HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-02-02; City Council; 348; USE OF CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR TEMPORARY COURTROOMB &a - Lf C', CARLSB, CA L I F'OR N 1 T IJ E CIT 9 OF 6, t February 2, 1971 Agenda Sill h'o. @f - Da Pe : *keferred To: -I_- Subject: Use of City Council Chambers Submi tted 3y: City Manager 9I for Temporary Courtroom .. -- - Statement oi the Matter Supervisor Cravens has requested use of the City Council Chambers for temporary courtroom pending completion of a building in Vista approxi- mately May 1, 1971. Exhibit Letter of 1-20-71 from Supervisor Cravens to Mayor Dunne. II I' 1-26-71 li Mayor Dunne to Supervisor Cravens. Q Staff Reccmmenda ti ons 0 i, February 2, 1971 Date: AB No. d 73 City Manager's Recommendation Judge Charles Stevens has indicated use of the City Council Chambers would be restricted to non-jury trials and to preliminary hearings. These matters would be of both a civil and criminal nature, but there would be no prisoners. Court staff would consist of judge, clerk, and - bailiff. Use woulit be from 9:00 to 4:30, Monday through Friday. Esti mated daily use would involve about 20 persons total. The County woul pay rent adequate to reimburse utility and custodial costs. City Council chambers would be used. It is recommended that the City Council cooperate with the courts to r solve their immediate problem and refer the matter to the Building Aut ity for final approval and details of the agreement. The following co 1. County P.W. Agency assistance (labor) to install the lower leve' 2. Limit use to ninety days. 3. Any requirements of the Building Authority. Only the . ditions should be made -- parking lot to accommodate additional cars, Council Action 2-2-71 It was agreed that only the Council Chambers be made available for the Courtroom., in accordance with the Board of Supervisors request as outlined, subject to a satisfactory agreement being negotiated and the approval by the Building Authority. -The City Manager and City Attorney were instructed to negotiate a lease between the County of San Diego and the City. -2- WILLIAM A. CRAVEN VISTA BRANCH 0 SUPERVISOR, FIFTH DISTRICT 325 S. MELROSE WM. OOMlNGUEZ VISTA, CALIFORNI EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TELEPHONE 724 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 20 January 1971 The Honorable David M. Dunne Mayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Dave : As you are aware, the Governor recently appointed two new Judges to serve the North County Judicial District. The only unfortunate situation occurs in the fact that we have no court rooms for them to occupy at this time. We are presently underway with the renovation of a building in Vista which will be available to us the first of May. -- The Judges will assume their new post on the 16 of February. What we are presently seeking is available space somewhere in the North County for one Judge. a rental agreement with the jurisdiction accommodating the Court. May we respectfully request that your Council give favorable consideration to the location of one jurist within the Council Chamber. If certain activity is scheduled we can arrange to have the Court work around that schedule and accommodate any prior commitments. The County will negotiate Carlsbad City Hall utilizing, during day time hours, the City cc: Jack Arno A1 Eastman ourt Clerk, Oceanside Carl Pippin, Public Works Agency, San Diego County Judge Charles Stevens 0 L. January 26, 1977 Flr. William Craven, Supervisor Fifth District County of San Diego 1600 Pacs’ fi c HI ghway Sari, Diego, California 92101 Dear Bi 11 : I am holding up action on your suggestion that we allow the County to use our City Council Chamber as a courtroom until you have a chance to look over the situation per- sonally. I do not feel that the Car’rsbad City Council Chamber has the facilities that are needed for this purpose, nor do I feel that this is an appropriate use. Aside from the Council Chantber itself, which fs one large room, we have only two other offices, one of which I use daily. The other office, which is very small, is adjacent to my office and is presently being used by the Park Superintendent. It would be a nuisance and inconvenience to have the general public and