CQL~C?~ of Elm Street and Interstate #5, City of Caxlsbad, It is OUT understanding, and MumblePs, that this pxsperty is owned, by the City of CarIsbad. Hufible wouId be interested in either a fee purchase or a ground lease. Subject to the aypxoval of HurnbEe manage- ment, ~~lurnb~e would be willing t~ pay $SSO.OO net per month as a gsaund rental or $145,000,80 cash for a. site 175' X 175' Humble would want to construct a specially designed station with an abundance of landscaping. They would expect to work closely with the City of Carlsbad in regard to these matters They would expect to be allowed to sign the site as well as theia: imedi ate coqet i ti on . Should the City of Carlsbad decide to sell or lease this property (sonetimes referxed to as the "Greenwood" property) on a. final bid basis - I shall appreciate knowing it so we may submit a final offer in writing. For ystlr information, I have enclosed a copy sf Hu~ble's letter of Maxch 27, 1957, to us, Thank yOUe Sincerely your s, JQhm Am Steiger & Associates ,--. JWg "S- 5%?h&#. st%& *I 1) 0 HUMBLE OIL SL REFINING COMPANY ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92669 MARKETING DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE BOX 1254 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT TELEPHOhE. AREA CODE 714. 83 Rarch 27, 1967 John A. Steigsr & As.-r:i:tes 709-?11 Third St~ent Oceanside, Cafiforn:3 Attention: Mr. Jerry Belt RE: NEC Elm Street dc I. Carlsbad, Californ. Gent lernen : This is to advise you that Humble Oil and Refining Corn. pany is most interested in acquiring a service station site at the captioned locaticn. It is our understanding that th. property is owned by the City of Carlsbad. We would be interested in either a fee purchase or a ground lease, S!;Sject to the approval of Humble management ue would bJ i.il li:. 7-c- -2; ,a: :egg vet, per mocth as a groul rent21 or Sli>,OSC car13 ysr a site 175' x 175'. <. - Since the site is adjacent to thE planned Civic Center we would want to construct a specially designed station wit! an abundance or^ landscacing. We aould expect to work close: with the City of Carlsrzd in regard to these matters. We uould, however, expect to be allowed to sign the site as we: as our immediate corpetition, It is sui: inter? t-? cay any brokerage fee due you in tt event that a deal is cocsummac3d betwa5n Humble Oil and Ref: ing and the City of CarlTkad. Yours very truly, HUMBLE OIL & REFINING COMPAN' F. M. Schnieder by bL-.:* 6. B4\ George G. 8 ckley District Real Estate Re reser GGB:bk I- ’ I) U 5871 Soledad Road La Jolla, California March 27, 1967 City Council City of Carlsbad 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: In reference to the Interstate 5 site that the City of Carlsbad owns at the Northeast Corner of Interstate 5 and Elm Avenue, located in the City of Carlsbad, we wish to propose a ground lease on the following basis: We would prefer a site with dimensions of 150’ x 150’ and we would be willing to ground lease on a net-net basis for this site on the basis of evaluation of $5.00 per square foot. This, in my computation, would provide the City with a rental of Six Hundred and Fifty-six Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ($656.25) monthly. The original term would be ten (10) years with three (3) five (5) year renewal options and would contain a gallonage override pro- vision in favor of the City on the basis of one and one-half cents (1-1/2 cents) per gallon in excess of 550,000 gallons per annum. Under this kind of a deal, the Lessee would be responsible for the construction, taxes and maintenance on the proposed service sta- tion improvements. build the most modern type ranch station available and would pro- vide landscaping in accordance with the City of Carlsbad’s speci- fications. against the land, Please use this letter as a guide only in the proposal that we are making, and further realize that this letter and any commitments are subject to the approval of our management. this letter will be discussed prior to your Council Meeting on April 4 at which I hope to be present to answer any questions that you may have. You can be sure that the Lessee would also We would further pay all the real estate taxes levied It is hoped that Your s,truly, ” /+?$yp&&L /L/fi, /J V. C. McFarland New Business Representative The American Oil Company cc: Mrs. Ruth Gunther Austin Real Estate Co. VCM/js 6 -* L___-._ -- -- e e P 0 BOX2191 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 921 bil Oil Corpor February 28, 196 City of Carlsbad 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Carl sbad , California Attention: John Mamaux, City Manager NEQ IhTERSTATE FREEWAY 5 AND ELM STREET, CARLSBAD - Some months ago I wrote you concerning the availability of this City owned property for service station development. At that time it was indicated that the parcel was intended for use by the City of Carlsbad. It is now understood that a written offer has been made for commercial use of the property and that such offer has been referred to the Planning Department for a possible policy review by the City Council. I would suggest that it would be in the best interest of the City of Carlsbad if the property is to be placed on the market for commercial development to solicit offers from other interested parties including Mobil. If firm offers are requested rather than optional listings, I would further