HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-05-04; City Council; 413; 3978 Garfield St.-Future Street ImprovementCITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIF' OR N I A Agenda Bill No. ^TYJ/ • Date: May 4, 1971 'Referred To: m ' » Subject: ' Submitted By: r% - . J 3-978 Garfield Street - Future Street City. Engineer Improvement Agreementi*t i.n n i ,ii fV -. ******** : Statement of the /-fatter Four new apartment units are being proposed for development at the above addres-s.' The land is zoned RD-M. Section 984, Ordinance No. 9060, see Exhibit "A", requires that a .de- veloper enter into.a future street improvement agreement where the of- ficial street grade has not been established. Exhibit Exhibit "A" - Section 984, Ordinance .9060. Staff Recommendations Adopt a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute a future street improvement agreement .with Ronald P. Vincint f'pr the construction of street improvements at the east side of Garjftield, at .3978 Garffeld Street AB Wo.Da te:May 4, 1971 City Manager's Recommendation Concur with staff recommendations; Council'Action - . 5-4-71 Authorization was given Mayor to execute, a future street .improve' ment agreement with Ronald P. -Vincent for the "construction of street improvements at the east side:of Gar-field. -2- Ordinance No. 9060 Section 970; RD-M RESIDENTIAL DENSITY-MULTIPLE ZONE. This Zone is created to provide r.eans ci development utilizing the densities in the Low-Medium density through the High density areas delineated in the City of Carlsbad General Plan. The following uses only shall be permitted in the RD-M (Residential-Density-Multiple).' Zone, unless as nay be other- • wise provided for in this ordinance: (1) Single dwellings. (2) Two-family dwellings. .• (3) Multiple dwellings. (4) Accessory buildings, but not to include guest houses of accessory living quarters. Section 97i : SPECIFIC PLAN. The following uses shall be permitted only upon approval of a Specific Plan: (1) Motels or hotels. * - - (2) Rest hones. ?' (3) Public and private commercial parking lots and parking structures (4)-Child Care Nurseries, where is provided on the lot or adjacent to the premises a single play lot not less than 600 square feet in area plus an additional 75 square feet of area for each child in excess of 9. Such play lot shall not be located in any required front or side yard. Section 972; BUILDING HEIGHT. No building shall exceed a height of 35 feet, measured front the top of a structure to the centerline grade of the street upon which the structure fronts, unless a Specific Plan providing for a higher maximum height has been adopted. Section 973: FRONT YARD. There shall be a front yard of not less than 20 feet in depth with exceptions as follows: (1) Fifteen feet shall be permitted providing carport or garage openings do not face onto the front yard. ' (2) Ten feet shall be permitted providing carport, or garage openings do not face onto the front yard and, that the remaining front yard is landscaped with a combination of flowers, shrubs, trees, and irrigated with a sprinkler system. Landscape plans and irrigation system plans shal be approved by the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit for a proposed structure. Section 974: SIDE YARD. Every lot shall have side yard as follows: (1) Interior lors shall have a side yard on each side of the lot of not less than 5 feet in width. • (2) Corner lots and reversed corner lots shall have side yards as f. ollows: (a) On the side lot line which adjoins another lot, the side yard shall be the same as that required en an interior lot. (b) On any side of a lot which is adjacent to a street,~tne side yard shall be 10 feet with exceaticn that: (1) The required 10-foot side yard abutting a street may be reduced to five feet providing parking spaces cc not open directly onto said street and, that said side yard is , landscaped and maintained prescribed in Section 13.84 Item =• (3) A zero foot side yard setback shall be permitted to one interior side yard provided: (a) That the owners of Both lots common to the proposed zero side yard are in aareement with the concept. (b) That a Specific Plan is filed with the City of Carlsbad for approval showing the proposed building locations, parking and side yard areas for both lots. (c) That the remaining side yard shall be not less than 2o "- . percent of the total lot width measured at the front setbac--- line. _SoctionJ)75; . SETnACKS-SlinTERlRAN'IAN PARKING^ Zero foot setback for subtcrranian parking shall bo permitted provided the required setbacks for the dwelling strvicture are landscaped, and maintained as prescribed in Section 13.84, Item B. / Section 976; REAR YARD. There shall be a rear yard of not less than TO licet in depth. Section 977; YARDS, STRUCTURES OVER 35 FEET IN HEIGHT. The above specified yard requirements apply only to those structures up to a height of 35 feet. For any other structure which has had its height increased by approval of a Specific Plan, the yards; shall be increased at a ratio of one and one-half additional foot horizbntally for each 8 feet of vertical construction. Section 978: REAR YARD, ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. No accessory building more that onestoryin height and no accessory living quarters shall occupy any part of a required rear yard. Accessory building within a rear yard may be located to one side lot line and to the rear lot line, providing the distance from any property line adjacent to a street is not less than five feet and further provided the distance between buildings used for human habitation and accessory buildings shall be not less than ten feet. Section 979: LOT AREA REQUIRE MS NT. The minimum lot area shall not be .less than specified below, except .that the joining of the two smaller lots shall be permitted although their total area does not equal the required lot area. Densities: Lot-Medium Density 6,000 square feet. Medium Density through High Density 10,000 square feet. Section 980; PERMISSIBLE LOT COVERAGE. All buildings, including accessory buildings and structures, shall cover no more of the lot than permitted in the density areas specified as follows: (1) Low-Medium Density 50 percent. (2) Medium Density through High Density 60 percent. Section 981; DWELLING UNITS PER LOT. The number of dwellings per lot shall be in' conformance with those densities specified in the General Plan/ excepting upon approval of a Specrfic Plan for a hotel or motel, the density factor may be multiplied by two (2). Section. 982; LOT WIDTH. Every lot shall have width of not less than sixty (60) feet at the rear line of the required front yard. ; Section 983: PARKING REQUIREMENTS. Parking requirements per living. unit, for the RD-M Zone shall be as follows: (1) Efficiency Unit (Studio Apartments) one space. (2) One Bedroom 1.25 spaces. (3) Two Bedroom 1.50 spaces. (4) Three Bedrooms or more 2.00 spaces. Tandem parking within the front yard setback shall be permitted for those substandard frontage lots with a width of 45 feet-or less, provided there is a minimum of one (1) parking space per dwelling unit provided for within the required setback lines and that the front yard building setback be no less than twenty (20) feet. Section 984; IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED. Prior' to an occupancy permit^ being issued by the Building Department for any new units constructed in the RD-M Zone, it shall be necessary for the developer to upgrade or install those public irr.proverr.erits deemed necessary for public convenience and necessity. Improvements as may be required by the City Engineer shall be constructed to City standards and specifications. In such case v/here there are not adjacent improvements or official street grade has not been established, the City Engineer may recommend to the City Council that a future street improvement agreement be entered into. (SECTIONS 970 THROUGH 984 ADDED TO* CREATE RD-M ZONE ACCORDING TO ORD.9251 4/21/70) AB No. Date: City Manager's Recommendation " • 12-15-70 Concur with recommendations of City Engineer Council Action 12-815-70- Lot split approved, subject to conditions imposed by Planning Commission;.. Mayor and Clerk authorized to execute future street agreement with the BEE-GEE Co. and sewer service for easterly pan.-handle lot by private easement approved, as per staff recommendations. . -2-