HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-03-02; City Council; 370; Purchase Elm Ave. Reservoir Site Group Ten PropertyC A R L S B A C, * CALIFOR '- Date: March 2, 19' Referred To: Hunter T. CI City Engine1 March 2, 1971 e Da te: * r- a AB No. 370 7, City Nanaqer's Reconmendation Concur with recommendation of City Engineer. Council Action 3-2-71 Council adonted mction apnroving Exhibit #2 and directinq i Engineer to continue acauisition of the proDerty in accordance ther as recommended by Enqineering Staff. -2- G F OUP TEN INVESTMENT P w -+: - '.+X - DEAfELOPMENT CORPORATI A California Corporati 14621 Greenworth Drive Lrs Mirarla, C8'lihdS FftbrUary 26, 1971 Mr, Hunter T, Cook City Engineer City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Czrlsbad, California 92001 SUBJECT: klemorandurn Ayi'eement, Purchase and Sale of Real, Estate Dear Sir: The undersigned, herein referred to as "sellers", are the OWnerS of the following described real property, to wit: That property more particularly described on Attachments 1, 2 and 3, attached hereto and made a part hereof. W@ have been inforced that the City intends to acquire the subject property under its power of eminent domain, for the purpose of constructing a water storage reservoir and appurtenant water lines. The City has offered to purchase the property from us for the sum of $12,600 for Parcel 1 and the sum of $1,900 for Easements No. 13(b), 13(c), and Parcel 25, as described in Attachments 2 and 3, and we wish to accept said offer. The City and sellers agree to the following terms and condil tiQnS: k. The City agrees to pay to the order of the under- signed sellers the sum of $14,500 within thirty (30) days after title to the above described prop- erty has vested in the City, free and clear of all. liens, encumbrances, easements, assessments and leases (recorded or unrecorded) t: f c v February 26, b37L Hunt-er T. Caak Page Two 2. city agrees to assume the expense of obtaining transfer of title and any deed transfer tax and filing the necessary parcel map. Any installment of County and City taxes or any special assessment which is payable at the time title to the property is transferred to the City shall Be paid by Sellers. to deduct the amount of any such taxes or special assessments, together with any accrued penalties and interest thereon, from the balance of the purchase price fox said property and to pay said has nat been previously paid by Sellers. Sellers have executed a grant deed and two easement deeds dated r 1971, which convey the above Bescribed property to City, and Sellers authorize the City to record said deeds ox Sellers shall immediately execute said deed: describing the above describer? property and shall deliver said deeds to the City forthwith. authorize the City to record said deeds, 3. City shall be authorized amount to the County Tax Collector, if the game 4. Sellers CITY OF CARLSBAD Dated: 1971 By Seller Seller