suggest that with respect to petroleum marketers that a 75-day period be established to permit obtaining of management approval. / 7,: ./; I& 2 c J /41: 'kki 6.. i E. K. Bolar Real Estate Representative EKB/mb * a Coldwell, Banker & Company A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION REAL ESTATE * PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . MORTGAGE LOANS . lNSURANCE 1450 SEVENTH AVENUE . SAN 31EGO CALIFORNIA 92101 . TEL 232 9113 February 16, 1967 Mr. John Mamaux, City Manager City of Carlsbad 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, C a1 ifo rnia Dear Mr. Mamaux: We would greatly appreciate it if the enclosed commission agree- ment could be executed concurrently with the option to purchase that has been submitted for Sibarco Station, Inc. in order to clarify Coldwell, Banker & Company's postion in the transaction. Yours very truly, Thomas R. Hornaday TRH:po enc. CONVENIENT OFFICES IN CALIFORNIA ARIZONA, NEVADA w m AGREEMENT The undersigned Seller accepts, and acknowledges the receipt of an Option to plrchase a portion of the property located in the Northeast Quadrant of the interchange of Interstate 5 and Elm Avenue in Carlsbad and owned by the City of Carlsbad. A real estate commission for services rendered in the amount of five (5%) per cent of the accepted sales price shall be paid to Coldwell, Banker & Company for effecting this sale through escrow and the undersigned Seller agrees to pay said commission at the time of closing thereof. 0 w AGREEMENT The undersigned Seller accepts, and acknowledges the receipt of an Option to prchase a portion of the property located in the Northeast Quadrant of tne interchange of Interstate 5 and Elin Avenue in Carlsbad and owned by the City of Carlsbad. A real estate commission for services rendered in the amount of five (5%) per cent of the accepted sales price shall be paid to Coldwell, Banker & Company for effecting this sale through escrow and the undersigned Seller agrees to pay said commission at the time of closing thereof. W w AGREEMENT The undersigned Seller accepts, and acknowledges the receipt of an Option to pachase a portion of the property located in . the Northeast Quadrant of the interchange of Interstate 5 and Elm Avenue in Carlsbad and owned by the City of Carlsbad. A real estate commission for services rendered in the amount of five (5%) per cent of the accepted sales price shall be paid to Coldwell, Sanker & Company for effectlng this sale through escrow and the undersigned Seller agrees to pay said commission at the time of closing thereof. W w AGREEXENT The undersigned Seller accepts, and acknowledges the receipt of an Option to parchase a portion of the property located in the Northeast Quadrant of the interchange of Interstate 5 and Elm Avenue in Carlsbad and owned by the City of Carlsbad. A real estate commission for services rendered in the amount of fLve (5%) per cent of the accepted sales price shall be paid to Coldwell, Banker & Company for effecting this sale through escrow and the undersigned Seller agrees ta pay said comzi.,ission at the time of closing thereof. / / ,/’ e CY;? - RjcRfield Di February 16, 1967 City Council City of Carlsbad 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: T!ae property located in the northeast quadrant of the interchange of Interstate 5 and Elm Avenue in Carlsbad was presented to Sibarco Stations, Inc. as a prospective purchaser by Coldwell, Banker & Company. Banker & Company to present an Option to Purchase a portion of the subject property. Very truly yours, ATMNTIC RICTBIELD COMPART Sibarco Stations, Inc. subsequently has authorized Coldwell, w/Pg SIBARCO STATIONS, INC. THOMAS R. HORNADAY * ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY, AGENT 2295 EAST HARBOR DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92112 232-91 W. M. FERGUSON TELEPHONE 714 - 234 5171 Coldwell, Banker & Company 1450 7th A SAN DIEGO REM ESTATf PROPERTY UANAGEMTNT LOANS INSURANCE e 0 . 1 .s .. I . I. 1. California San Diego , S'ia,e of 0. 156-170-11 and those portions of Assessor's Parcel 156-170-02 and 156-170-12 which lie Southwesterly of the acquisition.by the State o California for the construction of a frontage road to be built in conjunction with widening of Interstate 5 as shown on State Division of Highways Right of Way Maps L 3784 and L.O. 3785. Such property is outlined in yellow and designated Parcel 1 on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Parcel 2: That portion of right of way reserved for Pi0 Pic0 Drive which lies bet1 the Westerly boundary of Parcel 1 described above and the Easterly boundary of the of way required by the State of California for Interstate 5 as shown on State Divi: Highways Right of Way Maps L.O. 3784 and L.O. 3785. Such property is outlined in 1 designated Parcel 2 on Exhibit lrA1l attached hereto.;? Exhibit 'lBrrJ a copy of San Diego County, California, Assessor's Map, Book 176, Pagt is attached hereto for the sake of identifying the Assessor's Parcel Nos. referred this Option to Purchase. *(SEE ADDENDUM ATTACHED) e c i .,-* * .. ss ',',,;-,Ep.zaF, "ii?js aa;eelT,s:,t i;as b(y;, rxec";ei; ir, t;;p;--t-. :ibuLt 'in:s " ., ,. , IJ-. I,,';.? ..-.... I I, ii .1.3>. A-+:sss .-,.,- A -.- - -____ =, j ,q, ;= c SS. ___- -13 -, kJ2:o-e ,r;s, -__ .: -, <!-,3V u.. __ 1 Eric a:kncw;edgX 13c ___ c,",;; i;a;,d a,i si.;i(-;ai 9.>.