HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-15; City Council; 222-1; Traffic Signal Modification - Carlsbad Blvd.I i' -Bo/ - OF CAR L S B A D, C A L I F'O R N I A CITY J Agenda Bill No. Date: Sept. 15, 1970 Referred To: Subject: Submi tted By: Traffic Signal Modifications - Carlsbad Hunter T. Cook Blvd. at Elm Ave. and Grand Ave. - City Engineer Contract 1002 .Statement of the. Matter (See attached discussion) Exhibl t & City Manager Staf f/Recommenda ti ons 1. with Traffic Signal Maintenance Company, Inc, for a fee not to exceed $11,000. Adopt a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 1002 2, from 2107 Gas Tax Fund balance to Account #2-2107-4. Adopt a motion authorizing the Finance Director to transfer $3,000 , 2 - 5P Supplement to- .* A0 No. 7?? Gify Manager’s Recommendation CounciZ Action I 4 .. .- . 3 Date: September 15, 1970 9-15-70. Authorization was given for Yraffic signal modifications, Carlsbad Boulevard at Elm and Grand, as recommended by the City Engineer and the Mayor to execute contract. Authorization was given for transfer of funds in the amount of $3,’000 from Account #2107 to .2-2107-4 .. .. Sept. 15, 1970 SUBJECT: Traffic Signal Modifications - Carlsbad Blvd. at Elm Ave. and Grand Ave. - Contract 1002 Discussion: Bids for Contract 1002 were scheduled to be received in the office of the City Clerk August 11. No bids were received. The Notice Inviting Bids was advertised in the local and con- struction industry newspapers. Bid packages were mailed to con- tractors which normally submit proposals for this type of work. Eleven sets of plans and specifications were issued. In view of this lack of interest on the part of the signal con- tractors, we sent a bid package to the contractor which performs the normal maintenance of our traffic signals and requested that he submit a proposal to modify the signals on a time and material basis with a guaranteed maximum charge. I believe this will be in the best interests of the City as the signals are nearly 30 years old and it is very dif- ficult to determine the precise amount of work which will be required. It will allow us to take advantage of a cost savings from deletion of any work which may not need to be done to the extent now anticipated and conversely will permit us to perform maintenance on deficiencies discovered during the course of the work. Traffic Signal Maintenance Company, Inc. has estimated the work, including all anticipated maintenance, to be accomplished for a maximum of $11,000. Funds in the amount of $8,000 are included in the current budget for construction- The budget also contains $62,225 of unappropriated Gas Tax reserves. CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS AT: CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND El21 AVENUE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND GRAND AVENUE CONTRACT NO. 1002 \ Pursuant to a motion by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordering the work described as follows, to wit: The construction of traffic signal improvements, including appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith on Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard and Grand Avenue. For further particulars, reference is hereby made to the Construction Plans on file in the Office of the City Engineer of said City of Carlsbad, and to the Specifications for the said work heretofore adopted by said City Council, and on file in the Office of the City Engineer, said City, and all of said construction plans and specifications heretofore approved by the City Council of said City are incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and referencz is hereby made thereto for a more particular description of said work. In accordahce with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has ascertained the general prevailing rate of per diem wage in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft or type of work- man or mechanic needed to execute the contract and has set forth these items in Resolution No. 1723. A copy of said resolution is now available in the Office of the City Clerk in the City of Carlsbad, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing all the work hereinabove described and ordered in said motion ordering work to be presented to the City Clerk at her office in the City Hall of said City up to the hour of 1O:OO o'clock A.M. on September 11, 1970. All bids presented shall be accompanied by a security in an amount equal to at least ten per cent (10%) of the bid submitted. Said security may be furnished on any one of the following forms: '. *. Notice Inviting Bids Page 2 b A. Certified Check made payable to the City of Carlsbad. B. Bidder's Bond made payable to the City of Carlsbad, eyecuted by the Bidder and the two sureties who shall justify, before any officer competent to administer oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exemptions. of the Superintendent of Streets. C. Corporation Surety Bond to the satisfaction and approval The Contractor to whom an award may be made will be required to furnish with the contract, two surety bonds, one Faithful Performance Bond in an amount equal to nqt less than one hundred percent (100%) of the aggregate amount of the bid and one Material and Labor Bond in an amount not less than fifty percent (50%) of the aggregate amount of said bid. The City Council of said City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality on a bid not affected by law. dFYLL4 Dated this 10th day of August, 197@ i MARGARET E. ADAMS City elerk, City of Carlsbad CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS AT: CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND GRAND AVENUE CONTRACT NO. 1002 Pursuant to a motion by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordering the work described as follows, to wit: The construction of traffic signal improvements, including appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith on Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm A-benue and Carlsbad Boulevard and Grand Avenue. For further particulars, reference is hereby made to the Construction Plans on file in the Office of the City Engineer of said City of Carlsbad, and to the Specifications for the said work heretofore adopted by said City Council, and on file in the Office of the City Engineer, said City, and all of said construction plans and specifications heretofore approved by the City Council of said City are incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and reference is hereby made thereto for a more particular description of said work. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has ascertained the general prevailing rate of per diem wage in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft or type of work- man or mechanic needed to execute the contract and has set forth these items in Resolution No. 1723. A copy of said resolution is now available in the Office of the City Clerk in the City of Carlsbad. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing all the work hereinabove described and ordered in said motion ordering work to be presented to the City Clerk at her office in the City Hall of said City up to the hour of 1O:OO o'clock A.M. on August 11, 1970. All bids presented shall be accompanied by a security in an amount equal to at least ten per cent (10%) of the bid submitted. Said security may be furnished on any one of the following forms: Notice Inviting Bids Page 2 A. Certified Check made payable to the City of Carlsbad. B. Bidder's Bond made payable to the City of Carlsbad, executed by the Bidder and the two sureties who shall justify, before any officer competent to administer oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exempt ions. of the Superintendent of Streets. C. Corporation Surety Bond to the satisfaction and approval The Contractor to whom an award may be made will be required to furnish with the contract, two surety bonds, one Faithful Performance Bond in an amount equal to ngt less than one hundred percent (100%) of the aggregate amount of the bid and one Material and Labor Bond in an amount not less than fifty percent (50%) of the aggregate amount of said bid. The City Council of said City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality on a bid not affected by law. y7,lz4=/ 4-42/24 F (?&& Dated this 23rd day of July, 1970. MAkGA RL T E. ADAMS City elerk, City of Carlsbad Addavit of Publicaticll? I ss. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego ......................................................................................................... says that she is the Principal Clerk . of The Carlsbad Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, and State of California, and that the notice of which the annexed is a true copy, was published .... QaAl.... ....... times in said newspaper, commencing on the ............... 3- day of .............................. d.l&b?L ..................... ... , A.D. 19 a... .?pnamely on the following dates: , .a CITY OF C *&shallPe accoropabidd‘ by a’murity in NOTICE LNvrmNG SEALED an aglow& ‘ieapal Eo at least PRO- FOR ’FRE COZS- ten per cent (10% of the SI’RUCTI N OF TRAFFIC bid auQmlued;: Wd security SIGNAL MODIFICATIONSAT: may be ft~rnbbed ‘bn apy OIE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD ofthefoblowiol;forms: ANDELM AVENUE A, Certified Check made to the City Of Cwk- CONTkACT No. 1002 B. Bidder’s Bond made qy- ’ able to the City of Cw&bd, Pursmd to a motion by the executed by the Bidder and the City Council of the City of twosureties who shalljusti- Carbhd, Cdiornia, order- fy, before any oflicet oompe- hg the work described as tent to administer oath, in fOlloW8, to wit: double he said mount and Tbe consbcuctim 0a.brainc - over and above all statutory signall ittworeme&, Whd- ’ exemptions.. ing appur~naoces ant qtiur- C. corporation surety S& tenant work in caagectlaa tothesatisfactioaaadapprov- therewftb onCarlsbad3ouls- al of the Superinteadent of vard and Elm Amnw and meets. CarlsW BoubvmhndGrruld The Contrackor to whom an AEltW. award may be made will be For further parMat&~s, required to furnish with the Tefereece is bereby mode to contract, two surety bonds, the ConstrwTicm Plans 00 file one Fa,€M Performance fn tlte Office d the City En- Bond in an amount equal to gfneer of said CitydCnrls- not less than ow hWd bad, and to the SPedplcatJons per cent (100%) of the ag- for the said Qork br&Pfore gregate amount of the bid and adopted by saM CWGbmeiI, - one Material and Labor Bond and on file in ths Offhe of in an amount notlessthanfifty the City EngiReer, Saw City, per cent (m of the aggre- and all of safai CanStrptfm gakomqtttofsaidbid. PhLISaMispeciflc&ti~hWe~ The City Cow.% Or said totore WWJW by t8s City City reserves the right to re- Council of dd City ar$ In- ject any m all bib aad to cormabd herein and mads waive my informality on a a part bereal, and referem bid not affdeted by law. is hereby made tber&af,m a Dated this 23rd by of July, more parttculwdesc 1970, said work. s/MARGARET E. ADAMS In accordaace with city Clerk, visions of sectioa Irn bf the city of Carlsbad Labor Coda, UleCityC;oruleil of tbe city of carwad ks ~ ~- - ascertained the gelmali-pae- vatiing rate of per aitmMage - 2342 in the h&ty tn wMttbe work is to be gerdwrnd for each Craft OT WQtk- WO ec* set forth tIuM item infaso- Mion No, 17Z$* L GI n,- CIRUBAD BOULEVARD AND GRAND AVENUE Ud, .................................................... JW...3% 1970 - .... - .......... ” .... - .... - .... - .... C/. ... ............................................. ” ..........-..........-....-..........-.......... e ..... .............................................. ....-...... .... .......................... ..... --.---... L ..... 30th Signed at Carlsbad, California this ........................ day of ..... ......_........_________._....................-.__._.............. , 196 ....... I hereby de* under peqalty of perjury J* x 70 t h a +tJA)k?e2$ d cor re c t. .......... .&e%. ........................ ............................. Principal Clerk