HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-10-06; City Council; 260; Proposed Sanitary Sewer AssessementAgenda Bill No. gkp Referred To: Date: October 6, 1970 Subject: Submi t ted By : Proposed Sanitary Sewer Assessment District Hunter T, Cook Highland Drive - Elm Avenue to Tamarack Avenue City Engineer .Statement of the Matter The Engineering Department has received petitions for construction of sanitary sewer on Highland Drive between Elm Avenue and Tamarack Avenue. The petitions contain the signatures of the owners of 65.7% of the property. a minimum of 60.0% concurrence by affected property owners. Council policy in the past has been to normally require Highland Drive is one of the last major unsewered areas in the City. The sanitary sewer will be of considerable benefit to the existing vacant lots which are yet to be developed as well as existing residences .presently on septic tank disposal. velopment in this area. The district should stimulate de- Exhi bi t 1. Copy of petitions requesting construction of Sanitary Sewer on Highland Drive between Elm Avenue and Tamarack Avenue. (Sketches showing boundaries of District are attached to petitions) . 2. Resolution Nos. & City Manager Staff / Recommendations Adopt the following resolutions: 1. City Council Resolution No, /Tff approving the petitions. 2, City Council Resolution No, requesting opinion of the Resolution No. /yqg di-recting the preparation of plans and specif icati ons. ti Resolution No. /79/ appointing engineer of work.$ Resolution No. ,/,7?& appointing person to prepare. all proceedings. -. L .. - I. '. 3 XB No. Date: October 6, 1970 .-a%+ City Manager's Recommendation .- .. Council Action 10-6-70 Res. #1788, approving petitions adopted. Res. #1789, requesting opinion of the Health Officer adopted. Res. #1790, appointing person to prepare all proceedings adopted. Res. #1791 appointing engineer of work adopted. R.es. #1792, directing the preparation of plans and specifications adopted. -2- The ...._ I *I I. fr. - , 8, 3. Petition To T~s City Cou-rei1 of the City Of CaZSbad, CalifOl?IlPCl Datot April 9,1959, TO THE HOTJO3ABIJ3 CITY COUECIL OF CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNAt Wo the undersigned, momrty omers, being owners in tho City or" Carlsbrtd, an Disgo County, of the State of Czlifornia do hereby respcctfkllg peti+,ion roar honorable body to Initiate proceedings to have tho following hy?ovez~eni; instituted in the City of Carlsbad, Ssul Diego County of the State af CaRIZ- oTniao by special assessnmt proceeding to wit3 SSWOP Improvement ins Highland D~~.ivo betwan Chestnut and Magnolia Streets and aassnents of public rights of tray. Contccplated inprovercents would lneltrde construction of the necessary extra strength vitrified clay pipe sewer riin and laterals; standard concrete manholes and other appurtenant Forka -. II 1 - _" c i ______-_____I.-_I._.____._.___._._ ~ . .. . k- , .- . . -. . - .. - -. 1 L ,- I_ . . .* - . .. - - . . . . . - 1911 Act with Debt'. Limitation Waived. PETITION To THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ... .-A Date: 3- 30 -'7@ TO TBE HONOFGBLE, THZ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOWIA: Gentleman: We, the undersigned property owners, being owners of property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, do hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to initiate proceedings to have the following improvenent work done in the City of Carlsbad, County of San.Diego, State of California, by special assessment proceedings, to - wit: Construction of sanitary sewers, concrete manholes, sewer laterals, sewer wyes, and appurtenances and appurtenant work to serve a portion of the City of Carlsbad as follows: Highland Drive between Tamarack Avenue and Magnolia Avenue. As owners of the property within the district which will be assessed to pay for the costs of said work and iDprovenent, we do hereby expressly waive any investigation proceedings rqcired by the Special Assessment Limitation, Investig-tion and Najority Protest Act of 1931, of the St.Tte of California, ar?d do hnreby waive ar,y right that_ we night otherwise haT.