HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-02-16; City Council; 356; Request for amendment to ordinance #9060THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIF' OR NIA Agenda Bill No. *2~>& Date: 2-16-71 Referred To: f Subject: . Submit'ted! By: *iRequest for amendment to Ord. #9060, to allow privately owned and operated Recreational City Clerk .Vehicle Park . Statement of the Matter 2-16-71 A letter has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Ferraro requesting that Ordinance No. 9060 be amended to allow a privately owned and operated Recreational Vehicle Park to be built under the auspices of Kampgrounds of America, Inc. Exhibit 1. Letter dated February 9, 1971 from Mr. and Mrs. Ferraro. Staff Recommendations This matter has been referred to the Planning Department for a report and submission to the Planning Commission. A3 No. ,356 ' - Pate: 2-16-71 City Manager's Recommendation A report will be prepared by the Planning Department for the Planning Commission's consideration. Council Action 2-16-71 The Council ratified the Staff's acttn in referring Mr. and Mrs. Ferraro's letter of request to the Planning Department for sub- mission to the Planning Commission. -2- 3450 'A1 Monroe Street Carlsbad, California 92008 February 9, 1971 Carlsbad City Council c/o kar^aret S. .i.dams, City Clerk 1200 Z-lm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: City Ordinance Ko. 9060, Article 14, Section 1400, ff2-h Dear Sirs: ,,e, the undersigned, hereby request that the above mentioned ordinance, article, section, number and classification be amended to. allow a privately owned ana operated Recreational Vehicle park to be built ana to function here in the City of Carlsbad. V,e would like to define a Recreational Vehicle park,' informally, as a "do-it-yourself" motel for the use of those tourists who prefer to provide their own over ni^ht accommodations, be they travel trailer, pick-up camper, motor home or tent. Granted this amendment, we propose to establish in Carlsbad an attractive, park-li^:e area to accommodate such tourists in rustic luxury. Cur park is to be constructed unier the auspices of .Campgrounds of America, Inc., and will be subject to the hi0h standards of safety ana operation demanded by this nation-wide franchise chain. \\e fully intend to be an asset ~o the community in every way, with emphasis on the visual aspect. For further information on the nature of the facility which we propose, may we refer you to the enclosed literature, and assure you that v.e shall be most happy to answer personally any further inquiries you may wish to make. '<,e would also respectfully request that you schedule this matter to come before your body at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, r-rj-ip-p.X_-X^-^K^--''W (/, ^_^fe ;.;r. i-:id ..rs. Vincent p. Ferraro KOA: THE INFORMATION SHOWN BELOW ARE THE RESULTS OF A RECENT SURVEY OF KOA CAMPERS A. Age of Head of Household Under 35 22% 35-44 34% 45 - 54 26% 55-64 13% 65 or over 5% 'oB. Education Level of Head of Household Some High School 10% Graduated From High School 34% Attended College 22% Graduated From College 34% C. Annual Family Income Under $3,000 1% $3,000 - 4,999 3% $5,000- 6,999 8% $7,000- 8,999 14% $9,000-10,999 21% $11,000-12,999 17% $13,000-14,999 11% $15,000 - or over 25% D. Type of Camping Equipment Tent 14% Tent Trailer 23% Travel Trailer 33% Pick-up Camper 21% Motor Home 5% Other 4%