HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-12-01; City Council; 300; Request for Transfer of Appropriations,-- ,. u .. T. IT E CITY OF C A R L S B'A D, CALI F'O R NfA Agenda Bill No. Jo& . Date: Dec. 1, 1970 Ref erred To : Subject: Request for Transfer. of Appropriations to Professional ServicFs Account ~- ~ ~ Submi t ted By: Hunter T. Cook City Engineer -Statement of the. lYatter See attached Exhibit 1 ' - Exhibit .. I - Request for Transfe-r of Appropriations to Departmental Professional Services Funds. Staff Recommendations 1, Adopt a motion,: a) b) Approving the transfer of appropriations as outlined ih Exhibit I. Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a-contract with Shuirman-Simpson, Consulting Civil Engineers, for the preparation of Phase I of the City Master Drainage Plan at a fee not to exceed $7 , 000 , - h c .. City Hanager's Recommendation If financing preparation of project is feasible, we suggest Council hear from City Engineer on the need for a study and decision for recommending Engineering Consultants prior to reaching a decision. r Council Action 12-1-70 . Authorization was given for transfer of funds in,,tbe amount o.f $9,500 for preparation .of plans, and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute agreement with Shuiqrman-Simpson not to -exceed $7,0.00 for preparation of drainage plan. .. .. .. -2- - -. CZW- OF C'WC.'L 3 REQUEST F9R TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS- Referred to City Dept.: .Engineerinq - Approved as Action of Dept. No. : Planager for: Action Requested Revised 0 City Manager Department of Finance BY Dept. of Finance No. Date: I , Ty) : FINANCE DEPARTMENT [,Transfer From: i City Council: _- $ 9500.00 (General Fund Surplus) Acct.- $ Acct * $ I Ds",: November 24, 197 o Transfer to : ACst. 1-.110 - 15 2 $ 9,500.00 (Professional Services) Acct . $ Acct. $ Acct . $ Explanation: For preparation of a portion of the City Master Drainage 'PEan, to provide for miscellaneous testing and con- sulting services and to correct an error in the original - Fiscal Year 1970-71 Budget. . Name City Engineer Title .City Manager's Report: City Manager. Explanat ion Item 1) The current budget includes $1,000 for professional services. This provided amounts for testing and miscellaneous consulting services. No provision was made to carry over obligations incurred during the previous fiscal year but which had not been actually expended. These obligations have been paid from current appropriations with the result that the professional services fund is in a deficit posit ion. The following breakdown shows the funding in this account which is necessary to complete the fiscal year. Amounts should include expenditures to date. 1. Testing $ 500 2. Miscellaneous con- 3. Master Drainage Plan 7,000 sulting services 2 , 000 Recommended Appropriation $9,500 1. 2. 3. Testing - This provides for laboratory testing in con- nection with project design or construction for which costs cannot be allocated to a particular project or subdivision. This item covers minor consulting services in connection with specialized engineering matters, i.e., soil mechancis, traffic engineering, etc., and for obtaining minor surveying services. Master Drainage Plan - Phase I The need for development of a Master Drainage Plan for the City is becoming critical. Developers are approach- ing the City staff with questions regarding required improvements in many areas within the ultimate anti- cipated City boundaries. No Master Drainage Plan is available for use in analyzing their requirements. This transfer will allow preparation of a Master Drainage Plan for several of the most critical drainage areas within the City. It will be formulated in such a way that a study of the remainder of the City can be ob- tained at a later date utilizing the basic background. The areas to be studied immediately are depicted on Attachment "A". The foreseeable staff work load is such that the study cannot be performed "in house". The work will be per- formed by a private engineer experienced in drainage matters. A proposal has been received from Shuirman-Simpson, Consulting Civil Engineers, to provide the required services for a fee not to exceed $7,000. The final cost would be based on the actual time spent on the project. The method of calculating the fee is in accordance with recommendations of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The firm is well qualified to per- form work of this type. The proposed study has been discussed with the County Flood Control District. It will not duplicate any work which they are now doing. General Fund Balance anticipated on Pg. 2 of 1970-71 Fiscal Budget indicates $107,116. The actual figure after audit was $121,453. Thus, sufficient unanticipated reserves are available to cover the requested transfer.