-.' ""_I. - - x(-:a::y r',s;i(- jT. 2nd ; 0. *, & 2 L ,-5L . >- e 0 ADDENDUM a. It is understood by Buyer that Seller holds an estate in remainder in Assessor' Parcel No. 156-170-11 and that such remainderis the subject of this Option to P regarding that particular portion of the subject property and nothing contained herein shall be construed to have effect on the life estate held by Alice E. Gr in said parcel. Also, nothing contained in this Option to Purchase shall in an change or have effect on any other contract which may exist between Alice E. Gr and Seller, and Buyer shall not assume any liability nor responsibility which TT exist or which may arise from such a contract. b. Regardless of any other provisions of this Option to Purchase, Seller shall be to occupy and use that portion of Assessor's Parcel No. 156-170-02 which is a s of this Option to Purchase and the improvements siutated thereon until such tim Seller voluntarily vacates said portion or until Seller is required by the Stat California to vacate some other portion of the same Assessor's Parcel, or until , 19-, whichever shall first occur. During the period of occupancy, Seller shall not be required to make any payment, rent or otherwise, Buyer for the use of said portion of Assessor's Parcel No. 156-170-02, however, Seller shall be solely responsible for all costs, including but not limited to assessments, maintenance, or any other,currently owyfed or which may u such time as Seller's occupancy of the property has terminated as provided abovt c. It is understood by Buyer that Seller cannot transfer title to Parcel 2 until SI time as the existing portion of Pi0 Pic0 Drive, which would be affected by such transfer, is abandoned as a public street, however, Seller shall provide for thi transfer of said title on or before the date of opening of the new frontage roac which is to be constructed adjacent to the Northeasterly line of Parcel 1. accrue Buyer's Initials: Seller's Initials: - ,x -.. , e 0 I % e. rr -"' -2, ' , ,a q.4. L- -- ,.., A ___.. -.I .L ..--. i ... - .* 0 OPTION TO PURCIIASE e For and in CONSIDERATION of tha sum of ---Ten--- --- Dollars, ($ 10.00 ), rect of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, owner(s) of the hereinafter de: properties, hereinafter referred to as "SELLEFtS" hereby give and grant to HAL SMI et al, his assignee or nominee, hereinafter referred to as lfEUYER1r, the exclusive to purchase that real property situate in the City of Carlsbad Cotlnty of San Xego , State of California, described as follc together with all improvements of SELLER (s) thereon, for a total purchase price OA/E Xlwara#p,-D 5,&TY j/jC'&+/Q 2kLL4.QJ; &'@ Cf5M 7-5.' 1 To (8 /bq Q'C;z:/, &@ payable as follws: Zdsh, out of and at close of eszrow. S/,T This option shall reD.ain in full force and effect to and including the --Bh--- of Zuly , 1967 . This option may be exercised by BUYER by deposit of notice of exercise thereof in the United States mails on or before said date, addr to SE'LUR(s) at In the event BUYER elects to exercise this option, SXLI,ER(s) agree(s) to convey ti said property to B'JYER by good and sufficient deed, free and clear of all liens, c or encumbrances, except as above mentioned and restrictions and right-of-ways of r or whatsoever kind or nature, except current taxes not delinquent at time title to property vests in BUYSR, upon the following terns and conditions: Said sale shall be accomplished through a thirty (30) day escrow, which sh be opened with a bank or title company designated by BUER after BUYER'S election to exercise this option. The purchase price as called for above shall be paid into said escrow and 1 to seller less seller's share of expenses hereinafter specified, after sel: furnishes through escrow the following: 1. 2. (a) A good and sufficient deed conveying said real property to BUYER free and clear of all liens, clouds and encumbrances, except as noted above, subject only to current taxes not delinquent. Standard form policy of title insurance in the amount of said purchase price from a reliable title company showing title called for in BUYER. (b) f3ank fs relieved of liability or rssponsibility as to forn, contants and veilidi%y of reciW regmding life estxxte. _/-- -.-- - -~ /- 'a ~ -.- m !. i' i *: f I -. .I_ .- - --- -I_ -I_-- I_ - cI- - - _I __..- /s3* 36 ' ! 1 j i I i i 1 i I i 1 1 I&' i i i I __. I_._l.-_c-.-.l_l.-u "J i i I I i 'i a' i i. I iql in-' I i \ .,6? i ,p,* 1 '%i ! i i ... I i I A*+ q:.. 1% ?j 4 >-. .. .. :h Is .. i i" i \&he. \ .*" > / j i i ! ... : . 1 i 1 I I I ; e % 1% I i ! is 1; i 1 i a, i i I 4 .... .... f *%..---..-.,. ., , Ir .... .... t -., ... P @g 1. / *# .. .~:-; . ..... ..... -.-. - f i \ -. ? . .-, \,; 2- .... I. z ... :... '.:: j ..-. :. . 1 ..- ..*. . .,. ..... I : i .... i . . :. .- .-.. <: i .. .*: .y. ::: ...... *... ;:;; :.*: -. i i i . I. .-, --" _X - - .- II --- I ..-. i. .... .. ... i 4 I f 84 j ! i i 1 t I % ! +$. .e -.. +. -L I i ? i ! I i i i ! ! i i 1 1 , / :-. i3 i L 1 I $ 1 ! I -I-_- _I- ........ .-... ...... .." .... ..^__ "..- ...____ 2, __- -- DR. &...' c - ; j -. . ....... -... .. .._......__..I._I_._.. I - " .. i . 1 ..... ...... ___ .. .~ .. c--..