-e . to naks said Act appliczble to the special assessmert Froceei?ings which may be instituted bi- your EIororaSle Sody for the doing of the kerelnaSove described wo r I.:. d i 1 .. , _._. c e i t ADDRESS - ____.,-... ^-'..-.-& ..--.---- - -.-l.. - ~ - i b i 7 * ’I I i i t. €or 1911 e.--.-- --- e . ‘T’l PROPOSED HIGHLAND DRIVE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT -1. 2. - 3, 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. PROPERTY OWNERS ' LIST (Revised March 31,1970) 205-430-43 Thornton, Grace E. 3881 Highland Drive Car lsbad 9, 10 . 205-220-30 Means, Robert L. 3955 Holly Brae Lane Car lsbad 2.0 5 -2 2 0 -30 Same as above 205-430-42 Rea, James M. 3843 Highland Drive Car 1 sb ad 11. 205-220-31 Eadie, Benita 3788 Highland Carlsbad G. Drive 205-430-41 nipple, Norman D. 3825 Highland Drive Carlsbad 12 . 205-220-32 Eadie, Benita Same as above G. 205-430-40 Gunnel, Vacha 23920 Anza Ave.-Apt. 208 Torrance, Calif. 13. 207-010-1 McKenna, James P. & Mary A. 3828 Highland Drive Carlsbad 205-280-32 Riley, Robert J. Star Route 1, Box 48 Mojave, Calif. 93501 205-280-41 Baynard, Theron & Jane Post Office Box 153 Carlsbad 14. 207-010-3 Skanse, Clifford E. & 2742 Paraiso Way La Crescenta, Calif. 91014 Georgia B. 15 207-0 10-4 Oates, Ronald C. & Betty L. 7124 Oak Ridge Road Falls Church, Va. 22042 205-280-40 WrLght, William H. & Lydia H. and 3761 Highland Drive Car lsbad Glassmyer, Wallace S. & Carolyn L. 205-280-17 Barthel, Reinhold 3745 Highland Drive . Carlsbad i- i I c 1911 Act with Debt I.,i.mita tion Waived. RECEIVEC SEP 10 1370 CITY OF CARLSBAD TO Engineering Department PETITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I iJ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUXCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORh'IA: Gentlemen : -- - ty,e -u,~,~e~-i~i~~~ p;-"perty .5,<r,y-s, I.-:-- --..-**e ~~zi~t, VIVI:&-- Gf pxSFE!Zty in City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, do hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to initiate proceedings to have the following improvement work done in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, by special assessment proceedings, to wit: Construction of sanitary sewers, concrete manholes, sewer laterals, sewer wyes, and appurtenances and appurtenant work to serve a portion of the City of Carlsbad as follows: Highland Drive between Basswood Avenue and Elm Avenue. 4 As owners of the property within the district which will be assessed to pay fbr the costs of said work and improvement, we 'do hereby expressly waive any investigation proceedings required by the Special Assessment Limitation, Investigation and Majority Protest Act of 1931, of the State of California, and do hereby waive any right that we might otherwise ha7.7e to make said Act applicable to the special assessment proceedings which may be instituted by your Eonorable Body for the doing of the hereinabove described work. I I i '. 1 ?91P Act, ADDXESS .. Of Page PROPERTY DES CB WT Ell ---I- I --- --- i n i WE OF CYvJNER \ -I- -. . . . . - .- . . . t. \ -\ 1 \* . 3. OWNER AND ADDRESS Bk. Pg. Parcel Front Foot - I. J 2. &- 3. 4. 5. -6. . -7. - 8. v 9. -10. 11. y 12. -13. Rita B. Parsons 20 5-060-08 c/o Richard Boche 3370 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Theodore V. & Alta M. Ackerman 205-060-07 3320 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Same as 2. 205-060-06 ' Audry B. Miller 205 -060-0 5 3286 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 'Same as 4. 