HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-08-26; City Council; 248; CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY RE: CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OF AVOCADO CAB CO.% ch--T I Fa(? CARLSBA L1 L L'."c . Agenda sill NO. !z+f Date: August 26, -2ef erred TO: Srrf>ni kted Ssbject: Cerijficate of Public Convenience & Necessity Re: Change of ownership of Avocado Cab Go. City Gk\: .. r: -. -- - Stztement of the Xztter Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Eveland have Furchased the Avocado Cab Comp from Mr. Claude Bookout.' They are requesting permission to opera within the City the same two cabs which were previously allowed P Bookout. i Exhibit Letter of request from Keith E..and Margie L. Eveland 4 Staff Reconnendations t. .. I .cL (- * . - -___ - __-__ __I - - -- _. . -". -. . - w AB No, *2?k 14 Da te : 63- 2L -7 c .. .- 7% .. = -. City Manager's Recommendation .- * Recommend'the matter be referred to the Chief of Police. KeitIi E, 'and Mmgb L, EVELAND who have sdrnttted a request for a taxi- 3-9-70 We Rave. conducted an i$vestfgatbn 2nto the BacECgCound. and character of cdb lzcense to do Busibess ih the C2ty of Carlsbad as the AVOCADO CAB COMPANY xh2ch w2ll operate a Sub-statfon at 3065 State Street, Carlsbad, . Califomla. Phone 729-5145. We can find no nega-tlve InformatTon to support a request for the denial of this license, therefore, I recommend we approve ft. -. %K+ Council Action 9-1-70 Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Eveland referred to-the Police i and the City Manager for study and recommendations. 9-15-70 Permission was granted to Mr. & Mrs. Evelatid to operate 1 Avocado Cab Company within the City on the same basis as Requests for change of rates to be broi public hearing at later date at request of new owners,. C to be effective as- of July 1, 1970. - - previous owners. 1 n -- ,"J ', r. / , - -_ . .- .. - -2- - ._ - .. (. 0 \ @\X I/- --- . h j n AVC@JO G.3 wx?2.:rf I j0 ExcalJ-p-k,us Vista, California CITY ccu?:cIL of CLSSW, WU~XIW. &: CeZ*ifiCake Gf Public Convenience and & cessity In accordance with the City of Carlsbad, Ordinance Mo.6010 on @er AVOW CAB CO. I an requesting permission l;o continue to operate Avo ca'b CO. within the CSty of Carlsbad,califordia. of Taxjlcabs within the Gity of Qrlsbad,GF?LiXo'o;a. As RB'~ owner of th Petitioner: Keith E and kgie L. EDUND ll+@ Pluto m. Vista, Gilifomia. - Phone 72b-81216 130 Eucalyptus (W-Off) 3065 State St. (: Pnone 726-330Q ~bmm Name: AV~OCADO C-U CO, Vista, California klsbad 9 WfcJsni PLtone 729-5 145 - - OTEUTION: The area of operations wiab be be the City of klsbad,Vista,Calj and adjacent coumr&y areas.The company ~LU.'~bie operztbg on a 24 hour c Taxicabs are equiped with two-way radios and Ornaha Taximeters, wi by the Itbights and Lieasuses bpta of the CQUlnty of San Nego,Califo% &?kr Rates to be charaed as f'o~ows,: 1st 1/4 &le - .IO each 1/5 mile thereafter and waiting the as authorized by the %ate of Wfor~a and an, hq $ .50 5.00 - per hour.waiting tine (metered) 1.00 i%n- for parcel delivery or meter which ever,-fs raatei meter plus 1/2 the metered fare on trips extending 710) tc miles beyond the city firnits of Qrlsbad and Vista,&lifoi Deadhead L (a t 6- V'hicle Discription: ysw model tspe Veh.1.D. Ns. Uc. No. Pass/cap I966 Plymouth 4drW RT41 %I 272442 X83588 5 1956 Plymouth 4drSed RT41 E61 272&!+0 X83586 5 fenders. kbnogran: AVOCADO CUI CO 724-3300 ?. I -2-TaxiBabsare Bluegreen in color with khite lettering front doors an vista .Ca;r.LSW Hront fend ex 7&-33m 729-5 1 4S (fkont doors) ~~~F2zL&R Keith E, XW?D I., . a '3 . ', . '\ '$$ \ THAT TEE PUSLIC INTEAWST, CONVENIENCE AND 51 6l CONPANY TO O1ERQTE TWO TAXICABS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ORDERING THE CITY CLERK TO ISSUE SAID CERTIFICATE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. I I 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 l3 2 :: 15 $3 m 16 du. w9 ao=z z>.;g %<+ > mo -I 17 g. 3a +>uu zu8d w~za 18 UC rn 52 v) >I- $ 19 aa >u 20 0 0 i- - 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I WHEREAS, the Encinitas