HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-10-06; City Council; 268; Policy Statement Requiring Annexation - LAFCOTHE CZTY OF CAR L S B A D, C A L I F'O R N I A Agenda Bill No. 26P Referred To: Date: October 6, 1970 Subject: PolTcy Statement requiring annexation to municipalities for areas requiring urban services- LAFCO Submitted By: City Council Statement of the Matter A letter has been received from the City.of Chula Vista soliciting support in urging the adoption of a policy by the Local Agency Formation Commission, requiring annexation to municipalities in any any areas which require urban services. A resolution has been prepared for the Council!s consideration. Exhi bi t 1. Letter dated September 29, 1970 from the City of Chula Vista. 2. Resolution No. 5811 of the City of Chula Vista. 3. Resolution No. 1796 of the City of Carlsbad. 4. .Resolution No. 609 of the City of Del Mar. 5. Resolution No. 11352 of the City of La Mesa. Staff Recommendations .- .* . * L AB No. 268 Date: October 6, 1970 City Manager's Recommendation Council Action 10-6-70 Removed from agenda; to be considered at November 4, 1970 Council meeting. 11-17-70 Council in agreement and in favor of Resolution from Chula Vista. Matter returned to City Attorney to redraft Res- - olution #1796. Copy to be sent to all members of Board of Supervisors, Local Agency Formation Commission and San Diego County MunicipalitiesJ-w4%d'u * #AlJ&&' 12-1-70 Resolution #1796 adopted, urging LAFCO to adopt policy requiring annexation to municipalities for any areas which require urban services. .. -2- The City of CHULA VISTA California OFFICE OF THE MAYOR The Honorable Mayor & City Council. City of Carlsbad 296C Pi0 Pic0 Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 e 0 TELEPHONE 427-3300 CIVIC CENTER 27G GUAVA AVENUE 0 CHULA VISTA. CALIFORNIA 92010 Xe zre .~-r.rare. that we havt~: not sinplarly hen sufferi.nq from. the frustra.tin5 e.ffects 02 this prticui.ar problea and would hope that sir?.ilar problmis incurred hny your ciky wocld encourzce you to s~p- port this request to the Loccil Aqenzy Formcitior. Corrr.r?.issj.o:i. V7e l-ia~~z iic; in-tention of having this beccme a. “wrist-slapping” exercise, but wish a rcaffirrn3tion by t.he L’ucal. Agency E‘crratioc Com?ission of the philosophy as Expressed to and understood k17 us in our con- tacts with State legislators. Your consideratim of this requ.es-t vil:! he greatly appreciated. May or TDH: JDR: IS Enclosure .. f I UNClL OF TiX CITY OF CIiffLI1 VISTA IJRGIMG TilE LOCAL AGE5CY FORbUi'FIOX COYi+:ISSI95 TO ADOPT A POLICY OF REQUIRIMG ANNZXATIOW TO >TUZ;ICIPALIIIES €Z UilBiW SERVICE3 ula Vista does hersSy a new policy he adopted and firzily to by the Local Agency Formation Cornmissior, to encoxrage the annexa- tion of areas.requiring urban services to adjacent mmicipalities in all circumstances where such annexation is possible, ant! WHEREAS, as an exai-ple of new directions, it has been suggested that except for the function of providing the basic re- gional service for transportation of sewage, the Spring Vall2y Sani- tation District and all urbanized areas in the Sweetwater Valley be incorporated into a County Service Area ighich inkturn would contract with the City of Chula Vista or other appr'opriate municipality to provide local sewer distribution service. City of Chuia Vista does hereby urge the Local Agency Formation Can- mission to adapt by resolution or other appropriate fom. a policy of requiring annexation wherever appropriate an easible to mu to grovide for urban services. cannot be accon?l.ls?-ed thaL County Service Area %e estaklishd and services be perforned pursuant to contracts with adjacer,t. aunicipalLties, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in those cases where annexation - (s) Thornas D. Hamilton --- Mayor of the City of Chula Vista M“XST: (s) Jennie 11. Fulasz City Clerk STATE OF CXI;IFC?32iTA ) Cv”tTXTY OF SA:: DEGO ) ss. ‘ CITY OF CHUU VISTA ) I, JENNIE: 31. FUWSZ, City CLrk of the ‘City ‘of Giula Vista, California, DO HEWBY CERTIFY that the 2bove and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. - 5811 -, and that the szze has oot been axended or repealed. DATED : September 22, 1970 City Clerk 2 3 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 nexation b TIiER RESOLVED tha ished that Coun Zertified c n 1 5 6 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO-. 