-. ~. @ OPTION TO PURCHASE 0 Page (c) Such other conditions as may be set forth in Paragraph #7, hereal SELLER shall pay SELLER'S escrow fees and cost of revenue stamps and prepai of deed. BUYER shall pay cost of BUYER'S escrow charges and cost of recorc deed. 196 7 -196 8 escrow. BUYER may order a preliminary title report and survey said property and ex said escrow for such time as BUYE;R may require to examine said preliminary report and have the property surveyed, corners established, description ve and determined proper and complete. In the event the preliminary title re] reveals any lien, cloud, encumbrance, covenant, easement or other conditio1 satisfactory to BUYER, or such survey or description is unsatisfactory to BUYER shall have the right, at his option, to terminate said escrow and be of all obligations thereunder or under his exercise of this option, and an: all sums of money deposited by BUYER in said escrow shall be refunded to h Said escrow may be extended by BUYER for a period of time not to exceed th (30) days for the purpose of determining whether all permits necessary or 1 pedient for the construction of improvements upon and the use of said prop contenplated by BUYER can be secured by BUYEi3, and if BUY3I is unable to m such determination within such extended period, or he finds that he cannot obtain all such permits, BUYER shall have the right, at his option, to ten said escrow and be relieved of all obligations thereunder or under his exe of this option, and any and all sums of money deposited by BiTYER in said e shall be refunded to him. 3. SELLER shall pay cost of policy title insurance referred to above. 4. City and County taxes shall be prorated as of date of close I 5. 6. 7. :,x@c7~fy-Ja~~ @f $h-ja $f-JJL &if ,-q-9y is o;lzat.*il ;I u.3'32, ;3nc @X : j, 2 :a % 2 gp. :LC c e 1" -& Y-SJ $3 E'x7.TpT Cali" >is<? 233. i.$ i-i.d*UC% 3.l c7. 39E 433 bDsiEm3* 8 c ;exke7i, :-~z~c~s~3~O9 aid- 22~sea $0 .I-,t~..>nee 8 B QZlii I %-*L a;sri_,$,j &.I. >>--9,S * Qp:li.Lfon $0 :"xT"cf3:~SB *&a I& y-J& z@@jpp&sQn, 3-l; -I;tLC s%r:e I DXj-<Zc3 Dated at , California this day of . , 196 SELLER TELEPHONE AREA CODE 714 - 291 (24 HOUR ANSWERING E WR HAL SMITH OFFICE- 0 312 HOTEL CIRCLE WEST SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92110 (MAIL ADDRESS) P.0. BOX 3152 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 Date I NSTRUCTI QNS TO PAY COM M ISSIQN: TO:- Upon close of escrow, from funds received and/or held by you on my behalf, you are instr to pay: HAL SMITH, a licensed real estate broker the sum of ~___ ($--- I acknowledge that HAL SMITH was heretofore employed by me to effect a sale (lease) ( property described under escrow instructions directed to that I have agreed to pay said sum to HAL SMITH as his commission for said services, an( pursuant to said employment he has produced the purchaser (lessee) named in said e instructions. Q S&@L’L.O S;lCl+ 4. 7 PLEASE MAIL PAYMENT TO ADDRESS BELOW UNLESS PAYMENT IS CALLED FOR ON THE DAY THE ABOVE ESCROW IS C LICENSED REAL ESTATE I LICENSE NO. 261561 ADDRESS: P. 0. BOX 3152, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 9 ’TELEPHONE NO.: 298-8211 - I * a e 0 Mobil Oil Company A Divlsion of Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc 1883 EAST HARBOR DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92112 P.O. BOX 2191 September 22, 1964 Mr. John J. Maux City Manager - City of Carlsbad 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, California The City of Carlsbad appears as the record owner of approxi- mately 400 feet of frontage on Elm Avenue lying 75 feet easterly of Pi0 Pic0 Street. This is to inquire if the City of Carlsbad would be interested in obtaining lease revenues or a sale of 175 feet of this property for service station development. If so, I would appreciate the opportunity of submitting a proposal for your considerat ion. E. K. Bolar Real Estate Representative EKB/mb -I 1 ** I '2 ir I i' 4 b- fr .J L BlWER t SELLER ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS Tor Security First National Bank PCURITY FIRST NATIONAL BAN Escrow No. ... 4 .Q&&!2x..9.................. 2. * BUYER ".k .. x.&xlsBad Branch 1. PRIOR TO ..... ...%@&%&@?..T..... ......, 163- ..., I will hand you $.%.%&!& ........... 3. ...................................................................................................................................................... 4. .................. 1 ................................................................................................................................... 5. ...................................................................................................................................................... 6. ........................................................................................................................................... :.... ...... 7. and any additional funds and instruments necessary on my part to enable you to comply with these instructions, which you are to use PI 8. before the date set forth on line 1 above, as qualified by the provision at the top of page 2 hereof, you hold the money and documents, if an 9. to me under these instructions and instruments have been Bed for record entitling you to procure ...................................................................... 2. ......................................................................................................................... .---; ........................ 10. ............................................................................... 