Yellow Cab Company in accord Chapter 5-20 of the Municipal Code has applied for a Certifj of Convenience and Necessity to operate taxicab service wit1 the City of Carlsbad, and WEfEREAS, pursuant to said Chapter a public hearing t held before the City Council of the Ciky of Carlsbad on May to determine whether or not the public interest, convenience necessity require the issuance of the certificate appl' led fc WHEREAS, at said hearing all persons having hterest i the matter were heard, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council c City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the public interest, convenience and necess require the issuance of the certificate applied for. - 3, That said certificate is hereby issued to Gaytor and Filomena Marcello, doing business as Enchitas Yellow Cz Company, subject to the following terns and conditions: (a) The certificate is limited to the area of S Carlsbad, that being all land within the City limits lying south of Palomar Airport Road with the additic of Palomar Airport itself. I (b) Two taxicab vehicles are authorized, d- *$ . &, qy (c) Schedule of fares: Initial drop $.SO inclu first 1/5 mile; $,lo for each additional 1/5 mile; ~i time $4.80 per hour. d' 31 32 (d) Certificate shall be subject to-all of the . visions of Chapter 5.20 of the Municipal Code. e 1 I I (e) Certificate is issued for a period of one 4 .3 I only, said period to commence on the date of adopti of this resolution. Applicant's application form dated March 2 (f) shall be part of this certificate. 8 9 10 11 12 l3 0 14 La 5 8 15 $8 o, 16 CjLLwQ: no$; g>20 17 &jb$ UI * 3.s +>"" ' E222 18 zg f3 5 *E (v zu8d X' 20 21 22 23 ' 24 25 26 >4- Ix a > t.l 0 - and with the terms of this resolution. 5, That the certificate shall not be issued untkl applicant has conplied with all of the hereinabove terms and tions. c PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular mee sf the City Council on the 21st day of May t 1974, following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazees Chase, McComas and Lewis NOES: None I ABSENT: None '0 ATTEST: >flL&2$ Fa,/, MAqGARET E. ADAMS, ( City Clerk 'i/ (SEAL) . 29 30 33. 32 h 2. WILE 3Y PEfONE 753-5838 - - -.-- -- t --.-- NAME -u x aRCEJ,L 0 & FILONENA MARCELLO ADDRESS 568’ FAITH AVE . CARDIFF 92007 I- I. (Street) (City) (Zip Code) CO3fPANY N.4HZ ENCINITAS YELLOW CAB .. PHONE 753-6044 COITANY ADDRZSS S. A. A. (Street 1 (City) (zip Code) CBTIFICATE k Issued Number of Vehicles AUTHORIm ,Number of Vehicles to be licensed - (&plain any difference in the numb( (vehicle? to be licensed and number 2 -.. COLOR OF CABS: BODY YELLOW RO()F YELLOW FENDER YELL01 TRA~~E NW~/INSIGNIA; ENCINITAS YELLOW CAB - LOCATION ENCiNITAS LIST THE FOLLO‘VIING INFORMATION FOR EACH VEHICLE TO BE LICENSED: (Attach adetional which includes first 115 mi le ~HEDULE OF FARES: INITIAL DROP 5Oe / - PER MILE~W ea 1/5 WAITING TI~~E $4. I - &needed I HAVE READ AND UNDE THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONCERNING TRAFFIC AND THE OPERATIC CHAPTER 5.20 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE iu’OTE: ANY FALSE STATEXENT MADE HEREIN PIAY - BE CAUSE FOR DBJIAL OF PEHbiIT/LICENSE. AlPROVED . -. 9EYIrn BY ORDIX-U!T(X 30, 6010 4 - ,@I OE.II??.QTCE ZGUI;+TING TIE OPZ2ATICX 03' TlXICM3 IN TEZ CITY OF C.,rlLSB-.; AXl P8OVIDIiTG PE?W,TI3S POX T:-CE , VIOLATIOX 1?€23303'. *-' The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby ordaiz f olfavrs: S3CTfOX 1. DEFIXITIOES: Ear the purpose of t'nia Ordinance, certain words and phrase . -. 