HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-01; City Council; 448; Sewer Lateral ChargesI T II E CITY OF C A R L S D A D, c A L X F'O R N X A I. Date: June 1, 1971 ! w' Agenda Bill No. :Ref erred To: - I. Subject: *\ Subni t ted By : Sewer Lateral Charges City Engineer - Statement of the :fatter Sewer laterals -are normally installed as part af sewer main construction in- newly .developed areas .. In. existing areas, laterals are available for existing structures but not for vacant lots. As these vacant parcels - are developed, the City installs a lateral at property owners' cost and in a location designated by the- owngr.' . - The 'City Council by common consent established charges fbr installation of sewer ZateralB in -October, 1958. aver the past'12 years, the costs 'of 1abor.and materials has risen and it is now necessary to adjyst these charges. The proposed charges provide for the estim'ated actual costs for construction'plus overhead. These are. shown on Exhibit 1). Exhibit .. 1) -City sewer la-teral charge summary-. 2) Resolution NO. a., adopting sewer lateral charqes. Staff Recomnendations .. Adopt Resolution No .jgkJ, establishing sewer Lateral charges to be effective July 1, 1971-.' .. 1 I AB No. June 1, 1971 Date: .. City Manager's Recommendation Concur with staff recommendation. In most communities sewer laterals are insta'lled by private contractors. However, in smaller communities, such as Carlsbad, it is often difficult for a home owner or small con- tractor to have a lateral installed at a reasonable cost concurrent with the construction schedule. .- While we have tried to encourage this work to. be done by private con- tractors,'many citizens apparently find it necessary to call upon the city for this service. Nevertheless, the cost of a sewer lateral should not be paid by the general property taxpayer since it only benefits a particular parcel of property. It is for this reason that we concur with the City Engineer's recommendation that charges be increased to re- flect current city costs. ._ Co unci 1 Ac ti on 6-1-71 Resolution No.1863, establishing charges for installtion of sewer laterals was read by title only and adopted, as recommended by the City Engineer. -2- May, 1971 SEWER LATERAL CHARGE SUMMARY (Existing charges are shown a834 if changed. Pro- posed charges are shown 5678. A. FOUR INCH (4") VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE SEWER (Plastisol Joint): 1. unsurfaced street with a maximum depth of ten feet (10') at main and maximum horizontal run of thirty feet (30') $LL5 $195 2. Curb and gutter and sidewalks with same maximum depth and length as in Item One $345 $195 - - plus 10% for resurfacing $526350 $215 - 3. Three Dollars ($3.00) per foot over and above ten feet (10') deep at the main. 4. Four Dollars ($4.00) per foot over and above thirty feet (30') in horizontal length. 5. In computing an excessive depth and excessive length sewer lateral charge, the total length over 30' charge and the total depth over 10' charge is added to the base charge of $&&5 $- and then 10% of this total is added for the total sewer lateral charge. B. SIX INCH (6") VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE SEWER (Plastisol Joint): 1. Unsurfaced street with a maximum depth of ten feet (10') at main and maximum horizontal run of thirty feet (30') $&36 $= 2. Curb and gutter and sidewalks with same maximum depth and length as in Item One - $336 $230 - - plus 10% for resurfacing for a total of ____-____________-___---__--____-- $%49.;60 $252 3. Three Dollars ($3.00) per foot over and above ten feet (10') deep at the main. 4. ~eu~-Be~~aee-&-~ee~~-~*~~~-€e~~e-~~4~48f Five Dollars ($5.00) per foot over and above thirty feet (30') in horizontal run. 5. In computing an excessive depth and excessive length sewer lateral charge, the total length over 30' charge and the total depth over 10' charge is added to the base charge of $&36 $230, - and then 10% of this total is added for the total sewer lateral charge. EXHIBIT 1 "" - '. I RESOLUTION No. 18 63 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTABLISHING CHARGES FOR INSTALLATION OF SEIVER LATERALS. WHEREAS, present charges for the installation of sewer laterals are based upon a schedule which was adopted by the City Council in October of 1958, and WHEREAS, costs of labor and materials have risen sub- stantially since 1958, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the attached schedule entitled "SEWER LATERAL CHARGE SUMMARY DATED JUNE, 1971" shall hereafter be used as the basis for such charges by the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting bf the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, held June 1, 1971 I 1971, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Sardine, Castro and Lewis. NOES : ABSENT: None None City of Carlsbad, California ATTEST : df!?fl&/ E. ADAMS, 6ity Clerk i June, 1971 SEldER LATERAL CHARGE SUMMARY A. FOUR INCH (4") VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE SEWER (Plastisol Joint): 1. Unsurfaced street with a maximum depth of ten feet (10') at main and maximum horizontal run of thirty feet (30') --- $195 2. Curb and gutter and sidewalks with same maximum depth and length as in Item one - $195 - plus 10% for resurfacing--$215 3. Three Dollars ($3.00) per foot over and above ten feet 4. Four Dollars ($4.00) per foot over and above thirty (10') deep at the main. feet (30') in horizontal length. 5. In computing an excessive depth and excessive length sewer lateral charge, the total length over 30' charge and the total depth over 10' charge is added to the base charge of $195 and then 10% of this total is added for the total sewer lateral charge. B. SIX INCH (6") VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE SEWER (Plastisol Joint): 1. Unsurfaced street with a maximum depth of ten feet (10') 2. Curb and gutter and sidewalks with same maximum depth at main and maximum horizontal run of thirty feet (30')-- $230 and length as in Item one - $230 - plus 10% for re- surfacing for a total of ................................ $255 3. Three Dollars ($3.00) per foot over and above ten feet 4. Five Dollars ($5.00) per foot and above thirty feet (30') (10') deep at the main. in horizontal run. 5. Incomputing an excessive depth and excessive length sewer lateral charge, the total length over 30' charge and the total depth over 10' charge is added to the base charge of $230, and then 10% of this total is added for the total sewer lateral charge.