3286A Highland Drive 205-060-04 George R. & Mary F. Saunders 205-060-03 3264 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 .. ! Clifford L./Marilyn J.Holliday 205-060-02 3252 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Thomas 0. & Gertrude T. Hammond 205-060-01 3234 Highland Drive 'Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Roger A./James D/Mildred D. 156-212-08 . Dawson d P. 0. Box 336 Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 William H. & Mildred Stone 156-212-09 3210 Highland Drive Carlsbad, C-alif. 92008 E. E. & Viola Engblom 156- 2 12 -.lo 3182 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Judson B.& Martha H. Bond 156-2 12- 11 3154 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 James J.& Raymah Sutherland 156-211-02 3042 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 75.00' 65.73 ' 133+ - ' 84.00' 66.00' 62.67' 62.67' 125.33' C 60 -00 ' 60.00' 80.00' 160.00' 130.00 I x h 1 i I r) NO OWNER AND ADDRESS Bk. Pg. Parcel Front Foot 'v 14. 15. v y 16, y 17. 18 . 19. - 20. 21. 22, 23. USG David Dunne City Hall Jerry & Margaret Baccus 10310 Mattock Street Downey, Calif. 90241 Bill McColley .. C4RL5AbD, C4LIF I 97-0-s Wayne T.& Laura Walbridge 2352 Mountain Avenue La Crescenta, Calif * 91014 3057 HIGHLAUD DRIVF- Jack O.& Doris M. Vance 218 Morning Canyon Road Corona Del Mar, Calif, 92625 Joseph & Evelyn Martone 3247 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Walter D.Hall/Mary Brown 3265 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Robert V. & Ann Strause ,3291 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Gale A. & Anna E. Neff 3307 Highland Drive Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 *. *d5 Edna R. Seaver 2608 West Alhambra Road Alharnbra, Calif. 91801 156-211-01 156-190-34 156- 190 - 3 5 205-030-11 205-051-02 205-051-07 102.00 ' 72.70' 70.00' 75.00' 60 * 93 67.00' 205-051-08 100.6+' - 205-051-11 205-051-15 205-051-16 134.77' 103.09' .. 110.00' z .. .. 5 6 7 a 9 10 13. 12 13 14 .. 15 16 1’7 18 19 20 .. 21 22 24 25 26 27 2% 29 30 31 32 =SOLUTION NO. /7ff A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING PETITION. . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2-1969 (Regarding Proposed Improvement of Sewers in Highland Drive Between Tamarack and Elm Avenues) The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve that it does hereby approve the petition/s filed with the City Clerk requesting construction of a sewer and appurtenances in that certain real property described on Exhibits A, .B and C, attached hereto, and by this resolution incorporated herein. The City Council further finds that the said petition bears sufficient signatures to waive investigation proceedings required by Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held October 6 I 1970, by the following vote, to wit: .~. . . AYES: Councilmen McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: Mayor Dunne. TTEST: -/&GAP AVID M. DUNNE, Mayhr , ‘City Clerk -. I ,. ... . .. - -. .- '. a I BY.' F. J. w. I 0 b 4 .-< PiNE .- .- ~ - . . . .. . . . . - . . RESOLUTION NO. /?fY 16 17 18 tary sewers-are necessary as a health measure. PASSED, APPROVED, AND AD3PTZD Et 3 meeting of the City Council I' 19 20 I 22 I 23 i 'of the City of Carlsbad, California, heLd i1970, by the following vote,. to wit: October 6 1 I I 1 24 ! I ! 25; AYES: Councilmen I\lcComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: Mayor Dunne. DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor E. ADAMS, Fa%/& City Clerk P 30 j 31 1 32 I I I I I ..- ,_ .. . .. e.. c1 .. c i-- \ -,$ .- I .. - . 0 3 - 17’ . . . . . - v) 0 ci I- I o I .. , -' 3. 2 3 ,- 4 5 6 7 €3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 - 27 28 29 ~ i 30 1 31 I 32 RESOLUTION NO ./79d -. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPOINTING PERSON TO PREPARE ALL PROCEEDIKGS. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2-1969 (Regarding Proposed Improvement of Sewers in Highland Drive Between Tamarack and Elm Avenues) The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve s follows: 1. Stuart C. Wilson, Attorney at Law, is hereby appointed s attorney to prepare all resolutions, notices anG other papers nd proceedings for any work and improvements that may hereinafter e authorized by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for the roposed improvement of the above-named assessment district. % 2. Said attorney shall receive as compensation for the 2oing nd performance of said work the sum of two per cent (2%) of the mtract price, not including incidentals; but in no ev'ent shall le amount of compensation which said attorney shall receive be 3ss than one hundred dollars ($100.00). - 3. Said compensation shall be paid as follows: Three-quarters 3/4) thereof at the time of signing the contract with the con- cactor who may be awarded said contract by the City Council; and le balance thereof at the time of recording the warrant, diagram, id assessment. 4. !usion, said attorney shall be paid the reasonable compensation )r his services which have been performed, and in no event.less ian one hundred dollars ($100.00). If said proceedings shall fail to carry through to con- 5. .Said services shall not include services for litigation : services in the procurement of easements of right of way, but la11 be for the preparation of all resolutiorls, notices, and other ipers and proceedings required by the provisj.ons of the, Improvement .*, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I 28 ~ 29 I f 30 I 31 { I I I 321 f I I I -" c Act of 1911 in carrying herein conternpl ated. hrough ".- he proceec in,gs lar the work 6. All compensation for usual services, and exclusive of extraordinary services, being so allowed shall be payable to the General Fund of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlshad, California, held October 6, 1970, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: Mayor Dunne. ATTEST: 7 >?&dFd&, E. ADAMS, Cfity Clerk !I 31 I 4 . STREETS AND ENGINEER OF WORK FOR THE PROPOSED IM- PROVEMENT TO BE HAD AND TAKEN UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911, DIVISION 7 OF THE I L!j 161 17; 18 191 I RESOLUTION NO. 7791 I T. Cook is hereby authorized and directed to perform all of the dutues imposed upon the Superintendent of Streets by Division 7, and all of the provisions of Division 7 applicable to the Superin- tendent of Streets shall apply to said person so appointed. 22 j 231. 84 1 28 'I 29 11 ATTEST: by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. 1.- , 1 . . .t $ 1c ' 13 12 12 . 34 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 - 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. /772 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DIRECTING PREPARATION OF' PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS. ASSESSMENT DISTRlCT NO. 2-1969 (Regarding Proposed Improvement of Sewers in Highland Drive Between Tamarack and Elm Avenues) BE OT RESOLVED by the 'City Council of the City of Carlsbad LS follows: 1. The Engineer of Work, Hunter T. Cook, is directed to pre- bare plans and specifications for the above-named assessment istrict project under the Improvement Act of 1911 and under Re- olution.of Intention to be hereinafter adopted. 2. The Engineer of Work is directed to prepare a map showing he boundaries and the district to be assessed for the said pro- osed work and improvement, - 3. The Engineer of Work is directed to prepare an estimate of he cost of construction of said work and improvements. 4. The Engineer of work is directed to prepare a wage scale to e paid to persons employed in the construction of said work and nprovements. a PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED' at a meeting of the City Council f the City of Carlsbad, California, held .October 6 370, by the folldwing vote, to wit: I 3 % 1% -- - -- - -- - -- - I .ULILPLNIn. r __ AYES : Councilmen McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. NOES : None ABSTA I N : Mayo r Dun n e b TTEST: I . . . - . . - - -- .-- -. - -. . __..-. .- .._._ - - . ~ . -... ._ . . ,. - . ... - . . .. . . f