'b E construed as herein set forth, unless it is apparent fron the that a different neaning is intended. - A. "Certificate" is a Certificate of Fu3lic Convenience an Necsssity issu2d pursuant to this Ordinance, B, Taxicabn is every automobile o:r mtm gropelied vehiel. means of which passengers are transpert26 far hire apon any sub1 in the City, and not over a regular or defined route and irrespe whether the operation extends beyond the bouzdary limits of the not, excepting vehicles sf trmsportation companies as herein de: "Transportation Coa?aniesia means *#TranspoPting Compwy* fined ia that certain act of the legislature of tbe Stzte of Cal. approved "Jay 10, 1917, providing for the supervision and regula*: the transportatcon of persons and prsperty for compensation oPer highmays by automobiles, jitney busses, auto trucks, stages and i stages, and all wendnents to said act. @, SSCTIOPT 2. KO person shall engage in the Susiness of providing taxicab 3r 0;" operating a taxlc=.b upon a~ny pu-olic street within the city having obkined and in good standing a Certificat5 of Public Conv CBTIFTCAT OF P'E3LIC CO&WXISNCZ .Q?D XZCESSZTY, \ \ and Fecessity so to do in accordance with the provisions h hereof, without complying v7ith or having complied with all the provisions Or3inznce zr~d of such certificate, * &&---------.--.---~' .. (r <-. ___ -I_^- _-- i--,-- ---- %I Any person desiring to obtain t'ile certificate required by diately preceding Section shall pay a fee of b'ifleen [$15,00) Do t'ne Gity'Clerk, and shall make a verified application for said c to the City Council, which said application s3all set forth: . 1. me nme and address or" applicant, and if the same be a tion, t'ne names of its principal offiesrs; if the sz3e be a part association, or fictitious company, the names of the partners or comprising the assaciation or co~np~~y, with the address of each; A complete schedule of the fares or rates to be charged A description of every motor vehicle ~hic'n applicant pr 2, 3. , to use, giving: a. Trade nane b. Yotor and serial xuiber ce State license numaer d. Seating capacity e. Sody stjrls; 4, proposes to stand each such taxicab; 5- 6, The street nun3er and exact location sf the place where The nwe of the legal and registered owner of each such fhe ai%$inctive calol- schemep amep nonogrmf or fnsim shall be nsed on such taxicab; 7, If any proposed stand is in the public street, said app shall be accolnpanied by a written consent tbereto of all occupan' ground floor of any building or lot in front of any building or : of ;;7'nich such taxicab is to be located, and for twenty-five feet therefrom, or if there is no such occupant, by t'ne cvritten consel sf tie miner OP lessee of suck building or lot; . 8, AI1 persons whose nams appear as required by Subparap: this Section s3all indicate in their application their assent to finger printing by Chief of ?olice. r'nereafter, the Chief of Polj obtain said finger prints during the conduct of investigation of cants as required by Section 4 hereof, \ i aCTIOX 4. IGXIIITC OB XPTLICATfON- 9. upon recei-pt of any application referred to in Section 3 ab( City clerk &.ll. set a time not less than tefl nor more G?an thirl thereafter Tor the hearing of said a>plieation before t'ne Gity Ct and s;iall. give notice of the tine so set at least five days befo. of said hearfng to the apolicant, by mail, at the address set OU application, and 'loy publication of notice of such application an &eari.ng in a nsmspaper in +,'ne city on one day of publication. 13 t?ne 'nearing, the Clerk shall refer t'rre aglication to the Police investigation of facts contained therein; the kief shall imnedi qgire into said facts and s'rzall in&stigate t3e character and ma ground of applicant, and shall be prepared to sx'mit results of inmstigation to the City Council when so requested, SXCTIOX 5* I"sSU.!!CE 03 A?'DLICATI3F. At the the set €OF the hearing of such acplication, the Ci may exzmige t'ne applicant and all persons fnterested in the matt forth in said aFplication, and shall determine Thetier or riot tk: interest, convenience and necessity require the issuance of the applied for, and if it be found by the Council that the public i convenience and necessity require the issmmcre sP Che ceptifiad fer, it shall by resslutiss order the City clerk ta issue 8 cart accordance with said application, subject to the filing and appi undertaking as hereinafter in Section 7 provided, and subject tc tions as may be imposed by said resolution including the ainimur maximum nurr'oer of vehicles that may %e used,, SBCTION 6. GROLJXDS BO9 3EXI-LtL. Any of the r"OllOi7i~g reasons shall. be sufficient for denia: certificate: \ 1, That t'ne application is not in t??e fom, and does not < the information required to be contaivled therein by this Ordinai 2, That the vehicles descri%ed therein are inadequate or 1 for the purposes for vhich t'iiey are to be med. 3, That the color scherne, name, monogram or insignia to b~ - 1--. _- . - - -. I __ __ _._ - - . . -- .