courtroom officials using it and the corridor between the CWO offices. Under the circumstances it would be impossible to use the Council building for jury trials, and it would have to be restricted to cases where a jury ~~ould not be required. In other words a court similar to that of Justice of Peace Court, which I am sure falls far short of what 4s contemplated. . I have one other suggestion after you look over the Council building. It might be worthwhile taking e look at the Southwest Bank building in the Pninsettfa Plaza, which is being vacated soon when Southnesz Bank moves to its new location on Elm Avenue. It has adequate room, separate of- ffces, and I think would meet your needs adequately. County Admini strati ve Buf Idins. I) 0 a '.. i. Wi 11 i am Craven -2- January 26, 1971 . I presume that you intended the use of a temporary court- room facility for the newly appointed Plunicipal Judges in this area, recently appointed as a Municipal Judge, is C'ity Attorney for both Carlsbad and Vista, and his appointment came as a complete surprise and with much unfinished legal business still pending. In all fairness to these two communities, and to avoid legal complications, we should haveuntil at least this week with Vista on the matter of a new City Attorney, but it fs imperative that we pick the best man available and this will take time. 1 would like to point out that Mr. Stuart Wilson, March 1st before he assumes hfs duties, We are conferring 5 Sincerely, D. M. DUNNE Mayor DMD:ma -J" H c +,-.'.. -..9' & (- w w June 1, I9 PROGRESS IN CARLSBAU In the coming year progress in Carlsbad will center The new Library, 19,000 sq. ft., will be completed in October; construction bids on the new City Hall, 16,000 sq. ft.', will be advertfsed in September; and a new Fire Station, 5,000 sq. ft., will be under construction' about. January 1, 1968. Contracts have been awarded for the rccoistructfon of El Camino Street from Elm Street to Los Flores {$138,0oO 3 ; and in July, bids will be received for tbe first phase of 'the extension of Elm Street from Pi0 Pic0 to Valley Street. In October final soil examinations will be made on the !lay Company site at Vista Way and El Camino Real. the removal of the surcharge operation will commence. It is anticipated that construction bids will be advertised in December for the 670,000 sq. ft. complex. Construction will begin shortly after January 1, 1968. Population increase is anticipated to continue at B fast pace. Relocation of several business activities to Carlsbad, plus the major constructlon progress, should add considerably to the health of the business community. I nd the constructlon industry, I I biajor street Improvements will benefit the entire community. Real from Chestnut to Vista Way ($350,000); ei ht for Jefferson In November, I - , ned I I or Civic j +ructure For Center (Continued from Page 1) CARLSBAD -- Carlsbad IS moving toward construcition of don’t know if we’d go any low- its new civic center. er.” Construction bids were open- Yesterday’s high and low ed here yesterday, I with Larsen bids were all within ten per (’onstruction of San Diego cent of each other, while the emerging as the apparent low two low bids were only separ- bidder with an offer totaling ated by $155. 3449,767. The bids will now receive ,a ivme bids were opened, with thorough goingover by archi- the center’s price tag ranging tect Bob Edwards, of Weber from J,arsen’s bid to a high and Edwards Associates, San bid of $493,447. Diego, and city engineers. John Mamaux, city manager, The city council will receive said the bids “were approxi- the recommended bid at its mately ten per cent off what (next meeting, on NO^. 7. we thought they would be.’’ He Mamaux said . the center said that even though bids plans are “right on schedule.’’ were “a little higher than ex- Construction is expected to pected” it’s still possible costs start on the first of next year, can be dropped to about ten with occupancy expected six months later. per cent above the estimated cost by the elimination of alter- ‘I%@ new civic center will be natives - such as air condition- located at Elm Avenue and ‘ A financial consultant had ’ ing - from each bid. & ECa. @ dL Q HERCULES INCORPORATED WILMINGTON DELAWARE 19899 . TELEPHONE 302-656-9811 November 25, 1968 q? &I f"" pr/ f-" Mr. Charles Martin, City Manager City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Martin: _. You may remember that sometime ago we had a photographer take pictures of the carpeting in some of your city council rooms and offices. We had planned to use these photographs to accompany a re- lease for trade magazines. I am enclosing copies of the photographs we would like to use along with a brief news release. check over the news release to see if it meets with your approval and return it to me with any additions or corrections you might have. Would you please have some one I was not sure whether the carpet had been installed in other places than shown in the photographs. this additional information. ing this carpet in addition to those suggested in the news release. We If it has, I would appreciate Also, if you had any other reason for pick- would appreciate this additional information, According to the information I had received, Photo #1 (marked on the back) isthe bookkeeping office; Photo #2 is your office; Photo #3 is a conference room; and Photo #4 and #5 are council chambers. Are these identified correct? You are welcome to keep the photographs and we can supply you with additional photographs if you so desire. Sincerely , A Wheeler 0. Holmes, Manager W0H:se Product Publicity Enclosure s - 1) c3 g-yx$ c 0 j- - -I - I -.: -_ . -.- , .- 3 nj; :lQr$:; sn$ sf city &ll s:n:,uld $e accoi..plishec 1- Cy ~;l+,e si:~~~i:~~ qi;.s.zid ?3e $aced OLI 5aiL:s vriii@h iur~ed 0ii.t to be twice ils stet 3 as projected 2, Revisirm of Landscape Plane a, CP-by liall - Because of @ajar cheiiges ir, ground configuzations and spriiikler system, the larxiscape plans as aiiproved by Pi25 and Council are i3ox 39-50, ina c c nr a t e or ims il i t a5 I e 1 e 'j?~~t?~e 3aiG coiitours kve fir.ii.liaecI at R greater that projected sio;>e the plentlngs - siiorrld ha~e a seead IGO~, <.e. ilistead al' 2iahn's it^, 3;a.cchai-is 'Coyote bush) zi&t be I:IC. e advactageous. j 2, 2eletit.n of 3u5Slers along building :.ialls, by 3Jilding Imypector, reyu different methd ~f plmtirig zncl therefore ciifferest plrnt m-terial armnC the ixmdia'te iqre,lls of iki1tiing.s 3. 2in.trance Court - chacge of t.7p of sprinklers arii placenent thereof, apjroved by persons E.S yet unkiioxq, requires an entirely mnv concept this area. Placemnt of sp-Fsk1er.s i0 very i'ijor both for 2roducing :Jest design for tzis area but also for eovzrage of ivhz-i; xi11 hase tc in. There was r,c sonsultatioh on %Lese changes with Rh?. ., 77 4, f haire ror;nest lii, ..',;ptt to chacli ~~~*iy.iciey hea,.j-s as ~I~~~~~J.L~~ ag8iT.s- ylCLnw ti) sd:e yha.& o$-icr &.ages wre zn,ade the.% w~?~P re;I;..ire landsca- cllE;xes , CI i?. 3prinlder risers Ere of 2lastic arid need replacement with co 3er reinforcmect as -they are beir,g broken b, $:& laet Tepc.'rt the 2 Li-si2,f;on haad leaked hyF- .; '$ 5- ' <;here originally brom coverebak was called out irr the landscape ~h,: tL:liS has 5eea changed tr3 gray g;ra:~el - E; tc;tall\r :lnsl;itt.bie cs13r -2 i~se agai::st +,;:e s,olC ijfiils-i--':.s. 1- el ,;:ii~ has :9cer: called 3,~ +,i1.- a-I;tc;;;i 32 :Jr, i:iarki~ - a-t this i,qTi-tirj.i:. i$ rer;tzWi:;,s -&j be sea:: ;x :-JT &ige gal-ei h3.s beeyi subskitute& to csniar:G i;r: apb:~-oTre~ -- l&.i:,dsc3;-.pe 1 - ., .'. ~ U of if tile prisGil grey ;%ersis-ts. & 6 -6 ,. 2- r k, Libr.ry - if tirere are ehszgcs in plant material at Cikj7 tia-ll, then -the A', Q,aa Library siioijld 3e c>z.Ilr-ed -Lo cq--@crS I.LlL - -1 - x*-&-.=--- -sR-ca C. Sire! TA- J 2 cGnfor::;s in^^ nex design J* +-jri-&iler System 2 1/ a, Libyq7 !,;Jsy go ill 5, Fire Station sgrir-!der sh~ulil go in in %his contmcf. There is oilly a {gat- of 6 or 8 rainbirds ami the conduit is already under the cement driveway, If material maney were forthconing perhays the f irem.en could be jjers.;:dcled iristall. 