HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-01; City Council; 438; City Employee Association RecognitionT H E C I T Y O F C A R L S B A D, c A L 1 P' u R N I A Agenda Bill No. � Date: May 11, 1971 Referred To: bubject: Submitted By: 31, Letter from Carlsbad City Employees Association City Clerk Re: Recognition as Authorized representative . Statement of the Matter Request by Carlsbad City Employees Association requesting recognition as authorized representative for all employees of the City, other than those sworn personnel of the Police and Fire Departments. Exhibit a) Letter from Employee's Association. b) Letter from Carlsbad Firefighters Association. c) Letter from Carlsbad Police Officers' Association. Staff Recommendations i s AD no. 438 Date: May 11, 1971 City Hanager's_Recommendation ? The City Attorney is currently reviewing a draft resolution setting.up procedures for employee group recognition.. In addition to the letter from the Employees Association, we also have letters requesting recogni- tion from the Carlsbad Firefighters Ass.ociation,and Carlsbad Police Association: The City Attorney, Personnel Director, and I-wi,ll be prepared to make recommendations at the June 1 meeting regarding:- 1. The request for recognition by the three groups. 2. Whether an -employee-employer resolution should be adopted. Our recommendation will be made available to all three employee groups prior tp the City Council meeting of June 1 so that they may be prepared, to make their comments at that meeting. In the meantime, we will proceed to negotiate with the three groups regarding salary and fringe benefits so that this area of interest to our employees is covered, al -though we are still considering the procedural aspects -of formal recognition. 6-1-71, See attached sheet. Council 'Action 6-1-71 Recognition was given the Carlsbad Employee's Association and the Carlsbad Police Officers Association,including Communl6ators on an interim basis, as reccommended by the City Manager on June 1, 1971. -2- AB No. 438; City Manager's Recommendation 6-1-71 Since the apparent conflict between the three employee groups as to representation has been resolved, it is recommended that the Carlsbad City Employees Association for miscellaneous employees, the Carlsbad Police Officers Association for sworn police personnel, and the Carlsbad Fire Fighters Association, Inc. for uniform fire personnel be recognized on an interim basis as the authorized repre- sentatives of these groups of employees. 'It should be indicated that this specifically recognizes the right of professional and technical employees for separate recognition as provided by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act if they -o desire. It also should be stipulated that said recognition does not constitute the abrogation of the right of any City employee to make presentation regarding his compensation or fringe benefit. It is our recommendation that, when the current session of legisla- ture is adjourned and any new legislation enacted regarding employee representation, a resolution setting up procedures for emp-loyee group recognition be adopted current withthestate of the .law at that parti- cular time. This action should be taken prior to budget consideration for the fiscal year 1972-73, and a determination should be made regard- ing recognition on other than an interim basis. ,0*1.. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA c/20W Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen: Admftk City of Carl5bab May 5, 1971 The Carlsbad City Employees Association, pursuant to the Myers-Milias, Brown Act, Section 3500 Et. Seq. hereby requests recognition as the authorized representative for all employees of the City of Carlsbad other than those sworn personnel of the Police and Fire Department. Said request is intended to include the process of meeting and confering with City management on matters pertaining to employment conditions and employee -employer relations, including, but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment as defined in Section 3504 of the Government Code. Respectfully Submitted: � f' ; Na cy L And , President Carlsb C y Employees Association a�y�� MaEC. Reid CCA/CLOCEA Representative Phillip A. Bowers, Jr. General Manager, CLOCEA MCR:cp TELEPHONE: (714) 729-1181 Carlsbad Firefighters Association, Inc. 1275 elm Street, Carlsbad, California May 7, 1971 Dear Mr. Arnold: As we are all aware the time for budget sessions is drawing near. Like all other city departments vie feel our requests need special attention. The members of the Carlsbad Firefighters Association strongly feel that if our needs are to be justly heard we must have a seperate negotiating session apart from the other city departments. We feel that a seperate session will allow us to present our package in full and completely justify our requests. We want to avoid rushing through our data and confusing the parties concerned with facts and figures. It is not our desire to sit in on a joint session and run the risk of being out short or cut another department short in their bid to advance their department. Vie sincerely hope you will grant our request as we feel a private session will greatly improve our chances of bettering our city fire department. Respectfully, Dean Harrold, Secretary Carlsbad Firefighters Association P C A R L S B A D P O C E O F F I C E R S' S S 0 C I A T I O N March 8, 1971 Jack Arnold, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Arnold: This is to advise you that at our meeting of the Carlsbad Police Officers' Association on March 3, 1971, the motion was made and passed that we withdraw our membership Nvith •the City of Carlsbad Employees' Association. It was also agreed that any members desiring to continue their member- ship with the City of Carlsbad Employees' Association may do so. In withdrawing our membership, it is hereby requested the Carlsbad Police Officers' Association be recognized as a } separate Association and thereby avail us the right of bargaining with the City of Carlsbad. Your consideration is also requested in allowing the Finance Department to deduct our monthly dues each month as has been done in the past for the City Employees' Association. Your consideration in these matters is appreciated. Sincerely, H. H. Co ins, President CARLSBAD POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION 1 hhc/div u