- _-- - - - . -I -.. _____ _______- __ _-I_I__. _*- -_____ upom such automobiles shall be in conflict ?pith or iaitate any ( schae, name, rnonogra or insignia used by any person in such mal to be misleading or tend to deceive or defraud the public, 4, That 34e location of the stand, as therzin stated, is I to congest or interfere mit’n travel on any ~riblic streee, or tba! posed stand is Tithin tl.r_ree hundred feet of any other taxi stand fore fixed by the City Council on the sage street. . . 5: That aTplicant has, at sone prior the, had such a cert revoked for reason. 60 mat it shall sgpear to the City Council that there are cient nurfoer of taxicabs and autonobiles for hira in the City to serve tke public, and tbat the granting of more certificates koul conge.;t the traffic and interfere with. t3e frse use of the public by the public, and that the public interest, convenience and nece not retpire the issuance of such cePtificate, 7. That the schedule of fares and/oP rates does not appear fair and equitable, SECTIOX 7. INSLTRAYCB RXJ’JIRZD. Before a certificate shall be issued by the City Clerk, the to whom a certificate shall. have been araarded by the City Council said shall deliver to the City Council a polfey of insurance exec1 company duly authorized under the laws of‘ “Le State to do an imsu; ness by the provisions of Thick pallicy said company pronises and 7 to pay in full all legal liabilities incurred by the assured for ( persona or yrocerty resulting from the operation of the autonobile in said application, proTided, that the maximum mount for which 1 shsll be assumed for injury 01: or death of one person in azly one i be not less than $10,000 and for i3jur-y to OF deat’n of more than c ’any one accident shall be not less than $20,800.00, and the naxint which liability shall be assunsd for injury to devtruction of pro1 one accideflt shall be not less thm $5,000.00, S~CTTOX 8. CROUNL)S BOX RPVCC.4TIONm Any certificate or gernit sranted under the provisions of th _--. _-_ - -- - ---- --. - - --- -- _I - t. edinanct 111 to ay car descriBed therein, or as to the right to use any disf color, monogram or insignin, after five days notice to the certi holder, requiring him to appear at a certain time and place to s my said certificate should not be revoked for wy of the follow 1, That the undertaking provided for in Section 7 has not given or has been mitiidram or lapsed for nonpayment of premium, in force for any reasonp 2. Bor the nonpayment to the City of any license fee prbvi Ordinance Eo, 6005 of said City of Carls’bad. 3. For failure to observe any of the rules and regulations ‘provisions set out in this Ordinance or in t3e certificate, 4. Por the violation of any of the lags of the State or or{ of the City by any certificate holder, operator or driver of any covere3 3y such certificate. 5. For failure to maintain satisfactory service to the pur%: means of any of the vehicles described in the application or for to keep any such car in use for an unreasonable length of time, c failure to use the distinctive color, nonogrm or insignia descri the application, or for deviation from the schedule of rates and forth in the appljeation. 6, For any cause mhich in the opinion of the City Council’n contrary to the public interest, convenience and necessity for tk cate or pemit to be continued, YSCTIOF 9. Axzrccxm BOZ P.~:ISSIOIT TO mxm. In the event that any certificate holder desires to change ’n of rates and charges or t5e color schene, name, nonogram or insig XI such taxicab, or to subs:iitute any vehicli: for and in place of vehicle described in the aTplication, or to increase or decrease nrunSx of vehicles used by him as taxicabs, he shall first make a; for permission to do so from the City Council, which permission si granted if, and in the discretion of the City Council, it deem tl \ -5- __ __ - - __ - - ____.