4. Actual ?l?xiting a. If this g;oes out to bid - iiizich <;e 211 wish it could - there is a goo< char that Jerry bienchm will co~e in rvith tile low 5id. IT so, Lien Forest or i'iyntt will have to ciaintain a ccnstant watchdog duty to see t..at things i done correctiy. b. !Ye will be out in front iii lo~g run r;ioney zs well 85- iimediately to hire a eov-ple extra Den Tor Yorest and let the Park Depertxent do the eaitire jot It .bl;ii$ down to the fict Laat we do rjt have res-zta.ble, respoasible, knowledgeable lai2asca~:e firm available locally at a price that our budge can see at this tixe 'L; c: r ' * 'COUNTY @!F SANDIEGO a Public LJ6rk~ Agency DAVID K. SPEER Public Works Administrator County OPcrl tionr CBfllCr, 5555 Overland 1HnUt San Dieib,Gililernir 92123.. . . . . . . , Telephone: 278.82 January 29, 1971 Jack Arnold-, City Manager City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Arnold: The Carlsbad Council Chambers seem to be an ideal temporary solution to housing one additional Municipal Court Judge for the North County area pending completion of the lease facility under construction in Vista. Carlsbad would be quite adequate for the Court needs on a temporary basis. the Presiding Judge to better carry out his program, Stevens does not anticipate nor plan to have any jury trials in the Council Chambers. before the Judge in this temporary Court. We do not anticipate any large numbers of people at any time inasmuch as the use of the Court will be primarily limited to trials without jury and pretrial hearings. We would like to make an agreement with your City effective February 16 and extending through the month of April, The Court hours would be 9:OO to 4:30 daily, five days a week, with approxi mately one and one-half hours as a lunch break. If your Council finds a need to use the Chambers for special hearings or special meetings, we would make the Chambers available if you would give One week's notice to the Judge so that he could rearrange his calendar. The County expects to reimburse the City of Carlsbad for expenses incurred in the use of utilities and janitorial services. It would be necessary to place a telephone in the Chambers, but that does not appear to be an insurmountable problem. In addition to reimbursing the City of Carlsbad for utilities and janitorial services, the County would provide the necessary manpower to aid your forces in paving the lower lot for additional parking. A temporary court room in Its proximity to the City of Oceanside enables Judge No prisoners in custody will be brought PLEASE ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ATTENTION OF: Reat Property Division. Public Works Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ . . . . . . . . . . .... Telephone: 271-9200 Ext.552 R.J. Pflirnlin. Direst0 .. @ ..- 0 e r' t Jack Arnold, City Manager 2 January 29, 1971 It is hoped that your Council will agree to the above conditions for the County's use of the property and that some authorization can be given at your next Council meeting to your Mayor or your Clerk to execute a simple agreement incorporating these condition so that Court will be able to convene starting February 16. Very truly yours, "T - $7 &y-! l' 1-c >&&..- k I-, 7$ ,/;"" LL CARLTON PIPPIN, dhS_ef Property Management Branch CP:ea cc: Judge Stevens, Oceanside Municipal Court; Public Works Administrator; County Engineer; Jim Farrar; Bill Dominguez, Board of Supervisors ’ 9’; , COUNTY OfiSAN DZEGO w L- Pubhi Mris Agency DAVID K.SPEER Public Works Administrator County Operattons Center,5555 Overland Avenue San Oiepo,Callfornla 92123.. . . . . Telephone: 278-321 February 18, 1971 Mr. Jack Arnold City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Amold: I would like to express the County’s appreciation of your Council’s making its Chmbers available to the County of San Diego to be used as a temporary courtroom. assured us that a11 court activities will be confined to the Council Chambers. his staff using your Council Chambers cooperative in every manner . Very truly yours, Judge Stevens has I am sure that you will find the Judge and fixc I*-L+/- D. K. SPE Pub12 Works Administrator DKS:CP:ea cc: Supervisor WLllim A. Craven; Judge Stevens DEPARTMENTS Building Inspection - - - . County Engineer - - - - General Services .... Sanitation &flood Control P !P 1 February 25, 1971 .I .,r. Reane 4. !'iIson de, CaliFcrnia Due io Frevicus cowittqent to the Du51ic !ltilities Corwission, the Carlsha:! ~jtjf Coitncif Chambers will be dnavailatle for Colirt use CI? *?arch !7, 1C an3 jq. please consider this your official notice and arranye your cal Pndar accordi n9l:y. Yours truly, Virqinia ?. Smith Deputy City Clerk