609 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL MAR URGING THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO ADOPT A POLICY OF REQUIRING ANNEXATION TO MUNICIPALITIES FOR AREAS WHICH REQUIRE URBAN SERVICES OR INCORPORATION OF THOSE AREAS AS SEU-GOVERNING ENTITIES. WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Del Mar believes that it is the obligation of the Local Agency Formation Commission to encourage planned growth throughout the County of San Diego by requiring annexation of areas desiring urban services to adjacent cities, or incorporation of those areas; and WHEREAS the City Council further believes that such a policy will eliminate the proliferation and expansion of special service districts, thereby eliminating the devisive and spasmodic governmental results of such special service districts; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Del Mar does hereby urge the Local Agency Formation Commission to adopt by resolution or other appropriate form a policy of requiring annexation, except in extraordinary circumstances, to adjacent cities to provide for urban ser- vices, or incorporation of those areas; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Del Ear is hereby authorized and directed to forward certified copies of this reso- lution to the Local Agency Formation Commission, to the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County, to the City Councils of each of the municipalities in San Diego County, and to the local legislators. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Del Mar, California, at a regular meeting held this 2nd day of November, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: MAYOR PEARSON, COUNCIMNIHEINZMANN, RYPINSKI, STAVER, SILBER NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE f? City of Del Mar, California . RESOLUTION NO. lu57 RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUiKTL OF' THE CITY OF LA MESA URGING TIC LOCAL AGENCY FORiQ4TION COTr.@iISSION TO ADOPT A POLICY .OF REQUIRING ANNEXATION TO NUNICIPALI- TIES FOR ANY AREAS WHICH REQUIW URBAN SERVICES The City Council of the City of La Mesa does hereby resolve as follows : MHEREAS, the City of La Mesa believes in order to achieve an orderly pattern of growth for San Diego County that the Local Agency Formation Commission be en- couraged to adopt a new policy for the annexation of areas requiring urban services to adjacent municipali- ties in all circumstances t57here such annexation is possible. IJHEREAS certain urbanized areas cannot be annexed, and said areas should be incorporated into a County Service Area to provide, among othcr services, loc a 1 s ewer di s t r i but ion s e rvi c e. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Mesa does hereby urge the Local Agency Formation Commission to adopt by resolution or other appropriate form a policy of requiring annexation of areas to adjacent municipalities wherever possible. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in those cases where annexation cannot be accomplished that County Service Area be established and services be performed pursuant to contracts with adjacent municipalities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of La Mesa be, and she is hereby authorized and directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the Local Agency Formation Commission, all members of the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County and to the City Councils of each of the municipalities in San Diego County. PASSED AND ADQPTED at a regularly adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of La ibiesa, California, held the 29thday 02 October > 1970, by the EollovJLng vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Uselton, Bailey, Cosgriff Ni)ES : None ABSENT : lYaYor Helland, Councilman Jensen CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLEZK I, NmGARET PI. XEILLY, City Clerk of the City of La Mesa, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and exact copy of Resolution No.217~17 , duly passed and adopted by the City Council of said City on the date and by the vote therein recited. MARGARET Pi. REILLY, City Clerk (SEAL OF CITY) -2-