___._ __.-. - .- - --- --. --- ---A- --- ----I-- interest, necessity and convenience zilL be subserved by such c'n; and if the certificate holder has complied With all provisions of Ordinance, and no such change shall be made i;irit'nout such permiss: SSC'CION 10. 'i'AXCCA3 STAIDSO The City Council nay by resolution qecify stands at i7hich tucicabs may be parked pursuaqt to t9ze provisions of this Ordinar ad may by such resglution specify the nature and extent of the c which such stand Icay be devoted, Said stand shall consist of a c space, to be marked off, painted and reserved for such taxicabs c S3CTION. 11 0 REFUSAL TO P.4Y FA33 No Derson shall refuse to pay the legal. far2 for the hire a taxicab, after having hired the same, with the intent to defraud person from whom it is hired. SECTIOX 12. RULTS XD EL?!GT!ZATIOK3, The followin,a rules and regulations &all be observed by a1 opem.,,ting taxicab.s: Am Any yerssn driving a taxicab sh:111 Tear a distinctive h with a badge in plains sight inscribed yitk the name of the persons the certificate has been issued, Be Xo taxicabs shall be operated in the City unless the UTI provided for in Section 7 of this Ordinance is in full force and Co no taxicab shall rernain standing upon any Public street purboses except for loading and unloading passengers, and then no period af more than five ninutes, exce3ting at such stand as nay by t'ne City Council. say3 is enqaged by and being paid for by a passenger, . This Section s'?all not aply to any taxicab D. No operator, drivel or omner of any taxicab shll solic carry any passenger after such taxicab sh-11 have been engaged or in use for anot'-ier passeng$r, without the consent of the pasuenge: \ -6- -. - - first engaging the same having been/obtained@ LDassenger. or DE erigaging such taxicab shall have the exclusive right to full am us3 of the passenger compartrr,ent and the whole thereof if he de: the same. e. %e driver of zny taxicab shall carry any passengers er the sage safely and expeditiously to his destination by t'ne most and accessible route. 4, -.& I?. KO person shall operate any tzsiczb Prithout prepaying a fee required by the City for t'ne transaction of such bQsir,ess. - G, All taxicab3 shall be kept in goad naehmical condition B. 140 person shall drive a taxicab in the City without fir obtained a California Chauffeur's license, also a City of Carlsb ca% driver's permit, issued in writing by the Chief of Poiice of as in this Ordinance pro.rided, I, Eo driver, owner or operator of any taxicab shall indul, unfair coopetition with competitors or sball coat any fraud up public or other persons engaged in the sane hsiness, and the Ci shall be the sole judge of what constitutes fraud or unfair coqt Ipndep the provisions of" this Section. by complaintis to the our violation of this Section shall only be hea~d upon written compl; specifying the act coniplaiaed of and sworn to by the complainant notary public or other officer authorized to administer oaths, Je Every taxicab shall have posted in the pssenger's comp~ a schedule of rates and charges for the hire of said vehicle; alE bearing the driver's naw and address as hereinafter provided and card bearing the omer's name, address and tele9hone ~unber, the nua'oer, and the City Police Cepartment phone number, all containe -.small metal container or holder at least three to four inches in and placed in a conspicuous place in the passenger compartment, -7- - __-_-___,-___._ ... -.__- - - ^___ ____I "--.- ~ - __^._ .