12. with title company liability for ................................................................................................... the amount of total consideration on real property standard Coverage Form policy of title insurance issued by or th 11. ..~~..~~~~...~~..~~..-~ ........................................................................................................................................... 16. ........ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17. ................................................... : ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18. as per map recorded in Book ......................, Pages ....................... of Maps ................................................ in the office of the Recorder of said COI 20. ................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......- ................................... 22.' Free of encumbrances except: ................................................................................................................................................................................... 23. General and Special Taxes for fiscal year le.., 19--&, and taxes which are not yet due; INCLUDING SPECIAL DISTRICT LEVIES, PAYME 24. IS INCLUDED THEREIN AND COLLECTED THEREWITH. Covenants, conditions, and restrictions; and rights, rights of way, easements for public c 25. companies, alleys and streets; now of record, if any, ............................ ..................._ ....................................................................................... ....-.... 26. ............................................ : .............................................................................................................................. ...............-... ..... ..__: _----.- ........................... 27. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28. ................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29. Mortgage or Trust Deed securing an indebtedness as per its terms, now of record (Lenders' statements to show unpaid balances of 30. $..Z@@$ ..-............ ................. ~~, $ ....................................... --------., but if same should show to be more or less than said amount, then you ar 31. total consideration the same as shown above, by accordingly adjusting the CASH THROUGH ~SCROW) ........................................................... .. 32. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33. Trust Deed on your- ............................................................................. usual .......................... form, securing Note for $ ........ -- ....... ~-., dated ( 34. 35. ............... : ............................................................................................................................................................................................ I. ........... ---; .............. 36. payable at your Branch .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37. interest fro in ............................................................ (See line 75 re endorsing interest) at rate of. ............... per cent per annum, payable .......... 38. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39. 4). of each .................................................... month, beginning on the day of 41, ................................................................................................................................................................. i.____ .................................................................... 42. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43. and continuing until said principal and interest have been paid; executed by above Grantee(s) and ............................................................. 44. ... .....*......................-... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .-.... ................. &j. ................... ........-. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47. .................................. I .................................................................. .---:-.. ....... ~ --....-.- . .- ............... __-_____ . ..__...................................-........__..____I ..........__.. 48. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50. ....... :. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52. ................................................................................................................................................. .....- ................................................................................. 53. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54. ......................................................................................................................................... ......-. ....................................................................................... 55. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 59, ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19. . Title vested in ........ ...~.~~..~...~~~~~~..-~-.-~ ~~i~...~~.~~.~-~--~ ............................................................................... .. 21. ................................................................................................................................................................................................... due (if straight note) ........................................................ in favor of ............................................................................................................................. principal and interest payable $...................-....................----- more on the ..................................................................................................... .. .............................................. ......................................................................... 56. ................ :... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62. ......................................................... ................-......................-......... ............................................................................................................................. 63. ................................................ .........................-.... .......................................................................................................................................................... 64. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... ^ ......-............. ............. 65. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 67. ....... .............._..............................-.............. ~ ..._.......-_..-.-...-..........................................-................................... ... .....-..... ...... -. .....-......................... 2758 (Over) ESC 2558 3-63' 10Y 68. If the conditions of this escrow have not been complied with prior to the date set out on line 1, or any extension thereof, you arc 69. completd the escrow as soon as the conditions, except as to time, have been complied with, unless written demand shall have been ma 70. to complkte it. 71. Affix $..l..E.*.m .... U. S. R. Stamps on deed, to be paid by SELLER .............................................................................................................. 72. 73. Interest 74. and funds shown impounded for future payment of taxes, insurance, etc.; all based on Beneficiary’s statement. 75. Interest to accme on new encumbrances by endorsements on notes from ............................................................................... WE..? .............. The fo owing adjustments are required in this escrow: n Mortgages and/or Trust Deeds of record, and F. €1. A. Mortgage Insurance Premium to. .......... ..................................... none 1 I 76. Taxes, idcluding all tax bill items except taxes on personal property not conveyed through this escrow to .................................. 77. based o I current year’s taxes, or, between July lsd and November 10th of each year based on immediately preceding year’s taxes. 11 81. Rentals dn basis of statement furnished by seller, to .......................... ....xIxxtl;%....... ................................... ....., and you are to consider on h 7 f 78. the figur s from the tax bill handed you by the seller or figures furnished you by title company, without liability on your part as to t 79. Seller ag:ees to pay prior to delinquency, any taxes on real and personal property not being sold herein, which tax is a lien on tl 80. being conveyed. You are not to be concerned with same. 82. stateme:, that seller will collect all rents which fall due prior to the close of this escrow, unless he instructs you in writing to the coni 83. ment ag El. inst buyer on uncollected rentals .............................................................................................................................................................. 84. ............. ..! ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I 55. ............... I ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... _I ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ I--- 87. Premium1 on .................................................... Fire Insurance Policies to .noJae...t;o...~~~..~....pr. on building .............. 88. situated kither on property described above or on premises known as No ............................................................................................................. 89. ............... i ........................................... You may assume that premiums on said policies have been paid and that the policies have not beel Make phrations on basis 30-day month. “Close of escrow” shall mean the day papers are filed for record. Make disbursements by you] not presented for payment within six months after date are subject to service charges in accordance with Bank’s schedule in effect from tin fire and other ibsurance policies to holder of first encumbrance, if any. Mail title policy to holder of existing encumbrance, provided there is tution of liability; otherwise to the holder of the prior encumbrance recorded concurrently with documents herein; but if there is no sue: then to the buy’ r. Other documents and checks in my favor to be mailed to my address below. If title policy is to be obtained, procure it fro1 pany operatingrin county where .property is located, subject to exceptions and conditions contained in said company’s regular printed form. I agree to pay on demand for recording deed, mortgage clause on insurance, filling in, notarizing and recording Trust Deed and 0: necessary on my part, and buyer’s escrow fee as charged ................................................................................................................................................ You shall be under no obligation or liability for failure to inform me