HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-15; City Council; 453; Joint sewer system Buena Vista lineU' II CITY O F CAR L S D A D,C A L I r' O ii N I A Agenda 1)111 No. 'Referred To Date: June 15, 1971 Subject: Joint Sewer System -.Revision to Cost Sharing of Operation.& Maintenance Costs for.Buena Vista Line' Submitied By City-Engineer Statement of the .'-fa tter_ The City of Carlsbad presently does not contribute to the operation and maintenance cost of the Buena.Vista line betwee'n the easterly City boundary and the Buena Vista Pump Station or of the Pump Station itself. The cost 'sharing agreement was establishe_d at a. time when Carlsbad .was not using the lines in the interim period-, development has taken place within the-Carlsbad portion of the drainage basin and we are now using the facilities. ' - " . Vista has requested that the basic agreement be modified to allow the owners to participate in operation and maintenance costs on art owne'rship basis. . . • -'.*;. The Carlsbad share based on_a'5.5% ownership in the pump station and 7% • ownership in the sewer will be apprpximately $l/000/yr. This-is a reasonable request. .. . • Exhibits 1) Third Amendment to Basic Agreement between .Vista and Carlsbad for Joint Sewer System.. Staff Recommendations Adopt a motion authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement presented as Exhibit 1) on behalf of the City. c AB No Date: June 15, 1971 City Manager's Recommendation Concur With recommendation of City Engineer. Council Action 6-15-71 Authorization was given the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Third Amendment to Basic Agreement between "the Vista Sanitation Dist and the City re City's use of Buena Vista Line. (Agreement executed by Mayor Dunne 6-18-71 ;(7) copies to . Engineering Department) -2- CONTRACT NO. 1858-2129-E THIRD AMENDMENT TO BASIC AGREEMENT BETWEEN VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT AND THE CITY OP CARLSBAD FOR ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A JOINT SEWER SYSTEM THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to 'as the Third Amendment to Basic Agreement) made and entered into this day of (j^u^^<^~ , 1971, by and between VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT, a county sanitation district (hereinafter referred to as Vista), CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as Carlsbad): BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT, a county sanitation district (hereinafter referred to as Buena); and the SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to as San Marcos); RECITALS A. Vista and Carlsbad entered into an agreement dated July 13, 1961, entitled "Basic Agreement Between Vista- Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad for the Acquisition and Construction of a Joint Sewer System" (referred to as the Basic Agreement). B. Vista and Carlsbad entered into "First Supplement to the Basic Agreement", dated March 25 5 1963j> for the purpose of authorizing Vista to apply for federal grants or funds pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Public Law 660, 84th Congress) and agreeing that the total of the monies received by Vista and Carlsbad from said grants would be credited to Carlsbad and *** JL "** Vista in the same proportion as defined in the Basic Agreement for sharing the costs of the Joint System, namely 44.3?& to Carlsbad and 55.7$ to Vista. C. Vista/ Carlsbad and Buena entered into a "Second Supplement to the Basic Agreement Between Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad for the Acquisition and Construction of the Joint System", dated January 6, 1964, for the purpose of making Buena a party to the Basic Agreement and reallocating capacity rights in the Joint System. D. Vista, Carlsbad and Buena entered into "Supplemental Agreement (No. 1) to Basic Agreement Between Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad for the Acquisition and Construction of the Joint System", for the purpose of allocating funds to be received from the federal government, dated January 6, 1964. E. Vista, Carlsbad and Buena entered into "First Amendment to Basic Agreement Between Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad for Acquisition and Construction of a Joint Sewer System", dated September 14, 1964, for the purpose of enlarging the Vista Service Area referred to in the Basic Agreement. F. 'Vista,^ Carlsbad and Buena entered into "Second Amendment to Basic Agreement Between Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad for Acquisition and Construction of a Joint Sewer System", dated March 8, 1965> for ^e purpose -2- of enlarging the Ponto-Batiquitos Service Area over which Carlsbad is to have jurisdiction. G. Vista, Carlsbad, Buena and San Marcos entered into "Third Supplement to Basic Agreement Between Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad for Acquisition and Construction of a Joint Sewer System", dated March 22, 1965, whereby San Marcos was made a party to the Basic Agreement. Said Third Supplement to Basic Agreement contains a new map, Exhibit A, to show the San Marcos Service Area and reflects revised ownership of capacity rights in the Joint Sewer System and redefines the duties of the County as the "Operator", of Carlsbad as the "Administrator", and of the "Joint Advisory Committee". H. Vista, Carlsbad, Buena, and County entered into "Agreement Between County of San Diego and City of Carlsbad, Vista Sanitation District and Buena Sanitation District For The Operation of the Joint System", dated August 3* 1965, designating County, acting through its Department of Special District Services, as the Operator of the Joint System, and defining the duties of the County as Operator and the provisions, for payment by the parties to County for services rendered