-- - - IC. Tfie driver of a taxica3 shall remain irithin 10 feet of p~hi15 parked at any stand designated by the City Council, except ing 9assengers to load or unload or +nile ansaering hi3 telephone Xo chzrge shall be made by any operator or o-mer of a t lom~ than-or in excess of the rates posted in the passenger corns of said car and a?groved by the City Council, L. Ea RJ taxicab shall be oDerated unless the passenger coapa be kept-clean and in sanitary condition, N, Every taxicab shall be equipped at all times zith a sta type of fire extinguisher in good ork king condition, 0, Persons serv-d Tit3 a taxicab hereunder shall be entitl have such valises or small hand baczage as call be convenimtlg ca when t-C.e vehicle is loaded, conveyed and unloadad yithout charge, cmcelling calls for taxicabs or for-hire cars after dispatch in thereto may be c%arged the sane rate as if used, P, It shall be unlarrfui for any driver sperathg under a p issued pursuant to the terns of this order to refuse when the veh in service and not ot,herviae engaged to transport any passengers 3 present theinselves for carriage in a sober and orderly manner and Pavful, purpose, QB Wen a plural number of passengers lhire a taxicab the m ptmber of 3 adult passengers shall be carried for one fare, men 3 passengers engage t%e taxicab, the nuaber in exceas of 3 shall 3 mta sk~e of one-third fare for each addi,tiaxsal person. SECTIOX 13. OPSRATING 'KITriOUT LICTNSS, Eo person shall solicit or pick up passengzrs for pay on th: of the City for transportation in any cab, taxicab, autoaobile, si wa,zon OF bus not licensed by and carrying a certificate to do so 1 by the City Coun-cil excepting only busses operating under aut'no~if Public Utilities Comqission. \ SECTICE - 14. Eo person shall drive a tZxica5 in the City without first a$ DRIER 'S PPFXCT R32UI23J3TTSt writinq to the Chief of Police for permanent driver's permit, The 8- - ~ I_ _._ - - .. - Police is lnereby aut'rrorized and empowered t5 issue a temporary a p2rmi.t pending the investigation and issuance required for a pen driver's pernit. -7 -;>erson desirins to obtain such driver's pe: make written application therefor to the Chief 09 Police accompa; . fee of Pen ($10.00) Dollars. Xo pernit shall be issued to any pl the age of 18 years, or to any person not, a citizen of the Tjnitftc who has not lawfully declared intention of becoming such, or to i who has, within a period of 11) years imediatefy preceding such t - been convicted of a felony or to any person vho, arithin it period years imrcedistely preceding such applicatic9, 'cas been convicted driving or driving a vehicle upon a highvay -hi13 under the influ intoxicating lia_uors or drugs, or convicte?. of the violation of a provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Sontrol Act of the State of or to any person wbo is for any reason wktsoever unable or incom sdely handle such autono'oile Each such applicant shall demonst skill and ability to safely handle his -Je'hicle in driving it tklFo crowded sections of the City accoapanied by an inspector designatl Chief Of Police. Na driveyrs pernit st.,a~Y 'be granted to any pers the discretion of the Chief of Police is not of a good moral cha~~ who carmot speak the 3:nglish 1arnguag.e OF vko does not hoid a chair.: - license issued by the Xotor Vehicle Jaepartnent of Yae State, 03: VI sufficiently acquainted with the la~s or ordinances regulating thr of motor vehicles. Any falsification on t'ne application for said will bc3 grounds for t3e refusal of said pernit. . >. \ . €3. Before a driver's permit is granted to any applicant, sai cmt shall ?resent himself to the Police Departnent, furnish an a[ photograph and be fingerprinted, and such p'notogrzphs and fiagerpr shall be filed pith the germacent records or" said Police Departmer -% Ce Upon obtaining said permit said driver or operator shall times keep posted in full view in the vehicle operated by him an i cation card not less than four inches by six inches in size, furni -9- __, __ _____ --. -.-- -- - -- ________L__-I_-. -- - - .