HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-04-06; City Council; 396; Council Policy Statement No. 7 Vehicle Replacement Car Allowances and Mileage ReimbursementI l ' ' I l ., ' - T H E C I T Y Agenda B111 No • .JJ.fi! ;Referred To: 0 F C AR L S B A D, iubject: Council Policy Statement No, 7 Veh1cle Replacement, Car Allowances and Mileage Reimbursement Statement: of the Matter CAL I F'O RN I A Date: __ A_p_r_i_l_6_,_1_9_7_1 __ Submitted By: City Manager Attached is a recommended C1ty Council Policy Statement concerning vehicle replacement, car allowances, and mileage reimbursement. Exhibit Cit-y Council Policy Statement No. 7 Transportation Allowance Chart of other San Diego County municipalities. Staff ~ecommendations 'I r - AB No. Date: April 6, 1971 C1tg Manager's Recommendation Approve ~s submitted or with modifications as desired. Authorize transfer of $600 from the General Fund Reserve to Account 101-251 to provide car allowances of $100/month for the City Manager and Public Works Director for AP,rfl, May, and J1;rne. Authorize Purchasing Agent to ,s~ll the t\'lo 1969 retired police units driven by these employees forthwith. Note: If the City Council concurs that car allowances are a way to re- duc.e costs aud authorizes City Counci 1 Policy Statement tlo. 7., these two vehicles should be sold. If we keep them much lon~er, expensive ~epairs w~ll be required. · 4-14 Attached is additional information on transportation allowances for other municip;i,rities in ~an Diego County. The question of some type of vehi.cle allbwante, ,tc. for the Mayor and members of tht City Council is strictly a ·policy decision at the discretion of the City· Gouncil aHhqugh some goi,~lines may be received from the attached information. Our neea is to determine for budget purposes if the Council wishes to con- sider a c~~· allowance for employees who presently have a 24-hour vehicle. ·If we do not consider'this route, then I will have to budget funds for some additi.onal new vehicles in .the 1'71-72 budget. council'Action 4-6-71 Mayor Dunne requested the matter be deferred, pending addhional information being submitt~d by the City Mana.ger. 4-20-71 It was agreed this matter would be tabled. -2- j . .d l CITY OF CARLSB!D COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Specific Subject: Veh{~le Replacement, Car Allowances, and ~ileage Reimbursement Policv No. 7 _Q_ate Issued 4~6-71 Effective Date 4-6-71 Cancellation Date Sunersedes No. Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: f To establish a policy of the City Council regarding replacement of City automotive equipment, granting of car allowances, and reim- bursement for mileage to employees. STATEMENT OF POLICY: 1. Vehicle Replacement It is the policy of the City Council to provide adequate, safe vehicles for use of City employees in conducting the business of the City. Use of "cofupact" and "intermediate" vehicles is en- couraged whenever possible. Every effort will be made, within budgetary limitations, to replace equipment according to the fol- lowing schedule: Police Patrol Units -50,000 miles Passenger Vehicles (including Detective units) -fi~e years or 50,000 miles. Pickup Trucks and Vans -seven years or 50,000 miles. Heavy Trucks & Specialized V~hiclAs -according to condition of indivi?ual unit. Fire T, · -'·c; -ten years for f""ont line trucks; twenty years for reserve tr .. cks. 2. Car Allowances While certain employees require use of marked City vehicles, such as Building Inspectors, Public Works Inspectors, etc., other em- ployees, such as the City Manager and certain Department and Di- vision Heads, basically require vehicles for transportation pur- poses during the course of their work. Their vehicles do not nec- essarily have to be identifiable City vehicles. Since it would be more economical for the City, and often more advantageous for the employee, the City Council encourages these employees to consider a fixed monthly car allowance in lieu of a City car. This policy would not apply where one departmental or divisional vehicle is used by several employees. It would apply to the City Manager and certain Department and Division Heads and others who normally have a City car assigned to them. Employees usually assigned a City car may receive instead a car allowance of $100/month. The City Manager may authorize also a lesser monthly amount where there is a regular use of a personal vehicle by an official or employee in the course of his duties but where enough use is no• sufficient to warrant an assigned ve- hicle or full car allowance. j CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Specific Subject: Vehicle Replacement, Car Allowances, and Mileage Reimbursement -· Policv No. 7 (Page 2) Date Issued Effective Date ------1 Cancellation Date Suoersedes No. Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorriey, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File Car Allowances Ccon·t 1·d.) When a private vehicle is used in lieu of an assigned City car, it must be kept in good repair and present a clean appearance at all times. If a full car allowance is received, the same replace- ment schedule must be observed as applies to a City car. The em~ ployee may use either a personally owned or leased vehitie. For those employees requiring a radio, installation and removal of a City radio is expressly authorized. Car allowances wi.rl be peri- odically reviewed and increased when necessary by revising this policy statement. 3. Mileage Reimbursement Reimbursement f9r use of a personal vehicle on City business, in- cluding conferences, is authorized at the rate of 12¢/mile. Mile- age reimbursement is to be used where use of a personal vehicle on City business is both infrequent and irregular. If usgge is on a regular basis,application should be made to the Citj Mana~er for a car allowance. The mileage rate will be periodically re- Viewed on receipt of new Federal Government reports or other data. The amount per mile may be increased by revi1ing this policy state- ment. - : \ I l l I ' ) j ; ' ' 1 ' ' I i l l I I ' l ' : ' -• c+t:1 ·of Carlsbad Purchasing-Personnel Department April 13, 19 71 TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCES I Code Citv 1. Chula Vista 2. Coro~ado 3. Escondido . 4·. ·oel .Mar 5. El CaJon 6. Imperial Beach .. 7. La Mesa 8. National Citv 9. Oceanside 10.San Marcos* 11.Vista • San Diego County Government Officials and Employees 1. S Allowince; 2. Auto Provided; 3. Mileage Mavor Counc11 1CitY Mgr. Uept. Head 2/24 hr. 2-2/24 hr. 2/All 24 hr. ,. 3 3 2/24 hr. 2/24 hr. Police Chf. P. W •. Ofr. 3 3 2/24 hr. 1/C.Engr., . $80 mo. C. Att., $50 mo. 2/Po 1 ice, & Fi re Chf., P.W. & Building 24 hr. :3 '3 · 2/2·4 'hr. ' . 2 by 3 2/24 hr. 2/Emerge. appoint. Status or 3 3 3 2/24 hr. 2/P.W. ' ::;1 oo mo. 1s 1 uu mo. 12/24 hr. 2/P,W., expense expense Building 24 hr. 3 3 12/24 hr. 2/React Emergency 3 3 2/24 hr. 2/All 24hr. except Library 3 3 2/24 hr. 2/BUl ldrng 24 hr. 3 3 2/24 hr, 2/r1re Chf. & Marsh., P.W. 24 hr. Other Emp. 2/Standby Emergency 2/Standby · Emergency 2/Standby ~mergency 2/Standby Emergency 2/Standby Emeraencv 2/Standby Emergency· 1/C.Clerk C, Treas. C.Att. $50 *City Adm. Lilley, "City gains man hours by allowing 24 hr. vehicles." .....------~ S Mileage Allowance, 15¢-200mi. l0¢-to500 6 .4¢over 500mi , 9¢-per mi~ : ' --; l 2¢-290m'L 8¢-to 500 1 6¢-over SOOmi., " ' 10¢-mi. 10¢-mi. lO¢-m1. 11 ¢-mi 10¢-mi. 10¢-mi . 1 u~-m1. 1u¢-m1. d