HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-29; City Council; 261; Budget changesTHE CITY OF CAR L S B A D, CALI F’OR N IA 4 Agenda Bill No. 5zb/ Referred Tot Dace: 9/29/70 Subject: Submi t ted By : p., Budget Changes ._ Statement of the Matter Exhi bi t see attached Staff Recommendations Estimated Fund Balancein Gas Tax is $ 62,225. Expenditure will 1 eave balance of $61,784. d AB NO. 261 Date: 9/ 29/ 70 Ci t y- Manager-' s Re commen da ti on Recommend approval. Council Action 10-6-70 Transfer of unappropriated gas tax funds in the amount of $440.56 from Dept No. 110 to 2-2107-5 for installation of pedestrian sig,nals at Chestnut and El Camino Real. Approved. -2- - . . . . . . .. CITY OF CARJSBAD .. - -. REQUEST FOR TRARSFEII QF ~PPRW~LATIONS *- DEPARTMENT gng ing -.. 110 Dept. No. ... To Director of Finance: Trans fer From .' . Unappropriated gas tax balmnee Explanat ion : During the conmtructbn of the that two pedeetrian push-button8 shot Transfer e 440056 IO ? 2-2107-5 Inetallatian of peder6trfan rignal6- Cheetnut Ave, Q El Camho Real edeetrian 8fgn818, it became rpparent d be reloc8teU to provide adequate acceaaibiiity. Thim transfer of funds will cover payment, 8ince time wae of the e68enc8, the work wae accompli8hsd. City Engineer Title City Manager Report - Action of City Council: Approved as Requested Referred to City Manager for - . Dept, of Dept, of Finance N0.z Retain 1.