--x -"- ___ - - by the Cfiief of police, ~hich shall have plainly prknted thereor nae of said operator or driver, his business addr2:ss and te1e$ US permit number and his photograph. D. mat all pernits to drive a taxicab shall expire one yc the date of issue. Applications for reneval shall be made vithj days before the date of expiration of said perkit. T!en renewal within. the period prescribed, such renesal shall be accompanied of $l,OO, Said permits are personal and ara not trmsferrable. The chief of Police may revoke or suspend zny such drit pernit so issued for any violation of the provisions of this Ord by %be holder of SUC~ permit or for the existence of any state a which would have been a good reason for denying such permit when for, whether suck state of facta existed at the time application Bade for such pe,mit; or came into existence thereafter, X. F. m the event of a refusal of peGit, revocation or susp any driirer's peL-mit 5y the Chief of Police, said applicant or pe may appeal from said decision to the City Council, which may in cretion affirn, reverse or modify the rtibe made by said Chief of SECTIOX 15. TAXIC.43 HUKj3~, Every certificate holder shall. desipate each of his taxica' number, and no two taxicabs of any certificate holder shll be d by the sme nuna'oer. The rime or trade name of the certificate 'nl the num'oer by vhich the taxicab is designated shall be printed, 1 stencilled conspicuously on the outside of each taicab and in tl passenger conpartnent thereof. SECTLO? lo / - Xo certificate or pemit issued under the terns of this Crdj shall be transfsra'ole either by contract or operation of law wit? permission of the City Council having been first obtained, and ar attempted transfer shall be sufficient cause for revocation tkere F3-TfZIT -QQ C3?r?ICAT3 ?:oE-T3mTsTm-pJL3 * - \ - 10 - -- -._ -.--- -_-- -___I_-I - - -. - --, ."__ -- ._ __ -_ --- -_-._. SECT~OB 17, CONSTITUTIOEALI'.TT* t .. .. If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application ther my person 01: circmstance is held to be invalid, the renainder mdinance or the application of said provisions to-other persons circumstances shall not be affected thereby, sEcTIOm 18. ?m&TY FOR VIOLATIOX::, Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or of any pernit issued by tke City Council. hereunder my cLrrier or driver, &all be guilty of a aisdmeanor and npon conviction thereof, be fined not more than give Zundred \$5OO,oO Dollars OP inprisoned in the jail provided by the City sf Carlsb: %or not more than six (6) months, OF both, SECTIOB 19. B'FXCTIVE DATE. 'fhis Ordinance is hereby declared La be urgeat and necessaq for the immediate preservation of the public peace, Irealt'n and si and shall take effect and be in foyce forth~it'rr from and after i- passage and approval, "ha fePLswing is a atatment of meh urge1 'That there is no .ordineme of the said City adeqr;ately ,deal; the subject matter hereof, and said Ordinance is imediately reqr in order to provide for pubiic convenience and necessity, SZCX'IOX 20. The City Clerk of the City of Carls'cad is here1 directed to cause tkis Ordinance to be published once in the Carl Joomal, a. nmspaper publishec! a.md of ge~eral circulation in said of Carlsbad. \ PASSXI), A307TZD AID ORDEFZD PU3LfSTBD by the City Council of t7.x city of Carlsbad, California, this 7th day of October, 1952, - 11 - -by the following vote: msr cm, Castorena, Xde, Grober, and Xagor KCCLellan- XAyS: l\Tone. B-T~: ~nn. Sfitton, :< - @&&., t I Ce Dm McCrsilLLAN, -or of the City of t'arlsbac California . / ~~>&7&,(< f3 .>Zjfif EDWARD G. YASEa, -'r- - I 1 City Clerk 2 2 I \ - 12 E' *-- --.L--U_- -- I~ . . - - --I-- - -. -- -___ ____-___ - --_- - * 0 -- .b. ,*~.>,lu--brTc<>' i v;::a-+iie, CI~ Jsnuary 8, lS74 Cjty of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carl sbad, Cal i forni a Gent? men : The City of Victorvill? is cl:rrentiy doifig a stdy or taxicab rates in our conmunity and surrounding areas, if you would indicate in the spaces b?Io!v the rates thar, 3r-Z preser,tly being charged by your com?any and return this letter in the eTic'iosed, sel f-addressed envel ope a F?as drop rate Addi ti ofia'l 21iIOGnt per 92008 It would be very' KUCP apprec'ated quarter mile or nile - 1Jaiting -tin2 per hoiir - - ~hank you very much fcr ysur atten$jo? to this rrattzr. Pa~l;: R. Pliiier Cfty Clerk PR;i! : am I$ 6 J 4, 4 $Py>fl fd f t dd P i \8. \ VOCADB CAB COMPA e * r. i o )‘.J --.“- ---.---.-- -----, ..I- --..-- ..I.I-._I^..___I-__I_____ ”_ .___IY__I._.__._L,.r.^ ~ ______ I CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIF~R~lIA ----------------,----I___________________--------------------------