by County. I. Buena and Carlsbad entered into an agreement entitled "Agreement Between the Buena Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad for the Lease by .Carlsbad of Capacity -3- in the Encina Outfall of the Buena Sanitation District", dated June 20, 1966, which provides for lease by Buena to Carlsbad of designated capacity in the Encina Outfall. J. Buena and San Marcos entered into an agreement entitled "Agreement Between the Buena Sanitation District and the San Marcos County Water District for Lease by San Marcos of Capacity in the Buena Sanitation District's Encina Outfall Sewer Line", dated June 19, 1967, which provides for lease by Buena to San Marcos of capacity in the Encina Outfall Sewer as therein specified. ' K. Vista, Carlsbad, Buena and San Marcos entered into "Fourth Supplement to Basic Agreement Between the Vista Sanitation District, City of Carlsbad, Buena Sanitation District and the San Marcos County Water District Re Construction of an Enlargement to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facilities of the Joint System," dated January 1, 1970, whereby Vista was authorized to apply for and receive and disburse a Federal grant on behalf of all agencies for construction of an enlargement to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facilities of the Joint System. L. Vista, Carlsbad, Buena, San Marcos, and the County of San Diego entered into an Agreement for Legal Services on December 1, 1970 whereby the County acting through the County Counsel agreed to provide to the Administrator, o the Operator and to the Joint Advisory Committee legal services as described therein. M. Vista and Carlsbad desire to amend Section 17«3(a) of the Basic Agreement relating to payment by Vista and Carlsbad of maintenance and operation expenses which provide an allocation of cost between Vista and Carlsbad of maintenance and operation of Units "A", "B" and "c" described therein; NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. Section 17.3(a) of the "Basic Agreement Between Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad for the Acquisition and Construction of a Joint Sewer System"., dated July 13, is amended to read as follows: Section 17.3. PAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION EXPENSES. (a) Vista shall bear the cost of maintenance and operation of Unit "A".. Vista and Carlsbad shall bear the cost of maintenance and operation of Units "B" and "c" in accordance with the percentage of those units owned by each party as defined on the Table Showing Allocation of Capacity, Exhibit C attached hereto. 2. The Basic Agreement shall continue in force and effect except as amended,, modified and supplemented by the amendments and supplements herein referred to. o o IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto pursuant to resolution duly passed and adopted by its respective governing body caused this Third Amendment to be executed the date first above written. VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT M. CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUG 1 7 CLERK OF THE WSmcTBOARO OF DOCTORS BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT diABy6AJ Clerk of the Board of Directors SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT By DLC:bf -6- E X H.I B 1 T -»C' UNIT A OlJITfIJ;_SHV;ER Between Vista Sewage Treatment Plant & Carlsbad City Limits UNIT 8 OUTFALL SEWER Between Carlsbad City Limits 8. Pumping Station NO. '] ; .. Approximate Do-sign Year 2000 2000 Total Capacity cf Unit In MGD (3) Estimated Equivalent Population Caoacity of Unit 9.40 60,200 i. Peak To Average Flow Ratio (4) f 1.56 'Total Estimated Capacity Required For Vista, Carlsbad, & Buen.2 Service Areas At Design Year - MOD 6.86 9.40 60,500 1.55 7.35Areas At Design Year - MGD 6.86 POPULATION EQUIVALENT j 44,000 Estimated Capacity Required For Vista Service Area At D;-cign Year - MGD 6.86 7.35 47 , 300 6.86 POPULATION EQUIVALENT \ 44,000 44,000 Estimated Capacity Required | For Carlsbad Service Area 1 At Design Year - MGD ! NONE POPULATION EQUIVALENT \ HONE Estimated Capacity Required .' | For Boons Service Area \ At Design Year - MGD ' ' "' ' f HONE | 0.51 3,300 NONE POPULATION EQUIVALENT 1 NOHi \ NGXE Estimated Reserve Capacity j At Desiqn Year - MGD ' j 2.54 2.05 POPULATION EQUIVALENT ' f 16,200 j 13,200 % Unit Cvmsd By Vista f 100 % Unit O.-.'ned By Carlsbad \ 0 % Unit Owned By Buana f 0 . " Reserve Capacity Owned f By Vista - • f/.GD ' '" " 1 2.54 POPULATION EQUIVAI^HT . | 16 5 200 Rocorve Capacity O.';ned g By Carlsbad - /,!GD j • NOME 93 7 0 1.91 12,300 0.14 PCPULAHO'-I EQUIVALENT f NONE j 000 \. f ! Recc-rvo Capacity Owned 1 By Ev.;na_ - ;.!GD " | ?;"•••"N~M~ POPULATION EQUIVALENT | KC:;E 1 NONE -7- o o • UNIT C EXHIBIT "C" Purr.oinq Station No. 1 Near Buena Vista Lagoon Aooroxirr.stc Dosion Year 1970- Total Capacity of Unit In MGD (3)4.69 Estimated Equivalent Population CEpocit of Unit 23,750 Peak To Avoraqe ' Flovj Ratio (4)1.6 Total Estimated Capacity Required For Vista, Ccrlsbad, & Buen.3 Service Areas At Design Year - MGD POPULATION EQUIVALENT ' 4^69 28,750 Estimated Capacity Required For Vista Service Area At Design Year - f.'.GD POPULATION EQUIVALENT 4.42 27,150 Estimated Capacity Required For Carlsbad Sorvico Area At Design Ye-r - MGD ' POPULATION EQUIVALENT 0.27 1»600 Estimated Capacity Required For Buena Service Area At Design Year - MGD POPULATION EQUIVALENT NONE Estimated Reserve Capacity At Design Year - MGD POPULATION EQUIVALENT NONE NON % Unit G-'p.ed By Vista 94.5 %i_ Unit _0^ned By Car 1 sbad 5.5 % Unit O.vhc-d By Buena Reserve Capacity O.v'ned By Vista - • J^GD_" POPULATION EQUIVALENT Reserve Capccity Q.vno'd By Carlsbad - MGD POPULATION EQUIVALENT 'NOME Reserve Capacity O.'.'ned Bv Euona - ?:,3D POPULATION EQUIVALENT NONE ;-;E -8-