regarding any sale, loan, exchange, or other transaction, or facts wit edge, even though same concern the property described herein, provided they do not prevent your compliance with these instructions, nor sha for the sufficiedcy or correctness as to form, manner of execution, or validity of any instrument deposited, nor as to identity, authority, or righi executing the same. Your liability as escrow holder shall be confined to the things specifically provided for in my written instructions in this I Should 3011 before or after close of escrow receive or become aware of any conflicting demands or claims with respect to this escrow or t of the parties hbreto, or any money or property deposited herein .or affected hereby, you shall have the right to discontinue any or all furtb part until such ‘conflict is resolved to your satisfaction, and yon shall have the further right to commence or defend any action or proceeding rnination of sudh conflict. The parties hereto jointly and severally agree to pay all costs, damages, judgments and expenses, including reasoi fees, suffered 04 incurred by you in connection with, or arising out of this escrow, including, but without limiting the generality of the fore, interpleader brbught by you. In the event you file a suit in interpleader, you shall ipso facto be fully released and discharged from all obliga perform any an all duties or obligations imposed upon you in this escrow. Signature ..........!.......................................................................................................... Signature ..............3. . r ..................... .......................... i ................. : ......................................................................................... Address ............................................................................................... I ~ etm w cA3cLsBA13 Buyer’s ;d Buyer’s j I Street i City . ................-................................................................................................................... & Zone ......................... I SELLER I 1 ........................................... ...k*b...9 ............. 90. I HEREdY APPROVE AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE FOREGOING INSTRUCTIONS AND PROVISIONS. PRIOR TO tt 91. on line 1 herein, I will hand you all instruments and money necessary for me to comply therewith, including a deed of the property desci 93. which yo are authorized to deliver provided you hold in this escrow for the acco the parties executing said deed ........................... 92. by ....... ____.! ............................... #&.*?d.. ................................................ .................................................................................. 1 ........................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................... (Use this space only if money is to be payable to others than grantors) ’94. 4 the money 95. and instr ents deliverable to me under these instructions. When property being conveyed is held in Joint Tenancy any cash derived thl 96 escrow sh 11 be Joint Tenancy funds. Pay any liens and encumbrances necessary to place title in the condition called for and the fo: 97. ....................................... I .............................................................. :... .............................................................................................................................. 98. 99. & 1 Pay commission of to .............................................................................................................................................................. Broker’s dicense No ................................................ .Address .................................................................................................................. .......................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................ 111. I agree fo pay on demand charges and expenses incurred by you for me, including charges for title policy, offset statements and bene 112. merits an i or demands, filling in, notarizing and recording any documents necessary on my part, transfer of fire insurance if proratec 113. escrow fe as charged ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 114. Credit bal nce to Checking/Savings Account No .............................. in name of ....................................................................................................... 115. or ............................................................................................................. in your. ................................................ .................................................... Signature ................................ ............................................................................... Signature .... ....................................................................... Seller’s ..__.I.... :. .& Zone .c &bad c-vm- T t i I ! Seller’s Street ALEE E. f ............................ \ Address a .f.m-.m . ........................................................................................................ ............................. .......................... I .............. ............................................................................. ................ .......................... . ..... ............ -:...I.. c E@ *’ ( Tel *:’ i City